Teen Pregnancy

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Bibliography 1.

23 NOVEMBER 2009


Teen Pregnancy

“About Us.” Teen Pregnancy and Prevention Partnership. 2009. 17 November 2009. <http://www.teenpregnancy-stl.org/abou/ abou.htm>.


“Birth Control Methods.” LiveStrong.com. 18 November 2009. 12 November 2009. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/12452-birthcontrol-methods/>.


This Issue

“Breaking the News to your Parents.” Pregnancyinfo.net. 9 November 2009. <http://www.pregnancy-info.net/ teenage_breakingthenews.html>.


entry/4025/1/Do-Condoms-Work-The-Truth-About-Condom-Effectiveness.html>. 5.

Hile, Allison. Telephone Interview. 21 November 2009. –You can contact her at 314-280-4770 for more information or follow this link: http://www.teenpregnancy-stl.org/cont/cont.cfm


“National Data.” The National Campaign. 2009. 17 November 2009. <http://www.thenationalcampaign.org/national-data/default.aspx>.


“Placing Children.” Adoption.com. 16 November 2009. <http://statistics.adoption.com/information/adoption-statistics-placingchildren.html>.


“Preventing Teen Pregnancy: An Update in 2009.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 10 August 2009. 16 November 2009. <http://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/AdolescentReproHealth/AboutTP.htm>.


Sloup, C. Telephone Interview. 19 November 2009. - You can contact her at 202-478-8500 for more information or visit this link: http:// www.thenationalcampaign.org/


“Summary of US State Abortion Laws.” 25 January 2001. 18 November 2009. <http://www.pregnantpause.org/lex/abortsum.htm>.


“Teen Birth Rates up in 26 States.” USAToday. 7 January 2009. <http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-01-07teenbirths_N.htm>.


“Teen Pregnancy and Birth Rates in the United States.” The National Campaign. 15 November 2009. <http:// www.thenationalcampaign.org/national-data/pdf/STBYST07.pdf>.


“Teen Pregnancy: Facts and Prevention.” Family Education. 2009. 17 November 2009. <http://life.familyeducation.com/pregnancy/ teen/57771.html>.


“Teen Pregnancy.” LiveStrong.com. 18 November 2009. 14 November 2009. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/12457-teenpregnancy/>.


“Teen Pregnancy Rates in the USA.” LiveStrong.com. 18 November 2009. 21 November 2009. < http://www.livestrong.com/ article/12504-teen-pregnancy-rates-usa/>.


Teen Pregnancy Rates P.1

“Do Condoms Work? The Truth about Condom Effectiveness.” HealthGuidance. 13 November 2009. <http://www.healthguidance.org/

“Teen Pregnancy Statistics and Teen Pregnancy Facts.” Family First Aid. 21 November 2009. <http://www.familyfirstaid.org/teenpregnancy.html>.

How to Prevent teen Pregnancy P.2

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancies

What are your Options P.3 Bibliography P.4 (15)

Teen and adult pregnancies both usually consist of the same symptoms. If you are not exactly sure if you are pregnant or not, the first and main option would be taking pregnancy test. This is usually used when you have one or two of the following symptoms: missed or short period, an indirect timing of your period, tender breasts, throwing up, nauseating, fatigue, having to use the restroom often, or mood swings. Even though symptoms of a pregnancy change for each person and each type of pregnancy, a missed period is one of the

Teen Pregnancy Rates through the Years Teen pregnancy Rates through the years have gener-

young people to want to have sexual Intercourse

ally declined until 2006. (19) In 2006 the teen preg-

sooner than they should. This leads to the increase of

nancy rate for the United States increased minimally.

teen birth rates and teen pregnancy rates. People also

In 1991, about 60 out of 1000 teenagers got pregnant;

have an influence on how early we want to have sex.

while in 2005, only 40.5 teenagers got were pregnant.

Celebrities and young singers who dress inappropri-

(19) For two consecutive years after 15 years of teen

ately teach the younger generation. Because of tech-

pregnancy declines, it increased in 2006 and 2007 to

nology these days too, things can spread around the

even more than 42 out of 1000. (19) Therefore, the

internet so more people are likely to see it. Another

teen birth rate has also been increasing during 2006 in

reason why teen pregnancy and birth rates have been

26 states. (12) The average teen birth rate in 2006

increases is because many people these days teach

was 41.9 out of 1000, increasing 3% since from 2005.

about staying abstinent and not about birth control

(12) Overall, mostly in the Southern areas have the

methods. Teaching only about abstinence won’t influ-

highest average teen birth rates, especially in Missis-

ence some people to not have sex, and then they don’t

sippi, New Mexico, and Texas, the three highest teen

end up using birth control since they were not edu-

birth states in the US. (12) Each year in the United

cated about it. Therefore, teaching about abstinence

States about 1 million teenagers get pregnant. (19)

and birth control methods should be increased overall.

However, in the Northeast corner of the United States,

Teen pregnancy and birth rates are starting to increase


“Teen Pregnancy Statistics.” Pregnant Teen Help. 9 November 2009. <http://www.pregnantteenhelp.org/articles1.html.>.


“Teen Pregnancy.” Womenshealthchannel. 21 November 2009. <http://www.womenshealthchannel.com/teenpregnancy/index.shtml>.


Tuitasi, Debbie. Personal Interview. 16 November 2009. - For more information, you can go see the school nurse at the end of May

they have the lowest teen birth rates out of the United

because of the media and the indirect teaching meth-


States. (12) Some contributing factors to the increase

ods of sexual intercourse.


Cute.” 23 August 2009. 15 November 2009. <Melje.glogster.com>.

in teen age birth rates and increase in teen preg-


“Pregnancy Pact.” Because I said so. 20 June 2008. 11 November 2009. <http://images.google.com/>.

nancy are a more sexual environment and


“Guess What!” An Ordinary Life. 19 June 2009. 14 November 2009. <pamiejane.wordpress.com/2009/06/19/guess-what>.

Teaching only abstinence and not the different

main, most common symptoms.

types of birth control. (12) With the more industrialized technology, Movies and shows, influence our outlook on life, Many shows and movies have sexual scenes that can urge teens and young people to want to have urge teens and


Telling Someone (21)

Pregnancy Tests

Even though it is very hard telling

How to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

your parent or guardian about your teen pregnancy, you need to even-

If you have one of symptoms listed on P. 1 or you had un

tually. Even if you may be scared,

protected sexual intercourse,

afraid, or intimidated, you should break the news to your parent as soon as possible. With telling them, they can help you through the process of handling the preg-

“It ruins teenage years,

you can either use a urine preg-

disrupts your future, and it is a life time commitment.”

tests. There are multiple types

-Caroline Militello

nancy safety and calmly. They can also help in getting health-care for

nancy test or a blood pregnancy

of urine tests, but the two most (23)

What are your Options?

Another form of teen preg-

financially. There are a few way in

by discoveryeducation.com is a teen-

nancy prevention is condoms. Con-

using the pill, it is recommended to

find out that you’re pregnant, it can

nancy option would be adoption.

have an abortion though, in most

which you can break the news to



doms in general help the prevention

use a condom.

be hard deciding how to handle a

People who offer to put their baby up

states you need parental consent,

your parents or guardian. You can

Preventing teen pregnancy can be

of unwanted pregnancies and are

A fourth type of teen preg-

child. But you must make up your

for adoption are usually, higher class,

and you need to make sure the baby

either, tell them with your Boy

done in multiple ways such as stay-

one of the only prevention methods

nancy prevention is the Ortho Evra

mind between of the five options;

have higher expectations from sur-

will not survive outside the womb.

friend right beside you, tell them

ing abstinent, using a condom, taking

that helps avoid the spread of STD’s

Patch. The patch is made for people

having the baby, foster care, adop-

rounding people, and have closer

individually, or write them a letter.

the pill, and the Ortho Evra Patch.

(Sexually transmitted diseases). Like

who do not remember taking the pill

tion, abortion, or Plan B.

family relations who have not needed

Plan B. This can only be taken within

most things, there are always going

at a specific time every day. This is

to deal with teen pregnancy before.

72 hours of your sexual intercourse



One way to prevent teen

Telling them with your boyfriend

Having the baby in your

The second teen preg-

move for you. If you do decide to

The last option is called



to accidents in which a condom

placed on your skin once a week, for

teenage years is a big decision to

If a teen mother decides to follow the

in which you think you became preg-

process because you can have

Abstinence is not having sexual

breaks or isn’t used properly. Only 95

three weeks out of the month. The

make. If you ever do come to this

path of adoption, you may want to

nant. (20) To take Plan B, you have

someone back you up, or Taking

intercourse with someone.


–98% proves effective. (4) In Mis-

process of the patch is that it dis-

decision, you have to think through

consider open adoption which lets

to be 18 years old, or have someone

the blame. Together, both of you

Abstinent is the easiest, safest, and

souri, 59% of sexually active teens

charges estrogen and progestin in

the advantages and disadvantages of

you keep in contact with your child’s

older than 18 pickup Plan B for you

guys can explain what your future

most preventable birth control option

used a condom last time they had

your blood stream by way of your

handling a child. Taking care of a

new parents.

at the drug store. Overall, the op-

plans are going to consist of and

to avoid from getting pregnant. To

sex. (6) For the condom use to be

skin. It sticks to your skin like a band

baby during teenage years can be a

how he will be supporting you.

make sure that you don’t do it, you

most effective, it cannot be expired,

aid and can be the same pigment of

lifelong decision, and you need to

abortion. Even though 40% of un-

line, but you have to decide on which

Telling your parents one-at-a-time

can take time and make a pact. Tak-

cannot be used with oil Based sub-

your skin tone to blend in.

make sure you’re prepared for

planned pregnancies end in abortion

decision is best for your needs and

may make it easier because they

ing your time means to stop and

stances, and do not reuse a condom.

though the patch can work as well as

What ever comes your way

does not mean it’s the right


help tell your other parent about the

resist a sexual situation when you

A third teen pregnancy

the Pill, it has side effects such as

news, or they could do it for you.

feel one approaching. It also helps to

prevention is oral contraceptives,

nausea, tender breasts, headaches,

The last option would be to right a

not be alone together to often when

otherwise known as, the pill. The pill,

and rashes.

situation is. This way, they can get their emotions out before discussing with you about the situation and what your plans are coming forth. Telling them with your boyfriend, one-at-a-time, or writing them a letter can have their disadvantages and advantages.


When you’re a teen and

Right beside you can help in the

letter to them explaining what the


against STD’s. Therefore, while

or testing midstream. Urine

Teen pregnancy defined

the new child and supporting you

trying to stay abstinent. In a teen’s perspective, this can be taken as, going to see a movie where there are people around, or going to a party. The last way to help stay abstinent is to make an agreement or pact with your partner. When both are aware that you’re trying to restrain from sex, then you guys can help monitor each other. (2)

taken by at least 80% of women, is the most common pregnancy prevention Method there is. When Taken on a regular bases, at the same time every day, The pill is 99% effective. But when you skip a day, or do not take it at the same time daily, the


 

the pill is that it does not prevent

Since 1990, the use of birth control has

they are very easy and quick. To pee in a cup, all you have to do is place a stick in the cup containing the urine. The second option is just placing a stick in your when its coming out. The only disadvantage of the urine tests is that it is 97% effective when done properly. Both of these urine tests can be taken at home or the clinic. The next type of pregnancy test is the Blood test. This can only be taken at the clinic, and it can

Preventing teen pregnancy could save the

tests. Two types of blood tests

United State 9 billion dollars a year (8)

are the Quantitative and Quali-

25% of teens who have sexual intercourse

tative hCG. The Quantitative

without a birth control method become preg-

blood test quantity of hCG in

nant within a month(16)

your blood, while the Qualitative

85% of teens who have sexual intercourse

hCG just tells you whether or

without a birth control method become preg-

not you are pregnant. The

nant with in a year (8)

urine tests are more conven-

Hispanic teens have the highest birthrate (17)

ient; however the blood tests

More than 2/3 of pregnant teenagers do not

are more accurate.

The united States has the highest teen pregnancy rates out of all industrialized

methods above, it can ensure safe

areas (16)

birth control prevention is 90-95% effective. (2) One negative aspect of

chorionic gonadotropin), and

accurate sooner than the urine

1/3 of United Stateswomen get pregnant

helped teens not get pregnant by 34% (14)

chooses one of the four birth control

sex for a majority of the time.

the presence of hCG (human

established. But, it is more

before the age of twenty (14)

the Patch are some ways teens can When a teen

tions listed above are just a guide-

Facts and Stats on Teen Pregnancy

Staying Abstinent, using

prevent pregnancy.

Another option would be

tests are supposed to measure

take a while to get the results

condoms, taking the Pill, or wearing

common are peeing into a cup

Six out of ten teens wished that they have not have had sex as early as they did (6)

In 2007, Nevada had the most teen Pregnancies out of the US, 113/1000 (13)


graduate high school (18)

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