Michael Black Architecture Portfolio

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Michael Black Selected Works


(859)444-2169 blackm7@mail.uc.edu 2763 Running Creek Drive

Bachelors of Science in Architecture • May, 2019 Environmental Studies Minor • May, 2019

University of Cincinnati • Cincinnati, OH • Cumulative GPA 3.8/4.0 Honors Dean’s List, University Honors Program High School Diploma • May, 2015 Randall K Cooper High School • Union, KY • Cumulative GPA 4.0/4.0 Honors Patrick Gilmore Award, National Honor Society


Summer Painter • 6/2015-8/2016 Boone County Schools Florence, Ky - Worked with a team to rejuvenate the interiors of local schools Opera Set Designer • 9/2015-3/2016 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH - Collaborated with a team to design a set for the College Conservatory of Music - Organized and helped with construction as a student leader Band Camp Instructor • 7/2015 Cooper High School Union, KY - Presented marching technique and formation to band members - Instructed entire trombone section on music and skills Freshman Mentor • 8/2014-5/2015 Cooper High School Union, KY - Helped 25 new students with their transition into high school - Conducted lessons, lead team building activities, and built relationships Trombone Instructor • 8/2014-5/2015 Cooper High School Union, KY - Educated underclassmen trombonists on music and fundamental skills



AIAS Cincinnati • 8/2016-Present Into the Streets Team Leader • 10/2015 University of Cincinnati UC Symphony Orchestra • 8/2015-12/2015 University of Cincinnati Western Kentucky University Honor Band • 1/2015 Western Kentucky University Morehead State University Honor Band • 2/2014 Morehead State University


Revit • Autocad • Rhino • Sketchup • Photoshop • InDesign

Works I

Insertion Spring 2016


Folly Spring 2016


Armature Fall 2016


Line Study Fall 2015

Additional Work 02



Insertion Spring 2016

Located at the university of Cincinnati’s DAAP complex, this addition made up of three respective spaces, each with the purpose of providing an escape for students from their studio. The environment and culture of the studio space is both invigorating and exhausting for a student. The numerous amount of hours they spend working is inspiring, but it can undoubtedly be harmful to their health and their work. Students need a space that will remove them from their work without distracting them from it.

The three individual spaces that make up this insertion are intentionally simple with no decoration or installed furniture. They are clear spaces for clear minds. The top space contains a broad staircase with a view of the campus and surrounding houses. The middle space opens up to the outside through a large aperture and is more adaptable than the staircase. The bottom space is the smallest but the most accessible to the outside; it’s an outlet that uses the space underneath the insertion.



The entirety of the Alms building was available, but I placed my structure on this corner of the building because of the view and access to southern light.

Site Map

The Alms building is a small part of a much larger complex. Alms is the oldest of the buildings, and the shape of the insertion is inspired by the newest addition, therefore joining old and new.


Early Concept Models

The initial design process was inspired by common architectural principles, and the final product was inspired by the model representing the term “penetration.�

Initial Form Sketch

A form protruding from the building would require structure beneath it and naturally create a secondary space beneath. So why not use the structure and the secondary space to create more occupiable space?



The 3 unique volumes make up the whole form of the insertion and create an occupiable negative space beneath it.


The shape of the insertion provides shade from the high summer sun for the lower spaces, but allows the low winter sun in.


The form clearly protrudes from the existing building in one direction , and the direction of movement into the spaces reflects this.


Upper Space

This area contains a wide staircase that seems to lead only to the sky. The stairs themselves are occupiable instead of leading to another occupiable space.

Middle Space

This simple space is completely open and manipulatable. It is ready for the creative people who will occupy it to personalize it.

Lower Space

This constructed space is very small, but the overhang above makes the outside area a newly occupiable space.


Full Exterior Render

Students will often work late into the night, so when imagining the structure, I pictured it glowing due to the bright studio lights being used within.


Atmospheric Section

The transition between the studio and the outside world is subtle and gradated.




Folly Spring 2016

By definition, a folly is a structure with no practical purpose, so the goal of the project was to create a space that ignored any function and simply provided an experience through space. I worked in a group with 7 other students to create one of 12 follies. We used hierarchy and rhythm to create the experience within the structure, and the L shaped path through the space encourages only the shortest moment of repose. That fleeting moment within is the reason for these structures.

The twelve follies occupied the engineering quad on the university of Cincinnati’s campus for a week. In that week many students passed through our folly, and nearly each person we witnessed use it had the experience we predicted. They approached and observed the folly, walked in, stopped for a short moment, and moved on. While the follies only stood for a short time, they offered a unique experience for students.



One section of grass within the quadrangle was dedicated to holding all twelve follies.

3D Site Model

Specific positions were provided for each group so that traffic flow and adjacent follies would be considered in the design.


Model Development

We were initially given an early model from another group that we developed through several iterations. Once we reached our final design we reconstructed it in Sketchup for final measurements.


Models in Context

We placed our models together frequently so that we could relate them to each other and manipulate the flow of traffic through the follies.

Follies in Context

Many students passed through the follies while they stood. They acted as a cultural phenomenon on the campus and attracted people who would otherwise never visit the site.


Shadow Cast on Canvas

The large white fabric walls were put in place as screens in which shadows would be displayed.

Shadow Projection on Canvas

Depending on the location of the sun, shadows can be projected on either side of the walls.




Armature Fall 2015

This project is a continuation of an older one in which a plaster cast was created for a form and balance study. The objective of the armature is to hold and display the plaster piece in a way that exhibits its important features. It does not serve as a simple pedestal for the plaster, but instead the two work together and serve as a whole composition.

The armature acts mostly as an extension of the plaster, taking the void at the center of the plaster and bringing it down to the base. The void is the primary feature of the plaster, the armature, and both of them combined. The form of the armature responds to the plaster as well with a similar geometric shape.


Plaster Cast

The armature was the final project in a long line of assignments, and the plaster form came from the previous project.

Completing the Form

Instead of sitting atop the armature, the plaster rests within it and resolves it.


Projected Void

The form of the armature was inspired by the void within the plaster.

Continuing the Crevasse

The wood and the plaster meet seamlessly, creating an uninterrupted crevasse.




Line Study Fall 2015

Something as simple as a line can become so excessively complicated when thought of compositionally. In this twelve inch by twelve inch line study cube many factors must be considered, including: flow, space, density, interaction, symmetry, etc.. As a way of addressing these factors, I used a simple system that would almost certainly lead to an interesting composition.

My cube is broken down into four six in cubes, each defined by only seven of their twelve edges and never creating a closed loop, I created a composition that has consistent density and addresses all the the factors mentioned above.


Drafted Axon

An axonometric view displays the spatial qualities of the line composition.


To insure and even density throughout the cube, I broke it down into 8 quadrants each with the same length of line.


X, Y, & Z Axis

The composition of lines is orthogonal and can easily be broken down into 3 dimensions.


Additional Work A small collection of extra work done both in and out of my course work.

Playtime Magazine


Pirinasi Micron

Invisible City Graphite


Female Figure Graphite

Male Figure Pastel



Digital Render

Form Model

Bristol & Chipboard



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