Máscara-Maria Cortes

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Pt: Para responder ao tema do projecto houve dois pontos que achei importantes na elaboração da mascara: primeiramente achei que era importante a mascara ser fiel á fisionomia da minha cara de maneia a tornar-se uma máscara que só podia ser minha e o em segundo lugar quis tentar transmitir a ideia de que eu não sou sempre constante e tenho inúmeras facetas que me definem. Assim achei que a melhor maneira de respeitar esses pontos seria fazer vários planos da minha cara que sobrepostos dariam a ideia da minha fisionomia, esses planos dão também a ideia de “ diferentes facetas” que juntas me definem.

Ing: In order to answer to theme of the project there was two points that I found important on the elaboration of the mask: at the first place I thought that was important that the mask would be loyal to my face in order to be a mask that could only be mine and at second place I wanted to transmit the idea that I was not always constant and that I have countless personalities that defines me. Later, I thought that the best way to respect that points would be to make various sections of my face that together would give the idea of my physiognomy, those sections also give the idea of those different personalities that together defines me

Primeira ideia da mascara

Mascara final

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