Humanities 10 - End of Unit Assignment

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November 5 2012

TIME ANTI-AUSTERITY BREAKS AGAIN According to the, another strike has occurred in Athens, Greece outside of the Greek parliament. Fire bombs, bottles, and chunks of marbles are involved as the anti-austerity protest turns into a violence clash between the police and protesters. Now is the fifth year of recession in Greece and their country has suffered through the austerity measure by the government, it has caused many violent protest and demonstration in the past caused by the anger of citizens. They have been surviving through the help of two massive international bailouts worth of $315 billion, and all the spending cuts, tax increases are made to secure all of these bailouts. They have seen their employment rate to go over 25% which the one of the highest unemployment rate in Europe. This article is created by DEREK GATOPOULOS. There were no extra information about the author of this article but from the last 12 months Derek has been writing articles about Greece Crisis

Times Magazine Special Issue #3

(AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

and protests. This shows that he’s focusing on Greece’s economic problem and impacts of the economic crisis around Greece. Since January 2008 he has posted and published 19 articles. This website created this article because this website is a news site that’s updated daily in order to show various of newest top stories worldwide. This article presented the newest protest in Greece due to the economic crisis. It mentioned that there are around 70,000 protesters involved. Numbers of injured people were mentioned as 4 people were injured and 1 person died due to the heart failure. Many evidence shows that the article is a reliable source. The author didn’t use any persuasive words to pursue the reader to think of a certain thing instead he uses facts and the response from other sources. The article mentioned that

November 5 2012

1 person died but it explained that the

other way. The only way is for the

person died to heart failure not due to violence from the police which shows that the article isn’t pro-government or antigovernment. The author never use the word “maybe” or “i think” shows that the

working class to understand that we must change things. That what is happening is a result of a flawed system. And we must make sure that it stops to exist."(Labropoulou) Now we can clearly

author isn’t making speculation of anything. From, it mentioned something different than the article above. While the article above are

see this incident from 2 different perspective, where the citizen is

only focusing on the protest caused by the anti-austerity, the article on the washingtonpost mentioned that what’s happening to Greece right now is an act of overhauling the Greek’s system in

dissapointed and angry for the government’s decision while the government is trying to fix a flawed system through this hard process of recession in Greece.

Youngster of Greece

order to restore their economy and avoiding another debt mountain even though they’re having a tough time right now. We can see the difference perspective both article are written on. The first article mentioned a lots of response from the citizens and protesters and they mentioned more about the protests that are caused by the economic problem, but from the second article they mentioned in a small paragraph that all the spending cuts and tax hikes that are decided by the government are made in order to restore Greek’s economy from the enormous debt and get it under control. I can support this from the article on where there’s a comment from the government’s perspective, "There is no

Times Magazine Special Issue #3

How are youth involved in these protest? What are their involvements? (AP Photo/Nikolas Giakoumidis)

This picture shows a young guy kicking a police. It shows that youth has a really strong power and influence to these protests. This photo was taken on

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October 18th when the protest happened. It shows a young person kicking the police due to his anger, and that youth of Greece are disappointed in the government because the government has made a bad decision causing them to be unemployed. The youth unemployment for the age under 25 is 53.8% in May 2012 according to Eurostat. This picture shows what youth can have impact on the society. And this picture clearly shows that the recession in Greece has caused anger and disappointment of young Greeks towards the government. Anger towards the government has caused the act of violence, through this photo we can see the violence by a young citizen kicking a police.

Interview Young Greece Woman, Daphne: Q: How did you get into the protest? A: It happens when I was reading news online about new decisions made by our government, and that’s when I saw a link to a discussion about these decisions made by the government. Since that day I wanted to say something about the government decisions that has caused my family to lose their job and myself to be unemployed and when the demonstration happens I decided to join. Q: What was your reason to protest? A: I’m here to stop them from making cuts and stopping all the misery they’re creating for us the citizens of Greece. I just want to make sure that the government decided not to agree on the new measure. Q: Do you understand the government’s purpose of creating the austerity

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measure? Do you think it’s understandable? A: Yes, I know the reasons why they’re doing this. But it’s not understandable because their bad decisions has caused the overspending and budget deficit and now they’re doing cuts and austerity measures that would make our life harder Q: How are you feeling towards the government right now? A: I’m feeling disappointed because of their mistake in the past, causing all of the crisis and I feel really frustrated because we get all the negative things from what our government did wrong. Q: What do you expect and wish the government will do? A: I expect the government to be choosing wiser decisions, at least we, as the citizens of Greece must have a say on what’s being done. Author: Michael Gumulya

November 5 2012

Work Cited: • Birnbaum, Michael. "Greece’s Austerity Measures Collide with Reform Hopes."Washington Post. The Washington Post, 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. < europe/greeces-austerity-measures-collidewith-reform-hopes/2011/10/08/ gIQA1sWpaL_story.html>. • Gatopoulos, Derek. "Greece Protests: AntiAusterity Violence Breaks Out During Demonstrations (PHOTOS)." The Huffington Post., 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <http:// greece-protests-anti-austerityviolence_n_1978789.html>. • Labropoulou, Elinda, Sarah Brown, and Laura Smith-Spark. "Thousands Protest Austerity Measures in Greece -" CNN. Cable News Network, 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <http:// greece-protests/index.html>. • "Derek Gatopoulos -" Derek Gatopoulos - N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <http://>. • "PrisonPlanet Forum - Index." PrisonPlanet Forum - Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. < index.php? PHPSESSID=d3et0qifnuq8i35i7q5nh51fd6 >.

Times Magazine Special Issue #3

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