Imperial Glories from The Springfield Museums Collection

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The Springfield Museums Collection 㦋⬺Ῠ Ŵᑕᓣ⬽‫ڛ‬Ḷ㩊ὋⳊ Hong Kong, 30 November 2020Ǥ㲞ᳰ 2020 ჺ 11 ᝲ 30 ᚚ


Pola Antebi

Ruben Lien

Sherese Tong

Chi Fan Tsang

Liang-Lin Chen

Timothy Lai




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The key note of this collection, was intended to be, and is, beauty – beauty and repose, beauty of form. a George Walter Vincent Smith

Ǚ㐝йᏻⳉⅲ˹゠䢲ྐྵᕏ‫׀‬ⅲ〴೛‫׍‬ήॼ䢲Ѐᒶ⟞ლ Ĝ ⟞ლ⧀ᦌ⑘Ǐ ྋჷⅲ⟞ლǏ⨓゠ⅲ⟞ლ䢲ۢ͠⧀̃⡊Ϝⅲပᄖⅲ⟞ლǐǚ ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬

Established in 1896, and housed in a building modelled after an Italian palazzo, the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum was founded by George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923) and his wife Belle Townsley Smith (1845-1928) and embodies the vision of the couple whose eclectic collection it contains. As a young man, George Walter Vincent Smith made his fortune as a partner at Stivers and Smith Carriage Emporium, a New York City carriage manufacturing company best known for beautifully decorated carriages fashioned with highend fabrics. Smith’s successful career, which combined an appreciation for beauty with business savvy, enabled him to retire at the age of just thirty-five and to pursue his true passion: collecting art. In 1871, Smith moved to the thriving industrial city of Springfield, Massachusetts, the hometown of his wife Belle Townsley Smith. In 1891, after several decades of enthusiastic purchasing, the Smiths generously gifted their collection to the privately run City Library Association (now the Springfield Museums Corporation), overseeing the construction of the building to house their objects. Mr. Smith served as the museum’s first director and curator. At the time of the museum’s opening, the still-growing collection of about 5,000 objects included contemporary American and Italian masterworks and furniture, European lace and Middle Eastern rugs. However, it was the extraordinary depth of the rare and unusual objects from China and Japan that was most appealing to visitors and critics. Unsurprisingly, in 1905, the publication Springfield Present and Prospective promoted the GWVS Art Museum as the city’s cultural gem and stated, “The principle and striking feature of the collections is the predominance of the art in porcelains, cloisonné ware, bronzes, jades, iron, lacquer, and ivory, of Japan and China…”


It is purported that Smith’s collecting began with the purchase of an 18thcentury cloisonné enamel vase in the 1850s from an unnamed New York dealer. ‘He saw the vase, and was immediately attracted by it. After an examination he bought it.’ In the late 19th century, numerous exhibitions were held that brought Chinese and Japanese decorative arts to the mesmerized audiences of the West. Exhibitions such as the International Exhibitions in London (1862), Paris (1869) and Chicago (1893) introduced ‘exotic’ and novel pieces to the public, and inspired the collecting imaginations of fashionable elites. Smith had a life-long romance with the decorative arts and culture of East Asia, even though he never travelled to the region. He purchased voraciously through well-known dealers in New York as well as Europe, especially London and Italy, when on their Grand Tour from 1882 to 1887. The Springfield Republican stated in 1899: ‘Mr. Smith never goes to New York without registering a vow that he will not be tempted to buy anything more, and yet when he sees something so rare and fine that he knows he will lose it forever unless he seizes the moment of opportunity, he is apt to yield.’ Between 1896 and 1906, Smith reported that he had more than doubled his Asian art collection in size and cost. By 1904 The Craftsman stated that Smith’s cloisonné enamels outranked the collections of the Metropolitan Museum and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Smith stated throughout his long history of collecting that his primary criterion was beauty, commenting that, “The key note of this collection, was intended to be, and is, beauty – beauty and repose, beauty of form, and beauty of colour schemes, and consequently beauty of

Stivers and Smith Carriage Emporium, New York City ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥ॼ♈☼‫׾‬㏇ⅲ㪏㌸ՓՌ‫܇‬

George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923) and his wife Belle Townsley Smith (1845-1928) in their home

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯ۢ Ւ૲́‫܂‬ㆮᙈଝૈ䢮 䢯ॼഄᆵˮ

thought.” He also once memorably commented, “There are many hundreds of dollars, but there is only one such work of art.”

of exhibitions and innovative programs in art, history and science throughout the year. Established in 1857, the Springfield Museums’ primary mission is to inspire exploration of our connections to art, history and science through outstanding collections, exhibitions and programmes.

The Springfield Museums, located in the heart of the downtown, is the largest cultural attraction in western Massachusetts. The five museums – the Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts, the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, the Springfield Science Museum, the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History, and the newly opened (2017) Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum – offer over half a million annual visitors an extensive variety


The result of a lengthy process of evaluation and refinement of the permanent collection, proceeds realised from the sale will be used for the care of collections and to advance the Museums’ commitment to equity, diversity, and access through future art acquisitions of works by women artists, artists of colour and under-represented artists.

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᪺̗㡳 ྽⽗ኰ⚙ᾬώ㶢㶯Ռờᆬ❛ύ♄⹰ 㹪⡪↲۵ല⁅ Ǘ̗㡳ໞ⽗ǘᑝᙌ㞎ᢎ


‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ͠‫ע‬


The small baluster vase is brilliantly decorated on the exterior with a qilin above a treasure vase surrounded by eight lions playing with four be-ribboned brocade balls arranged in two rows amid colourful clouds between bands of petal lappets. The waisted neck is decorated with lotus scrolls flanked by a pair of gilt-bronze chilongform handles and encircled by a gilt-bronze ring cast with lotus scrolls, below the galleried mouth chased with a double-line classic scroll on top. 4 ½ in. (11.2 cm.) high

HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910


fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing ॱˏ ٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި

fig. 2 Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei ॱ̣ ४⒤ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި

٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉˏͬ㍨૯ⅲᒝˮᕩኯ⚘ᾫὼⳉ⫁⁄䢮㭙 Ռֱ䢯䢲 Ւࣰྋۢ♃㨫⧀᢬‫⇂ֱډ‬㏩䢲ᅠ᳦᢬⁄̃‫ۈ‬া䢲⿉ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉᐷ ḵὊިՈ㢣Ǘ㕹൲⣐ᾫὼࣰǘ䢲㪁᫓䢲 ໝ䢲㦓 䢲ॱḛ ⴽ 䢮ॱˏ䢯ǐ۷᣻㍨‫܀‬٫४⒤ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉˏࣰͬྋ⇂‫ܔ‬ⅲ㢪᢫ྼ ₝ᾫὼ⹯㹩⁄䢮㭙 Ռֱ䢯䢲Ւ⹯㹩⡩ⅲ㧰ᙂۢ㢳㎈۴˖ⅲ㡠‫ח‬ ♃㨫⧀᢬⇂⩮䢲⿉Ǘᒝ᪹ᾫὼࣰൢ⿪ॱ㙼ǘ䢲‫܀‬٫䢲 ໝ䢲ॱ ḛ ⴽ䢮ॱ̣䢯ǐ᢬⁄♼‫˖̞ܐ‬㏽̣ϡ̃ṁ㷠䢲˩ഩࣰྋ✭റ䢲ϕ ̃ᕇ㧩★๾‫ۿ‬თǐ ᢍㄦ⇂‫ܔ‬ⅲ̖㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰॼ๼Ⳕ˖ⅳ‫♢★ֱډ‬䢲˞ോഢⅳѰറǐ ㏩Κϡ‫ۿ‬᣻㍨٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉˏͬ㍨૯ⅲ㟚ԲỜᆫ❚ὺ♃㢳⡩⁄ 䢮㭙 Ռֱ䢯䢲⿉ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉᐷḵὊިՈ㢣Ǘ㕹൲⣐ᾫὼࣰǘ䢲 㪁᫓䢲 ໝ䢲㦓 䢲ॱḛ ⴽ䣁ۢോഢ⇂‫ܔ‬ⅲˏͬ㩱㩏♃റ ⁄䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽᑞіᐜωૈྴሠ㇫䢲ሠި ⴽǐ

The present vase is closely modelled in form and decoration after a larger cloisonné enamel vase (20 cm. high) dated to the mid-Ming dynasty in the Qing Court Collection (fig. 1), see The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Metal-bodied Enamel Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, p. 37, no. 35. The mouth and the upper neck of the Palace Museum example were replaced later, and are very similar in style to those found on an imperial Yongzheng-marked yellow-ground painted enamel vase of the same form decorated with peonies in the National Palace Museum, Taipei (fig.2), see Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties, Taipei, 1999, pp. 198-199, no. 98 (21.3 cm. high). Compare to a few other finely cast and exquisitely enamelled cloisonné vessels bearing the same Qianlong four-character marks cast in relief, such as a larger cloisonné enamel vase (17.4 cm. high) decorated with heart-shaped panels enclosing lions and brocade balls in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels 2 - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, pp. 223, no. 177 (17.4 cm. high); and a small hu-form vase of the same size (11.2 cm. high) decorated with taotie masks sold at Christie’s London, 15 May 2018, lot 3.


(another view औӬ㬷)


2902 A PALE CELADON JADE CARVING OF A SEATED BUDDHA QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY The figure is well carved with pendulous ears and eyes downcast to give an impression of gentle contemplation, the hands held in dhyanamudra supporting a sphere, seated in dhyanasana under the voluminous outer robe fallen in folds around the base, the inner robe gathered across the midriff with a bow revealing the bare chest. The stone is of an even, pale greenish tone with concentrated areas of faint russet specks on the back. 7 ¼ in. (18.5 cm.) high, gilt-metal stand

HK$1,000,000-1,500,000 US$130,000-190,000 PROVENANCE: H.A. Lanthier, New York, 23 December 1910 George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts

The current figure on exhibit at the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, circa 1896 to 1910 ᕴሠި☼ᑞ ⦰ ໝ㡣〴ᑞ‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ൢᠹˮ



George Walter Vincent Smith acquired this piece, together with lot 2910, in 1910 from H.A. Lanthier, a dealer specialising in rare oil paintings, curiosities and works of art based in Madison Square, New York. Buddhism flourished during the Qing dynasty, and was encouraged by the devotion of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors. As a result of its popularity, the production of Buddhist statuary, ritual objects, vessels and other implements became widespread, and a variety of materials were employed in their manufacture including jade. Compare a smaller celadon jade carving of Buddha (13.6 cm.) in the Palace Museum Collection, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji, vol. 6, Shijiazhuang, 1991, no. 334. Another similar carving of a seated Buddha was sold at Christie’s Paris, 12 December 2019, lot 132.

᪺‫ڊ‬Ռˡ☹ 㤎Ⅾἕη㡀চӐ Ϝᬜ

) " -BOUIJFS䢲♈☼䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲 㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷ ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥ᑞ ໝྐྵ♈☼۵⮛ࠉ) " -BOUIJFS㈂Նᕴͬۢሠި ⴽǐ ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉˏബₙറⅲ㤍ἔঙζӏ䢮 Ռֱ䢯䢲⮏㙼ᑞǗˮ४ἔࣰՈ㢣ǘ䢲‫ ڰ‬䢲⊅ ೰⫦䢲 ໝ䢲ॱ ⴽǐຆ㷓ωૈྴ۷ሠ ㇫ˏͬ㏩Κⅲἔঙζ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠ ި ⴽǐ



2903 A MASSIVE CLOISONNE ENAMEL DOUBLE-LOZENGE FORM CENSER AND COVER QING DYNASTY, 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY The censer is cast in the form of a double-lozenge and decorated on the exterior with four shou characters surrounded by the Eight Buddhist Emblems and the Eight Daoist Emblems supported on lotus sprays, interspersed by further precious objects. The censer is flanked by a pair gilt-bronze ribbon-form handles on either side and supported on four gilt-bronze humanoid legs. The fitted cover has reticulated panels featuring bats amid clouds below a gilt-bronze ribbon-form finial. 26 ½ in. (67.5 cm.) wide

HK$600,000-800,000 US$78,000-100,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910 LITERATURE: Oskar Münsterberg, Chinesische Kunstgeschichte, vol. II, Esslingen, 1912, p. 466, fig. 652 (fig. 1)

᪺‫ڊ‬Ռ ‫̐ڊ‬ˡ☹ׁ ኰ⚙ᾬώ⎽૔ⰉᇈՌ‫♄⎠ܒ‬ᑝ‫ل‬མᶉᷴ Ϝᬜ

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬ ֨ḛ


The current censer on exhibit at the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, circa 1907 ᕴሠި☼ᑞ ໝ㡣〴ᑞ‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ˮ

fig. 1 The current censer illustrated in, Chinesische Kunstgeschichte, vol. II, Esslingen, 1912, p. 466, fig. 652 ॱˏ ᕴሠިᑞ ໝ֨ḛǗ$IJOFTJTIF ,VOTUHFTDIJDIUFǘˮ̃⮏㙼



2904 A WHITE JADE ‘CHILONG AND BAT’ RUYI QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795) The head of the sceptre is carved in low relief with branches bearing chrysanthemum blossoms emerging from rocks, below three bats carved in openwork. The shaft is carved in high relief with a chilong with a bifurcated tail pursuing a flaming pearl. The two terminals of the shaft are further carved with two bats. The stone is of an even pale greenish-white tone with some opaque inclusions at the bottom of the shaft. 16 13/16 in. (42.7 cm.) long

HK$1,500,000-2,500,000 US$200,000-320,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910 Jade sceptres of such even white colour and large size are rare due to the sheer size of the boulder required to carve it. The ruyi, a longstanding auspicious symbol in Chinese art, gained popularity in the Qing dynasty when it was often used as a gift to the Emperor on his birthday. The current ruyi, carved with five bats on the shaft and head, forms the auspicious rebus wufu linmen, ‘May the five blessings descend upon this home’.

᪺̗㡳 Ⅾἕ⹂㹪㉆὜̪⎽⦩㟔⬙⩈♄ବ჎ Ϝᬜ

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬




2905 A MAGNIFICENT AND MASSIVE IMPERIAL CLOISONNE ENAMEL ‘TAOTIE’ HU-FORM VASE YONGZHENG-QIANLONG PERIOD (1723-1795) The pear-shaped vase is superbly cast on both sides of the body with a powerful taotie mask in relief featuring scroll-shaped eyebrows, eyes detailed with concentric circles, and gilt-bronze teeth in relief against a diaper ground of wan emblems and florettes enclosed within octagonal panels, below a raised gilt-bronze band cast with pairs of confronted dragons, and the neck decorated with a band of plantain-shaped panels each enclosing a pair of confronted phoenix, flanked by a pair of loop handles decorated with taotie masks. The waisted foot is further decorated with four ferocious mythical-beast masks interspersed by four mythical beasts shown in profile. 25 ⅜ in. (64.7 cm.) high

HK$3,000,000-5,000,000 US$390,000-650,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910

᪺㢫᢬ ̗㡳 ྽⽗ኰ⚙ᾬώ㩲㩐♄ㆼ⡪૰૑ ҳ⎽

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬



fig. 1 Xiqing Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques’, juan 19 ॱˏ ᢌ೛ो༆ՈᕊǗ⾾᪹۵㞙ǘ‫ ڰ‬

The present vase is one of the most spectacular imperial cloisonné enamel vessels commissioned by the 18thcentury Qing court. It is distinguished by the massive size, superb quality of casting and enamelling, and the powerful and the rare representation of taotie masks in relief. A major influence on both the shape and decoration of enamel wares during the 18th century was the interest in antiquity evinced by the emperors themselves and other members of the elite. The expense of fine cloisonné enamel wares was such that only members of this group would have had access to them. This interest in antiquity resulted in archaism being a significant aspect of the designs of cloisonné enamels. This was not a new development in the Qing dynasty, but can be said to have reached its zenith in the 18th century. The publication of illustrated books purporting to show bronze objects from antiquity provided inspiration for the decorative arts as early as the Song dynasty. Some of these were catalogues of imperial collections, such as those of the Northern Song Emperor Huizong and the Qing dynasty Qianlong Emperor. The shape of this remarkable vessel is closely modelled after an archaic bronze hu, such as an example dating to the Zhou period published in the Xiqing Gujian, the fourty-volume catalogue of the ancient bronzes in the collection of the Qianlong Emperor (fig. 1). The current vase has reinterpreted the angular taotie

mask on the original bronze prototype with a more fluid version, presenting it in a powerful manner by reserving the colourful cloisonné enamel facial features in relief against the gilt-bronze ground. The addition of gilt-bronze interlocking teeth in high relief out of a large mouth bordered by flames further enhances the dramatic visual impact.

While the taotie mask is one of the most popular motifs on archaistic cloisonné enamel vessels of the Qing dynasty, it is extremely rare to find it rendered in relief and in such a significant size as in the case of the current vase. a Compare a large cloisonné pou (44 cm. high, 48 cm. wide) of the Qianlong period decorated with taotie masks on the body but without the treatment of relief from the Juan Jose Amezaga Collection, sold at Christie’s Paris, 13 June 2007, lot 25 (fig. 2). The Amezaga example has four relief-decorated mask-form handles on the shoulders, but much smaller in size and serve more as a supporting role to the overall design. It is interesting to compare the current vase to a champlevé and gilt-bronze


archaistic vase of the Qianlong period from a private European collection sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 2068 (fig. 3). Although completed in a different enamelling technique, it is decorated with interlaced scrollwork emerging from stylised taotie masks and terminating in dragon-heads, and similarly reserved on the gilt-bronze ground. The quality of enamelling on the current vase is especially refined among 18thcentury imperial cloisonné enamel vessels. The shaped panels on the neck have an additional outline in blue in contrast to most other contemporaneous cloisonné enamel vessels with only a single border in black enamel, such as the massive tripod censer with phoenix handles sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 November 2017, lot 2915. For another cloisonné enamel vessel with a similar double-band border but in black and red, refer to the vase with phoenix handles offered in the current sale, see lot 2809. The meticulous depiction of phoenix shown in profile with pink bodies and blue plumage on a dense ground of tree peonies is similar in style and theme to a cloisonné enamel rhyton attached with a gilt-bronze phoenix dating to the Qianlong period, from the Robert Chang Collection (fig. 4), and included in the exhibition Colorful, Elegant, and Exquisite: A Special Exhibition of Imperial Enamel Ware from Mr. Robert Chang’s Collection, Suzhou Museum, 2007-2008, Catalogue, pp. 34-35.

fig. 2 Sold at Christie’s Paris, 13 June 2007, lot 25

fig. 3 Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 2068

ॱ̣ ຆ㷓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ

ॱ˕ 㪁᫓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ

ૐ᳦↱۴䢲ᐲ㧀䢲㸉⥏䢲˗㒴ᖚ⥇ǐ⥏㒴 ֦㨫㩱㩏♃䢲ঃ㨫⭦ದ㚙ঃ♃ǐ㧀㨫ⱖ⮂ ♃䢲Շ㨫㢳㲋㘡⩇♃䢲ঃ㨫्♃䢲ⱖ⮂㟢͠ Ⰸ♃ǐ㧀Չҏ〴ㆻ⡩䢲㨫㩱㩏♃ǐ㧀Ǐ⥏㟢 ❗͠㛵㕹㘌ས♃ˏ१䢲˖㨫⹁㹩‫♃⫁ڰ‬ǐ㉚ ⤋ⴷ㨫ἄ㤚♃ǐ᢬ૐ᳦↪᪹೫ངᾫὼࣰˮ᜴ ᳦ҡ֨ⅲˏͬηިǐՒ㭕া⌆૯䢲♃㨫♢೺ ❀⽞‫˙ڳ‬㧩֋̚ǐ⥏㒴͠➱⿉ⅲ֦㨫ᆾ᧊⻢ ήᬜ⦪㤍㘌ࣰⅲ㩱㩏♃䢲㐾̼㶦ⅲ㕲ྐ᳦ 㩱㩏ⅲ̩೙₝㹩㷠∌䢲⧀̵㚢ⅲữḨ⇂㍶⇂ ᆓ䢲᳦㐝˖۵⎘ἄ㇮̠̞ึᑕⅲ㤚㆟ǐ

fig. 4 The Robert Chang Collection ॱो ཯೘ᅌԱ⁥Ὂⳉ

ѷ᳦᢬㧛⼾㨫ᆾ᧊ⅲ᣻㍨ϡ䢲⿉ຆ㷓ωૈ ྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ䢮ॱ̣䢯ǐ

↪᪹ᓁᕩ䢲ॼຠ἖ⅲཛ㦨̃˗䢲೫ངͱ۵㧰 ഹ↪⻍䢲⻉૨೫ངⳔ⻒ިॼࣰྋǏ♃㨫˖ⅳ ⦪‫ע‬ᕧᐷḵ᥷۪㤉ლǐ᢬ૐࣰྋ‫⦪ͱڭ‬㤍㘌 ૐ䢲Ǘ⾾᪹۵㞙ǘˮ㍭ᕖ‫ݙ‬㩱㩏ૐ䢲Ւ㐤া ⧀᢬‫⇂ֱډ‬Κ䢮ॱˏ䢯ǐ㩱㩏♃ѷ᳦㤍㘌ࣰ ˖̃˹⿀♃㨫䢲̷ॼͱ۵ኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰ˖㧂❀ ֨ή䢲΢㡙᢬ϡ̃૥䢲Κᕲ⿉͔ϡ֦͠㨫ᆾ ᧊ଫ᢬૯㤚⑈ঃ⻢ή㩱㩏♃ǐ+VBO +PTF " NF [B H B⧃ⳉˮᕖˏ̖ͬ㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼ⁊ 䢮㭙 ՌֱǏ᱈ Ռֱ䢯䢲⥏㌪㨫͠ໜ㤚 㩱㩏♃䢲⢵˖‫ם‬ᕖोйറা֦㨫ἄ㤚䢲‫͠ۿ‬


۷‫ۿ‬᣻㍨ˏ̖ͬ㡲㝃⣐ᾫὼἄ㤚♃᨞‍⡩ ૐ䢲Ւ๼Ⳕۢ♃㨫㢰⧀᢬ૐ˙‫ܔ‬䢲΢‫͠ܔ‬㛵 㕹㘌ঃ᳿ᇇ⒤㭕˞⨓ྐ❳♓ⅲͱ۵♃㨫䢲 ⿏⿨ᐇᗊ⧀᢬㦧᳦⇂Κ䢲⿉㪁᫓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ䢮ॱ˕䢯ǐ ᢬ૐᾫὼ๼Ⳕ̃★᫺䢲ॼ㧀㒴♃㨫ⅲ㒴ֱ˖ ീ᳦⑪֨䢲Ւኯ⚘♢೺Ǐ㕲ྐ㨪᭸䢲᳦‫ܔ‬ᕩ ೫ངኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰ̃ϒϒ⡅ǐѢྴˏዠⅲᒶⱖ ⮂ྋ㟚Բ͠㷖ⳇ㢳⨓ٚ㑵䢲㍨૯૨㏩Κϡӆ ࡚͠⨓ٚ㑵ⅲѷ᧊ᕇ೾ᕖ൬᡹ლǐ᣻㍨ˏͬ ̖㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼ㲋⡩˕㉚ᷳ䢲Ւ˖⥏㨫͠㷖㕲 ٚ㑵ଫჍ㟚Բ䢲⿉㪁᫓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ䣁ۢ͠ᕴ਽ሠ㇫ˮⅲ ˏ᪹ͬ‫ډ‬Ջˠ☸‫׀‬ኯ⚘ᾫὼ⎼૓㐧⛔˳ ♃ 㲋⡩૯⁄䢲͠㷖☽㢳⨓ٚ‫ػ‬ଫჍ㟚Բ䢲⿉ሠ ި ⴽǐ⁄˖㲋֠⬹㇂ⅲྋㅿ⧀཯೘ᅌ Ա⁥Ὂⳉˮˏͬኯ⚘ᾫὼ㲋ྋ⩇ዢ⇂ͱ䢮ॱ ो䢯䢲⿉Ǘ⚋㶦䢴⬹㇂䢴⦰ബ䣀㪁᫓཯೘ᅌ Ա⁥Ὂⳉྼ⽖೫ངኯ⚘⚘ᾫῙࣰṁൢǘ䢲㦓 ǐ




᪺‫ڊ‬Ռˡ☹ Ⅾἕ૤㹪⭧૔♄ବ჎⡪⯰⁅


‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬


The flattened baluster body is carved on each side with a wan symbol between a pair of coiled archaistic kui dragons, above a large ruyi head enclosing a shou character, below archaistic C-shaped scrolls. The shoulders are flanked by a pair of S-shaped handles carved with a chevron pattern. The cover is carved with archaistic scrolls surmounted by an openwork finial with six flanges supporting a flowerhead. The stone is of an even, white tone with a slight greenish tinge and small areas of pale russet specks. 10 ⅜ in. (25.8 cm.) overall height

᢬⁄⨓ᰁ঑٘䢲㢯๼‫⭷׊‬䢲⛪ᚆᨤᔌ䢲᳦㢼ⅲⅲ˖̊★ިǐ४⒤ᢶ ‫ښ܂‬ḵ㡗ᕍൢ⿪ˏࣰͬྋۢോഢ⇂㏩ⅲⅭἔ⯯⁄䢲‫ូܔ‬㢯ͱ۵♃㨫 ۢ4ྋ⡩䢲‫⿉۞ۿ‬Ǘ᪹͞ἔ㢯̃⟞ǘ䢲‫܀‬٫䢲ॱ㙼ॱḛ ⴽǐ

HK$1,500,000-2,500,000 US$200,000-320,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910 The present vase is particularly well-hollowed and the stone is exceptionally even in tone. A white jade vase of similar form and size, also carved with archaistic motifs and S-shaped handles, was exhibited at National Museum of History, Jade: Ch’ing Dynasty Treasures, Taipei, cat. no. 105.

The current vase on exhibit at the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, circa 1896 to 1910 ᕴሠި☼ᑞ ⦰ ໝ㡣〴ᑞ‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ൢᠹˮ





᪺༒ᶑ ྽⽗ኰ⚙ᾬώ➂ᗌⰉ♄⩺㢢ܑຊ⁅

KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬


Each of the two impressive cylinders is decorated with continuous lotus scrolls below the waisted necks with further lotus scrolls and above the waisted feet with petal lappets. The two sections are joined by a gilt-bronze eagle with outspread wings, and standing on a fearsome crouched mythical beast. The reverse is connected by the scrolling tail of the beast, below a chilong. 11 ½ in. (29 cm.) high

HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910


fig. 1 Xiqing Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques’, juan 18 ॱˏ ᢌ೛ो༆ՈᕊǗ⾾᪹۵㞙ǘ‫ډڰ‬Ջ

This type of vase is sometimes known as a ‘champion vase’, an appellation translated from the Chinese, ying (eagle) and xiong (bear), describing the two beasts represented, but also forming the pun on the word for ‘champion’ or ‘hero’. Alternatively, the vessel is also known as a ‘nuptial cup’, hejingbei, as it is believed that during the Ming dynasty, it was used as a ritual wine vessel during a wedding ceremony. The double cylinders were filled with wine to be drunk by the bride and groom as part of the marriage rites. These were especially popular during the late-Ming to mid-Qing periods, and were found in jades, bronzes, as well as in cloisonné enamels. A drawing of a bronze champion vase is illustrated in the woodblock printed catalogue Xiqing Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques’, which may have provided inspiration for the current type of vases (fig. 1).

The present champion vase is very similar in form and style to a smaller champion vase (17.4 cm. high) dating to the second half of the 17th century in the Uldry Collection, see Chinese Cloisonne: The Pierre Uldry Collection, New York, 1989, no. 208. Compare also two similar but smaller champion vases with covers, one with a single dragon on the cover, illustrated in Chinese Cloisonne, The Clague Collection, Phoenix, 1980, no. 39 (23.8 cm. high), where both sides of the vase are illustrated on the front and back covers; the other with a pair of chilong straddling the cover from the Mandel Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2012, lot 3904 (23 cm. high). It is interesting to note that the distance between the two cylinders on the present vase and the Uldry vase is noticeably narrower than that of the Clague and Mandel examples. It is very likely that the present vase and the Uldry vase were designed without covers.


⩹㢡‫ܐ‬ຉ⁄᳦᪹͞ኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰˮ‫⻍↪ֱډ‬ⅲ ͱ۵ࣰাǐǗ⾾᪹۵㞙ǘ‫ډڰ‬Ջˮ‫ڭ‬㍭ᕖˏ ͬǙߢ㹩㲋㢳┹⁄ǚ䢮ॱˏ䢯䢲ᆘ᳦᢬㧛⩹ 㢡‫ܐ‬ຉ⁄ኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰዠϭ̞‫ۈ‬াǐኯ⚘ᾫὼ ⩹㢡‫ܐ‬ຉ⁄ॼࣰྋ˖㢰૯⦱⇂‫ܔ‬䢲΢ॼ♃ 㨫Ǐ᣻ϡǏോഢ⓼♢╈˖Փᕖ᜴૨ㅌ٪䢲๼ Ⳕⅲ★♢␙༂̑˙ˏǐ᢬ͬ㭙 Ռֱ䢲൲ ˮাോഢ䢲Ւ㛵㕹Բᰁ᷒᷻䢲ᾫὼ㕲ㇲ♢ ೺䢲⨓ྐ❳♓䢲൲‫ܔ‬㧛ϡಠˮ➱⿉ⅲωηǐ ῊૈᳶᤧὊⳉˮᕖˏͬ㐤াۢ♃㨫⧀᢬⇂₤ ዁㏩΢㍨റⅲ‫ܐ‬ຉ⁄䢮㭙 Ռֱ䢯䢲⿉ Ǘ$IJOFTF $MPJTPOOF 5IF 1JFSSF 6MESZ $PMMFDUJPOǘ䢲♈☼䢲 ໝ䢲ॱḛ ⴽǐ۷᣻㍨Չͬຯ⯯ⅲ‫ܐ‬ຉ⁄䢲Ւྋབྷ㧛 Κ䢲㵤⠎ⅳѷ㝀⑤ⴷώ䢲ˏͬ⁳$MBHVFὊ ⳉ䢲Ւ㢳⯯͠ˏ⹁㹩⇂㐧䢲⿉Ǘ$IJOFTF $MJTPOOF 5IF $MBHVF $PMMFDUJPOǘ䢲㲋 ֠৬䢲 ໝ䢲ॱḛ ⴽ䣁۷ˏ᳦ͬᐷ࿍ ḓ͹Ԣ⧃ⳉ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽᑞ㪁᫓ωૈ ྴሠ㇫䢲ሠި ⴽ䢲⯯˖͠㢳㹩㐧዁ǐ Ѣྴ₏Ⴭⅲᒶ$MBHVF⧀ᐷ࿍ḓ⧃ⳉて̣ϡ ⅲ㢳⁄㟢㉽ᒝ㧩⑬ᑞ᢬ͬۢᳶᤧⳉި̃㢳⁄ 㟢㉽ǐॏ᢬ྯ⡅ᴰ⯯䢲᜴ᕖ‫ۿ‬⣵ᒶ〴〚˖ⅲ ‫ח‬Ⴭ᳦̃ǐ



2908 A MAGNIFICENT AND EXCEPTIONALLY RARE LARGE WHITE JADE CARVING OF SHOULAO AND DEER QIANLONG-JIAQING PERIOD (1736-1820) The boulder is superbly carved depicting Shoulao, the Star God of Longevity, holding a peach in one hand, the other hand holding a staff in the form of a gnarled branch tied with a scroll and flanked by a small bat in flight, accompanied by his deer. The white stone is of an even tone with an attractive, soft polish. 10 11/16 in. (27.2 cm.) high

HK$5,000,000-7,000,000 US$650,000-910,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910

᪺̗㡳 ࢧᄟ Ⅾἕ⎽⎱૔Ꮙͭ Ϝᬜ

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲 㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬


The current figure on exhibit at the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, circa 1896 to 1910 ᕴሠި☼ᑞ ⦰ ໝ㡣〴ᑞ‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ൢᠹˮ

This figure is exceptionally well-carved with details meticulously rendered, particularly evident on the thread-like, silky beard and graceful folds of the robe. Very few carved figures from the Qing dynasty are of such substantial size, and the jade boulder is extraordinarily even in tone, well-polished with a soft sheen. While Shoulao represents the Star God of Longevity in the Daoist Pantheon, the deer accompanying him in this carving is a homophone for lu, ‘wealth’; and the bat hovering above is a homophone for fu, ‘happiness’. Together, the imagery represents Longevity, Wealth and Happiness. A slightly smaller white jade carving of a Luohan (23.7 cm.), similarly carved with a voluminous robe with multiple folds, is in the Qing Court Collection and now in the Palace Museum (fig. 1), illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995, no. 108. Compare also a smaller white jade carving (15.5 cm.) depicting the Star God of Longevity and Star God of Happiness together, also from the same collection, illustrated ibid., no. 106. Ⅽἔ८㢯ˏ⒩ஔ⡁́䢲๽ᆾኋᙈǏ‫܃‬ᆾᇝᖓ䢲᳦૓⡁ྋㅿ䣁ᕖ͗㶏 ϯҞ䢲㶏チ㦈Ǚ⎰ǚ䢲૓⡁ᕱᖓ˖ᑜᕖⷻ⸂㨑⧒䢲⸂チ㦈Ǚ⎼ǚ䢲 ˕⡅♼‫ܐ‬ᆓ⎼⎰૓˕ᒩ䢲㧍ᖏ⎟Ὴǐ૓⡁⇂㆟ჴ⎟䢲㢯๼★♢䢲⻞ ⻿㨈ᵁ⩮‫ؽ‬䢲㭿㮋⛪ᚆ♢⥲䢲ἔㇲ঑٘᦯ᯍ䢲Ⅽଫ֘⣹䢲ଫ᢬ോഢ ૯ⅲ᪹́͞ḵἔ㢯ഓ൲㢼ྴˏ⿉ǐ ᪹೫⧃ⳉˏͬₙറⅲⅭἔ⟕ᮗᏈͬ䢮 Ռֱ䢯䢲⻞⻿ۢ㤚ೲⅲ㢯 ‫ח‬㧰ᙂ⧀ᕴͬ⇂㏩䢲ήⳉᐅ೫๼‫ښ‬ḵ㡗䢲⮏㙼ᑞᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉᐷḵ ὊިՈ㢣Ǘἔࣰ䢮˗䢯ǘ䢲㪁᫓䢲 ໝ䢲ॱ ⴽ䢮ॱˏ䢯䣁۷ ᕖˏͬ⎼ᒩ૓ᒩ㢯‫ח‬䢮 Ռֱ䢯䢲⿉‫ע‬ዻᕊ䢲ॱ ⴽǐ

fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing ॱˏ ٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި 33



2909 A MAGNIFICENT LARGE IMPERIAL CLOISONNE ENAMEL BALUSTER VASE WITH PHOENIX-FORM HANDLES QING DYNASTY, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The elegantly proportioned baluster vase is exquisitely enamelled with four lotus sprays borne on scrolling tendrils divided by blue angular borders decorated with bi-discs, with lime-green ground shaped panels on the shoulders and neck containing lotus sprays and bats. The neck is flanked by a pair of reticulated gilt-bronze phoenix-form handles. 19 ¼ in. (48.8 cm.) high

HK$2,400,000-3,500,000 US$320,000-450,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910

᪺‫ڊ‬Ռˡ☹ׁ ྽⽗ኰ⚙ᾬώ⎽૔㐨⛕˴  ♄㲌⡪૰⁅ Ϝᬜ

‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬


fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

fig. 2 Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 November 2017, lot 2915

ॱˏ ٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި

ॱ̣ 㪁᫓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ

The present vase, with its exquisite enamelling and elaborately cast handles is undoubtedly made for imperial use and is representative of Qing imperial cloisonné enamels of the highest quality.

pou, both of the Qianlong period and formerly in the Juan Jose Amezaga Collection, sold at Christie’s Paris, 13 June 2007, lots 23 and 25, respectively; as well as on the upper body of a large cloisonné censer dating to the mid-Qing dynasty in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels-3-Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pp. 236, no. 202, where the bi-disc occupies a more prominent role on each side of the body and is held by two mythical beasts above a taotie mask.

The Qing Court Collection has a number of cloisonné enamel vessels set with similar gilt-bronze phoenix handles, although very few of them are executed with the same degree of meticulous attention to detail. Examples include a cloisonné enamel zun with handles of similar form but of less elongated form (fig. 1); a censer with handles in the form of phoenix with abstract scrolling bodies; and a censer flanked by a pair of abstract stylised phoenix handles, all dating to the mid-Qing period and illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum - Enamels (3) - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, nos. 77, 197, and 206 respectively.

᪹೫⧃ⳉⅲኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰˮ㢰ᕖ㨫͠㛵㕹㘌㲋⡩ⅲϡಠ䢲΢Ւ★♢␙༂ ૨˙ۢ᢬ǐ٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉ˕ͬ㲋⡩㏩Κϡ䢲ٝሳˏͬബۢՉͬ ˕㉚㪁ᷳ䢲⿉ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި૯☴Ǘᾫὼࣰ⛷ ᪹ኯ⚘ᾫὼǘ䢲٫ ̺䢲 ໝ䢲ॱḛ Ǐ ۢ ⴽǐて˕ͬኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰⅳ೛ໝ᳦᪹ ˮᕩ䢲Ւˮ͠ബⅲ㲋⡩㐤া⧀᢬ᕏ᳦⇂Κ䢲΢㌪ྋ㍨૊⌆䢮ॱˏ䢯ǐ ۷‫ۿ‬᣻㍨ˏ̖ͬ㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼ㲋⡩˕㉚ᷳ䢲Ւ⢵˖̷㨫ᕖ㧰ᙂ㏩Κⅲ ଫჍ㟚Բ䢲΢ӆ͠㷖㕲ѷ࡚⨓ٚ㑵䢲˙Κ᢬ͬ͠㷖☽㢳⨓ٚ㑵䢲⿉ 㪁᫓ωૈྴ ໝ ᕕ ᑽሠ㇫䢲ሠި ⴽ䢮ॱ̣䢯ǐ͠㢳⨓ ٚ㑵ⅲѷ᧊̷⿉ᑞᕴ਽ሠ㇫ˮⅲኯ⚘ᾫὼ㩱㩏♃䢲Ւ㧀㒴˖ⅲⱖ⮂ ♃͠㷖ⳇ㢳⨓ٚ‫ػ‬䢲⿉ሠި ⴽǐ

Compare, also a massive cloisonné enamel censer with gilt-bronze phoenix handles of the Qianlong period sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 November 2017, lot 2915 (fig. 2), which is decorated with similar ruyi-shaped panels on the shoulders, but with only a single band in black enamel rather than a double-band in black and red as in the case of the current vase. Similar treatment of a doubleband border on shaped panels is also found on the massive huform taotie vase in this sale, see lot 2805.

ἔ ♃㢰ӆᑞ᢬⁄˖ѷ᳦㍶‫♃إ‬㨫䢲΢⌔ᕖ₝㹩㷠∌̃ᐇǐՒ͔㨫 ͠ἔ ♃ⅲኯ⚘ᾫὼࣰ‫۞ۿ‬⡃+VBO +PTF "NF[BHB⧃ⳉˮⅲˏ ̖ͬ㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼឭ㟯བྷᷳ䢮㭙 Ռֱ䢯̖ۢ㡲ኯ⚘ᾫὼ⁊䢮㭙 ՌֱǏങ Ռֱ䢯䢲⿉ຆ㷓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ۢ ⴽ䣁ۢ٫̺ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉˏͬ⹁㹩ሸ ♃˕㉚ᷳ䢲⿉Ǘᾫὼࣰ ⛷ ᪹ኯ⚘ᾫὼǘ䢲٫̺䢲 ໝ䢲㦓 䢲ॱḛ ⴽǐ

The motif of the bi-disc is rarely seen on cloisonné enamel vessels, although it can be found on the body of a pagoda-form censer, and on the middle register of a large cloisonné enamel




᪺̗㡳 㤎Ⅾἕ૤㲌♄ㆀ㩿㘢᨟‎⡪⯰⁅ Ǘ૰᪺̗㡳Ͳ۶ǘ᜷ᕋ‫ט‬ᢎ


) " -BOUIJFS䢲♈☼䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷


The vase is carved in relief on each broad side with a pair of archaistic kui phoenix and a band of upright petals above the foot, the neck flanked by a pair of elephant heads with loose ring handles, the side of the foot incised with a Qianlong fanggu mark in a horizontal line. The cover is surmounted by a finial in the form of a elephant standing foursquare above clouds. The stone is of an even, greenish-white tone. 12 13/16 in. (32.5 cm.) overall height

HK$2,000,000-3,000,000 US$260,000-390,000 PROVENANCE: H.A. Lanthier, New York, 23 December 1910 George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts



‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥ᑞ ໝྐྵ♈☼۵⮛ࠉ) " -BOUIJFS㈂Նᕴͬۢሠި ⴽǐ

George Walter Vincent Smith acquired this piece, together with lot 2902, in 1910 from H.A. Lanthier, a dealer specialising in rare oil paintings, curiosities and works of art based in Madison Square, New York.

̖㡲ຠᄀ۵ᐋᥒ䢲ᐅ̖㡲ˏᕧἔࣰ૨ͱ⾴ࠉ‫ݙ‬㤍㘌ࣰྋ‫ד‬䢲ྐྵᕴ⁄ ࣰ̃ྋۢૣ㲋♃ˮ‫ˏ⿉ۿ‬ᐽ䣁⡊⁄㉚˖Ⰸ‶ۢㅿ⡩‫ם‬᳦₤ᕧᑕԬ ♘䢲☉‫ܐ‬۵͎㧰ᙂ䢲᳦↪᪹ἔࣰ̃ˏ૯ṁ⨓ǐǙㅿǚ⧀Ǚ⁄ǚⅲ♼ ‫ܐ‬䢲ᕖǙ૱ໜᕖㅿǚ̃⟞ଦഄჍǐ㏩Κϡಠ‫۞ۿ‬⡃㪁᫓ωૈྴሠ㇫ ˏͬ㷌ἔ⯯⁄䢲‫חូܔ‬ㅿ⡩ۢͱ۵♃㨫䢲೛ໝ̖㡲䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽǐ

A majority of the jades made during the Qianlong reign were in imitation of archaic ritual bronzes of the Shang, Zhou and Han dynasties, as the Qianlong Emperor had a deep interest in Chinese antiquities. Some of these jade examples were more faithfully copied, whilst others were slightly modified to suit prevailing taste of the Qing court. The petals and elephant heads on the present vase, for example, are more likely Qing adaptations to provide auspicious meanings to the vase. For instance, the combination of an elephant and a vase conveys the rebus taiping youxiang, ‘Peaceful times’ or ‘When there is peace, there are signs’. Compare a yellow jade vase and cover carved with archaistic scrolls and similar elephant-head handles, also dating to the Qianlong period, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2012, lot 3956.

The current vase on exhibit at the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, circa 1896 to 1910 ᕴሠި☼ᑞ ⦰ ໝ㡣〴ᑞ‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ൢᠹˮ




2911 ᪺̗㡳 ྽⽗ኰ⚙ᾬώ㩲㩐♄ᑝ㸆མ⯰ۣᷴ 㝄⣑ᾬώ➂ᗌⰉ♄༄



‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥䢮 䢯䢲ᑔᓢᗆ⬼ḓ࿍䢲㷄Ⲭバਫ਼๷䢲 Նⳉᑞ ໝ͠‫ע‬

QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795) The large censer is superbly cast in the form of an archaic bronze fangding, each side is decorated with a taotie mask on a ground of scrolling lotus sprays, divided in the centre and at the corners with gilt-bronze vertical flanges, all raised above four cabriole legs emerging from lions masks. The rectangular domed cover has a gilt-bronze reticulated panel on each side with three bats flying amid clouds, below a finely cast finial in the form of a lion with one front paw on a brocade ball. The shaped champlevé stand is decorated with lotus scrolls on the sides and the top. Censer and cover: 18 ¼ in. (46.5 cm.) high Overall with stand: 21 ⅛ in. (53.5 cm.) high

HK$2,400,000-3,500,000 US$320,000-450,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910

The current censer photographed c. 1900 -1910. The image was sent by Mr. Smith to early admirers of the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum ᕴሠިᏥྗᑞ ⦰ ᕩ㟢ǐ ‫ᦆࡘ܂‬Ա⁥ഩ᢬ᵨḚֱ̹̠‫ښ⻒Ⳕᦆࡘ܂‬ḵ㩉ⅲᒀᕩᏵቈ⡅



fig. 1 Collection of the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum

fig. 2 Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2016, lot 3229

ॱˏ ᱙㡫ᐅ೫‫ښ‬ḵ㡗ⳉި

ॱ̣ 㪁᫓ωૈྴ䢲 ໝ ᕕ ᑽ䢲ሠި ⴽ

The shape of this censer is based upon ancient bronze vessels. The blade-shaped legs, loop handles and flanges, along with the wide spreading taotie masks, all have their prototypes in Zhou dynasty bronzes, many of which are illustrated in Xiqing Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques from the Zhou Dynasty’, the catalogues of ancient bronzes in the Qing Court Collection compiled under the authorisation of the Qianlong Emperor in 1755.

another from a European private collection (53 cm. high), sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 2058; one sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2016, lot 3229 (77.5 cm high) (fig. 2), which has blade-shaped legs and is almost identical to the one in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels - 3 - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, pp. 262-263, no. 226 (83 cm. high).

Censers of this type not only served as an important part of the palace furnishing, they were also used in rituals, banquets and imperial ceremonies, as such, several similar cloisonné fangdingform censers have been preserved in the Qing Court Collection, which are found in varying sizes with different combinations of decorative elements. Compare the fangding with cover with a cloisonné enamel Qianlong six-character mark, similarly decorated with taotie design but with flat dragon-form legs in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties, Taipei, 1999, no. 59 (33.8 cm. high); three examples in the Palace Museum, Beijing, the first dated to the early Qing dynasty with a gilt openwork cover, lionform finial and flat blade-shaped legs (35.6 cm. high), the second the with a cast Qianlong six-character mark without a cover and decorated with angular chilong motifs (28.7 cm. high), the third with a cast Qianlong four-character mark and decorated with taotie design with blade-shaped feet (48.3 cm. high), illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels 2 - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, nos. 68, 245 and 246, respectively; and one with a lion-form finial and reticulated panels on the cover (38 cm. high) in the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum (fig. 1), illustrated in The Prime Cultural Relics Collected by Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum - The Enamel Volume, Shenyang, 2007, pp. 146-147, no. 1.

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For similar Qianlong cloisonné fangding-form censers and covers sold at auctions, compare to one with a cloisonné enamel Qianlong four-character mark from the Mandel Collection (55 cm. high) sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2012, lot 3908;



2912 A MASSIVE CLOISONNE ENAMEL ‘CHAMPION VASE’ LATE QING DYNASTY, LATE 18TH-19TH CENTURY Each cylinder is decorated with registers of taotie masks rendered in various styles, divided by undulating borders between the similarly decorated waisted foot neck. The two cylinders are joined by a gilt-bronze eagle with reticulated outstretched wings standing on a fearsome crouched mythical beast. The reverse is connected by the scrolling tail of the beast, below a ferocious chilong. 21 ⅞ in. (55.6 cm.) high

HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000 PROVENANCE: George Walter Vincent Smith (1832-1923), Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired prior to 1910 Compare the slightly larger ‘champion vase’ in the Palace Museum, Beijing (fig. 1), illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels - 4 - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, pp. 212-213, no. 155 (70 cm. high).

ᓒ᪺ ኰ⚙ᾬώ㩲㩐♄⩺㢢ܑຊ૰⁅ fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing


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ᜬ ‫ ⿊ ف‬೛ ġ㇅ᑜ㦚≹ ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛ ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛‫ݸ‬㕵⿀㐞≹ۢ↹㙼⛷‫־‬ᑜ᧊̃をᒝ ‫־‬ᒝωૈྴሠ㇫ֵ㍭ॼᕴ↹㙼ˮሠ㇫ިⅲᚆ ᢍǐ 㐞㑁Ⅻ〦Ⓖᇹ‫ ݸ‬/ ᆘॼሠ㇫ᕒˮⒼᇹ‫⻢ڭ‬ ⍷ၹ‫ܔ‬Ⴭ዁۫㐝̮ᚆᢍ䢲ॏ᢬䢲ၹ㦚ॼⒼᇹ ̃‫♢͒ע‬㟼ㅄ㐝̮ᚆᢍǐ˗㏽◫㭕ದ㭕しよ ⅲ⿾㕳ॼൎ㒴し‫־⻢ٺ‬ᒝǐ 㡙㤖ωૈྴ᎛ᕖሠ㇫ިᆵᕖᡪ䢮͠ 6 ឳ⍷䢯䢲 ωૈྴ᳦㇫ᑜⅲ͞ώ́ǐ

A. ሠ㇫̃‫ע‬ 1. ሠ㇫ިዟ㏽ (a) ↹㙼ዟ㏽㒴ֱϕⅲᗮ̮し‫ٺ‬ᕖṁᣅჍ ⟵ǐでႎオ⿉᝷ᆓᚆᢍ㒴ֱⅲ㕵⿀㐞≹ ۢ↹㙼⛷‫־‬ᑜ᧊̃をᒝǐയ↹㙼Շⅲឳ ㄦⅲ⿾㕳䢲オ⿉ᕴ↹㙼Շğᕴ↹㙼ˮϕ ⅲ‫܍‬㧛ឳㄦĠǐ (b) ᕴՌ‫ॼ܇‬ᕴ↹㙼ˮയͯΰሠ㇫ިⅲዟ ㏽䢲ሠ㇫ިṸպ਺‫ۢ݋‬Ւ೉㡣㏽䢮˙┹ ᒶ۴㦷㑰ᒶᕊ㤚䢯䢲ٝሳሠ㇫ިသㇲᆘ ṸպǏⳔ⻒೰ǏᓁᕩǏᖏᑃǏ᜼ₙോഢ ᆘϜᬜ঑൲ᆔоჍ⿉̃⻢㏽䢲⡊˙ᅠ⼗ η᳦̢ഓ̃㡣㏽ǐᆔо˙ӏപᜬⅲᢶ‫܂‬ ೀ೰ۢೀ⡅㒆ូ㐭⻍᪨Նⅲ⊝②ǐᆵᕖ ⅲോഢۢ㕵㕷ӆ᳦◫ₙΐ〚ǐ 2. യᑞሠ㇫ިዟ㏽ωૈྴᆵㆱⅲㆼͯ ᆔо˙യሠ㇫ިⅲသㇲዠϭͯΰЛㄗ䢲㡙̞ ˗㏽ⓧ E2 ᣣⅲ⇞ިЛㄗۢ͠ⓧ I ᣣ۷ᕖ☼ ೛ǐ 3. Ṹպ (a) ॼᆔоሠ㇫ᕒ˖ሠ㇫ⅲሠ㇫ިṸպ‫ۿ‬ॏ ໝ͞ǏԱ‫ע‬ጐિǏУ࿂ǏУώۢጐ⡔⓼ ॏ♘⡊ກ₢⁡૯ǐՒသㇲ‫ڭ‬Ⴭ‫⮏ݣ‬໦̅ ˙‫ۿ‬⣵ⴷᑞ೐⟞ⅲṸպǐሠ㇫ިᒶቍᵨ Ւॼሠ㇫̃ᓁⅲႎպ͠ğήṸĠ֨ߴ䢲 ⡊˞˙ٝሳωૈྴᆘ㇫ᑜⅲͯΰ㡣㏽ᆘ ЛㄗᆘയᑞṸպⅲͯΰྋབྷⅲㆼͯᇥ Ꭺǐ (b) ॼᕴ↹㙼ᚆ↹ᆘṸպ਺‫݋‬ˮዠۢṸպ˙ ⓼‫ܔ‬ᑞയṸպⅲ೐ᐦዟ㏽䢲ॱḚ‫ۿ‬⣵˙ ᕒ᪹ᓤൢ⍷֨ሠ㇫ިǐሠ㇫ިⅲ⨓ྐ‫ݸ‬ ᒝᔄ༂ॼ‫ިהڪ‬ᆘ൝ໃ˖⇐㈯Ϝ‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ ⧀ഓ㭕᠟ᘀᓁⅲႎպ˙‫ܔ‬ǐṸպ਺‫ۿ݋‬ ‫إژ‬ၹけΐሠ㇫ިⅲṸպǐ᳦ᑜЀ㇅ ᑜ䢲Ṹպ਺‫݋‬᳦Ե㇉ዠϭ䢲ӆη᳦ቋཛǐ Ṹպ਺‫݋‬ዠϭ̞ᆔоⅲჍ⿉䢲΢ᒶ‫ۿ‬⣵ ᕲቋ֨ᆵᕖⅲ➚㡧ǏՇॼῂ⃍ǏУ࿂Ǐ ᕇ᏾ۢ᏾㐤䢲ॏ᳦ᆔоⅲӫ޻˙ᒶപᜬ У࿂ᆘ⛃ㄼ́޻ǐ֨ᑞ㐝й‫ۈ‬ॏ䢲͔о ˙⣵ᕎ͞ၹ⿟⦪᠟ᘀሠ㇫ިᆘၹ⦪຃ഭ ᥒⅲപᜬჍ⿉ǐ㇅ᑜᕖㆼͯ⌔Л⦪຃ຄ ⚯⿀ᥒዠϭǏᏻၣۢ⡃ᄖ̞ͯΰṸպ਺ ‫݋‬ǐ 4. ሠ㇫̃‫ע‬᠟ᘀሠ㇫ި (a) ଫᗊၹ〚؊Ⓖᇹˏͬሠ㇫ި䢲ᅠ⿟⦪ᆘ 㐞㑁Փᕖപᜬ≹ㄦ̃͞⻢᠟⿏䢲͠⌔Л


ၹ዁۫ሠ㇫ިዟ㏽ۢṸպǐᆔоཇㄺၹ ྐྵപᜬУ࿂́޻ᆘՒ೉പᜬ㧣ࠑ㒆⼲♚ ۪Ⴭ⿉ǐ (b) ሠ㇫̃‫ע‬ⅲ᠟⿏Ե㇉‫ܙ‬Ռ⻉㟚ᐁǐॼሠ ㇫̃‫ע‬ⅲ᠟⿏ᆘ㐞㑁㦠☼䢲ᆔоⅲപ೰ ‫ॼۿ‬਽्┆ࠑ㧍ǐ 5. ΐӱ ΐӱᒶ਎ᑞሠ㇫ިⅲṸպǏ␑ᕖ␙༂Ǐㇲ 㕷ǏϜᬜۢ㧛Κḵިⅲ㏩ᕩሠӱ᥾೛ǐΐӱ ‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ᏾ㅌǐၹᆘͯΰՒ͔́ॼͯΰႎպ˗ 㓅˙‫ۿ‬⣵ϯㇻΐӱ䢲ഩՒη᳦ሠ㇫ިⅲഓ㢄 ߴӱⅲ㦠᫐ᆘЛㄗǐΐӱ˙ٝሳ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹ᆘ ͯΰ㑗ⅲ␕㇉ǐΐӱ‫ۿ‬⣵͠ሠ㇫਽₤ঃㆸ ໏͠૥ⅲㆸ໏㧩⍷˩ӆηቋཛǐᕴ↹㙼ϕ ⅲㆸ໏ԴዪἒᒶᘿᎯᕏ㇊㏩↹㙼͖‫ڪ‬ᓁⅲԴ ዪἒ〴೛䢲ᆵ͠‫ۿ‬⣵⧀ሠ㇫₤ᑽԴዪἒᕖກ ‫׆‬ǐ 6. ᎆ् ωૈྴᕖᡪ࡚ᑜ㤚ո೛ॼሠ㇫ިሠ㇫㑁␙ˮ ᆘሠ㇫̃‫ע‬ⅲͯΰᓁ㟢ഩሠ㇫ިᎆ्ǐωૈ ྴᴰ㦚െͯΰᎆ्ո೛‫ܙ‬ၹᇥᎪㆼͯǐ 7. Ὓഡ (a) ᕖ⨓ഡ⊅䢮ଫ☽ഡ⊅Ǐⳇഡ⊅ۢ⚷ഡ⊅䢯 ‫ۿ‬⣵⚯㑁ⴷώ͠᏾⨑૥⿭䢲ٝሳ‫؟‬ᶥۢ ˖᦯⓼ᑜ᧊ǐ㐝̮ᑜ᧊㓅⼗४㢄Ὓഡ⻍ ᜬほ‫ۿ‬䢲΢ᒶ⚯ⴷώⅲഡ⊅ⅲ⋚༂‫ۿ‬⣵ ᕒ㡈Ωۢ / ᆘॼᑽྯ㣏⿀ṁᣅⅲЛ㨳ǐ (b) ᆵᕖ㧛াⅲഡ⊅঑‫ۿ‬⣵⚯㑁ᗮ̮᏾⨑ⴷ ώǐଫᗊᗮͬሠ㇫ިᦔᕖ਺‫݋‬䢲ၹ‫͠ۿ‬ ॼሠ㇫ᑽ̃‫⦰ע‬ളዠ‫ܙݙ˕ע‬ᆔо⿀ᥒ ഡ⊅㞚೛਺‫݋‬䢲਺‫݋‬ⅲ㇉⁳ၹᏵ͖ǐ (c) ᆔо˙ᕒ᳦᣷ͬሠ㇫ⅲഡ⊅ቆ۪㞚೛਺ ‫݋‬ǐ⩮ᆔоᕖྐྵ४㢄ほ‫ۿ‬ⅲഡ⊅㞚೛ഓ 㬡ೣ۪ྴ㞚೛਺‫݋‬䢲ᆔоᕒॼ↹㙼ˮዠ ۢǐྐྵ⟞४ഡ⊅㞚೛ഓ㬡ೣⅬ֨ⅲ㞚೛ ਺‫݋‬ᕒዟ㏽യഡ⊅ⅲ᏾⨑ᆘⴷώǐᢜᨕ ഡ⊅㞚೛ഓ㬡ೣⅲ਺‫݋‬ӆॼᆔо⿀ᥒⅲ ᓁц䢲ᇀᕒዠۢയഡ⊅ⅲ᏾⨑ۢⴷώ䢲 ΢ᒶて਺‫݋‬ᕒ⌔ほてഡ⊅ᦔᕖ⼗᏾⨑ᆘ ⴷώǐॏ‫܍‬ഓ㬡ೣϕᑜ᧊‫ݸ‬ᇦ⻒ⅲກ ₢䢲യᗮഡ⊅ᒶ‫ⴷܫ‬ώ㑁Ǐⴷώⅲ␙༂ ᆘⴷώᒶ‫ܫ‬᳦᥉˿သ䢲㓅‫ۿ‬⣵ቈ˙‫ܔ‬Ⴭ ⿉ǐഡ⊅㞚೛ഓ㬡ೣӆയ਺‫݋‬η֨ᑽ̃ ‫ע‬ഓ㬡ೣᆵ≹ၣⅲ᏾㐭ۢⴷώ㐭⻍਺ ‫݋‬ǐ (d) യᑞὛഡ㘷ߴϜを䢲ΐӱᒶ͠ഡ⊅㞚೛਺ ‫݋‬ˮⅲПၔ᳦਎⍕䢲ଫᗊᦔᕖ਺‫݋‬䢲െᕒ ほ᳦ഡ⊅‫ۿ‬⣵ຄ⚯⼗ⴷώᆘዠ‫ڎ‬㑁ǐ 8. 㝫㚨 (a) ໦̅ᆵᕖⅲ㝫㚨ॼϕᕩՇ㓅⼗Уώ 㑁䢲‫ۿ‬⣵㓅ܰᕖ㤖‫⼾ۈ‬㣇㒴ͬǐᆔо˙ ⣵Лㄗͯΰ㝫㚨ⅲͯΰй‫׆‬㣇㒴ͬ㓅ᒶ ‫⼾ۈ‬ǐ⼗㡣㏽᳦ğ㠛⢌Ġದូⅲ㚨ຯ˙ ᒶ‫⼾ۈ‬㚨ⅲ㒴ֱ䢲‫ۿ‬⣵˙ᒶ⇞ިǐሠ㇫ ⅲ㝫‫ۿ‬⣵㉾㢍ᦔᕖ㝫ᏈǏ㝫㚌ᆘ㞰٬֨ ߴǐ

(b) ᏻⳉ೰⓼♒ⅲ㝫㚨⚯ັᕖ㤖ັ★♢⽞㢶 ⅲ៬ᚗ᝷㐤䢲‫ۿ‬⣵㣏⿀ˏ⧝Л㨳ᕚ‫ف‬Ǐ ᕇዪ㣌ᥩᆘ㐭ˏ᢭ⅲУώ๼η䢲⡊㐝̮ 㓅⁳㇅ᑜㆱㆼǐᆔо˙Лㄗ᣷ˏ㢙㝫㚨 㓅ᒶॼ⨑ଦ㐾ηṸჷǐ㡙㤖↹㙼ˮᕖዠ ۢ䢲ᆔо˙ዠϭㄗᕊǐ (c) ૯૨ᐪⅲ㚨㓅⼗ᇅ㟚㑁ᘀ⇐៬⩅ⅲাⴽ ۢㇲ㕷ǐॏ᳦㐝й‫ۈ‬ॏ䢲ຯᕖ㠶᥅㚨ᣧ ⅲ㚨‫ۿ‬⣵˙⣵㠶᥅䢲ॼϕ̃‫ע‬ᆔоཇ ㄺၹㅒപᜬ㝫㚨ສ̢Ա᠟㬡ǐ ᆾ㚨ۢ㚨ຯⅲሠ㇫ۢ㐾㐋ᑜ㤚ⅲ㕵⿀Пၔ䢲 オ⿉ⓧ H2(f) ᣣǐ

B. Ⅻ〦Ⓖᇹ 1. ᑕⒼᇹ́ (a) ଫᗊ㐝ᒶၹⓧˏ᡹ॼωૈྴⒼᇹ䢲ᆘ⡅ ၹᕍ۞⧀ᆔоⅲሠ㇫䢲΢ॼ㑁ۛՉໝՇ ᕲᕍྐྵͯΰωૈྴሠ㇫਽ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ㑁ͯ ΰᖥ⾾䢲ၹ࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫̃‫⦰ע‬ള 48 й റᓁⅫ〦䢲͠⚍ᆔо㉚૪ⅲᓁ㟢Ϝⴷώ ۢᇟօၹⅲⅫ〦ǐᆔоᕖᡪ࡚ᑜ㤚˙ԫ 〶ၹⅫ〦ᆓ᳦Ⓖᇹ́ǐၹ㣏ዠϭ͠˗㇔ ᑃ䣀 (i) й́ೡᆮ䣀ຯᕖᵨḚⅲ㌪Ͱㄗᒝ䢮㪰 ᵨ਋ᵨǏ४ᤩ㌪Ͱㄗᆘㄼᵨ䢯ۢ䢮ଫ ᗊ㌪Ͱㄗᐷͬ˖ᦔᕖ㧩⍷ήᓁΪঋ ㇔ᑃ䢯ήᓁΪঋㄗᒝ䢲ଫ䣀̢ᜬ ອ࡚ᆘ㘇⻍ᕕ♼࡚ǐ (ii) Ռ‫܇‬ೡᆮ䣀㧩⍷‫᧚ۢ␴ܕ‬՝ঃঋⅲ Ռ‫᧚܇‬՝ㄗᒝᆘ㧛Κᐷͬ䢲Ռ‫܇‬ঃ ঋㄗᒝ䢲⼗ኧᡪⒼᇹ⡅㡃ᕖ⇂Ḛⅲ ㌪Ͱㄗᐷͬ䢲⁳᧊೛͞⻢́▦⟇ۢ ⯯ᕖՌ‫܇‬⒯䢮⩮ᕖ䢯ⅲⒼᇹኧᡪᕊ䢲 ۢ͠‫֨־‬ᆵᕖ⮛̢‫↠۫ݸ‬⢰ᖥⅲᐷ ͬㄗᒝǐ (iii) ПᇇǏ‫ܐ‬૮Ǐ㢻ඩՌ‫ۢ܇‬Ւ೉ᜬ‫ف‬ ♼᝷䢲オዠ‫ע‬⢌❢ᆔоࠉェ⿀ᥒǐ (b) ᆔо‫ۿ‬⣵⿀ᥒၹ‫ܙ‬ᆔоዠϭㆲ‫ف‬ㄗᒝ ۢ / ᆘሑ㕹η᳦〶‫ۿ‬ၹⒼᇹⅲᚆͬǐ ଫ㣏໕‫إ‬䢲オ⢌❢ᆔоⅲೡᆮᕚ‫ف‬㒴䣀 +852 2760 1766ǐ 2. ՞᡹۞⧀Ⓖᇹⅲೡ́ ᆔо‫ۿ‬㑤Ꭰ⿀ᥒၹዠϭ͠˖ B1(a) ᣣᆵዠۢ ⅲήᓁ㌪Ͱㄗᒝ䢲ㆲ‫ف‬ㄗᒝۢ / ᆘሑ㕹η ᳦〶‫ۿ‬ၹⒼᇹⅲᚆͬǐଫᗊၹ㑁ۛՉໝˮ ᦔᕖྐྵᆔоⅲሠ㇫ᕒᆓ‫؞‬ᇹྴሠ㇫ި䢲ᆘ ⡅ၹᕴ᡹Ꮎ֨ӱ㕹㧎㭙ᑞ㑁ྤ䢲オ⢌❢ᆔ о ⅲ ᇹ ឳ 㒴䣀+852 2978 9910 ᆘ 㣌 㓀 ⦰ 3. ଫᗊၹᕲ⣵ዠϭ᢫⌔ⅲᐷͬ ଫᗊᆔоほ᳦䢲ၹᕲ⣵᭸㉚ᆔоയⒼᇹ⡅㌪ ͰۢⅫ〦ᆾ❾ⅲ⿀ᥒ䢲ٝሳ΢˙㡋ᑞ೐ᆓۢ ᭸㉚ᕴՌ‫ۿ܇‬⣵⿀ᥒ㐭⻍ⅲᆵᕖ‫᧽ۥ‬㷖㚕‫ݸ‬ / ᆘ‫ۥ‬ျΤ˹⟵ㆲᐂഖᘀ䢲ᆔо‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ˙ԫ 〶ၹⅫ〦Ⓖᇹ䢲⡊ଫᗊၹᆓ‫؞‬ᇹྴሠ㇫ި䢲 ᆔо‫ۿ‬⣵ᎆ㘷ၹ⧀㇫ᑜ̃㟢ⅲ㇅㇫‫☼ܐ‬ǐω ૈྴᕖᡪ࡚ᑜ㤚᥾೛ᆵ㦚ⅲ㌪Ͱㄗᒝᐷͬ㧛 ‫׆‬䢲η᳦᭸㉚ᆔоയⒼᇹ⡅㌪ͰۢⅫ〦ᆾ❾ ⅲ⿀ᥒǐ

4. ͞⻢͔́Ⓖᇹ (a) η᳦ኧᡪⒼᇹ́䣀ଫᗊၹ͞⻢͔́Ⓖᇹ䢲 ॼⒼᇹ‫ע‬䢲୮〥́㣏⿀೐ᆓ͠˖ⅲⅫ〦 ᆾ❾ۢዠϭຄ▦⟇ⅲኧᡪᕊ䢲ኧᡪၹ͞ ⻢ՒⒼᇹǐ (b) η᳦㢓‫ܕ‬୮ᇇ́ⅲ͞ώ́䣀ଫᗊၹ͠͞ ώ́㌪Ͱ᳦㢓‫ܕ‬୮ᇇ́䢮ᕏ♲ⅲ㇅ᑜ䢯 㐭⻍Ⓖᇹ䢲ၹ‫ܔ‬ჍᇥᎪᏵ͖㈂㇅ᢍ㦗‫ݸ‬ ᆵᕖՒ͔ᅠ͖ᢍ㦗ⅲй́ㆼͯǐ˩˞䢲 ၹЛㄗ䣀 (i) ၹຄ⚯ᘿᎯᆵᕖ㑗ⅲ‫᧽ۥ‬㷖㚕ۢ ‫ྮ᧊⼨ד‬യሠ㇫ިⅲᕏ♲ⅲ㇅ᑜ㐭 ⻍࿚⿀ⅲೡᆮ↯⢓゠ᘀ䢲‫ܔ‬Ⴭᆔо ϯㇻて↯⢓゠ᘀǐ˩˞䢲ၹഩॼ˙ ളᑞ 5 ໝⅲᕩ㟢⼲Лಧㄗᒝ↯⢓゠ ᘀⅲᐷͬ‫ݸ‬〦㙼ǐ (ii) ၹॼᏻ‫׍‬ᆔоᕊ㤚⿀ᥒྯ‫͠ۿ‬ഩㄗ ᒝ↯⢓゠ᘀⅲᐷͬ‫ݸ‬〦㙼⒤‫ڭ‬ዠϭ ⚍ỵ⒤ⓧ˕ᑜഖ〚́޻‫ڭ‬ᓁᘀ㟼ǐ ᆔо˙ᕒ‫ͯܙ‬ΰⓧ˕ᑜሃ㣹˖㏽ᐷ ͬ ‫ ݸ‬〦 㙼䢲 㡙 㤖 (1) ೉ ຄ ⚯ ॼ Ռ Տ 㦨৶ಧॼ䢲(2) ᘿᎯ᧊ྮ⿀ᥒ㦚⼗ሃ 㣹䢲(3) ⓡ‫᧽ۥܐ‬㷖㚕᧊ྮ⿊೛ǐ (iii) ၹ‫ݸ‬ᕏ♲ⅲ㇅ᑜ̃㟢ⅲ೎኱˙ᒶ᳦ ̞Ѐᑞͯΰᩖ␕Ṱ⟀ǐ (iv) ၹ˙≹ᔩ˩˞ᦔᕖώ⁳ᅿ₸ᑞ♼ ┲ⅲ㇔㕹‫ͯݸ‬ΰṰ⟀ᏻՆᕖ㠛ᆘᕏ ♲ⅲ㇅ᑜॏ᧽㷖㚕䢲ျဏ᨞‫ؽ‬ᆘՒ ͔਎ᑞ᧽㷖㚕ⅲṰ⟀⡊⼗゠ᘀ䢲⼗ ㈯〷ᆘ⼗೛⟀ǐ 㡙㤖Ⓖᇹ́‫ݸ‬ωૈྴॼሠ㇫㟚୥‫ע‬ᕊ㤚‫ܔ‬Ⴭ Ⓖᇹ́ӆη᳦ωૈྴほ‫˩ۿ‬ቋ೛ⅲⓧ˕ᑜⅲ ͞ώ۞⧀Ⓖᇹ˩˞ωૈྴ‫ۺ‬ᕒ‫ܙ‬てቋ೛ⓧ˕ ᑜᏻ۪͖ᢍ䢲Ⓖᇹ́‫ܔ‬Ⴭെ❩͖㈂㇅ᢍ㦗‫ݸ‬ ᆵᕖՒ͔ᅠ͖ᢍ㦗ㆱ˖й́᧊ྮㆼͯǐ 5. ⿟⦪֨ຫⒼᇹ ଫᗊၹດᕦॼሠ㇫ή਽Ⓖᇹ䢲࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫⧂ ⻍‫⦰ע‬ള 30 ֱ㝫㏇ώⅫ〦ᆾ❾䢲˩♚۪Ⓖ ᇹⴽ⌖ḟǐଫ㣏‫إژ‬䢲オ⢌❢ೡᆮᕚ‫ف‬㒴䣀 +852 2760 1766ǐ 6. Ⓖᇹᕚ‫ف‬ ˗㏽ⅲⒼᇹᕚ‫ف‬ᒶ᳦ᑜЀೡᆮ⡊〴䢲ଫᗊॼ ዠϭてᕚ‫֨ف‬ήͯΰ㚢れ䢮᳦́ᆘՒ೉䢯䢲 㑦ᮈᆘᐅ㢅䢲ωૈྴ঑˙ㆱ˖ͯΰㆼͯǐ (A) 㣌づⒼᇹ ၹ࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫㟚୥‫⦰ע‬ള 24 റᓁ㏉ώ⁵オ 㣌づⒼᇹǐωૈྴ‫ۺ‬ᕒॼ⣵૫೎኱́޻‫إژ‬ 㣌づⒼᇹⅲႎᦷ˗዁۫㣌づⒼᇹǐΐӱΩ ᑞ᫓໏ 30,000 Ԭ̃ሠ㇫ިഩ˙዁۫㣌づⒼ ᇹǐ⩮㣏⿀͠⩹よ૥ⅲՒ͔よ〕㐭⻍Ⓖᇹ䢲 㦚ԍᒀॼሠ㇫̃‫ע‬㦠Ա೎኱ǐ㣌づⒼᇹഩ‫ۿ‬ ⼗㙼㦈ǐ͠㣌づⒼᇹ‫⻢͞ڭ‬ၹ‫ܔ‬ჍՒയづ⼗ 㙼㦈ǐၹ‫ܔ‬Ⴭ㣌づⒼᇹ۫ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛┹㡋ǐ (B) ॼ ChristieĞs LIVE ™⛈⚊Ⓖᇹ ॼᗮ̮ሠ㇫ᕒ䢲ᆔоᕒ዁۫⛈⚊ⒼᇹǐオⅫ Ն䢲㷠Ꭲğή ਽ⒼᇹĠॱឳ䢲≍⿾ଫΰྐྵ㣌⥀⡵⢖ۢ⿭⇐ ሠ㇫ۢ۞⧀Ⓖᇹǐ⛈⚊Ⓖᇹ۫ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛ۢ ChristieĞ s LIVE ™ϕᚆᢍⅲ┹㡋䢲でႎオ ⿉ OnlineTermsOfUse.aspx ⛈⒩ǐ (C) ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ ၹ‫ۿ‬ᑞᕴ↹㙼䢲ͯΰωૈྴ㏇Ռೣᆘ㐞㑁 㑤Ꭰሠ㇫˩ᘀ⇐ሠ㇫ި

۪ྴᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ⻢ᙂǐၹ࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫㟚୥‫⦰ע‬ ള 24 റᓁዠ̵ຄ⚯੦୅ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ⻢ᙂǐ ᇹឳ࿚㦚ᒶ͠ሠ㇫ᕒ₤ঃⅲㆸ໏᳦࡚Ψǐሠ ㇫೙ഩॼ۞⡃໶ӱྯ䢲‫ܐ‬ώঃ൭⻍ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ ‫ف‬ᥒ͠‫ۿ‬⣵ⅲᕏΩӱ⻍ϕᕊ㤚ឳǐଫᗊၹ͠ ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹˏͬᦔᕖ໶ӱⅲሠ㇫ި䢲⡊˞ᦔ ᕖՒ͔ᕇ㭙‫ۻ‬ӱ䢲ᆔоᕒ᳦ၹ͠ΩⒻΐӱ ⅲ 50% 㐭⻍Ⓖᇹ䣁ᆘଫᗊၹⅲᕊ㤚ឳ᣻˖ ㏽ᕇΩ䢲‫͠ם‬ၹⅲᕊ㤚ឳⅲӱᙂ㐭⻍Ⓖᇹǐ ଫωૈྴᏻ‫׍‬૨йⒼᇹӱ⇂⓼ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ䢲 ⡊ॼሠ㇫ᓁ᢬⓼Ⓖᇹӱ˾てሠ㇫ި̃ᕏ㭙֨ ӱ䢲‫ם‬てሠ㇫ިߴ⚍ᕏԱ㐋㑇Ւᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹᕊ ⚍ᕴՌ‫̃܇‬Ⓖᇹ́ǐ

㇫ި䢲ሠ㇫೙㐞ັᕒ͠ΩⒻΐӱⅲ 50% 㟚 ୥ሠ㇫ǐଫᗊॼ᢬ӱΨᦔᕖ́Ⓖᇹ䢲ሠ㇫೙ ‫⻍⦪͠ۿ‬ᑈ㔋ഩӱᙂ˗㡈❲❾ሠ㇫䢲↿⦰ᕖ ́Ⓖᇹ䢲ᵁྯྐྵてӱΨ‫˖ܙ‬ሠ㇫ǐଫᗊᴰ́ Ⓖᇹてሠ㇫ި䢲ሠ㇫೙‫⿏ۿ‬てሠ㇫ި᳦ᨤሠ ሠ㇫ިǐ

C. ⧂⻍ሠ㇫

7. ㆸ໏Դዪ ሠ㇫ᕒⅲ㧩⍷ᖳ䢲ChristieĞs Live ™‫ݸ‬ωૈ ྴ⛈⒩‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ͠ሠ㇫਽₤ঃㆸ໏૥ⅲ˹⿀ㆸ ໏Ϝൢ⍷ⒼᇹǐͯΰωૈྴϕⅲԴዪἒӆ ηቋཛ䢲ωૈྴ˩˙۫Ւ☼ᖚǐയᑞॼዠϭ てᕚ‫֨ف‬ήⅲͯΰ㚢れ䢮᳦́ᆘՒ೉䢯䢲㑦 ᮈᆘᐅ㢅䢲ωૈྴ˩˙ㆱㆼǐ

1. 㐭Նሠ㇫ή਽ ᆔоᕖᡪ˙ԫ〶ͯΰ́ૈ㐭Նሠ㇫਽ঃ䢲۞ ⧀ሠ㇫䢲̷‫ۿ‬ሥ⚁዁۫ͯΰⒼᇹǐ 2. ໶ӱ 㡙㤖۷૥‫־‬ᒝ䢲ᆵᕖሠ㇫ި঑ᕖ໶ӱǐ˙೛ ᕖ໶ӱⅲሠ㇫ި䢲ॼሠ㇫ިⴽ⌖ᑢ㑵•ឳ 〦ǐ໶ӱ˙ᕒ㭙ᑞሠ㇫ިⅲΩⒻΐӱǐ 3. ሠ㇫೙̃㔋ႎᡪ ሠ㇫೙‫͠ۿ‬㔋ႎ㑤Ꭰ䣀 (a) ሥ⚁዁۫ͯΰⒼᇹ䣁 (b) ͠Ւո೛ᑜབྷഩⒼᇹዠ‫ע‬ᆘሩྯ䢲ᆘ᏾ ㅌሠ㇫ިⅲ㦘໴䣁 (c) ᎆ्ͯΰሠ㇫ި䣁 (d) ഩͯΰሠ㇫ިֱ㟚ሠ㇫ᆘഩՉͬᆘ૨ͬ ሠ㇫ި‫ܐ‬ϋሠ㇫䣁 (e) 㕵㟚ᆘ❲❾Ⓖᇹ䢲‫ڭ‬Ѐຄ⚯˗᝸䣁 (f) ଫᗊᕖ㠛ᑞⒼᇹⅲ㚢れᆘ⡅ḉㄺ䢲ᴰゲ ᒶॼሠ㇫ᓁᆘሠ㇫ྯ䢲㑤Ꭰ❲❾ሠ㇫Ǐ ᥾೛ゕᒶᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́Ǐ۪ᩕሠ㇫ިⅲሠ ㇫䢲ᆘᒶഩሠ㇫ި㕵ᑕሠ㇫ᆘ֨ߴǐଫ ᗊၹ⇂Пሠ㇫೙ॼ዁۫ᆓ‫؞‬ᇹឳᓁಧॼ 㚢れ䢲ၹ࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫ᑽྯ 3 й๼η૰ ՇዠϭˏͰで♢〦㏽ၹ〷ᥒⅲᕊ㤚㐞 ≹ǐሠ㇫೙ഩᕴ⮏⇞ら⡃ᄖて〷ᥒǐଫ ᗊሠ㇫೙ॼᘿᎯᕴᣣ⻍ϕ㔋ႎᡪ䢲ॼሠ ㇫೐ᆓྯ᥾೛۪ᩕ֨ߴˏͬሠ㇫ި䢲ᆘ ᒶഩሠ㇫ި㕵ᑕሠ㇫ᆘ֨ߴ䢲ሠ㇫೙ᕏ 㑞ഩॼሠ㇫ᑽྯⓧ 7 йᑽᔦᑽ♼ᖚ‫ע‬㐞 ≹ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́ǐሠ㇫೙ᕖᕏ♲᥾೛ᡪǐ ᕴᣣ˙ॼͯΰႎᦷ˗ྗ㦑ωૈྴϯᎯᕴ ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛ˮͯΰՒ͔㑗⿊೛䢲ٝሳⓧ B(3)䢲E(2)(i)䢲F(4) ۢ J(1) ᣣ ˮ ᆵ ‫ ־‬ⅲ ۪ᩕᡪ䢲۪ᩕ֨ߴˏͬሠ㇫ިⅲᡪ‫׊‬ǐ 4. Ⓖᇹ ሠ㇫೙዁۫͠˗Ⓖᇹ䣀 (a) ሠ㇫ᕒ਽۞⧀ⒼᇹⅲⒼᇹ́䣁 (b) ྐྵ㣌づⒼᇹ́䢲㐞㑁 ChristieĞs Live ™ 䢮ଫⓧ B6 㒴ֱᆵ⍷䢯㐕㑁⛈⚊Ⓖᇹⅲ Ⓖᇹ́䣁 (c) ሠ㇫̃‫ע‬ዠ̵ωૈྴⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ䢮̑␴ ᳦˙ॼ਽Ⓖᇹᆘ୮ᇇⒼᇹ䢯ǐ 5. ͞⻢㇫ᑜⒼᇹ ሠ㇫೙‫ۿ‬㑤Ꭰ͞㇫ᑜⒼᇹⅲᑜབྷ㐧❾Ⓖᇹᆘ ्͠ᅠՒ͔Ⓖᇹ⡅ⅲᇹឳ⡊Ⓖᇹⅲᑜབྷ䢲↿ ⦰㑇‫׍‬໶ӱ͠˗ǐሠ㇫೙˙ᕒṁ‫׆‬ቋᒝ᢬˾ ͞⻢㇫ᑜⅲⒼᇹǐሠ㇫೙˙ᕒ͞⻢㇫ᑜη֨ ⇂⓼ᑞᆘ㭙ᑞ໶ӱ̃֨ӱǐെ˙〴໶ӱⅲሠ

6. Ⓖᇹӱ㑏઎ູ༂ Ⓖᇹ㐞ັྐྵΩᑞΩⒻΐ〚㟚୥䢲ᵁྯ㐖᢭઎ ‫؟‬䢮Ⓖᇹӱ㑏઎ູ༂䢯ǐሠ㇫೙ᕒ⦪⻍ո೛ Ⓖᇹ㟚୥ӱΨۢ㑏઎ູ༂ǐᕴ↹㙼Շⅲᕊ㤚 Ⓖᇹ⻢ᙂ˖㧩⍷ⅲᒶˏ⧝㑏઎ູ༂䢲ӆϭ㟯 ˗۞⡃ǐ

8. ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ 㡙㤖ሠ㇫೙ո೛ϕ͠˖ C3 ᣣˮⅲ㔋ႎ ᡪ䢲ሠ㇫೙˗᝸‫⻢ڭ‬⍷യᕏ♲Ⓖᇹӱ̃዁ ۫ǐ㐝͞⻢㇫ᑜ‫ݸ‬ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́̃㟢ⅲ㇅㇫‫ܐ‬ ☼̃〖⒤ǐᆔоӆ‫ܙ‬ຄⅫ〦ⅲᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́㟚 ՓⅬ⎡ǐሠ㇫ྯᆔоᕒ͠㓀೸ۢ / ᆘ㣌ಠ㓀 ͬᑜབྷⅬ㐋Ⅼ⎡䢲΢ᆔо˩˙ㆱㆼ㐞≹㟯˗ Ⓖᇹᒶ‫ܫ‬ᆓ‫؞‬ǐଫᗊၹ͠ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹ䢲ሠ㇫ྯ ၹᅠԍ࿳͠㣌づ⢌❢ᆔоᆘ⿟⦨ᕴՌ‫܇‬ᘀず Ⓖᇹ♼ᗊ䢲͠㑫Ե⁧⁥˙࿚⿀ⅲиԞ㇉ǐ 9. Ⓖᇹঃ᧊ྮ ₤ၹॼᆔоⅲሠ㇫ˮⒼᇹᓁ䢲ၹ‫ܔ‬Ⴭၹᕒर ᙂ㑡್ᆵᕖॼሠ㇫ᓁ⁥ᐇ˩㑗ᑞ⇂㠛ሠ㇫ ਽ᆵⅲ₤ঃ᧊ྮۢ᧊⿊ǐ

D. ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹ۢ␕ᢍ 1. ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹 ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́㡙Ᏽ͖ᆓ̵ӱ૥䢲̷‫ܔ‬ჍᏵ͖ ᕴՌ‫͠܇‬てሠ㇫ިᆓ̵ӱ〚┲ⅲ㇅ᑜ㔦 㕹ǐ㔦㕹㇉ἒቍ᣷ͬሠ㇫ިᆓ̵ӱ㩾᫓໏ 5,000,000 Ԭ̃ 25%䣁‫؟‬㐶᫓໏ 5,000,000 Ԭ ͠ ˖ ⦰ ᫓ ໏ 50,000,000 Ԭ 㒴 ֱ ̃ 20%䣁 ‫ ؟‬㐶 ᫓ ໏ 50,000,000 Ԭ ͠ ˖ ̃ 14.5% 〚┲ǐ 2. ␕㇉ ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ⡅ഩㆱㆼᆵᕖ㑗ሠ㇫ި␕㇉䢲ٝ ሳ઎Ѣ␕䢲㘷ߴᆘ⼽Ԑϕ␕㇉ᆘ⡅ᆵᕖ਎ ᑞᆓ̵ӱ‫ݸ‬㇅ᑜ㔦㕹⡊⁧⁥ⅲて⓼␕㇉ǐ㇅ ᑜᕖㆼͯᘀᒝ˩Ᏽ͖ᆵᕖᅠ͖␕㇉ǐॼͯΰ ႎպ˗㪁᫓᧊ྮԱո㑗ǐωૈྴཇㄺၹ࿋ ずỵ⒤␕‫ف‬Ⴭ⿉ǐ ᕖ㠛ωૈྴ㐾㐋⦰⟞४ⅲሠ㇫ި䢲˙ゲ㇅ᑜ ४△ᆘՌᤩ㌪Ͱ䢲঑‫ۿ‬⣵㦚Ᏽ͖਎ᑞᆓ̵ ӱ䢲㇅ᑜ㔦㕹‫ ݸ‬/ ᆘ⧀ሠ㇫ި⇂㠛ⅲՒ͔㇉ ⡊⁧⁥ⅲ๷㘷ߴ␕ᆘϕ␕㇉ǐωૈྴഩ ᘿᎯ᧊ྮ⿀ᥒᏻ۪㘷ߴ␕ǐ㑗㘷ߴ␕ἒ⁳ ሠ㇫ިഩ㐾㐋‫׍‬ⅲ๷ֱ䢲✥䢲ঃ㷠⡊ո೛ǐ ⿀ᥒㅧԵ㘷ߴ␕ⅲᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́࿚㦚ॼዠ۪ሠ ㇫ި̃‫ܙע‬ωૈྴዠϭ㑗₤ᐷͬǐωૈྴ˙ 㦚ᏻ۪␕㇉ⅲ๷ֱ䢲ᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ́‫ۿ‬⣵㦚❩͖ ␕㇉̠て๷ֱⅲ␕‫៬ف‬᝷ǐωૈྴཇㄺၹ࿋ ずỵ⒤␕‫ف‬Ⴭ⿉ǐ


E. Лㄗ 1. ㇫ᑜЛㄗ യᑞ᣷ͬሠ㇫ި䢲㇫ᑜЛㄗՒ䣀 (a) ᳦ሠ㇫ިⅲᆵᕖ́䢲ᆘሠ㇫ިⅲՏᕖ́ ̃ˏ˩ỾྴՒ͔Տᕖ́ⅲ〶‫ ; ۿ‬ᆘ⡅䢲 ଫᗊ㇫ᑜ˙ᒶሠ㇫ިⅲᆵᕖ́ᆘՏᕖ́ ̃ˏ䢲ՒຄỾྴᆵᕖ́ⅲኧᡪ֨ߴሠ㇫ ިᆘՒॼ᧊ྮ˖ᕖᡪ㐝㷆ѷ䣁 (b) ᕖᡪ‫׊‬ഩሠ㇫ިⅲᆵᕖᡪ㎢ㅒ⚍㇅ᑜ䢲 ˞てᡪ‫˙׊‬ㆱᎪͯΰ㡋‫ד‬ᆘͯΰՒ͔́ ̃♚㇨ᡪǐ ଫᗊ͠˖ͯΰЛㄗ˙⌔ഓ䢲㇫ᑜ˙࿚Ᏽ͖㈹ 㑁ၹຄ‫ܙ‬ᆔоᏵ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗䢮で⿉͠˗ⓧ F1(a) ᣣ೛⟵䢯ⅲ㕹㧎ǐ㇫ᑜ˙ᕒെ㟯˗‫׊‬ ᯍ˖ᆘ⚯᷌ⅲጐ૷Ǐ㦠ᕩಧᢍǏࠉ៬ࡖ૷ᆘ ‫׊‬ၔⅲጐ૷ǏᆓᕴǏ㇨Ԑ㕹ǏՒ͔㇨ԐᆘᏵ ֨ᇥᎪㆼͯǐ㇫ᑜ˙െͯΰሠ㇫ިዠϭͯΰ ͠˖‫̃⧂־‬૥ⅲЛㄗ䣁‫ۿ〶ྮ᧊⿀ۺ‬䢲ᆵᕖ ㇫ᑜയၹѷ֨ⅲЛㄗۢ᧊ྮ⿀ᥒ‫؟‬Նᕴ‫ژ‬ㄺ ⅲᆵᕖՒ೉㇫ᑜㆼͯ঑⼗Ե㡙ǐ 2. ⇞ިЛㄗ ॼ˙ሌ』͠˗ᚆᢍⅲႎᦷ˗䢲ᕴՌ‫܇‬Лㄗᆔ оሠ㇫ⅲሠ㇫ި㓅ᒶ⇞ި䢮ᆔоⅲğ⇞ިЛ ㄗĠ䢯ǐଫᗊॼሠ㇫ᑽྯⅲ̩ໝՇ䢲ၹ㐞≹ ᆔоၹⅲሠ㇫ި˙ᒶ⇞ި䢲ॼⓡ‫˗͠ܐ‬ᚆᢍ ⿊೛̃˗䢲ᆔоഩᇰၹᏵ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗㐊㑰 ⚍ၹǐᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛ⅲし‫⼲⻢ٺ‬ᕖയğ⇞ިĠˏ しѷ֨⿾㕳ǐ⇞ިЛㄗᚆᢍଫ˗䣀 (a) ᆔоയॼሠ㇫ᑽྯ 5 ໝՇዠϭⅲ⁵♚㐞 ≹ዠϭ⇞ިЛㄗǐ᢬ᕩ㡋㑁ྯ䢲ᆔо˙ ՞ዠϭ⇞ިЛㄗǐ (b) ᆔо‫ۺ‬ᕒയᕴ↹㙼ዟ㏽ⓧˏ⻍䢮ğឳ 㧍Ġ䢯͠૯㡹ದ㭕᧚ᒝⅲ㇔ᑃη֨⇞ި Лㄗǐ㡙̞ឳ㧍ˮ㧩⍷ⅲ㇔ᑃ䢲ᆔо˙ യͯΰឳ㧍͠૥ⅲ㇔ᑃ䢮ٝሳឳ㧍͠૥ ⅲ૯㡹ದ㭕᧚ᒝ䢯η֨ͯΰЛㄗǐ (c) ⇞ިЛㄗ˙㑗ᕖЛ₏ឳ㧍ᆘͯΰᕖЛ ₏ⅲ㒴ֱឳ㧍ǐᕖЛ₏ᒶቋ۫㡋ᑞሠ㇫ ި↹㙼ዟ㏽Շⅲ⿾㕳䢲ᆘ⡅ឳ㧍ˮᕖ ğ㕵⿀㐞‫↹ۢ݋‬㙼⛷‫־‬ᑜ᧊̃をᒝĠՇ ᕖЛ₏ឳ㧍ⅲᗮ̮ದ⇶ǐϡଫ䣀ឳ㧍ˮ യğほ᳦ᒶģ̃ηިĠⅲϕቋωૈྴ ほ᳦ሠ㇫ި‫ۿ‬⣵ᒶᗮΨⳔ⻒೰ⅲηި䢲 ΢ᒶωૈྴ˙Лㄗてηިˏ೛ᒶてⳔ⻒ ೰ⅲηިǐॼⒼᇹ‫ע‬䢲オ㟼ₖğᕖЛ₏ ឳ㧍Ġ‫ۢ⻢־‬ሠ㇫ިⅲ↹㙼ዟ㏽ǐ (d) ⇞ިЛㄗ㑗ᑞ⼗ሠ㇫ᕒ㐞‫݋‬У〖ྯⅲ ឳ㧍ǐ (e) ⇞ިЛㄗ˙㑗ᑞॼሠ㇫̃ྯ䢲ೀ⻒Ⅼ ൢര⦱⼗ᓢ㑀዁۫ⅲೀ⡅ᆘപ೰Ⴭ⿉ᕖ ᆵ᏾ㅌǐ᢬Лㄗ̷˙㑗ᑞॼሠ㇫ᑽ ᓁ䢲ឳ㧍̅‫⼗ܐ‬ᓢ㑀዁۫ⅲೀ⡅ᆘപ೰ ⅲჍ⿉䢲ᆘឳ㧍ቋ֨Ⴭ⿉⻙⑪ⅲঃᑜǐ (f) ଫᗊሠ㇫ި‫ۺ‬ᕖ㐞㑁⏴ೀ㞚೛ᑜ᧊ᇀ⣵ 㞚೛֨˙ᒶ⇞ި䢲⡊ॼᆔо֨ḛ↹㙼̃ ᑽ䢲て⏴ೀᑜ᧊㑰ᕲಧॼᆘᕲ⼗ᓢ㑀዁ ♅䢲ᆘӱᙂ૱ᒑ㇂ᆘ˙ഓ㢄䢲ᆘ⡅‫ۿ‬⣵ ጐિሠ㇫ި䢲‫ި⇞ם‬Лㄗ˙㑗ǐ (g) ⇞ިЛㄗӆ㑗ᑞሠ㇫ިॼሠ㇫ᓁ⁳ω ૈྴⅬ֨̃Ⅼ⎡̃‫ۈ‬ᕴ㇅ᑜ䢲˞ӆॼ⁵ ♚㐞≹ѷ֨̃ᑽ‫ۈ‬ᕴ㇅ᑜᒶሠ㇫ިⅲߵ ˏᆵᕖ́䢲˞ሠ㇫ި˙۫Ւ͔⁵♚ᡪǏ ᡪ‫཯˹׊‬ᆘͯΰՒ͔‫☼ד‬ⅲ㡋‫ד‬ǐ᢬⇞ ިЛㄗˮⅲ‫͠ۿ˙↠׊‬㎢ㅒǐ


(h) ⿀⁵♚⇞ިЛㄗ˗ⅲᡪ‫׊‬䢲ၹ࿚㦚䣀 (i) ॼሠ㇫ᑽྯ 5 ໝՇ䢲‫ܙ‬ᆔоዠϭᕊ 㤚ⅲ⁵♚㐞≹ǐᆔо‫⿀͠ۿ‬ᥒၹዠ ϭ˖㏽⁵♚೐ᐦⅲ♢╈ۢΫㄗㄗᎯ䣁 (ii) ωૈྴᕖᡪ⿀ᥒၹዠϭ᳦ωૈྴۢ ၹ঑̢Ա‫ܔ‬Ⴭⅲॼ᢬ሠ㇫ި㦨৶⼗ ほ‫ۿ‬ⅲՉΨപ೰ⅲᕊ㤚Ⴭ⿉䢲⌔ほ てሠ㇫ި˙ᒶ⇞ިǐଫᗊᆔоᕖͯ ΰ₸ࠑ䢲ᆔоЛ₏⦪຃Ᏽ͖㇉Ỿ ۪ᕇ૨Ⴭ⿉ⅲᡪ‫׊‬䣁ۢ (iii) ⦪㇉̵्⧀ሠ㇫ᓁṸᦷ⇂‫ܔ‬ⅲሠ㇫ ި⚍ωૈྴሠ㇫਽ǐ (i) ၹॼᕴ⇞ިЛㄗ˗ߵˏⅲᡪ‫׊‬െᒶ۪ᩕ て㦗ሠ㇫्۪ۢຄ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗ǐॼͯ ΰႎպ˗ᆔо˙㦚Ᏽ͖ၹ㈹㑁ၹຄ‫ܙ‬ᆔ оᏵ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗ⅲ㕹㧎䢲‫ܔ‬ᓁᆔо̑ ᴰ㦚യͯΰ‫׊‬ᯍᆘ⚯᷌ጐ૷Ǐࠉ៬ᆘӱ Ѣࡖ૷Ǐ㦠ᕩಧᢍᆘ‫׊‬ၔǏᆓᕴǏ㇨Ԑ 㕹ᆘՒ͔㇨ԐᆘᏵ֨ᇥᎪㆼͯǐ (j) ᕊ△ǐଫᗊሠ㇫ި᳦ᕊ△䢲ᆔоዠϭ㧎 ૥⦪ሠ㇫ᑽ㈯᳦ᕩ 14 ૰ⅲЛㄗ䢲ଫ⚯ ᘬയྯ䢲ሠ㇫ިⅲᐷᕴᆘॱឳಧᕖῂ ⃍䢲ॼ͠˗ᚆᢍⅲ⿊㡋˗䢲ᆔоഩ㐊् ຄ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗䣀 (a) ᢬㧎૥Лㄗ˙㑗ᑞ䣀 (i) ➚ള⑤Ⅽ㦓Ǐᆼ㦓ǏЛㄼ㦓Ǐ༶ ‫݋‬Ǐۢᕊ△㞲㑵ⅲ⊶ጐǏᥪᮠǏ 㑵⛲⌹ጐᆘՒ೉˙ྗ㦑ᐷᕴۢ ॱឳ೐ᐦသⅲῂ⃍䣁 (ii) ❡ॱǏ▦‫ܕ‬ǏᕊПᆘᆾ␼䣁ຯᕖ ▦‫ܕ‬ⅲᵨḚǏ㦈ស߷ḚǏঃॱ ՝Ǐঃॱᆘᕩֵ䣁 (iii) ᦔᕖឳ㧍ⅲᕊ△䣁 (iv) ᦔᕖឳᒝΐӱⅲຄ֨ߴሠ㇫ި䣁 (v) ↹㙼ˮ⻢ᒝߴ֨ྯ˙‫ۿ‬㐊ㆸⅲ ᕊ△䣁 (vi) Ṹպ਺‫݋‬ˮᆘሠ㇫ᓁՌ‫݋‬ⅲῂ ⃍ǐ (b) ⿀ᘿᎯᕴᚆ⿊೛⁵♚ᡪ‫׊‬䢲ၹ࿚㦚 ॼሠ㇫ྯⅲ 14 ૰Շെᕖ㠛ῂ⃍ዠ̵ ᕊ㤚㐞≹䢲˩̵्⧀ሠ㇫ᓁṸᦷ⇂ ‫ܔ‬ⅲሠ㇫ި⚍₤ᓁ㐭⻍ሠ㇫ⅲωૈ ྴሠ㇫⻍ǐ (k) ᖥ‫̯ڙ‬ήۢ͞₤͞Ⳕ⻒ۢ͠ˮ४ᕊ₝ǐ ⇞ިЛㄗ˩˙㑗ᑞ᢬㧛‫׆‬ሠ㇫ިǐ↹‫ע‬ೀ ⻒₇˙ೲ〶യ᢬㧛‫׆‬η֨⌔ഓ̃をᒝ䢲΢ω ૈྴ‫ܔ‬Ⴭ۪ᩕ⼗ㄗഓ᳦㈚ި̃ᖥ‫̯ڙ‬ήۢ͞ ₤͞Ⳕ⻒ۢ͠ˮ४ᕊ₝ሠ㇫ި̵̃ᒢǐຄ͖ ̃㈂㇅ᢍ㦗‫ם‬ᘿᎯωૈྴ⇞ިЛㄗⅲᚆᢍ㐊 㑰̠‫ۈ‬ᕴ㇅ᑜ䢲΢㇅ᑜ࿚㦚ॼሠ㇫ᑽྯ 12 йᕕՇ䢲‫ܙ‬ᆔоዠϭᕊ㤚ⅲ⁵♚㐞≹ǐᆔо ‫⿀͠ۿ‬ᥒၹዠϭ˖㏽⁵♚೐ᐦⅲ♢╈ۢΫ ㄗㄗᎯǐ㇅ᑜ㣏ቍ͠˖ E2(h)(ii) ⅲ⿊೛ዠ ϭ͟ωૈྴ᭸ჍⅲㄗᎯ䢲ㄗഓてሠ㇫ި᳦ ㈚ި䢲ۢ㦚ቍᵨ͠˖ E2(h)(iii) ⿊೛̵्ሠ ㇫ި⚍ᆔоǐE2(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) ‫( ݸ‬i) 㑗ᑞ᢬㧛‫̃׆‬⁵♚ǐ (l) ˮ४Ǐᑽᕴۢ㥳४๼Ⳕި䢮ˮ४Ǐᑽᕴ ۢ㥳४ᕊ₝Ǐḛ₝Ǐ♘ዟۢὛഡ㡙૥䢯ǐ ͠˖ E2(b)–(e) ॼ᢬㧛‫׆‬ሠ㇫ިഩηУ᏾ଫ ˗ǐ₤‫׾‬η⡅ᆘⳔ⻒೰ᕲᕖ‫־‬ᒝᓁ䢲ᆔо˙ ӆ᳦ឳ㧍η֨⇞ިЛㄗ䢲˩ᕒയᕴ↹㙼ዟ㏽ ⓧ̣⻍͠૯㡹ದ㭕᧚ᒝⅲᕖ㠛ᑽᕩᆘᓁᕩⅲ ㇔ᑃዠϭ⇞ިЛㄗ䢮ğ‫׺‬ឳ㧍Ġ䢯ǐ͠˖ E2(b)–(e) ᆵᕖዠۢឳ㧍̃ⴷᅠ⼗ώ⿾᳦ឳ 㧍ۢ‫׺‬ឳ㧍ǐ

F. ͖ᢍ 1. ͖ᢍᑜབྷ (a) ሠ㇫ྯ䢲ၹ࿚㦚⒤‫ڭ‬Ᏽ͖͠˗㈂㇅ᢍ㦗䣀 (i) ᆓ̵ӱ䣁‫ݸ‬ (ii) ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹䣁‫ݸ‬ (iii) ͯΰ㠛␕Ǐᕖ㠛ㆸḵǏ㘷ߴǏϕǏ ⼽Ԑᆘᕚ‫␕ف‬㦗ǐ ᆵᕖᢍ㦗㦚ᑞሠ㇫ྯ 7 йᑽᔦ૰Շၣᐪ͖᪹ 䢮ğ‫׍‬ᕩ͖ᢍᑽĠ䢯ǐ (b) ᆔо‫ۺ‬዁۫Ⅻ〦Ⓖᇹ͖́ᢍǐⅬ⎡ˏᑾ 㟚Փ䢲Ⅼ⎡˖㇅ᑜⅲ୭‫˙ܕ‬⣵ᕇዪ䢲ᆔ о̷˙⣵͠˙‫ܔ‬୭‫ܕ‬㕵ᑕ㟚ՓⅬ⎡ǐ‫ڭ‬ ϕၹᢁഩሠ㇫ި֨۴˞㣏⿀֨۴〶‫ۿ‬ ㄗ䢲ၹ̑࿚㦚⒤‫ڭ‬Ᏽ͖͠˖ᢍ㦗ǐ (c) ॼ㪁᫓ωૈྴ㈂㇅ⅲሠ㇫ި䢲ၹ࿚㦚ቍ ᵨⅬ⎡˖㧩⍷ⅲㆸ໏͠˗‫־‬ᑜབྷᏵ͖䣀 (i) ω ૈ ྴ 㐞 㑁ğMyChristieĞsĠ ⛈ ˖ㇴᆮ᳦ೡ́ዠϭᘀ⇐Ⅼ⎡Ǐ͖ᢍ ۢ 㐾 㐋 ᕚ ‫ف‬ǐ ၹ ‫ ↿ ۿ‬዁ Ⅻ 㙼 ᘀ ず ( ଫၹ㑰ᕲ〼՝⛪˖ㇴᆮ䢲オⅫ㙼 㐭⻍〼՝ )ǐᕴᕚ‫ف‬㑗ᑞ૯૨ᐪሠ ㇫ި䢲΢͐ᕖളᐪሠ㇫ިⅲ͖ᢍ‫ݸ‬ 㐾㐋೎኱˙⣵㐞㑁⛈˖㐭⻍ǐଫ㣏 ‫إژ‬䢲オ⧀ߴྯᕚ‫ف‬㒴⢌⚊ǐ (ii) 㣌‫⦰ٺ‬䣀 㪁᫓˖ᩄ‫ٺ‬ㅵ㘇⻍✼⻍ 㪁᫓ˮ‍ⅴ‫ܖ‬૯㑆ˮ 1 ⴽ 㘇⻍⛷ⴽ䣀004 ㇴⴽ䣀062-305438-001 ㇴ‫ܕ‬䣀ChristieĞ s Hong Kong Limited ᏻᢍ㘇⻍͞ⴽ䣀HSBCHKHHHKH (iii) П‫ڠ‬ ॼⓡ‫ܐ‬ᆔоⅲ⿊೛˗䢲ᆔо዁۫‫܍‬ ␱˹⿀П‫͖ڠ‬ᢍǐᕴՌ‫܇‬᣷᡹ሠ ㇫዁۫✼ᐪ˙㈹㑁᫓໏ 1,000,000 Ԭ̃ή਽П‫͖ڠ‬ᢍ䢲΢ᕖ㠛ᚆᢍ ۢ㡋‫ד‬㑗ǐ͠ˮ४㘇⢌Ᏽ͖ᑜབྷ ᦔ ᕖ 㕹 㧎 㡋 ‫ד‬ǐ ଫ ⿀ ͠ğ ቈ ‫́ ڠ‬ ˙ ॼ ਽ Ġ(CNP) ⅲ ᑜ བྷ Ᏽ ͖䢲 ᕴ Ռ‫܇‬᣷᡹ሠ㇫዁۫✼ᐪ˙㈹㑁᫓໏ 1,000,000 Ԭ͖̃ᢍǐCNP ͖ᢍ˙ 㑗ᑞᆵᕖωૈྴሠ㇫਽䢲˩۫ᗮ ̮㡋‫ד‬ǐ㑗ᑞП‫͖ڠ‬ᢍⅲᚆᢍ ‫ݸ‬㡋‫ྐྵۿד‬ωૈྴⅲߴྯᕚ‫ف‬㒴Ỿ ۪䢲でႎ‫־‬ᑞ͠˗ (d) ᣣ䣀 (iv) ή㕹 ᕴՌ‫܇‬᣷ໝ‫ۺ‬዁۫᣷Ψ㇅ᑜ✼ᐪ˙ ㈹㑁᫓໏ 80,000 Ԭ̃ή㕹͖ᢍ䢮㦚 ۫ᕖ㠛ᚆͬ☼ᖚ䢯䣁 (v) 㘇⻍‫⎡ٺ‬ ሄ㦷オ᧚ᒝǙωૈྴ㪁᫓ᕖ㡋Ռ‫܇‬ǚ 䢮㦚۫ᕖ㠛ᚆͬ☼ᖚ䢯䣁 (vi) Ᏽ⎡ ሄ 㦷 オ ᧚ ᒝǙ ω ૈ ྴ 㪁 ᫓ ᕖ 㡋 Ռ ‫܇‬ǚǐᏵ⎡࿚㦚ᑞ㪁᫓㘇⻍ᇥԴ˩ ͠᫓໏Ᏽ͖ǐ (d) Ᏽ͖ᓁオ᧚ᒝሠ㇫ⴽ⌖ǏⅬ⎡ⴽ⌖ۢೡᆮ ⴽ⌖䣁͠㓀೸ᑜབྷᏵ͖࿚㦚Ⅼ㐋‫׍‬䣀ωૈ ྴ㪁᫓ᕖ㡋Ռ‫܇‬䢲ߴྯᕚ‫ف‬㒴䢮ঃঋ䣀㪁 ᫓ˮ‍㑛ᇅ㑆 18 ⴽᢶ൶૯༜ 22 ឭ䢯ǐ (e) ଫ⿀≍⿾ᕇ૨Пၔ䢲オ⢌❢ߴྯᕚ‫ف‬ 㒴ǐ㣌づ +852 2760 1766 ᆘⅬ㣌㓀⦰ postsaleasia@christies.comǐ

2. ᆵᕖᡪ㎢␐ ‫ۺ‬ᕖᆔо⦪ၹⴷᏻ‫׍‬Ո㧎˞᪹┲㈂㇅ᢍ㦗 ྯ䢲ၹᇀ᎛ᕖሠ㇫ިۢሠ㇫ިⅲᆵᕖᡪ䢲‫ڭ‬ ϕᕴՌ‫܇‬ຄഩሠ㇫ި̵⚍ၹǐ 3. 㧰㢏㎢␐ ሠ㇫ިⅲ㧰㢏‫ݸ‬ㆼͯ⦪͠˗ᑽᕩ㈯ഩ㎢␐⚍ ၹ䢮͠㍨ᒀ⡅᳦ᬠ䢯䣀 (a) ㇅ᑜዠㆸᑽ䣁 (b) ⦪ሠ㇫ᑽ㈯ 30 ᑽྯ䢲ଫ㍨ᒀ䢲‫ם‬ሠ㇫ ި⁳ⓧ˕ᑜи༆Л┹̃ᑽ㈯䣁㡙㤖۷⻍ ‫ژ‬ㄺǐ 4. ˙͖ᢍ̃⼽ᐌ㏇᧊ (a) ଫᗊ‫׍‬ᕩ͖ᢍᑽ䢲ၹᕲ⣵ՈᐪᏵ͖㈂㇅ ᢍ㦗䢲ᆔоഩᕖᡪ⻍ϕ͠˗ˏ㦗ᆘ૨㦗 䢮ۢ਋⻍ᆔоॼ F5 ᣣⅲᡪ‫ྮ᧊ۢ͠׊‬ ㇮̠ᆔоⅲՒ೉ᡪ‫׊‬ᆘ⼽ᐌ㏇᧊䢯䣀 (i) ⦪‫׍‬ᕩ͖ᢍᑽ㈯䢲ቍᵨഹᡸᢍ㦗䢲 ᏻ۪㭙ᑞ㪁᫓㕹⸩┹ώ൐˙ᓁՌຎ ⅲ˕йᕕ㘇⻍‫ܔ‬ᜬሙၔ‫ ؟‬7% ⅲ‫׊‬ ၔ䣁 (ii) ۪ᩕ̵ᒢ˩ቍᵨᆔоほ᳦‫ܐ‬㑗ⅲᚆ ͬയሠ㇫ިՌ㟚㕵ᑕሠ㇫ᆘ⏩˗㕵 ᑕߴ㇫ǐၹ࿚㦚‫ܙ‬ᆔоᏵ͖‫ۈ‬Ϝၹ ᅠᏵ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗⧀՞᡹㎢㇫ᏻ↠ ̃㟢ⅲກ㧎ǐၹ̑࿚㦚Ᏽ͖ᆔо࿚ 㦚Ᏽ͖ᆘ‫ۿ‬⣵⯄۫ⅲˏֲᆓᕴǏ㇉ Ǐጐ૷Ǐ㇨Ԑ䢲᧊ྮ㇉ۢͯΰ ㇫ᑜ㔦㕹ⅲກ㧎䣁 (iii) ͞˙൭⻍ㆼͯⅲ㇅ᑜᏵ͖㇫ᑜᅠ͖ ⅲሠ㇫᪟ӱ㕹㧎ǐၹᇥほωૈྴᕖ ㇫ᑜ̃ᆵᕖᡪ‫ܙ׊‬ၹዠ֨㐇〝ǐ (iv) ၹ࿚㦚ᇥᎪഹᡸ̃㈂㇅ᢍ㦗䢲ᆔо ‫ۿ‬െ्۪᢬㕹㧎⡊‫ܙ‬ၹዠ֨᧊ྮ〷 〫␙໴ۢॼ᧊ྮ〶‫ܙ˗ۿ‬ၹ♚्̃ Ւ͔ጐ૷Ǐ‫׊‬ၔǏ᧊ྮ㇉ۢՒ͔ ㇉䣁 (v) ഩᆔоᆘωૈྴ㢣ॲͯΰՌ‫܇‬ᡸ˗ ၹ̃ᢍ㦗䢮ٝሳၹຄ͖⚍ᆔо̃ͯ ΰЛㄗ㕹ᆘ㒴ֱ͖ᢍ䢯͠ሌ㘷ၹ ᕲ͖̃ᢍ㦗䣁 (vi) ᆔо‫͠ۿ‬㑤Ꭰഩၹⅲ㌪Ͱۢ⢌❢ᑜ བྷሃ㣹⚍㇫ᑜ䣁 (vii)ॼഩϜͯΰሠ㇫ˮ䢲˙ԫ〶ၹᆘၹ ⅲ͞⻢η֨Ⓖᇹ䢲ᆘॼ዁۫ၹⒼᇹ ̃‫ܙע‬ၹᏻ۪Лㄗ㕹䣁 (viii) ॼ ሠ ㇫ ި ᆵ ⴷ ঃ ᑜ ̃ ᧊ ྮ 〶 ‫̃ ۿ‬ ˗䢲ωૈྴെၹ᎛ᕖ˩⁳ωૈྴ┹ ᕖⅲሠ㇫ިη᳦ሌሑި˩͠ሌሑި ቈᕖ́㌪Ͱ⻍ϕᕏ㭙␙༂̃ᡪ‫ۢ׊‬ ⼽ᐌᑜ᧊䢲˙ゲᒶ͠Ք₤ᑜབྷǏሌ ሑᑜབྷᆘͯΰՒ͔ྋབྷǐၹ‫⿏⼗ם‬ ᳦ຄኧ⧀ᕴՌ‫܇‬て⓼ሌሑۢᕴՌ‫܇‬ ‫ۿ‬Л₏ᆘߴ㇫᢬ḵިη᳦㇅ᑜയᕴ Ռ‫ۢ܇‬㇫ᑜⅲ㡃൲ሌሑㆼͯ䣁‫ݸ‬ (ix) ኽ۪ᆔоほ᳦࿚⿀ᆘ㑗₤ⅲͯΰ⻍ ‫ؽ‬ǐ (b) ഩၹຄ͖ⅲᢍ㦗䢲ٝሳЛㄗ㕹ۢՒ͔㒴Ͱ ͖ᢍᆘᆔоᡸ˗ၹ̃ᢍ㦗͠ሌ㘷ၹᡸᆔ оᆘՒ͔ωૈྴ㢣ॲՌ‫܇‬ⅲᢍ㦗ǐ (c) ଫᗊၹॼ‫׍‬ᕩ͖ᢍᑽ̃ྯᏵ͖Ո㒴ᢍ 㦗䢲‫ܔ‬ᓁ䢲ᆔо㑤Ꭰ዁۫て͖ᢍ䢲ᆔо ‫⦪͠ۿ‬ሠ㇫ྯⓧ 31 ᑽ㈯ᘿᎯ G(d)(i) ۢ (ii) ᣣ‫ܙ‬ၹᏻ۪иԞ‫ݸ‬㐾㎔㇉ǐॼ᢬ ႎպ˗䢲G(d)(iv) ᣣഩ㑗ǐ

5. ᇐሑሠ㇫ި ଫᗊၹᡸᆔоᆘՒ͔ωૈྴ㢣ॲՌ‫܇‬ᢍ㦗䢲 㡙̞͠˖ F4 ᣣⅲᡪ‫׊‬䢲ॼ᧊ྮ〶‫˗ۿ‬䢲ᆔ о‫ͯ͠​͠ۿ‬ΰᑜབྷϕᆘⴷ⟄ၹಧᑞᆔоᆘ Ւ೉ωૈྴ㢣ॲՌ‫܇‬ⅲሠ㇫ިǐ‫ۺ‬ᕖॼၹՈ 㧎Ᏽ͖ᡸ˗ᆔоᆘ⇂㠛ωૈྴ㢣ॲՌ‫܇‬ⅲՈ 㒴ᢍ㦗ྯ䢲ၹᑜ‫ۿ‬㦨۪ᕖ㠛ሠ㇫ިǐᆔо̷ ‫ۿ‬㑤Ꭰഩၹⅲሠ㇫ިቍᵨᆔоほ᳦㑗₤ⅲᑜ བྷ֨ߴǐᆔоഩ֨ߴሠ㇫ިⅲ㘷ߴᆵྴϜ ሌ㘷ၹᡸ˗ᆔоⅲͯΰᢍ㦗䢲˩Ᏽ͖ၹͯΰ ‫״‬㨾㒴ֱǐଫᗊ㘷ߴᆵྴ˙㉚͠ሌᇐ䢲ၹ㦚 Ᏽ͖ກ㧎ǐ

G. ዠ۪ۢиԞ (a) ᆔо⿀ᥒၹॼሠ㇫̃ྯ⒤‫ڭ‬ዠ۪ၹ㈂㇅ ⅲሠ㇫ި䢮΢オ᧚Ⴭ䢲ॼՈᐪ͖᪹ᆵᕖ ᢍ㦗̃‫ע‬䢲ၹ˙‫͠ۿ‬ዠ۪ሠ㇫ި䢯ǐ (b) ᕖ㠛ዠ۪ሠ㇫ި̃でႎ䢲オ⢌❢ߴྯᕚ ‫ف‬㒴ǐ㣌づ +852 2760 1766 ᆘⅬ㣌㓀 ⦰䣀 (c) ଫᗊၹᕲॼሠ㇫೐ₖ⒤‫ڭ‬ዠ۪ၹ㈂㇅ⅲሠ ㇫ި䢲ᆔоᕖᡪഩሠ㇫ި␐㐋‫׍‬Ւ͔ωૈ ྴᆵॼⴷᆘՒ㠛⢌Ռ‫܇‬ᆘⓧ˕ᑜи༆ǐ (d) ଫᗊၹᕲॼሠ㇫ྯⓧ˕‫ډ‬йᑽᔦᑽᆘ̃ ‫ע‬ዠ۪ၹ㈂㇅ⅲሠ㇫ި䢲㡙㤖۷ᕖᕊ㤚 ☼೛䣀 (i) ᆔоഩ⦪ሠ㇫ྯⓧ 31 ᑽ㈯‫ܙ‬ၹᏻ۪ иԞ㇉ǐ (ii) ᆔоᕖᡪഩሠ㇫ި␐㐋‫׍‬㠛⢌Ռ‫܇‬ ᆘⓧ˕ᑜи༆䢲˩‫ܙ‬ၹᏻ۪ॏ᢬⁧ ⁥ⅲ㐾㎔㇉‫ⴷݸ‬ώ㇉ǐ (iii) ᆔо‫͠ۿ‬ቍᆔоほ᳦ࠉᜬ˖‫ܐ‬ώ˞ ၕ₤ⅲᑜབྷ֨ߴሠ㇫ިǐ (iv) иԞⅲᚆᢍ㑗䢲ᚆᢍオ⿉ www.ǐ (v) ᕴᣣⅲͯΰՇೲ˙㡋‫ד‬ᆔоॼ F4 ᣣ˗ⅲᡪ‫׊‬ǐ

H. 㐾㐋 1. 㐾㐋 㐾㐋ᆘ͖㐾⻢ᙂᕒ⧀Ⅼ⎡ˏ‫ܔ‬Ⅼ㐋⚍ၹǐၹ 㦚⦪⻍೎኱ሠ㇫ިⅲ㐾㐋‫͖ݸ‬㐾̢ೝǐᆔо ̑‫͠ۿ‬ϯᵨၹⅲ⿀ᥒ೎኱ٝ⼾㐾㐋͖ۢ㐾̢ ೝ䢲΢ၹ㦚Ᏽ͖ᕖ㠛ᏻ㇉ǐᆔоཇㄺၹॼⒼ ᇹ‫ע‬㦠Աᘀずᕖ㠛ᏻ㇉ⅲΐӱ䢲ീՒᒶ㣏⿀ പᜬٝ⼾ⅲ૯ͬḵިᆘ㭙㧎ިǐᅠၹ⿀ᥒ䢲 ᆔо̑‫ۿ‬ཇㄺⴷώ޻Ǐٝ⼾Ǐ㐾㎔Ռ‫܇‬ᆘᕖ 㠛പ೰ǐ でႎオ⢌❢ωૈྴߴྯᕚ‫ف‬㒴䢲㣌づ䣀+852 2760 1766 ᆘⅬ㓀ͬ⦰ postsaleasia@christies. comǐᆔоᕒ‫ܐ‬ώㄈჺⴷώǏٝ⼾Ǐ㐾㎔ሠ㇫ ިǐ⩮ᆔоെ˖㏽↹ⅲ‫ܙ‬ၹዃⲩͯΰՒ͔Ռ ‫܇‬䢲ᆔо˙ᕒᇥᎪᕖ㠛Ռ‫⻍̃܇‬᳦䢲㑦ᮈᆘ₶ ࿿ཛ⦱ⅲͯΰㆼͯǐ 2. ֨۴ / 㐭۴ ሠ㇫ߴ֨ⅲͯΰሠ㇫ި㓅‫ۿ‬⣵۫ሠ㇫ިߴ֨ ४೰ⅲ֨۴᧊ྮۢՒ͔४೰ⅲ㐭۴᧊ྮ㡋‫ד‬ǐ 〶૨४೰െሠ㇫ި֨੺⿀ᥒ֨۴⢏ᒝۢ / ᆘെሠ㇫ިՆ੺⿀ᥒ㐭۴⢏ᒝǐ㐭۴४₤ঃ ᧊ྮ‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ⎲ᢪ㐭۴ᗮ̮ሠ㇫ިᆘ⎲ᢪሠ㇫ ިॼ㐭۴४֨ߴǐ ᆔо˙ᕒॏၹᆵ㈂㇅ⅲሠ㇫ިᴰ᧊֨۴䢲㐭 ۴ᆘ֨ᑞͯΰ‫ۈ‬ॏ㑚ᐂ໼៬᝷ᦔᏻ⡊ᕖㆼͯ ۪ᩕၹⅲ㈂㇅ᆘ‫ܙ‬ၹ㐊ዪ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗ǐၹᅠㆱ

ㆼ⌔ほ˩᭸㉚ͯΰ᧊ྮᆘ᧊⿊യ֨۴ᆘ㐭۴ ၹ㈂㇅ⅲሠ㇫ިⅲ⿀ᥒǐ (a) ॼⒼᇹ‫ע‬䢲ၹᅠഭᥒപᜬჍ⿉˩ㆱㆼ᭸ ㉚ͯΰ᧊ྮᆘ᧊⿊യ֨۴ᆘ㐭۴ሠ㇫ި ⅲ⿀ᥒǐଫᗊၹ⼗ሥⅬ〶‫ۿ‬ㄗ䢲ᆘ⁵オ 〶‫ۿ‬ㄗགྷれ䢲ၹ͐㦚ՈᐪᏵ͖ሠ㇫ިⅲ ӱᢍǐଫᗊၹዠ֨オᥒ䢲ॼᆔо⣵‫╊؝‬ ६〶‫ۿ‬Շ䢲ᆔо‫إژ͠ۿ‬ၹ⁵オᆵ㣏〶 ‫ۿ‬ㄗ䢲΢ᆔоᕒെ᢬ᕚ‫ܙف‬ၹᏻ۪㇉ ǐᆔо˙Лㄗ࿚⣵Ỿྴ〶‫ۿ‬ㄗǐଫᢁ ̞⿾でႎ䢲オ⢌❢ωૈྴߴྯᕚ‫ف‬㒴䢲 㣌 づ䣀+852 2760 1766 ᆘ Ⅼ 㓀 ͬ ⦰ postsaleasia@christies.comǐ (b) λᅠㆱㆼᏵ͖⧀ሠ㇫ި֨۴ᆘ㐭۴ᕖ㠛 ⅲᆵᕖ㑗␕㇉Ǐ㠛␕ᆘՒ͔ᐂ໼࿋ᏻ ⅲ㇉ǐଫᗊωૈྴ᳦ၹ֨۴ᆘ㐭۴ሠ ㇫ި䢲˞ωૈྴᏵ͖̞˖㏽㑗ⅲ␕ ㇉Ǐ㠛␕ᆘՒ͔ᐂ໼࿋ᏻⅲ㇉䢲ၹ‫ܔ‬ Ⴭ‫ܙ‬ωૈྴ㐊㑰て⓹㇉ǐ (c) ܰᕖ۫Лㄼ‫ؽ‬ᛢḵᑃⅲሠ㇫ި ⁳ᱠ⦨⚁␱ۢՒ͔۫Лㄼ㕶⁥‫ؽ‬ᛢḵ⽖ 㐤ᆘ♴ᆓ䢮˙ゲֱ᣻ἒ䢯ⅲሠ㇫ިॼᕴ ↹㙼ˮ〼ᕖ䣡~䣣ⴽǐ 㐝̮ḵᑃٝሳ΢˙㡋ᑞㅿḨǏἳᾯᣧǏ 㱽㮽↍ǏṇḪ⿰Ǐ㰛㬶Ǐᗮ̮὇ῆި␱ ۢἯῚᕱǐ⩮ၹᕖჍഩܰᕖ㕶⁥‫ؽ‬ḵḵ ᑃⅲͯΰሠ㇫ި㐭۴⦰Ւ͔४೰䢲ၹ㦚 ᑞⒼᇹてሠ㇫ި̃‫⿾̞ע‬ᕖ㠛ᩄ㠛᧊ϡ ‫⿊ݸ‬೛ǐᕖ̮४೰೐Ո⎲ᢪܰᕖ㐝㧛ḵ ᑃⅲḵި㐭۴䢲⡊Ւ͔४೰‫⿊ם‬೛㦚‫ܙ‬ ֨۴ۢՆ۴४೰ⅲᕖ㠛┹ώ៬᝷۪ྴ〶 ‫ۿ‬ㄗǐॼᕖ̮ႎᦷ˗䢲ሠ㇫ި࿚㦚㡃ᕖ ỵ⒤ⅲḵ␱ⅲ⏴ೀㄗᒝ‫ ݸ‬/ ᆘໝᕩㄗ ᒝ䢲ᑜ⣵⼾㐾䢲⡊ၹ㦚⿀⦪⻍೎኱˖㏽ ㄗᒝ˩ㆱㆼᏵ͖ᕖ㠛ⅲ㇉ǐଫᗊˏͬ ሠ㇫ިܰᕖㅿḨᆘՒ͔‫ۿ‬⣵‫ݸ‬ㅿḨ⇂᪮ ᩿ⅲ㕶⁥‫ؽ‬ḵᖏᑃ䢮ϡଫẸỘㅿḨ䢲ᩄ ㅿㅿḨ‫ݸ‬ṇ㲃ㅿḨ䢯˞ၹ〚؊ഩ˖㏽ሠ ㇫ި㐭۴‫⟞׍‬४䢲オᘀ⇐ (c) ᣣˮ̃㕵 ⿀Пၔǐଫᗊၹᴰ᧊֨۴䢲㐭۴てሠ㇫ ިᆘॏͯΰ‫ۈ‬ॏሠ㇫ި⼗ᐂ໼㒴㟓ᘀ ᏻ䢲ᆔоᦔᕖ⟵‫ف‬ॏ᢬۪ᩕၹⅲ̵ᒢ˩ 㐊्ၹⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ㦗ǐၹᅠㆱㆼ⌔೛˩᭸ ㉚ᕖ㠛ܰᕖ˖㏽ḵᑃሠ㇫ި㐭֨۴ⅲ᧊ ྮ‫⿊ݸ‬ϡ⿀ᥒǐ (d) ⟞४㠛ᑞ㤖ᨕㅿㅿḨⅲ㐭۴⎲͟ ⟞४⎲ᢪ㤖ᨕㅿㅿḨ㐭۴⟞४ǐଫᗊˏ ͬሠ㇫ިܰᕖㅿḨᆘՒ͔‫ۿ‬⣵‫ݸ‬ㅿḨ⇂ ᪮᩿ⅲ㕶⁥ᖏᑃ䢮ϡଫẸỘㅿḨ䢲ᩄㅿ ㅿḨ‫ݸ‬ṇ㲃ㅿḨ䢯䢲Ւ࿚㦚㐞㑁۫⟞४ ᭺ᜬ‫ݸ‬㕶⁥‫ؽ‬ḵЛㄼ൐ほ‫ۿ‬ⅲरᙂ⏴ೀ ᫐ぜ⌔ほてḵᑃ㤖㤖ᨕㅿㅿḨྯᑜ‫ۿ‬㐭 ۴⟞४ǐଫᗊᆔоॼሠ㇫‫ע‬യሠ㇫ިຄ ⚯㐭⻍̞てरᙂ⏴ೀ᫐ぜ䢲ᆔоᕒॼሠ ㇫ި㡣㏽ˮ᪹᜙⻢ᒝǐᆔоˏ⧝ᴰ᧊⌔ ほ⇂㠛ሠ㇫ިⅲㅿḨᒶ‫ܫ‬Ϝ⦪㤖ᨕㅿǐ ၹ֜㈂㇅ᕖ㠛ሠ㇫ި˩〚₝ഩᕖ㠛ሠ㇫ ި㐭۴⟞४䢲࿚㦚ᇥᎪ㧰㢏˩ㆱㆼᏵ͖ ͯΰ⏴ೀ᫐ぜᆘՒ͔਺‫݋‬ⅲ㇉ǐᕖ㠛 ᫐ぜ˩ᴰ೛ゲᆘ⌔೛ḵᑃ˾㤖ᨕㅿㅿ Ḩ䢲˙⼗⿏᳦۪ᩕሠ㇫‫ݸ‬㐊्㈂㇅ᢍ㦗 ⅲϯᎯǐ (e) ᬜ⦪ͺᕣⅲሠ㇫ި ˏ̮४೰⎲ᢪᆘ㡋‫ד‬㈂㇅‫ ݸ‬/ ᆘ㐭۴ᬜ ⦪ͺᕣⅲğҷ⚗๼ⳔηިĠ( ㌪Ͱ˙ᒝ ⌔ⅲⳔ⻒೰ηިۢ / ᆘ‫؞‬⣵သηިǐϡ


ଫ䣀ঃᤎǏ⋸Ǐ૯۴᥅ૐǏ⁅⌭‫⼾ݸ‬㨫 ↤䢯ǐ⟞४⎲ᢪ㐭۴͠˖ḵި̷⎲ᢪ⟞ ४ᤩ⇸ ( ˙ゲᆵॼⴷ ) ㈂㇅͠˖ḵިǐ ᕖ̮४೰䢲ϡଫ‫؟‬ቆ૯‫ם‬ԫ〶ॼᗮṁ೛ ႎպ˗‫͠ۿ‬㐭۴˖㏽ḵިǐ᳦ᑜЀ㇅ ᑜ䢲ωૈྴॼᬜ⦪ͺᕣ ( ᧖ᕩ ) ⅲሠ㇫ ި˗ᑜṁ‫᧚׆‬ᒝǐଫၹ۫͠˖‫⼨ד‬ᆘ㇍ ᒢ⎲㐾㡋‫ד‬䢲ၹ㦚⌔Лၹ˙ᕒⒼᇹᆘ㐭 ۴ᕖ㠛ሠ㇫ި䢲㑈‫ۥ‬ᕖ㠛㑗ᚆϡǐ (f) 㷌㕹 ܰ㕷Ωᑞ 18k ⅲ㷌㕹˩˙ᒶॼᆵᕖ४೰ ঑⼗⿏᳦Ǚ㷌㕹ǚ䢲˩‫ۿ‬⣵⼗ሥ⚁Ն۴ǐ (g) 㝫㚨 ᕴ↹㙼Շᕖ̮㚨ຯⅲᵨḚ㧩⍷てᆾ㚨㔌 ᕖᱠ‫۫ۢګ‬Лㄼ‫ؽ‬ḵ ( ଫ≿ܿ㱽ᆘ㱽㮽 ) ⅲḵᑃᆵ⽖ᆓⅲ㚨ຯǐ㐝̮ሠ㇫ިॼᕴ ↹㙼Շⅲሠ㇫ި⛷ⴽᑢ͠ ^ ⓡⴽ㧩⍷ǐ 㐝̮㚨ຯ‫ۺ‬Ϝൢ⍷ሠ㇫ި˩˙η㘷ߴ 㐙ǐॼ㐾㐋ᆾ㚨‫׍‬ሠ㇫ঃ͠૥ⅲঃ㷠 ‫ע‬䢲ωૈྴᕒᇰ˖㏽㚨ຯሙ㡙˩̠͠Л ಧǐ㇅ᑜ⩮ॼሠ㇫ྯˏໝՇ⿟㌪‫׍‬ሠ㇫ ᆵॼঃⅲωૈྴዠ۪䢲ωૈྴ‫ۿ‬㔋ႎԵ ㇉ዠϭてൢ⍷΢ܰᕖᱠ‫۫ۢګ‬Лㄼ‫ؽ‬ ḵḵᑃⅲ㚨ຯ⚍㇅ᑜǐ H2 ᣣˮⅲឳ〦ᒶωૈྴ᳦̞ᑜЀ㟯˗ ⡊ॼᕖ㠛ሠ㇫ި㡃‫؟‬ⅲ䢲㡃‫؟‬ឳ〦ᓁଫ ᕖͯΰ㚢れᆘ㑦ᮈ䢲ωૈྴဿ˙ᇥᎪͯ ΰㆼͯǐ


1. ᆔоⅲᎆ㘷ᡪ 㡙̞ᕴ‫ژ‬ㄺˮⅲՒ͔ᎆ㘷ᡪ‫׊‬䢲ଫᗊᆔо‫ܐ‬ ώঃほ᳦೐ᆓ̵ᒢ‫ۿ‬⣵ᒶ㑈᧊⻍᳦ᆘて㘷ߴ ᕒ͟ᆔоᆘ㇫ᑜ‫ͯܙ‬ΰ́ㆱ˖᧊ྮㆼͯᆘጐ િᆔоⅲ‫ܕ‬⢏䢲ᆔо‫۪ۿ‬ᩕてሠ㇫ިⅲሠ㇫ǐ 2. 㙼ӏ ᆔо‫͠ۿ‬㙼ྗۢ〦㙼ሠ㇫㑁␙ǐ㡙㤖ቍ᧊ྮ ⿀ᥒ䢲ᆔоᕒയй́Пၔ‫͠؟‬Л೺ǐて㇔ᑃ ‫ۿ‬⣵ᑞᆘዠϭՒ͔ωૈྴ㢣ॲՌ‫ݸ܇‬ຍ਽ ૮Γ͠ηೡᆮֱᗀᆘ͠Ѐᆔо‫ܙ‬㇅ᑜዠϭ‫ܐ‬ 㑗ⅲᕚ‫ف‬ǐ⩮ၹ˙Ⴒ⼗㙼ྗ䢲λ‫ۿ‬㐕㑁㣌づ ᆘᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹᆘ⡅ॼ ChristieĞ s Live ™Ⓖᇹǐ㡙 㤖۷ᕖᕊ㤚☼೛䢲ၹ˙⣵ॼሠ㇫ή਽㙼ӏᆘ 㙼㦈ǐ 3. ḛᡪ ᆵᕖ⁳ωૈྴᆘ᳦ωૈྴ⧀ሠ㇫ިᕖ㠛̃⽖ η̃ˏֲॱḚǏዢॱ⧀ᕊ㤚㇔ᑃ ( 㡙ᕖṁ‫᧚׆‬ 㕳૥䢲ٝሳᆔоⅲ↹㙼ⅲՇೲ ) ̃ḛᡪ঑൲ᑞ ωૈྴᆵᕖǐᦔᕖᆔоⅲ̢Աᕊ㤚〶‫ྴ˙ۿ‬ ϕ͠˖ḛᡪηިǐᆔоᦔᕖЛㄗၹെᇹྴ ⅲሠ㇫ިᕒ۪ྴͯΰḛᡪᆘՒ͔⽞⽖ⅲᡪ‫׊‬ǐ 4. ᐇ‫؝‬ ଫᕴ‫ژ‬ㄺⅲͯΰ㒴Ͱ㑚ͯΰ᧊㡗ほ೛᳦ᴰ ᐇǏ˙‫᧊ܐ‬ᆘᴰ᧊਋⻍䢲‫ם‬て㒴ֱᅠ⼗⿏᳦ ‫׃‬㡙䢲Ւ೉㒴ֱ˙۫ྗ㦑ǐ


(a) 㡙̞⇞ިЛㄗ䢲ωૈྴǏωૈྴ͞ώ́ ᆘӫ޻䢲യͯΰሠ㇫ިηͯΰ㡣㏽䢲ᆘ ㇔ᑃⅲዠϭ䢲঑˙η֨ͯΰЛㄗǐॼ᧊ ྮೲ〶ⅲᕏ૯␙༂˗䢲ᆵᕖ⁳᧊ྮ㡃‫؟‬ ⅲЛㄗۢՒ͔ᚆᢍ䢲঑⼗኱㡙ॼᕴ‫ژ‬ㄺ ૥ǐॼ E1 ᣣˮⅲ㇫ᑜЛㄗᒶ⁳㇫ᑜዠ ϭⅲЛㄗ䢲ᆔоയ㐝̮Лㄗ˙ㆱᕖͯΰ ㆼͯǐ (b) (i) 㡙㤖ᆔо͠ᢉきᆾᣣη֨ᕖᢉきᆓͰ ⅲ૷ഓ㡣㏽ᆘॼᕴᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛ˮ۷ᕖᒝ⌔を ᒝ䢲ᆔо˙ᕒॏͯΰ‫ۈ‬ॏയၹㆱᕖͯΰㆼ ͯ䢮ᴰゲᒶॏ㑈‫ۥ‬ᕴ‫ژ‬ㄺ䢲㈂㇅ሠ㇫ިᆘ ⧀Ⓖᇹ⇂㠛ⅲͯΰՒ೉̢㦗䢯䣁‫ݸ‬ (ii) ᕴՌ‫܇‬ᴰെͯΰሠ㇫ިⅲ‫ިߴࠉۿ‬ ㇲǏᒶ‫ܫ‬㑗‫ܐ‬ᗮṁ೛㐙Ǐዟ㏽ǏോഢǏ ㇲ㕷ǏṸᦷǏηިᢷ൲Ǐ⇞ഓသǏ␑ᕖ ␙༂Ǐ㕵⿀သǏఅ͏ǏϜᬜǏൢ⿪ᢶ‫܂‬Ǐ ᐷἆᆘᢶ‫܂‬ⅲ㠛⢌⓼η֨ͯΰ㡣㏽ǏЛ ㄗᆘᎪЛᆘᇥᎪͯΰㆼͯǐ㡙㤖₤ঃⅲ ᧊ྮཱ‫⿀ד‬ᥒ䢲ͯΰ␱㧛̃ͯΰЛㄗ䢲 ঑⼗ᕴᣣ኱㡙ॼ૥ǐ (c) オ᧚Ⴭωૈྴᆵዠϭⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹۢ㣌づ Ⓖᇹᕚ‫ف‬ǏChristieĞs Live ™ǏṸպ਺ ‫݋‬Ǐㆸ໏Դዪ㧩⍷ᖳۢሠ㇫ೣ㙼ӏྗӏ ᳦Ե㇉ᕚ‫ف‬䢲ଫᕖͯΰ㚢れ䢮᳦́ᆘՒ ೉‫ۈ‬ॏ䢯Ǐ㑦ᮈᆘᐅ㢅ᆘགྷれǏᕲ⣵ዠ ϭǏᔑѹᆘ♲ᢪ䢲ᕴՌ‫˙܇‬ㆱͯΰㆼͯǐ (d) െሠ㇫ި㈂㇅ⅲ̢ೝ䢲ᆔоӆയ㇅ᑜㆱ ᕖ᧊ྮㆼͯǐ (e) ଫᗊԍ┹ᕖ (a) ⦰ (d) ᆘ E2(i) ᣣⅲ⿊೛䢲 ᆔоॏᗮ̮‫ۈ‬ॏ㦚യၹㆱ˖᧊ྮㆼͯ䢲 ᆔо˙㦚Ᏽቈ㈹㑁ၹຄᏵ͖ⅲ㈂㇅ᢍ 㦗ǐωૈྴ˙㦚െͯΰ‫׊‬ᯍᆘ⚯᷌ጐ૷Ǐ ࠉ៬ࡖ૷ᆘӱѢǏ㦠ᕩಧᢍᆘ‫׊‬ၔǏ㇉ Ǐ㇨ԐᆘᏵ֨⓼‫ۈ‬ॏㆱ˖ͯΰㆼͯǐ


J. Ւ೉ᚆᢍ

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e.g. A BLUE AND WHITE MING-STYLE BOWL The Ming-style bowl is decorated with lotus scrolls… In Christie’s qualified opinion, this object could be dated to the Kangxi period but there is a strong element of doubt. e.g. A BLUE AND WHITE BOWL POSSIBLY KANGXI PERIOD In Christie’s opinion, this object is of a certain period, reign or dynasty. However, in Christie’s qualified opinion, this object could belong to a particular culture but there is a strong element of doubt. e.g. A JADE BLADE NEOLITHIC PERIOD, POSSIBLY DAWENKOU CULTURE

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‫⿊ف‬೛䢲ٝሳՈ㧎Ᏽ͖ሠ㇫ިⅲ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹ۢ 㑗ⅲ␕㇉ǐ

ωૈྴॼ۫୮〥ሠ㇫ިˮⅲᡪ↠ 6 㒴ֱᆘՈ㒴ᢷωૈྴ᎛ᕖⅲሠ㇫ި ωૈྴ‫ۿ‬⣵ᕒ˙ᓁዠϭωૈྴ㢣ॲᑳ˗Ռ‫܇‬ Ո㒴ᆘ㒴ֱ᎛ᕖ̃ሠ㇫ިǐて⓼ሠ㇫ިॼ↹ 㙼ˮᑞሠ㇫⛷ⴽᑢ〼ᕖ 6 ⓡⴽ͠㇔ㄦ‫׆‬ǐଫ ᗊωૈྴॼ↹㙼ˮ᣷ˏ㦗ሠ㇫ިˮ঑ᕖᆵᕖ ᡪᆘ⚯ᰵ‫↠׊‬䢲ωૈྴഩ˙ᕒ̥᣷ˏ㦗ሠ㇫ ިᑢ㡃᧚ⓡⴽ䢲΢ᕒ̥᢫ᐷ㩾㦓⢏ᒝՒᡪ↠ǐ º ЛㄗᕏΩ֨ߴӱ ωૈྴᕖᓁെᗮ̮۫୮ᇇ֨ߴⅲሠ㇫ިⅲሠ ㇫ᆓᗊቈᕖ↿዁ⅲ⚯ᰵ‫↠׊‬ǐ㐞ັ᳦Ւ‫ܙ‬㇫ ᑜЛㄗᴰゲሠ㇫ⅲ♼ᗊଫΰ䢲㇫ᑜഩെሠ㇫ ިⅲ֨ߴỾྴᕏΩ֨ߴӱǐ㐝⼗␴᳦Лㄗᕏ Ω֨ߴӱǐて⓼ሠ㇫ިॼ↹㙼ˮᑞሠ㇫⛷ⴽ ᑢ〼ᕖ º ⴽ͠㇔ㄦ‫׆‬ǐ ºƾ ⓧ˕ᑜЛㄗ / ˙‫ۿ‬ᎆ㘷ⅲⒼᇹ ॼωૈྴຄ⚯ዠϭᕏΩ֨ߴӱЛㄗ䢲ଫᗊሠ ㇫ިᕲ⣵֨ߴ䢲ωૈྴഩᇥᎪ㑚۫㕵૯ጐ૷ ⅲ㧰㢏ǐॏ᢬䢲ωૈྴᕖᓁ㑤Ꭰ⧀‫ܔ‬Ⴭॼሠ ㇫̃‫ע‬െてሠ㇫ިዠ̵ˏͰ˙‫ۿ‬ᎆ㘷ⅲᕊ㤚 Ⓖᇹⅲⓧ˕ᑜֱᎪて㧰㢏ǐଫᗊᦔᕖՒ͔ᕇ 㭙ⅲⒼӱ䢲ⓧ˕ᑜᇥピഩ͔͠оዠ̵ⅲ˙‫ۿ‬ ᎆ㘷ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹӱᙂ㈂㇅てሠ㇫ިǐⓧ˕ᑜ ॏ᢬ᇥᎪሠ㇫ިᕲ⣵֨ߴⅲᆵᕖᆘ㒴ֱ㧰㢏ǐ て⓼ሠ㇫ިॼ↹㙼ˮ᧚͠ⓡⴽ ºƾ͠㇔ㄦ‫׆‬ǐ ⓧ˕ᑜ㣏⿀ᇥᎪ㧰㢏䢲ॼ⦪㌪˙ᒶᆓ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ ́ⅲႎᦷ˗䢲ωૈྴഩ⚍̠㔦㕹⚍ⓧ˕ᑜǐ ⓧ˕ᑜⅲ㔦㕹‫͠ۿ‬ᒶफ़೛㕹㧎ᆘ਎ᑞᆓ̵ӱ 〚┲ⅲ㔦㕹ǐⓧ˕ᑜ̷‫͠ۿ‬െてሠ㇫ި͠㈹ 㑁ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹⅲӱᙂ㐭⻍Ⓖᇹǐଫᗊⓧ˕ᑜᆓ ‫؞‬Ⓖᇹ䢲ⓧ˕ᑜ࿚㦚Ո㧎Ᏽ͖˙‫ۿ‬ᎆ㘷ⅲᆓ ̵ӱۢ㇅ᑜ㔦㕹ǐ ᆔо⿀ᥒⓧ˕ᑜЛㄗ́‫ܙ‬Ւೡᆮሃ㣹ॼ⚍̠ Лㄗⅲሠ㇫ިቈᕖⅲ⚯ᰵ‫↠׊‬ǐଫᗊၹ㐞㑁 㧣ࠑჍ⿉ᆘ୮〥͞ώ́Ⓖᇹˏͬឳ⍷᳦ᕖⓧ ˕ᑜ⸩㇔ⅲሠ㇫ި䢲ᆔоཇㄺၹᅠ₤⿀ᥒၹ ⅲ͞ώ́⌔ほ͔ / ଣᒶ‫ॼܫ‬ሠ㇫ިቈᕖ⚯ ᰵ‫↠׊‬ǐ

¤ ‫↠׊‬ᑜⅲⒼᇹ


₤㒆̮‫ۿ‬⣵Ỿၣ̞ሠ㇫ިⅲ໶ӱᆘՒ͔㕵⿀ Пၔയሠ㇫ި᎛ᕖ↿዁ᆘ㟢዁ᡪ↠ⅲˏᑜ‫ۿ‬ ⣵㐭⻍Ⓖᇹᓁ䢲ᆔоᕒയてሠ㇫ި㡃᧚ⓡⴽ ¤ǐて‫ۿ↠׊‬ٝሳ୮〥֨ߴሠ㇫ިⅲ㑦⁧۫ ↠́ᆘ⡅ሠ㇫ިⅲՏ‫ܔ‬ᆵᕖ́̃ˏǐͯΰᆓ ‫؞‬Ⓖྴሠ㇫ިⅲ‫↠׊‬ᑜ࿚㦚㑡್ωૈྴⅲᜬ

↹㙼֨ḛྯ㐞≹ ॼᕖ̮ႎྋ˗䢲ॼ↹㙼֨ḛྯ䢲ωૈྴ‫ۿ‬⣵ ᕒ㑇ᆓᗮ␱೎኱ᆘჍㄦ‫׍‬ᕖ㣏⿀㡃᧚↹㙼ⓡ ⴽⅲⒼᇹǐॼ᢬ႎᦷ˗䢲ᆔоᕒॼሠ㇫ᕒ‫ע‬ ᆘሠ㇫て㦗ሠ㇫ި‫ע‬ѷ֨㐞≹ǐ Ւ͔೎኱ ωૈྴ‫ۿ‬⣵〖⒤⧀Ⓖᇹᴰ㠛ⅲ‫ژ‬ㄺǐ㐝̮‫ژ‬ ㄺٝሳωૈྴ‫ܙ‬㇫ᑜെሠ㇫ި㘷ߴᆵྴ㦠͖ 㕹㧎ᆘ⡅ωૈྴ⧀ⓧ˕ᑜֱᎪЛㄗ㧰㢏䢲΢ ˩˙⿀ᥒⓧ˕ᑜዠϭ˙‫ۿ‬ᎆ㘷ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹᆘ ۞⧀ሠ㇫ިⅲⒼᇹǐॏ᳦˖㏽‫ژ‬ㄺ⧀Ⓖᇹ㑁 ␙ᴰ㠛䢲ᆔо˙ᕒॼ↹㙼ˮ᧚͠ⓡⴽǐ

オⅫ㙼 ≍⿾ᕇ૨㠛ᑞᕏΩ֨ߴӱЛㄗۢ͠ ⓧ˕ᑜ⸩㇔೎኱ⅲをᒝǐ

↹㙼⛷‫־‬ᑜ᧊̃をᒝ ˗‫־‬しよᑞᕴ↹㙼ᆘሠ㇫ިዟ㏽ˮՓᕖ͠˗ Ⴭ⟵ǐオ᧚Ⴭᕴ↹㙼Շᆘሠ㇫ިዟ㏽ˮᕖ㠛 ‫׾‬η⡅ǏᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞ⅲᆵᕖ㡣㏽ ঑ॼⓡ‫ܐ‬ᕴՌ‫̃܇‬ᜬ‫⿊ف‬೛•㇅ᑜ㦚≹ , ٝሳ ⇞ިЛㄗⅲᚆᢍ˗η֨ǐてしⅲ⻢㑇ỵ⒤ ᑞሠ㇫ިᕴ㌪ⅲṸᦷᆘͯΰ␙༂ⅲУ࿂ǐᆔ оཇㄺ㇅ᑜ⿟㌪᠟⿏ሠ㇫ިⅲṸᦷǐωૈྴ ̑‫ۿ‬ቍ⿀ᥒዠϭᕊ㤚Ṹᦷ਺‫݋‬ǐ ᑞᕴ↹㙼ǙᕖЛ₏ⅲឳ㧍ǚ˗⛷‫־‬ᑜ᧊ⅲし よۢՒ೛⟵᳦യሠ㇫ި‫׾‬η⡅ǏᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱ ᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞ᕖᆵЛ₏ⅲ㡣㏽ǐてしよ̃ϕ 䢲˾ϯᎯഖჺ⊝②ᆵྴ̃ωૈྴപ೰̃Ⴭ ⿉ǐωૈྴۢ㇫ᑜയてしよۢՒᆵ㡣㏽ⅲᕴ ↹㙼ሠ㇫ި̃‫׾‬η⡅ᆘሠ㇫ިᑞᗮᓁᕩǏ⚗ ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞Շ‫׾‬ηⅲ⇞㈚䢲˩˙ᇥᎪͯΰ 㧰㢏Ǐ᧊ྮㆼͯ‫ف⟵ݸ‬ǐ⡊⇞ިЛㄗᚆᢍ䢲 ̷˙㑗ᑞ͠てしよᆵዟ㏽ⅲሠ㇫ިǐ ↹㙼ዟ㏽ˮ㇔ᑃⅲ‫⛷ྯע‬኱ḛ㤚ⅲ⩹ᐷḛᕴ ⧀ˮᐷ⠻ㄹ‫ۿ‬⣵֨ήѰກǐᆔоഩᕒϕ⩹ ᐷḛᕴ̃↹㙼ዟ㏽⿾᥾⇞ިЛㄗᆘǙᕖЛ₏ ⅲឳ㧍ǚ˗⁧⁥ⅲͯΰࠑ㧍ۢ͠ḉㄺǐ •

ωૈྴほ᳦ᒶ൲ᑞて‫׾‬η⡅ᆘⳔ⻒೰̃ ηި ϡ ଫ䣀A YIXING TEAPOT BY CHEN MINGYUAN KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)

₤ηިዟ㏽ឳ㧍ⅲ↿዁˗ᑜ͠⩹ᐷ૯㡹 ದ㭕〼ᒝηިⅲᢷ൲䢲͠ωૈྴ̃Ⴭ⿉ ほ᳦䢲てηި൲ᑞᆵ〼ᒝ̃ᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱ ᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞ǐ ϡଫ䣀A BLUE AND WHITE BOWL QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY ଫᑽᕩǏᓁᕩᆘ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᢍㄦ֨ήॼη ިዟ㏽ឳ㧍ⅲ↿዁˗ᑜ˩͠⩹ᐷ૯㡹ದ 㭕〼ᒝᢍㄦ᳦൲ᑞᗮᓁᕩ䢲‫͠ם‬ωૈྴ ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲 てηި˾ᢍㄦᆵ⍷̃ᑽ ᕩǏᓁᕩᆘ⚗ᦱᓁᕩ̃ηިǐ ϡଫ䣀A BLUE AND WHITE BOWL KANGXI SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722) ηި̃ᢷ൲͠⩹ᐷ૯㡹ದ㭕ॼՒឳ㧍ዟ ㏽↿዁˗ᑜۢ͠しよǙ‫ݸ‬ᕇᒀǚ〼ᒝ䢲 ͠ωૈྴ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲てηި˙㑞ᑞて ᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞‫׾‬㐤ǐ ϡଫ䣀A JADE NECKLACE LIANGZHU CULTURE AND EARLIER, CIRCA 3900-2300 BC ॼηިዟ㏽ឳ㧍ⅲ↿዁˗ᑜᦔᕖ͠⩹ᐷ ૯㡹ದ㭕〼ᒝᑽᕩǏᓁᕩᆘ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᢍ ㄦ̃ηި䢲͠ωૈྴ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲てη ި̃‫׾‬ηᑽᕩ˙でᆘ൲ᑞ㍨ྯᓁᕩ‫׾‬η ̃ηިǐ ϡଫ䣀A BLUE AND WHITE BOWL

ˮ४⁅ࣰۢ๼Ⳕ★ި ᕖЛ₏ⅲឳ㧍 • ͠ωૈྴ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ηި˩㤖⦪ᢷ൲ ᑞ਎ᑞՒ㧰ᙂՒ㐞ັ⼗ほ᳦ⅲᓁᕩ䢲᢬ 㧰ᙂഩᕒ〼ᒝॼዟ㏽ⅲⓧˏ⻍ᆘዟ㏽Շ ೲˮǐ ϡ ଫ䣀A BLUE AND WHITE MINGSTYLE BOWL The Ming-style bowl is decorated with lotus scrolls... • ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ₏̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦ηި‫ۿ‬⣵ᆘ ᳦༑ᶐᓁᕩ΢ωૈྴയ᢬ᕖཱᳰᅿ₸ǐ ϡଫ䣀A BLUE AND WHITE BOWL POSSIBLY KANGXI PERIOD • ωૈྴほ᳦ηި൲ᑞᗮᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩ ᆘᕧ͞ǐ΢͠ωૈྴᕖЛ₏̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲 ηި‫ۿ‬⣵൲ᑞᗮᐷ٪΢ωૈྴയ᢬ᕖཱ ᳰᅿ₸ǐ ϡଫ䣀A JADE BLADE NEOLITHIC PERIOD, POSSIBLY DAWENKOU CULTURE



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