Health Semester project 1

Page 1

Alex Ettinger 11/16/09

Prescription Drug Abuse

Due 11/24/09

Table of Contents Lead Story– Story Basic Info Sub Story 1—graphs and 1 charts Sub Story 22- Types Sub Story 33- Reasons for abuse Sub Story 44- Consequences Sub Story 55- Treatment

Basic Info An estimated 20 percent of people in the United States use prescription drugs that they are not prescribed to for nonmedical reasons. This is prescription drug abuse. A person is prescribed to a drug for a certain reason and is given a dose by a doctor that will be the most effective and safe for them. Prescription drugs are used a lot of the time to eliminate stress. It is often

believed that, because a doctor has prescribed them, the drug is more powerful and will work better, which isn't true. Usually, the side effects of a drug are what most people take them for (lose weight, concentrate or sleep better etc). Prescription drugs can be easier to get than “street drugs”. Many drug dealers do sell them, but some people can get their hands on a good amount of their phar-

macy just by looking inside their friends and families medicine cabinet. It isn't true that taking a drug that you are not prescribed to is safer than other illegal drugs, this is just as illegal and just as dangerous.

Statistics (graphs and Charts)

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Health Semester project 1 by micds rams - Issuu