Volume 1, Issue 1 11/24/09
Life Expectancy for Humans
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What is life expectancy? Generally when most people think will see that the life expectancy about life expectancy, they think has overall grown by a significant that it is the average age the peramount. Based on the increase of son will live to. This is only true life expectancy from birth from for some cases. Life expectancy is one year to the next, scientists can the estimated number of years left make predictions on how the life to live for a person of any age. expectancy of the world will inWhether it is the average number crease in the future. Life expecof years left to live for a person at tancy is calculated by using a life birth or for a person that is 50 table. A life table contains data on years old, it is still the humans or orlife expectancy. The life ganisms that expectancy is not necesshow the age sarily always true since the human/ there are an uncountable organism lived amount of both known to. From this, and unknown factors the total age of that could cause death. It all the people can be used being recorded Life Expectancy Graph from 1840-2040 divided by the for a general http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v451/n7179/ age of death total deaths so of people from the area where the far results in the average age of the data is recorded. Life expectancy area. This number subtracted by is important as it can show the the age of the person being calcutrends and rates of human devellated on results in the life expecopment. For example, if you tancy. Scientists can use mortality looked at a graph of the life expecrates generated form the life tables tancy of the world from birth over to create predictions of future life the past two hundred years, you expectancies. Inside this issue:
What is life expectancy?
Life Expectancy and the United States
Life Expectancy of the World and its Rankings
Comparing Life Expectancies Between Developed and Undeveloped Countries
Factors of Life Expectancy
The Future of the U.S and the World