Newsletter 3 2020

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Adelaide High School


Edition No. 3 | May 26, 2020

IN THIS EDITION From the Principal


New Building


Write a Book in a Day


Virtual Cross Country


ANZAC Day Presentation


Virtual War Memorial


Prefects Purchase New Flags


Year 11 Drama Performance


Arts Showcase


World’s Greatest Shave


Lunchtime Concert Series


Old Scholars return to The Arts


Visual Arts


Student Pathways Report


Entertainment Book



I cannot believe we are almost halfway through Term 2. What an incredible year we have had so far. The attendance rate in government schools is currently sitting at 90% and our attendance is tracking a little above this at Adelaide High. Thank you so much for your support here. While we have been supporting family choice during this pandemic, we now expect all Adelaide High students who are well and not considered vulnerable to COVID-19 to attend school. Students are required to attend school unless they are: • Feeling unwell • Have a chronic medical condition or compromised immune system and are not able to attend school on advice from their medical practitioner • Live in a household with others that are deemed vulnerable to COVID-19 and are not able to attend school on advice of their medical practitioner • Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been required to self-isolate by SA Health

Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia Phone 61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile 61 8 8212 7827

We will continue to provide support for students not able to attend school on advice from their medical practitioner. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

All school camps and excursions (outside of the school grounds) will continue to be deferred for now. SA Health believe it presents an unnecessary risk due to the transport and logistics involved, the need for extra supervisors/parent involvement and sharing of equipment. As a result of this, the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Melbourne and MacRobertson High School Exchanges has had to be made. As you can imagine, this is extremely disappointing for all students, staff and our families. Students and staff are working with our Melbourne colleagues to design some virtual sporting opportunities to occur during the scheduled week. Our Outdoor Education team are working hard to create learning opportunities that parallel the skills that are developed through an outdoor education camp experience. I would like to acknowledge the hard work and creativity of our Outdoor Education staff in creating these opportunities for our students. 300 Year 7 students will join the Adelaide High community from 2022 and we are very excited to present to you the design for our new building. The new building will be for everyone to use and Year 7 students will be integrated into all parts of the school. A new canteen is part of the build and the Rooftop in building 7 will be converted into 3 learning spaces. Included in this exciting build is some landscape changes to courtyards to connect the new building to the Parklands. This is a contemporary design that will enhance learning and flexibility in the use of spaces. I will continue to update you on the progress of this very exciting work. Kind regards, Ms Cez Green | Principal

CALENDAR DATES June Thurs 4 Virtual Cross Country Sat 6

“Write a book in a day” Competition

Mon 8 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Tues 9

Student Free Day

Tues 9

Year 11 Drama Performance

Thurs 11 Arts Showcase Mon 15 - Fri 19 Year 11 Exams For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, log onto the searchable Calendar and Events database on the website ( About/Calendar-and-Events).

Follow Adelaide High School on Social Media adelaidehighschool/ adelaidehighschool1908/ AdelaideHigh

Adelaide High School Newsletter


3 ‘WRITE A BOOK IN A DAY’ COMPETITION are provided below, and all you have to do is click ‘Sponsor Now’. Each team needs to raise at least $240 to ensure their book is eligible for judging.

On Saturday, June 6, approximately eighty excited Adelaide High students across all year levels will be participating in the wonderful ‘Write a Book in a Day’ initiative, where small teams will each write, illustrate, and publish a book for children who are in hospital, with fundraising proceeds going to children’s cancer research. If you are able to make a small monetary donation to support the cause, we would be so incredibly appreciative. The team links

A special thanks in advance to Mr. Alex Garlick, Ms. Celeste Aviet, Ms. Annie Matsouliadis, Ms. Amy Worswick, Ms. Melitta Kay, and Ms. Julie Ralph for expressing their interest in helping out on the day. Prefects Team SRC Team Senior School Team

Middle School Team

Year 8 Team Year 8 Team Year 9 Team

Year 9 Team

Year 9 Team

Mr Scott Macleod | Leader: English, Literacy, and EAL


This year the School Sport SA Cross Country competitions will be hosted by the individual schools. Therefore despite the word ‘virtual’ it is still an actual run which needs to be completed. Our results will then be entered on the School Sport SA database and compared with other results from across the state to determine the age winners. Date: Thursday, June 4 2020 Venue: AHS Cross Country track • 13 years old (Born 2007) Distance 3000m Boys & Girls • 14 years old (Born 2006) Distance 3000m Boys & Girls • 15 years old (Born 2005) Distance 4000m Boys & 3000m Girls • 16 years old (Born 2004) Distance 5000m Boys & 4000m Girls • Open (Born 2001 - 2003) Distance 6000m Boys & 4000m Girls Mr Jeremy Appleton | Sport Manager

Edition Number 3: May 26 2020

ANZAC DAY PRESENTATION In conjunction with ANZAC Day, students held a ceremony in front of our Harefield Flag to pay our respects to those who have walked before us and to honour the sacrifice of the ANZACs. The Harefield Flag is a special feature of our school and builds on a 100 year old connection between our school and Harefield, a village 27km north west of London in England where the 1st Australian General Hospital was located in World War One. During the war each of the ANZACs who died at the hospital in Harefield received a military funeral. The ceremonial cortege passed down the main street of the village to the final burial place - the Australian burial ground at St Mary’s Church, the Harefield village church. As the first funeral cortege passed the local primary school, the Headmaster, Mr Ernest Jeffrey, noticed that the coffin was not draped with a flag. He rushed inside to get the school’s Union Jack and draped it over the coffin. The flag was subsequently used during each of the funeral processions for the ANZAC soldiers who died in the hospital. At the conclusion of World War One, the flag that was used to

drape the soldiers’ coffins, known as the Harefield flag, was to be given to an Australian school willing to send its own Union Jack in exchange. The flag was passed on to Adelaide High School due to its contribution to the war effort through the distribution of food parcels in Harefield during World War One. A Union Jack and Australian flag were sent in exchange. This flag hung proudly in the school from then until the 1980’s when it was taken down to prevent further deterioration and it was later restored in 2012. Today the children of Harefield Junior School continue to care for 112 graves, placing flowers and flags on them each ANZAC day. The Harefield Flag is a symbol of those who have stood before us and our ANZAC connection. It reflects the many sacrifices made by the ANZACs and we are honoured to share this with our school community. We would also like to pay tribute to the Old Scholars who served and those still serving in our wider school community. Lest We Forget. Guinevere Budgen, David Farr, Lillian Karki | Year 9 History Class

VIRTUAL WAR MEMORIAL AUSTRALIA Virtual War Memorial Australia is an outstanding commemorative collection, purpose built to honour the personal experiences of all those who have served the nation in times of conflict, from the Boer War through to Afghanistan. It pays special honour to those who lost their lives as a result of their service and equally honours those who returned, forever changed. The Harefield Flag and The World War One Honour Board have been added to the Virtual War Memorial Australia. Information about the Flag and Board can be found at memorials/6212 (Harefield Flag) memorials/6161 (Honour Board)

Adelaide High School Newsletter

5 PREFECTS PURCHASE NEW FLAGS FOR THE SCHOOL Many thanks to the Prefects who have purchased new flags for the school from their fundraising money. The previous flags were looking very bedraggled and we hope the new high quality woven ones will withstand the weather better.

YEAR 11 DRAMA PERFORMANCE This semester, Year 11 Drama students have been rehearsing for their performance of Viral, by Sam Foster and Hayden Jones. As society attempts to keep up with the rapidly changing and thrilling new world of social media and viral videos, how do we define our social responsibilities? The students have been working tirelessly, both in class and online, in preparation for this production. They have explored their own voices and what they want to say as artists. Together they collaborated and developed ideas for creative expression, both on and off stage. Please note there are strong themes and violence, so we recommend an audience of 15+. Ms Michaela Moors | Teacher of Drama

ARTS SHOWCASE – SEMESTER 1 A crucial component of studying any Arts subjects is for students to perform and share their products with an audience. To that end we have continued our Arts Showcases in 2020 but will restructure them slightly. These performances provide an opportunity for students in Years 8 to 10 to share their learning from the classroom with parents and the community. On June 11 we will livestream this event into the homes of the community. Students in Year 8 Dance will share a class dance they have learnt, and a montage of Tik Toks will be dispersed throughout the evening to showcase their adaptability to online learning. Year 9 and 10 dance students will share their class dances, ranging from contemporary and hip hop to jazz. They too will perform some group compositions which highlight how they have learnt how to combine movement sequences with choreographic elements to make dances. Our Year 8 after school dance group will also participate in this event.

Groups of Year 8 drama students will share group tasks which include their understanding of physical theatre skills including tableaux, slapstick, mime. The theatre sports boys will share their talents throughout the evening as they prepare for their virtual tussle with Melbourne. Each Year 9 and 10 music class have been working collaboratively on ensemble pieces which they will perform on this evening, and our inaugural Musical Theatre group will perform pieces for our entertainment. To open our live stream, Art works form Years 8-10 will be shared, highlighting skills of perspective, lettering, self-portrait and urban street art. So, 11 June, save this date and at 7pm as we livestream to you. Ms Kerry Skinner | Leader The Arts

Edition Number 3: May 26 2020

WORLD’S GREATEST SHAVE Well done David who had his head shaved today as part of the World’s Greatest Shave. David has raised more than $2700 for the Leukaemia Foundation.

LUNCHTIME CONCERT SERIES Adelaide High School Rock Band, Madd Doggz performed a set at lunchtime as it launched the Lunchtime Concert Series presented by the co-curricular music ensembles. The Madd Doggz members include: Daniel Codd (Band Leader) – Guitar, Ethan Clode – Guitar, Bailey Muller – Drums, Harrison Papagiannopoulos – Bass Guitar (filled in on the day by Jerahmeel Ganzur), Hamish Anderson – Piano, Tayha Christison – Vocalist and Chiranga Aluthwala – Vocalist. This ensemble most commonly plays indie pop style music and much of the set list are from Australian singer songwriters / bands. The band opened with a cover of Oasis’s ‘Morning Glory’ with the unmistakable siren-like guitar opening notes launching the band into the unstoppable wall of noise. ‘Thrills’ by Spacey Jane and ‘P

Plates’ by Ruby Fields were played as the crowd started to gather. The ensemble entertained the crowd and provided a wonderful accompaniment as David Farr had his head shaved as part of the ‘World’s Greatest Shave’. ‘I Wanna Be Everybody’ by Hockey Dad and the band’s pièce de résistance ‘Daytime TV’ by Dear Seattle was breathed in and devoured by the ever-growing crowd which had gathered. Friday performances are a way to help the school community come together and watch the AHS music students showcase their talents. Tune in every Friday on the AHS Instagram page at 1:00pm for our live stream! Daniel Codd: Band Leader

MORE OLD SCHOLAR CONNECTIONS IN THE ARTS The Adelaide High School Arts Learning area are proud to announce that old Scholars Ned Halliday (2014) and Ben Anderson (2017) are teaching instrumental music at AHS. Both of our recent old scholars are very happy to be back at Adelaide High School to share their newly developed skills, knowledge and pedagogy with our current music students.

Both Ned and Ben shared their passion and talents as students here at the school, and we are fortunate to have them return as mature adults and give back to the community. The Arts at Adelaide High School are very passionate about linking with graduates and encourage the Old Scholars to remain connected with this vibrant place of learning.

Ned Halliday teaches contemporary guitar on Tuesday and Ben Anderson teaches piano on Thursday mornings.

Mr Con Piliouras | Teacher of Music

Adelaide High School Newsletter

7 VISUAL ARTS Ms. O’Brien-Dent’s Year 9 Art classes have been working on ‘Places and Spaces’ themed Visual Studies. The students have been developing their digital art skills to create both Van Gogh inspired and street art inspired pieces in Photoshop.


Information regarding current VET students in Years 10 – 12

I would like to take this opportunity to thank VET students, parents / carers and trainers for their cooperation and diligence during the COVID-10 pandemic. VET students were able to continue their learning by accessing theoretical components of their training from home. Most courses have now resumed face-to-face delivery. Please keep checking emails to receive updates from me. For students who need to complete compulsory structured work placement, as businesses and companies begin to reopen, I would advise organising placements for the July or September school holidays. This affects Construction, Engineering, Electro-technology, Multi-Trade, Plumbing, Fitness, Hairdressing, Hospitality and Food Processing students and is especially relevant to current Year 12s. The students concerned are advised to see me soon for the paperwork, which must be returned promptly to me. All VET students must respect set due dates, to allow trainers sufficient time to mark their work and prepare results, which then need to be entered at school by mid-November. Copies of verified Certificate III parchments must be sent to the SACE Board of SA. Cooperation in this process is required to ensure that the learning is recognised and that Year 12 students receive their SACE and generate an ATAR.

2020 Semester 2 VET course options Although most VET courses last the whole year, Semester 2 provides an invaluable opportunity for Year 10 students to undertake prevocational or taster courses in trades to see if they are suited to the industry. The courses range in price from $350 - $750. Most courses attract 10 Stage 1 credits and can be used to satisfy the funding criterion, should students, who turn 16 years before the start of the 2021 school year, wish to apply to receive some government funding to help cover the training costs associated with undertaking Certificate II level qualifications. I have advertised the following: • Rosewater Trade Training Centre (tafeSA): Construction / Engineering (Welding) / Hair and Beauty Directions • Grand Junction Trade Training Centre (tafeSA): Construction / Automotive Taster course. • Thebarton Senior College: Gateway2Trades, showcasing Construction, Carpentry, Plumbing, Metal Machining and Metal Fabrication. As this last course is particularly popular, interested students will need to complete an Expression of Interest Form and attend an information session at Thebarton Senior College on 25 May at 2pm. Due to social distancing rules, bookings are essential for those who wish to attend. For 16 year old students who have done some work experience or

Edition Number 3: May 26 2020

STUDENT PATHWAYS REPORT paid work in Construction, there may still be some vacancies in the mid-year intake Certificate II Construction Pathways course at the Rosewater Trade Training Centre, which lasts12 months. Thebarton Senior College is also accepting enrolments for students who have done either work experience or paid work in welding to commence Certificate II Engineering in Semester 2. They are running Tuesday and Friday classes in an effort to skill up students for the shipbuilding industry, as BAE will be running their second round of apprenticeships in January 2021. Please note that both courses will also be run from the start of 2021 at various venues. There will be a range of other training courses available. It is vital to advise me, so I can discuss any pre-requisites and the enrolment process with the students concerned. Marden Senior College: 3D Character Design and Digital Effects, part of CUA31015 Certificate III in Screen and Media - Games Design. This course attracts 20 Stage 2 credits. As an alternative to the Hair and Beauty option listed above, Media Make Up Academy, located in the city, is offering Basics to Retail Cosmetics Services.

Short courses (No SACE credits on offer) • Barista: $195 • First Aid: $89 • RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) for Y12 students who are 18 years or almost 18 years: $69 • Construction Industry White Card course: $100 Would any interested students see me soon, so we can discuss further and I can pass on other important information. For those who wish to enrol, I will prepare a package which needs to be returned to me as soon as possible so I can secure a place. Contact with the Finance Office at Adelaide High School upon receipt of an invoice by the family will confirm that place. Once the course is confirmed, the student and their family will be invited to consider dropping a non-compulsory SACE subject at school to help the student manage their academic load. Contact me if you have any questions at all. Ms D’Aloia | Student Pathways Leader

In Term 4 tafeSA, Gilles Plains campus runs Certificate I Animal Studies, which is also very popular.

Entertainment Book Purchase your Entertainment Book from Adelaide High School today and support student-led initiatives in the school. https://www. au/orderbooks/165k098

Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools | CRICOS provider number 00018A © Adelaide High School 2020

Edition Number 3: May 26 2020

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