semantics of place : For the iPad This iPad application allows the user to navigate descriptions of physical landmarks through a virtual space. It provides an alternative approach to navigation by allowing the user to create their own route based on keywords commonly mentioned in personal descriptions of places. The user has the option to navigate freely between points of reference, or to follow a generated route between points containing similar keywords. The user also has the ability to add their own descriptions of place through the app, and share them with other users. Chris McCampbell, gdmfa 2011
Touch to begin a search.
Baltimore, MD
Enter a city name, zip, or address to begin.
Scroll through list of keywords related to your place.
Browse a map of your place and other nearby points.
Zoom in closer to your map.
Double-touch a point to bring up a list of its keywords.
Landscape view of your place.
Swipe left or right to rotate your view.
Double-touch a point to move to it.
Touch a keyword to see decriptions of that point related to it.
Double-touch the keyword to read the full description.
Scroll through the full descriptions entered for that point.
Enter a new description for this point.
Enter a new description for this point.
Add this description to the point for others to see.
Select a word (or several) to generate a route.
Follow the generated route by selecting highlighted points.
Scroll through full descriptions of points along this route.
Touch the ‘x’ to clear your route.