SPOOK THEM GOOD Du r i ng Ha l loween 2008, I developed a modu la r d isplay t y peface u nder t he g u ida nce of Ken Ba rber f rom House I ndust r ies.
T he t y peface uses vector ized sca ns of my eyelashes t hat have been g rouped i nto t h ree clusters to f o r m e a c h l e t t e r.
T h is d isplay face was used i n a poster for t he 2008 A n nua l M ICA Ha l loween contest.
Mica Halloween Costume Contest! It’s time to get your spook on this October 31st and what better way to do so than at the annual Halloween bash in main hall? Best costume wins a year supply of food from cafe Doris and a subscription to Junk Food Monthly. Second and third runner up has to hit a piñata in front of everyone. Good luck!
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st 8:00 pm - 3:00 am MICA Main Building 1300 Mt.Royal Ave
Free food, drinks and music will be provided. You bring the spook.
ANYONE WITHOUT A COSTUME: BYOC (bring your own candy)
BENJA M I N BOU RS +1 5 16 835 016 7 bbou rs@g ma i l.com bbbou rs.com