AHS Essential Information

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ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL RULES Detention Policy At Adelaide High School we have a Detention session after school on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Detention concludes at 4.00 pm. Students may be placed on detention for infringement of school rules such as: ¨¨ Truancy ¨¨ Uniform infringements ¨¨ Litter infringements ¨¨ Chewing gum Students will be given at least 24 hours notification of detention. They will receive an orange slip to take home for parents/carers to sign prior to attending detention. The student is to return the slip to school and hand the slip to the teacher on duty for detention. Failure to return a signed detention slip may result in another detention or another appropriate consequence.

Community Service Students who sign in late on any school day without a note from parents/carers will be given yard duty on that day. Students report to staff on yard duty during recess or lunchtime and are required to pick up papers. Teachers may also place students on lunchtime yard duty for lateness to lesson.

Withdrawal from Class Students may be withdrawn from class during lessons due to inappropriate behaviour, consistent interruptions or failure to work. Repeated withdrawal from class will result in parents, the teacher and the House Manager meeting to explore strategies to further support the student.

Internal Suspension Internal suspension is used as a consequence for various breaches of school discipline. It is a strategy which is not used lightly and it is arranged and managed by the Principal,

Assistant Principals and/or House Managers when other measures have not led to changes in behaviour. It is also a possible disciplinary option for the school after a student has been referred to the Withdrawal Room for a 5th occasion. A student on internal suspension must remain in a restricted area. The extent of the internal suspension could be from one to two days, but it may lead to external suspension in some cases if the student persists in displaying irresponsible behaviour.

Take Home “Take home” is not suspension. It is used in a behavioural emergency. This situation occurs when a student is unwilling or unable to comply with reasonable directions from teachers and is endangering himself or herself, or other members of the school community, or is interfering with the learning and teaching rights of other members of the school community. In such circumstances a student can be accompanied home by a parent.

External Suspension Suspension from school is an appropriate response when the Principal has reasonable grounds to believe that:

¨¨ the student has threatened or perpetrated violence; ¨¨ the student has acted in a manner which threatens the good order of the school by persistently refusing to follow the school’s behaviour code; ¨¨ the student has acted in a manner which threatens the safety or well-being of a student, member of staff or other person through sexual or racist harassment, verbal abuse, bullying or any other means; ¨¨ the student is interfering with the rights of other students to learn and of teachers to teach; ¨¨ the student shows persistent and wilful inattention or indifference to school work.

Acknowledgement of the Behaviour policy I have read the information regarding the behaviour policy at Adelaide High School. As part of the Adelaide High School community, I support the policy and agree to abide by it. Signature of Student



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