November 24th, 2009
Special points of interest: How to maintain a healthy diet Calorie intake Do you really need all of that protein? How to stay in shape
Table of Contents: In General
Working Out
Staying in Shape
Resource Write Ups
In General Sports nutrition is important because it becomes very hard to play sports if you are overweight and eat too much, or if you don’t gain everything back that you lost. By doing either of these things, you could have weight problems, so in order to prevent that; you need to get the necessary nutrients that you need after every practice or game. Most people who over eat after a practice or a game think that it is OK because they just worked out, but over consumption is bad because even though you are hungry you have to make sure you consume just enough, otherwise you defeat the purpose of the workout. As well as over consumption, not eating enough can be bad also. If you don’t get back the important vitamins and minerals that you need, your body may become sick and
your immune system won’t be able to fight back the disease or virus causing it. Also, by doing this you could become anorexic because of the high loss of nutrients. All in all, you need just the right amount of food to keep your body going and in shape.
Working Out Working out is a great way to stay in shape, and to build muscle for sports. But, when working out, push yourself, but never try to lift too much weight, our you could seriously hurt yourself. Also, it is always a good idea to write down the exercises you
do and at how much weight you are doing them at, that way, you know that you are making progress, and that you aren’t just in the weight room for no reason. One other think you want too keep I mind when you are making your weight card, find your maximum, and
then do 60% of that weight for your reps. Finally, if you are working out, but don’t seem to be making any progress, hire a trainer for a hour and go through your workout with them, that way they can show you proper form and give you proper advice.