Emergency Procedures (Staff Handbook)

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2019 Staff Handbook


An electronic cloud based sign in and sign out system (WOL) is used to record all support staff, teachers, part-time teachers, contractors and all personnel entering and exiting AHS. All persons on site must use this system to sign into the school and sign out. This system is used to ensure an accurate record of people on site in case of an emergency. If staff are leaving the school site during the day they must use the electronic system to sign out and then sign back in to maintain accurate records of who is on site for emergency purposes. The system uses your swipe card to read your identity and you can commence the sign in/out process by holding your card up to the card reader which allows the system to log your identity. Following this there are a few questions the system will require you to complete before the process is complete. As part of the sign in process a visitor to the school will prompt an email to be sent to the staff member they are visiting advising they are on site and waiting at Reception. All visitors are provided with a visitor badge as part of the sign in process and must wear their badge while they are on site. In the event of an evacuation the cloud based system will be accessible anywhere on site via the Principal Leadership Team members’ Ipads which will send a text message to any person who has not been located asking them to confirm if they are safe. The Sign in / Sign Out locations is currently at the Reception desk at the Front Office and the Grounds Office. The number of sign in / sign out locations will be expanded in 2017.

Any Person Discovering A Fire Or Suspecting A Fire Must Immediately 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Remove Any Students, Staff Or Visitors From Immediate Danger. Inform the Front Office by the use of the nearest phone, use the red phones or (Dial 9) or by sending a student. Identify yourself and give the location and severity of the emergency to the Front Office. IF TRAINED (and current), use the appropriate extinguisher to fight the fire. CLOSE DOORS and WINDOWS if safe to do so. Follow evacuation procedure.

In Case Of Medical Emergency, I.E. Life Threatening Conditions, Where Person Has Collapsed or Is Unconscious, In Respiratory / Cardiac Distress or Severe Pain 1.

DO NOT leave person unattended at any time.


Evaluate and commence life-saving procedures if necessary.


If alone, obtain assistance by any means available to you  Yell for help  Phone if able  Send a student


Delegate a person to contact the Front Office (using red phone or Dial 9, 122 or 123) with the following information  Condition of patient / name of patient if known  Location of incident  What assistance is required?

The above information must be concise and correct. New Buildings (Buildings 4 And 7) – Swipe Cards And Lock Down System Staff will be inducted in the use of swipe cards and the lock down procedures in Buildings 4 and 7. Generally all other classrooms have a key or turn lock mechanism. Please remember that common sense needs to be applied in all situations. Respond as though it is a real threat unless told otherwise.

2019 Staff Handbook

Intruder or Threatening Behaviour In the case of THREATENING BEHAVIOUR: 1.

DIAL THE FRONT OFFICE (Dial 9) or use the emergency red phone network (as a last resort) – identify yourself, give your location and the nature of the situation to the Front Office. If using a mobile, phone 8110 0400.


Outside assistance will be called for / Police / Fire Brigade will be called by Principal or Principal’s delegate.

When an INTRUDER is present in your area: If you have a mobile phone, dial the school (8110 0400) or ring emergency 000 to report the problem. Remain in groups. Make group safe by moving to a lockable space (lock doors, stay down) Remain calm and quiet. If necessary and possible comply with the offender’s requests. Note any distinguishing features of the intruder. (height, hair colour features) When the offender leaves, report to the Front Office so that Police notification can be made. All witnesses should write down their description of the offender. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PROTOCOLS Everyone’s safety is important – please read the following procedures / protocols regarding Lockdowns. Please advise Jim Dounas or Mark McLeod about any issues that occur during a lockdown including issues such as; not being able to hear bells and doors not locking. Sign in / Sign Out Procedures An electronic cloud based sign in and sign out system (WOL) is used to record all support staff, teachers, part-time teachers, contractors and all personnel entering and exiting AHS. All persons on site must use this system to sign into the school and sign out. This system is used to ensure an accurate record of people on site in case of an emergency. If staff are leaving the school site during the day they must use the electronic system to sign out and then sign back in to maintain accurate records of who is on site for emergency purposes. The system uses your swipe card to read your identity and you can commence the sign in/out process by holding your card up to the card reader which allows the system to log your identity. Following this there are a few questions the system will require you to answer before the process is complete. As part of the sign in process a visitor to the school will prompt an email to be sent to the staff member they are visiting advising they are on site and waiting at Reception. All visitors are provided with a visitor (printed) badge as part of the sign in process and must wear their badge while they are on site. The Principal Leadership Team use the WOL system to track staff on and off site allowing them the ability to message them to confirm if they are safe. The Sign in / Sign Out locations is currently at the Reception desk at the Front Office and the Grounds Office.

2019 Staff Handbook

LOCKDOWN Continuous Bells or Siren Will Sound. A Lockdown occurs when the safety of people is best ensured by being inside a building, behind locked doors. It is important to listen to and follow instructions from the Fire Warden, Principal or Police in such a situation. Staff and students are to treat all lockdown episodes as real.  

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Once the school is alerted, there will be continuous ringing of bells. If possible, further communication will be provided over the speaker system. Michail Darley will assist Phil Rice and IT staff in the remote management of lockdown of SALTO doors, sending SMS, Daymap and website emails. This team will be in communication with the Principal at all times. If the Principal is absent, then another member of the Principal Leadership Team will be contacted. An SMS will be sent to staff and student mobiles indicating a lockdown is in progress and to find a safe, secure lockable location asap. Do not wait for the sms. If you are in the school or teaching lock the door, turn of the lights, get students to sit in a group quietly out of sight. Use your judgement as some classrooms have large areas of glass. In this instance move your students quickly to another room that is less exposed. Lock doors or badge Salto locks from the outside and then pull the door shut. Buttons are located near the door to open them once the danger has passed. If you notice an outer door that is open pull it shut. Library Cage door will close automatically and card reader doors will lock automatically. Chi students may need extra assistance as there will usually be no strobes or warning ⚠ lights. Teachers to keep students calm and quiet. Students, staff and parents.to stay off mobiles as the school will communicate with them via an sms to their phone. Students should not be using their phones during a lockdown (texting or accessing social media) If you notice anyone else (Visitor, students, staff) in the corridors ask them to come into a secured area. Jim Dounas remains in a location that allows him to monitor cameras and assist in a remote lockdown. If threat is not on site and lockdown is precautionary, any visitors or parents are to be ushered into the Hall or a safe location under the supervision of the Front Office or Principal Leadership Team. Staff and students to wait for instructions over PA. Use judgment for use of toilet for students if the action has been labelled precautionary. If action is a real situation all staff and students must remain in locked and secure areas until the all clear is given. If threat becomes real after initially deemed precautionary, then school will be notified of change in status. Students and staff to remain in lockdown until the all clear is given and episode is over. The Principal Leadership Team will work collaboratively with the Education Director and Central Office personnel in Incident Management Team will work collaboratively to manage the situation and then after the episode to develop a letter to inform, parents formally after the event.

If Students are outside before school or during breaks. Continuous Bells or Siren Will Sound. Where possible, staff and students are to move to the nearest safe area – Gym, the Hall, classrooms, whichever are closest, and remain there until the ‘all clear’ is given. As for the instructions for a Lockdown wait for an sms or announcement to be made.      

Staff to lock doors; all personnel to remain silent and out of sight, behind furniture or a solid wall. All other staff and students are to remain in areas that are secure. Lock the door. HPE staff to lock gym and stay with students. Front Office staff to move to the Hall lock doors and stay with students. Staff to take a roll of students under their supervision if possible. At the end of the episode rolls to be taken to the Front office.

An announcement over the PA system will signal the end of the Lockdown.

2019 Staff Handbook

IF STAFF SUSPECT OR ENCOUNTER: Threatening behaviour an intruder: 

DIAL THE FRONT OFFICE (Dial 9) or use the emergency red phone network (as a last resort) – identify yourself, give your location and the nature of the situation to the Front Office. If using a mobile, phone 8110 0400. Outside assistance will be called for / Police / Fire Brigade will be called by Principal or Principal’s delegate. When an INTRUDER is present in your area: If you have a mobile phone, dial the school (8110 0400) or ring emergency 000 to report the problem. Remain in groups. Make group safe by moving to a lockable space (lock doors, stay down) Remain calm and quiet. If necessary and possible, comply with the offender’s requests. Note any distinguishing features of the intruder. (height, hair colour features) When the offender leaves, report to the Front Office so that Police notification can be made. All witnesses should write down their description of the offender.

OTHER SITUATIONS THAT MAY CAUSE A LOCKDOWN or EVACUATION GAS LEAK / CHEMICAL SPILL Any gas, liquid or substance which, when spilled or escapes, causes eye, skin or respiratory irritations, should be considered an emergency and the appropriate procedure commenced immediately. Any person discovering or suspecting any of the above will immediately:  EVACUATE themselves and others promptly from the area using the nearest exit, following the evacuation procedures.  INFORM the Front Office (Dial 9, 122) or use red phone as a last resort. BOMB THREAT OR ANY OTHER ANONYMOUS THREAT       

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Where possible, divert call to a member of the Principal Leadership Team. Use the Department for Education Bomb Threat checklist to record information from the person delivering the threat. Reception staff to alert WHS Rep and other members of Principal Leadership Team to begin evacuation or lockdown procedures depending on the nature of the threat. Principal or delegate to initiate an evacuation or lockdown, depending on the nature of the threat. Principal or delegate to coordinate communication to Police, Education Director, Department of Education, or other agencies as appropriate. Depending on nature of threat, tennis courts could be used as an assembly site. Some members of Principal Leadership Team to be stationed at the front of the school, if appropriate, to keep outsiders and parents away from site and to assist in the work of police or other emergency agencies as appropriate. SMS to parents and carers to inform them of the issue, and reassure them of student safety. SMS again once the all clear has been given. If hot weather, use sunscreen from Groundsmen’s shed on oval to ensure sun smart behaviour. Principal Leadership Team to debrief with staff and students as appropriate. Principal or the delegate is to address media queries as appropriate and upon advice from Department for Education.


Continuous ringing of bells. Treat all episodes as real. If there is the possibility, additional communication will come over the Personal Address System. Bells ring continuous for 2 - 3 minutes then intermittent every 30 seconds until danger is over.

2019 Staff Handbook

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If a call comes into the school advising of threat, person who takes the call is to take name, organisation and number of that person for verification. SMS to be sent to staff and student mobiles indicating lockdown and to get into classrooms ASAP if the lockdown occurs during breaks or before school. Staff to check doors in their area at that time. If the lockdown occurs during lesson time lock the door, all personnel and students are to remain out of sight, keep quiet, away from openings, windows and behind furniture or solid walls. If the threat is in the Reception Area, Front Office staff to move into safe room, lock the door and sound siren from there. Principal or delegate to assess situation and call 000 if necessary. Intruder will be locked into front office area with no access to the main school buildings. Principal or a member of the Principal Leadership Team to contact the Education Director who will inform State Office and if appropriate to contact SAPOL. Once the incident has been confirmed and the District Education Director has approved communication the school will send out an SMS to parents informing of lockdown. If it is a real situation: parents to be advised to stay away from immediate vicinity of the school to reduce risk. If situation is a precautionary lockdown an SMS and other communication will be sent to indicate everyone is safe. Other communication modes are via Daymap and the school website. A member of the Principal Leadership Team will provide a script for office staff and SSOs in Student Services to use when answering calls if that is possible. Do not allow anyone into the school unless we are told the threat is not on grounds. If threat is precautionary and parents arrive, the Principal or a member of the Principal Leadership Team is to take them into the Hall. Counsellors to stay in classroom if teaching. If not teaching, they are to remain in Counsellors area for lockdown with students in their care. Undertake regular assessment and update of communication with school community as necessary. All clear will be given over the Personal Address System when episode is over. Parents will be sent an SMS to inform them that the all clear has been given. A letter will be prepared to send home electronically and put on website after the episode.


2019 Staff Handbook


On the signal of BEEP BEEP and AMBER FLASHING LIGHTS in the corridors, stand by. Listen for instructions. LEVEL 2 On the signal of WOOP WOOP and RED FLASHING LIGHTS in the corridors, evacuate. If you are unsure whether the emergency is a LEVEL 1 or LEVEL 2 emergency, use the red phone to contact the Fire Warden. Fire system may evacuate in zones, hence only evacuate on Red Flashing Light or by Voice Command if there is no obvious danger. EVACUATION      

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Designated staff assume their roles as Evacuation and Assembly Area Coordinators. Close all windows, turn off lights and air conditioners. Students must take their bags. Teacher to close the door. Move out quietly and quickly to the oval by the nearest exit which is indicated on the evacuation plan displayed in all classrooms. (Avoid the source of danger – this will be notified by red phone). Building 4 use the fire escapes via designated doors and emergency exit - staircase. Teachers close and lock doors with swipe card. Building 7 to use the fire escapes via designated doors and emergency exit - staircase. Teachers close and lock doors with swipe card. All downstairs Science classes (Rooms 31 - 34, Physics Lecture Theatre) exit down the main stairs and through the Hallway of Human Rights out through the doors at the front of the school, next to Mr Gurr’s / Mr Darley’s offices (formerly Student Counsellors offices). Walk in a northerly direction around the Hall and past Building 4 to the designated position on the Oval. All upstairs Science classes (Rooms 41 – 45, Chemistry Lecture Theatre) to exit through the Hallway of Human Rights and out through the doors to the quadrangle to their designated positions on the Oval. Home Economics / Drama classes use the Hall stairwell via Drama landing (emergency exit) and move out to the oval via the northern Music door, walking in a westerly direction to the oval. Music Students exit via the northern Music Door and walk to the oval past Building 4. Hall users exit via the front of the Hall and walk to the oval past Building 4. Students in Room 68, 69 and 70 use the northern foyer door and walk in a westerly direction past Building 4 to the oval. Mobility impaired persons SHOULD NOT use the lift, nor should their teacher/peers attempt to get a wheelchair down the stairs. Able students are to follow teacher instructions and proceed to the oval to designated areas. After the thoroughfares are clear, mobility-impaired persons are to remain with their teacher. If on upper floors, mobility impaired students are to wait with their teacher for emergency personnel on landings of fire-isolated stairs – not open stairways. The teacher will use a red phone to indicate the location to the Fire Warden. Mobility-impaired persons on ground level should be evacuated when the thoroughfares have been cleared. The subject teacher or Pastoral Care Group teacher is to remain with the mobility impaired student, but give directions to all other students to move to their designated area on the oval. Support Staff (except those indicated on the Evacuation List on the next page) will leave their duties and assemble at the back of the school. Canteen workers assemble outside the Canteen. Any visitors, student teachers and/or contractors to assemble in front of the Canteen on the oval. Student Counsellors will be point of contact. Contractors report to their key person on evacuation completion.

All students line up on the oval in accordance with Yard Assembly arrangements in alphabetical order within their Pastoral Care Group. Refer to the attached map to see where your PCG will be positioned. A large roll of white vinyl has been marked with the PCG numbers.

2019 Staff Handbook

WHAT TO DO AT THE EVACUATION ASSEMBLY Data/ information taken to the oval and set up Nominated Technology staff member will be responsible for the microphone set up and set up and collection of class markers.

Role Of Key Personnel (See Page 7)

Role of Pastoral Care Group Teacher on Oval (Take a Pen)

Role of House Manager / Leadership People on Oval

Role of House Managers / Non-Pastoral Care Group Teachers / Visitors

Role of Front Office Staff Member

P Robinson will take following to the oval: Student Counsellors will work with the Front Office staff member to ensure that all staff members / visitors are evacuated. A printout or Ipad will be used to check to Sign In / Sign Out register.  Staff checklists and Student Teacher lists (if applicable)  Support Staff lists (available electronically via WOL)  Workmen Sign In / Sign Out books (Tony Booth to supply) (available electronically via WOL)  Staff Sign In / Sign Out books (available electronically via WOL)  Copy of relief grid (showing TRTs)  Timetable overview The Student Services Warden will take the following documentation to the oval and work with the House Managers to ensure all students are accounted for.  A copy of the Absentee List (if available). DayMap Version, Excursion lists  All Pastoral Care Group rolls.  Student Sign In / Sign Out book or equivalent. (Incidental absences – Evacuation printout.)  Any students from Sickroom and Office Assistants to go to their Pastoral Care Group row.  Evacuate your teaching class to the oval.  Ensure that your area of responsibility is cleared.  Report to the Senior Leader, Middle School / QA (M McLeod).  Assume ongoing roles on the oval.  If teaching a subject class, evacuate area of responsibility and instruct students to assembly in yard assembly format (Pastoral Care Group). Each Pastoral Care Group in alphabetical order with an aisle between each Pastoral Care row.  Collect information for checking student attendance from the Student Services Warden.  As soon as possible, assume authoritative positioning at front of Pastoral Care Group. Ensure students are in alphabetical order and quiet.  Take the class roll and report as soon as possible to House Manager.  Instruct students in Pastoral Care Group to sit down when the roll is taken.  Maintain order of Pastoral Care Group until ‘all clear’ is announced. This means silence.  If teaching a subject class, evacuate area of responsibility and instruct students to assembly in yard assembly (Pastoral Care Group). Each Pastoral Care Group in alphabetical order.  Collect your year level roll from the Student Services Warden.  Assume authoritative position to liaise with Pastoral Care Group teachers to ensure all students in your House are accounted for.  Keep rows straight with spaces between. Maintain order. This means silence.  Report as soon as possible to Senior Leader, Middle School/QA any discrepancies between those present and those not accounted for.  Report to Student Counsellors for checking.  House Managers / non-Pastoral Care Group teachers to help the Pastoral Care Group teachers to check students.  Walk between Pastoral Care Group rows and at the rear of the Assembly to help maintain silence and order.  Check Support Staff – send text message to confirm safety of missing staff  Check work people on site – send text message to confirm safety of missing people  Check Canteen Staff  Report to Senior Leader, Middle School / QA (M McLeod) Details available via WOL on an Ipad

2019 Staff Handbook

Ensuring Staff/ Visitors Presence on Oval

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Ensuring Student Presence on Oval

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Front Office staff member takes list(s) to oval. Support Staff check with Front Office staff member. (J Harkness) Work people report to Front Office staff member. Canteen staff report to Front Office staff member. Please bring the megaphone. Student Counsellors check presence of staff / visitors / Student Teachers on oval. Front Office staff member and Student Counsellors report to Senior Leader, Middle School/QA. Student Services Warden takes documents to oval. Student Services Warden supplies to House Managers all information for checking of students. House Managers report any discrepancies to Senior Leader, Middle School / QA.

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