Mastering the Different Poker Variants: Which Games Should Aspiring Pros
Focus On?
By Micah Raskin

Micah Raskin explained that poker is a skill, strategy, and psychology game With so many different variants available, it can be overwhelming for aspiring pros to decide where to focus their efforts Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, understanding which poker games to prioritize can make a significant difference in your journey toward becoming a top-tier player.
The most widely recognized variant is Texas Hold'em, often considered the flagship poker game. It’s played in most major tournaments and is the variant seen on television. Aspiring pros should spend ample time mastering Hold'em as it forms the foundation for many poker strategies and concepts. Its popularity ensures plenty of opportunities to compete in online games or live tournaments
Omaha is another popular variant worth mastering, which offers a slightly different dynamic While it shares similarities with Hold'em, Omaha requires players to use exactly two of their hole cards in combination with three community cards This subtle difference creates a more complex hand evaluation game, making it a favorite for advanced players. The added strategy makes Omaha a crucial game to study for anyone looking to elevate their skills.
Seven Card Stud is another game to consider for players eager to dive deeper into strategic complexity While less prevalent in modern-day casinos, it was once the go-to variant before Texas Hold'em took the spotlight Seven Card Stud has no community cards, and each player is dealt their own hand, making the game more dependent on individual strategy and reading opponents
Finally, aspiring pros should not overlook mixed games, such as H.O.R.S.E., which combine multiple poker variants into a single game These games offer a fantastic opportunity to become a well-rounded player, testing your adaptability and broadening your strategic mindset. While it’s essential to familiarize yourself with different variants, mastering the ones most commonly played in tournaments and cash games will give you the best chance of success Be patient, practice consistently, and embrace the learning process mastery will come with time and dedication