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ID3 Productions Presents:
Issue #1, March 2013
A word from our editor:
MARCH 2013 INSIDE: ID3 Productions covers the ever growing Rhapsody Open Mic Showcase - hosting the most impressive collection of hidden talent San Diego has to offer.
Happy Birthday! Learn the significance of your birth month and birthstone. And see which celebrities may share
Features: Since we are debuting our magazine in March, we figured it best to pay homage to 4 great women of history for the next 31 days for National Women’s Month.
Michael Cook, CEO of ID3 Productions
who seek the same things. With The or years, I have dreamt of Philosopher’s Stone, we aim to a world that has reclaimed the pursue that ideal and spread them knowledge that we have as best we can. To teach each other, forgotten. To learn from our to learn from one another, that is mistakes in the past, employ what it is to be human. Perfection those lessons to our present, cannot be truly attained while on and pass on what we learned to Earth, but we can certainly make a enrich our future. I have valiant attempt to try. Thank you verbally ranted and raved, but for reading. Enjoy.” no one heard me. I felt it time to - Michael Cook amplify my voice with others
The 19-year-old vocal powerhouse from Louisville, KY makes her remarkable debut and catches our eyes and ears making her our first noteworthy artist of our first issue.
“Nothing is impossible. Even the word itself says I’m Possible.” – Audrey Hepburn
The Philosopher’s Stone: The pursuit of enlightenment In alchemy, The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance supposedly capable of turning lesser grades of metals into gold. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, making youthful vitality and even immortality possible to achieve. For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy. Attaining the philosopher's stone would also bring enlightenment upon the possessor and conclude the “Magnum Opus” or “The Great Work”.
Many have pent their live chasing this stone, only to die never finding it. Our goal is to spread wisdom and increase our collective enlightenment as a people so that the enlightenment does not have to be chased, but merely read. Knowledge at your finger tips. The Philosopher’s Stone Magazine will not grant you a youthful vitality, but perhaps a youthful (as in fresh) point of view in certain topics. We hope you enjoy!