Durham University Business School
Durham University Business School MBA 2013 Yearbook All Rights Reserved © Project Head | Mia Orcullo Coordinators | Bimbo Olayisade • Caro Dorado • Mod Silanothai Sharif Khan • Sherrail Brown • Sneha Makhija • Yugkirty Singh Photographers | Abhijit Nandurkar • Anant Sonar • Eunice Benedicto Joseph Perera • Sebas an Bahr • DUBS Photo Archives Design and Layout | Mia Orcullo Produc on | Sneha Makhija
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Contents Business School Faculty and Sta MBA Cohort Photo Student ProďŹ les Durham MBA Memories Future Business Leaders Acknowledgements
Durham University Business School
Prof Sue Miller FT MBA Director With very best wishes to all of you for now and for your future careers!
Vicky Welsh Anne-Marie Nevin Stephen Atkinson MBA Programme Manager MBA Programme Manager MBA Coordinator It’s been a real pleasure working with you all—watching you grow and develop on the programme. Here you are at the end of the programme, well done! You’ve survived the Durham MBA! The year has gone by so quickly and we are sure your family and friends will be pleased to have you back home. Keep in touch with us, we would love to hear how you are all ge ng on.
Lesley Goodrum MBA Coordinator As my first complete FullTime MBA cohort, you have made 2012/13 par cularly special! Thank you for crea ng so many wonderful memories that I shall always treasure and I hope to see as many of you as possible back here in Durham for congrega on.
Good luck in your future careers and everything you do! It was fantas c mee ng and working alongside you all! All the best for the future! I can’t quite believe the year is over, and what a year it has been! It’s been a very unique me in that you were the only cohort that spent the year at Ushaw while the Business School was being renovated at Mill Hill Lane. I hope you remember your me here fondly—from the spooky welcome party in the refectory at Halloween to the Finale Day dinner at the Lindisfarne Centre. It has been great to get to know so many of you. You did a great job socialising so hard whilst raising funds for the class gi —£2,700 this year. Well done! Hopefully your year in Durham is just the start of your lifelong rela onship with the School. We hope to see you at many of our interna onal events as well as back here in Durham for the 50th anniversary of the School in 2015 (10/11 April). I hope that you valued having a mentor and consequently, support our future students by volunteering to be mentors yourself. Best of luck for the future and see you at Gradua on!
Alex McNinch Alumni Rela ons Manager
Katharine Aspey Alumni Coordinator
Charlo e White Leading Edge Coordinator
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Anne Woodhead Managing Finance
Dr Richard Slack Managing Finance
Dr Rebecca Stratling MIGE
Peter Allen Strategic Management
Dr Peter Hamilton Managing People Great to have met you during your me in Durham and wishing you all the best for the future. I will long remember one of my disserta on students (no names) who understandably panicked towards the end, and ONLY got a dis nc on!
Durham MBA Staff and Faculty Prof Nick Ellis MICE
Dr Christos Tsinopoulos Opera ons Management
Dr Alan Jessop Models for Management
Dr Les Graham Methods of Inquiry
Durham University Business School
o a wonderful bunch of guys and girls, all the best! Take care and I hope you have everything you dream of. Miss you and it’s been a delight looking a er you.
JO Simpson Ushaw College Refectory
ell this is a first! An ordinary bus driver wri ng a tes monial for your yearbook! I feel very privileged. Thank you. I have enjoyed many experiences in my life but driving the U1 was unique in that I met such an array of different cultures from many parts of our planet. But you all had one thing in common, you were all so friendly towards me. I will never forget that. I will always treasure the short journey we took on the U1 to Ushaw College and on many occasions the cup of tea that you got for me. I also have fond memories of the night we went out. It was fantas c even if a couple of you guys tried to get me drunk on those shots which you had specially made, nice one guys! To finish off, I wish you all a long life and happiness and that you all remember Ushaw College with fond memories. I will always regard you all as very good friends.
Paul Davis U1 Bus
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School 8
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
FT MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
have earned a lot of good friends in the past one year. Everybody taught me many things which are useful for my life—listening to the experienced professors, lecturers and cohorts helped me shape my personality. I must say that the year for me was full of exci ng things. I personally enjoyed it a lot. Group discussions, ac vi es, presenta ons and overall Durham life were real fun. Ironically, the year went very quickly. I wish it could have been one more year. Although it was short, it was the best.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I will surely miss my house “Greencro ” and chilling around with Sunny, Shishir and Susie the most. There are many good memories that Durham gave me. I will also miss our MBA classes especially Economics, Managing Finance and Strategy. The past year has been the most amazing year of my life, and this MBA experience was truly the best learning experience for me. Favourite Durham memory There are a lot of good memories. However, my most favorite memory was the last night at Residen al where Shishir, Sunny and I drank a lot. That night led us to be the best of friends. I will never ever forget that night. Cheers guys! Abi has been a really good friend of mine right from the start of the course. Along with Sunny, we have had real good mes together. Whether it be par es, pulling someone’s leg or having endless conversa ons about someone. We have seen real bad mes together and have cruised through it well I suppose. Thanks Abi for everything and hopefully there are no goodbyes. - Shishir
I remember Abhijit as a RED in Residen al. From the very beginning, he has always showed a great capacity for leadership. Although so -spoken and always smiling, he displayed his quick wits and decisiveness in true red fashion during the challenges. I also remember him trying to balance his REDNESS by “slowing down” and listening more, which just shows his willingness to change and be er himself. We won the bo le rocket challenge that weekend, and I believe it was because he set the leadership bar high for our group. Keep in touch, Abhi! - Mia
Abhijit, I am absolutely delighted that we have worked alongside in most ac vi es. You are a great team member, a logical thinker with worthwhile ideas, who was always keen on finishing group projects regarding expecta ons and within the given me limit. I admire you for having a knack for numbers, being ahead of most of us. Despite that you are a great human too, I could talk to and laugh with you. I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon. - Sebas an
Life is like a camera. Focus on what is important. Capture the best moments. Develop from the negatives and if things do not work out then take another shot. Favourite class Economics, Managing Finance, and Strategy, especially Scenario Thinking Top 3 things I learned the past year • Plan properly before execu on • Listen and respect others’ opinion • Do not underes mate yourself
Abhijit Nandurkar Mumbai, India
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
y decision to go to Durham University for my MBA studies was almost a ma er of chance. People believe that driving a life by chances is a sign of lack of determina on, but I proved this wrong. In my case, the city, the people and the university that I never choose, became altogether the experience that has most challenged me and pushed me for determina on in my life. Studying an MBA at Durham University not only developed my business acumen as I expected, but also taught me the unexpected: the greatness of other cultures, the significance of tolerance, the power of self-discipline, hard work and self-confidence and, mainly, the importance of uncondi onal friendship.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My friends, Jimmy Allens, the college-bars tours, sunday roast, Kopparberg, the river and Durham landscape. Favourite Durham memory Definitely one of my favourite memories is my trip to Sri Lanka for the IEP class. The people I worked with (Mar na, David, Eric and Daniel) and the actual work we did for the company made this experience so special.
Outspoken, intelligent and dedicated. Thank you for always being there for me, my friend. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I am sure you will achieve anything you set your mind to, and that you will become a very successful businesswoman. Te quiero bichita! - Sam
AnaHi, you are a smart, open-minded and a winsome friend, highly commi ed to the MBA endeavour. I admire you for taking responsibili es and ini a ves and successfully leading and mo va ng teams. Studying, traveling and socialising with you is awesome. Won’t soon forget you and love your glasses! - Sebas an
Anahi, my nerdy flat-mate and accomplice in crime can be best described as “beauty with brains.” This gorgeous girl is crazy intelligent, super fun and a great friend. A scholar des ned to become a successful business woman! Amiga, I will always cherish our friendship, which is filled with lots of innocence, stupidi es, laughter and happiness! - Anant Anahi was always such a pleasure to spend me with. She worked hard but she always had me to listen and be a friend. I will miss you, my cucharachita! - Tara Ana te deseo lo mejor de acá en adelante, se que te va a ir súper en todo lo que hagas. Me encanto conocerte y se que esta amistad va a seguir por muchos muchos años. Te espero pronto en Colombia! Un abrazo muy grande, te quiero. - Caro
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Ana Ramos Chavez Mexico City
Durham University Business School
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere! Top 3 things I learned the past year • Accept that some days you’re the statue, and some days you’re the pigeon. • Life is too short to do anything that is not challenging. • Hard work pays off! Favourite class Economics! What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My friends and Durham, the university town!
anant sonar Pune, India
his whole year has a special place in my heart and life not only because I was able to achieve most of my MBA goals but because I met and got acquainted with so many wonderful people from around the world.
He is a decent and mature business person. He can lead a team well, he doesn’t hesitate to be involved in a tough role. His teammates of the group work including me could be saved by his high capacity. Many thanks! See you in the US! - Taka
For some reason or the other, we have never teamed together for any of the marked work. Got a chance to work with Anant for the charity consultancy project. The best was reserved for the last group work. Anant is a true professional. His persuasive communica on and able leadership skills helped to gel the diversified members into a produc ve unit. His mely reminders on the objec ves and his humor sense (though he possesses serious looks S) kept the team moving. Will miss you. All the best for your future endeavors. - Srini
My dear fellow, you are an honest soul, an incredibly smart mate and always there when needed. You epitomise the characteris cs of a very good friend. Thank you so much for being part of my life in Durham and hopefully for many more years! - Sebas an
Anant, thanks for teaching me so many things and for being a good partner and friend when I needed you. I hope we can see each other in the future and please keep in touch and let me know your new projects and achievements. I wish you all the best! - Caro
Friend, philosopher, guide; the list is endless. Knowledgeable, intelligent and smart-working Y, it has been always great to work with you. Thank you Anant for being such a wonderful friend, really appreciate your friendship. You are des ned to do well for you are an amazing human. p.s. 50 words aren’t enough for you. Y - Sneha
It is a pleasure to be an MBA classmate and flatmate with an outstanding person as Anant due to his intelligence, calm and support. I s ll remember our conversa ons about the MBA, the future and also the cuisine (We have done some great diners together). Thank you again for your friendship! - Tu
It’s been truly great knowing you! It’s easy to see you so serious but you show your exuberance and vitality as well. Congratula ons on some of your skyrocket high scores. You are clever, though ul, true to yourself and know what you want. I believe that greatness looms in your future. - Eunice
Anant is one of my closest friends at Durham and one of the people that influenced me most. He is not only extraordinarily smart and funny, but also a great friend; suppor ve and honest. I am already missing our talks in our kitchen and our endless discussions about assignments, life, poli cs or whatever crossed our mind. And although I never told him, he is a great cook. My friend, I really loved your food. See you soon either in Mexico or USA. - Anahi
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
We wor ked together, ate together, laughed and even cried together. It was wonderful meeting everyone. So many special people. Wish you all the best.
Abimbola Olayisade Lagos, Nigeria
he MBA programme went by so fast! Couldn’t believe a year had gone by when it ended. I met so many awesome people and we made good memories of our year together.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA People speaking Hindi in team mee ngs , my laaate night chats with my Chinese princess, trips with Mod the model...will miss my friends. My list of places to visit definitely got much longer! Favourite ac vity The Residen al weekend in Scotland was my favourite ac vity. We got to know one another be er in the cohort, learnt a lot from the First Ascent team and had loads of fun.
I s ll remember the first me I met you. We went shopping at Big Tesco together and we carried so many bags back to our dorm. It was a very funny moment. It reminded us of our new beginning of student life. Later on, we became good friends. You are always there whenever I need you. I’m sure that you will be very successful in life. - Mod
Bimbo is the one who can bring inspira on and happiness to the group, which always cheered everyone up to work be er. She is intelligent and dedicated to make every task to be completed efficiently. I will miss your smiling face and familiar word “Hota” as you always called me in a cute way. All the best wishes for your bright career life and you must believe you are the best one. - Jay
Bibi has been an absoolutely “sweet” batchmate. Her ability to stand strong in any circumstance has been one quality which really sets her apart. She’s been an absolutely good pal who has helped me at mes of need and I really enjoyed the mes I have been with her in class or at par es. Bibi, I s ll feel Entrepreunership was a good module to take because of the teacher even though you found the module dumb. Wish you all the best in your career and am sure you will do great. Possibly we can meet in an African safari. - Shishir
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Thank you for an incr edible ye ar, I wish you all the best in your futur e endeavours and in everything you do. I am glad that I accomplished this personal and professional goal with all of you, I learnt something from every one of you and I really want to thank you all for that. Favourite Durham memory My favourite memory of Durham is the Residen al. I have never done something like that before and it was an experience that challenged me personally, physically and in my social interac on with other people. I will always remember the teamwork and great me we had during that ac vity.
Carolina Dorado Bogota, Colombia
efore coming to Durham, I thought I had an idea about what to expect from my classmates, the classes, the lecturers, the university or even the city itself; but I was wrong. I knew beforehand that Durham University was the third oldest university in the United Kingdom, highly recognized for its academic rigor and excellence, its significant level of experience and its great pres ge. However, what I didn’t know was that I was going to have the BEST year of my life, that I was going to have the opportunity to meet amazing people from all over the world, different cultures and languages and that I was going to grow so much not only academically but also personally. I want to thank all who made this MBA the best experience ever: my classmates for giving me their friendship, the lecturers and the university staff for being there to teach us and help us when needed, and Ivan for sharing this experience with me and being the greatest support I have ever had.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Definitely, what I will miss the most about Durham are the incredible people I met. I le having lots of friends that I will always keep in my heart.
Smart, kind and always willing to help others. Very well-prepared and dedicated to everything that needs to be done to achieve a goal. Thank you for your support and friendship during this past year. I will have to see you in Mexico soon. Te quiero amiga! - Sam I know Caro as a smart and talented friend. She is not only crea ve (remember the crea ve challenge award we shared?) but an effec ve leader too (Ms. CEO, SABMiller!). It was great working with you Caro, you are des ned to excel in your career. Hasta Pronto! - Anant
Carolina was an inspira on—she knew what she wanted and was so brilliant at everything she did. I will miss her smile and her warmth. Hasta proxima, mi cucharachita! - Tara
Caro is a person for whom I do not have enough words to describe. But what I would like to say is that, she is a person with an amazing heart and is full of surprises. She is very focused towards her objec ves in life but at the same me has a hidden bubbly personality, which can lighten the mood. It was a treat for me ge ng to know Caro and I wish her all the happiness and success in life. - Sharif
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Nhan Duc Nguyen Soc Trang, Vietnam
tudying in Durham has always been the right decision for me for a number of reasons—the interna onal project in Sri Lanka, the Residen al near Scotland, various useful workshops and events to improve so skills and gain networking, Leading Edge, and ac vi es with hundreds of clubs and socie es. Miss all of you...hope I have a chance to work with you again!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA When our class did some outdoor ac vi es in the last day a er submi ng disserta on. We walked along the riverside and enjoyed red wine in the rain. You never know the value of a moment un l it becomes a memory. My proudest moment When everyone around me felt sleepy, but I was s ll awake in class. Haha! Favourite Durham memory When I walked to Ushaw in the morning in heavy snow and back home at 10pm in the dark. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Made lots of friends in class • I learnt significantly from my classmates’ experience • How to bring theories to prac cal Favourite class SCM class with Execu ve MBA teammates and Lumi
David was one person whom I wish was in class for a much longer me. But in the short span he was in the class, we used to share a lot of things ranging from ea ng dog meat to entrepreunership. He was a good friend and also had a good grasp of how to move about things and I am sure that we can catch up some me in Vietnam on a holiday. Wish you all the very best. - Shishir David is an excellent mul -tasker. It’s amazing how he was able to juggle part- me work, sports, entering business compe ons (and reaching the Finals!), a ending club/socie es events, se ng up the Vietnamese Society and AIESEC Durham, ON TOP of the MBA. Hats off to you, David! - Mia
David always seemed to be doing things above and beyond what the rest of us could manage in the MBA: varsity sport, clubs and part- me work. Now I can see that he discovered the secret earlier than the rest of us—the academic learning is only a (minor?) part of the opportunity. I have no doubt that David’s good networking skills and generous spirit will lead him along a very interes ng and rewarding career path. Best of luck David! - Tara
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
ith five years of credit analysis experience, I realized that Finance is the field that I want to be in. However, in order to be at the top of the ladder, a ain a career in senior management, work in challenging roles where I can con nue to learn and grow both personally and professionally, it became increasingly evident that further educa on was necessary to make that change happen.
Therefore, I decided to go for MBA and Durham University was my preferred des na on due to its reputa on. Studying the MBA was challenging, intellectually s mula ng and required a significant amount of me to be invested both in and out of the classroom. Studying MBA was not only about the cer ficate, I became rich in knowledge about cultural differences and I benefited greatly from the various experience that the cohort has in addi on to gaining friendship.
I only really knew you towards the end of the programme but I am so glad I did. You are sincere, charming and easy to be with. You also exhibit an aura of simplicity and a seemingly unlimited forbearance. I have no doubt that the future holds great for you. - Eunice
Calm, composed and kind-hearted, Duaa is truly an angel. I feel extremely lucky and blessed to have met such a wonderful soul like you. Thank you for all your advice and support, I will always be grateful to you. I really value your friendship and I am sure you will excel in life. - Sneha
Duaa and I were very close throughout our MBA course, and I am happy I got a new friend. She is very organised and a reliable person and I believe these traits will add value to her future career in Finance. Hope we will be able to con nue our good friendship that we started last year, my dear Duaa! - Lumi
Duaa is one of the most elegant ladies I have ever met in my life. Duaa has not only been my dear friend but also my immediate neighbour in the flat where I used to disturb her a lot. But she calmly used to say ...Oh Nupur come on... Duaa is a very sweet, simple, intelligent and an understanding woman. Her strength is in Finance. Thank you Duaa for always helping us and mo va ng us. Duaa, you have a beau ful smile. Cheers! - Nupur
Duaa is an excellent human being with the biggest heart. Very dedicated to her work and willing to help other people, always trea ng everyone with kindness. It was so great to meet you and be your flatmate. - Sam
I spent a wondeful me with Duaa. She is a caring and lovely flatmate! I remember discussing with Duaa o en in our kitchen which I enjoyed a lot. She always reminded me of working on my assignments in advance, but I rarely did! But she was always there to help whenever I needed. I really enjoyed spending me with her and I am fortunate to have an opportunity to get to know her and her culture. All the best, Duaa! - Mei
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Duaa Shaikh Ali Bahrain
Durham University Business School
I truly wish the best to everyone and I hope that each and everyone of you reach what you are working towards in both your prof essional and personal lives. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Goal Se ng • Pa ence • Listening Skills Favourite class Interna onal Enterprise Project - Sri Lanka What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA The people
Eric Elmore Dallas, USA
n addi on to all the wonderful friends I made, our trip to Scotland for the Residen al and the Interna onal Enterprise Project will always be remembered. The residen al getaway in Scotland laid the groundwork for us to build our rela onships and friendships on. I enjoyed all the ac vi es throughout the weekend from dinner and dancing to flying our team rockets. Truly an amazing me! The Interna onal Enterprise Project was one of the main reasons why I choose to come to Durham over other Universi es. The chance to work on a real problem for a company overseas really excited me. Even though the trip didn’t turn out like I expected, it was a wonderful experience that I will treasure forever!
My dear pseudo-flatmate, I got to know and appreciate you as a highly mo vated, cheerful Texan friend with an open-minded and suppor ve nature. I cherish our serious conversa ons and your generosity to share experience and food. Your contribu on in class with your profound business knowledge was beneficial to all of us. - Sebas an First thought—you are the USA for me!!! I do understand and what is most important is that I feel that I can rely on you. I’m sure that everything will be good with you, your career and private life. You are an honest and brave man. It’s my pleasure to know you. - Roman Eric is the most handsome guy from our batch. He is always smiley and a very humble person. I got along well him when he was with me at residen al. He is very jovial and a truly “yellow” person. I wish him all the best for his future and I am sure one day he will be very successful. Take care, buddy. Cheers! - Abhijit Eric, you are my favourite gringo!!! You know you have a special place in my heart. Hope to see you soon and best of luck in everything you do. Big hug! - Caro I worked with Eric in Economics class and really admired his professional knowledge towards financial and economic status in the business world. Besides that, he demonstrates great care and love to people around him. Eric shows great leadership and drives the posi veness that I’m grateful to have his friendship. - Mar na
I don’t quite remember the first me I met Eric, but I do remember all our great chats, party nights and BBQs. It was a pleasure mee ng him and since he is my neighbour to the south, you can bet I’ll be visi ng him to watch a NASCAR race at Texas and for some great BBQ! - Joseph Eric is one of those people who I am very happy to call a dear friend and a brother. He has always been there for me whenever I needed his help. His nature and lively a tude has always been a treat, which is why I have had one of the best memories with him during the program. I wish him the best of health, success and happiness in life. - Sharif Eric has been real livewire of the class and been an absolutely wonderful classmate to be with. His accessible and accommoda ng behaviour was a standout, but the one thing which made him unique was his ability to gel well with everybody . Thanks Eric for all the good memories during the class and the par es hosted. Hope you a great life ahead. - Shishir Eric you are one of the most cheerful and kind person I have ever met and also the most carefree—forcing me to take on the strict teacher mode many mes during the MBA. I extremely enjoyed your a tude towards sharing what you knew without hesita on. Economics was the one where you were in your element. Thank you for always being so though ul, caring and always reaching out to help. Stay as you are! - Yukki
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
I am gr ateful to have met e ach and every one of you. I truly hope to stay in touc h through the ye ars and I wish you all nothing but the best. Thanks for a great year! What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I’ll miss being surrounded by familiar faces and friends. Favourite class I never thought I would say this but in the end, I really enjoyed our Economics module with Dr. Rebecca Stratling. I never found myself staring at the clock during that class. It had the perfect balance of lecturing, discussion and group ac vi es, and I learned a lot. My proudest moment I would say the boardroom ac vity. Our group put in a lot of hard work and although it did not officially count, being awarded the highest mark was a nice reward for our efforts.
Emily Alberico Dallas, USA
really had no idea what to expect embarking on an interna onal MBA at Durham. Not only was moving to a new country scary, but being a student again a er five years in the working world. Would I remember how to study or write a paper? How would studying in the UK be different from what I was used to in the US? Who would my classmates be? Needless to say, this past year has been one I will never forget. While incredibly challenging having to manage various projects and ght deadlines, it has also been very rewarding. I have grown significantly as an individual and also come away with some great memories and what I hope are lifelong friends. Thanks for a great year, Durham!
Top 3 things I learned the past year The more obvious things I learned over the course of the year were me management, teamwork, and that nothing good comes easy and hard work does pay off. However, one of my greatest takeaways came from the mul -cultural nature of the cohort. I have learned that although we are all different, we are all very much alike at the same me, and I am grateful to have worked with and go en to know so many people from around the world. Favourite Durham memory The residen al provided some really great memories for me. It challenged me and took me out of my comfort zone with things like the zip line and wall climb. It was also a great opportunity to get to know everybody in the cohort be er.
Emily was a pleasure to have as a classmate–her commitment and work ethic were an inspira on. She was always ready to help or encourage. I’ll miss her support and company! - Tara Since the first day, I was taken and inspired by your clear intellect and your contribu on to the MBA project. It takes long to find somebody as ambi ous and geared up as you. I already miss discussing thoughts and opinions with you! - Sebas an Emily, all the hard work and stress paid off— congrats! Good luck in all your future ventures, whether in the UK or in the US. Thanks for all your support and encouragement throughout the year—it was much needed and appreciated. Keep in touch. - Jus n
Emily is the first person I met in the cohort just in front of Fisher House on the first day of Induc on Week. Outspoken, expressive, energe c and ac on oriented; these are my first impressions. I am glad that my judgment has not changed a er spending a year. Emily is well-known for her reflec ve inquiry, and a en on to detail. It’s unfortunate that we have not been in a team for any of the groupwork (except for one of the class exercises in Nego a on Management). I have been told many mes by the cohort that your experience in the retail sector has been handy and has paved the way for many promising thoughts. It’s a true pleasure to have you in the cohort. All the best in your future endeavors. - Srini Best of luck for the future, Emily! It has been good working with you this year and stay in touch! - Greg
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
t’s hard not to traipse down memory lane. I can vividly remember how chao c everybody’s minds were approaching assignment deadlines; how group work was almost always like a tug-of-war; the exhilara ng, adrenaline-pumping exams; and the demanding schedules which spiced up our en re year. However, we were indulgent and exuberant as well: the dinners with friends, movie/TV series nights, excursions to some of the amazing landscapes and charming cultural heritages, tennis, shopping, blogging, (some mes) partying, Wimbledon (unforge able!), various travels, Skype with family and friends, and most of all, mee ng some of the wonderful people you could never meet otherwise. It’s been a glorious year filled with hard work and surprises—clearly reminded me of the never-ending process of learning, the healthy perspec ves in diversity and the discovery of sincere friendships. I am convinced that the past year was one of the best. Thank you everyone for the support and kindness. Top 3 things I learned the past year I have learned that life’s so many choices could lead you astray. Your values and the strength of your character shape the direc ons you will take. The MBA has turned out to be an avenue where dis nct choices were needed—from the friendships you developed, to the elec ve courses you chose and the eff orts spent on each project. I’m happy with the choices I’ve made. I also realised that every step in the MBA brought along a cornucopia of knowledge and discovery, including the signifi cance of teamwork towards a successful project, pursuing a passion and the nurturance of genuine friendships. Eunice is one of the most beau ful people I have known, and her beauty lies in her honesty, openhearted and her insistence to do things perfectly which is one of her strongest assets that I really admire. She is always approachable, immensely helpful and a very caring person. - Duaa
Eunice, you have been far more than a flatmate for me: my honest friend, my boon companion, my bright workmate. Together we mastered every challenge. You inspired me with your genuine modesty and your strong belief in virtuousness and altruism. Thank you! Please never forget that your glass is half full. - Sebas an The words hard worker, intelligent, percep ve and self-starter come to mind when I think of Eunice. Throughout the en re year you have remained constant and posi ve. I feel fortunate to have met you and I’m happy to call you my friend. - Sherrail
A dexterous accountant, an avid globetro er, an ace tennis player, the list of merit is endless to describe this mul -talented girl. Her serenity and simplicity can win everyone’s heart and her invaluable friendship makes her grow fonder from the heart. I wish her luck and happiness,for she is born to achieve life’s greatness! - Sneha A Sincere, focused, intelligent girl and an avid tennis fan. Her sincerity might be construed as a serious personality but she is great fun to be with. I regret that, I got to know her well only towards the end of the course. Eunice, I am sure you are gonna get all the happiness in the world. - Anant A sincere colleague, a helping friend... - Subrat Eunice, it has been really good working with you and living with you for the past year in Durham. Best wishes for the future – I’m sure you’ll do well! - Greg
Congratulations on a job well done! Thank you for your friendships, understanding and support. I genuinely wish everyone the happiness and success you deserve and that you follow the desir es of your heart, pursue your pas sion and take pride in greatness and in humility. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I will most miss the library and the rain. Hahaha! No seriously, I will miss the amazing people I’ve enjoyed meals with, played tennis with, talked to about anything and everything, watched movies and TV series with, and lots more! And oh, I will miss Burger King!
Eunice Benedicto Manila, Philippines
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
It has been good wor king with you over the past year—best of luck to you all for the future and do get in touc h if you’re nearby.
Greg Barton St Albans, UK
’ve really enjoyed my year —it has been great to learn new things. The course was interes ng and it was good to work with people from across the world. Good luck to you all in the future.
Favourite Durham memory The trip to China: having not been to China previously, it was interes ng to see how business is done differently compared to the UK and to visit Chinese business schools. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Having the chance to learn new things in a wide range of different and interes ng subjects. Favourite class The marke ng module: it was a subject that was completely new to me, plus Nick was entertaining. the MBA class, Us nov College and the Volleyball Club
Because of Greg, I am a li le bit closer to understanding what an actuary is… and of course I learned much more relevant things from him as well. I already miss having someone around who I know has the answer to the tough ques ons (at least those involving numbers)! - Tara
Greg, you have a gi ed and crea ve mind-set, one who possesses a natural shrewdness and who seems to make things look so easy. Thanks for all the help and for being a great flatmate. I wish you happiness and all the best in your endeavours. - Eunice
Greg was a one of my best “mates” during the MBA. Although his phone never worked, he was always there to help, listen and talk. Our 5 minutes breaks during disserta ng in the library o en turned into 30, but those are the memories I will cherish. Thanks for being such a great friend! - Emily
Greg is one of the smartest people in our cohort. He’s always willing to help out, whether with assignments or with “proper” wri en English. I remember asking him to check my strongly worded emails to make sure they were diploma c enough by Bri sh standards. Haha! Although he kinda kept to himself at the start of the course, he eventually warmed up to everyone else. I’m glad that he did! Keep in touch, Gregory! - Mia
Thanks for all your help throughout the year Greg! It has been a fun year crunching it at the gym every morning. Keep up the hard work and stay in shape so that we can enjoy some biking in Moab in the near future. Good luck with your future plans. - Jus n
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School 32
Hiroshi Hirai Kumamoto, Japan
rom the beginning of my life in Durham, I felt something special I have never felt before. Durham has quite a unique atmosphere especially at Ushaw College. On the U1 bus, everyday, I have a feeling like I’m on the train to the “wizarding world.” This is definitely one the most impressive memories that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Thank you guys, for sharing me with me in Durham!
Favourite ac vity Boardroom Ac vity where our group achieved the first excep onal in history. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My lovely flatmates, Yukki and Susie! Top 3 things I learned the past year What I want to do in my life Time Management How to survive and live with five cute girls Favourite Durham memory The cute baby rabbits in Ushaw College My proudest moment Our Boardroom Ac vity team got an excep onal mark. This is the first me in DUBS MBA history.
Hiroshi can very well be termed as the sleeping beauty of the class. But an even more surprising fact could be the number of ideas he contributes to any group related ac vity. At mes I wonder how he manages to think so much just a er sleep mode. He was my bench mate for a very long me and and have learnt so many concepts of finance he shared from his experience. Thanks Hiroshi for being a wonderful classmate. All the best! - Shishir
Very hardworking, interes ng and honest person who is 100% sure about himself. An eager adventurer, nature lover, and a close follower of finance. It is my pleasure to be one of your friends and wish you all the best. Please do come back to your warm home Taiwan someday. Hahaha! - Lo I have never met another person with as much zeal for life and owning mul ple laptops and everything electronic! Hiroshi my dear friend you are simply fantas c. Our last minute marathon to finish the assignments makes me laugh even now. You have an open heart and I am so glad I moved into Redwood D—sharing meals, sipping tea just to have conversa ons, laughing at silly jokes and cleaning the kitchen ll it shone. You are the best flatmate I could ever ask for! Eat healthy, stay healthy! - Yukki
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
efore joining the Durham MBA, I had a successful career at my previous company. Despite my age, I decided to be a student. At the me, many colleagues and friends asked me to reconsider my decision. However, on reflec on, it was my belief that a successful career did not mean obtaining a higher posi on, but doing what I wanted to and what I was good at.
I wanted to have a be er understanding of key business issues and deepen the knowledge I had from my working experience. Without doubt, an MBA opens doors to posi ons I want to do and gives me confidence to challenge new things. Moreover, mee ng excellent and brilliant people from all over the world and studying with them is the most memorable experience of my en re life.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Durham is a really nice place to think. I will miss every single corner where I walked around with my lovely friend who encouraged me to keep going.
Favourite Durham memory A er working on exams and reports, I used to go the café with my friend to have a cake and a cup of coffee. It was a truly relaxing me and the cake there was the most delicious I’ve ever had.
Although Hyo and I became life me best friends, I don’t remember the first conversa on I had with her during our pre-MBA class. But I can say one thing for sure—she was nice from the beginning. Although we are from different countries, we were able to understand each other quickly. Hyo was always there for me no ma er what. She helped me with my assignments by sharing her views, she listened to whatever I had to say when I was really sad, and she was there for me when I became sick in London. There are too many things she did for me; I can’t forget and will not forget for the rest of my life. I hope I can do the same things for you and remain as your friend! As we live close by, let’s get together as o en as we can! - Mei
Always smiling and with the best a tude to listen, Hyo is a great person to have around. Thank you for being there when I needed it. Best of luck in the future and I hope we can meet soon. - Sam
I’ll let you in on a secret: Hyo is one of the funniest and craziest people in the cohort. And when she and Mei team-up with their banter, you can be sure of a good laugh. I admire her (brutal) honesty, her no-nonsense a tude, and impeccable fashion sense. Keep in touch, Hyo! - Mia
Lincoln said “I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the he art to let him down.” I believe that all my cohorts will achieve what they want. Good luck to everyone! Favourite class The boardroom ac vity was my favorite class. As a nonna ve English speaker, speaking up and expressing my opinion in a boardroom was very challenging . However, all members of my group encouraged and supported each other. We won a prize!
Hyo Jung Son Seoul, South Korea
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
ay is a sales account manager who dealt with the overseas agencies in the U.S., Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Turkey and Australia. He is also a strong project manager who is accountable for interna onal brands such as Electrolux, Leers and Kirchhoff Automobile.
Jay started his career working in customer service roles and sales development in a mid-sized prin ng company in Taiwan before moving into ac ng as an account manager in the leading manufacturer of press machines. Jay’s work involves ac ng as the primary point of contact for clients, suppliers, consultants and internal teams. His responsibili es include liaising with the client to develop the brief and nego ate the contract, collabora ng with the internal team to deliver the work and then present the design ideas to the client, as well as budge ng, forecas ng, billing and repor ng. Jay has excellent client rela onship skills and is experienced in managing projects from concep on to comple on across different me zones and mul ple disciplines that fuel them. I can proudly say that my cohort was made of some brilliant personali es and I will cherish their company and all of this past year’s frui ul memories for a very long me.
Jay is one of my dearest friends in the cohort. Apart from being a class colleague, Jay was also my flatmate who “fo sure” was always there whenever I needed his help. I wish Jay all the happiness and success in life. - Sharif
I remember at the residen al when we had to say something about our partners and he closed with “I love him very much”. Jay is GREEN and I love him very much! He’s awesome and very funny. Will miss you Hota! Wish you the best. - Bimbo
J can be one person who we might wish was in class for a much longer me. Though we used to have his updates now and then. He has been a wonderful coworker during the board mee ngs and have been always ready with his presenta ons.He has always kept his cool in and out of the class. Good to have been studying with you, J! All tbe Best! - Shishir
Jay is such a great person to have around because he always shared the happiness and didn’t hesitate to give a hand. I enjoyed working and discussing the modules with him. All the best, Sir! See you soon in Taiwan! - Lo
Jay is a great person to talk to. He has a very easygoing personality. Was great working with you, buddy! I hope we keep in touch! - Joseph
Jay is our exchange student from Glasgow. Just kidding! Although he is o en M.I.A. in class , he s ll manages to come up with excellent marks! Having survived Sue Miller as his disserta on supervisor AND gradua ng with Merit to boot, he definitely has my respect! Fo’ sho! - Mia
My favorite motto is: “T he way Angel dares not to pass through, the foolish goes through without hesitation.” Our car eer life will become tougher as we become key leaders after the MBA progr amme. I wish everyone could hold the steel-willed belief and confidence to overcome the upcoming challenges. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Don’t panic. It was not the end of the world. • Time management was the top priority the MBA student should bear in mind because we were always out of me. • If you were accompanied with clever and awesome flatmates, you will understand how to work hard and play hard. Devoted to my flatmates: Joseph, Ken, Sharif, Sandeep and Roman. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA It is ironic that I miss the difficul es and pressure of taking the examina ons, summa ve assignments and disserta on because I fully experienced an unforge able moment of discussing, brainstorming, working and playing together with my flatmates and cohorts. I believe that I would have no opportunity to be a full- me student again; thus, this MBA life will become a priceless treasure in my memory.
Jing-Iuan Jang Taichung, Taiwan
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
t’s tough to believe that this year has passed by so fast. Frankly, how many people wrote that line as their opener? Regardless of the count, the truth is that it is welldeserving of an opener because it was really just that fast. Although the program was rigorous and demanding, I did a lot more in the past year than I would have done had I declined the offer from Durham University Business School. My career has leap-frogged academically and professionally with the help of all the content that was integrated to the program. It’s true what they say—the things we learn from people are only as good as the minds that fuel them. I can proudly say that my cohort was made of some brilliant personali es and I will cherish their company and all of this past year’s frui ul memories for a very long me.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA What I will miss the most about this past year are the friendships I formed. Nothing can top the personali es I came across and the impact they had. From regular conversa ons, to casual gathering to just outright partying, these were the mes that li ed us as a cohort.
It’s my honor to express my gra tude to my dear cohort and flatmate, Jo, who always shared the inspired energy and passion when we went through a tough and busy year in the MBA life. “Work hard and play hard” is the best spirit I learnt from Jo. Besides that, Jo enjoyed to share the valuable ideas when we dealt with the group discussion and assignments, which always helped us out to achieve a produc ve outcome. Good luck and all the best, Sir! You will be a superstar in your future career. - Jay I first met Joseph Friday morning during induc on week and we hit it right off. Throughout the year, Joseph and I became great friends and he served as the driving force for social ac vi es when we were not in class. Joseph is truly a great guy with tons of energy! - Eric A very charisma c person that is always willing to listen and help others. Jose was a great person to hang around with during this year because of his posi ve energy and kindness. Best of luck in the future, mi amigo! - Sam
Jo is not only a dear friend but also a brother. He has always been there for me throughout the program and has been a major player in making my MBA year the best year of my life. His nature and personality has always inspired me and also helped me change my en re perspec ve towards life. I am honored to have a friend like you and I wish you all the happiness and success in life. - Sharif Young Canadian brother! Your appearance is too young but behind this facade I can see a mature man. We used to work a lot together and you have proven that you are a reliable man. Con nue to develop yourself and you will reach whatever you want. Good luck and keep in touch. - Roman Yellow! It’s always fun with Yellow aka Jo around, yet he always manages to meet the deadlines! A chill a tude along with a gorgeous smile hides the sharp brain and businessman in him. The silly BlueYellow arguments—so kiddish yet irresis ble— made us bond so well. Yellow, no ma er what, I know your personality will take you to great heights in life. Y - Yukki
No matter how happy or sad lif e gets, always share it with the people you got to know in the past year. You never know, I may see you down the road someday… watch out! Top 3 things I learned the past year An important lesson I learned was to work hard and play harder. We all made sacrifices—financially and emo onally. It’s only fair for us to make the most of it—let loose and enjoy, we deserve it! Another lesson was to cherish rela onships. An MBA is not just an investment in educa on, it’s an investment in people. The people around us are our future and inves ng in rela onships is important. Finally, I learned that empathizing is very important. This was a mul -cultural program. Different faiths, different perspec ves and different personali es. What you say or do is not always what it’s perceived as.
My proudest moment My proudest moment in the last year was successfully comple ng a masters level consultancy project for one of the largest financial ins tu ons in Canada. It was a very demanding project, but the program and my supervisor prepared me well to handle the pressure and deliver results with confidence.
Joseph A Perera Richmond Hill, Canada
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
If you can dr eam it, then you can ac hieve it. You will get all you want in lif e if you hel p enough other people get what they want. As tough as it was, we made it! Thanks for a great year! Favourite Durham memory One of my most favorite memories in Durham was deďŹ nitely the Residen al in the Sco sh Borders. Not only did I enjoy the many physical ac vi es we par cipated in as teams but I also enjoyed the me I had to reect on life and future goals. That experience really opened my eyes to the road ahead and prepared a path for me to follow in order to get the most out of my me in Durham.
Justin Hannig Provo, Utah USA
t’s been a great, but some mes rough ride over the past year. At mes I was wondering what I got myself into. However, as the year progressed I became more and more grateful for the opportunity to not only study at DUBS but to associate with so many awesome people from all over the world.
I don’t know what the future holds but I do know that the lessons and nuggets I learned in Durham will be very beneficial throughout life no ma er the situa on. The Full-Time MBA not only taught me theory and business sense but it also taught me pa ence, hard work, and many other valuable life lessons. I owe a lot of what I learned to my many classmates and office staff in the program. However, I owe much of what I learned to my wife, Tawsha and my two li le girls, Burklee and Parker. Without their love and support I could not have made it through the program. I hope that we can all find success in whatever path we choose and remember that nothing comes easy in life. Expect the best, prepare for the worst and always capitalize on whatever comes. Keep in touch. Cheers!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I will miss the early morning drives to Ushaw to finish up last minute case study readings or exam revisions. I will miss the group ac vi es that gave me the opportunity to learn from so many different people. I will also miss the nice sunny days (though few and far between) I got to enjoy strolling around the city centre with my family taking in the amazing, picturesque scenery. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Never give up no ma er how difficult it becomes. Wri ng papers and trying to care for a family while a ending class and mee ng with groups some mes felt overwhelming. However, giving up never got anybody anywhere in life. In the end, it is always worth it. • Adversity and tough mes make you a stronger person and lead to success. • There is good in everybody. Working with so many people from different countries and cultures opened my eyes and made me realise that you cannot judge a book by its cover. Everybody has something to offer. I learned something valuable from every person in the cohort and for that I am grateful. Thank you for everything. I love you and your family. I wish you all the best. See you again in my wedding day (you have already promised me) Haha! - Mod It’s been great working with you this year, Jus n. Good luck for the future—and get yourself a nice car for when I come to visit! - Greg
My hat goes off to Jus n for what he accomplished this past year while making his family a priority. His perseverance and general posi vity was something I o en admired. Good luck with the next phase, Jus n! - Tara
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
HE THING IS...Be a man, do the right things right!!! I want to thank each and every one of you in making this incredible journey with me. It has been a great year and it was my pleasure to have shared this awesome year with you guys. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, and friends for life!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My fellow students, MBA staffs and everyone in Us nov college. My proudest moment Sharing a year of my life with you all CRAZY people. The pleasure is all mine! Top 3 things I learned the past year • Listening • Believing in others • My liver is s ll good Favourite ac vity Hands down, the trip to Scotland. Favourite Durham memory Too many to count, I will forever treasure these memories.
Ken’s laid back a tude was nice to be around. Je ng off to Toronto and bringing me back Tim Hortons coffee are two things I’ll remember about him. See you in Canada someday soon I hope, Ken! - Tara
As I studied in Canada for many years, I always have a sense of closeness to Canadians. I enjoyed having discussions and spending me with Ken. Although he is some mes perceived as a cri cal or opinionated person, I felt Ken is mature and an interes ng person to work with. I had a good me working with him during our Boardroom ac vity. I am confident that he can become a successful businessman! Ken, I hope to see you either in Canada or in Japan as o en as I can. All the best! - Mei
Since I landed in Durham, one of the porters told me that there is another guy from Toronto in my flat. A er I met Ken, I learned that we graduated from the same university for our undergrad and that we only lived about 30 minutes from each other. Pleasure to meet him, great working with him and I’ll be seeing him on a regular basis in Toronto. “Ken, you up for a beer?” - Joseph
Hehe, my neighbour. Kenny, I will miss our night conversa ons about our life, experience, behaviour, and childhood. You are a mature guy, bro, thank you a lot for calming me down some mes (you know what I mean) and for me, we were on the same page. I will be glad to see you and hope we will play ice hockey soon. - Roman
This was a incredible year for me! I have learned a gr eat de al from e ach one of you.
Ken Lu Vancouver, Canada
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Durham University Business School 44
Chih-Heng Lo Taipei, Taiwan
e would never deny that it was one of the greatest years of our lives. I am happy to know every one of you guys. It had been great interac ng with our cohort. I have enjoyed every moment here; this one year has been the happiest moment in my life! You are all really intelligent, innova ve, and friendly. I did learn a lot from you especially because my background has nothing to do with business. If you need a consulta on regarding your pets, feel free to ask me! I will cherish the rela onships we have built and look forward to mee ng any of you in the future. I would like to share two quotes with you. “You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” ~ Jim Rohn “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
He is typical “first-class listener,” he seriously hears the conversa ons and discussions, he gives excellent advice based on them. He is young, but his thinking is of a very matured person. His clement, heartwarming character makes for a peaceful atmosphere. - Taka
One of the most sincere, dedicated, and diligent guys of the cohort. One of the most inspiring people that I came across. Always ready to extend a helping hand. I have learnt a lot of things from him. All the best, Sir! See you in Taiwan! - Jay
It has been an honour to know such an outstanding persons as Lo. Calm, cool, and suppor ve, Lo is passionate about different things in life from nature to work. It is always a pleasure interac ng with you since pre-MBA. All the very best for all your future. - Tu
He is a simple but intelligent guy, who works hard and inspires people around him. He loves animals, lives, and nature. I respect him for his dedica on and sincerity. Wish you all success for the future. - Tanya
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
er so many years of hard work in my job, this year was for me like a holiday, with friendly colleagues and a nice life in Us nov College. The exchange between cultures was the most interes ng aspect of my me in Durham, a real life experience.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA The interes ng, useful, and challenging teamwork experiences; the lovely kitchen par es with the tasty Asian food in our flat; I will surely miss karaoke moments with our Japanese colleagues! Top 3 things I learned the past year • To work in a team • To take care about the culture differences • To understand and to accept con nuous change My proudest moment Being member in a team which came first in the Boardroom ac vity, and, in general, being an MBA student in Durham Business School and having the chance to meet and work with interes ng and nice people. Favourite class The Boardroom ac vity, Supply Chain Management and Corporate Finance courses.
Lumi and I were o en in the same group throughout the year. From the first assignment during induc on to scenario planning and the boardroom exercise, where she confidently took the role of CEO, Lumi is a hard-working and reliable person whom I am happy I got to know. Also, her English is much be er than she thinks! - Emily It was my pleasure knowing and working with Lumi in Durham University Business School. Her commitment level towards any assignment was amazing. Her a tude towards learning new things was great, she wouldn’t stop un l she gets through it. She has the right a tude towards the business world which she showcased throughout the course. Wish you very best in your career and life. - Sandeep
Lumi was our CEO for our SABMiller boardroom group, where we she led us to an excellent performance that impressed our Chairman and non-exec directors. It was one of our proudest achievements in the MBA programme, and we have Lumi’s leadership to thank for that. I also remember Lumi’s snappy dress style and good taste when it comes to food and wine. Hope to keep in touch with you, Lumi! - Mia
Share your knowled ge, experience, happiness and everything that is nice and interesting with your colleagues, friends and family. Hope you enjoyed this FT MBA 2012-2013 in Durham and this course will hel p you and will bring value in your life!
Luminita Iancu Bucharest, Romania
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
t was not easy for me to return to school a er working several years, and I bet it was the same for most of you. However, my lovely cohort made it so much easier to fit into an academic environment and taught me so much knowledge in other fields. I am lucky and proud to be part of this cohort! This was an amazing year!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I’ll miss the mes we enjoyed the simple things in life which we would never like back at home, such as cooking your own pasta the first me, making your own pancake, baking a pie for a loved one, or ge ng an ugly bu er cake for your birthday. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Group discussions can be very valuable. • Never think that you’ve already learned enough. • A person’s cultural background has an impact on the way he or she learns new things. Favourite Durham memory Cook-off, Fisher House, Fabio’s, Newcastle, whatsapp vibra ng in class, and late night talk/ discussion/group mee ngs
Mar ni has been one hell of a classmate. A friend who bluffed with me during board mee ngs and who encouraged me to go a er Chinese babes. Y But she has been an absolutely enjoyable batchmate for one whole year whether it be in any academic ac vity or calling people for a party. The one thing which sets her apart is her ability to enjoy any ac vity she pursues and to deliver to the best of her ability. I am posi ve that you will do good wherever you go and will have a great career ahead. - Shishir Mar na has a great personality. I am glad that I met her. You can always count on her to be full of energy, even on the not-so-great days! I enjoy her friendship and her company. She is also a great travel buddy! So what do you say...Spain and Italy next? - Joseph
I had the pleasure of working with Mar na in our Managing in the Global Environment module. She brought unparalleled organiza onal skills, dedica on and commitment to our team. Mar na is a passionate and driven individual and will make an excep onal addi on to her future employer and colleagues. - Eric Mar ni! She never fails to impress anyone with her cooking and baking skills. I’m sure the boys at Kitchen G would agree. I’m just lucky to be always around when she whips out her latest tasty treat. I’m also lucky to see the so and sweet side of Mar na. She’s the type of friend who would prepare a snack for you while you’re s ll slaving away on an assignment. Master chef extraordinaire, party organiser and the sweetest friend—that’s Mar ni! I’ll miss you, chica! - Mia
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Martina Hsu Taipei, Taiwan
Durham University Business School
Maxine Fitzpatrick Middlesbrough, England
Apart from being a benchmate of Maxine for a pre y long me, the best part of our conversa ons were in Change Management (where we had a discussion on someone’s sexual orienta on ). Though I s ll feel I won that conversa on. The best moments were in the Boardroom where she was the CEO and I got to learn quite a lot of her from the exercise. She has always been a great friend in the par es we have had and also in our one-onone conversa ons. Thanks Maxine for a wonderful year. - Shishir
Maxine, you are a great business professional. Always good-humoured, with your great character and a warm-hearted soul, you brought harmony and success into teamwork. Sharing your profound and diverse work experience gathered in the UK and abroad in both class and group work was extremely beneficial for all of us. I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you soon. - Sebas an
The most sincere backbencher I have ever met. This lovely lady has been an inspira on for me throughout the MBA and I loved all the lovely crazy advice that followed a er a few drinks! Working together on the Boardroom ac vity was a total riot and a learning while working experience. A very direct yet sensible person, you my darling are close to my heart. Keep smiling, rocking and spreading the joy. Wish you the very best. x - Yukki
Some mes it felt like Maxine could have taught the classes we were in, with her impressive work experience. I envied how she seemed to keep pressures in perspec ve....right to the end when we were queuing to use the one remaining printer at Ushaw for our disserta ons, wondering when it would run out of ink! She has already gone on to accomplish impressive (and somewhat surprising) things! I’ll miss having a laugh with you, Maxine! - Tara
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Please come to Tokyo to visit me once in a while and keep in touch! What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I will miss most about Durham is the weather. I hated it while I was in Durham but it’s much be er than hot and humid weather like Tokyo!!! Favourite class My favorite class was Financial Risk Management. The professor was funny and she made the class interac ve. My proudest moment I managed to submit my assignments on me...always working during the classes.
Myongsuk Kim Tokyo, Japan
er being accepted to DUBS, I was not so sure if my decision to come to Durham was the right one as I have already built up a substan al career in structured finance business. Addi onally, I thought I knew how to deal with people from various cultural backgrounds as I have already experienced in Canada during my undergraduate study.
Yet, I managed to learn new things at DUBS. Working with people from different backgrounds gave me good opportuni es to learn different approaches to tackle issues which can be u lised when building a career outside of Japan. There are many things which I could not think of whenever having group works. I am confident that the experience at DUBS has certainly become a value-added experience as well as my life me asset for my future career! I would like to thank all of you for helping me out while I was in Durham. I hope all of us have fulfilling careers! Top 3 things I learned the past year • Only trust people who act instead of just saying. • Never trust people who contact you only when they need you. • It’s difficult to maintain a good friendship if a person never contacts you. Building a rela onship is not one-way, it has to come from both direc ons. All of three things are applicable to business situa ons as well as daily situa ons. Favourite Durham memory I am sure I can’t forget about spending me with the people I cherish!
A very kind and caring person that helped me survive the whole experience of the MBA. Thank you for always being there. I know you’ll do great in the future because you are a great human being with a lot of good things to offer. - Sam
What can I say...Mei is someone who has le an everlas ng impression on me! A solid friend who’s always willing to lend a helping hand. It was my honor to have shared this very intense year of MBA with you, looking forward to seeing you and best wishes in your future endeavors. Thank you for your friendship! - Ken
When I met her the first me, she looked cold and serious. But it turned out she is the most caring and brilliant woman I’ve ever met. We worked together in many subjects and groups. She is excep onally well-organized, bright and intelligent. She also has excellent interpersonal skills; many colleagues were happy to work with her. - Hyo It is a pleasure to know and become friends with a kind person as Mei who takes care of people around her. My memory is s ll full of souvenirs that we have had in the UK and in France. Thank you for your friendship and see you soon! - Tu
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
hat a challenging and intense year it has been! Balancing classes, disserta on, group mee ngs, assignments, career workshops, and social events is no mean feat. With our MBA calendar filled to the brim, it’s no surprise that the year just whizzed by. But in spite of our ght class schedule, we s ll managed to have fun! We met new friends from all over the world, we learned phrases from each other’s languages, we cooked and tasted all kinds of interna onal cuisines, we can now mimic each other’s unique dance moves, we’ve even made plans to visit each other’s countries a er MBA. On top of the new knowledge we learned in class, I’m certain that the rela onships formed and the valuable new insights that we gained about ourselves and each other by going through the whole MBA experience together, are the very things that we will fondly remember when we look back to our me in Durham.
iame! My first MBA friend. Words fall short for my abysmal admira on for you. I loved working with you, learnt a lot from you and look forward to a life me of being inspired by you. I believe we share a special bond—you can even read my thoughts (my own personal psychic)! Pa ence and calm are your charm; in addi on to your crea vity of course—stay the same. I am sure you will get the best of all that you desire. Keep clicking pictures and keep smiling! Love you sister! - Yukki She is very crea ve, a true ar st who loves to capture moments. Always smiley and a very good person to be with. Mia is very focused and hard working but also a total party animal. I don’t think that she missed a single party last year. However, the most creditable thing about her is that she managed her schedule really well and enjoyed life to its fullest. You are a most charming person, Mia. Take care and all the best. - Abhijit Mia is the most crea ve and intelligent girl I’ve ever met. I enjoy her support and her company during the year and I hope to have much more fun with her in the coming future. - Mar na
I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet Mia. And I’ll admit, I’m glad that I lost our comm rep ba le at the beginning of the year, because she has put in a lot of work as our comm rep. Always a pleasure, Mia! My trip to the Philippines is just around the corner. - Joseph Mia is a person who apart from her cooking has surprised me every me with her computer talents. She has a heart of an angel and has been there for me whenever I needed her help. But that only happened when she was awake as Mia has a tendency to sleep for over 16 hours a day! She is also one of those people who I can proudly call a dear friend. I wish you all the happiness, health and success in life. - Sharif They say that the best ideas o en come from those that don’t shout the loudest and Mia is the best example I’ve seen of this. It has been an absolute pleasure ge ng to know her. If she isn’t running a part of the world someday, she should be! - Tara Possesses a very crea ve mind...fun to work with! - Subrat
It’s been a fun and memor able ye ar! Thank you for all the moments we’ve spent together. I learned a lot from each one of you. No good-byes! Only see you again soon! Favourite Durham memory Cooking/ food-tas ng sessions, cafe-hopping, nights out at Jimmy Allen’s, Klute and Fabio’s, hanging out at Fisher House playing pool, Wii and Giant Jenga My proudest moment The Boardroom ac vity—even though it didn’t count towards the final mark, I like how our team gave our very best from Day 1. All our efforts paid off too, winning the top prize!
Mia Orcullo Manila, Philippines
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Thank you everyone for being good companions throughout the entire MBA year. You ar e all nice and awes ome. I learned a lot from you. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My unforge able experiences e.g. Durham City Centre, small Tesco, rainy and wet days at the bus stop, the ny room at Us nov and lovely friends. My proudest moment Comple ng an MBA degree, traveling alone across nine European countries and more than 25 ci es, cooking 70+ recipes and baking ďŹ ve recipes.
Nawarat Silanothai Bangkok, Thailand
am wri ng this reflec on while I am back at home in Bangkok. My memories are rewinding in my mind. It was my first me to study and live abroad in such an interna onal environment. My inten on to go to Durham was not just for a masters degree. It was indeed an experience. I could say that it was the best experience of my life and I do not know if I will ever have this experience again. There are so many lessons learnt for life. This year was like a life pilot experience that you would meet and learn from various people with different backgrounds, na ons and cultures. Whenever I open this yearbook again, those memories become alive.
Top 3 things I learned the past year • MBA is all about experiences • Good friends can be found in every na on • Giving without expec ng any returns Favourite Durham memory Lectures by Rebecca. She was the best teacher in my MBA course. I enjoyed her lectures so much. A ending the church every Sunday was also my favorite ac vity. It made me feel at home again. I could meet lots of local nice Bri sh friends there.
Mod, you are a hardworking, intelligent, and fashionable businesswoman and a great friend, too. Thank you so much for enriching my life in and around our apartment with your honesty, easygoingness and cuisine. It was always a pleasure living and working with you! I will always cherish our friendship! - Sebas an Good luck in your new job Mod, I’m sure you’ll do well. It was good living with you in Durham–stay in touch! - Greg Thanks for being part of our “family” Mod. It has been a fun year ge ng to know you. Good luck with everything and I hope you come visit us in Utah soon. I can’t wait to get a tour of Thailand in the near future—you’d be er get married soon so that we have an excuse to come sooner than later. Thanks for all your help throughout the year. Endure to the end. Cheers! - Jus n
Apart from being the fashion diva of the MBA cohort (I hope I will gain a lot of support for this ), Mod was also one of the kindest souls in the cohort. Though a perfec onist at the core (which I realised during the group assignments ), she has been really instrumental in delivering really beau ful and crea ve presenta ons which were breathtaking. She has always helped people whenever they needed her and have been a really nice person to look up to. As I always say, “you will be missed (both you and the cooking).” Thank you for being with us this year and it was wonderful having you. - Shishir
Mod’s assignments were completed a month before they were due for submission. I s ll think you have superpowers. My MBA experience wouldn’t have been the same without you. Heaven sent me a very wonderful, very special and beau ful friend. Wish you all the best. - Bimbo
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School 58
Naveen Mahendrakar Pune, India
ni ally, I was skep cal about being able to gel in a mul -cultural cohort. But as me passed, I became confortable with my classmates and thoroughly enjoyed the me spent togather.
The interac ons not only inreased my learning and knowledge about cultures and business, but also increased my confidence and skills. I wish everyone all the best for their future andI look forward to lifelong associa on.
Naveen has been a go-to-guy for the most stressing problems I have had during the course. The best part of this would be that he would be having a feasible solu on for most of the problems. His calm and composed demeanour has always been his asset and I hope it will always con nue to be so. All the best for the future, Naveen. Hope to catch up with you soon. - Shishir
Naveen was such lovely company—calm, though ul and funny. I will miss his company, calming influence and wise words. I wish you and your family all the best, Naveen! - Tara
The very serious looks yet playful and full-of-life a tude makes you full of surprises. I have seen you work so hard during the MBA especially in the library and Fisher House computer room yet having fun as well. All our short, in the passing discussions have been very helpful. Thank you for always being so posi ve, guiding me and sharing your thoughts and bonding like an elder brother and true friend. I am sure our paths will cross again soon and you will achieve all the success you set your heart on. Wish you the very best! - Yukki
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
he beau ful and inspira onal line of Marcus Aurelius on life—“Dwell on the beauty of life, watch the stars and start running with them,” describes me very well. Hello everybody, I am Nupur. I am passionate in whatever I do in my life. I carry a posi ve and op mis c approach towards life and I try to find opportuni es even when the wind is against me. I believe life is a learning phase and one should learn and unlearn. I also believe that whatever you aim for in your life, just pursue your goal. Life would definitely reward you one day. With this approach, I came to Durham University Business School where I made new friends for life and am thankful to everybody for adding such a memorable year to my life.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA • Sipping hot chocolate (which was free) in the lecture room while listening to lectures. That used to give me a feeling that I am a student now. • Watching movies/listening to music on my laptop and disturb my immediate neighbour Duaa and she would very calmly say I know this is you Nupur...hey hey... • Walking from Tesco to Us nov with loads of bags of groceries...fun again but actually very ring. • Mei and I used to sit for hours in kitchen and discuss when we would complete our MBA??? • I miss my room, the refectory of Durham University Business School, Tesco, and walking on ice which was really difficult for me. Top 3 things I learned the past year • To have pa ence when somebody is cri cal of you • To understand the situa on from others’ perspec ve, especially when you are working in an interna onal environment • To be a good listener
The only media person in our cohort and to her credit a very very observant lady! Nupur, I will never forget the Edinburgh trip we planned together—it was so much fun and we clicked some of the craziest pictures ever! You always treated me like your younger sister and I am blessed! Your zeal for achieving your dreams is inspira onal and I am sure you make your parents very proud everyday. Take care and stay in touch. Hugs! - Yukki Nupur is the resident journalist of the cohort. I’ll always remember her confidence, stage presence, and how game she was whenever I asked her to dance or do a live report for a video. Thanks, Nupur! Keep in touch! - Mia
We worked together in management consul ng and strategic courses. It was really good to work with you. Everyone in our group worked really hard and we got the top score in our class. I’m sure that you would have a successful career. - Mod
Nupur has been a person whom I have worked and enjoyed my me as a sister and as a friend.She is extremely caring and I have learned a lot from her on how to keep things cool. Thanks for joining us this year, Nupur! I really enjoyed your company in Germany and in the class. - Shishir
I had a gr eat ye ar, friends! T hank you s o muc h for suc h a wonderful and memorable year. Be in touch! Favourite Durham memory My favourite Durham memory is when we all flatmates assembled in the kitchen to cook and eat together, we tried to understand each other’s cuisine and explain the recipes of the delicacies that we prepared. We had a good me discussing the assignment submission deadlines and especially what we all would do once we submit the assignment on me...GREAT FUN...MISSING IT! My proudest moment Me, Mia, Sunny, Mod, Jus n, Bimbo, and Jay were in one group and had to submit the Strategic Management group assignment. We discussed, planned different scenarios and eventually a er long delibera ons, we succeeded in submi ng our assignment on me—the first group to submit, and we also got merit for our hard work. This was one of the best teams that I worked with and a proud moment not only for me but also as a team. Favourite ac vity When we went for the First Ascent Residen al in Scotland, we all as a cohort enjoyed ea ng, drinking and doing various adventurous ac vi es.
Nupur Srivastava Noida, India
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
here were a lot of ac vi es where I par cipated in. Probably the most important and memoriable ones for me are: 1) Induc on week, especially our trip to the Scotland borders, cave crawling! It would have been be er if we have a possibility to be there a er this hard and nice year of studying; and 2) All my memories about you, my friends. I was lucky enough to meet all of you and I’m going to enhance our connec on.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA I will miss our lunch mes, kitchen gatherings, chats on Whatsapp, watching movies, some group discussions, etc. My proudest moment I will be proud if I know that I contributed something in your lives. Top 3 things I learned the past year • How to step back in nego a ons or group mee ngs • How to let someone else take the lead • How to listen and hear another person’s point of view Favourite class My favorite class was MAM No no no no...just kidding! My favourites are: the Boardroom ac vity, Management Consultancy, Change Management, Strategy Management.
Roma! The gentleman! A kind heart with a very crude first impression, a second mee ng is enough to see the real charisma c, sharp-as-ablade personality. Having shared so many long conversa ons, we found our “common interest.” I shared a unique bond with you and I am extremely blessed. Working with you was fun— your a tude was always professional and mature. I know you will reach great heights in life.You my brother are the best! - Yukki Roma is headstrong and decisive when he means business (EXPLAIN MEEE! ) but he is also charming and funny when around friends. It’s impressive how much he has grown over the past year and I have no doubt he will be succesful in anything he sets out to do. And who can forget those dance moves! Keep in touch, Romchik! - Mia
I am glad I had the opportunity to meet Roman. I learned a lot from him and taught me a bit of Russian here and there. Great personality, intelligent guy and a pleasure to work with! - Joseph
Roman and I worked in Strategy class together and he’s a real red colour executor. He’s very knowledgeable and goal-oriented, and I really appreciated his energy and passion. He’s also a real gentleman with perfect manners. - Mar na You and I have a different kind of understanding, you changed for the (li le) be er. LOL! Redwood 1G for life!!! - Ken
I wish you all the best in all your beginnings. First of all, you should not forget about your role and your mis sion in this lif e. You should not forget about the interests of others around you. You are human beings, r emember it. You are not future business leaders, you are business le aders alr eady. Sounds too smart. ď Š Truly, I will be happy to hear some good news about you and your life. It does not matter wher e, when and how, but I hope to see you again!
Roman Konkin Kiev/Simferopol, Ukraine
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
“We do not remember days, we remember moments.�
Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand
Samantha Bueno Monterrey, Mexico
he year of the MBA went by so fast between the full days of classes, deadlines for assignments, studying for exams, team projects and the disserta on. The year was also full of good memories made with new friends with whom I share this experience. It’s impossible to recall every single day I spent in Durham but it’s easy to remember the moments where I challenged myself and learned new things, the feeling a er finishing a stressful assignment and the good chats and par es with friends. A er comple ng the MBA, I have learned and improved certain skills like me management, cri cal thinking and teamwork. It made me become a more organised and a more pa ent person. This was definitely a year of a lot of moments to be treasured. Thank you, Durham.
Samantha and I have shared the flat for one year since pre-MBA. I was fortunate to have her as my flatmate! Although Samantha is like my younger sister, Samantha and I helped each other during our MBA. Samantha is a caring, kind and funny person to be with and I am delighted to have her as a friend. Samantha, I hope to see you in Tokyo, maybe during the Tokyo Olympic Games! - Mei I had the pleasure of being with Sam as a cohort and friend. Sam is the loveliest and most brilliant person I’ve met. She is always joyful, bright and kind. She also takes her work very seriously and is a diligent worker. Her contribu on to group work was excep onal and she is always willing to help other cohorts as well. - Hyo I really do know what not to say about Sam. She has a gi ed personality and an energy which can make any person fall in love with her. Sam and I became amigos on the first day of my arrival to Durham. I had the opportunity to create memories which will last a long me. From induc on week, to New Year’s Eve in London and lastly the bicycle ride around London before our final departure. Sam, I wish you all the happiness and success in life and I hope we come across each other in person and reminisce all the moments again. - Sharif
I will always see Samantha as the friend who helped me grow and supported me uncondi onally. I honestly admire her; she constantly demonstrated her generosity, adaptability, intelligence and pa ence. Regarding her business skills, I was amazed by her determina on, efficiency and result oriented a tude. As a friend, she is the best one you could ever have; she will always listen to you and show a smile when you need it. Love you my friend! See you in Mexico. - Anahi Sam, I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you. You are always smiling and it’s great to have your posi ve vibe every me we hang out. Thanks for talking to me in Spanish every chance you had because it helped me on the Spanish exam. Keep in touch! - Jose I will miss Sam’s sense of humour. No ma er how red she was, we could always have a laugh together. I will miss you, my cucharachita. - Tara Sam, me siento muy feliz de haberte conocido y ser tu amiga. Gracias por todo el apoyo incondicional durante este año. Sabes que enes una casa en Colombia y que esta amistad va mucho mas allá de Durham. Te quiero mucho!!! - Caro
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Friends, let’s not end it her e. Let’s think of it as the beginning. So keep in touch, the world is very small. We can be in touch when we decide to be. I will be, hope it’s the same with you guys. Favourite class Human Resources (my sleeping class) My proudest moment Winning the Boardroom ac vity. The ac vity brought a real corporate experience to it.
Sandeep Narayan Bangalore, India
rop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realise it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved. ~ Osho Ah, This!
Coming to Durham gave me a chance to analyse and realise my Goal.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Spending me par cularly cooking sessions with my Redwood G pals and YOLO are the things I’ll miss most in my Durham year. Top 3 things I learned the past year Cooking, listening, and strategy development Favourite Durham memory The whole year spent in Durham is a favourite for me. The very best ones were while we were in Residen al in Scotland, my birthday party and our Boardroom ac vity. The boardroom was very special as we really sweat it out and became champions in the end. Yeah!
Sandeepka is my Indian brother. It is my pleasure to know you. We spoke a lot, discussed, even argued, but we are s ll friends and I will always remember it. Some people who don’t know you may think that you are not serious, but they are wrong and their mistake will be their loss. Go ahead, keep smiling and everything will be good. I believe in you. Good luck! - Roman I am glad I had the chance to meet Sandeep. He has a very easygoing personality and has a lot of energy for all the par es in Durham. Great I got to know you buddy, hope we keep in touch! - Joseph Sandeeper, the party animal! He’s always the first one on the dance floor. But underneath that happy-go-lucky persona is a deep thinker and a very passionate guy. He’s entrepreneurial too, having a number of businesses under his belt. “Let me finish,” I’m thankful that I can call this gentleman a good friend. - Mia
Sandeep...The only image I can fathom has been the mes we have had a er class...the par es. At mes, I feel that it’s the only thing that turns him on. The cricket sessions, the constant noball shouts when I bowl and the chit chats during the par es are the memories I will cherish. He has been a nice guy who can stand by you and be one who you can count on when you need good prac cal advice on anything. All the best dude and keep partying. l always treasure your friendship! - Shishir
Sandeep was quiet when first I met him but he turned out to be the one with the most ideas. He’s a thinker most of the me but he’s also a great executer and result-seeker. Sandeeper is like a long lost brother to me and I really cherish his friendship. - Mar na
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
“Imagination is more important than
knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein Favourite Durham memory An unforge able experience was my 27th birthday party. Thank you to all of my friends for ge ng me completely drunk, resul ng with Claudia flying through the en re club. A Furthermore, the experiences I gathered during the business trip to Sri Lanka and India broadened my horizon and le a forma ve impression.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA • The landscape and the picturesque town with its meaningful buildings and bridges • The people in Great Britain with their lovely accents s ll cheering the Royalty • My dear friends from the MBA class, Us nov College and the Volleyball Club
Sebastian Bahr Hamburg, Germany
y decision to quit my job in Hamburg and study in Durham was ini ally driven by the ambi on of gathering addi onal knowledge, enhancing my understanding of cultural diversity, improving my language skills and increasing my business acumen. However, I soon realized that the past year has brought much more regarding my personal and professional development. This endeavor, which consisted of lectures, college life, seminars, excursions and the University volleyball club, has presented itself as unique, challenging and beneficial. In hindsight, this year has given me a once in a life me opportunity to combine all the advantages of being a student again. I was able to apply and enhance my exis ng knowledge, as well as prior work experience. I would like to thank everyone who has grown together with me or has helped my development throughout the past year! Thank you! Having worked with Sebas an on mul ple occasions during the course of the MBA, I can honestly say he is one of the most hard working, loyal people I have ever met. He strives for the best, and I have no doubt a bright future is ahead of him. - Emily
For being my closest in the cohort, the genuine, caring and kind-hearted I know. I sincerely thank you for everything. You are admirably smart, hardworking, dependable and passionate about your causes. I’m certain you will reach extraordinary pinnacles in your future. Believe in yourself as I always believe in you. - Eunice
Sebas an, my first MBA friend, whom I got acquainted with months before the course started. An intelligent, hardworking, super ac ve and trustworthy individual who always amazed me with his sheer brilliance and eagerness to learn new things. Most importantly he is very humble and forgiving. A true gem of a person with a big heart! - Anant
Sebas an is a business professional. He is a dedicated person who is always commi ed to excellence. It was inspiring to see him giving his best during the MBA. I also had the opportunity to travel with him around India, and I could say that he is a funny and a nice person as well. Dear Sebas an, I wish you the best, you deserve it! - Anahi
Sebas an is an extremely self-conscien ous, brilliant and mul - talented individual. With an eye to detail he completes each task to perfec on and with a great sense of passion. You are not only an amazing friend but a great human too. I will always cherish this friendship! All the Best! A - Sneha
Sebas an’s focus and high standards set the bar for me—I o en found myself saying, “we could all benefit from being a li le bit German.” It was nice to get to know you Sebas an—I won’t soon forget you! - Tara
You were my first MBA friend who picked me up from Newcastle airport. A You are very helpful and kind. It was a pleasure to share good MBA experiences with you such as our Christmas trip, boardroom ac vity and your crazy flatmate stories. Thank you for being a shoulder for me to lean on whenever I need you. I wish you all the best. - Mod
Sebas an is very par cular about what he does. He is very very focused and a hard working person. He is a total German. In many of our group ac vi es, we shared the same group. I learnt many things from him. He is very good at his heart and does not like to hurt anybody and he is emo onal too. I am sure that in future he would definitely do something great. Danke, dass Du mein Freund bist. Alles Gute. Cheers! - Abhijit
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Life gives us brief moments with one another. But s ometimes in those brief moments, we get memories that last a lifetime. Favourite ac vity My favourite ac vity was the boardroom ac vity, where I got an opportunity to test my skills and stretch and u lise my ideas which luckily turned out to be successful. Top 3 things I learned the past year Trust, compromise and the ability to face unforeseen challenges with a conďŹ dent heart. My proudest moment The proudest moment was ge ng an opportunity to study MBA at Durham and comple ng it with the en re cohort.
Sharif Khan Peshawar, Pakistan
hank you, everyone, for giving me the opportunity to get to know you all. I never imagined that I would ever come across such a diverse mix of cultures, where not only would I be able to learn, experience and absorb refreshing moments that would last a life me, but also a chance of grooming myself into a completely different person. I am extremely grateful to Jo, Eric, Mia, Mar na, Sunny Thok, Yukki, Ken, Roman, Susie, Sam, Sandeep, Caro and Tara for helping me cope with challenges which I may not have overcome without their help. I pray that everyone achieves their respec ve goals in life, and I also pray that I get to see every one of you again.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA To me the en re Durham/MBA experience is memorable. Out of all the memories, I think the best moment which I will never forget is the me when my friends (Mia, Jo, Mar na, Eric, Roman, Sandeep) and I used to race for the back seats of the class, and doze off during lectures. Always willing to listen to others, a great disposi on to work with people and mo vated to make the classes and group work more dynamic, Sharif is a great person that brings joy to stressful situa ons. Good luck in the future, amigo! - Sam Sharif’s “outside-of-the-box” thinking was refreshing. I will always remember him for his generosity of spirit—always there for a friend. Good luck and keep in touch, Sharif! - Tara Sharif, thanks a lot for being such a good friend. I have very good memories with you. Wish you all the best in life and hope to see you in Colombia one day. - Caro What can I say about this Pathan—handsome, a brilliant cook, sweet talker and above all, street smart. A good friend, he is sure to rush over to help you out of the worst situa ons. Sharif! My friend, my brother! No one has ever tested my pa ence like you have. Y Typical of a brother exaspera ng the sweet sister. S I know you will climb great heights and be one of the most successful businessmen ever! I know we will be in touch, bhai. - Yukki
Sharif is very charming and street smart, he can start a conversa on with anyone and even manage to convince them to do anything! That’s why he’s the go-to-guy if you want to get freebies (like a bike!) or if you want something replaced in your kitchen (Redwood G’s oven). I see a bright future in sales for Sharifa! A true gentleman with a good heart, Sharif is a very loyal and protec ve friend. I am lucky to have met you! - Mia Sharif, my long lost brother. I am glad I got to know you. Thanks for coming out to party every weekend. Each of those moments were great and I will remember all our adventures in and around Durham, Newcastle and Germany. Will definitely keep in touch! - Joseph I enjoy my me with Sharif since the day before MBA started and he could always surprise me with something. He’s adventurous crazy idea was always a great fun back in Redwood. He’s crea vity of ques oning in class amused me and his capability with dessert amazed me. - Mar na
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
This is a quote that helped me get through the MBA program: “What do people get when they get you? If you can describe, define and deliver on it, you will never be without.� I hope this quote can inspire someone as much as it did me.
Sherrail Brown Tampa, Florida, USA
ne word and that pre y much covers me as an individual. I’ve always been driven and made big plans. However, I never dreamt of being a powerful business woman. Originally I set out to help people in any capacity possible. Hence, I ended up in social work. This year at Durham has shed a new light on who I am and where I want to go. You all were apart of this process and I thank you for that.
Favourite ac vity One of my favorite ac vi es was Christmas dinner in St. Aidan’s with some wonderful classmates. My proudest moment Since the en re year was filled with challenges, my proudest moment was comple ng the MBA. Favourite Durham memory It’s hard to choose just one memory but if I had to choose it would be the Residen al. The excitement of star ng a new adventure combined with new friendships made the en re experience even be er.
Sherrail, I know you as a though ul, cheery, spirited, albeit some mes could be a restrained one. You have proven your ability to perform well beyond your “non-business” background. Keep up the vigour, op mism and hard work. Remember that you always have a friend in me. - Eunice
My one and only flat mate! This beau ful girl is a real hard worker. I will always cherish our countless dinners together at St. Aidan’s and especially the late night cookies during assignments. Your cool hairstyles and hear elt smile is your trademark! God bless you and I am sure you will successfully reach your ul mate career goals! - Sneha
Sherrail is a loving person who always has compassion and pa ence. She was a great mental support during disserta on period and a great fun during our field trip to Sri Lanka. Make sure you bring her with you to a Japanese restaurant, they might treat you to free sake because they all love Sherrail so much! - Mar na
Sherrail is one of my friends in the cohort that I par cularly felt comfortable with. We’ve had so many talks about exes, traveling, future plans and boy problems that I feel I can tell her anything. I’m always amazed at how organised and methodical she is when it comes to her career prospects (can’t say the same for her room though! Haha! Just kidding!). I’ll never forget late night Monopoly, Giant Jenga, our (semi-successful) a empt at baking without Mar na, sangria night, and our cafe-hopping that got cut short because we didn’t pace ourselves with the desserts! Will miss you, friend! Don’t forget to Skype! - Mia
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Goodbyes ar e not the end. It just means I will mis s you all till we meet again. So keep in touch! Favourite class Strategic Management class on Monday morning Favourite Durham memory The Boardroom experience and the a er-party. The party was just 2 days before submission of an assignment, but I s ll had an awesome me! My proudest moment Si ng next to Maxine and Naveen... it was a hell lot of experience si ng between them. Y (Just kidding!)
Shishir surendran Palakkad, India
he best part of the MBA has been the trip to Germany! Though the place and the university were great, I really liked the me spent as a cohort. The daily clubbing in the pubs and the unlimited German Weiss beer were the best!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA One thing I will miss out in Durham—The Duke of Wellington Pub It was a really cosy place to be in. One thing I will miss out in MBA—the friends i have made during the course. It was a real rendering experience. Top 3 things I learned the past year • It’s great to make friends while studying, it gives the addi onal freedom to ring up someone to have a beer when we meet up at some place. A • It’s always be er to get along in a group with people of all kinds of mindset and s ll have fun. A • Studies are not the end of the world! Y
Working with Shishir was an exci ng experience. His enthusias c and op mis c a tude towards work inspired and guided me through teamwork and he demonstrated highly organized and professional competency through different assignments. I would certainly recommend Shishir to his future employers because this will be the best investment you ever make. - Mar na
We had some fun mes in our MIGE group, he was so dedicated to the pre reading. Spanish class was another good one, don’t give up! Shishir’s someone you can count on, he’s “so sweet”. I will miss those crazy dance steps of yours. Wish you all the best. - Bimbo Shishir joined Durham MBA at around the same me as me, and worked alongside him on a number of ac vi es. I was par cularly impressed by his embracing of knowledge and technologies to manage his substan al workload effec vely and to achieve performance in a mely manner. Shishir has excellent interpersonal skills, and works well both on his own to a ght schedule and as part of a team contribu ng to a shared set of objec ves. - David
Shishir is one of the most intelligent and diligent guys of the cohort. He always inspired people and provided cohort with a suppor ve hand. I will miss him and wish he will lead a successful career in the future. All the best, Sir! - Jay
I never knew that the acquaintance that began with your signature helloooo would turn into such a wonderful friendship. It was nice to get to know you. Y Won’t forget our crazy conversa ons and nacho trips, spending me with you has always been fun! Thank you for being there for me, I will always treasure your friendship! - Sneha
When I met this guy for the first me on very first day of our MBA, I believed that he is from the administra on office. Well dressed and warmly welcoming everyone. Eventually we got along so well that we became very good friends.When Shishir is around, you never ever get bored. Extremely hard working and intelligent, he has a unique quality of bluffing. Y He can definitely be a good marke ng person. I wish him all the very best for his future. Cheers for our friendship. - Abhijit
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, or wor n. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Tranquillity and picturesque Durham and the wonderful people I met. A Top 3 things I learned the past year • Life is like photography. You need the nega ves to develop. • Please don’t assume. Have the courage to ask...Life is Beau ful. A • The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered, there is opportunity for growth.
Sneha Makhija Mumbai, India
ord Buddha once said, “It is be er to conquer yourself than to win a thousand ba les. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken away from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”
The MBA program made me get closer towards conquering myself. It made me more independent, self-reliant and made me realise my strengths and weaknesses in greater light.The cross-cultural experience further added to my learnings and made the year truly spectacular and an extremely enriching experience. Sneha has been one of those persons who I got along with really well towards the end of the course but always felt maybe should have met in the beginning. A highly driven girl who has also been a very close confidante whenever you are in need. The one thing which really made her stand out was that she was always ready to help even before you seek it. Thank you for all the memories buddy, you have been really wonderful. - Shishir
I got to know and highly appreciate you as an extremely trustworthy, smart, diligent, candid and open-minded friend, who venerably lives culture and tradi on. With your clear mind and astute percep vity you will reach great results and easily compass your personal ends. S ll waters run deep—very deep! - Sebas an
I always believe that we meet people for a reason and the reason for mee ng Sneha was having a true friendship. She is open-minded, genuine, sincere and always there when you need someone to listen and give you sincere advice. Sneha is dedicated in everything she does and always looks at things posi vely. - Duaa
What all to say about my best buddy? Most mischievous, playful and fun to be with personality, I ever came across. She can floor you any me with her cheeky one-liners and goofy pranks! A Amazingly caring, helpful and kind hearted person, who is a tremendously talented all-rounder. Great team player, dancer, painter, singer, organizer, adviser, guide, and friend. MBA wouldn’t be the best part of my life without you my friend! - Anant
Sneha always impressed me with her quiet dignity. She radiated maturity that was much appreciated in the cohort. I always felt a strong sense of reliability when working with her. It’s just a good feeling to be around Sneha since an intelligent and informed discussion is guaranteed. Any company or person that may call him or herself a friend of hers is lucky. - Pat
I used to think Sneha was very quiet and shy ll she contested for student representa ve. I got to know her more a er that and she is a very friendly person and has a way of making everyone feel special. Keep smiling especially during presenta ons. Wish you all the best. - Bimbo
It’s been really wonderful ge ng to know you, Sneha. Your character exudes kindness and charm. You are also a smart and sweet young lady. I know you’ll make it big someday! Stay humble but at the same me be proud of your achievements. I will cherish this friendship with you. - Eunice
She seems to look like a quiet, passive woman, but it’s not precise observa on. She has a posi ve, aggressive mind, she always hopes to achieve a higher goal. Cohorts of the group work were put spurs by her. I believe she will reach the goal she hopes in her career. - Taka
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
y favourite Durham experience is the Boardroom simula on exercise. It brought to light the veracity of the real world and also showed what can be achieved through hard work, team spirit and determina on. The process taught me that “the strength of any team is the collec ve will to sacrifice individual agenda for a mutual goal.”
Top 3 things I learned the past year • Considering the views of others with a reflec on of their background and cultural orienta on. • The answer to every difficult situa on is asking for help; solu ons reside where you think the least. • Accep ng diversity of thoughts and behaviour. Favourite class Favourite class was the Nego a on module. I learnt how to get more from every situa on and pu ng it into prac ce is magical. What you nego ate is what you get!
I am very thankful to DUBS for introducing me to Sonny Iduh. One of the most humble human beings I have ever met. He has been a great inspira on and guide throughout the MBA year and therea er. He is hardworking and quick wi ed which makes him stand out and I am sure these quali es will always help him excel in life. My best wishes are with you, Bro! - Sunny
A decent and honest human being with a pragma c approach towards life and everything. - Subrat
Sonny is a very charming and helpful person. His smiley face always gives you the posi ve energy when you meet him. He is one the best person whom I met last year. We always had the best me. My best regards are always with him. Take care my friend and always be the way you are. Cheers! - Abhijit
I admire Sonny for his humility, crea ve ideas (which really showed in our Boardroom group) and his almost Zen-like approach to life. He is always calm and graceful under pressure. Above all, I admire him for his faith. God bless you always, Sonny! Hope to see you again soon! - Mia
Follow your he art and develop your passion consistently. You attr act what your genuinely wish for.
Sonny Iduh Abuja, Nigeria
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
wo things strike me when I look back on our MBA—Induc on in Scotland and the interna onal study trip in Germany. While the first ou ng served as an ice-breaking session, the second one before the Easter break was an ideal exposure needed for a B-school student. The me we spent together as a cohort in our visits to the European Central Bank and a couple of industries resulted in many new learnings. The icing on the cake is the wine tas ng event. Y
Top 3 things I learned the past year • Everyone has something special, a unique talent. Understand, recognize & appreciate this. • Never give up. Something somewhere might happen that will turn around things. • Individual brilliance o en bows before teamwork.
My proudest moment The work we did as part of the Charity Consultancy. Though many of them had marked assignments due for submission, all of them contributed more than 100% on this charity work. Our report was well-received by the clients. Hats off, team.
Srini was the first person from the cohort that I met on day one of the MBA. Having chosen all the same elec ves, I am grateful to have go en to know such a sincere, kind and intelligent person. I will miss your infec ous laugh. All the best to you! - Emily I always found you in a good mood and ready for ac on. Your clear and concise way of thinking combined with your charisma c laugh made the days we worked together unforge able. You are a clever guy with lots of experience you drew upon and shared with us. This helped us to develop great and promising ideas. It was a pleasure to study with you! - Sebas an Ohhh, strategy, dude. I was glad to be in several working groups with you and I can say that it was my pleasure to learn something from you, to share with you my thoughts, ideas, etc. Your experience was helpful and I hope that I get to work with you again. Good luck, Srini! - Roman
Srini has been a flatmate, a mentor and a friend I could have any point of me. I have learned lots from him that can be a learning of a life me.Being calm under any situa on has really been his forte and I really enjoyed the range of conversa ons which we had both in and outside the course. Thanks Srini for the memories and am sure we will catch up again. - Shishir Srini is like an elder brother to me. He is a very calm, composed and extremely focused person. We had a really good me together. He is one of the best persons I have met in the last year. In our group, in case any of us had any problem, we used to talk to Srini first. He is a problem solver. My best wishes are always with him. God bless you. Cheers Anna! - Abhijit
Ours is a perfect cohort with a size of 50 and a rich representation from different geography. We rocked Durham l ast ye ar. Let us rock the busines s world and make our MBA count! Favourite Durham memory The breakout party a er the final boardroom meet. An awesome one...helped every one to rejuvenate, relax, enjoy and to prepare ourselves for the next drilling (subsequent assignments and disserta on). What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Will definitely miss Ushaw College. It’s quite a historic place. In fact Durham itself has lot of history behind it. Going in U1 (free ride! ) and of course our favorite driver, Paul. Favourite class Monday morning—Strategic Management and Wow! It’s free coffee!
Srinivasan rajaraman Chennai, India
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Friends, thanks a ton to every one of you for making my MBA jour ney truly memor able. I wish e ach of you good luck, and the very best in all your future endeavors, both prof essional and personal. The world is indeed small and I hope in the future our paths would cros s each other once again. Ple ase stay in touch.
Subrata Singh Guwaha , India
ime really flies fast. It seems like yesterday when I disembarked from the cab and proceeded towards the recep on of JB College on my first day in Durham. As with mixed emo ons, I am trying to reflect on my MBA days, the opportunity to leave my limited (cubicle) world and get associated with a dynamic and fluid group of new people, takes centre stage of my memory lane. We all came from different backgrounds yet we had a common desire—to learn from each other. My best memories from DUBS would always be the me spent with many of you, par cularly during the coffee breaks!
Favourite class MIGE! We all realised the “opportunity cost” of NOT a ending this class! Top 3 things I learned the past year • Learnt to embrace change–Discovered that it is not that bad to eat curries without spice(s) and to drink ice cold water even during freezing UK winter! • Learnt to be on me–Even a delay of 5 seconds can make you miss the bus to Ushaw (read: losing £10 as taxi fare!) • Learnt to be equipped always–Never le the room without an umbrella. Perhaps God will also fail miserably while predic ng weather in northeast England! Favourite Durham memory I would always cherish my visits (only four) to the majes c Durham Cathedral. I simply love to keep looking at this massive spectacular structure. I hope someday I would come back again to explore and appreciate the magnificent Cloister and Claustral buildings of this classic monument. It is a great honour to have met Subrat. Having worked with Subrat on different occasions and si ng together in almost every class, his personality is nothing short of a leader. His hard work and ethics are admirable. - Sonny I.
Subrat has been a real good friend and I got to know him more a er the university days. Throughout the unlimited discussions and chats , I got to know a bit more of him as a person and have been in great awe of his helpful mentality. Thank you for all the advice and ps and it’s been real good to know you, Subrat! - Shishir
Subrata! My neighbour from my homeland. I am so glad we connected so well! I will never forget you always calling me “Yukki dear”–so warm. Your kind words, brilliant advice and modest a tude have definitely le a mark and I will always cherish our friendship. I can never forget me ea ng your en re lunchbox in the college bus–yum food, hungry me! Working with you during the boardroom ac vity, I was impressed by your excellent research abili es! You are very intelligent and I am sure you already know it. Stay in touch and take care! - Yukki Subrat, my MAM buddy! Very smart, analy cal, and crea ve, Subrat is a pleasure to work with. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him without a smile on his face. Keep in touch, my friend! - Mia
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
t was the me when our commitment was to others and our weekends were not our own. Pocke ng bits of me-out before dashing off to prepare our assignments or group mee ngs with teammates where we sought to lessen the burden by trying not to place any or addi onal pressures on each other.
Although at mes the group mee ngs were chao c, the ul mate outcome has always been gra fying. The nightlong par es and the never-ending fun, I will never forget the me spent in Durham. It was one of the best years ever. I wish I could live it again!
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Friends! Favourite ac vity The Residen al!
Thanks for your good companion throughout this MBA year. You are always there whenever I need you. I wish you all the best. - Mod In life, you some mes come across people whose company you enjoy the most and whose wavelength matches with yours. Sunny is one of those people. We both really enjoyed good mes together. He was my housemate for three months. I will truly miss our morning breakfasts, having drinks together and long chats and arguments. Sunny is a very knowledgeable person. He is very friendly and does whatever for his friends. He goes beyond his limits for friendship. However, he is very emo onal too. I wish him all the success and happiness of life. Cheers! - Abhijit Mr Thok is one of the smartest people in the cohort. I admire him for his intelligence and humility above all. Friendly and good-natured, he always kept the mood at Scenario Thinking light (some mes too light, good thing Mod is there to put him in his place! ). I also remember his excep onal turn as our CFO at Boardroom, impressing our Chairman and Alan Ross! Will miss you, Sunny! - Mia
Sunny and I, along with Abi, have been real close pals during the course. Apart from the torture I gave them with the alarm during the Europe trip, we have had a real roller coaster journey. People who have been with us during the darkest mes will really be there for us for a life me. In the friendships I have made, I am sure he can be one whom I can count upon any me. Thanks for the memories, dude! I don’t think we need a goodbye. - Shishir Sunny is one of the finest persons I have come across in my life. Our views and thoughts do not always align but he always makes his case with so much humility. We share personal and professional challenges and he views reaching out to others as a call of duty. We had great mes together and he never contains his disappointment when I don’t turn up for a night out. It is amazing to know that what we share is far beyond Durham. - Sonny I. Sunny, get to the Gym!! It’s been a great year my friend. Keep in touch and save me a place to stay when I come visit you in India for Duwali. Thanks for your friendship and good luck with all your future plans. Come visit us some me. Cheers! - Jus n
Everyone of you will be mis sed. Wish all of you success and happiness in the future. Top 3 things I learned the past year Pa ence, Perseverance and Perfec on My proudest moment Winning the Boardroom ac vity with the highest marks ever.
Sunny Thok Pune, India
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Durham University Business School 86
LI Huang Xinchang, China
ne year life in Durham is the best memory ever in my life and mee ng my cohort is one of the most bea ful things that ever happened to me. Guys, all the best and enjoy your life!
Susie, the most entertaining person in our group. We used to have a hell lot of fun together. Susie is very intelligent as well as a fun-loving girl. She likes to visit different places and to try different food. A total foodie person and likes to have fun 24/7. When you feel low, her ny smiley face always changes your mood. She is a total brat. I must men on this she is a very good cook (just like me ). Because of her, we ate mostly Chinese cuisine last year. All the best dear. Take care and keep smiling! - Abhijit
I met Susie for the first me in the Pre-MBA course. At that me, I was nervous and did not talk to others that much. But Susie approached me with her lovely smile and make me open my mind. She is such a lovely person to get along with. Also, she is a very smart, bright and talented professional accountant. With all this, it was a pleasure to know her as a friend and cohort. - Hyo
Cusie (as I call her) has been a real good friend during our Euro trip and the occasional chit chats. Though I have pulled her leg on most occasions on a range of topics, it was always good to have a laugh at the end of the day. As I always tell her, there’s always a possibility that I can meet her or at least someone like her in the near future, as India s ll doesn’t have any plans of overtaking China in popula on. All the very best for your life ahead and the shopping sprees. - Shishir
My dearest flatmate, my partner in many craziness and above all a lovely friend. Extremely crea ve and caring, you are a friend I cherish! I keep missing all the Chinese food you fed me and the long long talks and giggles we shared. So different yet so similar in our personali es, I am glad we became such good friends and shared such beau ful memories—Holy Island trip, Botanical Garden, kitchen par es, last minute discussions on assignments, watching korean movies...the list goes on. Stay the way you are girl, I miss you and love you lots! Hugs! - Yukki
Susie-woozy! Thank you for all the fun moments we had together—ge ng le behind and almost ge ng lost in Heidelberg, feeling so ny amidst all the German giants in the club, funny and deep conversa ons in the sauna room at the hotel (and seeing a scan ly clad Igor!), UNO nights, dinners, nights out and hanging out at Fisher. Too bad we missed karaoke! Oh well. There’s always next me! I’ll miss you, Sis! - Mia
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
tudying at the Durham University Business School was a key for me to open to an interna onal career. Previously my career was en rely domes c. It was vital to have new experiences to improve my career. The DUBS gave me an opportunity, the experiences with the nice cohort are now a precious memory in my life. Staying in Durham was a good break for me. The environment in Durham was the best place to enjoy (and study, of course). Though I didn’t imagine myself to be a student when I worked in Japan, this chance enabled me to have a dreamy, enjoyable college life again. Furthermore I was able to take a closer look at myself. Now I feel perfectly refreshed—like a er a good sleep. I’m returning to the real world.
What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA Lovely weather in the summer, beau ful and peaceful city of Durham, and Mount Oswald Golf Course. Favourite class Mandarin class: first half of the class was fun with other guys: Jus n, Sunny and Hiroshi. And second half was one-to-one lesson (just Vicky and me). I never imagined to learn Mandarin at DUBS; the learning will enable me to access the new global world. My proudest moment Forma ve presenta on of the MOI. Though we had some troubles in the process, Sunny, Hiroshi, Swa and I achieved one the best marks in class. I contributed a lot to the task. Top 3 things I learned the past year • Know-how for working in interna onally diverse teams • Some knowledge about business • Mandarin (good start to learn more)
The knowledge and the perspec ve that he brings to discussions actually inspires others. A very down-to-earth, very humble, and very sincere person I have ever met. I am lucky to have a friend like you. All the very best for you, Taka! - Lo
Despite our last game, I think I can kick your a$$ if we took a cart. - Ken
Taka, you are an embodiment of simplicity, humility and genuineness. It has always been a pleasure to work with you. Your ideas are always invaluable and well-thought. I am certain you will achieve the goals set out not only for your career but life too. p.s. You have an impeccable dressing style. - Sneha
I thank you for sharing with me this special memory in Durham. The course is finished, but it’s not “the end” but the start of our professional careers. I’m looking forward to meeting you in the future. Good luck!
Taka Kumazaki Tokyo, Japan
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
I wish everyone the best of luck in your future career and life. ”Follow your heart and your dreams will come true.”
Yang Fang Beijing, China
have benefited significantly from the MBA programme at Durham University Business School. This year was definitely a meaningful step in my life journey and a new star ng point for my future career. I acquired comprehensive knowledge on business from a wider perspec ve through a ending the modules i.e. Finance, Marke ng, Strategy, Leadership and Change Management. Moreover, I par cularly enjoyed the Interna onal Study Experience in Mannheim Business School in Germany. More importantly, since our colleagues are from mul ple na onali es, I gained sufficient experiences in cross-cultural group work and made many truly good friends during the year.
Favourite class Marke ng, Change Management and Leadership. What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA The year I spent in Durham was really a wonderful year. Thank you ALL for being so great to me. I will truly miss everyone and all the great mes shared with you in Durham.
It’s been a privilege interac ng with Tanya. She is immensely talented and resourceful. She has always been most helpful and a pleasure to work with. All the best, friend! - Lo
Tanya is a very intelligent and reliable girl, who works so hard and is always willing to help friends around her. It’s been a great pleasure to know her. I wish her all the success and happiness in the future! - Dan
You always do great in group work, Tanya. I applaud your dedica on and commitment especially for the work you did on our Leadership group presenta on. Your hard work, drive for excellence and persistence will surely bring forth more favours to you and your success. All the best! - Eunice
I want to devote my sincere gra tute to the smart, intelligent, dedicated and nice girl, Tanya, who always didn’t hesitate to share the valuable ideas and opinions in group work, assignments and life events. Her ruled logic and ac ve a itude also inspired and cheered me up to pass through the tough challenges in the MBA life. Please don’t forget the memory of happiness, toughness and pain we went through such as pre-MBA period, residen al events, deadline of assignments and gatherings. All the best wishes for the lovely girl. Wish you will take a great job and enjoy sweet me with your familly members. Good friend, will never say “Good-bye”. Instead, I will say “See you soon”. Keep in touch my dear. - Jay
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
I have never had the privilege to wor k with suc h a diverse group and I am thankful to all my cl assmates for the experience. W e have all wor ked s o very hard but we have had s o many laughs together throughout. Durham is not the same for me without you all! A toast to the futur e—may it be muc h brighter than a winter in Durham!
Tara Case Vancouver, Canada
t’s been a year to remember...not the easiest year but among my most rewarding (not far behind childbirth and not dissimilar at some moments). I am eternally grateful to my husband in his role as “domes c god” for the year, without complaint and alongside his own career. My wonderful children grounded me and kept balance in my life, mo va ng me in unan cipated ways. And on those long days out at Ushaw, studying for exams or wri ng papers, Emily was such good company.
Top 3 things I learned the past year • The best things in life involve hard work (usually lots of it). • Having good friends and family around you always makes the experience be er. • Top stress-busters: running, yoga and a (resultant) good night’s sleep.
You are amazing! I will never stop learning from you; from your wisdom, your smartness and your social competence! - Sebas an
I am short of words to describe the amazing woman Tara is. She is not only dedicated and incredibly smart, but also sympathe c and suppor ve. As a professional she would be an outstanding collaborator for any company. I remember her always being sensible when a confronta on, issue or challenge arose. One of the many things I admire about her is that she finds the perfect balance between her professional career and being a mother, friend and sporty girl. Dear Tara, wish there were more women like you. Lots of love. - Anahi From weekends in the Ushaw seminar rooms to late night prin ng of the strategy exam case study, Tara and I definitely made some memories together through the year. She is an incredibly bright and inspiring woman, and wherever the future takes us, I hope to remain lifelong friends. - Emily
Cucarachita!!! You are one of the most special persons I have ever met. I really admire you. I love your energy, your organisa on, your good a tude, and the way you always see the bright side of everything even when things are not easy. I will miss you so much and I really hope we can keep this friendship for many years and see each other again in the future. Best of luck! - Caro
One word comes to mind when I think of Tara— Superwoman! She has a certain grace about her, an almost regal aura that’s in mida ng yet charisma c. Although I’ve only been in a group with her once, I can say that it was a pleasure working with Tara. She is very intelligent, professional, in-control, and sincere. Her academic achievements while balancing her me with family are a testament to her commitment and hardwork. I wish her all the best! - Mia You never cease to amaze me Tara—you’re like Superwoman and I don’t see how you did it all throughout the year—you are awesome! Thanks for all your help and support during the course of the year—you’ll never know how much that meant to me. I hope to see you again in the future. Good luck with all your endeavors. Keep in touch. - Jus n
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
We will certainly meet again in the future! What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA My friends from MBA class My proudest moment Finished my disserta on two weeks before the deadline and this disserta on was something of quality according to Mr. Paul Burrows (my supervisor). Favourite ac vity MBA Interna onal Exchange Programme at Mannheim Business School in Germany
Anh Tu Nguyen Hanoi, Vietnam
was born in Vietnam in 07 July 1977. Although Vietnam has been known for the wars against France and the United States, I had a peaceful childhood. At the age of 18, I went to France to start my study at University. This was a difficult me when I was working hard in a supermarket and studying assiduously for a be er future. A er gradua ng as an engineer in 2001, my career began in ARES Company and then IBM France. In 2009, I moved from IBM France to a more dynamic environment of a developing country full of opportuni es within global ins tu ons such as IBM Vietnam. It is clear that a good career is ongoing. However, I decided to leave everything behind and took another adventure—the Durham MBA in the UK. It was a great experience when I met an interes ng cohort and we shared an unforge able year together. The MBA has fulfilled our profile as well as enhanced our capabili es and competencies to progress and to lead organiza ons in a global direc on. My classmates and I are ready for a challenge future.
My mul lingual Redwood H flat mate is not only an experienced business professional but also a good listener who excelled at the art of cooking. Tu, thanks for your cooking lessons (roast duck!!!), interes ng chats and great friendship. Your hard work, perseverance and sincere efforts are bound to make you a successful business leader. Best of luck! - Anant Tu is professional and experienced in his field. He always works seriously and is dedicated to contribu ng to group work. He is one of the few who is talented, professional, humorous, resilient and caring for others. Tu always has a posi ve a tude and a good way of handling and managing group members. I strongly recommend Tu to employers. - Hyo
I remember the first me I met Tu during our preMBA class. My first impression of him was that he was a very shy guy. But we clicked instantly as we shared the same values about many things. We have lots of good memories—studying together, our trips to Germany and France, cooking together and spending lots of me in Durham! You helped me a lot and you were there for me all the me. I was so touched whenever you picked me up at the train sta on whenever I had to see my doctor in London. I will treasure our friendship and I am glad to have you as my best friend! I hope you have a good career and hope to see you soon in Vietnam and Tokyo! - Mei It’s my pleasure to know such an understanding friend like you. I would never ever forget the me of the pre-MBA course si ng next to you. I would llike to thank you for the experiences you shared with me. Wish you all the best and I look forward to mee ng you in Veitnam! - Lo
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Thank you for making this ye ar s o memorable; it would n’t be the same without you all. I hope we all ac hieve the goals we set out to ac hieve. Cheers and stay in touch! What I’ll miss most about Durham and the MBA The whole year was euphoric and I will miss every bit of it. Top 3 things I learned the past year • An insight into understanding personali es and blaming it all on the dominant colour. S • To be a successful business consultant means to know many many models or at least the names. S • That I like Economics and it is not just for geeks! Favourite class Economics class!!! And the Charity Consul ng group ac vity—the dynamic group made it all the more special. Tara, Mia, Susie and Anahi: you girls rock!
Yugkirty singh Delhi, India
BA! My personal launchpad for the next stage of my life-trip and what an excellent headstart I got! A year in the company of amazing people and I am sure it had redefined the course of my life. I will forever be grateful.
Through ups and downs and some exhilara ng moments, this one year has been a learning process throughout. I will forever cherish the bonds I formed, laughter and playfulness, conversa ons, cook-outs, dinners, barbecues, par es, long discussions and arguments during group works, and some studying in between. S
What can I say about Yukki, this lovely li le girl from a huge country—India? I will definitely answer that she is smart, helpful and a truly good friend of mine—my li le sister. S It was lovely to discuss with her a lot of ques ons on a variety of topics. It feels as though I’ve known her for more than a year. I’m definitely going to enhance our friendship despite her strong thoughts and opinions. S - Roman
Yukki is a person whom I can proudly call a sister. She is a talented angel with a special heart. She has always been there for me through the program especially when I needed help with my problems with the courses. I wish her all the happiness and success in life. - Sharif
An enthusias c and amazing friend....a powerful ally....can be a match winner! - Subrat
Yukki is my lovely flatmate. For me, this fact is one of the most important things in Durham. When she came to our flat, she changed our flat immediately. She organized our place and made it more funny! I won’t forget the “cleaning events” we had every midnight and the flat par es she organized. She is a well-organized and sophis cated person who can manage herself and behave maturely. These personali es is sure to give her success in the near future. Yukki, you are my best friend. Keep in touch! - Hiroshi
Yukki is a passionate, loving, friendly and caring person. Along with all these quali es, I know she is a true professional. We have shared our moments discussing our business school assignments, guiding each other, sugges ng what should be done and how to proceed. When Yukki decides to be a friend to someone, I can assure you that she would go out of her way to prove that she is the best friend that person could ever dream. Yukki and I would always share this bond forever and be a suppor ng pillar for each other. Thank you so much for being such a suppor ve and dear friend. - Nupur
Yugkirty! Her powers of persuasion at Us nov saved us from spending the rest of our MBA year in Birch. But my favourite superpower of hers is her ability to spot “areas for improvement”, whether it be in your logic, or the way things are done; which means when she’s around, everything gets be er. Proac ve and very organised, opinionated yet diploma c, driven, smart and eloquent, there is nothing that she can’t achieve in life. Above all, she is a sweet person. I’ll always remember her as my first MBA friend! - Mia
I’m glad that I had the chance to meet Yukki. She’s a great person to work with and also just chat away. She is always full of energy and we all know that she’s a great chef! Keep in touch, Blue. - Joseph
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Dan Gao China
Daniel Guirguis Egypt
Swati Sinha India
Pat Wagner Germany
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham MBA Memories
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
First Day of Class Formal Dinners
Durham University Business School
in all, I can “All truly say that the Residential has been a very valuable experience for me.
e woke up to a chilly and rainy day on 27 September 2012. I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of that combina on. But thoughts of nega vity surrounding that combina on immediately dissipated (mentally) when I recalled why I woke up so early—to visit Scotland for our MBA Residen al. By the me we arrived there, it seemed like it was going to rain, and it did for a while. We were able to get se led in our co ages and shortly a er had the chance to experience our first briefing with the energe c coordinators of the event, The First Ascent Group. We were then assigned to teams and we worked with these teams for the remainder of our residen al. Here, I had the opportunity to meet several people with different skill-sets and personali es. Throughout our journey, we were able to share and grow together while learning from each other. We par cipated in several physically and mentally challenging compe ons together and experienced things which most of us haven’t been exposed to before. Here are a couple of examples, Zip lining and ra building. If you are wondering about the different coloured caps that people are wearing, these colours describe different personality types. Each group had a very good mix of different personali es. We enjoyed several other challenges, which really tested our ability to work
in teams, to listen to each other and to learn from each other. A very good example that comes to my mind immediately is our final task. This was challenging because we had to think very carefully about using all the cash we earned from other events to buy parts and build a rocket with every-day material. We had to be very pa ent, spend carefully and make sure that we didn’t make a mistake while building the rocket to make sure it traveled the farthest. Although our rocket didn’t travel the farthest, we learned a lot from working with each other. We learned the importance of listening to each other and valuing each other’s opinions/ ideas. We understood that different personali es come with different working styles and how we could make it easier to work with each other. I can now understand why this event has been embedded into the MBA curriculum. It is the primary task which gave us a chance to explore and make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. Because we now realize how important it
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
is to blend well with a team and perform to our fullest poten al. To do that, we all needed to work together, which this event trained us to do. Although we stuck to the First Ascent schedule most of the me, we found me to organize some events on our own, like the bonfire we had. These sorts of gatherings during the beginning of our residen al really gave us a chance to kick back and relax and find out some
interes ng facts about each other. All in all, I can truly say that this has been a very thorough and valuable experience for me. I have worked in many teams before, both in academic and professional contexts. However, this sort of exercise enhanced my teamwork capabili es and gave me a chance to look at things in a different perspec ve.
Joseph Perera Originally published on the Durham MBA Blog
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
First Ascent Residential
Durham University Business School
company “Good is never in short supply because not only are the people in our cohort amazing, Durham itself simply adds to the charm.
s somebody rightly said, the place doesn’t ma er as long as the company is right. At Durham University Business School, good company is never in short supply because not only are the people in our cohort amazing, the place simply adds to the charm. The formal and informal events, aside from helping us unwind from the rigorous demands of school, help us enjoy each other’s company and raise funds for a good cause too! Con nuing the tradi on of fundraising for the class gi for the next cohort, we’ve had a series of events that are organised by the Alumni Office, in collabora on with the class social representa ves. We started the year with the first such extremely successful event, “The Business School Halloween Night.” The next one was the much-an cipated and talked-about event “The Winter River Cruise.” If you think people holding and a ending a party on the 4th of December with temperatures dropping below 0°Celsius is crazy, then we definitely are! Not only did we sell all ckets, but we also had a full house turnout on the day. In spite of the cold, everyone just had one mo o in mind, “Let’s have fun!”
It was surprising how me flew: there was a lot of socializing, munching flamegrilled burgers and finally, rocking the dance floor. The sightseeing part of the cruise, I am not sure how many of us bothered about; the atmosphere was just too electric to not be dri ed away. I remember how there were major groups that formed on the dance floor and some students really let loose and let their hair down! This cohort definitely knows how to have a good me. So much for thinking we are the serious types! I am sure the pictures will say a lot more than what my words can express. I can s ll remember the loads of fun that we had! As most of my classmates would probably agree, our par es sure are memorable.
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
YuGKIRTY Singh Originally published on the Durham MBA Blog
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Social Events
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Social Events
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Around Durham
Durham University Business School
interesting “Itto was see first-hand how differently business is done in China compared to the West, making this trip a useful and interesting learning experience.
n March 2013, Pat Wagner, Jus n Hannig and I from the 2012/13 full- me MBA course, together with several students from the Exec MBA course, alumni and students from EBS Business School in Germany, visited China as part of Durham University Business School’s Interna onal Study Experience.
Having grown up in the UK and never visited China (or indeed Asia) previously, I was interested to do so and to see the differences in how business is done, par cularly as China has been the world’s fastest-growing economy in recent years. Prior to joining the group on the Business School’s trip to mainland China, I spent a few days sightseeing in Hong Kong. Given the closer similari es between Hong Kong and the West (not least that English is much more widelyspoken in Hong Kong than in mainland China) it acted as something of a gentle introduc on ahead of the culture shock of entering mainland China. It was only when crossing the border from Hong Kong to mainland China, and trying to buy ckets and find a train at Shenzhen (in probably the busiest sta on I had ever seen, but where none of the locals spoke English), that I began to realise what I had signed up for. Fortunately once I had met up with the rest of the group everything became easier! The trip organised by the Business School included me at Sun Yat-Sen
University in Guangzhou and the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, each with lectures and visits to local businesses. At Sun Yat-Sen University we began with a lecture about capital markets in China and how the Chinese economy has grown over the past half-century, before trips to BlueScope Buildings, a steel manufacturer. We also visited Jet Term Marine Co., run by Howard Chen, a Malaysian entrepreneur who had moved to China and set up a firm designing and manufacturing luxury yachts, combining his experience with the lower manufacturing costs in China. In Guangzhou we also had a cruise along the Pearl River, including dinner on a yacht whilst seeing the city’s skyline. A er spending three days in Guangzhou we flew to Beijing, spending me at the Central University of Finance and Economics, where we met some local MBA students over dinner. We started off with a lecture on doing business in China and the difficul es for foreigners working in China, presented by Terence
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Egan, an Australian lecturer who had lived and worked in China for over 10 years. It was interes ng to hear his perspec ve on working in China, and s ll being something of an outsider despite having lived there for this amount of me. To complete the tour, we had a trip to the Great Wall of China, going to the most-visited sec on of the wall at Badaling (near Beijing).
Overall, I found the trip to China to be very worthwhile. The me we spent there clearly isn’t enough to be able to fully understand the culture, it was interes ng to see ďŹ rst-hand how dierently business is done in China compared to the West, making this trip a useful and interes ng learning experience.
Greg Barton Originally published on the Durham University website
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Study Experience
Durham University Business School
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
quote from A Tale of Two Ci es by Charles Dickens, pre y much sums up my en re year at Durham. It was an extraordinary year, an experience like no other. On one hand, there was this delight of being in the company of a diverse pool of students who later became my friends, some of whom I will share a lifelong connec on. On the other, there were deadlines, demands for hard work, and a fran c schedule which could have consumed the faintest of hearts. Indeed, this past year will be remembered not only as a clear forma ve year for me and 46 other students in terms of academic instruc on, but more importantly, an avenue for rediscovering ourselves — our strengths, weaknesses and our deeply-rooted values. Some of the highlights of the programme for me included the induc on week in Scotland which allowed us to bond together as cohorts; the Leading Edge programme which focused on so skills; the various elec ve course op ons; my experience at Wimbledon, talking to fellow tennis fans for my disserta on; and the Sri Lanka project (including the side trips to Dubai and India). This trip, although one of the most physically and emo onally demanding experiences I’ve had within the programme, without a doubt has le me with an indelible impression of the state of the world, the significance of teamwork towards a project’s success and the nurturance of genuine friendships.
We recently had our finale day. I didn’t realise how fast the me flew by! In hindsight, this forma ve year of my life has reignited my long-term goal of working for an interna onal organisa on with a strong passion for humanitarian causes. Although I’m s ll searching for that elusive job I really want, I have high hopes that the MBA, along with my previous work experience and discernments from my travels in some of the world’s most dynamic ci es, have equipped me with tools and skillsets needed for success. Those of you who are thinking of embarking on the MBA journey, I would encourage you to go with your ins ncts and to where your heart and passion lead you. I went for mine and even if everyday was not always very promising, I would not trade this year for any other. I reckon that this experience made me more mature, definitely wiser and with a more open mind. This journey was not possible without the assistance of several people. I thank my family for their love and support: mom, sister, brothers, and my three
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
lovely nieces who are my bundles of joy; sincere thanks to Durham University Business School and the Independent newspaper for the scholarship — I am forever grateful. Thank you to the Durham University Business School faculty and staff; thank you to all my friends; thanks to all my flatmates: Greg, Atsushi, Mar na, Eric, Dasha, Mod, Caro and especially Sebas an—for your kindness, encouragement and support every step of the way.
Thanks to the Financial Times for allowing me to share my experiences through this blog. I hope you all had as wonderful a me reading my posts as I did in wri ng them. To the Durham University Business School MBA class of 2013: Kudos for this milestone achievement! I earnestly wish you all the success you deserve and that you may find your passion and engage it with op mism and humility.
Eunice Benedicto Originally published on the Financial Times MBA Blog
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Finale Day/night
Durham University Business School
Future Business Leaders Career aspira ons for the next ďŹ ve years
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Durham University Business School
Ana Ramos Chavez Entrepreneur Consul ng/Retail/MicroďŹ nance
Abhijit Nandurkar Lead Consultant Financial Services
Anant Sonar Principal Consultant Technology Consul ng
Bimbo Olayisade Director NGO
Future Business Leaders
David Nguyen Eunice Benedicto
Opera ons Manager Pharmaceu cals
Carolina Dorado
DUaa Shaikh Ali Head of Corporate Banking Banking
Execu ve Director Financial Industry
Emily Alberico Brand Manager Retail/FMCG
Eric Elmore Por olio Manager Investment Management
Mid-level Management Manufacturing/Airlines
Greg Barton Consultant Management Consul ng
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Career aspira ons for the next ďŹ ve years
Durham University Business School
Hiroshi Hirai
JIng-IUAN Jang
CEO Educa on
Project Manager Manufacturing/OEM
Hyo Jung Son Strategy Consultant IT Consul ng
Joseph Perera Director Market Research
Future Business Leaders
Chih-Heng Lo
Justin Hannig
Managing Director Healthcare
Luminita Iancu
Business Owner Automo ve
Business Consultant Consul ng
Ken LU
Mei Kim Finance
Martina Hsu Consultant/Project Manager Consul ng
Maxine Fitzpatrick
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Career aspira ons for the next ďŹ ve years
Durham University Business School
Mod Silanothai
Nupur Srivastava
Entrepreneur Consul ng/Travel
Managing Director Media
Mia Orcullo Managing Director Consul ng/Transport
Naveen Mahendrakar Business Owner Manufacturing
Sandeep Narayan Sales Director IT/Hardware
Sherrail Brown
Sebastian Bahr
Roman Konkin
Future Business Leaders
Director Management Consul ng
Project Manager Consul ng/Healthcare
Shishir Surendran
Managing Director
Sam Bueno Business Manager
Director Business Development-IT
Sharif Khan Marke ng Director FMCG
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Career aspira ons for the next ďŹ ve years
Durham University Business School
Sonny Iduh Subrata Singh
General Manager FMCG
Director, Medical Aairs Pharmaceu cals
Sneha Makhija Wealth Director Private Banking
Srini Rajaraman Senior Manager IT Consul ng
Taka Kumazaki Chief Deputy Director Government/Finance
Sunny THok
Tara Case
Management Consultant
Tanya Yang Susie Huang Entrepreneur Service/Finance
Communica ons Director Manufacturing
Future Business Leaders
Tu Nguyen Country Manager Informa on Technology
Strategy Director Healthcare
YuGKIRTY Singh Chief Consultant Consul ng
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Career aspira ons for the next ďŹ ve years
Durham University Business School
Full- me MBA 2012-2013
Four Seasons Of Durham
Durham University Business School
Acknowledgements MBA Administra on OďŹƒce DUBS Alumni Network Maryanne Gan-Cheng PJ and Pauline de Guzman Joy Sunga
Durham University Business School Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB United Kingdom
BETTER BUSINESS THINKING www.durham.ac.uk/business
Full- me MBA 2012-2013