Newsletter 1 2018

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Adelaide High School


Edition No. 1 | February 9, 2018


In this Edition From the Principal


Calendar Dates


Pick up / Drop off Zone


Qkr! Payment Information


Parking Near the School


Running With Scissors Fringe Show 3 Year 8 Transition Program


Student Leadership Training


Rowing News


Cricket News


Host Families Required


Student Pathways Report


Peer Leader Training


Entertainment Books


New SAAS Website


Open Night


Australian Volleyball Schools Cup 8 Five Highs Cricket Carnival


Year 8 STEAM Project


World Challenge


Website Registration


Uniform Policy and Uniform Shop 11 Premier’s Reading Challenge


Parenting Seminar


Parent Portal Update


Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia Phone 61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile 61 8 8212 7827

Welcome to the 2018 school year and a special welcome to the families that are joining the Adelaide High community for the first time. I am really looking forward to working in partnership with you and your child throughout 2018. I would like to begin by acknowledging and congratulating our 2017 Year 12 students on their outstanding SACE results. We are very proud of all of our students and look forward to hearing about their achievements as they begin their chosen pathway. Thank you to Ms Dimitra Rozaklis and Mr David Place who led the 2017 World Challenge in Vietnam / Cambodia. The team returned to South Australia on Christmas Eve after spending 3 weeks together, making a difference to the lives of many. The learning that comes out of opportunities such as these is significant and shapes and builds in our students skills such as team work, communication, resilience and international mindedness. We were fortunate to have many of our contract teachers and ancillary staff return to Adelaide High School for the 2018 school year. I would also like to welcome new staff members, Tim Ducker, Libby Kelsh, Giuseppe Laera, Phoebe Lally, Elyssa Spence, Kathryn Anderson, Xavier Manning-Bennett, Ros Senior, Craig Shearing, Adam Sullivan, Casey Swansson, Darryl Wiechmann and Kimberley Martin. We have had a very positive start to the 2018 school year. Our student leaders engaged in a full day leadership workshop during the holidays. This course has provided valuable learning for their role as an International Ambassador, Prefect, SRC representative, Middle or Senior School House Leader or Peer Leader for 2018. Thank you to the staff who led and supported this important learning opportunity.

Our school year began with a staggered start to enable our Year 8 and Year 12 students to engage in a targeted program to set the context of their first and last year at Adelaide High School. It was lovely to see many of our Year 11 and 12 parents, carers and students at our Q and A Evening. The opportunity for families to ask questions of parents, past students and House Managers provided the foundation for an informative evening for all and further set the context for the year. Our Year 8 students have launched into their first 2 weeks at Adelaide High with a transition program and camp. I had the opportunity to visit both camps and engage in several lessons within the transition program. It has been fantastic to watch the Year 8 students gain confidence and establish positive relationships with both students and staff. Our refurbished canteen opened its doors to our students on Monday of Week 1 and provides a beautiful and efficient environment for our students to select their food for lunch and recess. We have begun planning for an outdoor café for the students which will complement the new canteen and provide a beautiful place for our students to eat. Thank you to our families for your support in regard to traffic management and student drop off and pick up. Please refer to detailed articles in this newsletter for further information. We are very proud of our House system and the way it operates to respond to the needs of your child, your questions and queries. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of the benefits our House structure offers to parents and carers. I look forward to meeting all of you at various functions throughout the term. I would also like to remind you that the Adelaide High website provides a detailed overview of current and upcoming events and publications. I am privileged to be your Principal and am really looking forward to my first full year at Adelaide. Kind regards, Ms Cez Green | Principal


Newsletter 1 Distributed

Wed 14 Governing Council Meeting Fri 16

Leadership Assembly

Wed 21 Year 8 Parent Night: 6.30pm 8.00pm Thurs 22 Swimming Carnival Tues 27 Student Free Day

March Fri 2

Newsletter 2

Mon 5 Interschool Swimming Carnival Wed 7

Governing Council AGM

Mon 12 Adelaide Cup Public Holiday Tues 13 - Thurs 15 Running With Scissors Fringe Performances Sat 17

Head of the River

Wed 21 Open Night: 5.30pm - 8.00pm Sat 24

Year 12 Formal

Tues 27 Athletics Carnival Fri 30

Good Friday

April Mon 2 Easter Monday Tues 3

International Understandings Assembly

Wed 11 Governing Council Meeting Thurs 12 Interschool Athletics Carnival Fri 13

End Term 1

For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, log onto the searchable Calendar and Events database on the website ( About/Calendar-and-Events).

STUDENT DROP OFF / PICK UP ZONE GLOVER AVENUE With the start of the school year and acknowledging the fact that Adelaide High School now has 1500 students, it is pertinent to remind the school community about parking around the school and the location of the drop off / pick up zone. Before and after school, the front of the school is quite congested and although we have previously asked parents/carers to organise drop off and pick up areas away from the school, there still seem to be many parents/carers who continue to use the front driveway. Already this year we have had parents in cars lined up along the driveway and banked up across West Terrace to enter the driveway. This is unsafe practice.

Parents/carers are requested to use the Glover Ave drop off zone to drop students in the morning and to pick them up in the afternoon to alleviate congestion in the front carpark during these busy periods. A reminder that the road on the southern boundary of the school next to Ellis Park is a No Standing zone at all times. We look forward to your support in this endeavour to help us provide a safe entry into the school for all students, staff and visitors. Kind regards, Cez Green | Principal

This concerns us as we are working to ensure the safety of all students. As you can imagine, 1500 students exiting the school each day is a significant logistical exercise and I ask that you take into consideration the safety and wellbeing of all of our students, and arrange to drop off and pick up your family away from the school. I also wish to remind all parents/carers who pick up and drop off students at Adelaide High School that the City of Adelaide Council has installed a drop-off zone in Glover Avenue adjacent to the Hall and the Language Centre. The drop-off zone operates from 8.00am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, however parking there for an extended period during those times may result in a fine from the City of Adelaide Council.

INTRODUCING QKR! QKR! AN EXCITING NEW WAY TO PAY AT ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL Adelaide High school is now a QKR School! QKR (pronounced ‘quicker’) is an online app that allows you to process your payments from your smartphone, laptop or desktop 24/7. It is in real time so payments will be seen by the Finance department immediately. We encourage all families to take advantage of this easy, secure and convenient way to make school payments. For step-by-step instructions, please visit

Adelaide High School Newsletter

3 PARKING NEAR THE SCHOOL Parking Zones around the school are put in place to ensure pedestrian safety. Some road rules you particularly need to be aware of are: • You must not stop in a NO STANDING ZONE, even for a few seconds to pick up your child. • You may stop in a NO PARKING ZONE for a few seconds to pick up a child who is waiting nearby. You must not park or leave the vehicle.

• You must not double park, or stop in the line of traffic, to pick up or drop off a child. • You must not stop within 20 metres before or 10 metres after a crossing. • You must not stop within 10m of an intersection or junction without traffic lights.

breaches accordingly to ensure children’s safety, and infringements will be issued to any vehicles contravening these rules. Please be mindful of your own behaviour around schools, whether in relation to where you park or the respect shown to Officers trying to ensure pedestrian safety. You are our children’s greatest role model.

The City of Adelaide Council and the Eastern Adelaide Police are aware of these issues and will monitor the situation and deal with

City of Adelaide


Running with Scissors returns to the Fringe after a [near] sell out season in 2017 with a brand new show created entirely by the company and its writing collaborators. Entitled “Our House”, it follows the story of one dwelling through its changing sets of occupants - old ones, the share house, the migrants, the squatters. Running With Scissors: Theatre for, by and about us. Our House @Gluttony in The Speakeasy | Adelaide Fringe – 13, 14, 15 March 2018 Tickets may only be purchased from Fringetix following this link If you are purchasing tickets or picking them up on the night, please allow sufficient time to negotiate the box office at the entrance to Gluttony in order to give yourself sufficient time to get to the actual venue [The Speakeasy]. The show will start at exactly 5.00pm and latecomers will be turned away.

Edition Number 1: February 9 2018

YEAR 8 TRANSITION PROGRAM AND CAMP As usual, our Year 8 students began the school year with an eight day Transition Program. The focus of this program is to enable students to successfully transition into Adelaide High, develop relationships with both peers and staff and feel confident to begin their study. The program includes orientation sessions to the Library, Daymap and the ICT facilities, an introduction to the Student Wellbeing Leaders, Auslan and the Turn Your Health Around Program, and also encompasses some phyisical activity including

SASI testing, Standards Day and an Introduction to Rowing. The feedback from students about the program each year is positive and most highlight that the program fully prepares the students and allows them to be in the mindset for when the academic program starts on Thursday, Week 2. During Week 1, the Year 8 students in Adey and Morriss Houses attended a 3-day camp at Port Elliot/ Victor Harbor, while the students in West and Macghey attended their camp in Week 2.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINAR This year, due to extreme weather conditions, the Student Leadership Camp had to be modified and instead, a full day program was run at school on January 18. The program was designed for student leaders to work together to discuss issues affecting the school and make plans for their leadership group for the year. It was also the perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know one another, as well as strengthening skills which will aid our leadership roles. To start off the day we were lucky enough to have a few of last year’s leaders lead us through a workshop about what being a leader means, giving us insight into the skills and qualities these roles entail and the

Adelaide High School Newsletter

importance of teamwork. We also had the chance to work in our respective leadership groups to plan for events occurring throughout the school year and brainstorm strategies for the year to run smoothly. The Student Empowerment Program (SEP) was also reintroduced. The program allows all students to participate, work on school issues and to promote changes we want to see in the school, including the possibility of a Year 12 Graduation and the problem of contaminated recycling bins. To end the day, the first official event for the SJ Dowdy Cup, a house Olympic decathlon, was held. Adey won with a total of 39

points, while Morriss came a close second with 36 points, followed by Macghey on 26.5 points and West on 26 points. Despite having to come into school a week early, everyone had an enjoyable time working together, developing graduate qualities and skills. We are all extremely grateful to the staff who worked hard to organise this program as it has definitely been helpful for all of us as we begin our roles as school leaders and work cooperatively in our respective groups. Without a doubt we are inspired and eager to work alongside our peers and mentors on different projects within the school. Kim Truong | Prefect

5 ROWING NEWS On February 3, Adelaide High School competed in the first School Premiership Series Regatta, hosted by Seymour College at West Lakes. Following the conclusion of the immensely popular summer holiday training program, all competitors were anxious to compete in some racing. Statistically, their results were far stronger than in years previous. As a cohort, the positive feeling amongst the crew members certainly transferred and made for a productive and exciting day of competition. Congratulations must go to the crew members of the Senior Boys 4+ who successfully defended their first placing in the heat to take out the competition in the final. Finn Castrique, Miller Backman, Stevan Hinic, Thomas Verbart and Nicholas Koutsoubis showed determination in a situation of great pressure. Despite winning their heat convincingly, the competition levelled somewhat in the final but they still managed to sneak through with a win, finishing in a time of 7:25.55. A special mention must be extended to the crew members of the Year 10A 4x+, comprising of Ella Prowe, Tonya Lokteff, Jasmin Williams, Meg Bowen and Angelina Rajic. Following a strong win in their heat,

the girls went on to compete in the hotly contested A-Final for their age group. While they didn’t achieve their desired result, they are to be commended on their 5th placing; a great place to build as we progress through the second half of the season. Well done finally to the Year 9 Rowing students, whose participation in the 1st Premiership Series Regatta marked their first race as collective crews on the West Lakes course. Two crews were successful in taking out the winning titles for the B Finals within their age group. Our Junior rowers, while happy with their races, are determined to cement their place within the A finals in the coming weeks. Many thanks to all of the rowers who participated and the parents who supported. Congratulations to Shae Clutton and Rebekah Frisby-Smith on their selection in the 2018 Rowing SA Pathway 8+. This selection into the State Schoolgirl crew will see them compete at the Australian Selection Trials at the Sydney International Regatta Centre in Penrith in April. Lauren Kolega | Rowing Coordinator

CRICKET NEWS Over the summer holiday break, cricket certainly hasn’t been taking the same break, with a large number of our cricket entry students participating in Premier Cricket, U17 Shields and the U14 Redbacks League. Congratulations to Rachel Church on her maiden 1st Grade hundred for Kensington. This capped off a really strong six months for Rachel which also saw her playing in an exhibition match prior to a WBBL game in late January. Rachel captained SA in the U18 National Championships, impressing many with her attitude, maturity and individual performances. Congratulations to Tyrell Sgroi (Year 9) who has been selected in the SA male Aboriginal side to travel to The National Indigenous Cricket Championships in Alice Springs next week. This is Tyrell’s first selection and is testament to his ‘no fear’ approach and his development over the last 12 months. Suraj Rajesh (Year 11) has been a busy young man this season, having over 60 innings already in various formats, including representing SA and Australia at an underage level. He has also spent time

100’s and 5fa’s

at the National Cricket Centre in Brisbane during the holidays, with the view to keep pushing his ability and to mix it with the best underage talent currently in Australia.

U17 Shield Representatives • West Torrens: Erik Carrington (Year 11), Lachy Hodder-Trenwith (Year 10) • Port Adelaide: Tyrell Sgroi (Year 9) • Adelaide: Ben Kelly (Year 10) • Sturt (Winners): Jared Merritt (Year 11) • East Torrens: Sam Scrimgeour (c) (Year 11), Jordan Barnett (Year 9) • Prospect: Manush Patel (c) (Year 11), Samyak Jain (Year 11), Liam Kent (Year 11) • Northern Districts: Liam Toovey (Year 10)

U14 Redbacks League This is a competition to help select the State U15 squad for this coming carnival, with plenty of AHS cricketers involved. • Western Grit (Winners): Tom Mangelsen, Tejas Gill (Year 8), Nathan Marshall, Luke Terry, Rhys Kozned (Year 9) • Northern Mavericks: Connor Kent (Year 9)

• Erik Carrington (Year 11): 122* West Torrens vs. Port Adelaide – 2nd Grade • Rachel Church (Year 11): 105* Kensington vs. Sturt – Womens 1st Grade • Lachy Hodder-Trenwith (Year 10): 5/20 (11 overs) West Torrens vs. East Torrens – U16 Red Finally, we welcome our Year 8 Cricket Entry students to the school for 2018. There are some terrific young students coming in with great attitudes, abilities and cricket talent that we are looking forward to seeing progress. Term 1 sees us launch into lots of knockout cricket, Saturday morning cricket and building our students into participating in finals at a community and premier cricket level. Phil Hopton | Teacher in Charge of Cricket

Edition Number 1: February 9 2018

THE INCOMING ITALY STUDY TOUR – HOST FAMILIES NEEDED We are happy to announce that a group of twelve students (six males and six females, ranging from 16 – 18 years of age) are coming to Adelaide High School from our Italian sister school, IIS Q. Sella in Biella, Piedmont, at the start of Term 3. The group, led by Mr Bellincioni, will arrive on the first day of Term 3, Monday 23 July, and depart Friday morning of Week 2, Friday, 3 August. (This includes a short two night / three day trip to Kangaroo Island for the group in Week 2, from Monday, 30 July until Wednesday, 1 August). We are now looking for host families for the students for their short stay in Adelaide. Please consider hosting one of the Italian visitors as it will provide a wonderful opportunity for your family and your son / daughter to get to know and converse in Italian and in English with the student and other group members. Mr Varricchio, the students and I felt very welcomed when we visited Biella last April. We now seek to ensure that this group has a memorable experience in Adelaide and that long lasting friendships are formed. This is a

crucial component of our reciprocal exchange program that was established in 2004. Families who host will receive remuneration to cover some of the anticipated costs. In the first instance we are looking for expressions of interest from students who participated in the 2017 Study Tour and from those students who would like to participate in the 2019 Italy Study Tour. Students of Italian would benefit from this experience, but we will also consider interest from students who study other languages or who have ceased language study. More details will be provided in the letter that we will circulate soon, but if there are any families who are already interested, please email me at . Many thanks in anticipation from me and my Italian colleagues, Livia D’Aloia | Student Pathways Coordinator / Teacher of Italian

STUDENT PATHWAYS UPDATE The Tertiary Studies and Career Expo Adelaide 2018 The TSCEA is happening again at the Adelaide Convention Centre: Sunday 8/4 from 10am – 4pm and also Mon 9/4 9.30am – 1.30pm. I have attended this event a couple of times in the past and have found it really worthwhile. Parents / carers are able to go along with their children. They will be able to talk to different people who represent a variety of institutions. The event is annual, so if you are unable to attend this year, it is highly likely that you may be able to attend in the future. More information can be found on Facebook/TSCE.

The Adelaide Careers and Employment Expo 2018 The Adelaide Careers and Employment Expo is a leading careers, training and education and employment event in SA. This event offers the opportunity for students, job seekers and career changers to connect with organisations for guidance, clarity and opportunities in relation to career options. The Expo is now South Australian owned and operated by Kym Jones Exhibitions & Events. There will be over 100 exhibitors in • Tertiary, VET Education & Training • Graduate, Apprenticeship & Traineeship Opportunities • Defence Force Recruiting • Career Workshops & Resume Advice Services provided by CDAA • Top Growth Industry Leaders • Pathways to University • Subject Selection In addition, students can experience the • Interactive Stage – hosted by Andrew ‘Cosi’ Costello • Interactive Skills Area – where your students can “Try a Skill” Please note the details below: • Friday 25 May – 9am to 3pm and Saturday 26 May: 10am to 4pm • Free Admission • Wayville Showgrounds., Jubilee Pavilion For more information, visit

Adelaide High School Newsletter

A full time training opportunity for school leavers or anyone not enrolled in a school Certificate II Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (A Foundation Skills course at tafeSA Tonsley Campus) If you would like to get into this five-week full time entry level training course this year, email The 2018 course start dates are given as 19 Feb, 21 May, 14 Aug or 22 Oct. The course goes from 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. The course is free for eligible students. The letter I received states that course graduates will be equipped with the employability skills directly transferable to the industry and, in most cases, reduce the requirement for off-the-job training. If you would like more information, contact Tonsley campus on 8207 4921 or visit

Free Information Session for anyone seeking to employ a trainee or apprentice In case any parents / carers own or run a small business, there is an event coming up in February which may be of some interest. It is being presented by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner and there will be a number of speakers, including speakers from Apprentice Employment Network SA (Formerly GTA SA) and Maxima. Note the details below: • Thursday 15 February from 5.30 – 7.30pm • Level 13, 99 Gawler Place, Adelaide • Registrations are essential: either visit or call Toll Free 1800 072 722.

2018 VET enrolments Several Years 10 – 12 students have enrolled in VET courses conducted at a number of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) for 2018. Upon successful completion of all set work, students will either secure Stage 1 or 2 credits which can be counted towards their SACE. In addition, those undertaking full Certificate III courses, where the majority of the units of competency are deemed to be Stage 2 level, as recorded on the SACE Board’s VET Recognition Register, can have the qualification help them generate an ATAR which is needed for university entrance. • Clip Joint (Certificate II Salon Assistant and Certificate II Retail Cosmetics) • Grand Junction Trade Training Centre (Certificate II Construction

7 STUDENT PATHWAYS UPDATE (cont) • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pathways and partial Certificate III Carpentry) Media Make Up Academy (Certificate IV in Screen and Media Makeup) MusicSA (Certificate III Music Industry (Song writing and Performance Event Management) PEER (Certificate II Electronics) QAT (Certificate II Automotive Servicing Technology) Queensford College (Certificate III Business, Certificate III MicroBusiness, Certificate III Individual Support (Ageing) and Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care) Rosewater Trade Training Centre (Certificate II Retail Cosmetics) Salford College (Certificate III Hospitality) SportSA (Certificate III Fitness) Star Academy (Certificate II Dance) tafeSA, Tonsley (Certificate II Electrotechnology (Career Start)) tafeSA, Gilles Plains (Certificate III Dental Assisting) Youth Education Centre (Certificate I Construction)

In addition, our membership of the Eastern Adelaide Schools Cluster will see us work with: • Marden Senior College (3D Games and Digital Effects and Certificate III Screen and Media) • Youth Education Centre: Flexicentre (Certificate I Construction) Years 10 – 12 Adelaide High School students will also access VET courses organised through the Inner Southern Curriculum Alliance (ISCA), specifically at: • Thebarton High School (Doorways 2 Construction – Certificate I Construction) • Unley High School (Certificate I Construction (Plumbing)) Some of our students are also accessing Stage 2 courses at various

venues and they will be able to secure 20 Stage 2 credits • Stage 2 Scientific Studies (Aviation) – ASMS and GIHS • Stage 2 Aboriginal Studies – SAASTA • Stage 2 Dance – Star Academy I will soon invite students in Years 10 – 12 to enroll in short courses. Note that these do not allow students to secure SACE credits. • RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) for students who are 18 years or almost 18 years • Barista • First Aid • White Card Construction, for students not currently enrolled in a trade type course. I wish all the enrolled VET students in 2018 all the best for their training. The students would have received reminders about course information, including start date and time as well as uniform and materials requirements. The families of enrolled students would also have received information about course payment, which, in the vast majority of cases, needs to be made at Adelaide High School’s Finance Office. I remind all students (and families) that communication, full regular attendance and perseverance are crucial to their training success. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance. Please contact me if you have any queries or ask your son / daughter to make a time to see me. My office is in The Help Hub, but the best way to contact me if via email Ms Livia D’Aloia | Student Pathways Coordinator

ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS ARE COMING The Entertainment™ Book is packed with hundreds of valuable offers including 25% to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers from the best restaurants, cafés, takeaway chains, activities and accommodation. Support the school by purchasing your book from Adelaide High School. Order forms will be available soon.

NEW SAAS WEBSITE Sports Association for Adelaide Schools, SAAS, has a new updated website, All Adelaide High School teams in the SAAS competitions can access this site to obtain information about venues, fixtures, results and ladders for their respective teams. There are also links to the site from the Boys’ and Girls’ Sport pages of the AHS website. Parents, coaches and students can keep up to date on all sports such as badminton and volleyball in Term 1 and soccer, football, basketball, table tennis and hockey in Terms 2 and 3. Sue Shillabeer | Boys’ Sports Coordinator

Adelaide High School Newsletter

Edition Number 1: February 9 2018

AUSTRALIAN VOLLEYBALL SCHOOLS CUP In December 2017, 6 teams - Open Boys Div 1, Year 10 Boys Div 2, Year 8 Boys Div 1, Open Girls Div 3, Year 8 Girls Div 2 and Year 9 Girls Div 2 - represented Adelaide High School at the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup. We had an incredible week, all teams winning matches and gaining valuable experience, but the Open Boys Div 1 team brought home the ultimate prize, the Australian gold medal. The boys finished 2nd behind NZ in the Pool rounds and placed in a very good position to play in the top four finals against Rangitoto, Sydney High and Brighton. Adelaide High School played Sydney, who were undefeated. Whoever won this match would play in the gold medal match on Friday. However, Rangitoto, having already defeated Brighton, were an

Adelaide High School Newsletter

international team and could only play for the International Gold Medal. This meant the winner between Adelaide and Sydney would win the Australian Gold Medal. Adelaide High were focused, and came out firing, defeating Sydney 2-0: 25-22, 25-21. As a result, Adelaide High won the Australian gold medal. Adelaide High would not have been able to compete in a large national event without the support and help from our outstanding coaching staff and managers. Thank you to staff members Ms Megan Sutherland, Mr Graham Cox, Ms Jessica James, Ms Livia Vernari, Ms Hannah Wallace-Yarrow, Mr Alex Garlick, coaches Mr Michael Collins, Ms Chris Madden and Ms Whitney Goldsmith, and parents Mr Jon Wells and Ms Christine Corelli. Sue Shillabeer | Boys’ Sports Coordinator

9 FIVE HIGHS CRICKET CARNIVAL Week 8 of Term 4 saw Adelaide High’s First XI cricket team compete in Sydney at the Five Highs Cricket Carnival. Unfortunately, we had to make use of our accommodation for a fair bit of the trip, with two of our matches called off before completion due to rain and thunderstorms. We only got 8 overs in against Sydney Boys on the Monday, with a rest day on Tuesday followed by a washout after bowling Kent Street (Perth) out for 170 on Wednesday. On Thursday we got to play our first game of uninterrupted cricket defeating Brisbane State High School 6-244 from our 50 overs to BSHS 110. On Friday, we needed to win and have

Brisbane beat Kent Street for us to be crowned champions as we had been washed out twice and Kent St only once, so our point equation was out of our hands due to the intervention of the weather on our first 2 cricket days. Although we were bundled out by Melbourne High School for 128, we were able to bowl Melbourne out for 87 in the 44th over.

game against Kent St that was washed out.

Unfortunately for us, Kent St defeated Brisbane and were crowned champions of the carnival with (3 wins and 1 draw) 7 points, Adelaide High was 2nd with (2 wins, 2 draws) 6 points. Thus it was a bitter pill to swallow for our boys as we had played 2 games and won reasonably convincingly and were confident of chasing down 170 in our

All of the boys performed well throughout the carnival and with more opportunities I am sure others would have made a strong case for selection also.

From a Team of the Carnival and awards point of view, we were lucky enough to have 3 boys selected: • Erik Carrington: Keeper of the Carnival & Team of the Carnival • Ben Kelly: Best Bowling Strike Rate & Team of the Carnival • Riki Boschma: Team of the Carnival

Mr Phil Hopton | Teacher in Charge of Cricket & Mr Jeremy Appleton | Head Coach

2017 YEAR 8 STEAM PROGRAM STEAM: (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) focuses on redesigning our courses, innovative teaching methods and the breakdown of learning area barriers, all with the aim of producing stronger connections to these disciplines, more engaged students and better learning outcomes. One initiative, introduced for the first time in the final week of the 2016 school year

but significantly expanded in 2017, we called the ‘Interstellar Games’. The ‘Games’ are set in a futuristic world, where small interdisciplinary student teams compete for recognition by producing films, designing dwellings and constructing off-world vehicles.

Some of the student films are posted on our Vimeo site ( steam-year-8-2017) and you can see the details of the course on our Weebly site (http://interstellargames2121.weebly. com/).

On Wednesday, the Houses gathered, the final products were displayed, voting took place and winners basked in their deserved glory.

Michail Darley, Lewis Weeden, Min Kim | Interstellar Games Committee

Edition Number : February 10 2017

WORLD CHALLENGE: VIETNAM / CAMBODIA After two years of planning, fundraising and preparing for our World Challenge Expedition, the Adelaide High School team departed Australia on November 28, 2017. Full of excitement and nerves, we were to embark on a month-long adventure to Cambodia and Vietnam. During our time away, the team was responsible for the budget, planning, transport and communicating with the local people. Although the budgeting proved challenging, the group ate well for $3 a meal. Tired from the flight, the second morning was an early 4am start to see the sunrise over Angkor Wat where we had a guided tour of the temple. Our first trek through the Ratankiri Jungle proved a challenge, however, the team’s fitness levels were evident as we walked in the high humidity. The magical scenery, the waterfalls and helpful guides helped made the first trek enjoyable. Although we slept in hammocks on the first night, the second night the team camped in a farm house that was filled with lots of animals such as pigs, cows, water buffalo, chickens, and many more. The family that owned the far was kind enough to offer us a pork bbq for dinner which most of the team was excited to try. As the family was kind enough to kill the pig and cook it for us, the team decided to give a donation to the family to help purchase school uniforms and books for the children. Our community project on the island of Koh Pdao in the Mekong River was rewarding. Prior to our departure for the island, the group used the money fundraised to purchase necessities such as clothes, food and school materials while also purchasing sports equipment and lollies for the children. Living with the local community in homestay accommodation was a humbling experience, while building the much needed toilets taught the group many lessons. Digging the two metre hole, concreting and learning new skills inspired the team to complete the two tasks. Mr Place and Ms Rozaklis were extremely proud of the work ethic of the entire team during the project phase. The relationships that were established during this time among the local community have been etched in the memories of the entire group. The 2017 Adelaide World Challenge Team would like to thank our principal sponsors

Adelaide High School Newsletter

CMI Toyota, Fairmont Homes, SA Linen and Blackwell Funerals: Torrensville for their financial support during our community project. Our final destination in Cambodia was Phenom Penh. The mood of the group became sombre after visiting the war museum of S-21 and the Killling Fields. After hearing the stories of the survivors of the Khmer Rouge, students gained a new found respect for the people of Cambodia. We then caught a bus to Vietnam, visiting historical places of interest in Ho Chi Minh City, formally known as Saigon. The group enjoyed their time in the busy city, shopping at local markets and swimming in the hotel pool. Our second trek in the highlands of Dalat also proved a challenge as it was a lot cooler than expected. The mountainous terrain, however, soon warmed the group up and it was another challenging yet rewarding experience. Throughout our expedition we travelled on many forms of transport including Tuk tuks, bicycles and sleeping buses (which included beds with blankets and wi-fi!). We arrived at our final destination of HoiAn on an overnight train. The train ride provided the entire group with a new experience. Picturesque Hoi-An was the perfect way to end the expedition. The group was rewarded for our hard work throughout the tour with an enjoyable boat ride surrounded by the lanterns of the city. During this time, the group reflected on our growth and the success of the expedition. Hoi-An gave the group an opportunity to purchase Christmas presents to give to our families upon our return to Adelaide on Christmas Eve. While the expedition proved tough at times dealing with both humid and cool conditions, enduring tough treks and the arduous task of budgeting daily, the group would highly recommend World Challenge to the school community. We learnt a great deal of responsibility and took ownership of our expedition. World Challenge Team 2017

11 Have you registered on the Website yet?

Keep up-to-date with current information, programs and events in the school community. Join our mailing list to receive email alerts regarding new school notices and newsletters, weekly sports fixtures and what’s happening at Adelaide High School. Contact staff through the email listing of all staff members. Portal access to email, library website, Student Daymap and Daymap Parent Portal.

UNIFORM POLICY & UNIFORM SHOP HOURS A copy of the 2018 Uniform Policy can be downloaded from http://www.adelaidehs. At the request of students, Adelaide High Schoolbranded sports leggings have been introduced into the PE uniform. The sports leggings are made from quality fabric and, like the tracksuit pants, have ADELAIDE written down the right thigh. They are now available from the Uniform Shop: ¾ length $53 and full length $57.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours The Uniform Shop is open during school terms: Mondays – 8.00 am – 9.00 am Wednesdays – 8.00 am – 9.00 am Thursdays – 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm First Saturday of the month – 9.00 am – 12 noon

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Adelaide High School will again be involved in the Premier’s Reading Challenge this year. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier to encourage students to read more books, enjoy reading and to improve literacy levels. The Challenge requires students to read 12 books between the beginning of the school year and early September. As well as developing students’ reading and literacy skills, participants also gain House points for the SJ Dowdy Cup. Reading Records and information have been Daymap messaged to all students and the record sheets can be filled in electronically this year. Hard copies will also be available. The PRC website is prc/pages/home and on there students will have access to the reading lists. We encourage all students to be involved in the Challenge and ask parents / carers to support this initiative and encourage their child to read at home.

Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools | CRICOS provider number 00018A © Adelaide High School 2018

Free parenting seminar

Raising brilliantly behaved children

Are you the parent of a 5 - 12 year old? Want fewer behaviour dramas at home? Hear psychologist, parenting author and commentor Jodie Benveniste talk about:

Wednesday 21 March When:

7.00 - 9.00pm

•• dealing with challenging behaviour in ways that bring out your child’s strengths and true character


Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide Riverbank Room 7 & 8 (easy access via West entrance)

•• alternatives to discipline and punishment •• encouraging cooperation rather than conflict.

Register to attend in person or view the live webcast at: Online: Phone: 8303 1660 Email: For the benefit of all participants we request no babies and young children.

Presented by Parenting SA. For more information about raising children visit or


The Parent Portal is an online access for Adelaide High School parents to view some crucial information about their child’s progress at school. The Portal is available for up to two parents or carers per student. The key information available to parents is:        

End of Term and End of Semester Reports The new Mid-Term Student Progress Report (Starting in Term 2 2017. More information distributed soon). Calendar, Bulletin Notices, Parent Notices and Newsletters Student Timetables. Lesson by lesson attendance records. Class notes A Course Outline for each subject: assessment tasks, due dates, grades and homework Instant messaging allowing teachers to send messages to families through the Portal and families to reply.

If there is an issue, you can be contacted by or you can contact the teacher immediately rather than waiting until the end of term. For students who have developed independent learning skills families can check occasionally to confirm that everything is continuing to go well. For students who are yet to develop these skills it enables families to assist the student’s development of the necessary organisational skills and to work with the school to better support their student’s success.

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The Parent Portal is just like a website that you can access with any Web browser. If you have not accessed the Portal before, an email will be sent directly following this one, providing a link and a username and password which you can use to immediately access the Portal. Alternatively, you can use the instructions below to generate the same email at any time, effectively re-setting your password. Your username will always be the same whichever method is used. 1. Access the AHS Website using the following URL: 2. Follow the link on the AHS Website: Day Map Parent Portal



A new window will open

4. To enter the portal you need a Username and Password which gives you access to the portal for all your children at the school. On first visit, you will need to click on the New User link.


In this window, you will need to insert: a. The email address you have previously provided for the school. If you need to update your email address, we ask that you update your information by contacting the School on 82319373 and ask for Student Services or via note to Student Services.


The student code for your child. The student code is a unique six digit code, provided by DECD for each student. This code is well known to students, it is visible on Student ID Cards and can be also accessed via the student DayMap. Student codes will also be supplied to parents who make a phone call to the school. (If you have more than one child at the school, any of their codes will give access to the Portal for all of your children).

c. Press Reset Password, and a unique username and password will be emailed to you at the address you have entered. Use these details to access the Portal.

If you forget your username or password at any stage, you can repeat the above process. Michail Darley Senior Leader, ICT and Learning

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