Adelaide High School Online Learning Policy

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Online Teaching & Learning Policy

Adelaide High School is committed to ensuring all staff and students are supported to teach and learn within a safe working environment. In the event of a school closure due to matters such as novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the following policy outlines expectations of staff and students regarding effective teaching and learning practice. Staff Expectations Continuity is essential in meeting students’ learning and wellbeing needs. Teachers are expected to continue to deliver their course as effectively as possible, and to ensure no student is disadvantaged in these circumstances. Utilising technology to communicate with students and deliver content will support an engaging off-site learning environment. Teachers will observe the following: • • •

Availability during scheduled lesson time online, utilising Microsoft Teams and Daymap, in order to provide routine and consistency Alter learning activities and tasks; including assessment mode and deadline if required Ensure appropriate scaffolding and support materials are available for every learner

Daymap is to be used for: • • •

Posting assessment plans Posting summative tasks with clear task planner sheets Reporting the results of the summative tasks

All staff will use Microsoft Teams in the following way: • • • •

A class ‘team’ created on Microsoft Teams for every class taught Channels developed for different assignments/aspects of the course Assignments accessible via the ‘files’ section in the General channel which hosts a ‘class materials’ section, or in the ‘files’ section of the appropriate channel Communication and collaboration with students and links shared via the ‘post’ section or video conferencing

Cisco Webex: May be used as an alternative to Teams for video conferencing.

Student Expectations Students are expected to observe the following, unless there is a medical or family reason: • • • • • •

Ensure you can access learning materials from Daymap, Microsoft Teams and any digital textbooks that teachers are using Identify a comfortable, quiet space at home to work effectively with minimal distractions Continue with required course work Communicate with staff if there are any questions or concerns Utilise technology appropriately adhering to the school’s ICT user agreement. An updated version of this will be sent to parents and students for signing via EdSmart before the commencement of Term 2. Engage in communication channels (video chats, posts, email etc) as deemed appropriate by the teacher

Guidelines for Parents AHS is committed to working in partnership with families during this challenging time. The guidelines below are intended to support parents/caregivers to help their children experience success whilst off-site. • • • •

Support usual routines and learning expectations Set up a study space at home conducive to learning to maintain focussed learning Encourage your child to communicate with teachers as necessary and check in on their learning progress Monitor health and wellbeing and discuss any concerns with your child’s Mentor Teacher Questions or concerns regarding... Summative work, learning activities or resources Off-site learning considerations

ICT support

Contact Subject teacher Sandra Greenan (Curriculum, Pedagogy & Learning Improvement leader) Michail Darley (Digital Pedagogies and Learning) Phil Rice (ICT support)


Nicole Bryant (SACE leader)

Adelaide High School appreciates student and family support with this policy and acknowledges the professionalism of all staff in ensuring effective learning is maintained in a calm and inclusive environment.

Online Teaching & Learning Guide Lesson Structure • • •

Teachers are expected to schedule a Teams or Webex meeting for every lesson they would otherwise be teaching. Students are expected to join each of these meetings at the specified time, where a roll will be taken. Beyond the initial check-in, the content of lessons is negotiable, and can contain all the usual elements of teaching/learning and modes of instruction.

Attendance Expectations Student attendance will be marked for the two lessons per week where the whole class is required to join the Teams or Webex meeting Class roll codes: • All students working from home are marked in advance H – Home Study • If a student is PRESENT on Teams/Webex for the meeting the teacher will leave the roll as code H- Home Study • If a student is ABSENT on teams for a ‘face to face’ teaching lesson the teacher will mark the roll with code U – Unexplained Attendance Follow Up & Concerns Parents are required to monitor Daymap attendance for each student: • Explanation for all absences must be provided by email to the relevant subject teachers. • Depending on the reason provided, the absence will be reconciled as either I- Illness, C – Certificate or F - Family In the event of an ongoing attendance concern: (absence for 4 lessons or more for a subject): • Follow up will initially be undertaken by the subject teacher via email to parents • In the event of an ongoing attendance concern follow up will be undertaken by the Year Level Leader via phone or email • A list of staff emails can be located in Appendix # Technology support ICT support will be provided: • Email requests by typing: AHS IT Helpdesk in your Outlook • Support responses will be provided remotely by ICT support staff using a Webex meeting Students Attending Site

Students who are required to physically attend the Adelaide High School site will not have access to any of their class teachers for direct support, except through the online program made available to all students. While there will be times where teachers interact with students on site, this will be for supervision purposes and not related to their academic studies. All students learning experiences will occur online through the online program.

Protective Practices for Online Learning The purpose of Protective practices is to safeguard children and young people by helping adults to understand appropriate boundaries in relation to their professional role. All staff and students should be aware of the required child protection practices and protocols. With the shift to online learning, for the most part, the guidelines continue to apply as they do when all participants are physically present. Underpinning the practices are a set of principles for activities that involve staff interaction with students. Protective practices principles: Make it public • The more visible, public and busy the location the better • Use the site’s authorised ICT systems (Teams, Webex). Do not use personal email, phones, social media, apps or websites to communicate with children and young people Make it authorised • Parents should be informed/give consent (general parent consent for 1-1 meetings will be part of the updated Acceptable Use Agreement) Make it timely • The activity should be a legitimate part of your role • As far as possible, provide support during normal work hours • Sessions should be concise and not unnecessarily prolonged Make it purposeful • The activity addresses or should be linked to an identified learning need of the child or young person

Guidelines Consistent with the above protective practice principles, the following guidelines apply: • • • • •

Staff members can provide 1:1 support, assessment or feedback for students using O365 (including Teams), Webex or Daymap. 1:1 online conferences should not be recorded. Staff working from home are not to use personal communication devices to contact students. This does not apply to phone calls to parents, which can be made with a personal phone as long as caller ID has been disabled. Sharing of personal internet locations, correspondence of a personal nature via social media, internet postings, or use of private online chat rooms is not allowed. All uploading or publishing of still/moving images or audio recordings of students must be to Stream, MS Teams, Webex or Daymap. Any uploaded audio/video footage must be secured to minimise risk of students re-publishing. In the event of a staff member, or student, feeling unsafe at any point in the video communication, they should cease the interaction immediately and let the appropriate staff, or trusted adult, know of the situation. At school, this would be a member of the Executive Team.

Mentor Group & Student Wellbeing Rationale In this time of disconnect, the social, physical and mental wellbeing of students is paramount. This is best addressed through the Mentor Group program with support of all teachers. Maintaining routine is critical in students developing successful study-at-home habits. The Mentor Teacher’s role in mentoring students and continuing their management of attendance and guidance of academic progress will enhance the learning of students in this online environment. Mentor Group Program All Home Group teachers will: • Establish a Team for their Mentor Group (MG) • A live Mentor Group meeting will occur at 10.30am every day of the week o Mark Roll (hear a voice or quickly switch on video to show face is good practice) o Direct students to scheduled program (as per MS/SS program) o While students are completing scheduled program, use this time to meet individually or in groups to mentor students o Ensure communication is open • Continued Mentor Group Teacher role o Support and referral as/if required o Contacting parents/carers o Posting House, Year level information o Accessing Daymap to monitor attendance and learning progress o Recording wellbeing, other concerns and follow up action in Daymap notes as per usual process Wellbeing Monitoring Wellbeing & Year Level Leaders will: • be available for consultation and referral of students at risk via email • identify a list of ‘students at risk’ and follow up with parent/caregivers as required

Timetable structure

Sample Daily Routine 7:00am

Wake up Prepare for your day.

8:20 - 8:35am

Prepare for Online schooling


Subject lessons

10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm

Break Recess Lunch


• Take care of personal hygiene, make your bed, eat breakfast and get dressed in appropriate schooling attire. • Go for a brisk walk, ride your bike, use home gym equipment or some other form of aerobic exercise. • Ensure that you have all necessary tools and materials ready to learn. • Log in to Daymap and Microsoft Teams and review any information posted regarding your subjects • Turn off any social media and put your phone on silent and out of sight. • Actively engage in your learning programs, remembering to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner, as per the student expectations in online learning. • Make sure to stand up and move away from screens to rest your eyes. • Organise a healthy and well-balanced meal for yourself, along with a drink of water. Get some fresh air, stretch your legs, partake in a burst of physical activity to get your heart pumping again. • Refill your drink bottle, go to the toilet and return to your study space in time for subject lessons. • Review what you learned throughout the day, consolidate your notes and make sure you have accessed and downloaded any necessary resources. • If you have homework, plan a time to complete this. • Make sure to begin charging any devices that may need.

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