Life Examintion time

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DEDICATION Life is like a car it is up to you whether you drive it with or without any experience or lessons. Also, the decision comes to you whether you use your time wisely or foolishly because the results of your decisions will point back to you. Most importantly take responsibilities for your actions.

To everyone where’s road seems too dark, and without hope.

Copyright Š 2017MALIELE MICHAEL All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, reflected electronically or mechanically by photocopying in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author... Interior layout; formatting and design by: MALIELE MICHAEL Cover designed by: MALIELE MICHAEL Edited: MALIELE MICHAEL Get in touch with the author on: E-MAIL: Contact: 0639909838 Social Media:

ISBN: 978-0-6398125-0-2


Acknowledgments 1 RUSH HOUR

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Thanks to almighty God for everything that he did for me and for showing me the path of righteousness. I also like to say thank you Pastor Graham Fletcher for being there at all times. I thank my mother Mmadikgang Martha Maliele for taking care of me as a mother during good and tough times and today I am this man because of her. Everyone who supported me through trails, who motivated me along the way I give my thanks to you. Not forgetting Fundza for giving me the opportunity to publish my work in their website.


RUSH HOUR Life has its own ways of disapproving with our actions through wrong directions we take and unaware young people fall deep in depths of evil pit. It is like they are controlled by remote. When they get wild they act as if they are being pushed by something which captured their mind. Actually what is the rush? Everything is in confusion even adults cannot come up with solutions, God help and forgive our sins. Yes I agree we want to live in our own world without interruptions, where is the saying that says “one mind one victory�. It comes up to a point where you have to decide what you need in life, and also stand firm to everything that you are facing. If we just sit and enjoy seeing young people get destroyed as if it is a nice movie to watch. Youth are the hope of the world globally, instead of focusing on the future of the country; they also need to focus on their own future too.



We should check in different perspectives of life, we are living in critical times, where Satan is catching young people like fishes in the ocean. People get killed and raped almost every day. Drugs and hip hop music are taking our future leaders. They flow like fishes in the waterfall of hip hop and satanic stuff, I always ask myself “why the rush?� We get lost in the way while we follow the paths of life, which leads us to all coordinates and blindly we tend to take wrong paths unaware. It is up to you to decide on your own which way to go. We are oppressed by many things in our individual paths, nothing seems to be okay. You do your level best but you keep on getting disappointments on daily basis. It is even difficult to have a support system when we need one. We have heavy loads on our shoulders that can takeoff that load? God is our answer take all to him. Let us all look for solutions not problems.



If we are all God’s children why do we rush so badly?



We are living in a controversial ways now; people get hooked very easily to wrong things than good things. People tend to say we are poor because we have little and I don’t think that is true, actually we are poor because we want more than we have. That is not working for me there are two things that we are not aware of in our lives, and those things are simple we just need to appreciate and have perseverance. We can’t achieve our dreams if we are not strong because the road to success is never easy at all. We don’t have to expect all the time manna from heaven. From a long study on the behaviour of young people I have learned that many people don’t understand young people’s thoughts and attitude. All they want to do is to leave in their own world, they don’t want to be told what to do, they want to be suggested what to do. Not always be nagged every time when they did 4


wrong things, there is a huge mistake that parents make on daily basis and they don’t see it at all actually they do but they ignore it. That is whenever they are angry with their young ones; they remind them about the past, or tell them words which break down their self-esteem and downgrade their capability. That is why young people are angry at the world and their parents because the society downgrades them. Life took me into the class room again when my parents got separated, I had to grow faster and learn decision making skills and leadership. I had to help myself and my mom, also because sometimes my mom did not have money to buy food for my school lunch. I had to learn budget skills to find ways on how to budget from R2.00 allowance. I used only 50cent my change was R1, 50 which I saved it, which was my daily budget routine. Whenever there is a shortage of something like food I would take from my safe bottle. By doing that I passed the life exam all you need to do to pass is be calm and find your answers through



your struggles.


EYE OPENING Youth is at state of good and bad opportunities in life, being trapped to certain things that drives them from who they are. Sometimes is the environment that push them away I would like to emphasis this “Parents and Family members who like to ignore the fact that, youth don’t have to choose what to think is the best for themselves they need guidance’’. Family members and parents are supposed to support and lead youth to the right path at all times. Take a look at animals in the wild, young lions learn to survive and hunt at the age of 8 to 10 years old. Their parents are there to support and guide in terms of security and there is no difference to human’s lifestyle. Young people have their own say and decisions that they have to take on their own and doing that to them is pain and burden on top of their shoulders. That is why they throw themselves on the fire of drugs, alcohol and other things because they feel that no one can help and understand them. I know they feel pain and distress and sometimes they make huge mistakes because of anger that is 7


within them. Some they regret what they did because the society or community did not try to understand them, and give them the space of their own, many who succeeded they sacrificed and compromised a lot in order to achieve. While others waited to be fed or receive things that don’t belong to them, to be better in life check your S.W.O.T (Strength, Weakness, and Opportunity & Thread). By doing that you will overcome obstacles of life .As youth you just have to pray all the time and always be Mentally Tough. You will become better person who will amaze people all the time , Thinking of what is happening presently hurts my soul so badly to such an extent that I feel like I have been stabbed by all weapons you can think off . Reality is we have many questions that have no answers, the big 3 questions are, what went wrong? , Why the Rush? And why this people can’t see what has been put for grand in future?


SOULS TORMENTATIONS We live in a time of persecutions, distrust, destructions of souls and also dreams lastly hopes. We are on the rush hour why? All we need to do is to keep on working hard and pray all the times, be like mountain hiker and rock climbers. Every steps of the mountain has its own obstacles. Whenever you are in shortage of your tools you don’t think of sailing downward, in order to get what you need at that time. You think out of the box or you use everything you find in order to pass to the following steps upwards. Hoping to get on top of the mountain and put your name on top. Remember the higher you go the colder it becomes; sometimes you ran out of gas in your oxygen cylinder, you are now facing obstacle of life and death. You have to think fast and positively by saying that I am simply saying stay in faith and be positive all the time no matter what it takes, you don’t have to be in rush all the time. 9


Rushing things it is not always proportional. You lose, forget and putting yourself in danger in many cases and you will also mix-up with wrong people on the run, in our century don’t go with the flow of life; if it says left go right. Keep on persuading your future dreams know what you want, take time rebuilding yourself and your life. As much as when signing the contract if you are being rushed signing it, you normally know something is not right so use the same procedure. Regarding life temptations you need to remember that life is like a car it is up to you whether you drive it with or without experience.




Satanic thunder is taking young people by massive speed, contradicting despite anything that will invade the process or plan of God regarding your life. The problem is young people can’t leave without material things of the world and entertainment as well, these things are our needs or wants? I tend to think that my people forget to analyze that. Recently it is hard to find full support from anyone with a blink of an eye; another problem is we forget the manner of which we were all taught from our childhood. We were told to pray every day by our parents at homes, even at schools. God is the creator of every organism, Heaven and Earth despite Darwin’s evolution theories, Satan likes to target young people in places where there is fun as we know and heard through media where this brutality, sacrifices, rituals and initiations start. Now parents need to be careful on how to handle anger behaviour of their young ones, the plan started long ago it is manifesting every second, hour, minutes, day, weeks, months and years. 11


There is no time to waste anymore the right path is prayer, this is not for young ones only this is for all no age restrictions. As you are God’s children, he loves you all STOP and STOP rushing like there’s no tomorrow. Don’t plan for tomorrow because we don’t know what does tomorrow have in store for us. Appreciate everything that you have and stop looking for more than you have because at the end you will lose happiness in your life. Always have faith and pray every day think & check before you act.



People who drink alcohol and those who take drugs have different reasons why they are who they are. The problem is that young and old people turn away from their true characters in order to be seen. Whereby others are too judgemental and sometimes they lose themselves, in a sense of rushing to take decisions without thinking correctly. Just not to lower what they have which is now valued than their personal values as people. Just because of rushing like there is no tomorrow, parents no longer understand their children. They say the problem is respect, kindness, humbleness which young people do not have at all. The big question is are we following God’s orders and commands that he gave? The big problem is adults feel undermined if they listen to their children and children should always be obedient to them. Which are wrong, adults should not try but must see things in a child perception and respect them as much as God did command’’ the older must respect 13


the young so the young can respect back’’ That is why young ones whenever they think of doing something for themselves or helping others’’ they will say I wonder whether my parents would be happy or sad for what I did ‘’ Parents turned to rush to disagree or judge before they hear the whole suggestion or story from the young. That is why we have a problem of respect towards children and parents; the solution is to reach equilibrium point meaning equality. Jesus said that old must respect the young so that the young can respect back.


ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Where is love in people? I asked myself why there is so much blood spilled all around the world, I have found out the answer is right in front of us all the time. The answer is so simple, there is no love anymore and you heard me right. Fathers, Uncles and Mother turned to be monsters towards their children because there’s no love. Where is love? We listen and hear around the world how people kill each other like predators, how they kill their loved ones in the dark. Lovers kill each other, young girls are kidnapped and Innocent people are killed brutally in Israel. I always ask myself one question “where is love. Heavenly Father I cry to you, where is love that we are supposed to be sharing as human beings. I am not asking about the love of Wealth, rich and power no .Many people sin because of the love they have for money. There is no place to worship anymore people who claim are Christians plotting against each other; they are hungry to rule your church. Families are broken because they lack love .where can we find love in this



world of sorrow and pain? We help people who are in need but in the end they don’t show appreciation actually where is that love? There is no love in this world anymore. Why can’t the world see that you love us God, you always showing us your love and mercy in every second, minute and hour.


Hunger for Control Hungry for power. Hungry for oppressing poor people and this proves that money drives all to evil. If you are greedy, hypocritically controlling people around you knowing that you have hunger for control, You need self-control and if you can’t control yourself it will conquer you. Many control others because of the aid they gave for somebody expecting something in return. Let’s not forget one thing; in life you are not born on top of a mountain, you were once a low class as well. Don’t ever think that you can get control over someone’s life by money or do you think like that? Be aware of this while you are trumping over someone’s life. Notice, the same person you are saying he/she’s a flop, useless just know that one day he/she will be on top of you. Hunger to control others unjustly take a moment and evaluate yourself first.



We don’t listen to God’s voice when he speaks, life examines us individually whether we are stable enough to pass the exam or not. God is our perfect tool to pass the exams of life because he is the creator of everything. Don’t forget that we have the enemy waiting for the weak to fall in his traps. We have to prepare ourselves before we get inside the class, but it’s not very easy if you are telling yourself that you are wiser than God. There is a time for God and time for the world, Spiritual time and time of flash, in most cases we ignore God’s call and mind our own desires. At the end we fail the exams of life, because we don’t take time to read the questions which are on the question paper. What are those questions? There are situations in our lives we don’t scrutinize we just allow emotions to take control. When time starts we just rush to finish first which is 18


our first mistake, you must find answers right there in your situations, it’s just waiting for you to find it and pass the exams.

What you must do is ask yourself this Questions?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why must I face a problem before the solution? Why should I get sad instead of being happy? How seasons work? What do waves teach in reality? What qualities, techniques and strength do I have? 6. Where will I get strength from? 7. What is my source of strength or capability



Many say God does not speak and he can’t hear you. They’re so wrong is just that we go many ways; others end up on the wrong path. The manner we are praying and asking God it is the one which builds a wall between us and God’s relationship. What is that strength? The strength is right within you, is Conscious which drives you from bad to right decisions of your life. Sometimes you find that you want to engage yourself in something but your conscious is always there to guide you so that you take a good decision. When you decide to ignore it you find yourself in trouble all the time. God said let us make a man with our own image, was God talking about external or internal image? After God finished creating the body he took time and examine this creation and found out that for this creation to have life it needs him at all times. So God shared his spirit to guide so that it can guide us in this flesh and that it is conscious “THE INNER STRENGTH “which is God’s voice leaving in us. 20


Again he said I knew you before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, even though you don’t even know me. Why did he say so? It is because he already created you in spirit, loved you and gave you conscious. That is why many who are in darkness and those who survived realize their wrong doings by the time they look themselves In the mirror and a question arises from within their spirit and souls then follows the mind and lastly the words. In order to get this inner strength in every situation just listen to God by living by his laws and read Bible to guide you more and more




Drugs are the demolition of the human‘s brains metabolism. People seem not to see or understand especially the teenagers, mechanism of the world it is stuck in the drugs and substance abuse’s trap. I understand that everyone is doing their best of their ability to come up with the solution to this problem. Talking about the frustrations our youth have it is one of major problem that the country is facing, but the fact is drugs are not the solution to the problems. Because while you are drugged the problem goes away for that particular time after it is coming back again. If they don’t have money to buy the evil weapon they become aggressive and angry more out of the line in order to satisfy themselves. They don’t care of whether they got the money in a principled manner or not, all they care about is drugs neglecting their health and bodies. 8 of 10% admitted that they got trapped by drugs in the name of fitting in crowed 2 of 10% said that they were experimenting.



I took time to understand what is really happening to our youth. I asked them what the real problem is? It is more psychological problem because of poverty, unemployment family matters and most of them are orphans. Most of them need to be free from this trap they are trapped in; they need support structure which will help them in their journey of rehabilitation.




CHURCH &New environment


With this structure they can get encouraged and motivated to change as they wish to become better people. We have to face the truth not to ignore it at all.



I believe every problem begins at home, like the ones of drugs, gangsters and crime. When a child is raised in a broken home structure it is unlikely for them to grow up as good young man or young women. 90% of victims of any kind of abuse will tell you no one believed them and trusted them when they tried to tell the truth about what has happened to them.

Then they decided to bottle everything inside themselves until they bust out then avenge their abusers. Rejections are one of the major fears in everyone to come clear. Proverbs says you can see the stick in your brother’s eye but you don’t see the stick which is in your eye. Remember that your brother, sister, even your mother can be addicts so don’t just shut them out. Beware that sometimes tough love drives them to the demolition. Remember a man was mugged on his way home and people he thought are children of God did not bother to help him. They ignored him as if he is not there but Good Samaritan women aided him in his deathbed.



Even at various schools teachers need help regarding this tragedy of drugs demolition towards our children, they need to be taught how to handle this people. But if you are a teacher smoking cigarette in front of children what example are you setting? We often ignore such things because we think they are little things and forget that children mark every step we are setting. Forgetting there are children who are looking up to you as a teacher& leader, to them that it is a big mistake because already the picture is drawn in their mind. Even outside the school they look up to you, for example� all the time you teach and preach to your learners at school that alcohol is bad but after school they see other alcoholic side of you� believe in me respect that they had towards you it will no longer be there. I am telling you I am teacher too I know what I am talking about.

What I am saying is it taught me how to scrutinize before taking a decision in life, and to always set a good example when you are a leader or as an individual.



To tell the truth is all drugs started from curiosity for me how I overcame this temptations, it was always sticking to my decision when I say No and it means No whenever I see or feel overpowered I move away from the crowd even though they called me names what remained in my mind is I won the battle. Some come to me ask me how did I do it. I told the same story as it seems lame to others. They tried it worked for others but for others they did not hold on to it because they do not understand how to stand firm. Be honestly at all times always state what you don’t like and what you like to your peers, also move away from experimenting mentality if things don’t work for you stop.

Do not even try because once you try you are hooked in instant.




Parents often say that they send their children to school to be taught, molded for their future right? There is a catch though children must not get too educated than them but why? Let us face the fact that children learn more things even those things which parents wanted to keep as secrets. Teachers are parents too and they know what I am talking about and if it is like this who to blame? Human beings are like containers, they get filled up by everything that is good and bad and that we must not forget. We also have tertiary institutions and that is where we meet young people who are faced with too much work. EXAMS YOUNG PEOPLE EXPIREANCE

1. University Exams 2. College Exams 27


3. Independence Exams 4. Drugs Exams 5. Friends Exams 6. Religious Exams 7. Identity Exams 8. Future Exams 9. Trend exams 10. Fashion Exams 11. Life Exams See what I mean when I say there is a lot to take in. Often in the meetings teachers and parents play the blame games. Think through these things affecting us on daily basis. There comes street education in the mixture with its demands. What is needed in this mist of all this type of education is guidance from the Lord and acceptance from individuals that they have messed up? I am not a politician but I may be creating a political environment, this is just the results of the ignorance and uncertainty of mankind. 28


Let us look at this point of view we all taught that it is very important to pray at school, and then at home we were told the same thing. Check the difference between the mindset of the learner who was taught bible as a subject and the learner who was taught bible at home.

There is a huge difference between the two which is the interpretation and how they want to convince each other, that is the same thing happening regarding the education war.

In our different cultures were all taught to always say yes in everything we must not ask why? At school we were taught to ask why the question is who to respect if young people are in such confusion? Home education or School education? But teachers are parents too so the answer is the first wisdom is to fear God. God said children listen to your parents but children listen to two different types of parental knowledge.



For you to gain knowledge you must first get understanding, see it goes back to individual choice. Let us not put pressure on the choice which was given to us by our father. Parents must respect the decision which was made by young people all they need is to respect and guide their children to righteousness path.

They must not forget this it was god who made plans for the child before they plan to have a child.

That is why parents see you as future doctor or president then teachers see a different future you. Because they see you grow everyday better than your parents at home.

At home they know you as a humble young boy/girl but at school you are different young boy/girl teachers know you as rebel or vice versa. What is the cause of that? Is because young people want to balance or stop this 30


war of home education vs. school education

Please think this through very hard at home sex education was a secret but at school is not a secret. Then comes a dispute between a child and parent, child is curious to know more remember at home you are not suppose to ask ‘’why’’ then the choice from a young person is ‘’ I am going to ask my parent(teacher) at school.

Teachers are much closer to children than their biological children, then a child easily open up and talk things which their parents know nothing about their own children. That is why many parents cry bitterly saying this words ‘’ I thought I knew my child but I don’t’’ ‘’What poisoned you’’

Truth must be told we are not writing exams at school only life as it is examining us. I am telling you the truth the reason I liked science so much, it is because it was able to open my perspectives on things which was hidden. 31


for example at the age of 9 I already knew reproduction cycle why because I was curious I did not like reading fairy tales like other children. Just imagine the shame of my mother in our culture such things children were not allowed to know or be taught, so it was a shame that my mom taught me that but truth is she was not it I learned it by myself.

It was not the teaching from home I got that, it was school teaching because I learned that from standard 10 (grade 12) text books which I got from library in biology section. Whenever I go to library you will find me in two sections MATHS & SCIENCE.

In short I was that weird kid or brainy who was always alone at all times.

And I found a way to balance both teachings of home and school, which is at home I always follow home instructions and teachings, at school do the same follow what the school needs me to do.



I also learned that there are questions which are right to be asked at right platform or environment, for example you can’t ask a teacher what you have been taught at home while he or she does not know your home procedures, that will only bring conflict.

Another example is I am from Christian family so we were all told God created men, but the problem came when I was doing grade 7 natural science teaching came men evolved from a chimp. My home teaching clashed with the school teaching I did not believed it I evolved from a chimp.

That can move you away from your home teaching.



TWO PILLERS OF LIFE In the beginning God created everything which is heaven and earth. Heaven and Earth those are two things in all Creatures female and male Men also female and male Gave them a choice good and bad Everything is in two Cain and Abel two sacrifices, two sinners Jesus in between. Fallen Angels and good angels. Night and morning Spirit and Soul Hate and love Life and death Right and wrong Male and female



Heaven and hell God and Satan Church and prison Mercy and judgment Young and old Rich and Poor Master and servant Happiness and Sadness Present and Past Knowledge and Understanding Ancestral worship and God worship Kings and queens Land and Water Old Testament and New Testament Agreement and Disagreement Advantage and disadvantage



Able and disable Win and Lose Up and Down Left and Right Truth and Lies Beauty and Ugly Pass and Fail Everything revolves around two things in life as god put it. Every day we are experiencing exams of life which we are striving to pass all the time. Some will pass some fail but it does not end there is always second chance we like it or not. Barnbars was a criminal but he was given a second chance to come back to his family and the community. From Jesus came out blood and water.



There is a nation and tribe Religion and faith Nothing works in single everywhere in the world. There is an idiom that say ‘’one hand washes one hand’’ one hand needs other hand. One leg needs other leg to walk You have two lungs, there are two side of a story and everything has two side weather is an object or living being. We were all born with dark side and righteous side all of us, what we need to do is win the battle between our bad us in order to live holy as our creator is holy. What I am talking about? I am talking about our human nature and spiritual nature Whereby in silence you think evil but outside you are a righteous being who will never hurt a fly. At the end we have to make a choice to seize the opportunity.



Every time we fight we first fight within our self’s or after we are involved in a fight, it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or verbal fight. The fact is we fight with our selves what I am saying? I am saying you get into the position where you say if I don’t revenge, I will be like an idiot by that moment your conscience tells you it is not worth it but you ignore it. Then after the quencequesis you get angry at yourself why I was so ignorant if I listened at the first place I wouldn’t be in trouble. Never the less each day we strive for success there is always, quarrel between pass and fail you need to work hard to pass. In our relationships we find ourselves faced with two things which are honesty and lies, you have to decide at all times which one you should go with? In order to keep your partner and your relationship. We have to teach our children two things at all cost right and wrong, so there is no way we can run away from that because it is part of life.



In Business industry we always make choice between valid and invalid contracts also who is the right partner. Which deals techniques to use in order to win the deals, the board must decide which project they are going with. On daily basis when we cross the road we ignore the law most of us we decide to just cross we don’t look at our right hand and left hand then cross. We plan everyday still we have two things we look at before we decide, for example in our budget you look at what are things you need and want. In the courtroom the prosecutor and attorney tackle different cases on daily basis the fact is even though cases are not the same, and the judge needs to decide on two things which are guilty or innocent. The government sits at parliament every day looking for solutions of the nation’s problems at the end of the day they must decide on to solve or not to solve the problems.



Every employee at any workplaces must work very hard to impress and deliver what is expected of them. The employers must decide on to pay or not pay according to the cash flow in the business and the progress of the employees. We have two kingdoms in life they are animal kingdom and plant kingdom. Natural and super natural things in life that exist so the world is made in two things which are LIFE AND DEATH. TRUTH AND LIE Always bad people hate good people and other way around. The heart has two sides those side works very well at all times to keep you going. We have creation and destruction of things that exist in this world, even God brought destruction on his creation because he regretted why he created man at the first place.



Globally we see people going around looking for safety and refuge from other countries, the population rate increases every day in each country. Because of two things which we don’t want to accept and acknowledge is the truth. Rich and Poor Rich are above poor but there is no honesty among the two class why? Because even the poor oppress each other they fight for food, places and they don’t want to accept the truth of reality that is why you find poor hate one another.

Day and Night God created day because there was nothing in the beginning so that there must be a choice. In the day we have things which belong to the day and the works of the day as well as people who belong to the day. We look at plants which function very good during the 41


day that simply show you the difference between light and darkness. During the day we have the sun which gives energy to both people and plants. Night we also have people who works during the night who belong to the night, also we find plants which works better in the night. We can go back long way from BC and AD eras we had people who believed and were separated from day and night they had their ways of living in the night. It is a choice you make between day and night for the whole year. Both are different from each other but they are one thing How? They are one thing because they are the truth of nature. Primary and Secondary Primary is the beginning of the product from the raw state, before it is turned into something worthy. 42


You as person you start as a fetus while you are in your mother’s womb, then you grow from fetus to a baby from baby state to a toddler. You bring happiness between the two people who are your parents, you start to eat primary food in spirituality you also have primary and secondary state. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end for the next to begin then the process must go on. In any work places we have primary and secondary sectors which show the progress of the workplace. There are always two ways which we need to make choice over them at the end of the day.

Young Age and Old Age Young age has their own wisdom and strength because it is their natural state of creation. 43


They have their own way of living the truth, even the old went through the stage of being young the wisdom they have is from the young age. That is why god called his servants at a young age not from the old age. That is why he said in his word I will pour my spirit on the young the old will see visions. We can investigate all the kings and leaders in the biblical era and check when God called them. Jesus started his task at the age of 12, King David was anointed at a young age among his brothers, and Joseph was chosen to be prime minister of Egypt at young age lastly king Solomon God chose him at a young age. The old Age is period of reaping what you planted and enjoy the greatness of your young age and guide the young which are still under your care. Wisdom you have in old age it is not for you to die with it is a must you should pass it to those you leave behind.



Like the seed you plant it then the flower grows then the wind spread the seed then we have plenty of flowers. As God said love one another and be fruitful multiply the earth. That is the wisdom which was given to the old to pass it on at the right time. Princes and kings sometimes kings find wisdom from princes why it is in that way? Because god said for the one which is despised I used it to humiliate the one which is favorable. The perfect example is this one we all know about The rich and the poor, Lazarus was taken to Abraham’s chest the rich were burned on daily basis. Jesus was placed in the middle of two sinners the wisdom behind that is between good and bad there is always a choice to be made. Two becomes one.

Win or lose For every competitor they both practice very hard to win 45


no one wants to be the loser that is the fact we all want to be winners. The truth is we won’t be all winners and I know this one many will disagree with me, I hear all people say we are all leaders but I don’t believe that why God made masters and slaves? Why God created kings? If we all kings who are the servants then? The truth is there must be losers in life that is how life is created. That is why Jesus said those who are in the bottom will be on top, you need to lose first in order to learn how to be effective and better next time. That is why you must make a choice when you lose between staying as a loser or you stand up again, move on and win next time.

There are two things which are created on earth and they produce one thing at the end of the day. They are humans male and female they produce a baby also comes at a choice of weather it is going to be a girl or boy, the same as animals they go through that choice. Two become one.



LIFE EXAMINITION IMPACT All of these problems I am talking about in this book are things I encountered when I was growing up. I was born at a plot small farm which means I know and seen with my eyes, this things are not what I have copied from a particular book. I have seen people lose their character and I almost lost my original character as I wanted to prove to people wrong about how they think I am. And what I am capable of by being someone I am not because of fitting in. The satanic realm of Hip Hop which destroying young people I know pretty much, I went on because of hip-hop culture as like every young boy who wanted to be ‘’cool’’ I have seen how evil spirits evolving in a human body with just a blink of an eye. How hip-hop artist encrypt witchcraft into their music as I was a song writer, artist designing shirts for hip-hop crews (dance) To give you overview of what I am talking about there are three levels in hip-hop 47


1. Commercial HIP-HOP: in this level it is for beginners those are called innocent souls. 2. Underground Hip-Hop : here it is were innocent souls are being initiated it is called souls capture they mean your soul is being captured in a dream then your body is given to a particular demon and being sealed inside your body taking total control over you. 3. Hell Hip-Hop: here it is final level because here you are now becoming total Satanist or Devil worshiper whatever you want to call it. You will be practicing dark magic everywhere in your songs and drawings if you are artist. In all of this levels you are told kill or be killed. Drugs demolition I know what I am talking about because I dealt with young people at school from primary school I was involve in group called soul buddies. I joined the group because I saw how many kids at school struggling when I had to eat my lunch and how painful it felt in my heart and in my soul. But the other child he does not have anything to eat also to see them with the same dirty school uniform everyday. Then in high school I continued with the initiative I raised the movement which was there but died called BEMS boys empowerment movement were I empowered boys in every issues they face on daily basis. The most painful thing was when I had to deal with my drug addict cousin now the problem is right in my home now, I must tell it is very difficult more than when it is someone who is not close to you.



It is emotional straining and psychological impacting you that is why you also need to get psychologist or counseling too. I was elected as the school president at my high school to tell the truth is I never enjoyed high school as much as in primary because I had to deal with learners and teachers who were mocking me each day as I was total different to other learners. As I was the only learner with two text books but I was managing better than those who had full number of text books. In some cases I was giving extra classes after school. There was nothing I did was done without me fighting for my success, every day I deal with prisoners and learn most of them want to change and I see change in them. I dealt with different characters this knowledge it is added to me as it was already there when I was born. I was always being put in a nut shell of what I am talking, teaching about even today. Then I realized it is not worth it to always pushing too hard to prove to people. Then I told myself this I know the truth and what I am talking about nothing or no one will force me. Even if I am accused I can stand for what I believe in I saw people have that mentality of judging a book by its own cover. I started believing in myself by doing that I began to pass the exam that life gave me to write then I passed. Life examined me again I got sick diagnosed by epilepsy and asthma I remained in prayer, things turned the other way 49


family, friends class mates changed. Doctors changed but kept on having faith in God and trusting on the power within me, the more I do that the more I see myself passing life exams with flying colors. The more I fall and rise the more I pass the exams I find myself experiencing...









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