Sale Manager responsible in your area: 020-76014444 Retail operation manager responsible in your area: 020-76015555 Marketing & Branding department: 020-76016666 Delivery department: 020-76010000 VM mentor: 020-76014422 2
INTRODUCTION TO MANUAL Welcome! This manual has, as any manual, a purpose - a purpose to give you deeper knowledge and a shoulder to rely on, in doubts. By accepting a position at ASOS you are now a part of one of the most recognizable fashion lifestyle brands in the world. To our customer, you represent the image they see in billboards and in magazines. By following this step by step guidelines you will find a quick start-up guide for new employees and structured, general information about the daily retail process. Your initial training will introduce you to the ASOS Customer Experience. You will be given the tools and information you need to be successful in your role. As a Sales Associate, you introduce our external customer to the ASOS lifestyle and create brand loyalty through commitment to service and excellence. We believe you are a customer as well. Your managers will do their best to provide an excellent customer experience to you, our internal customer, during your training and throughout your career with ASOS.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents...............................................................................................................................................................................5 Introduction to manual......................................................................................................................................................................3 Brand Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................6 Mission, Vision, Core Values..............................................................................................................................................................7 Our Strategy.......................................................................................................................................................................................9 The most engaging experience........................................................................................................................................9 Truly global......................................................................................................................................................................9 Highly efficient retailing...................................................................................................................................................9 Employee relations..........................................................................................................................................................................10 Equal opportunity employer..........................................................................................................................................10 Duration of employment...............................................................................................................................................10 Open door policy...........................................................................................................................................................10 Personnel file access and confidentiality........................................................................................................................10 Health insurance package..............................................................................................................................................11 Workweeks....................................................................................................................................................................11 On the job........................................................................................................................................................................................12 Code of conduct............................................................................................................................................................12 Conflicts of interest conflicts.........................................................................................................................................13 Use of company or customer property..........................................................................................................................13 Relationships with our customers..................................................................................................................................13 Safety & security............................................................................................................................................................15
Visitors..........................................................................................................................................................................15 Personal property..........................................................................................................................................................15 Image/dress code..........................................................................................................................................................15 Timekeeping..................................................................................................................................................................16 Absences..........................................................................................................................................................................................18 Time - off benefits..........................................................................................................................................................18 Leaves of absence.........................................................................................................................................................18 Absenteeism.................................................................................................................................................................19 Customer service.............................................................................................................................................................................21 Art of selling.....................................................................................................................................................................................21 Point #1 Windows..........................................................................................................................................................22 Point #2 Greeting...........................................................................................................................................................22 Point #3 First Impression...............................................................................................................................................22 Point #4 Staff‘s knowledge............................................................................................................................................22 Point #5 Fitting rooms...................................................................................................................................................23 Point #7 Exit...................................................................................................................................................................23 Instore rules and principles..............................................................................................................................................................24 Product knowledge..........................................................................................................................................................................25 Training ...........................................................................................................................................................................................28 On duty............................................................................................................................................................................................29 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................................................31
BRAND INTRODUCTION ASOS (original meaning AsScreenOnScreen) was established in June 2000 by Nick Robertson and Quentin Griffiths. ASOS has over 9.3 million active users and almost £30.3 million profit on sales. ASOS has over 4,000 employees and is the UK‘s largest independent online and fashion beauty retailer. ASOS is a british global fashion destination for 20-somethings. We sell cutting-edge ‘fast fashion’ and offer a wide variety of fashion-related content, making ASOS.com the hub of a thriving fashion community. We’re creating a unique multi-channel shopping experience where twenty-something fashion lovers can network, share ideas, create their own style and of course, shop. We sell over 80,000 branded and own-brand products through localised mobile and web experiences, delivering from our fulfilment centres in the UK, US, Europe and China to almost every country in the world. We tailor the mix of own-label, global and local brands sold through each of our nine local language websites: UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, Russia and China. Visited by millions every day we ship the latest trends to customers in 240 countries. Now we opened our very first pop- up store and we want to keep on the same status, quality and customer experience as good as of online shopping. “The fact that ASOS is a treasure trove of labels is almost immaterial when you look at how good ASOS White is; the price and the cuts totally defy the price points and I rely on it. I also love the digital journalism and the ASOS magazine has stunning editorials with some of my favourite emerging photographers” Sunday Times Style
“I see Asos as a resource of all trends, they‘re always on things before a lot of other high street stores, and the prices and easy-to-use web site are obviously great. A big thumbs up from us.” Guardian
“ASOS is fashion and much more ” Cosmopolitan
MISSION More than just an online retailer, we want to be as synonymous to fashion for twenty-somethings as Google is to search and Facebook is to social networking. VISION To become the world‘s NO.1 online fashion destination for 20 somethings CORE VALUES • Passion • Quality • Design • Customer obsessed • Trends/ Fashion • Innovative
OUR STRATEGY We are creating the best experience for our customers so they return to us every day, and we’re doing it in three ways... THE MOST ENGAGING EXPERIENCE The ASOS experience is already collaborative, entertaining and personalised. Fashion-lovers come to us for inspiration and conversation, and to create their own fashion collections – not just for shopping. We want them to come to us for all their fashion needs. So we are working to deliver a seamless experience on our website, across social networks and devices from phones and iPads to laptops. It will be increasingly personalised, available in all places, and at all times. We are investing in mobile and digital innovation and services to make us faster and ever more desirable as a destination for twenty-somethings. TRULY GLOBAL We are making ASOS the number one fashion destination in all of our markets by understanding how our customers differ. We buy local fashion from across the world because we want customers, wherever they log on to asos.com, to find fashion to match the season and what’s going on where they live. We have opened sales offices in France, Germany, China, Australia, USA and China already to help us to make sure we stay on top of our exploding overseas business and to give even more customers the best experience of ASOS wherever they are! HIGHLY EFFICIENT RETAILING We are transforming our business to guarantee we deliver the right fashion at the right price to our twenty-something customers across the globe. We’re speeding up our supply chain and refining the journey from product design to going live on asos.com. This means we’ll take fashion from a sample on a model, to our website and to our customers even faster. Every second counts. 9
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS EQUAL 0PPORTUNITY EMPLOYER It is a fundamental policy of ASOS not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or disability, with respect to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion and other terms and conditions of employment Ensure that all personnel actions such as compensa tion, benefits, transfers, layoffs, Company-sponsored training, promotions, terminations and disciplinary actions are applied equally. DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT ASOS does not require employees to commit to employment for any specific duration, and the Company does not commit to employees that their employment will last for any specific duration. Consequently, all employment by the Company is considered at will. This means that ASOS may terminate your employment at any time for any lawful reason and likewise you are free to resign your employment at any time. The Company requests that all employees give a two-week notice of resignation. OPEN DOOR POLICY Misunderstandings or conflicts can arise in any organization. If you have a question or a complaint or are bothered by a job-related situation, you should first speak with your immediate supervisor or manager at client site location and the recruiter at ASOS. This is usually the best way to seek resolution of problems and is a matter of professional courtesy. If, however, the issue is not resolved, you are encouraged to bring your concern to the Human Resource Manager at ASOS immediately. PERSONNEL FILE ACCESS AND CONFIDENTIALITY The Company recognizes and respects the information contained in employee records. Certain information about you as a member of the organization is essential for the Human Resources department and departments that affect payroll. Your family status, home address and telephone number must be correct and current. Be sure to tell the Human Resou rces department at ASOS whenever this information changes. 10
In response to valid requests to verify employment, for business references, or for credit purposes, the company will release employment status, i.e., active or terminated, job title, and dates of employment. Additional information regarding employment will be released upon written authorization from the
employee. Additional information may also be released pursuant to subpoena or other legal obligation. You may, in the course of your work, have access to information about the Company, other employees or customers, which is confidential. This information is not to be revealed to anyone other than in the normal course of conducting your duties and responsibilities. Disclosure of such information is prohibited and could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. HEALTH LIFE INSURANCE PACKAGE Full Time Employees are eligible for the current benefit package as published by the Human Resources department. WORKWEEKS Workweeks are widely different and are determined by job assignment, customer contracts and the needs of the Company. New Employees will be aware of their expected work schedule prior to assignment. PAY 1. Pay periods are each month and pay every 15. day in month. For example: The work period of 01/01/2014 - 01/02/2014 is paid on 15/02/2014 2. Each pay normally compensates employees for hours worked that were claimed at the end of the pay-period month previous. Paychecks Eligible Employees have the option to have their pay directly deposited into their checking or savings account. Deductions The only deductions from your paycheck are those required by law or authorized in writing by you. Your check stub identifies each deduction and should be kept as a permanent record.
ON THE JOB CODE OF CONDUCT As an employee, it is important for you to know what personal conduct is expected of you while on the job. In most instances, your own good judgment will tell you what the right thing to do is. In addition to complying with Company policies and job specific requirements, you are also expected to obey the rules and regulations of ASOS job sites. If your performance does not meet position requirements, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination, with or without notice, and with or without cause at any time. The following examples are not intended to constitute a complete and exhaustive list of prohibited conduct. In addition, the Company reserves the right to change the examples listed below at any time with or without notice. Violations of these or any other Company policies may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination: 1. Theft, fraud, embezzlement or other praven acts of dishonesty. 2. Any harassment of another co-worker (verbal, physical, or visual), including sexual harassment. 3. Obtaining employment or promotion on the basis of false or misleading information. 4. Soliciting or accepting gifts (money, services) in connection with Company business. 5. Reporting for work under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substances; or possession, sale or distribution of any drugs. 6. Assisting anyone, whom you know or suspect to be involved in, or committing any crime or engaging in any conduct which rises to the level of a crime. 7. Falsifying Company documents or records, including misuse of timekeeping records, or falsely inputting payment data. 8. Insubordination, meaning refusing to follow legitimate instructions of a superior directly related to performance of one‘s job. 9. Disrupting the work environment. 10. Excessive absenteeism or unacceptable pattems of absenteeism. 11. Job abandonment, meaning the failure to report to work without properly notifying one‘s immediate supervisor, or leaving a jo b assignment prior to completion of your responsibilities. 12. Unauthorized use of Company or customer supplies, information, equipment, funds, or computer codes/ passwords. 13. Knowingly mishandling a customer‘s or potential customer‘s account. 14. Refusing to repay documented overpayment of any compensation. 12
15. Committing any act, on or off the Company‘s premises, which threatens or is potentially threatening to the reputation of the Company or any of its employees, customers, or vendors. 16. Repeatedly working overtime without the approval of a supervisor or manager. 17. Repeatedly failing to meet job responsibilities, job budget or quality requirements. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST To avoid any possible conflicts of interest, it is your responsibility to immediately report any offers of gifts, loans, misuse of Company/ Client funds, kickbacks, rebates, or refunds that come to your knowledge through your position as an employee of ASOS. USE OF COMPANY OR CUSTOMER PROPERTY Employees are not to use Company or customer supplies, information, equipment or funds unless authorized to do so; Customer‘s property must never leave the premises. RELATIONSHIPS WITH 0UR CUSTOMERS It is important to realize that we compete with our competitors. Competitors frequently call on our customers asking for their business. A customer will only change services when their impression of our service becomes less positive than their impression of a competitor. Impressions are constantly changed and formed by every contact the customer has with our service. Every time our customer hears or sees anything having to do with ASOS, it strengthens or changes their perception of our Company. When our customers give us their business, they have great expectations and a very positive impression of our service. It is up to each employee to fulfill these expectations and build a lasting impression. We must consider the quality and professionalism in every aspect of what we do and say. Our reputation is your future. Internal problems should be discussed with management, not the customer. At one time or another we all become frustrated as a result of our own internal problems. These problems may result from a period of high turnover, administrative backlog, or simply because of human error. However, when we communicate these inefficiencies to our customers, we only lose our credibility. 13
SAFETY & SECURITY It is important to follow all safety and security measures prescribed by the Company. 1. You are required to immediately notify ASOS management as well your immediate supervisor at the client site of any injuries that occur on the job or on customer property. 2. You should be aware of all emergency exits and the location of any emergency equipment in your office and who will be in charge in case of a fire or other disaster. VISITORS No visitors (children, parents, spouse, or friends) are allowed in the work place unless in emergency or as approved by supervisor/ reporting manager. Our insurance does not cover unauthorized people and the presence of a visitor reflects negatively on the productivity and professionalism of our employees. PERSONAL PROPERTY ASOS accepts no responsibility for personal property that may be brought to or stored on Company facilities and/ or at the client site, and such property may be inspected and monitored in the ordinary course of conducting business. Accordingly, you should not keep or maintain any personal property or information in Company facilities as well as at the client locations that you expect to be kept private and confidential. IMAGE/DRESS CODE The properly groomed and attired employee helps to create a favorable image for the Company. You are expected to dress in a manner that is normally acceptable at your job site and for your position. If you report to work improperly dressed or groomed, your supervisor or manager, at his or her discretion, may instruct you to return home (unpaid) to change clothes or take other appropriate action. General Apparel Policies: 1. All shirts and pants must be neatly pressed. 2. All clothing must be in good repair. 3. All shirts, pants, dress must be representative look. 15
TIMEKEEPING In order to receive compensation for time worked on the normal Company payday schedule, employees must clock in and out using Time Keeping Method of ASOS or of Customer where employed. 1. Employees are not permitted to clock in/ out for one another. 2. In the event of a missed clock in or out, a manual adjustment will be made to ensure the employee is paid appropriately. 3. See your manager to find out if your job assignment includes scheduled break/ lunch periods. a. Lunch and break periods may not be accrued for overtime or personal time. b. The scheduled workday may not be altered by not taking designated breaks and lunches unless pre-approved by a manager. 4. Three or more excessive misuse of Timekeeping will be punished. Working Overtime It is not our policy to require overtime, but occasionally this cannot be avoided. In such instances, an employee may be asked to work after their regularly scheduled shift. Overtime is defined as hours worked in excess of 40 hours based on a Monday through Sunday week. 1. Overtime wage is one and one-half (1.5) times an employees‘ regular rate. 2. Employees are only allowed to work overtime if so requested, or approved by a supervisor.
ABSENCES TIME-0FF BENEFITS Time-Off benefits are determined by employment type ( i.e., Full Time and Part Time,Temporary), position, and tenure. A list of your time-off benefits is available by calling Human Resource Manager/ Recruiter of ASOS. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - Basic Information 1. Requires the Company to grant eligible employees time off from work, up to 12 weeks within a 12-month period , for medical and family care purposes as defined by FMLA. An eligible employee is one who has been employed by the Company at least 12 months and worked a minimum of 1250 hours of service during the 12 months prior to the leave of absence. 2. An FMLA absence may be taken for: a. an employee‘s own serious health condition that renders the employee unable to perform his or her job b. care of his or her parent, spouse or child with a serious health condition. c. care of a newborn or newly-placed adopted or foster child. 3. Where the need for FMLA leave is foreseeable, as for planned medical treatments, the Company should be notified thirty(30) days in advance or as soon as the employee knows that he or she will miss work. 4. FMLA time off is unpaid.. 5. The Company, at its discretion, may require other medical opinions, as well as additional medical certifications during the absence. Personal Leave of Absence In special cases where it becomes necessary for an employee to take a leave of absence that is not covered by FMLA, the employee may request a persona! leave of absence. 1. Request for personal leave does not mean automatic approval. 2. Personal leaves of absence must be approved by reporting supervisor at customer site where employee is employed and HR manager. 18
3. I f the leave is granted, the employee will be required to use all applicable time-off benefits during the requested period of leave. Requesting a Leave of Absence All requests for a Leave of Absence should be personally submitted in writing to the executive office. ABSENTEEISM ASOS places a high value on attendance. We expect and need employees to be at work on time on their scheduled workdays. Regular attendance and punctuality are important because they affect an employee‘s productivity and ability to meet goals, standards, and deadlines. Absent employees adversely affect Company morale since co-workers must absorb the absent employee‘s workload in addition to their own. Consequently, the level of service we provide to our customers is diminished.
CUSTOMER SERVICE OVERVIEW Our customers don’t just buy our products, they become part of the fabric of ASOS. Their participation in the site is what sets ASOS aside from an online shop and makes it a fashion destination. Our employees have to follow our mission - To give customers – wherever they are – the best experience possible of using ASOS. We consider ourselves ‘customer obsessed’ – and our customer department is developing a personalised service that will allow us to log the experience customers have had using ASOS so far, and any problems or communications with us to date. We strive to be agnostic and advocate what’s best for our customers, even if it means promoting a product, trend or retailer that we don’t stock. If customers feel ASOS is an authentic part of the fashion community, they’ll come back to us, they’ll listen, and they’ll shop with us. We always let our customers contribute, participate, co-create and share content from ASOS if they want to. Our relationship is a collaboration. You don’t have to be famous to feature on ASOS, you just have to love fashion.
THE ART OF SELLING Our customer isn’t just shopping for a new pair of jeans, a t-shirt, or a handbag. Our customer wants to be a part of the ASOS lifestyle. They want to find something special, treat themselves, or find their new favorite outfit. Your training in the ASOS Customer Experience will prepare you to offer to best choice for every customer. You will receive ongoing training in our product and selling techniques. There are six customer impression points by which our customer compares the ASOS image to their actual shopping experience in our store. Combined, these impression points make up the ASOS Customer Experience. When every interaction with your customers exceeds their expectations in all of these impression points, you are delivering the ASOS brand promise.
Point #1 – Windows The windows are the first impression the customer gets of our store. Opening and closing productivity ensure the windows are sparkling clean and well-maintained. Every time you walk into the store for your shift, take a look at the windows to make sure the body forms are dressed and styled. Point #2 – Greeting Our customers want to be greeted and are very sensitive to being ignored. Customers should be greeted within 20 seconds of entering the store and when they are comfortably close to you anywhere in the store. You must always stop any tasking you may be doing to greet a customer. Welcome customers with a genuine smile and a non-business greeting. Use different greetings with every customer. Always remember to be sincere. Point #3 – First Impression You only have once chance to make a first impression. The customer will decide within the first minute if our store lives up to their feelings about the ASOS brand based on their impression of the team and the store environment. A friendly smile and fashion forward associates set the tone for the customer’s visit. Get to know your customer like you would someone you just met at a party, for example. Ask open-ended questions (also known as questions that cannot be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’) to learn about them. Taking the time to get to know your customer makes you more like a person and less like a salesperson. This trusting relationship will keep them coming back to you for fashion advice because you are more like a friend. Point #4 – Staff’s Knowledge Your initial training is just the beginning of your fashion/selling education. Trends change with the seasons and a ASOS customer wants to be up to date on what’s new. You will receive ongoing training on new product, trends, and styling options in your store. Your ongoing training in product knowledge is all you need to successfully sell the ASOS lifestyle to our customers. Adding on accessories for example will boost sales. You can approach add ons in two ways: Similar, similar, different – suggest items to the customer in the same category as what they have already picked up. 22
Wardrobing – suggest items to the customer to complete an outfit. In the same scenario as above, you would suggest a top, belt, footwear, or whatever else works. Point #5 – Fitting Room Being there when your customer enters the fitting room shows your interest and availability to the customer. Let them know you want to see what they’re trying on and that you’ll be there with another size if needed. The fitting room is where most buying decisions are made. Your customer is trying on our merchandise and is probably asking themselves at least one of these questions: “Do I really want this?” “Do I really need this?” “Should I wait until it goes on sales?” “Can I wear this a lot?” “Does this look good on me?” As a fashion expert, you must ensure the customer is happy with their selections and eventually leaves the store feeling like they are a part of the ASOS lifestyle. If they are in the fitting room, they are already considering buying. If you successfully reinforce their decisions they will buy. Remember not to come off like a salesperson. You want to gain the customer’s trust, so don’t tell them they look great in something if they don’t. Offer alternatives instead. Approach any objections the customer gives with friendly understanding. Point #6 - Exit Whether it’s on their way from the cashwrap or when they’re close to the door, always thank the customer. Be personal and genuine whenever possible. Say “I know you will love these shoes” or “That outfit is perfect for your concert”. You can also refer to previous conversation and say, “Let me know how the party goes”. Going above and beyond If you want your store to go beyond the customer’s expectations of the ASOS brand, take it a step further. Look for opportunities to make a lasting impression. Do more than the customer expects. Offer water, call the stock, if the product is available. Offer any assistance the customer may need. ALWAYS acknowledge customers that you’ve seen before. 23
INSTORE RULES AND PRINCIPLES “Working for ASOS, you need to be incredibly passionate and committed but the rewards are great...did I not mention the discount and the sample sales?!” Louise Clark, Operations Manager, ASOS
PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE OVERVIEW We sell up to the minute fashion at a price our customers can afford, including ASOS own-label as well as an edit of the very best brands. We make sure our products are desirable, accessible and in season for our customers where ever they are. PRODUCT MIX Our customers want to fill their wardrobes with the latest trends at the best price, and expect us to offer equal or better quality than our competitors. In a bid to satisfy every taste and style, we offer 75,000 separate clothing ranges, spanning womenswear and menswear, footwear and accessories, alongside our jewellery and beauty collections. We’re vigilant about making sure we’re always on top of the hottest trends and we have over 800 global and local brands, including New Look, Pull & Bear, Jack Wills and The Kooples. We launched our own-label ASOS Tall range and added new third-party ranges including Little Mistress Plus Size, Glamorous Petite & Tall and New Look Petite & Tall. FAST FASHION / OWN BRANDS Through our own-label ASOS brand we can respond to trends as they emerge. Our product offer remains focused on our global, fashion-conscious 20-something customer. Key to our product strategy is leading fashion trends, global relevance, amazing choice and great value for money. Our ever-growing collection of specialist own-label lines, including ASOS Curve, ASOS Maternity, ASOS Tall and ASOS Petite makes sure we have something for just about everyone. We added new product categories including gifting and women’s ‘Reclaimed Vintage’ and also launched several exclusive designer collaborations. ASOS own-label fashion is popular in the UK and even more sought-after overseas. Rhianna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, One Direction and Zac Efron are just some of the celebrities we’ve loved seeing wearing ASOS recently. So how do we respond to a trend so fast? We’ve been on a mission to streamline a product’s path from design to sale, looking at our current practices & how we can make them faster, more efficient & ultimately deliver more of what our customer wants. And to make sure we stay ahead of the competition, we’ve sharpened the prices on our own-label range. Global and LOCAL RANGES Our collections are desirable, accessible and seasonally relevant – wherever our customers are in the world. We have country-specific websites in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, USA and China. 25
We want to give our customers worldwide the clothes they want, when they want them. This doesn’t simply mean rearranging the items we already sell on the website. It means we buy, and plan differently, for our customers around the world. ETHICAL BRANDS We want to create great fashion that is also good for the planet – this means focusing on local brands, using sustainably produced materials in our ranges and creating partnerships with charities. ‘Made in the UK’, ASOS Africa, and The Green Room are some of the ASOS initiatives that underpin our commitment to ethical fashion. We have stocked more brands that are made in the UK, and ASOS is proud to stock British labels such as Barbour, Trickers, Cambridge Satchels and Kinky Knickers
Product knowledge training/guidence
Once a year in-house training for new staff
VM mentor followin up
TRAINING Physicall guidence for every season/campaign
VM education offered outside office (Min. 1 employee)
Evaluation on mothly basis
Customer service training/guidence Store Manager following up
ON DUTY There are many important aspects to remember while on duty, which will be discussed in the following. Performance and attitude while on duty will either bring customers back or drive them away. Be sure to always give our customers the ASOS Customer Experience to ensure they do in fact come back to our store. Every shift keep following: 1. Sign the name in employee schedule with arriving time 2. Observe strictly working hours and breaks 3. Before open the store, check if everything is clear and lined up 4. Care about the cashdesk - be sure that everything is all right and ready for opening (follow cash desk manual) 5. Keep cash desk clean without any personal stuff 6. Never let the store empty (without employee) 7. In delivery time put the boxes into stock as fast as it is possible 8. Keep store always nice 9. Follow Visual Merchandising rules/ Listen Visual Merchandiser what needs to be done (follow VM manual and worksheet) 10. Keep store and brand rules 11. Follow rules for ASOS customer service 12. Do not talk with colleagues so much through your shift 13. Listen your supervisors 14. Answer incoming calls 15. If you are in trouble, call your manager or supervisor 16. After shift clean whole store (dusting, sweeping, moping, cleaning surface) 17. After shift sign the name in employee schedule with leaving time 18. Be sure when you leaving that you locked the store and that you did everything all right
CONCLUSION Remember to keep this manual readily available to you. You are allowed to have a copy with you at home and a copy will be present in the store at all times. This manual will be kept in a binder behind the cashwrap for quick reference. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask a manager for help. As mentioned before, ASOS is one of the most recognizable fashion brands in the world. We are happy to know that you are now a part of this brand. We here at ASOS thank you for choosing to be a part of our team. We have no doubt that you will offer your best to our customers and will have them coming back to shop with us.
Š2015 asos.com