How to make Chun Li Costume Accessories

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Chun Li Costume break down

With helpful, yet easy tips on how to make accessories on street fighter Chun Li cosplay costume and photographing, everybody can show an excellent Chun Li cosplay performance. Now, let’s begin.

Step 1: Find Chun Li Cosplay Costume. I found an ideal outfit fr om Japanese brand of Om osirokurabu, on which dec orative patterns and cut ar e both well done and the p rice is rather reasonable. B ut the question is that an i mitated electroplating colo r is used on the suit. What I really want to find is a pl ated Chun Li cosplay cost ume. Then, I plan to make some alterations on the sui t.

Step 2: Make Buns on the Head. Buns on Chun Li’s head are divided into two styl es: gilt-edged and non gilt-edged.

To fit the texture on the costume, brightly silver cloth is chosen here, which is often used on ecopelle parts of stage costumes.

Paillettes, which are golde n enough, are sewed to make gold plaques on the edge.

Sewing will be troublesome because you need to contact pin from the middle hole of the rope. Besides, twist it twice to ensure the thickness.

Step 3: Make the Bracelet.

This is a crucial element.

Foaming rubber is use d to make the bracelet. It’ s waterproof and heat-pr eserving, which can be fo und on decoration materi al market. First, make tw o basic circles.

Fix them by mighty bond.

Closed angle is made li ke this.

Glue it.

Round off the edge.

Repeat above steps and make several closed angles.

Then, the basic bracelet is finished.

Black acrylic paint from Winsor & Newton is used to paint the bracelet body.

Closed angles are painted by silver spray paint. To strengthen the electroplating color, plating paint is used, which is also called as mirror paint or chrome-plated paint.

Then the bracelet has b een finished. Certainly, it feels rather rough and ne eds meticulous processin g.

Try it on.

Step 4: Make the Silk Stockings. Obviously, Chun L i wears dark colored silk stockings. But pla in silk stockings will expose the strengthen ed part on the waist b ecause of high split o n the cheongsam. In t his case, color divisio n will be shown. Thu s, it’s a must to choos e specialized T silk st ockings to cover the s trengthened part.

Above pictures show you brown and black silk st ockings. But if your thigh width is about 60CM, the brown color will be stretched and become less brow n. Thus, black should be better.

Step 5: Make the Boots.

To move freely and ensured a low cost, just buy a pair of white Martin boots.

Change the black sh oelaces to be white. Ma ke buckle fasteners on t he top line and shoes t ongue shown on above picture by EVA. Holes to stringing can be fixe d by a small hammer. Finally, paint the platin g paint.

Then, all accessories have been completed. Here is the whole look, without being processed by PS.

Step 6: Photographing and Later Stage

First, photographers shoot var ious kicking movements. Deal w ith spots and drapes on the back drop.

Enhance the brightness and contrast.

Adjust the color on the backdrop.

Draw the required speed lines and ink parts by PS. Adjust speed lines that connect with the cosplayer and vignette some of them.

Then, the final photo looks like this.

Having known how to make accessories on Street Fighter Chun Li costume and taking photos, you must have a good time on the coming show.

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