Final journal

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Michael Wong


Studio 4

Tutor: Geoff Kimm

Part A.


A.0. Introduction A.1. Design futuring A.2. COMPUTATION A.3. Composition/Generation a.4. Conclusion A.5. Learning outcomes A.6. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches referencing

My name is Michael Wong, the third year student of environments and majoring in architecture. I came from Hong Kong where is a city with many skycrapers, they inspired me the interest of becoming an architect. I enjoy the sight of different forms of architecture since I was a child. I also enjoy to experience different atmosphere within different architectures. Studying architecture at the university, I have become interested in small scale architecture project. The most interesting aspect I found when working on a project is the sustainablility and the passive design. Also I like to involve the natural elements into my design such as the view, sun light and the landscape structure. Being a student of architecture is lucky because architect is not a profession that only itect. Nowsaday, I am able to appreciate an architecture in a deeper view with a better knowledge and mind. In the past two years life at the university, I have found that becoming an architect is a really long journey and not easy. There are too many techniques to learn and works to know, but I still have the enthusiasm to achieve the target I have been set at the earlier day and become an architect in the future.


Over the pass two years, I have developed some basic skills for the 3D modeling and rendering. Those were a huge challenge for me when I was be introduced at the first. However, I have finally came over it with friends' help and becoming a better user and learner of those softwares. The first software I have been introduced to produce a 3D medel was Rhinoceros. The first year subject "Virtual Environment" introduced us to produce a phyiscal modeling project called "the second skin". Rhino had been used for the digital persentation, at the same time building up our project. Fortunatley, we were requested to achieve in a group, therefore, we could share our different techniques of Rhino to each other.

The challenge I have mentioned before was the limited skill on Rhino would restrict some of your ideas, as you counld not transfer them into the software. After learning to use Rhino, I have found that was a very useful tool to transfer my thinking into a visiable presentation. Every single odjects I have transfer in Rhino, it helped me reflect on them and able to construct futher to the one I am happy with. The rendering skill I have developed last year was Lumion. It is another useful tool for me to repersent my project in a clear vision. I am hoping this subject can lead me to improve on the software skill such as the glasshopper.

Office dA Boston Nader Tehrani Dan Gallagher 2006

"Architecture as a design practice that contributes ideas to the ongoing disciplinary discourse and culture at large."

The BenQ Ofiice dA located in Bonston is using

for the dinning place. The design of the space, however, is conceptualized around another division, on the z axis, between the ceiling and the ground. Acknowledging the historical setting of the building, the ceiling hovers away from all interior walls and instead finds its support in suspension from above. [1]

As an example of the dA office, the offset ceiling was never been used in the past, the technology makes the ceiling can be constructed away from walls and this just leads the change of the sense of space inside the building. The office discarded the traditional four elements of architecture such as the ceiling is connected to the ground and no BenQ dA is a good example showing longer need to attech to the wall. Architecture architecture has been changing by the improve has a unlimited future possibilities, if architects of technology and also human's thinking. In the are fervently to create and absorb new ideas. past, as the lecture mentioned that architecture And the technology will be the most important was designed by just providing functions element to help with the future design. to humans such as a living place. But now, architecture becomes more similar to art. They This has become the new index of architecture, are now being connected to humans and also they will conitnue to be appreciated in the the environment. Architectures continue to be future. Instead of a prefect functional building, changed in their forms, lookings and spaces. people will be more appreciated to see an architecture with emotions and the connection to human/nature. The modernism from 20th century could be said as the first step of chaning in term of human and architecture.

A.1. Design Futuring

Centre for Ideas Minifie Van Schaik



The Centre for Ideas exists as an addition to

the Victorian College of the Arts. The form and spatial qualities of the project were derived from generative processes resulting in a project Although the different ways of human's that stimulates debate regarding architectural thinking has been changed over time, some design process, materialisation, and the of the historical elements and ideas of perception of the abstract as reality. [2] architecture are still constant at the moment. For example, the top floor of the building have This is another example showing that a few opennings which is allowing the natural human's ways of thinking is changing in sun light get into the building. This is a design term of the architecture. There is no longer which is similar to the Dome in the history, for only considering the functionality, the texture leting the natural sun light illuminate inside become another element to demonstrate in instead of using lamb light. This some how this architecture such as the stainless steel shows people are still valuing the architecture facade material was required to reify the by the old purposes, I will say architects now building. And of course this has to be done are finding a new index of architecture design along the technology, for example, the concave but still keeping the good elements from the steel facade with patterns is now much easier past. to product with the pre-fabricated process. Which means it gave the opportunity to the One of the environment subject Momo to pomo architect to generate new design features. indicated that architecture was a deputation of different level of people in the society in 18th century. "Wellfare people deserve a better environment." But nowaday, I think the architects are providing the architectures to all people with different disciplinary discourse and culture. They are now focus on the outcome in term of the texture, atmostphere rather than separating classes.

A.1. Design Futuring

Computation has become an important method for the architects at this period of time to step

forward to a new index for designing buildings. instead of simple forms with function of use, a new design aspect of meanings, expectations and unusal has been generated by the compytation of design. In this new age of architecture, the change of people's thinking gernerated many new issues of design, computation therefore has also became a tool for problem sovling. For example, computation software provide the chance to create and demonstrate some of the complex patterns of design that we would find differcult to show by the tranditional hand drawing skill. In term of problem sovling, computation has provided us a more effciency way to consider things such as the design goal and risk of the deisgn.

"Design is a process of discovery, which generates insights into the problem that were not previously known" [3]

Computation has changed the design process into a situation like puzzle making. It provides the opportunities of million change of shapes and forms by the computer. The computation is able to process from a new shape to anothers in a very simple way. Thus, it changed the way people process the design from the tradational hand drawing. The construction aspect of architecture also has a huge impected by the computation. People are now more likely to see a digital and detail visiable presentation rather than a simple pieces of drawing. They want to see the effects produced by the computation. The incoming change of the presentation will be continue developed base on the computation which could be a 3D spaces with experiences created by the technology.

A.2. Computation

NEW MOUNTAIN VIEW OFFICES Bjarke Ingels Thomas Heatherwick


The new index of architecture can be seen

by many new upcoming design. The image shown above is the new Google’s proposed campus in the Mountain View. The example demonstrated the change of architectual design by the computation. The traditional form and design theory has been excluded, the general structure and in particular the roof of the building is designed by computation. The irregular geometries demonstrated how people used the computation skill in the way to create new index of architecture. The design now also became more organic with the computation method such as people are likely to have more natural sun light and want the architecture become environmental friendly.

Instead of constructing immoveable concrete buildings, the designers create lightweight block-like structures and the large translucent canopies will cover each site, controlling the climate inside yet letting in light and air. With trees, landscaping, cafes, and bike paths weaving through these structures However, architects and engineer now have to consider the very different design issues compare to the past. For example, the support of the irregular geometries structure in the reality and the shading system of the building.

Liverpool Villahermosa IĂąaki Echeverria



In stead viewing of a future project,

computation design has actually been used in the modern project since the past few years. This dynamic and modern façade provided a new image for the largest luxury retailer in Mexico. [4] As we can see the computation design has changed people the way they appreciate an architecture. People are now more interesting in the simple but distinctive visual effects in term of its structural form, materials use and sustainablility. Since the computation design was changed the design outcome of the building, the designing process has also been effected. The reading of Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design mentioned designing is an action that always create problems during the process. Take the Liverpool Villahermosa as an example, one of the most difficult issue

for creating the twisted geometries facade is the final construction. Architects could not make sure the facade can be prefectly done by the current techniques. On the other hand, the choose of material is also a risk for the architects during their early design process, and those are the challenges of the computation design at the moment.

Although there are many unexpected problems during the computation design, the most efficiency way is all different prodessionals like architects and engineers work together to find out the solution.

A.2. Computation

Algorithmic design and thinking can be explanined as "taking on an interpretive role to inderstand the results of the gene rating code, Knowing how to modify the code to explore new options, and speculating on further design potentials." [5] Which is the architect's response to design with the information processing of various codes or algorithmic data, also understanding the interaction between one another. Hence, to maximise the capacity of architect to generate more complex form and structure design. This is manifested as the component design in the real life architecture. Component design leads the parametric design allows architects to use in the design process. It is also a factor that supported the change from traditional design to computation we have mentioned in the pervious section. Computation designers and architects are now able to create parametric components. The huge relationship between computation and component design has improved the efficiency of construction of architecture. [6]

A.3. Composition/ Generation

ICD Research Pavilion 2010 Moritz Fleischmann Jan Knippers Julian Lienhard Achim Menges Simon Schleicher

G E N E R A T I O N Parametric modelling currently is a strong tool for designing at the moment. Component design I have mentioned is enabled by parametricism which can also be seen as generative design. The term generative design is the new way of designing architectures by discovering complex form in stead of using form to design architecture. The design process of algorithmic generation is defined with codes. The precedents ICD Research Pavilion 2010 I used below is showing the designer to digitally simulate the performance of building components as well as the effieienrt prefabrication of structures and the construction of it is enabled by the generative parametrics.


he development of design by using algorithmic scripting has opened the path for architects to not only skept gorithmically. It leads the deigners to explore more on the unknown construction opportunity which are efficient and workable with the fabrication. The roof structure of Médiacité Liège is an example of parametricism had been used in the construction industry. This complex geometrical roof had a numbers of issues that the actitects have to consider. For example, the organic flowing structure of the roof needed a self-support construction at the areas where is no supported by columns such as the middle area. However, the generative approach of design gave the chance to the architect and engineer make a flexibility into the design. The algorithmic softwares allows architects to change the structural forms without affecting the paremeters of the designed roof, hence, the geometry can be modified for satisfy the structural integrity. On the other hand, as the algorithic codes had been changed by the changing the structural form, architects are able to generate a new computation model quickly with the same paremeter base on the codes. Therefore, computation is not only allows architects to understand the structure constraints but also able to find out solutions through the algorithmic knowledge.

Médiacité Liège Ron Arad Buro Happold


A.3. Composition/ Generation

C o n c l u s i o n Being at the end of part A study of studio air, architecture has demonstrated its huge impaction on the influential movement from the history to this age. Architecture is not only bout their building structure or appearance, it is more than the choice of materials, spaces and building system. It is a mirror which reflects the live of social, economy and Politics development through the time line. The led of style of the architecture and construction in this age is the computation and generative design. Although, many of the computational software such as Rhino, Auto CAD and Revit have already existed for a few years, it only means that the designers are able to create their works in a more accurate and high speed way. Architecture is now stepping to the age of parametric and algorithmic design which is a very different design theory and way of thinking about the architectural forms. The precedents I have shown perviously from professional architects or students are the examples that demonstrating the capalities of building form and construction shiftment from traditional to the digital computational design. I believe that computation of design will become the main aspect of architecture development in the coming future which is meant to discover new forms and materials base on the parametric and algorithmic design.



Though out the study of Part a, I have found that the most efficient learning is the grasshopper software in the way to play with the different forms such as geometric and parametric style. It provided me the opportunity to actually experience the digital shiftment of architectural design in stead of the traditional hand drawing experience. The peredents I have used to answer the questions are also gave me a chance to be an eye-opener to the new age of design. They gave me the indeed images of the logic of parametric design with the computation theory. Whether the computation, parametricism, algorithmicism or generative design are the completely new terms for me in my study jounery, but after this part of studio, I have a completely new thinking on the future architecture design. The computation or parametricism are the necessary ideas that we need to learn as a student of architecture. As it gives us a another pathway for becoming a designer in the future, but also open our view of the governing shiftment of architecture design. After studying those techniques on grasshopper and pecedents, I have come to reflect on my pervious works with the ideas of parametricism and algorithmicism. They have changed my thinking process of designing in the way to approach a more complex form of geometriy. I believe that can encourage me to move forward to improve in my digital skills.

Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches Michael Wong 2015

I have been working on the Grasshopper to create a working space and roof structure with the

design of parametric pattern. I have been trying to use the tachniques of lofting and surface divide to evaluate the surface with a parametric shape I have created. I have tried to demonstarted the techniques I have learnt in Grasshopper and use them to reflect the ideas of computation and parametric design in part A study. After the studying of the pecesdents, I started getting interested in the designing process by defining the form of sturcture rather than using a form to create the design. Hence, the experience I have shown below is deomnstrating a free flow parametric surface structure which is providing a work space and the form of the structure is creating by the grasshopper after many different experiences on changing the direction of lines and points. The whole structure is a one piece object with one geometric pattern and this design is reflecting on the ICD Research Pavilion 2010 I have used as the pervious pecesdent study which is repesenting the idea of generative component. My algorithmic design is also reflecting on one of the argument made in this section which is the free flow structure is a difficulty on the constructure, as the support of the algorithmic design is difficult to define.

A.6. Algorithmic Sketches

BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BanQ / Office dA" 03 Dec 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Mar 2015. <http://www.archdaily. com/?p=42581> [2] "mvsarchitects/Centre for Ideas-Victorian College of the Arts" Centre for Ideas, published at 2012-1002, <> [3] Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of ComputerAided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 19 [4] "Fachada Liverpool / Iñaki Echeverria" 13 Aug 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Mar 2015. <http://www.> [5] Oxman, Rivka and Oxman, Robert, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (Londong, New York: Rout-ledge). PP. 10 [6] Peters, Bradey (2013). 'Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Though' , Architectural Design, 83, 2, P.12 Images: BanQ / Office dA" 03 Dec 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Mar 2015. <> "mvsarchitects/Centre for Ideas-Victorian College of the Arts" Centre for Ideas, published at 2012-10-02, <> "Fachada Liverpool / Iñaki Echeverria" 13 Aug 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Mar 2015. <http://www.> abduzeed, mediacite-shopping-mall-ron-arad-architects, Published at 2010-11-10, <http://abduzeedo. com/mediacite-shopping-mall-ron-arad-architects>

<> AD magazine, Astronauts Orbiting on Their Stomachs: The Needs to Design for the Consumption and Production of Food in Space (pages 114–117) <MagMa doi/10.1002/ad.1104/epdf> Special Issue: Empathic Space: The Computation of Human-Centric Architecture. Guest Editors Christian Derix and Åsmund Izaki (pages 1–144) < doi/10.1002/ad.1378/epdf>



GEOMETRY Minimal Surface I

Geometry is always an essential

element of the architectural design from the past to present. Focusing on the geometrical design to architectural structure, surfaces and internal partition are the major aspect of architecture design today. This idea has been briefly discussed in the part A concept of computation which is used to define the best solutions to complex geometries but also to create custom geometry. In part B, I decided to get deeper into the idea of geometrical design in term of the knowledge such as formation and structural integrity to the architectural field.

tension/relaxation I

Refering to the part A computational design, we knew that the most difficulty of geometrical field to architecture is the possibilities of fabrication and construction. And this knot is determined by the capabilities of material use and material limits. Base on the importancy of material, I would like to focus on the studlies of minimal surfaces and the tension/relaxation of geometrical design. Minimal surface is focusing on the utilizing the maximum amount of surface area within a minimal possible surface. This idea is interact with the tensile and relaxation of material use, because the relaxation of the design structure determines the design outcome in term of its function and intention.

INSIDE AND OUT University of calgary



he project of university of calgary "inside & out" is an art installation which shows an outstanding formation of a relaxed mash structure by using the element of geometry. This project has no specific surface [1] orientation , but the structure of twisting in and out representing the comlexity of geometric form that produced by parameyric tool. This project also demonstrated the minimal surface that minimzed in area by the relaxation of the mesh structure. To create the minimal surface, the designer has to consider the inegrity of structure such as the geometry and performance are interrelated through the crafting and fabrication of the structure. Also, the material is important that allows the structure to be errected within the space and materiality manifests how the relaxation of the mesh can be created. This project is a good example showing the parametric design is able to be involved to compose form from the organisation of materials and the method of fabrication. The concept of minimal surface and tension of materiality can concieve complex geometry through the parametrical design is also been shown in the project.

B.1. Research Field



In order to understand more about the minimal surface, I chose to study the 3 dimensional lightwight installation in Sydney "Green Void". It is an example of minimal surface involved into design. The Green Void has an area of 300 sqm, the installation has used the concept of minimal surfaces and tension to carry 3000sqm volume with a height of 20m spanning from the floor [2] ceiling and horizontally to the side wall . This project of the geometric deisgn is an example of digital modelling by using grasshopper and a physics engine, Kangaroo. Finally constructed by using CNC. One of the new dimension of the green void is its sustainable design feature, it is achieved by the materials use, fabrication and efficient construction time. This project produced with an extremely lighe weight as the project is made with a woven fabric, it allows the object with only 2mm stainless steel cables. Not only the sustainable design, the installation is also visually striking by filling up the atrium space in between the walls. the spatial impact is affective as its sculpture and impressive aesthetic to the space. For my own experiences, I decided to use this example as a study of the geometric and parametric design. Sustainable and fast manufacturing are the future aspect of architectural design, and the minimal surface created by geometrical form is an interesting field to study in the way of computational design method.

B.2. Case Study 1.0

By using the definition of the algorithmic design with this 3D form "The Green Void", I started to play with the parameters of exoskeletons creating different combinations of line and geometrical shape. There are some branches of exoskeletons for creating different effects such as the node size, number of faces on mesh, thicjness and the length of tubes. I have learnt that the mesh relaxation can be achieved by using the plug-in of grasshopper call Kangaroo. The component of "goal length" is used to maniplate the flexibility of the mesh using the springs algorithm. The green void design had used the goal length to transform the rigid structure into an organic tensile form in order to create the minimal surface. Increasing the goal length will relaxe the mesh. Also, I have tried to create a mesh in rhino and use Kangaroo springs algorithm to it. I want to create a mesh and apply tension for the minimal surface by using goal length, and use the control points on the mesh to change the shape.

Species 1-Exosceleton nodes size + thickness

Species 2-Exosceleton with different Geometry + no. of faces

Species 3-Exosceleton spaces + nodes size

Species 4 - different meshes + control pt + goal length

Selected Outcomes

Munich Olympic Stadium Frei Otto Gunther Behnisch 1972

The second case study I decided to use my own

choice of architecture which is the Munich Olympic Stadium by Frei Otto. The reason I have chosen this masterpiece of tensile architecture because it demonstrate a prefect realisation which physical and aesthetical possibilities of tensile structure making minimal surfaces. The structure of the design was composed with 25mm steel cables within a 762 [3] square grid which was impressive in term of the technology and construction in the time of 1972. The roof of the design is suspended from metal steel columns and steel cables on the above that acts the tension. The project is also sustainable in resisting loads such as wind, rain and snow.

The tensile roof structure is successfully providing function as a tensile shelter with a different degrees of thermal comfort open space. This peoject prefectly reflect on my own experiences in the pervious case study, creating the mesh relaxation and tension for the minimal surface with the grasshopper and Kangaroo plug-in. This peoject was built without any digital aid, and I would like to create a similar structure refer to the roof of the Munich Olympic Stadium and explore further on the possibility of designing entire spaces using this logic of construction. This might be also useful and visually striking to our design biref of Merri Creek as this tensile structure can be spanned into a larger size which can be fit in the site.

B.3. Case Study 2.0







1. From the beginning of producing a relaxation and tension roofing system, I have to start with a basic geometry and I have found that a simple rectangular form will be good for creating tensile shelter with a different degrees of open spaces. After I have decided the geometry, I am able to create a mesh within that rectangular edge. 2. For the second step, the mesh must be set into the grasshopper and use the plug-in Kangaroo to create the control points on the edge of the rectangular mesh. This will be used to define the area that the tensile mesh work. 3. Then, I bake the mesh from the component in grasshopper call "Decompose" to produce the dot from the mesh. After that, I used to hide the mesh in Rhino so I could have a better view of the bake mesh with those dots. 4. The highlighted dots with red colour are the points that I wanted to control at the later stage. It will be used to change the position of the point, in order to produce the tensile structure of the mesh. Also, the selected points on the edge of the mesh will become the anchor of the elasticity surface that created by Kangaroo. 5. Now, this stage shows how the elasticity surface stay on the mesh with those selected points from the last step. And I will be able to control the relaxation and tension on the surface by moving the points to different direction. 6. The final step is moving the selected points and use the component goal length to adjust the relaxation of the mesh.

The outcome of the relaxation and tensile structure of the Olympic Stadium is not completely success, I was able to use grasshopper to recreate the surface of the roof with only the general geometrical structure. However, this outcome still missing the elements such as the internal geometrical framing and the detail structural interlock. The rule of the structure is still unknown at this stage. In the future stage, I want to explore more on the detail of the geometric form such as creating the internal framing on the mesh. It would be used to explain how the tensile structure connected to each pieces on the mesh. It will be achieved by a more technical skills that I would learn with the grasshopper and apply the skills with geometrical design into my final biref for Merri Creek.

Design Brief Merri Creek



The site of Merri Creek is a largest stie I have to consider so far in the university course. After a few times visiting the site, I have found that people movement and activity are disperse in the site. Therefore, my design brief at the beginning stage is to contralize people to experience the geomertical design. Base on this brief, the location of my design in the site should be an area that has the biggest circulation of people, hence they can easily discover my design. To maximize the experiment of my design, it should contant a functional system, so people can use my design and experience the geometrical patterm at the same time.

The red squared area is my potential site for placing my design, it is because there is one of the area that contant the most circulation movement of Merri Creek. It could be an efficiency element that might increase the attention from the people to my design. The circulation movement could also be used as a factor and involved into my design.

Technical Developement MATRIX Form and structure Geometrical design




D B.4. Technical Developement

ITERATION DESIGN Selecting The Outcomes

SERIES A The iterations from series A was created beased on the definition of Kangaroo. However, the structure of the mesh could not be construsted without any joints or framing, therefore, I have used another formula in grasshopper that transfer the mesh into a surface with the framing of triangular and square panels. In stead of only one geometry element of the mesh, the surface framing also provided another geometrical pattern to the structure. SERIES B The inerations B are also the outcomes created by Kangaroo. However, I decided to use the component of Exosceleton to create different forms of mesh. This series of productions are more structured than the before, as the form of the designs are more regulation. SERIES C D These two inerations are created by a new definition which is called Lunchbox. They got the most stabilized strusture hanging by the specified pattern framing such as diamonds panel, hexagon cell and triangle panel. I have found that this series of geometries design demonstrated a clear and stable structure of algorithm pattern, hence, I decided to use those inerations design as my further development. The concentration of the parametric form is also interact with my design brief.

During perious iteration experiences, I have found that the definition of Kangaroo for creating a mesh has created many interesting outcomes. However, the the transition from a mesh to a surface was an issue that will be very difficult to construst in the site. The strusture will not working in the reality unless people construst extre support like columns for hanging the mesh structure. Therefore, I have tried to create a new definition base on geometrical design by using the new plug-in LUNCHBOX in the grasshopper. I have tried to loft the curves into a tube surface and arrange it with different shapes and angles. Afterthat, I applied the lunchbox to the different surfaces with the patterns of diamonds panel, hexagon cell and triangle panel. By using the component offset, I have created the framing structure to the surface and it is able to be changes the thinkness. The selection outcomes from this technical development will be the major aspect of the final design I will create for the site in Merri Creek.


These four geometries are the most successful outcomes during the development, as they all contant a stabilized sturcture and also the forms that I wanted to create. They all have the element of geometrical structure but they are different to each other, they are all providing a different sense of space and atmostphere if used in the site.

Physical Prototype

prototype 1 Geometry

3D printing

For thw physical prototype, I wanted

to choose the one that has a strongest strusture but also has the potential for my design brief in the Merri Creek site. Finally, I chose to use the twisted geometrical patterning tube for my physical prototype. For construsting the model, I decided to use 3D printing techqine as it is the fastest and efficient way to create the twisting shape.

This is the outcome of the gemteric pattern I have created by the lunchbox plug-in in grasshopper. This diamond shape is commonly used in many geometrical building structure, it provides a strong supporting proprties to a irregular form of design. At the same time, it also created a parametrical element to my protype.

B.5. Technique : Prototype

However, there are some of the shortcomings of the prototype by using the 3D printing. This first prototype was broken from the half way through of the process. It's because I forgot to keep reheating the platform, so it fell off from the platform during the process. Fortunately, it still provided a clear pattern of the geometric structure on the facade.

The other shortcoming of 3D printing is the interior section of the model, the interior space of the design suppose be empty which should be same as the digital model I have made. However, the 3D printing require an inner element to support the hollow structure. Therefore, it created an unexpected grid inside the protoptye. By the way, this unexpected outcome of the model could be seen as a potential development on the later state of the final design.

Physical Prototype 2 Broken structure solving

Because of the broken result of the first prototype, I decided to make another one which could show the complete form of the structure. The result at this time demonstrated the fully twisted sturcture and it has a nice vision effect between the twisted structure and the parametric geometries.

Also, holding it in different direction created a different effects of the prototype. For example, holding it horizontally like accesible pathway or tunnel. On the other hand, putting it up straight is more like a tower. It provded a new way for design thinking that I might consider the way of placing the design, it could create a different effect of design outcome. This would be useful to design for the large site like the Merri Creek


Design Proposal & Site Context




My design concept in reponse to the Merri Creek brief is to create a geometrical structure bridge which provide a visual pleasing and a function for people to cross the bridge and pass to the other side of the creek. My design intend to centralize people experience my parametric space near the most floating population area in the site.



My design is located accross the creek next to the St. Georges Road where has one of the large floating population in the site. It will become the most important factor that attract circulation movement to my design. The designed bridge will make a connection between the relaxing trail and the fluxional urban city. As the relaxing pathway of the site is constructed under the foundation of the St. Georges Road, hence the designed bridge will connect the pathway to the main city road accross the river. Base on that, the design provides users the opportunity to shuttle from the two completely different environments and atmostphere in a much more convenience way.

Site Analysis sunpath diagram

summer sun

winter sun

LEGEND summer Wind N

winter Wind proposed design site

Site analysis through the research of Museum Victoria imformed the design process as it provide the imformation of wind flow direction as well as the sunlight path. In the summer time, the day light duration hours is roughly 15 hours but there is roughly 9 hours of day light duration in winter time. The day light hours is important for my design, as the shadow reflection from the sun light is also a part of the design outcome. The hollow parametric geometries pattern is able to provide a nice visual effect inside the bridge, it can create a sense of pattern changing while people visit the space during the different hours.

Site Analysis circulation diagram

8 : 00 a.m.

This serise of diagram shows the density of the human circulation in different time period. It imformed the amount of use and discover my design.

At 8:00 am in the morning, I have found that the circulation of the traffic on St. Georges Road is busy as it is the peak hour of people who are going to work. However, there are quite a lot of people walking and cycling on the Merri Creek Trail. 12 : 00 p.m.

At 12:00 pm, there are less traffic on the St. Georges Road as most of people are at work during this time. But there are still many people are moving on the Merri Creek Trail. They are mostly the elders and youth who don't need to work during the day time. 3 : 00 p.m.

At 3:00 pm, there are almost the same amount of traffic as before, but the users of the Merri Creek Trail are a bit less. 5 : 30 p.m.

At 5:30 pm of the site, there are a lot of traffic and cycling on the St. Georges Road, it is because people are getting back home from work. My design bridge might have another function which could provide a second ride way for the bicycle riders. After sunset, there have no people visiting the Merri Creek site which mean the design will not be recognized during the night time. Hence, the other reason I have choosen to place my design next to the ST Georges Rd is that people can still discover the geometrical design while they are driving on the road.

Form Generation proposed design

Loft surface

Twisting skeleton

Surface twisted

Apply parametrical geometries

Offset geometrical patterns


Plan View


Elevation 2

Design Details elevation


Elevation 1

Design Proposal : Rendering Effect

D e s i g n

R e f l e c t i o n In accordance with the design proposal and the interim presenatation feedback, I will continue develop with my current design concept which leads my idea reponse and improve the strength in part C. My designed geometrical pattern at the current stage is not complex enough and it goes against the rule of computation design. Therefore, I will refine the current form and exploring how it can be improved as well as considering the landscape context of connection between the bridge and the river bank. Which mean the general structure of the bridge might not be fully straight. For relating to the computational concept, I might focus on the complexity of geometries along the surface and my potental outcome of the improvement is to create a feeling of variation of the geometries while users are walking through the bridge. After receiving the feedback from the class, I agree that there is not enough element which is specifically related to the Merri Creek site. The design so far has just provided a basic function to the user crossing the creek and this meant the design can be placed in a different site else. Therefore in part C, I am aiming to find out and design another function or element that is distinctly related to the site. This would be achieved by increasing the complexcity of the design.

L e a r n i n g Thus far, my personal experience in this course studio Air has been a steeop learing curve. There were many issues during the process of the algorithmic gerneration which was not a very smoothly start for me. It had been shown clearly in part B.3 and B.4 study, the structure outcome created by Kangaroo were mainly as minimal surface, however, minimal surface has to be constructed with a particular site. Altough the outcomes by using kangaroo were interesting, the design is extremely difficult to be constructed on the site of Merri Creek in reality unless to build extra supports arround the design, however, it might destruct the environment in the surrounding and it will consume a huge amount of time to work on the site analysis. Therefore, I decided to change the definition in Grasshopper during the half way through of Part B study. Using a new definition means I have to restart thinking my general form of design for the site. After the issues I had faced with the mininal surface design, I have learnt that the design outcome created by the computational process is not easy to be constructed in the reality. Hence, in the later design process in part B, I have also considered the structural context as well as the visual effective form. The major learning objective I have learnt in part B is the consideration between the possiblity of contruction in the site and the complutational design outcome.

O b j e c t i v e s

The other learing objective from part B is the method of model making. For the prototype of the first design, I decided to use a new method which is the 3D printing. However, there were some shotcomings I have mentioned before such as the hollow interior section of the bridge was filled by the filament of 3D print. Those shortcomings remind me the importance of material use in the final design. I should have to consider the material chocie for my further design in part C in term of the weight but also the visual effect of the final outcome. In part C, I hope all of the shortcomings and weaknesses I have discovered can be solved and improved. Those targets could be achieved by a more skilled of the computational method in grasshopper and a deeper research on the specifical function relates to the Merri Creek site.

Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches Michael Wong 2015

This geometrical mesh structure has a huge relationship with my design for Merri Creek Site. The different of this pattern and it become a very stable structure created by the form of triangle. The free form curve of the structure effect and it looks like a turnel which is able for people to pass through. The joints of the structure is created with the pipes component in grasshopper, it also demonstrated a better join structure. My design goal also has to make sure that the final structure is workable and stable in the reality and t good option to study in the further development.

s mesh is the triangular e created a special visual

nts element for the the pipe component is a

BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] SDA / Synthesis Design (2013), Articulated Tensions, University of Calgary. Accessed on 25th March 2015. [2] LAVA Laboratory for visionary Architecture, Green Void. Accesse on 29th March 2015. http://www.l-a-v-a.ent/projects/green-void/ [3] Tugraz Institute of Architecture, Graz, Austria, Olympic Stadium. Accesse on 1st April 2015. Diagrams: SDA / Synthesis Design (2013), Articulated Tensions, University of Calgary. Accessed on 25th March 2015. Baraona Pohl, Ethel. "Green Void / LAVA" 16 Dec 2008. ArchDaily. Accessed 30 Apr 2015. <> Kroll, Andrew. "AD Classics: Munich Olympic Stadium / Frei Otto & Gunther Behnisch" 11 Feb 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 30 Apr 2015. <> Photos taken by Michael Wong, Merri Creek, 12th March, 2015 Google map screen shot, Merri Creek, 2015 <,+Melbourne+VIC/@-37.7050473,144.9805097,12z/data =!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x6ad645405fe2931b:0x2a0456754b38dc50>




efering to the interim presentation, I have realized that there must has a further development for the design intents. In the previous section, my design brief was intented to centralize the users within my parametric design but at the same time providing a pragmatic function to people. However, after receiving the feedbacks from the guests and tutor, I also agree that the design is not strong enough to meet the design concept. The bridge I have designed was too simple in its forms and parametric design. Therefore in part C, I intent to improve some of the areas of my design in terms of its form, function and relationship to the Merri Creek site.

F O R M Begining with the form and structure of my design, the main criticism that I have got was the relationship with the site. The form of the bridge was independent and it seems can be place at anywhere else of the site. Also, the structure of the design has been sealed to much and being ignored by the spacious site. Hence, I will be focusing on sovling those issue in part C and intent to develop a better form of the design at the end. F U N C T I O N A L I S T My major design brief is to create a parametric space that not only for the users to visualliz but also providing a pragmatic function. However, the founctional concept was too simple and it has a very weak relationship to the Merri Creek site. This will be the most important section that I want to improve and achieve in part C. The basic concept for the improvement of the founctionalist will be the idea of water purification to the creek under my design. E V O L U T I O N ? Hence, my final design will not only appear as a bridge but a more complex structure with another pragmatic founction which has a huge relationship to the site. This will be achieved by a further study and skills of the grasshopper.

Physalia Vincent Callebaut


Water Purification Architectural


tarting with the concept of the water purification, I have found that the water of Merri creek site has been contaminated badly by the pollution of industry many years age. The water in Merri Creek contains matel and many other impurities, which meant that the water is not performing well in planting and could not be farming fish. This is kind of contrasting and damaging the natural environmnet in the site. Therefore, I have come up with a new idea of water purification relates to the site with my parametric design.

One of the precedent that successfully demonstrated the incorporation between the architecture and water purificate function is the Physlia design by a Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut. The design was mainly constructed with solar energy panels and vegatations, thus the intenal temperature is able to be controled and the solar energy provides the power for the hydro turbine at the same time. This means the design can be traveling on the water and the exterior of the architecture contain a material called titania coatings which will be reacted with the ultraviolet ray and hance providing the function of water purification. Also, the water which has been purificated can be pumped into the garden inside the architecture and further purificate the remainded impurities. The vegetations in the garden can also be planted by the purificated water[1]. Overall, the design can provide a function of water purification but at the same time, it is also a self-sufficiency system. This is a very useful example that demonstrate the idea of using different materials and vegetation to create the function of water purification. At the later stage of part C, I want to apply this concept into my final design for purificating Merri Creek.


Design Concept

Water Purification Plants / Eichhornia crassipes


rowing particular plants has been commonly used as the method for providing the function of water purification because of their natural looking features and efficiency. This will be the most possible method to be used in the Merri Creek which will not destruct the natural and relaxing feature of the site. There has an issue with choosing plant's water purification. For my final design, I would like to use the advantage of the natural feature from the plants to provide the function of water purification.


Design Concept

Eichhornia crassipes is one of the plant that can provide the function of water purification. It has also been using in some of the regions in Australia which has no destruction to the Australia enrionment[image1][2]. Comparing to many different types of plant with the function of water purificate, eichhornia crassipes is the one that has a nice visual effect and appearence. It will be the major type of plant that Iam going to use for my final design. The basic concept for my final design is to create a garden along the pathway inside my bridge with the parametrical patternings arround. At the same time, the garden contain the plants which have the water purificate function such as Eichhornia crassipes. This design is imitated from the physalia that I have used as the precedent on the pervious page[image2].

Eichhornia Crassipes / Hyacinth

Physalia by Vincent Callebaut

Water Purification

Water Purification

NSW Australia

[Image 2]

[Image 1][1]

Final Design Details And Concept

The final design structure has been changed due to the criticises from the interim presentation, the two major improvments in the final design concept are the water purification idea and the curved surface structure instead of the sharpness edge and straight form which is destructing the freeform terrain of the site. Therefore, I was trying to create a serise of curved forms for my final design bridge.

However, this method for generating forms are very inefficiency and difficult to make a stronger connection to the site. Thus, I decided to design my bridge form in term of studying the terrain of the site. Design Site


Design Concept

To create a stronger connection with the Merri Creek site, I started looking at the genernal form of the creek. By capturing the area arround my choosen site, I decided to generate my new form of design base on the terrain of the site. Instead of a straight structural bridge, a curved form has been created which is more integrated and harmonized to the freeform site. However, the final form of the bridge does not completely imitate the shape of the creek, the two sides of the entrance has been rotated for suiting people's movement in the choosen site.

Final Design Structure Pattern Design

Type A.

Triangle Brace Structure

Type B.

Diamond Panel

Final design pattern

More like a engineering constructional structure

Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower by Ville Hara

Leak of aesthetic features for geometrical design

This Pattern has been used in exsiting designs which has a nice geometrical visual effect

A testing effect on Merri Creek site by rendering

Blocking most of the natural views from inside perspective

Bendigo Art Gallery by Fender Katsalidis


Rendering result which shown an algorithmic effect on geometrical design

Design Concept

Form Generation Final design


Design Concept

Water Purificate system ideal design concept

2. The method for transferring the water from the creek is using an extruded pipe which is connected to the one of the entrance's pipe. The water thus can be pumped and transfers along the labeled pipe on the facade to the graden.

After the water has been purificated within the garden, the clean water will be flowblack to the creek in the form of a waterfall.


Design Concept

B H h n

By creating the parametric brigde cross the river, the natural features has been blocked out with the surface. However, the connection between the users and natural environment in the site is one of the design concept I have mentioned before. Hence, my intention for designing the water purificate system was going to involve the natural element inside the bridge.

1. The water purifcate system is achieving by a longitypical garden inside the bridge along the pathway. The plants in the garden will purificate the water from the creek below the bridge. At the same, the users who is walking on the bridge are able to appreciate the green and natural element with the garden.

Water Purificate system Detail Function


3 2

1. Pumping dirty water from below the bridge to the water purification garden. 2. Water will be transfered to the garden through the pipe on the facade of the bridge. 3. Plants such as Eichhornia crassipes will remove the heavy matels contained in the water and provide the function of water purificate. The roots of the Eichhornia crassipes can provide a function for filtrating impurities that contain by the water and thus improve the efficiency of the water purification. 4. After the water has been purificated successfully, the ports for the water let out will be opened and the cleaned water will flowback to the creek 5. Cleaned water flowback to the creek in the form of a waterfall which provide a visual enjoyment to the users in around the designing site.


Design Concept



Water Tank




6100mm (L) X 500mm (W) X 600mm (H) =1830 Liters of water can be purificated each time

Base on the scientific research[3], Eichhornia crassipes is one of the most effective plant with water purification, it can process and finish the purification in about 10 hours which means there will have around 4200 Liters of water can be cleaned each day. And this is a quite efficient and possible treatment for the Merri Creek.

Section 1

Section 2


Design Concept

Elevation 1

Elevation 2


Plan View

Connection - Joints

Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower

For the connection of my designed geometric pattern, I have been reseaching a few existing

project which has a similar parametric system as my design and finally I decided to use the Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower by Ville Hara as my consultation study. The designer of the tower had used timber strip as a major constructing material because timber has a strong resistance on tension force which can be bend and create a nice bending form shown in the image. The nature of timber also provided a visual pleasing effect with its natural colour and each timber strip can be easily bolted together by simple metal joints.


Techincal Elements

Prototype 2

Connection - Joints

Metal bolt

Skin Panel 1

After studying the project of the

Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower, I decided to use the panel form for the construction of my design instead of using strip. Because my designed bridge structure is bending with a more complex pattern and using strip might has failure like fracturing. Hence, using panel structure will become more flexibility by arranging the size and numbers of the panel in different section of my bridge.

The image and photographs above have shown my processing and method of connection the panels together. Same as the study of the Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower, each panels will be bolted together by using a simple metal joint and overlapped on each others. Thus, it can provide a stronger structure for reinforcing the whole structure.




Techincal Elements

type 3

on - Joints

3D Printing - Powder Final Model

The Z450 Powder 3D Printer uses a liquid adhesive to bind powder in successive layers. A thin layer of powder is first laid across the print area before the print head applies a liquid adhesive on the areas of the print object. The print bed is then lowered slightly and the process is repeated until the object is fully printed. When the model has completed printing the loose support powder from each layer that has not been bound together is then removed using compressed air and vacuum units. The print object is left to dry, followed by an infiltration process where the object is coated with a solidifying solution to give it extra strength[4].


Final Model


or my final detail model, I decided to use the ZCORP Z450 POWDER 3D PRINTER to build the complex geometric structure because the 3D printing technique can create a nice finish on the bending and parametric structure. Time saving is also the reason I have chosen to use 3D Printer for constructing my final model. Because of the 3D powder printer can only print the model within the size limit of 170L X 170W X 170H MM, I decided to print my model with the maximum size to show the detail geometric pattern. Hence, the scale of the model has become 1:75 which is not a normal scale. However, it still created a nice structural detail with my final model. Another issue that the model has faced is the structure outcome. Because after the model has completed printing, the loose support powder from each layer that has not been bound together is then removed using compressed air and vacuum units which mean if the structure of the model is too thin, it will be broken during the process. Thus, I decided to add a extra support between each panel that provided a stronger structure to the model. The consequence of this method is that the final structure outcome is not the same as my design. However, it can still be used as a final quality model as it has demonstrated the integral form I was expected to present.

Landscape Model Laser Cutting - MFD


Final Model

Final Model 1 : 75 Scale



In Merri Creek

L e a r n i n g O b j e c t i v e s A n d O u t c o m e s Through my course of study with the studio air, A fter finished on the last part of the design studio, I I have found that the course has implemented have found that the interim presentation was the most important experience which has hugely impacted my prespective on designing through out the university designing journey. Before achieving the final part part C of the studio, I have never insighted into the "real" relationship between the site and my design concept. For example, in my pervious design studio, I was always struggling with the form or structure of my design. However, I was only considering the visual appearance to people which did not really insight into the relationship with the chosen site. Therefore, in part C, I decided to let the site to guide me the final structure of my bridge. Hence, I started to look deeper at the characteristic of the site such as its terrain, pattern and direction. As the result, I have got a more compatible and natural structure which was more related to the designing site. In term of the function of my design, I was also decided to do a deeper research on the context of the site such as water robertson and the history of industrial pollution. Thus, the water purificating system was able to receive positive feedback from the class.

in my mind as a student the benchmark and stardand of architecture in today's industry. Studying through my engagment with the brief and the algorithmic tasks, I was able to create a connection between the concept of algorithmic and form generaion. The highly technical experience provided me an opportunity to produce meaningful and functional architecture. Through the precedents and case study I have looked over the semester, I was able to improve my understanding of parametric design which has influenced my design and its potential capacity to the future architecture. Looking at the achievement and standing at the end of the course, I am now understanding the parametric design as a tool in the hand of the architect that can allow them to design complex geometry. This parametric design tool gives us an opportunity to continuous learning, developing our understand and try to achieve different design goals with the tool that can provide parametric element. The subject has improved my ability to respond to the brief with a much more open mind, I would not able to experience without engaging with the frustration of having limited skills in a parametric design. The process of looking back the project and design response, also tedious it may have seemed tedious each time it was more imformative to what it is like being an arcitect in a dynamic industry that continues to develop.


Learning Objectives



BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Vincent Callebaut, "PHYSALIA, AMPHIBIOUS GARDEN CLEANING EUROPEAN WATERWAYS", WATERWAYS 2010, EUROPE. Accessed on 9th April 2015. [2] NSW Department of Primary Industries, "Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)", Accessed on 9th April 2015. [3] Water hyacinth: a plant with prolific bioproductivity and photosynthesis. By S. Matai and D.K. Bagchi. 1980. pp. 144-148 [4] FabLab 3D Printer Guidelines pdf, University of Melbourne, Australia P. 4 Images: [1] incent Callebaut, "PHYSALIA, AMPHIBIOUS GARDEN CLEANING EUROPEAN WATERWAYS", WATERWAYS 2010, EUROPE. Accessed on 9th April 2015. <> [2] Potographed by Bob Tounce, Caption: Some dieback and sinkage can occur due to biocontrol agents. [3] incent Callebaut, "PHYSALIA, AMPHIBIOUS GARDEN CLEANING EUROPEAN WATERWAYS", WATERWAYS 2010, EUROPE. Accessed on 9th April 2015. <> Photos by Jussi, Tiainen Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower Kupla – The Bubble, Helsinki, Finland – design by Ville Hara + Wood Studio workshop < a030809_jt4.jpg> Photos by Jussi, Tiainen Tiainen Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower Kupla – The Bubble, Helsinki, Finland – design by Ville Hara + Wood Studio workshop < tower_a030809_jt6.jpg> Photos by Jussi, Tiainen Tiainen Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower Kupla – The Bubble, Helsinki, Finland – design by Ville Hara + Wood Studio workshop < tower_a030809_jt9.jpg> Photos taken by Michael Wong, Final Model, 22th May, 2015 Fundamentals: 3D Printing of Digital Models< digitalmodeling/3.jpg>

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