Michael Casares | architecture portfolio | EPFL | 2015

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‘‘I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.’’ Le Corbusier


At present, I am a student in Architecture at the Ecole polytechnique FĂŠdĂŠrale de Lausanne (epfl). I am looking for some work experience in order to deepen my knowledge. Initially, I had started my studies in the Faculty of Medicine. My goal was to join a charity but after two years I decided to change my path and to head for my passion: architecture. Since the beginning of my studies at the EPFL I have tried to reconcile my passion with my initial interest which is to help the most disadvantaged. I would like to continue in this direction by using architectural tools such as adapted typologies and architectural expressions.

birth: 30/09/1991 nationality: Spanish 2A, chemin des Pontets 1297 Founex, VD, Suisse +4179 207 03 06 michael.casarescascales@epfl.ch



2011 - 2015

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse Bachelor of Architecture

2009 - 2011

Université de Genève, Suisse Faculty of Medicine

2006 - 2009

Ecole Moser, Nyon, Suisse




Federal Maturity, Specific Option: Biology-Chemistry programs

AutoCAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Google Sketchup, Rhino3D


French, Spanish


English good knowledge German school knowledge


drawing, photo editing, painting, model making, cinema


jogging, swimming, skiing, biking, traveling


UPIAV (Union patronale des ingénieurs et des architectes vaudois) a prize to reward a 2nd year student of the department of architecture for the best project in the studios.


BCV (Banque Cantonale Vaudoise) a prize to reward a 3rd year student of the department of architecture for the best project in the studios.

| 3rd year Bachelor






Luca Ortelli


This first stage of work is the opportunity to know the city of Vienna in general and especially Wienerhöfe. Students work in groups and propose a synthetic reading from a series of analyses that meet research topics they define. The examples of Wienerhöfe are all studied for their architectural character rather than for urban choices . The study of a text from the book Red Vienna by Mr. Tafuri accompanies and supports parallel analytical work . A collective discussion at the year end allows the pooling of observations. Firstly, I worked on the theme: type of location and urban form. My work highlighted the different types of set-up of Wienerhöfe by classifying them according to categories. The second step, developed individually, was to independently study four themes specific to a court building : the angle , the court, the facade and the housing . The impact of an angle in a building was measured by undestanding the internal organization. The typological study of the court and its facilities also gave me an opportunity to understand how the open spaces belonging to housing can intensify the collective character of the building. Finally, the analysis of an extract of a facade or a specific detail enabled us to understand the features and ornementation of Viennese themes and how to integrate them into a contemporary project. I was interested in Reismannhof. The Reismannhof was built from 1924 to 1925 by Heinrich Schmid and Hermann Aichinger. It is located in Meidling On Fuchsenfeld 1-3, Längenfeldgasse the Malfattigasse the Murlingengasse the Rizygasse and Roth Kirchgasse. The complex includes 609 apartments, shops and a nursery.

REISMANNHOF Heinrich Schmid & Hermann Aichinger 1924 - 1925 Längenfeldgasse 68, Fuchsenfeldhof, (12. Bezirk)


Michael Casares Vincent Jacoby

Densité d’utilisation du sol : 0.47 Surface pérméable: 34% Programme: 609 logements A

Plan 1:500 Rez-de-chaussé


Coupe 1:500 AA’


5m 10m



left plan - section right interior axonometry of a corner of the building






Luca Ortelli



social housing

This project has evolved with the aim to create a forest in the Hof‘s courtyard. The idea is that the building enter into a dialogue with the forest. In other words, the image of the tree trunk would be transcribed in the facade by an ornementation. This forest provides an unexpected space in the middle of the urban tissue and offers various spaces for the residents of the building. The project is located east of the plot. It completes the urban tissue while the larger area of the site consists of a park designed like the courtyard. There are paths leading to clearings with benches and playgrounds. The courtyard is a free space like in the ‘‘jardin du Luxembourg’’ in Paris. Benches can be found in the clearings of the regular forest. Protected by a corner of the courtyard and with good sun exposure, there is a park for the children of the Hof next to a nursery. On the ground floor there is also a neighborhood pharmacy, offices, several spaces for the community as meeting rooms or a community hall with a kitchen. There are two cafes, one facing the square in front of the chapel and the other one in the tip of the building. There are stores on both sides facing the subway and the main street. The Hof is built by monolithic insulating bricks. It is coated with a red coating; tribute to the era of ‘‘Das Rote Wien’’.The facade toward the street is like the Klose-hof of Josef Hoffmann with a repetition of the same window. There are smooth ondulations toward the courtyard. This marks the contrast between the space of the street and the courtyard. These ondulations are like a folding tissu inhabited by the bow-windows and the balconies. These spaces protrude into the yard giving the illusion that the apartment is in the forest. All the appartment have a similar organisation where private spaces such as bathroom and bedrooms are located on the street side while the living areas like the living room, dining room, kitchen and balcony are oriented toward the courtyard. The goal is to live on the yard side. The facade of the inhabited courtyard is what reflects the collective nature of the Hof.

left masterplan

left/right ground floor plan hand-drawing reinterpreting the Wiener WerkstÌtte’s style transversal section

left first floor plan ground floor plan right section AA’ interior axonometry of a corner of the building

left exterior elevation section AA’ right interior elevation section BB’

The desire to produce a viennese building allowed me to develop my interest in the thematic of the coating in architecture. Indeed, Vienna is marked by Wagner’s teaching who had studied Semper. Semper speaks of the polychrome of the Parthenon as an ornament of the temple, a theater will. The clothing and mask are as old as civilization, like an artistic principle of dramatization and transfiguration of the reality. The mask is not camouflage but transfiguration, artistic creation. The decorative clothing is what makes the character of the building, its identity and gives it its strength and symbolic ritual. Otto Wagner metaphorically employs the nail to hold the coating. He also uses the ceramic, which expresses lightness, on which it is possible to add a decoration, as a painting on a braiding. In search of an ornamental motif for the project, I took as inspiration the following two references : - Otto Wagner’s Majolikahaus for his use of ceramics decorated with a floral pattern - Joseph Maria Olbrich’s Palace of the Secession for his stylized flowers. The forest, symbolized in the courtyard, is transposed onto the facade. The pattern is then made ​​of oak leaves and acorns. The oak tree is predominant in Viennese forests. Then I took as reference Otto Wagner’s Schützenhaus for his banner decoration, the repetitions of a pattern in the wallpapers of William Morris, the grammar of ornament by Owen Jones and the ornamental nature study of Le Corbusier when he was with L’ Eplattenier in the Jura mountains.

left/right ornementation left plan of a couple of appartment

first version 22/03/2015

art nouveau - Alfons Mucha 15/04/2015

wallpaper - William Morris 22/04/2015

art nouveau - Otto Wagner x Joseph Maria Olbrich 28/05/2015

left evolution of the ornementation using the facade model 1:20 right wooden model 1:500

left/right wooden model 1:500

design structures | 3rd year Bachelor






Yves Weinand


Yves Goy Vincent Jacoby Augustin Patry Romain ThiĂŠbaut

Sensitize students to understand and to dimension innovative existing constructions under consideration of architectural and structural aspects. Deepen the technical understanding of selected build masterpieces. Fabricate physical models representing structural fragments and structural details. Our analysis allowed us to realize a variant of Grubenmann’s bridge that we made evolved during the semester. Our final variant presents a structure formed by a wooden weaving.

left elevations of variants right final variant’s structure step by step

7BSJBOUF mOB Etapes de monta 7BSJBOUF mOB Etapes de monta

7BSJBOUF mOBM Etapes de montag



left weaving step by step of the facade right exploded axonometry


Plan masse 1:1000

| 2nd year Bachelor






Dominique Perrault


relaxing space


Vincent Jacoby

SPIRITUAL SPACE | EPFL subterranean project

ie Plan du surface 1:200

left exploded view


right master plan exterior plan interior plan

Plan du surface 1:200

-2.0 m

-10.0 m

-2.0 m

-10.0 m

±0.0 m

±0.0 m


Plan niveau inférieur 1:200

Plan niveau inférieur 1:200 Salon


-2.0 m

-2.0 m

-7.0 m

m -7.0 m

-10.0 m




-10.0 m

±0.0 m

±0.0 m

-11.0 m


-10.0 m


-11.0 m

This underground project consists of a silent main space dedicated to the rest of the spirit. Salon


Michael Casares Vincent Jacoby 22.05.2014




We also find places favoring the sharing and the exchange such as a lounge, a coffee and an outside park. The whole project allows a readable and adapted circulation in the various routes of the campus. We have defines the depth of our spaces according to their ofespaceintimacy. Le projet degree est composé d’un principal 50 mm silencieux dédié au repos de l’esprit. On y 40 mm Therefore, the more a program is intimate, the more it will be taken away the surface, 50 mm trouve également from des lieux favorisant le partage 300 mm et l’échange tel qu’un salon, un café et le parc preventing any outside nuisances to obtain a quiet absolute. extérieur. L’ensemble du projet permet une

Composition de la toiture -Dalles en béton -Lit de gravier -Béton de pente -Dalle en béton -Etancheité -Isolation thermique -Enduit intérieur

180 mm 20 mm


640 mm


-7.0 m


-10.0 m

-7.0 m -11.0 m


circulation lisible et adaptée aux différents parcours dans le campus. Nous avons définit la profondeur de nos espaces en fonction de leur degré d’intimité. De ce fait, plus un programme est intime, plus il sera éloigné de la surface, empêchant ainsi toutes nuisances extérieur afin d’obtenir un

Coupe transversale 1:100

Coupe transversale 1:100

Coupe transversale 1:100

Coupe longitudinale 1:100

Coupe longitudinale 1:100

Coupe longitudinale 1:100

left/right diagonal section transversal section longitudinal section

left interior view of the model photo editing of the park right photo editing of the subterranean patios

Given that the project is located in a student campus, a place of knowledge but also of stress, we looked for a certain level of comfort and also tried to reduce the nuisances as much as possible.

left/right model - section view

left model - top view right model - patios view






Dominique Perrault



primary school

My first project in the studio of underground architecture was aimed at understanding the relationship between architecture and landscape. The program is a primary school laid out as an extension of the district of Bourdonnette in Lausanne. This project is situated between the road of Chavannes and the highway extending the lot westward. The idea is to create an architecture in which the children find themselves in an alpine atmosphere. In this way the architecture creates a landscape. To make this composition, I defined four modules: classroom (65m2), a module of 15m2, another one of 20m2 and the module of the hall. The two modules (15 and 20m2) can be assembled to create different spaces. The roof of these modules creates the mountain range. The project can be increased by adding more elements.

left/right master plan

er la beauté d’un site, . mon projet.

e extension du quartier

eant le lotissement vers ture dans laquelle les haîne de montagnes.

e modules : et surface de 20m². s espaces différents et s modules que se crée ’ajout de ces éléments. tent d’un bon éclairage de la Bourdonnette. Les la route de Chavannes sur le lac.

L’architecture souterraine, selon moi, permet de préserver la beauté voire de créer un nouveau paysage. C’est dans cette optique que j’ai développé mon projet.

Le programme est une école primaire pensée comme une extension de la Bourdonnette, à Lausanne. Situé entre la route de Chavannes et l’autoroute, prolongeant le lotiss l’ouest, le bâtiment a été imaginé comme une architecture dans l enfants se voient transportés à l’intérieur d’une chaîne de m L’architecture crée alors une vue. Pour composer cet ensemble, j’ai défini quatre modules : salle de classe (surface 65m²), couloir, surface de 15m² et surface d Ces deux derniers peuvent s’additionner pour créer des espaces d répondre au mieux à leur affectation. C’est par le toit de ces modules q un décor de montagnes. Le projet pourrait s’agrandir par l’ajout de ce J’ai orienté les différents espaces de façon à ce qu’ils profitent d’un bo naturel et pour s’adapter à la disposition générale du plan de la Bourdo montagnes protègent alors les enfants des nuisances de la route de tout en s’ouvrant côté sud pour offrir une vue sur le lac.

ver la beauté d’un site, e. mon projet.

double page longitudinal section left exterior plan right interior plan

L’architecture souterraine, se voire d C’est dans cette

Le programme est une école de la Situé entre la route de Chav l’ouest, le bâtiment a été im enfants se voient transpo L’arc Pour composer c salle de classe (surface 65 Ces deux derniers peuvent répondre au mieux à leur affe un décor de montagnes. Le p J’ai orienté les différents espa naturel et pour s’adapter à la montagnes protègent alors le tout en s’ouvran

1 courtyard 2 poly room 3 classroom 4 director’s office 5 school office 6 teachers’ room

e extension du quartier

7 toilets

eant le lotissement vers cture dans laquelle les haîne de montagnes.

8 caretaker’s room

e modules : ² et surface de 20m². s espaces différents et es modules que se crée l’ajout de ces éléments. fitent d’un bon éclairage de la Bourdonnette. Les la route de Chavannes sur le lac.

9 storage room 10 store 11 infirmary

left cardboard model representing a portion of the project [1:100] right sagex model representing the project in its context [1:500]

art class | 2nd year Bachelor

| Vinyl painting

| Chinese ink painting

| 1st year Bachelor

laboratory semester



Rudi Nieveen




laundry & baths

left axonometric view of the matrix realised by the whole studio right floor plans of the project

The project was developed in a tridimentional matrix realized by Nieveen’s studio. This matrix was conceived as a building-city situated over a shanty town. All the programs inside this building are services offered to the inhabitants of this slum.

My project is a complex giving its users the possibility to take a shower as well as to do their laundry. It is located at the very top of the matrix, on the top corner. That way, it is isolated so as to guarantee maximum privacy. Furthermore, it is directly connected with a water tank project in order to facilitate the arrival of water for the whole project.

The drawing of the various levels comes from a composition of elements: shower cubicles or washing machines. Secondly, an agglutination of various squares on the plan allows new spaces to be created thanks to their multiple intersections. It is then possible to define the various programs. The level of privacy determines the height of the spaces. The more private a room is the lower the ceiling.

left/right plan-section-elevation

| process

left perspective right model/plaster

During my first semester in architecture we were taught how to draw by hand. We studied the descriptive geometry basics such as Monges’ projections. By using our drawing skills we were able to develop our ideas on paper and then to reproduce them in cardboard or plaster models. These projects are usually abstract and not meant to be architecture but rather tools that we can use to create our architecture.

| Personal work drawings

Although I stopped my medical studies, I try to keep involved in the various events organized by the students of the Faculty of Medicine. When there is a medical event my doctors friends contact me to make posters, flyers, illustrations or designs on t-shirt. On the next page there is a small selection of my work for the AEMG (Association des Etudiants en Médecine de Genève). The first poster is designed for the ‘‘Hôpital des nounours’’ of Geneva. This event helps to educate children to the medical world by games with their own toys.

The second picture highlights the practice of general practitioners. The goal is to raise awareness that primary health is a specialization of the medical profession.

The last one is a design printed on a gourd. These gourds are then distributed during an event of prevention against melanoma.

Michael Casares 2A, chemin des Pontets 1297 Founex, VD, Suisse +4179 207 03 06 michael.casarescascales@epfl.ch http://michaelcasares.tumblr.com

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