Dedicated to my daughter Lamia and my nephew Benjamin. Special thank you for the drawings to: Benjamin Mandic, Kay Kutwin, Lea Koubati, Aya, Alma & Dean Kajosevic.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction: 5-12 Chapter 1 — The park 12- 20 Chapter 2 — School time 20- 32 Chapter 3 — Groceries & objects 32- 39 Chapter 4 — Pool time 39- 51 Chapter 5 — Exercise & Fun Si- 58 References 58 Biography 59
I N T RO D U CTIO N: Children’s boom Every child’s development is crucial for his/hers parents. Ideal book for the age of 5-10 years old should consume all of their activities and interests in one place. The idea is to create a book full of colour, not just by illustration but also by adding the events and education provided, combined with methodology subject for that age. First of all, the book is arranged in an order of every day activities and hobbies that shall build an interest in the reader and the parent as well. As parents, we all know that this particular age range goes to school, being the age of formed little child who is fully capable of attending other activities, hobbies and so on.
Therefore, instead of fully leaning on the cartoons to educate them, we should incorporate the books and educative daily routines of parents with cartoons. The cartoons shall be watched daily, only a certain amount of time and the choice of cartoons is important as well. These ideas could be as well shown in a book or a cartoon by simply creating a shorter one full of educative and playful scenes with music with the closing such as: “sleep time”, “nap time” or “time to read the book and bye.” The idea is that this age does not hold the attention as long as the adults, therefore, the chapters should be shorter and more interesting.” Secondly, the central figures of the book, brother and sister, or simply boy and a girl shall convey healthy spirit ideas for the children.
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