CNH KIWIN'S Contests & Awards Manual 2015 2016

Page 1

Greetings! My name is Michael Tran and I’m the appointed District Awards & Recognition Chair for the 2015-'16 term. I’m currently a sophomore at La Quinta High School. I take part in other extracurriculars such as Marching Band and Winter Drumline. My favorite TV shows are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, and Criminal Minds. I love chicken Alfredo and boba and my favorite color is blue!! One word: OHANA. These past two years in KIWIN’S have really changed me as a person. I have made so many friendships in KIWIN’S and I honestly believe that it is my second family. This ohana has been by my side through it all and I have learned so many wonderful lessons from members and officers. KIWIN’S has so far made a huge impact in my life because I have grown to love service and discovered leadership within myself!! From a personal level I gained tons of experience in volunteering and serving my community. KIWIN’S is my ohana, my support system, and my motivation for service. I'm very thrilled to be on District Board and ready to serve the organization and members I care for. My goal this year is to improve member participation in District events by recognizing members, officers and clubs in any way possible. In order to do this, I would like to incorporate monthly awards such as Member, Officer, and Club of the Month. I would like to use these awards to recognize members for their hard work in the past month and also to motivate other members to work just as hard. Another goal I hope to reach is to increase the amount of clubs applying for awards this year compared to the previous year! Clubs should apply for awards because not only does it allow for you and your school to be recognized, it also represents the empathy and hard work you’ve contributed into this organization. I urge ALL clubs to apply no matter how small or how big your club is, please please just apply! If you are struggling with any aspect of the application (especially the formatting) or have any other KIWIN’S related questions, please let me know!! I’m always here to help anyone with anything about awards! Good luck to everyone, don’t procrastinate and make sure to meet the required deadlines!

Yours in Service,

Michael Tran California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S

32nd District of Key Club International


Changes to the 2015-2016 Awards Manual This year the CNH KIWIN’S District Awards Committee has decided to make a bigger step toward electronic submissions. There are a total of 28 awards this year that are required to be submitted electronically, which are: 1. All Star Award

15. Most Improved Club

2. Distinguished Club President

16. Most Improved Division

3. Distinguished Club Vice President

17. Most Interclubs

4. Distinguished Club Secretary

18. Partners in Service

5. Distinguished Club Treasurer

19. Sandy Nininger Medal

6. Distinguished Club Appointed Board Officer

20. Service Award

7. Distinguished Club

22. Single Fundrasier

8. District Project - Eliminate

23. Single School Service

9. Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame

24. Single Service Award

10. Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame

25. Club Poster

11. KIWIN'S Member of the Year

26. Club Video

12. KIWIN'S Week

27. Club T-Shirt

13. Major Emphasis Program - Live2Learn

28. Club Web Page

21. Sid Smith Award

14. Minor Emphasis - Pediatric Trauma Program You must compile an E-Porfolio, instead of a plastic binder as used in the past. Email all submissions to: The E-Portfolio must be in PDF format or it will not be judged If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michael Tran at kiwins.dawardschair@gmail.som

Eligibility All CNH KIWIN’S Club in good standing will be able to participate in the contests and awards.



All Section 1 Awards (listed below) must be emailed to by 5:00 PM, November 14, 2015:





All Section 2 Awards must be emailed by 5:00 PM to on February 20, 2016. All Section 3 Awards are to be judged during District Convention and therefore they must be received by 9:00 PM on April 15, 2016 at appropriate registration tables. ALL DEADLINES MUST BE MET. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.

Criteria It is important that all criteria are read closely and completed correctly. Be sure to include all required forms and recommendations (number varies for each award), and get all required signatures. Before emailing, double check that everything is filled out.

Disqualification Deviation from the judging criteria for any contest/award will result in immediate disqualification. Forgeries will result in disqualification. Also the Awards Committee reserves the right to disqualify any club for inappropriate behavior or harassment.

International Judging As a District of Key Club International, we are able to participate in the International Contests and Awards. The 2015-2016 Awards Committee reserves the right to retain all the winners for the Key Club International Awards at District Convention for the purpose of sending them for International judging in May. The International Contests/Awards include: 

Sandy Nininger Medal

Distinguished Club

Major Emphasis Program

Single Service

Talent Show

Partners in Service

Club Video

Oratorical Contest

Club Poster

Year in Review Contest

Questions/Reminders/Notes If you have any questions regarding awards, e-mail No person will be allowed to judge any contest or award entry by his/her club. All deadlines must be met in order for any contest or award to be judged. NO EXCEPTIONS. If the Awards Committee decides that there are not enough applicants for proper judging, then the committee reserves the right to not judge that contest or award. All decisions made by the judges and Awards Chair will be final. CALIFORNIA-NEVADA-HAWAII KIWIN’S DISTRICT OF KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL


Section 1 Awards MUST BE EMAILED ON NOVEMBER 14, 2015 BY 5:00 PM. ALL E-SUBMISSION 1. Club Poster

3. Club Video

2. Club T-Shirt

4. Club Web Page

Section 2 Awards MUST BE EMAILED ON FEBRUARY 20, 2016 BY 5:00 PM. ALL E-SUBMISSIONS 1. All Star Award

13. Major Emphasis Program

2. Distinguished Club President 3. Distinguished Club Vice President

14. Minor Emphasis - Pediatric Trauma Program

4. Distinguished Club Secretary

15. Most Improved Club

5. Distinguished Club Treasurer

16. Most Improved Division

6. Distinguished Club Appointed Board Officer

17. Most Interclubs 18. Partners in Service

7. Distinguished Club

19. Sandy Nininger Medal

8. District Project - Eliminate

20. Service Award

9. Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame

21. Sid Smith Award

10. Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame

22. Single Fundraiser

11. KIWIN'S Member of the Year

23. Single School Service

12. KIWIN'S Week

24. Single Service Award

Section 3 Awards MUST BE RECIEVED ON APRIL 15, 2016 BY 9:00 PM. (DISTRICT CONVENTION) 1. Convention Attendance

5. Oratorical Contest

2. Impromptu Essay

6. Talent Show

3. KIKS Spirit Award

7. Year in Review Non-Traditional

4. Membership and Motivation

8. Year in Review Traditional


International Award

Club Poster Contest

Rules Governing the Club Poster Contest The Club Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules: (1) The first and second place KIWIN’S Poster Contest winners will be eligible to compete in the Key Club International Poster Contest. (2) The poster should be designed to recruit and attract new members for a KIWIN’S Club, and should NOT bear the name of any school, community, or district. (3) The poster should promote Key Club International as an overall whole and need NOT be themed with the convention theme. (4) The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches (5) The following information must be submitted on the back of the poster

Name of the artist; name of the KIWIN’S Club; and Division, Region, and District.

Contact name and information for the artist producing the poster. The artist must be a KIWIN’S Club member.

(6) Posters will be judged according to the following criteria:

1. Originality and Creativity 25 points 2. Effectiveness for member recruitment 25 points 3. Appearance and artistic expression 50 points (6) Winning entries will become the property of Key Club International, and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce any contest winners, providing appropriate credit to the KIWIN’S Club and artist (7) The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or reassessments will take place after the judges and the Chair of Contests and Awards have certified the results.

KIWIN’S Club of_________________________

Division ________________________________________________________

Artist ____________________________________________________________________________________

Entry form 2016

Non-Digital Poster contest

Digital poster contest

Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on page 49. Please type or print information on this form and affix to the back of the poster. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Key Club of: __________________________________________

Club ID #: ________________________

District: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: ________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________ Key Club artist producing poster Artist name: _____________________________________________________

E-mail: ___________________

Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________

Please select one: ___________________

This poster placed first at district convention.

This poster was selected by other means and was approved for entry for International competition by the Key Club district administrator. ___________________

Key Club district administrator signature: _______________________________ Note: Only district winners are eligible for submission to International competition. Refer to the Key Club Guidebook for additional information and deadlines.

District Contest

KIWIN’S Club T-Shirt Contest

Rules Governing the T-Shirt Contest Throughout the California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN'S District, clubs have used t-shirts to promote KIWIN’S in their school and division. Club T-Shirts foster a sense of community within the club and unite the club into an ohana. Moreover, numerous clubs use T-Shirts to publicize KIWIN’S in various activities and events, including District Convention. The Club T-shirt Contest has been established to recognize such clubs that best demonstrate and promote the values of our organization via their club attire

Criteria (1) A club must be in good standing with the California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S District and Key Club International in order to be eligible to submit an entry. (2) The article of clothing must display an original and current design that has been used to promote KIWIN’S. A KIWIN’S member(s) must have created the design with no professional assistance. (3) The entry must be a clean, unused article of clothing. Only one submission will be accepted per club. (4) The design will be judged according to the following criteria: Aesthetic Appeal Creativity Originality Uniqueness of Design Promotion of KIWIN’S

How nice does it look? Is it imaginative/innovative? Did a KIWIN’S member make it? How different is it in the artistic work? How well does it promote the values of our organization?

15 Points 25 Points 15 Points 20 Points 25 points

(5) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results.

KIWIN’S Club of______________________________________ Division______________________________________________

Name of Artist(s): 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ On what date were club shirts first available to members? ___________________________________________________________ How many members are in your club? _____________________________________________________ How many have shirts? _____________________________________________________

CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name: _____________________________________________ Contact Phone #: ___________________________________________ PLEASE TYPE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM AND PROVIDE WITH THE SUBMISSION.

International Contest

Club Video Contest

Rules Governing the KCI Club Video Award The Club Video award shall provide recognition to KIWIN’S Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a video

Criteria The Key Club International Video contest will be conducted according to the following rules: (1) The first and second place Club Video Contest winners from the KIWIN’S district will be eligible to compete at the International level. (2) The video must be produced by club members only and cannot spend more than US $200 on production. (3) The video should be promotional for Key Club International, of KIWIN’S Club as an organization, and/or the KIWIN’S Club within its respective school/community. (4) The length of the completed video segment should be no more than 60 seconds. (5) The following information must be submitted with each entry: 

Name of the Club, Division, and District.

Contact name and information for a KIWIN’S member responsible for the submission.

Itemized listing of all costs associated with the video production, including cost of the DVD.

(6) Videos will be judged according to the following criteria: - Originality

10 Points

- Projection of Ideas

10 Points

- Creativity

10 Points

- Sound Quality

10 Points

- Promotion of Key Club

20 Points

- Picture Quality

10 Points

- Clarity of Message

10 Points

Overall Impression

20 Points

(7) Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third place. (8) All entries will become the property of Key Club International, and will NOT be returned to clubs. CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International reserve the right to reproduce or broadcast any contest entries. All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Objectives of Key Club International. (9) The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards Chair have certified the results.

PLEASE TYPE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM AND AFFIX THE COMPLETED FORM TO AN ENVELOPE AND PLACE THE DVD INSIDE THE ENVELOPE. DVD FORMAT IS THE ONLY FORMAT ACCEPTED. Winning entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club.



District: California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S




Faculty Advisor

Check One: Contact Email:

Kiwanis Advisor



Contact Name:


Contact Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City


Postal Code


This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Video contest entry form 2016 Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on page 52. Please type or print information on this form and affix the completed form to an envelope. Place the DVD inside the envelope. DVD or QuickTime format is required. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club. Key Club of: ____________________________________

Club ID #: ________________________

District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________

This certifies that this DVD is original and was created in accordance with copyright laws: (Signature) ____________________________ (Print name here) __________________________

Please itemize costs associated with creation of this DVD:

Please select one: ___________________


$ _________


$ _________


$ _________


$ _________


$ _________


$ _________


$ _________

This video placed first at district convention.

This video was selected by other means and was approved for entry for International competition by the Key Club district administrator. ___________________

Key Club district administrator signature: _______________________________ Note: Only district winners are eligible for submission to the International competition. Refer to the Key Club Guidebook for additional information and deadlines.

Club Award

Club Web Page Contest

Rules Governing the Club Web Page In keeping up with the technological age, it is useful to bring your club to the internet as a club may be able to maintain better communication with its members and foster a sense of community. Each KIWIN'S club in good standing has the opportunity to take part in the web page contest. The Club Web Page award is given to the club that takes advantage of the World Wide Web by using innovative layouts and constant updates as tools to strengthen involvement and to promote the KIWIN’S organization.

Criteria (1) Please include the link to the website and five (5) screen caps of your club’s web page at the time of your submission. Screen caps must be attached with the award application’s email when submitting. (2) Individual schools may only submit one web site. The website must be created by a KIWIN’S member. (3) The website must be KIWIN’S orientated and have only KIWIN’S related material on it. (4) The website must be user friendly and easily accessible. (5) Weblogs (e.g. Tumblr), social networking interfaces (e.g. Facebook), and other similar sites will not qualify for the club web page award.

(6) Please add the link to your web page in the Guidelines and Certification Sheet and in the body of your email.

(7) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for fur-

ther verification. Please do not use digital signatures. E-Signature form can be found in the Guidelines and Certification page following this page.

A total of 100 points is possible:

Section 1

Content Information on the web page should be accurate and current. 40 points Webpage should provide original material and respectfully represent KIWIN’S with proper grammar and spelling.

Section 2

Layout Design and Organization The webpage design should be innovative, interactive, and creative.

20 points

It should be well organized and user-friendly for easy navigation. The webpage should function well with or without images.

Section 3

Web Link The club web site must be linked to

Sections 4

5 points

Maintenance The website will be subject to inspection on two random occasions.

20 points

Please attach 5 screen caps of different tabs/areas of your club’

Section 5

Miscellaneous Web page download time should be reasonable and web page should be readily accessible.

15 points

The webpage should also promote KIWIN’S in a favorable manner.


Web Page:



Advisor (select one) [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis Club’s Board (select one) [ ] President [ ] Secretary

________ Division





Member Award

All-Star Award

Rules Governing the All Star Award KIWIN’S members promote good citizenship by performing service within schools and communities. Serving their school and community for most of their high school career, KIWIN’S members provide others with a practical environment where enduring friendships can be made to build better communities. Every year, the All Star Award is given to one member who exemplifies these KIWIN’S ideals. A member who receives this award stands out for a very dedicated commitment to upholding KIWIN’S standards and values.

Criteria  

A minimum of two Recommendation letters (from one adult advisor and the respective school club president) A Statement of Nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award by including the criteria below. It must be no more than 500 words with one inch margins in 12 pt Times New Roman font. The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant’s name and school underneath. Nominees must have been a member in KIWIN’S for at least 4 years. Ex:

KIWIN’S All Star Award Michael Tran – La Quinta High School Note: The KIWIN’S All Star Award applicant must not be an officer or hold a position in the club. In addition, the applicant must not be an applicant for the Sandy Nininger Medal award or Member of the Year Award Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should be attached to the report.

*Answer each section separately and labeled by section. * Section 1

40 points

Demonstration of KIWIN’S values Describe how the nominee exemplifies what KIWIN’S stands for List his or her achievements and describe the nominee’s activities in the 4+ years he or she was a member.


Section 2

25 points

Comment on the nominee’s leadership roles and characteristics. Section 3

25 points

Commitment Describe the nominee’s involvement in service projects during the time they were a KIWIN’S member.


Section 4

10 points

Submit one statement of nomination and two (2) recommendation letters. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. Additional supplementary material may be provided and attached to the report as long as it does not exceed 4 sheets.

All Star Award Certification This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Nominee



Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Key Club of







Secretary President Faculty (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Club Award: International

Distinguished Club Award

Rules Governing the Distinguished Club Award The Distinguished Club Award shall provide recognition to individual clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership retention, leadership development, Kiwanis family involvement, and fundraising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence. The Distinguished Club Award shall provide recognition to KIWIN’S Clubs that have demonstrated overall club excellence during the District administrative year.

Criteria (1) Entries shall use the Official Annual Achievement Report form (attached). The Awards shall also enter all entries in the Club Achievement Awards program in the Distinguished Club program. (2) Entries shall be judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the club Annual Achievement Report. Clubs achieving a predetermined score shall be designated as a “Distinguished Club.” The Key Club International Board shall set the minimum number of points required for this designation. (3) Only activities, which occurred during the district administrative year (District Convention 2015- District Convention 2016), shall be included on the report. (4) During the judging process, each entry in the Club Achievement Awards Program shall be given a point total based on its achievement and qualities to determine which clubs shall be recognized for the Distinguished Club Award. (5) Disqualification from the Club Achievement Awards Program shall also constitute disqualification from the Distinguished Club Award Program. (6) Key Club International will provide suitable recognition to each district for presentation to Distinguished Clubs at the district convention. The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards Chair have certified the results.

(7) The point value to achieve the Distinguished Club- Platinum Level shall be a predetermined number set by the Key Club International Board of Trustees.

ON Distinguished Club Award Certification

This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S Club of


CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. INITIALS


President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Key Club Annual Achievement Report 2015-16 Each Key Club is required to complete and submit this report prior to its district convention, according to the guidelines set by its own district. PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM. KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL DISTINGUISHED CLUB RULES 1. The filing of the Annual Achievement Report is required for every Key Club, per Key Club International Board policies. Part One and Part Two of the report must be printed in black or blue ink, or typed. 2. Part Two report attachments must be produced as computer-printed documents. 3. Follow the instructions as indicated on this form. Failure to comply with any rule may result in disqualification from the contest. 4. The Annual Club Report should contain club activities occurring between the 2015 and 2016 district conventions. 5. Upon completion of the report, the club may score its own report according to the scoring directions shown in the righthand column on each page; tabulate the scores from each section in Part Three. 6. This report should be submitted to the Key Club district prior to its convention, as directed by the proper Key Club district official(s). 7. The district may recognize clubs achieving predetermined scores as "Distinguished Club" or "Distinguished Club-Diamond Level."

Key Club: __________________________________________________ ___ Club ID Number: ________________ District: _______________________________________ Faculty advisor: __________________________________ School address: ______________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State/province: _________________________ Country: _____________________ Postal Code: ________________ Telephone: Business (_______) _______________________

Home (________) __________________________

CLUB MEMBERSHIP 1. Enter the total number of actual club members as of (a) December 1, 2015 _______ (b) February 1, 2016 _______ 2. Average the numbers entered in (a) and (b) above. Round to the nearest whole number and enter the average in the box. This is the number that will be used for calculations elsewhere in this report.

____ ___ These signatures certify the validity and accuracy of the information contained herein. The school and Kiwanis club signatures cannot be by the same person. ___ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ CERTIFICATION

Key Club president

Kiwanis club president or advisor

Principal or faculty advisor

Part One: Club Information A. KEY CLUB ADMINISTRATION - 25 Points Possible




1a. How many club meetings were held:

1a. 1 point for every five meetings, to a maximum 5 points. b. 6 or more is 1 point.

a. During the school year that were attended by faculty advisor?


b. During the school year that had a speaker or program?


c. During the summer (or other break period)?


d. As special meetings (banquet, etc.)?


d. 1 or more is 1 point.

e. As board meetings?


e. 10 or more is 2 points, 5-9 is 1 point. 1b. 80% or more is 4 points, 60-79% is 3 points, 40-59% is 1 point.

1b. Average club meeting attendance percentage: (Include all regular club meetings, round to nearest whole number)


CLUB REPORTS 2. Reports completed and submitted on time:

c. 1 or more is 1 point.


a. Monthly Activity (submitted monthly to district)

___YES ___NO 2a. If YES, 1 point.

b. Club Election (submitted to district)

___YES ___NO b. If YES, 1 point.

c. Key Club Magazine Report Form (Submitted at least one)

___YES ___NO c. If YES, 1 point. DUES PAYMENT

DUES PAYMENT 3. Dues payment date: ___________

3. By Nov 15th, 3 points; by Dec 1st, 2 points.

DIVISION INVOLVEMENT 4. Activities in which the club participated: a. Division or Region/Zone training conference


___YES ___NO 4a. If YES, 1 point.

b. Presidents or Divisional Council Meeting(s)

___YES ___NO

c. Division-wide rally or service project

___YES ___NO

b. If YES, 1 point. c. If YES, 1 point. CLUB COMMUNICATIONS

CLUB COMMUNICATIONS 5. Did the club utilize either of these forms of communications for members?

5a. If YES, 1 point. b. If YES, 1 point.

a. Club newsletter with a minimum of six (6) issues

___YES ___NO

b. Club Web site (address:___________________________)

___YES ___NO Total for

Section A.

B. CLUB MEMBERSHIP - 16 Points Possible EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 1. Did the club provide a special program for new-member induction, including a ceremony, and pin presentation? 2. Did the club provide a formal program for member orientation and education including the new-member handbook, Key Club magazine, videos, etc?


___YES ___NO 2. If YES, 2 points. CONVENTION ATTENDANCE 3. 1 point per voting

___YES ___NO delegate (2 points

CONVENTION ATTENDANCE 3. How many attended the 2014 district convention? Voting delegates: ________Advisors: ________ 4. How many attended the 2014 International convention in Anaheim, CA? Voting delegates: ________ Advisors: ________

Write Point Total Here

maximum). 3. An advisor is 1 point (maximum). 4. 1 point per voting delegate (2 points maximum). 4. An advisor is 1 point (maximum).



5. How many club social activities were held for all club members?


6. How many inter-clubs were held with other Key Clubs?


MEMBERSHIP GROWTH 7. What is the increase (decrease) of dues-paid members over the previous year?



MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES 5. 3 or more is 2 points. 1-2 is 1 point. 6. 5 or more is 2 points. 3-4 is 1 point. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH 7. The greater of: 10 members or 10% is 2 pts; 5 members or 5% is 1 pt.

KEY CLUB OFFICER TRAINING 1. Did your club participate in a formal officer training?

___YES ___NO Total for

2. Did the faculty and/or Kiwanis advisor participate in the club officer training?

___YES ___NO

3. Did the president and secretary attend a division or district club officer training workshop or conference?

Write Point Total Here


___YES ___NO 1. If YES, 1 point.

KEY CLUB LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 4. Has your club conducted or participated in:

2. If YES, 1 point. 3. If YES, 1 point.

a. District or division leadership conference or retreat?

___YES ___NO

b. Key Leader event?


c. A club officer/member leadership retreat?

___YES ___NO 4. if YES to one of a), b),

5. What percentage of members have served in leadership positions including officers, board members, committee and project chairpersons?_________% 6. During the past year, has the club included: a. A candidate for district or International office?

___YES ___NO

b. A district officer or committee member?

___YES ___NO

c. An International officer or committee member?

___YES ___NO

D. KIWANIS-FAMILY INVOLVEMENT - 14 Points Possible 1. Have sponsoring Kiwanis club members attended a minimum of 15 Key Club meetings?

___YES ___NO

2. Have Key Club members attended a minimum of 15 meetings of the sponsoring Kiwanis club?

___YES ___NO

3. Has the Key Club participated in joint service projects with the sponsoring Kiwanis club?

___YES ___NO

5. Has the Key Club participated in at least one service project with a Kiwanis club (other than its sponsor), CKI, Builders Club, K-Kids or other Kiwanis-family organization? KIWANIS-FAMILY INTERACTION 6. Has the Key Club presented a program at a Builders Club or K-Kids meeting?

or c), 2 points; if YES to two of a), b), or c), 4 points. 5. 50% is 5 pts, 40% is 4 pts, 30% is 3 pts, 20% is 2 pts, 10% is 1 point. 6a. If YES, 1 point. b. If YES, 1 point. c. If YES, 1 point.

Total for Section C.


4. Has the Key Club jointly sponsored a Builders Club or K-Kids with its sponsoring Kiwanis club? (Club name __________________)


SPONSORING KIWANIS CLUB INTERACTION 1. If YES, 2 points. 2. If YES, 2 points. 3. If YES, 3 points.

___YES ___NO 4. If YES, 1 point. 5. If YES, 2 points.

___YES ___NO

KIWANIS-FAMILY INTERACTION 6. If YES, 2 points. 7. If YES, 2 points

___YES ___NO Total for

Section D. 7. Has the Key Club participated in at least one interclub with a Kiwanis club (other than its sponsoring Kiwanis club), CKI, Builders Club, K-Kids, or other Kiwanis-family organization? ___YES ___NO

Part Two: Club Service A. SERVICE PROJECTS - 50 Points Possible List all service projects and activities the Key Club has completed during the administrative year. The projects should be organized by month. If more than 50 projects have been undertaken, list the 50 projects involving the greatest number of members and producing the greatest number of service hours first. Then, list the remaining projects. For a recurring project (for example, daily raising and lowering of school flags) treat the project as a single project for each month. Use separate sheets of paper, allowing only one line for each project. Provide the month, brief project description, number of members participating, and number of service hours produced by Key Club members during the month. The list must be a) typed or b)completed as a computer printed document. An example is provided. Total the number of projects and enter the number in the scoring box below. Attach the list to this report. Project Description 1. Read at primary school 2. School trash pick-up 3. Bake sale for UNICEF 4. Easter egg hunt 5. Set up for carnival

Example Month # Members April 12 April 17 April 18 April 15 May 12


Service Hours 10 44 36 60 24

Write Point Total Here

SERVICE PROJECTS A. Each project is 1 point, With 50 points maximum.

Total for Section A.

B. SERVICE HOURS - 60 Points Possible Total the number of service hours for the 50 best projects of the Key Club which have been listed on attached sheets (see section A. above). Divide the service hour total by the number of members (listed in the membership box on the front page of this form). Round to the nearest whole number. Enter that number in the scoring box to the right.

C. SERVICE FUNDRAISING - 20 Points Possible Total the money raised by the Key Club for nonprofit, educational, and other charitable purposes. Convert the funds raised to $US. Enter that figure on the blank to the right. $US _________ Divide the $US figure by the number of members (listed in the membership box on the front page of this form). Enter that figure on the blank below.

$US/member________ Round to the nearest whole number. Enter that number (maximum 20) in the scoring box to the right.

SERVICE HOURS B. Each average service hour is 1 point, with 60 points maximum.

Total for Section B. SERVICE FUNDRAISING C. 1 point for every $US per member, with 20 points maximum.

Total for Section C.

Part Three: Scoring Transfer the total score for each Section to the proper box below. Add the six Section totals to determine the report score. Enter this total in the REPORT SCORE box to the right of the chart below.

PART ONE Section: Points possible:

A. 25 points

PART TWO B. 16 points

C. 15 points

D. 14 points

A. 50 points

B. 60 points

C. 20 points

FINAL SCORE 200 points possible

SCORE: Judging and Certification:_____________________________________________________________________________

Officer Award

Distinguished Club Appointed Officer

Rules Governing the Distinguished Club Appointed Officer Award Robert Greenleaf, the founder of the modern servant leadership movement, wrote: “A true leader is called to serve his/her followers, employees, and others in the organization.”

Criteria (1) Minimum of two (2) recommendation is required. One recommendation letter must be from a Regional or Faculty Advisor. (2) A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included. 

It must be no more than 500 words

One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font

The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant’s name and school underneath Ex. Distinguished Club Appointed Board Officer Michael Tran – La Quinta High School

(3) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures or scanned photos of signatures.

(4) E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. 

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 10. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Key Club International Graphic Standards, your commitment, and performance as a KIWIN’S Club Appointed Board Member.

NOTE: Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included, as appendices and may be attached to sections 7-10. They are included in the page limits.

(5) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: 

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results.

(6) DISTINGUISHED: requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below. 

The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. - It may not exceed 10MB. - It may not exceed 50 pages total (Dividers are not included in total page count)

Save as a PDF. Label the file: AppointedBoardOfficer.YourLastName.YourFirstName.pdf

Section 1 Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No Form Provided

A. B. C. D. E.

Nomination Form

Section 2 Page Limit: 1

A. B. C. D. E.

Section 3 Page Limit: 4

Cover Page Name of Nominee Position and Term Home Club and Division Picture of Applicant E-signatures & Certification: “I certify that the information in this eportfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated.”


B. C. D. E.

5 Points

Name of Nominee(s) Home Club and Division Name of Nominator Table of Contents Statement of Nomination| Word Limit: 500 Letter(s) of Recommendation These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as part of the appointed board officer, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. No more than two letters per applicant may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12-point type. Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter. One recommender per applicant must be either a Regional Advisor or a Faculty Advisor.

15 Points

A DIVIDER is required for the sections listed below (5-10). It should include the following information: Page Limit: 1 A. Section Title Section 5 Page Limit: 4

Section 6 Page Limit: 10

Proof of Attendance

A. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many

10 Points

hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. B. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.

Summary of Position Describe your position are you school. How does this position help KIWIN’S.

15 points

Section 7 Page Limit: 10 Section 8 Page Limit: 5 Section 9 Page Limit: 4

Section 10 Page Limit: 8

Character and attitude How does the appointed board officer exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN'S member? Publicity How does the appointed board officer reach out to publicize KIWIN’S and the club? Communication This section must focus on your communication with the members, with your club, division, district, and advisors. Sample e-mails, letters, and so forth may be utilized.

15 Points

Miscellaneous This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club appointed board officer.

10 points

10 points

10 points

Nominee Information Nominee Name:

Nominated By:



Table of Contents Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10


Letter(s) of Recommendation Proof of Attendance Summary of Position Character and Attitude Publicity Communication Miscellaneous

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this officer be recognized? Word Limit: 500


CERTIFICATION The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign off on their own form. E-Signature: ____________________________

E-Signer’s Email: _________________________________

E-Signer’s Position: ______________________

E-Signer’s Phone Number: ________________________

Project, Activity, Event



Level of Activity Division District International

Service Hours

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Total Service Hours

This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. INITIALS


Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Officer Award

Distinguished Club President

Rules Governing the Distinguished Club President Award Robert Greenleaf, the founder of the modern servant leadership movement, wrote: “A true leader is called to serve his/her followers, employees, and others in the organization.” The duties of a KIWIN’S club president are not limited to leading meetings; they are a constant balance of keeping members active and involved, and keeping the club reputable within the community. The president of a KIWIN’S club shapes the character of the club and is instrumental in determining the success of the club. A distinguished president goes above and beyond the call of duty and exemplifies service leadership. The Distinguished Club President award acknowledges an outstanding president of a KIWIN’S club for his/her commitment to the club and the community.

Criteria (1) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures or scanned photos of signatures. (2) E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This EPortfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. and your commitment and performance as a KIWIN’S president.

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 10. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Key Club International Graphic Standards and your commitment and performance as a KIWIN’S president.

NOTE: Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included, as appendices and may be attached to sections 7-10. They are included in the page limits.

(3) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: 

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

(4) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take places after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. (5) DISTINGUISHED: requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below. 

The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. - It may not exceed 10MB. - It may not exceed 40 pages total (Dividers are not included in total page count)

 Save as a PDF. Label the file: President.YourLastName.YourFirstName.pdf  All required items for the E-Portfolio are listed on Page 2. (6) MONTHLY AWARDS: Officer and Member of the Month are required to be filled out every month. - 1 point for a fully completed application every month (7) PRESIDENT REPORT FORMS: The President Repot Form must be fill out every month. - 1 point for a fully completed application every month

1. Cover Page Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No Form Provided A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-signatures & Certification: “I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated.” 2. A. B. C. D. E.

Nomination Form Page Limit: 2 Name of Nominee Home Club and Division Name of Nominator Table of Contents Statement of Nomination| Word Limit: 500

3. Letter(s) of Recommendation Page Limit: 2 A. These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club president, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. B. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. C. No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single -spaced with 12-point type. D. Include the NAME and Position of person writing the recommendation for each letter. 5. President Checklist Page Limit: 1 A. The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary E-Signatures and contact information. A DIVIDER is required for the sections listed below (5-10). It should include the following information: Page Limit: 1 Section Title 6. Proof of Attendance Page Limit: 2 A. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. B. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.

6. Agendas Page Limit: 12 A. Presidents are responsible for facilitating all general and board meetings. In this section, provide exemplary agendas from at least TWO quarters. Quarter 1: April-May-June Quarter 2: July-August-September Quarter 3: October-November-December Quarter 4: January-February-March Refer for Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) #12 7. Growth and Club Achievements Page Limit: 6 A. As president, you oversee the success of your club. You and your board should be setting goals at the beginning of the year and following through to achieve these goals. This section must focus on showcasing your club’s accomplishments throughout the past year in service, membership, philanthropy, fellowship etc. 8. Kiwanis Relations Page Limit: 4 A. Key Club International is sponsored by Kiwanis International. This section must focus on how you as President, have interacted with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis family members. How do you foster professional relationships with Kiwanis and advisors? 9. Communication Page Limit: 4 A. This section must focus on your communication with your members, and your club, division, district, and advisors; Include sample e-mails, letters, and so forth. 10. Miscellaneous Page Limit: 6 A. This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club president. B. Character and attitude: How do you exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN’S member? A. Personal Reflection: addresses personal growth, accomplishments, explanation of section, or other details that may assist judges in determining scoring (Limit: 300 words)

This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.

NOMINEE INFORMATION Nominee Name: Club: District: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S




Club Standards Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues

Work Accomplishments Administration: Led the majority of club general meetings and a minimum of eight (8) board meetings Reporting: Assisted Vice President in training and Kiwanis family relations, assisted Secretary with timely submission of all reports (elections, monthly, and officer reports), assisted Treasurer with timely dues submission to Key Club International by December 1 Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the KIWIN’S Core Values, led by example, motivated the members, was receptive to new ideas, and made an effort to meet and welcome new members Membership Education: Promoted active participation by new and returning members and promoted revitalization of inactive members Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills, helped to resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future club leaders Club Communication: Communicated on a weekly basis with the membership (via phone, electronic, in person, etc.), with the Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor, and with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club Division Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Region Advisor

Attendance Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended at least six (6) Division Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KTC President Workshop: Attended the President Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, or Officer Training Conference

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form.



Advisor (select one) [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis Lt. Governor (select one) [ ] KIWIN’S [ ] Kiwanis




Nominee Information Nominee Name:

Nominated By:



Table of Contents Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10


Letter(s) of Recommendation President Checklist Proof of Attendance Agendas Club Achievements Kiwanis Relations Communication Miscellaneous

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this president be recognized? Word Limit: 500


CERTIFICATION The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign off on their own form. E-Signature: ____________________________

E-Signer’s Email: _________________________________

E-Signer’s Position: ______________________

E-Signer’s Phone Number: ________________________

Project, Activity, Event



Level of Activity Division District International

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Total Service Hours

Service Hours

Officer Award

Distinguished Vice President

Rules Governing the Distinguished Vice President Award Robert Greenleaf, the founder of the modern servant leadership movement, wrote: “A true leader is called to serve his/her followers, employees, and others in the organization.” The duty as a vice president of a KIWIN’S club consists of being more than the president’s assistant. The vice president has to help keep the club productive and assist the president in finding service projects and fundraisers. Two major aspects of great vice presidents are their versatility and will. They are able to perform the duties of all officers in any situation and find ways to make them useful when no particular task is demanded of them. The Distinguished Club Vice President Award acknowledges an outstanding vice president of a KIWIN’S club for his or her commitment to the club and community.

Criteria (1) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures or scanned photos of signatures. (2) E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This EPortfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. 

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 10. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Key Club International Graphic Standards, your commitment, and performance as a KIWIN’S Vice President.

NOTE: Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included, as appendices and may be attached to sections 7-10. They are included in the page limits.

(3) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: 

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

(4) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. (5) DISTINGUISHED: requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this EPortfolio are explained below. 

The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. - It may not exceed 10MB. - It may not exceed 40 pages total (Dividers are not included in total page count)

 

Save as a PDF. Label the file: VicePresident.YourLastName.YourFirstName.pdf All required items for the E-Portfolio are listed on Page 2.

Cover Page

Section 1 Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No Form Provided

A. B. C. D. E.

Nomination Form

Section 2 Page Limit: 2

Section 3 Page Limit: 2

Section 4 Page Limit: 1

Name of Nominee Position and Term Home Club and Division Picture of Applicant E-signatures & Certification: “I certify that the information in this eportfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated.”

A. B. C. D. E.

10 Points

Name of Nominee Home Club and Division Name of Nominator Table of Contents Statement of Nomination| Word Limit: 500

Letter(s) of Recommendation A. These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club vice president, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. B. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. C. No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12-point type. D. Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.

10 Points

Vice President Checklist A. The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary ESignatures and contact information.

5 points

A DIVIDER is required for the sections listed below (5-10). It should include the following information: Page Limit: 1 A. Section Title Section 5 Page Limit: 2

Proof of Attendance A. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. B. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.

10 Points

Section 6 Page Limit: 10

Summary of Position A. Every KIWIN’S Club is allowed to have up to five (5) vice presidents to support the overall functioning of the club. Each vice president is often given a focus are that will determine his/her daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks and responsibilities. In this section, provide a detailed explanation of your position as defined by your Executive Board. It is vital for the judges to understand your duties as determined by your club.

15 points

B. Showcase the specific tasks and general work the vice president has completed as part of his/her role in the club.

Section 7 Page Limit: 10 Section 8 Page Limit: 4

Section 9 Page Limit: 4

Section 10 Page Limit: 4

Character and attitude A. How does the vice president exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN’S member?

15 Points

Kiwanis Relations A. Key Club International is sponsored by Kiwanis International. This section must focus on how you as Vice President, have interacted with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis family members.

15 points

Communication A. This section must focus on your communication with the members, your club, division, district, and advisors. Sample e-mails, letters, and so forth may be utilized.

15 points

Miscellaneous A. This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club vice president.

5 points

This checklist must be completed. You will need at least two individuals to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.

NOMINEE INFORMATION Nominee Name: Club: District: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S




Club Standards Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues

Work Accomplishments Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the KIWIN’S Core Values, led by example, motivated the members, was receptive to new ideas, and made an effort to meet and welcome new members Membership Education: Promoted active participation by new and returning members and promoted revitalization of inactive members Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills, helped to resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future club leaders Club Communication: Communicated with the membership (via phone, electronic, in person, etc.), with the Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor, and with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club Division Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Regional Advisor

Attendance Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Divisional Council Meetings: Attended at least six (6) Divisional Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Divisional Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KTC President Workshop: Attended the President Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, or Officer Training Conference

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person. *You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items. * INITIALS


Advisor (select one) [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis Lt. Governor (select one) [ ] KIWIN’S [ ] Kiwanis




Nominee Information Nominee Name:

Nominated By:



Table of Contents Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10


Letter(s) of Recommendation Vice President Checklist Proof of Attendance Summary of Position Character and Attitude Kiwanis Relations Communication Miscellaneous

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this Vice President be recognized? Word Limit: 500


CERTIFICATION The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign off on their own form. E-Signature: ____________________________

E-Signer’s Email: _________________________________

E-Signer’s Position: ______________________

Project, Activity, Event


E-Signer’s Phone Number: ________________________


Level of Activity Division District International

Service Hours

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Total Service Hours

Officer Award

Distinguished Club Secretary

Rules Governing the Distinguished Secretary/ Secretarial Team Award Robert Greenleaf, the founder of the modern servant leadership movement, wrote: “A true leader is called to serve his/her followers, employees, and others in the organization.” Due to the increasing number of members, many clubs have two secretaries (Corresponding and Recording). Please indicate whether you will be applying for secretary or secretarial team in your E -Binder Title and Subject title of your email. If you are a secretarial team, two recommendations per secretary are required. Please indicate who the corresponding secretary is and who the recording secretary is. Please fill out the necessary forms accordingly.

Criteria (1) Minimum of two (2) recommendation per secretary is required. One recommendation letter for each secretary must be from a Regional or Faculty Advisor. (2) A secretarial team must have separate recommendation letters, proof attendances and secretary checklists. 

MRFs, samples, statements of nomination, and other supplemental materials can be used for BOTH Secretaries (A secretarial team does not have to provide one for each secretary)

(3) A statement of nomination describing why the applicant(s) deserve the award must be included. 

It must be no more than 500 words

One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font

The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant’s name and school underneath

Ex. Distinguished Club Secretary/Secretarial Team Michael Tran – La Quinta High School (4) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures or scanned photos of signatures. (5) E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This EPortfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. 

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 10. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Key Club International Graphic Standards, your commitment, and performance as a KIWIN’S Secretary.

NOTE: Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included, as appendices and may be attached to sections 7-10. They are included in the page limits.

(6) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: 

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

(7) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. (8) DISTINGUISHED: requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below. 

The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. - It may not exceed 10MB. - It may not exceed 50 pages total (Dividers are not included in total page count)

Save as a PDF. Label the file: Secretary.YourLastName.YourFirstName.pdf

Section 1 Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No Form Provided

A. B. C. D. E.

Section 2 Page Limit: 1

A. B. C. D. E.

C. D. E.

Page Limit: 2

5 Points

15 Points

A. These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio.


Section 4

Nomination Form Name of Nominee(s) Home Club and Division Name of Nominator Table of Contents Statement of Nomination| Word Limit: 500 Letter(s) of Recommendation

Section 3 Page Limit: 4

Cover Page Name of Nominee Position and Term Home Club and Division Picture of Applicant E-signatures & Certification: “I certify that the information in this e -portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated.”

Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a secretary/secretarial team, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. No more than two letters per secretary may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12-point type. Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter. One recommender per secretary must be either a Regional Advisor or a Faculty Advisor. Secretary Checklist

5 points

A. The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary ESignatures and contact information. B. One is required for EACH secretary in a Secretarial Team.

A DIVIDER is required for the sections listed below (5-10). It should include the following information: Page Limit: 1 A. Section Title Section 5 Page Limit: 4

Proof of Attendance

A. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. B. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.

10 Points

Section 6 Page Limit: 10

Monthly Report Forms A. Secretaries compile an Excel Report Form and submit it to their respective Lt. Governors on a monthly basis.

15 points

B. Please be sure to include at least one sample report from each quarter. Quarter 1: April-May-June Quarter 2: July-August-September Quarter 3: October-November-December Quarter 4: January-February-March Section 7 Page Limit: 10

Organization A. The Secretary’s duty is to record minutes at all executive board and general meetings.

20 Points

B. Please include at least one sample of each type of meeting minutes from each quarter. Quarter 1: April-May-June Quarter 2: July-August-September Quarter 3: October-November-December Quarter 4: January-February-March

Section 8 Page Limit: 5 Section 9 Page Limit: 5

Section 10 Page Limit: 8

C. How does the Nominee effectively organize the Club’s files? Comment of Secretary’s organization. Publicity A. How does the secretary reach out to publicize KIWIN’S and the club? Communication A. This section must focus on your communication with the members, with your club, division, district, and advisors. Sample emails, letters, and so forth may be utilized. Miscellaneous A. This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club vice president.

10 points

10 points

10 points

This checklist must be completed. You will need at least two individual to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.

NOMINEE INFORMATION Nominee Name: Club: District: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S




Club Standards

Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues

Work Accomplishments Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster Club Monthly Reports: Completed a minimum of five (5) Monthly Report Forms and submitted forms on time Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills, helped to resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future club leaders


Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended at least six (6) Division Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KTC

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or rejudging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person. *You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items. * INITIALS


[ ] President Advisor (Select one) [ ] Faculty [ ] Regional [ ] KIWIN’S LtG.




Nominee Information Nominee Name(s):

Nominated By: _____________________________


Division: ___________________________________

Table of Contents Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10


Letter(s) of Recommendation Secretary Checklist Proof of Attendance Monthly Report Forms Organization Publicity Communication Miscellaneous

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this Secretary be recognized? Word Limit: 500


CERTIFICATION The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign off on their own form. E-Signature: ____________________________

E-Signer’s Email: _________________________________

E-Signer’s Position: ______________________

Project, Activity, Event


E-Signer’s Phone Number: ________________________


Level of Activity Division District International

Service Hours

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Total Service Hours

Officer Award

Distinguished Club Treasurer

Rules Governing the Distinguished Club Treasurer Award Robert Greenleaf, the founder of the modern servant leadership movement, wrote: “A true leader is called to serve his/her followers, employees, and others in the organization.” A KIWIN’S club treasurer serves as a vital part of the KIWIN’S organization. Not only is this person responsible for turning in district, divisional, and club dues, but the nominee must also motivate the club for service and find a less costly way to get people to the annual District Convention. The nominee must constantly be creative and assertive in dealing with various fundraising situations.

Criteria (1) Minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. One recommendation letter must be from a Regional or Faculty Advisor. (2) A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included. 

It must be no more than 500 words

One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font

The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant’s name and school underneath Ex. Distinguished Club Treasurer Michael Tran – La Quinta High School

(3) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures or scanned photos of signatures. (4) E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This EPortfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. 

Your E-Portfolio will be judged on sections 1 through 9. As a whole, it must demonstrate your knowledge of Key Club International Graphic Standards, your commitment, and performance as a KIWIN’S Treasurer.

NOTE: Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included, as appendices and may be attached to sections 7-9. They are included in the page limits.

(5) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this: 

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take places after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results.

(6) DISTINGUISHED: requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below. 

The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio. - It may not exceed 10MB. - It may not exceed 25 pages total (Dividers are not included in total page count)

Save as a PDF. Label the file: Treasurer.YourLastName.YourFirstName.pdf

Cover Page

Section 1 Page Limit: 1 | Personal Creation, No Form Provided

A. B. C. D. E.

Section 2 Page Limit: 1

A. B. C. D. E.

C. D. E.

Page Limit: 1

5 Points

15 Points

A. These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio.


Section 4

Nomination Form Name of Nominee(s) Home Club and Division Name of Nominator Table of Contents Statement of Nomination| Word Limit: 500 Letter(s) of Recommendation

Section 3 Page Limit: 2

Name of Nominee Position and Term Home Club and Division Picture of Applicant E-signatures & Certification: “I certify that the information in this e -portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated.”

Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a treasurer, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12-point type. Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and Position of Person writing the Recommendation for each letter. One recommender per secretary must be either a Regional Advisor or a Faculty Advisor. Treasurer Checklist

5 points

A. The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary ESignatures and contact information.

A DIVIDER is required for the sections listed below (5-9). It should include the following information: Page Limit: 1 A. Section Title Section 5 Page Limit: 2

Proof of Attendance

A. This form displays what projects you’ve attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. B. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.

10 Points

Club Dues

Section 6 Page Limit: 1

If turned in by December 1, 2014 December 15, 2014 January 1, 2015

15 points 10 points 5 points

When were club dues turned in? Section 7 Page Limit: 1

Club Membership Growth If there is a 66% to 100% increase If there is a 33% to 65% increase If there is a 0% to 32% increase

20 points 10 points 5 points

How many members did the club have in the 2012-2013 year? How many members did the club have as of February 20, 2014? What percentage of increased membership did your club have?

Section 8 Page Limit: 10

Fundraisers A. As the coordinator for club fundraisers, the treasurer provides members with the opportunity to raise funds so that they’ll have the chance to participate in costly club-related events and activities. The treasurer is also responsible for educating the members on philanthropy opportunities associated with our organization.

25 points

B. Please be sure to include the fundraiser name, date, and a summation of the purpose, event, budget, funds raised, effectiveness, and/or other information for each fundraiser showcased in the report. How many fundraisers did the club hold? Average number of fundraisers held per month: Initial amount of money in club treasury: Total amount of profits in all fundraisers: _____________________ Average percentage of member participation per fundraiser: Decreased cost of convention per club member: What were funds and profits used for?

Section 9 Page Limit: 6

Miscellaneous A. This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club treasurer.

5 points

This checklist must be completed. You will need at least two individual to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.

NOMINEE INFORMATION Nominee Name: Club: District: Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S




Club Standards Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues

Work Accomplishments Club Dues: In accordance with school policy, collected dues, submitted dues and updated roster to Key Club International by December 1st Member Education: Educated the membership on the purpose and value of dues Fundraising for Service: Assisted with organization and implementation of fundraisers for charitable causes (i.e. UNICEF, Project Eliminate, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network, PTP)

Attendance Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended at least six (6) Divisional Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Divisional Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KTC

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person.

*You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items. * INITIALS


[ ] President Advisor (Select one) [ ] Faculty [ ] Regional [ ] KIWIN’S LtG.




Nominee Information Nominee Name:

Nominated By:



Table of Contents Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9


Letter(s) of Recommendation Treasurer Checklist Proof of Attendance Club Dues Membership Growth Fundraisers Miscellaneous

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this Treasurer be recognized? Word Limit: 500


CERTIFICATION The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign off on their own form. E-Signature: ____________________________

E-Signer’s Email: _________________________________

E-Signer’s Position: ______________________

Project, Activity, Event


E-Signer’s Phone Number: ________________________


Level of Activity Division District International

Service Hours

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Total Service Hours

District Contest

District Project - Eliminate

Rules Governing the District Project Award The KIWIN’S organization has adopted Project ELIMINATE, which is focused on eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT). In the past, Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20 th century. It has now led to this project, to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus off the face of the Earth. The goal of ELIMINATE is to raise $110 million by 2015 in order to accomplish the task of eliminating MNT. With the end of Project ELIMINATE nearing it’s end, this is the time to fundraise more then ever to end this terrible disease.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Entries shall complete the necessary sections (3) The District Project Award will recognize the clubs that exemplified an outstanding dedication towards eliminating MNT. ELIMINATE Week

Section 1

For each day please briefly describe what activities your club has done that contributed to ELIMINATE. Monday - 5 Points Tuesday - 5 Points Wednesday - 5 Points Thursday - 5 Points Friday - 5 Points

25 points

Answer each section separately and label each section Total Members Involved

Section 2

Total percentage of members involved in top ten projects Range basis for grading: 0% to 20% members 1 point 21% to 40% members 5 points 41% to 60% members 10 points 61% to 80% members 15 points 81% to 100% members 20 points

20 points

1. Number of total members involved in top ten projects 2. Divide that number by 10 3. Percentage [(#2) / total members in club) x 100] Top Ten Projects

Section 3

In what way did you further and improve the Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S organization with these projects?

50 points

How significant were these projects? (Briefly explain each event. Please be neat and organized) Note: Please provide an additional sheet of paper if more space is needed than the attached table. A form is provided on the following page. Section 4

Supplementary Materials Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should be attached.

10 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. INITIALS


Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




KIWIN’S Club of




Top Ten Projects [50 points] 

Describe the top ten projects your club performed pertaining to raising funds to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.

List in order of decreasing importance (most important to least important).

A description of each project is required Top Ten Projects – Describe Briefly

Total Members

Total Hours

Funds Raise d

Advisor Award

Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame

Rules Governing the Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame Since the beginning of the KIWIN’S organization, there have been extraordinary faculty advisors who have gone through extreme measures to better their KIWIN’S clubs. This award is to honor those faculty members who strive to serve and foster a sense of leadership and community within the school and district.

Criteria (1) Each club in good standing with the Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S District will be eligible to nominate an advisor for the KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame. (2) One outstanding KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor Award may be given if a worthy candidate is found. (3) No nominee shall be eligible to be accepted into the Hall of Fame a second time. Please do not nominate an applicant who has already been accepted into the Hall of Fame. (4) Each candidate shall be eligible for only one award per year, either Kiwanis Advisor or Faculty Advisor. (5) The report will have a statement consisting of no more than 500 words concerning why this person should receive this award and should include a summary of his/her achievements for the year. An appendix may be included with additional pertinent material and letters of recommendation attached. (6) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the KIWIN’S Club President and KIWIN’S Lt. Governor or Regional Advisor. E- Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. (7) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this:

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

(8) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results.

E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. This E-Portfolio shall be organized in this order: Please attach a completed version of this page to your submission Cover Page

Please Include: Name of Nominee Home Club and Division

Guidelines and Cert. Page

Please insert a completed Guidelines and Certification form (this form) here (after the cover page)

Section 1

Effort To what degree did the Faculty Advisor assist club officers? To what degree did the Faculty Advisor assist club members? What was the Faculty Advisor’s level of participation?

40 points

Achievements of the Club

Section 2

How was the club successful in increasing membership? How was the club successful in improving fundraisers? Section 3

Outstanding Accomplishments of the Person

30 points

30 points

CERTIFICATION Faculty Advisor: __________________________

KIWIN’S Club of:__________________________

Kiwanis Club of: __________________________


This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. INITIALS

POSITION [x] KIWIN’S President Select one: [ ] Lt. Governor [ ] Regional Advisor




Advisor Award

Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame

Rules Governing the Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame Throughout the years, Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S has done amazing things. However, none of these accomplishments would have been made possible without Kiwanis advisors. This award is in recognition of those who go above and beyond to support their sponsoring KIWIN’S clubs.

Criteria (1) Each club in good standing with the Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S District will be eligible to nominate an advisor for the Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame. (2) One outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award may be given if a worthy candidate is found. (3) No nominee shall be eligible to be accepted into the Hall of Fame a second time. Please do not nominate an applicant who has already been accepted into the Hall of Fame. (4) Each candidate shall be eligible for only one award per year, either Kiwanis Advisor or Faculty Advisor. (5) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the KIWIN’S Club Pres ident and KIWIN’S Lt. Governor or Regional Advisor. E- Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. (6) SMALL FILE SIZES: Application submissions should have a small file size. The following are tips to maintaining this:

Include only the best samples of documentation

Compress all photos and files before use

Compress the final file

(7) The decisions of the judges are final. No changes or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results.

E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. This E-Portfolio shall be organized in this order: Please attach a completed certification (bottom of this page) to your submission Cover Page

Please Include: Name of Nominee

Guidelines and Cert. Page Section 1

Home Club and Division Please insert a completed Guidelines and Certification form (this form) here (after the cover page) Effort To what degree did the Kiwanis Advisor assist club officers? To what degree did the Kiwanis Advisor assist club members? What was the Kiwanis Advisor’s level of participation?

40 points

Achievements of the Club

Section 2

How was the club successful in increasing membership? How was the club successful in improving fundraisers? Section 3

Outstanding Accomplishments of the Person

30 points

30 points

CERTIFICATION Faculty Advisor: __________________________

KIWIN’S Club of:__________________________

Kiwanis Club of: __________________________


This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, INITIALS POSITION [x] KIWIN’S President Select one: [ ] Lt. Governor [ ] Faculty Advisor




Member Award

KIWIN’S Member of the Year

Rules Governing the Member of the Year Award KIWIN’S members embody the spirit of enthusiasm and friendship. Every year, there are numerous KIWIN’S members who shine brightly with their love for service. The KIWIN’S Member of the Year award will recognize one individual who demonstrates extreme commitment to bettering his or her community and contributes to the growth and unity of the nominee’s KIWIN’S club and to the district as a whole. This person must be devoted to service and uphold the objectives of KIWIN'S and Key Club International.

Criteria (1) Each club in good standing is allowed to nominate one of its members to be recognized as the most prestigious KIWIN’S member. (2) The KIWIN’S Member of the Year award applicant must not be an officer or hold a position in the club. In addition, the applicant must not be an applicant for the Sandy Nininger Medal award, a recipient of a District Member of the Month Award, or the All Star Award. (3) E-SIGNATURES: This application requires electronic signatures (e-signatures) by the Faculty Advisor, respective club secretary, president, and Lt. Governor or Regional Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. E-Signature form can be found in the Guidelines and Certification page following this page. (4) Two (2) recommendation letters are required (from one adult advisor and the respective school club president). (5) A Statement of Nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be in the E-Portfolio. It must be no more than 500 words with one-inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant’s name and school underneath. Ex:

KIWIN’S Member of the Year Michael Tran – La Quinta High School

E-PORTFOLIO: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes all merged information. This E-Portfolio shall be organized in this order:

Please attach a completed certification (bottom of this page) to your submission

Cover Page Certification Page Section 1

Please Include: Name of Nominee Home Club and Division Please insert a completed Certification form (this form) here (after the cover page) Active Membership – Involvement & Accomplishments Showcase the applicant’s involvement and accomplishments as a KIWIN’S member during the district administrative year.

40 points

Mention involvement on the club level, divisional level, and district level if possible.

Mention total service hours and percentage of club meetings and projects attended. Section 2

Leadership Comment on the applicant’s leadership roles and characteristics.

25 points

Showcase how the applicant has been an inspiration to others by providing any additional information that will assist the judges in this evaluation process. Section 3

Outstanding Trait Showcase how the applicant distinguished himself/herself by making the most of his or her opportunities.

25 points

Section 4

Requirement Submit one (1) statement of nomination Submit two (2) recommendation letters . A club officer may not write a recommendation letter for a person from another school. Additional supplementary material may be provided and attached to the report as long as it does not exceed 4 sheets.

10 points

Nominee: _______________________________________________________

KIWIN’S Club of: _________________________________________________

Division: _________________________________________________________ This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criteria have been identified on this form. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. INITIALS

POSITION [ ] KIWIN’S Secretary [ ] KIWIN’S President [ ] KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor Select one: [ ] Lt. Governor [ ] Regional Advisor




Club Award


Rules Governing the KIWIN’S Week Award KIWIN'S WEEK focuses on promoting KIWIN'S and seeking media coverage. Hence, KIWIN'S becomes a household name. Each day of KIWIN'S Week places an emphasis on service including a KIWIN'S Week fundraising project. KIWIN’S Week was adopted from Key Club International’s Key Club Week which gives clubs the opportunity to show the community what Key Club is truly about: service. This year, KIWIN’S Week was held from November 3rd through November 7th. Each day is significant and educates the club members and the community about KIWIN’S and its causes. This award was made for clubs to be recognized on how they contribute to KIWIN’S and exemplify the Ohana spirit.

Criteria (1) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Please attach the completed certification form to the award submission (3) KIWIN’S Week Day 1 (Monday): Show Your K in Every Way Day 2 (Tuesday): Kudos to the Key Players Day 3 (Wednesday): ELIMINATE Day Day 4 (Thursday): Bring a Friend to KIWIN’S Day 5 (Friday): Fall Rally Friday (4) Fill out every section for each day of KIWIN’S Week on separate sheets of paper

*Up to twenty (20) points may be earned for each day of KIWIN’S Week* Members’ Involvement

Section 1 0% to 20% members

5 points

1 point

21% to 40% members 2 points 41% to 60% members 3 points 61% to 80% members 4 points 81% to 100% members 5 points Description of Project/Activity

Section 2

5 points

What did the club do? Where was it held? How did it benefit KIWIN’S? What were the costs involved? Execution and Creativity

Section 3

5 points

How was each day publicized? In what way did each project/activity relate to a certain day within KIWIN’S Week? What were the steps taken to complete the project/activity? Attach Photos and Supplements

Section 4

For each day of the week, attach photos, fliers, and other pertinent information appropriate for that day

5 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S Club of



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor






Service Award: International

Major Emphasis Program - Live2Learn

Rules Governing the Major Emphasis Program Members’ goals are to help children cooperate and achieve collaborated success. The Major Emphasis Program award is the award given to the KIWIN’S Club, which, through its unselfish efforts, has produced during the year the best Major Emphasis Program Project. The winning report advances to international competition. The Major Emphasis award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs for a commendable project relating to “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.”

Criteria (1) Only one winner in the district contest will be eligible for entry in the International competition. (2) Submit a report describing the club’s involvement with the Major Emphasis Program by including the criteria below in Section G. Each section in Section G must begin on a new page and each page must have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Emphasis Report cover sheet must accompany each entry. It must be completed in its entirety. (3) The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, during the year from district convention to district convention. The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts. (4) Reports will be judged according to the amount of Major Emphasis Program activity described in Section G. Suitable recognition and awards will be presented to the KIWIN’S Club filing the best Major Emphasis Program Report in compliance with these rules. (5) To be eligible for the International contest, the Awards and Recognition Chair must mail the report that wins the district contest to the Key Club International Office, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, no later than the first Friday in May.

(6) The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations or regards will take place after the judges and the Awards Chair have certified the results. (7) The section to be described and the points for each are indicated below: A. THE NEED – to qualify for judging, a statement must establish in what way the project deals with the Major Emphasis. B. THE PLAN (10 POINTS) – describe how the project was organized. C. IMPLEMENTATION (20 POINTS) – describe the steps taken to implement the plan. D. FINAL RESULTS (25 POINTS) – describe the benefits of the service rendered. E. PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE KIWANIS FAMILY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (10 POINTS) – describe actions and partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized. F.

PERCENTAGE OF CLUB MEMBERS PARTICIPATING (10 POINTS) Please refer to the Key Club Guidebook for details on calculations.

01-09% = 1 POINT

50-59% = 6 POINTS

10-19% = 2 POINTS

60-69% = 7 POINTS

20-29% = 3 POINTS

70-79% = 8 POINTS

30-39% = 4 POINTS

80-89% = 9 POINTS

40-49% = 5 POINTS

90-100% = 20 POINTS

G . OVERALL PROGRAM DEALING WITH ME (25 POINTS) – describe any other projects/programs your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis. Describe how your club worked with Major Emphasis during other parts of the year. (8) Live2Learn Day - For Live2Learn day please briefly describe what activity(s) your club has done that contributed to Live2Learn. (25 Points)

This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Contest criteria are posted in the Key Club Guidebook on Page 53.

Major Emphasis Award 2016

Major Emphasis Involvement Report Cover Sheet Key Club of: ______________________________________________Club ID #: _____________________________________ District: _________________________________________ Number of members in club: ______________________________ Project name: _____________________________________ Total service hours involved: ___________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ____________________________________________________________________________ Application return address: ___________________________________________________City: ________________________ State/province: ________________________

Postal code: ________________________ Country: __________________

Brief description of project: ________________________________________________________________________________

Major Emphasis Award governing rules A. Only one winner in the district contest will be eligible for entry in the International competition. B. Report must be typed. Each section found in Section G must begin on a new page and each page must have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Emphasis Involvement Report cover sheet must accompany all entries. It must be completed in its entirety. C. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, during the year from district convention to district convention. The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts. D. Reports will be judged according to the amount of Major Emphasis activity described in Section G. Suitable recognition and awards will be presented to the Key Club filing the best Major Emphasis Report in compliance with these rules. This award will be given at the International Convention. There are no platinum, silver, gold, or bronze divisions in this contest; instead there are first, second, and third place awards.

E. To be eligible for the International contest, the report that wins the district contest must be received by the Key Club International Office, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, no later than the first Friday in May. F. The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges. G. The section to be described and the points for each are indicated below: 1. THE NEED: To qualify for judging, a statement must establish in what way the project deals with the ME. 2. THE PLAN (10 points): Describe how the project was organized. 3. IMPLEMENTATION (20 points): Describe the steps taken to implement the plan. 4. FINAL RESULTS (25 points): Describe the benefits of the service rendered. 5. PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE KIWANIS FAMILY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (10 points): Describe actions and partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized. 6. PERCENTAGE OF CLUB MEMBERS PARTICIPATING (please refer to the Key Club Guidebook for details.) 7. CLUB’S OVERALL PROGRAM DEALING WITH ME (25 points): Describe any other projects/programs your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis. Describe how your club worked with ME during other parts of the year.

Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members. NOTE: All signatures are required. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative must not be by the same person. Faculty/Kiwanis advisor: ________________________________

Principal: _______________________________________

Service Award

Minor Emphasis - PTP

Rules Governing the Minor Emphasis Award Pediatric Trauma affects children from infancy to age nineteen. It is a result of motor vehicle accidents, physical abuse, drowning accidents, falls, and animal bites, making it the leading cause of death of children in the United States. To prevent these accidents and injuries from happening, KIWIN'S has focused on fighting Pediatric Trauma through raising funds and by increasing general awareness through education. Established in 1992, Pediatric Trauma Prevention is a main focus of KIWIN'S in conjunction with California-Nevada-Hawaii Kiwanis. CalNev-Ha KIWIN’S strives to exemplify support by annually raising funds, spreading knowledge, and reaching out to incorporate the objectives of PTP into various service projects.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Entries shall complete the necessary sections (3) Please submit a completed Certification page (the following page after this) along with this award submission (4) Answer each section separately and labeled by section Section 1

PTP Week For each day please briefly describe what activities your club has done that contributed to PTP. Monday - 5 Points Tuesday - 5 Points Wednesday - 5 Points Thursday - 5 Points Friday - 5 Points

25 Points

Section 1

Total Members Involved Total percentage of members involved in top five projects. Basis for grading: 01%-09% = 1 point 10%-19% = 2 points 20%-29% = 3 points 30%-39% = 4 points 40%-49% = 5 points

30 points

50%-59% = 6 points 60%-69% = 7 points 70%-79% = 8 points 80%-89% = 9 points 90%-100% = 10 points

1. Give total members involved in top five Minor Emphasis Projects __________ 2. Divide total members involved by 5 3. Percent Involved [(#2 / (members in club))*100] Section 2

Top Five Projects List the top five Minor Emphasis Projects your club has performed and briefly explain what the project consisted of and how effective the project was to your community.

60 points

How did these projects help to publicize the cause of PTP? (An additional sheet may be used and attached to this award.) Section 3

Supplementary Materials How did you document and publicize these projects? Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should be attached to this report.

10 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. INITIALS


Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Club Award

Most Improved Club

Rules Governing the Most Improved Club Award The ability of a KIWIN’S club to build upward and to bring it to new heights is extraordinary and shows the commitment of its members to the organization and to service. The Most Improved Club Award shall provide recognition to KIWIN’S Clubs that have demonstrated the greatest improvement during the district administrative year.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award based on the criteria below (3) Answer each section separately and labeled by section Section 1

Club's Growth How many club meetings have been held during the 2014-2015 term?

20 points

How many club meetings have been held during the 2015-2016 term? How many board meetings have been held during the 2014-2015 term? How many board meetings have been held during the 2015-2016 term? Section 2

Methods of Increasing Membership What innovative and creative ideas were used to increase membership during the 2014-2015 term? What innovative and creative ideas were used to increase membership during the 2015-2016 term? Were these efforts effective? Explain.

25 points

Section 3

Club Achievement

25 points

How many fundraiser were held during the 2014-2015 term? How many fundraiser were held during the 2015-2016 term? Describe a few successful fundraisers. How many service projects were held during the 2014-2015 term? How many service projects were held during the 2015-2016 term? Describe a few unique service projects. Section 4

K-Family Relations What K-Family activities was the club involved with during the 2014-2015 term?

10 points

What K-Family activities was the club involved with during the 2015-2016 term? Section 5

Evaluation Report Why do you think the club deserves this award?

Section 6

15 points

Supplemental Materials Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent (no more than 4 sheets) information may be included as appendices and should be attached to this form.

5 points

*Involved member: Member who shows willingness to attend meetings and service projects that shows their passion to increase membership at their school* How many dues-paid members were in the club at the end of last year? How many involved members? How many dues-paid members are presently in the club? How many involved members?

This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.

KIWIN’S Club of____________________ INITIALS


Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor


Division ____________________ E-MAIL


Divisional Award

Most Improved Division

Rules Governing the Most Improved Division Award The ability of a KIWIN’S division to build upward and to bring it to new heights is extraordinary and shows the commitment of its members, officers, and Lieutenant Governor to the organization and to service. The Most Improved Division Award shall provide recognition to KIWIN’S divisions that have demonstrated the greatest improvement during the district administrative year.

Criteria (1) The KIWIN’S division must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S (2) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the division is deserving of the award based on the criteria below. (3) Answer each section separately and labeled by section

A total of 100 points is possible: Section 1

Division's Growth How has the division improved since last year’s KIWIN’S year?

Section 2

30 points

Methods of Increasing Membership What innovative and creative ideas were used to increase membership? Were these efforts effective? Explain.

20 points

Divisional Achievement

Section 3

20 points

What did your division accomplish in terms of fundraising and service?

K-Family Relations

Section 4

10 points

What K-Family activities was the division involved with?

Evaluation Report

Section 5

15 points

Why do you think the division deserves this award?

Supplemental Materials

Section 6

Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent (no more than 4 sheets) information may be included as appendices and should be attached to this form.

5 points

*Involved member: Member who shows willingness to attend meetings and service projects that shows their passion to increase membership at their school* How many dues-paid members were in the division during the 14’-15’ term? How many involved members?


How many dues-paid members are presently in the division during the 15’-16’ term? How many involved members?


CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Cal - Nev – Ha KIWIN’S __________________________ Division____________________________



Regional Advisor District Administrator




Club Award

Most Interclubs

Rules Governing the Most Interclubs Award An interclub is when 4 or more members of your club meet with 4 or more members of another club within the Kiwanis and professional clubs. The Kiwanis Family includes Kiwanis Clubs, Circle K Clubs, Key Clubs, KIWIN’S Clubs, Builders Clubs, Aktion Clubs and K-Kids. The meeting must be arranged in advance. All district and divisional events count as Interclubs except for District Conventions and Divisional Council Meetings.

Criteria (1) The specific Interclubs (date, location, etc.) reported are up to the discretion of the reporting club. (2) Interclubs should be within the district administrative year (District Convention 2015 to District Convention 2016). (3) Each meeting of 4 or more members of your club with 4 or more members of another Kiwanis Family club is considered an Interclub. If 10 clubs are present at a given activity, and each had 4 or more present, there would be 9 Interclubs received per club. (4) The distance traveled also has bearing in this award. Distance traveled is determined by the traveled distance between the city of the home club and the site of the Interclub. Please be sure to write down the distance traveled on the application. Distance only includes the mileage traveled; do not include the distance going back. (5) Please complete the necessary certification from the respective persons. (6) Answer each section separately and labeled by section

A total of eighty (80) points is possible: Section 1

Club's Growth 15 points

How has the club improved since last year’s KIWIN’S year? Section 2

Distance Traveled 15 points

Total distance traveled Section 3

Percentage of Divisional Interclubs 15 points Percentage with divisional clubs (# of schools involved in Interclub within division / # of schools in the division)

Section 4

Promotion of KIWIN’S through Interclubs 25 points How was KIWIN’S represented and promoted through participating in Interclubs? (On a separate sheet of paper)

Section 5

Supplemental Materials 10 points Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent (no more than 4 sheets) information may be included as appendices and should be attached to this form.

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.

Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S Club of _____________________



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor





List all Interclubs, dates held, distances traveled, with whom, hosting clubs, locations, how many members attended, and what kind of activity it was. Reporting false information will directly result in automatic disqualification. If there is not enough space, an additional sheet may be attached to this report.


Distance Traveled

With Club, Division, District

Hosted By




Club Award

Partners in Service

Rules Governing the Partners in Service Award The Partners in Service award is given to each KIWIN’S Club which, through its unselfish service efforts, has participated in at least one project with each official partner during an administrative year. The official partners of Key Club International are UNICEF, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP).

Criteria (1) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Please attach the completed certification form to the award submission (3) The activities described must cover the club’s participation with the official partners of Key Club International performed between the 2015 District Convention and the 2016 District Convention. (4) Fill out every section on separate sheets of paper and labeled by section. *Up to a hundred (100) points may be earned in the entire award* Section 1

Projects Select 3 out of the 4 projects. The project performed with each partner must be on a separate sheet of paper with the name of the partner at the top of the sheet. A description of the project, total service hours performed and funds collected if applicable should be reported.

60 points

Total Members Involved

Section 2

Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected.

30 points

Basis for grading: 01%-09% = 1 point

50%-59% = 6 points

10%-19% = 2 points

60%-69% = 7 points

20%-29% = 3 points

70%-79% = 8 points

30%-39% = 4 points

80%-89% = 9 points

40%-49% = 5 points

90%-100% = 10 points

1. Give total members involved in top five Partners in Service Projects 2. Divide total members involved by 5 3.

Percent Involved [(#2 / (members in club))*100] Supplementary Materials

Section 3

How did you document and publicize these projects? Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should attach to this report.

10 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.

Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Key Club of______________________________

Division:_____________________________________________________ ER



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Member Contest

Sandy Nininger Medal

Rules Governing the Sandy Nininger Medal In 1946, Key Club International formally named Lieutenant Alexander R. Nininger, Jr. as the ideal Key Club member. The Sandy Nininger Medal was created in his memory and is awarded to high school graduates who have distinguished themselves by making the most of their opportunities – disregarding any school average or group standard. It honors individuals in terms of their own abilities and weaknesses, opportunities and lack of opportunities. The high school graduate who most exemplifies the tradition begun by Sandy Nininger and has given of themselves “above and beyond the call of duty” will be awarded at the KIWIN’S District Convention with this honorable award.

Criteria (1) The applicant must be in the graduating class of 2016 and be a dues paid, Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S member (2) The nominee cannot be an officer or KIWIN’S Member of the Year applicant (3) The applicant must have a minimum of ten (10) service hours (4) The application must include (in this order):  A competed criteria sheet (on the following page) with the necessary information and proper signatures  One letter of recommendation using the letter of recommendation form provided  A Statement of Nomination describing why the applicant deserves the Sandy Nininger Medal  Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to the report

(1) Criteria Sheet | This is the Criteria Sheet A. Please attach this form to the application with the bottom portion (necessary information and signatures) properly completed (2) Letter of Recommendation | Page Limit: 2 A. Please also include a completed Letter of Recommendation form that is provided in this Manual. It is labeled “Letter of Recommendation Form.” B. This is used as a testimony to support the applicant’s overall contribution to the district and to his or her community. C. Letters will portray the efforts set forth to serving the district as well as the growth that the applicant has demonstrated throughout his or her time in KIWIN’S (3) A Statement of Nomination | Page Limit: 1 A. Explain how the applicant has given to the school and community “above and beyond the call of duty.” B. Limited to one page with one (1) inch margins in 12pt Times New Roman font. C. The first line must be the award and it must be centered and underlined with the applicant’s name and school underneath EX. Sandy Nininger Medal Michael Tran – La Quinta High School (4) Appendices | Page Limit: 5 A. You may include newspaper clippings, photographs, and any other pertinent supplements to showcase the applicant’s commitment to service, Key Club/KIWIN’S Core Values, inspirational qualities, etc. This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Applicant: _____________________________________________________________ KIWIN’S Club of: ______________________________ Division: _________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _________________________



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Club Service Award

Service Award

Rules Governing the Service Award Service is the form of selfless action that is done to benefit one’s environment rather than oneself. The KIWIN’S year is focused on service and every club should strive to perform the maximum amount of service possible. This award acknowledges clubs for their dedication in the involvement of their community. Quality of service projects rather than quantity will be considered.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Service Dates must be within the district Administrative year (District Convention 2015 to District Convention 2016) (3) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award and this form must be used to complete the submission. Any additional sheets will be discarded. (4) Answer each section separately and labeled by section A total of 100 points is possible: Section 1

Total Percentage of Members Involved Total percentage of members involved in top ten projects, see next page. 0%-20% 5 points 21%-40% 10 points 40%-69% 15 points 70%-89% 20 points 90%-100% 25 points

25 points

Section 2

Average Hours This section will be calculated on a set curve according to percentages, see next page. 0%-09% = 2 points

50%-59% = 12 points

10%-19% = 4 points

60%-69% = 14 points

20%-29% = 6 points

70%-79% = 16 points

30%-39% = 8 points

80%-89% = 18 points

40%-49% = 10 points

90%-100%= 20 points

Section 3

20 points

Final Results Evaluate and describe the significance of these top ten activities. Did they further promote KIWIN’S while serving the community?

Section 5

50 points

Supplemental Materials Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent (no more than 4 sheets) information may be included as appendices and should be attached to this form.

5 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.

Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S Club of _____________________



Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor





KIWIN’S Club of


Number of paid dues members in KIWIN’S Club Total number of members involved on February 20 th for all ten projects Percentage of club members involved (Total hours per member/ Total number of members on February 20, 2015) Grand total of hours for all ten projects: Average hours per member: (Total number of hours/divided by Total number of members on February 20, 2015 *Description of each project is required* Title of Top Ten Service Projects

(Description no more than 50 words each on separate sheet)

Members Involved

Total Members

Hours Per Member

Total Hours

Total Hours

Club Award

Sid Smith Award

Rules Governing the Sid Smith Award Sid Smith, founder of Keywanettes, has offered $500.00 to the school with the most innovative and successful service project. Each year, a KIWIN’S club goes above and beyond in their service to affect their community in a new and creative way. To enter, write an essay describing your innovative and successful service project. Be detailed in this essay and include what the project was, the planning that went into this project, profits made if any and most importantly, how it affected your community. Choose your words carefully; you are limited to 1,000 words. You may include only TWO supplementary materials.

Criteria (1) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Please attach the completed certification form to the award submission (3) EACH PAGE of the essay must have the name of the school on the upper left hand corner and the signatures of the president and faculty advisor on the upper right hand corner. (4) Fill out every section on separate sheets of paper and labeled by section. *Please include each of the following into your essay*

Section 1

Project Title

Section 2

Originality and creativity of project

Section 3

Success of Project

Section 4

Publicizing of project

Section 5

Organization and planning of project

Section 6

Need of project within community

Section 7

Effect of project on surrounding community

Section 8

Use of resources within reach of the KIWIN’S Club

Section 9

Membership Involvement

Section 10

Leadership of board members shown through this project

Section 11

Involvement of other K-Family, school, clubs, etc.

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Cal- Nev- Ha KIWIN’S Club of





President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor






Club Award

Single Fundraiser Award

Rules Governing the Single Fundraiser Award Each KIWIN’S Club is responsible for holding numerous fundraisers to raise money to cover many activities, including reducing the cost of convention for its members, donating to charities, and socials and other expenditures for members. This award acknowledges the use of creativity, originality, and financial success fundraising project.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Fundraising date must be within the district Administrative year (District Convention 2015 to District Convention 2016) (3) The fundraising event being considered in this award must have occurred in a continuous block of time excluding planning. Entries that occurred in discontinuous time periods will be disqualified. (4) Money received must be for the club’s treasury (funds needed for charitable and administrative purposes), for an organization (e.g. March of Dimes, MD, Spastic Children’s Foundation, etc.), or a combination of the two. (5) Club members must be the organizers. Donations or rewards from contests will not be considered. (6) A fundraiser sponsored by a school (e.g. International Week, Club Day), an organization (e.g. 24Hour Famine), or another K-Family organization will not be considered. (7) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award and this form must be used to complete the submission. Any additional sheets will be discarded. (8) Answer each section separately and labeled by section

A total of 100 points is possible: Section 1

Need for Funds Why does the club need funds? Describe the need specifically.

Section 2

Plan Explain the project. What was the initial cost of the project? How organized was the plan? (Realistic goal, use of KIWIN’S, etc.) Describe how well the plan was carried out. How was the plan presented? Did it cover all the necessary items requested? Was the goal clearly defined? Does it appear that KIWIN’S members did the work?

Section 3

Final Results How much money was raised? What were the costs to carry out this project? What was the net profit (amount raised minus costs)? What was the percentage of KIWIN’S members involved? Did other K-Family clubs help in any way? If so, what help was involved?

Section 4

Section 6

25 points

25 points

Public Awareness 10 points

How was the fundraiser publicized? Section 5

25 points

Members Participating 01% - 09% = 1 point

50% - 59% = 6 points

10% - 19% = 2 points

60% - 69% = 7 points

20% - 29% = 3 points

70% - 79% = 8 points

30% - 39% = 4 points

80% - 89% = 9 points

40% - 49% = 5 points

90% - 100% = 10 points

10 points

Supplementary Materials Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should be attached.

5 points

KIWIN’S Club of


Number of dues-paid members


Number of members involved



Length of project (excluding planning) Number of people benefited Name of fundraiser


______________________________ _____________________________________________


CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.




President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Service Award

Single School Service Award

Rules Governing the Single School Service Award Every year, KIWIN’S clubs perform service projects and activities that benefit their schools. Each year, clubs decide on one single service project out of their total that was done in excellence. Certain clubs show outstanding school pride as well as KIWIN’S pride through their diligent acts of service. The Single School Service award is given in honor of these clubs who go above and beyond in working to improve the quality of life on their school campuses.

Criteria (1) The applicant KIWIN’S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN’S and Key Club International (2) Service Dates must be within the district Administrative year (District Convention 2015 to District Convention 2016) (3) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award and this form must be used to complete the submission. Any additional sheets will be discarded. (4) Answer each section separately and labeled by section A total of 100 points is possible: Section 1

Need Describe the need for this project. It should be specific, clear, and concise. Describe the reasons why this project was necessary.

20 points

Section 2

Usefulness How practical is this project and does the usefulness support the need?

20 points

Describe the practical purpose this project served in your school. Section 3

Plan What were the steps to carrying out this project? Described how the plan was carried out.

10 points

Was the goal clearly defined? How much was accomplished? How was this project completed? How was it organized, and what was the cost? Section 4

Final Results Describe how the project benefits the club and those served.

15 points

How does the project serve a purpose adequately?

How big of an impact was this project to the school? Describe benefits of services rendered and number of people served. Section 5

Public Awareness

15 points

Was the community informed of this project?

How was the event publicized (e.g., television, newspaper, etc.)? How was the project publicized? Section 6

Summary Statement Briefly summarize the project in an original statement.

Explain how the statement gives a good portrayal of the project done. What was gained and how significant was this project? Briefly, how did your club benefit in performing this project?

5 points

Section 7

1-10 points

Members Participation 01% - 09 % = 1 point

50% - 59% =

6 points

10% - 19% = 2 points

60% - 69% =

7 points

20% - 29% = 3 points

70% - 79% =

8 points

30% - 39% = 4 points

80% - 89% =

9 points

40%- 49% - 5 points

90% - 100% - 10 points

Percent of total membership % [# of Members Involved divided (/) by # of Members in club times (x) 100 = %] Section 8

5 points

Supplementary Materials Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information (no more than 4 sheets) may be included as appendices and should be attached.

Number of dues-paid members


Total number of members involved



Length of project (excluding planning)


Approximate number benefited


CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.



Secretary President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




International Contest

Single Service Award

Rules Governing the KCI Single Service Award The Single Service award shall provide recognition to the KIWIN’S Clubs for a commendable service project .

Criteria (1) A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the KIWIN’S Club occurring on a single day, consecutive days or recurring on different days. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service projects and fundraising efforts. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal. (2) Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district. (3) Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; and Platinum, being 86 members or more. (4) Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of 100 points allocated to the following categories:

Service Need - 10 Points

Final Results - 25 Points

Project Plan - 20 Points

Public Awareness - 15 Points

Project Implementation - 20 Points

Members’ Participation - 10 Points

(5) Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district or judging committee. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. (6) An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the approval of the district administrator or his/her designee. An entry may be disqualified by the judges at the International level for the same reasons and disqualifications require the approval of the International Administrator. (7) Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and international levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. (8) Only activities that occurred during the district administrative year shall be included on the report.


CLUB INFORMATION KIWIN’S Club:_________________________________________________________________________________ District: California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S



ADVISOR CONTACT INFORMATION Contact name:______________________________________________________________________________ Check One:

Faculty Advisor

Kiwanis Advisor

Contact Email:_______________________________________________________________________________

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.



President Faculty Advisor (select one)

[ ] LT. G [ ] Regional Advisor




Contest criteria are posted in the Key Club Guidebook on Page 57.

Single Service Award 2016

Key Club of: _____________________________________ Club ID #: ___________________ District: _____________ Number of members in club: ______________________Total service hours involved: _______________________ Project name: _____________________________________ Contact name: _________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone number with area code: _________________________ Application return address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/province: _____________________________________

Postal code: _____________ Country: __________

Brief description of project: _________________________________________________________________________ Club membership 1. Enter the total number of dues paid club members as of February 1, 2015. 2. Enter the number of paid members in the box below. 3. Use the number in the box to determine the club’s membership category. 4. Place a check next to the category that applies. Number of dues paid members:

______ Bronze (35 members or less)

______ Silver (36-60 members)

______ Gold (61-85 members)

______ Platinum (86 members or more)

A. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day or consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal. B. Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form cover sheet and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; and Platinum, being 86 members or more. D. Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories: service need, 10 points; project plan, 20 points; project implementation, 20 points; final results, 25 points; public awareness, 15 points; member participation, 10 points. E. Only activities which occurred during the district administrative year shall be included on the report. Clubs existing within a nondistricted area shall report activities occurring between May 1 and the following April 30.

F. Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district or judging committee. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. G. All entries from non-districted clubs shall be judged to also produce a first place winner in each category. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. H. An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the approval of the district administrator or his/her designee. An entry may be disqualified by the judges at the International level for the same reasons, and any disqualification requires the approval of the International Director. I. Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and International levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. No changes, alterations or re-grading will take place after the results have been certified by the judges.

Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members. NOTE: All signatures are required. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative must not be by the same person. Kiwanis/faculty advisor: __________________________ Principal: _______________________________________________


Club Award

Convention Attendance

Rules Governing the Convention Attendance Award To participate in this competition, you will want to recruit as many members to attend the annual KIWIN'S District Convention as possible. No matter what the size of your club, you will have an opportunity to be recognized. Whether you come to convention with the desire to run for office, to meet KIWIN'S from all over the California-Nevada-Hawaii District, or to learn from the various sessions and workshops, be determined to represent your school and show your KIWIN'S spirit. You’ll have the chance to make the necessary preparations to “ONE family, ONE mission, ONE word KIWIN’S” at your highest potential for the coming KIWIN'S year. KIWIN’S Club of

Division _________



Total Number of dues-paid members



Total number of paid convention attendants


Percentage of members attending the convention ______________________________





[(answer to number 2/answer to number 1) x 100%] 4.

Total number of dues-paid members last year



Total number of paid convention attendants last year_____________________________


Percentage of members attending the convention last year ___________________________________________ [(answer to number 5/answer to number 4) x 100%]


Date KIWIN’S Treasurer


Date KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor


Date KIWIN’S District Treasurer (at Convention)

___________________________ ___________________________

Member Contest

Impromptu Essay Award

Rules Governing the Impromptu Essay Award The Impromptu Essay contest allows KIWIN’S members in good standing with Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S to display their knowledge of KIWIN’S information by composing an essay during the District Convention.


(1) The Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Impromptu Essay contest will be conducted according to the following rules:

This contest will be held at the District Convention at a designated time and place (as stated in the convention program) where complete silence will be maintained at all times.

Each KIWIN’S Club in good standing with Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S and Key Club International will be able to select one club member to participate in the contest.

(2) Each entrant will write an essay of up to 500 words on a topic unknown to the contestants in advance (3) The following guidelines will be enforced for this contest:

All essays must be neatly handwritten.

Contestants are not permitted to use any outside notes, electronic equipment, printed materials or any other references during this contest.

 

Essays must pertain to the topic. Essays that fail to address the topic will be disqualified. Essays will be judged on a basis of quality not quantity.

(4) Judging and awarding points will be based on the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Originality and Clarity Organization

30 points 25 points

Development of Topic

25 points


20 points

(5) The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes or alterations will take place after the results have been certified by the judges and the chairperson of the judges of this contest



Faculty Advisor _________________

Contestant Contact Phone Number KIWIN’S Club of


______________ ______________

Club Award

KIKS Spirit Award

Rules Governing the KIKS Spirit Award One of the distinguishing characteristics of the KIWIN’S District Convention is the abundance of spirit and enthusiasm. The battle for the glory of the KIKS Spirit Award has been a long sought tradition, which has always heightened a member’s experience at KIWIN’S District Convention. KIKS is an acronym for Keeping In KIWIN’S Spirit. What started out as just an award has manifested into one of the greatest honors a club can receive. Clubs cheer their hearts out and display pride in their schools and divisions through little gifts and dances performed throughout the convention.

Criteria (1) Written applications stating that your club wishes to participate in this contest and a general description (for judges' use ONLY) of how you intend to show your spirit will be required of all clubs wishing to enter the contest. (One of each KIKS must be presented at the judging table on April 15, 2016 by 9:00 PM) (2) Interruptions during general sessions, caucus sessions, and/or workshops may result in disqualification (3) Noise enhancing objects, except non-electronic megaphones, will not be allowed and may result in disqualification. (i.e. musical instruments, microphones, electronic megaphones, etc.) No noisemakers! (4) All clubs participating in this contest MUST OBSERVE ALL CONVENTION RULES AND HOTEL RULES AT ALL TIMES. Any infraction of the rules will result in automatic disqualification from the KIKS Spirit Award. Section 1

Presentation and Originality: (cheers, club gifts, etc.)

20 points

Section 2

Attendance and Participation: (general sessions, workshops, etc.)

20 points

Section 3

Promotion of Service

10 points

Section 4

Percentage of Members: (at convention)

10 points

Section 5

Display of District Spirit: (district cheers, support of other schools)

10 points

Section 6

Display of Divisional Spirit: (divisional cheers, support of other schools)

10 points

Section 7

Display of Club Unity: (gimmicks, cheers, uniforms, etc.)

10 points

Section 8

District Convention Program AD Sales

10 points

Number of members attending convention ___________________________ Percentage of members attending _ _ Will you be wearing a club uniform?


Have you planned club cheers? Please describe below and/or on the back of this page what cheers and gimmicks that you plan to use, and submit any KIKS materials used with the KIKS application. (For judges’ viewing only.)

Note: Clubs are permitted to place/leave KIKS on the dining room tables 45 minutes prior to each general session. Each club is allowed up to 2 members at that time. Please be courteous of others when placing the KIKS on the tables. Place all KIK items in a clear zip lock bag

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Signature

Date KIWIN’S President




KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor Signature

Date KIWIN’S Lt. Governor or Regional Advisor

Club Award

Membership and Motivation

Rules Governing the Member and Motivation Award (1) Each KIWIN’S Club attending the District Convention will be considered for the Membership and Motivation award. (2) Each club that gains a 30% increase in membership from last year's PAID DUES will receive a certificate. (3) The KIWIN’S Clubs with the highest increase in membership in each category will each receive an award. Number of dues-paid members for last year (2014-2015)____________________________ Number of dues-paid members for this year (2015-2016)___________________________ Percentage increase {[(#2 / #1)*100] } ___________________________________________ (To be eligible this must be 130 or higher)




Date KIWIN’S Treasurer


Date KIWIN’S President


Date KIWIN’S Faculty or Regional Advisor


A.T heOr at or i calT opi cf ort he20152016Ser vi ceYeari s : How woul dKeyCl ubmember s hi pgr owt hhel pusf ur t herourvi s i onofbei ngcar i ngandcom pet ents er vantl eader swhot r ans f or m communi t i eswor l dwi de? B. C. D. E.


G. H.

I . J. K.

International Contest

Talent Show Contest

Rules Governing the Single School Service Award The Talent Contest will be conducted according to the following rules. (1) Any KIWIN’S member in good standing is eligible to audition for the talent contest. In order to audition for the District contest, a form including the member’s name, club and district must be received by February 20, 2016. No member will be allowed to audition without the form. (2) Each KIWIN’S Club may participate in no more than one act entered in the International Talent Contest. (3) A talent contest entry may take any form as long as it is entertaining and in good taste. (4) All participants in an act must be official members of a KIWIN’S Club in good standing with the Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN'S District and Key Club International. In the case of a group act, all members must be from the same district. (5) All acts entered in the Talent Contest will be required to demonstrate their ability and entertainment appeal at auditions (Time and place to be announced in the convention program). At this time, the most entertaining six to eight acts will be selected to appear in the District Convention Talent Show as International finalists. (6) Selection of acts by the judges will be final. (7) The first and second place winners will be eligible to compete at the Key Club International Convention. There will not be any categories for this contest to enable competition at the international level. (8) No performance must exceed five (5) minutes. (9)

Any materials (props, instruments, costumes, etc.) needed for each performance must be supplied by the contestants who participate in the performance. Pianos are available but the need for one must be noted on the application.

(10) Judging for this contest will be based on the following criteria and point values:

1. 2. (11) Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third places. 3. (12) The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or re4. grading will take place after the judges, the Chair of Contests, and the 5. Awards Chair have certified the results.

Content Performance Poise Audience Response Personal Evaluation

20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points

KIWIN’S Club of__________________ Division_________________ Student Contact Name______________ Phone___________________ E-mail _____________________________ Approximate Length ________

Name of Participant(s) and KIWIN’S Club(s):

Props: (piano and tape deck) Piano may be made available but participant(s) of the club must provide other items. Please specify if you need a piano or CD Player provided at Convention.

Description of Act:

The rules and regulations for this contest are understood. Any modification of the rules or negligence of the requirements or regulations will result in automatic disqualification. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or reassessments will take place after the judges and the Chair of Contests and Awards have certified the results.

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification.








KIWIN’S President Signature KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor Signature

KIWIN’S Lt. Governor or Regional Advisor

International Award

Year in Review - Non-Traditional Scrapbook

Rules Governing the Non-Traditional Scrapbook Each KIWIN’S club may enter the Year in Review contest in one of the follow categories: Traditional or Non-Traditional.

Criteria (1) A KIWIN’S Club may enter a non-traditional scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, or other representations of its activities during the club administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). (2) Each entry should adequately portray the following categories: Service to School; Service to Community; Fundraising Projects; Assistance to Kiwanis Projects; Major Emphasis and Miscellaneous. (3) Judging of the non- traditional scrapbook will be on a point system as follows: Format [50 Points] - Cover Artwork

10 Points

- Interior Artwork

20 Points

- News Clippings and Photo

20 Points

General Context [60 Points] - Service to School

10 Points

- Service to Community

10 Points

- Fundraising

10 Points

- Assistance to Kiwanis Projects

10 Points

- Involvement with Major Emphasis Program 10 Points - Miscellaneous

10 Points

(4) A sheet of paper must be affixed to the scrapbook containing the following: KIWIN’S Club name, city, state/ province, district and an itemized statement of total expenditures and donations. If this sheet of paper is not affixed to the scrapbook, the judges will deduct ten points. This statement must be signed by the KIWIN’S Club president and faculty advisor, stating the scrapbook’s retail cost value (including photographic materials) does not exceed the amount of US $150. Work done by KIWIN’S Club members such as hand- lettering, artwork, etc., do not need to be included as cost items. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. (5) Entries shall be submitted to the KIWIN’S Convention desk during specified hours as listed in the convention program. (6) No audio, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed as part of the entry. The entry must be sturdy to allow handling by judges as necessary. (7) Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third places on the basis of creativity and general content. (8) The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations or reassessments will take place after the judges and the Chair of Contests and Awards have certified the results. (9) Each scrapbook being judged at the International Convention MUST be the exact same scrapbook judged at the district convention. Any alteration in the scrapbook will result in disqualification.


This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification


Date KIWIN’S President


Date KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor


Date Kiwanis President

Scrapbook year in review cost sheet Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook, Scrapbook information is on page 54. Check One:


Key Club of: ____________________________________

NON-TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK Club ID #: ________________________

District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Costs


Photo materials: US$ _________

Materials by school:

US$ _________


US$ _________

Materials by businesses:

US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________

Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) ______________________________________

(Print name here) ______________________________

Signature of club president: (Signature) ______________________________________

(Print name here) ______________________________


International Award

Year in Review - Traditional Scrapbook

Rules Governing the Non-Traditional Scrapbook Each KIWIN’S club may enter the Year in Review contest in one of the follow categories: Traditional or Non-Traditional.

Criteria (1) A KIWIN’S Club may enter a scrapbook containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, etc. of its activities during the club administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). Each scrapbook must be subdivided into the following categories: Service to School; Service to Community; Fundraising Projects; Assistance to Kiwanis Projects; Involvement with the Major Emphasis Program; and Miscellaneous. Each category must be tabbed accordingly. The pages must also be numbered with a table of contents included at the beginning. Only the first and second place district winners in each category will be eligible to compete in the International contest. (2) Each entry must be submitted in a specified scrapbook binder to be determined by the International office and made available for purchase from Kiwanis International and other designated vendors. The cover may be decorated.

(3) Judging of the traditional scrapbook will be on a point system as follows: Format [50 Points] - Cover Artwork - Interior Artwork - News Clippings and Photo

10 Points 20 Points 20 Points

General Context [60 Points] - Service to School - Service to Community - Fundraising - Assistance to Kiwanis Projects - Involvement with Major Emphasis Program - Miscellaneous

10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points

(4) A sheet of paper must be affixed to the inside front cover of the scrapbook containing the following: KIWIN’S Club name, city, state, district and an itemized statement of total expenditures and donations. If this sheet of paper is not affixed to the inside front cover of the scrapbook, the judges will deduct ten points. This statement must be signed by the KIWIN’S Club president and faculty advisor, stating the scrapbook’s retail cost value (including photographic materials) does not exceed the amount of US $150. Work done by KIWIN’S Club members such as hand-lettering, artwork, etc., need not be included as cost items. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. (5) Each scrapbook being judged at the International Convention MUST be the exact same scrapbook judged at the District Convention. Any alteration in the scrapbook will result in disqualification. (6) Entries shall be submitted to the KIWIN’S Convention Contest desk during specified hours as listed in the convention program. (7) Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third places on the basis of creativity and general content. (8) The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations or reassessments will take place after the judges and the Chair of Contests and Awards have certified the results. (9) No audio, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed as part of the entry.

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification


Date KIWIN’S President


Date KIWIN’S Faculty Advisor


Date Kiwanis President

Scrapbook year in review cost sheet Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook, Scrapbook information is on page 54. Check One:


Key Club of: ____________________________________

NON-TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK Club ID #: ________________________

District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Costs


Photo materials: US$ _________

Materials by school:

US$ _________


US$ _________

Materials by businesses:

US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________


US$ _________

Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) ______________________________________

(Print name here) ______________________________

Signature of club president: (Signature) ______________________________________

(Print name here) ______________________________


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