Austin Hamby - stab binding

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Stab-stitch binding MATERIALS 1. book binders needle 2. book binders thread 3. bone folder (blunt edge of some kind to score paper) 4. drill 5. smallest drill bit you can find. (1/16th works best but a little bigger or smaller will still work.) 6. 2 small c-clamps 7. 2 pieces of thing board or cardboard (to use as a buffer between c-clamp and book) 8. paper you wish to bind, cut down to size. 9. cover cut down to size 10. pencil 11. ruler


.25 inches

1. Neatly stack pages together with front and back cover in place. 2. Use c-clamp to hold the book together. Place one on the top and one on the bottom of the book. Remember to place the card board or thin board in between the c-clamps and book to prevent damaging to book.

.5 inches


3. Make a small mark with your pencil in the middle of the book about .25 inches from the left edge (edge being bound). #4

4. Make two more marks .25 inches from the left edge about .5 inches from the top and bottom. 5. Finally make to more marks. One centered between the top and middle mark and the other centered between the bottom and middle mark, still .25 inches from the left edge of the book.


6. Drill straight through the book at each of the 5 marks you just made. Be mindful of what you are drilling on top of. The drill WILL go into whatever is behind the book. Also, drill slowly, the drill can become hot and burn the paper.


7. Leaving the c-clamps in place, it is time to stitch the book. Use 3 times the amount of thread it takes to wrap the book from top to bottom. 8. Begin at the center hole (#3) and feed the needle up from the back to the front of the book. Pull the needle all the way through then loop around the spine and back up again through that same hole. Pull the thread tight. Be sure to leave about 3 inches of thread to allow for finishing the bind.

#1 .5 inches

Stab-stitch binding 9. Move to the next hole (#2) toward the end of the book. Sew down through the front to the back of the book. Loop around the spine, and go back down through that same hole. Pull the thread tight. 10. Move to the next hole (#1) at the end of the book. Sew up through the back to the front of the book. Loop around the spine, and go up through that same hole. Pull the thread tight. 11. Loop around the end (not the spine) of the book and then back through the hole you used in step 10. This will create a stitch perpendicular to the one you made in step 10. 12. Sew back into your original starting hole (#3). 13. Continue sewing holes #4 and #5 just as you did in steps 8 through 12. 14. Once you reach hole #3 again, tie a knot with both tails of your thread. 15. Push the tails into the binding hole to hide the tails. .25 inches

Congratulations. You’re done.

.5 inches





#1 .5 inches

h t t p : / / w w w. s c r a p j a z z . c o m / t o p i c s / T e c h n i q u e s / B i n d i n g / 9 4 8 . p h p

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