Newsletter 8 2020

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Adelaide High School


Edition Number 8: December 2020


IN THIS EDITION From the Principal


Materials & Services Charges 2021




Italian Competition


Year 10 Drama Performance


Badminton Carnival


Year 11 Music Night


Arts Awards


Sydney Dance Company Online


VET Student Prize


NAIDOC Week Mural


Birthing Kit Packing


Respect Me Fundraiser


Student Pathways Report


Uniform Shop


Week 8-9 Calendar


I wish you all a happy and safe festive season. Thank you so much for your partnership throughout 2020. I also want to thank our families leaving Adelaide High School at the end of 2020 for all you have contributed to the heartbeat and soul of our community. I also wish our staff leaving Adelaide High School at the end of this all the very best. I thank you for your partnership, your support and your commitment to learning. Finally, I leave this message for our Year 12 students:

Over the years you have been at Adelaide High, you have developed a set of skills, qualities and capabilities, faced numerous challenges and found ways to resolve them. You have built friendships, experienced the highs and lows of life and survived the pains of adolescence (and it would be remiss of me not to congratulate your parents and carers on their resilience in surviving your adolescence), to become young adults graduating from Adelaide High School. The decisions you make in relation to your immediate future, may include some of the people in the Adelaide High School community, but never all. However, there is an invisible tie that will bind you together, for the rest of your life. That tie is that you are an Adelaide High School student, and now a 2020 Adelaide High Old Scholar, and nothing will ever change that. Take care and stay safe Kind regards, Ms Cez Green | Principal

MATERIALS & SERVICES CHARGES 2021 The Materials and Services Charges are intended to cover the costs of those essential items and services used or consumed by your student during the course of their study. The 2021 Materials & Services Charges and subject fees have been reviewed and discussed at our Governing Council meeting where all parents were invited to attend and provide input regarding the fees for 2021.

Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia Phone 61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile 61 8 8212 7827

Following the Open Governing Council meeting, a poll of the parent community was conducted to gain support for the proposed Materials & Services Charges. The Principal has now formally approved the results of the polling process which

occurred earlier in Term 4 2020. The total Materials and Services Charge for 2021 is now designated as the “prescribed sum� for Adelaide High School set at $830. This amount, and any other applicable subject charges, are now legally recoverable in the event of non payment. Your invoice for 2021 Materials & Services charges and Semester 1 or full year subject fees will be mailed to you in January 2021, along with other important information about the start of the school year. Semester 2 subject fees are invoiced at the start of Semester 2. Finance Team

3 CALENDAR DATES December Tues 1- Thurs 3 Year 10 Research Practices Wed 2

Middle School Speech Day Assembly

Governing Council Meeting

Wed 2 Fri 4

Year 9 Step to Year 10 Day

Year 7 Transition Day: Day 2

SAATI/LA DANTE SCHOOLS COMPETITION The topic of this year’s SAATI/ La Dante Schools language competition was The Many Shades of Federico Fellini, the famous film director, also referred to as the Father of Italian Cinema. I would like to share with you that my 9B Italian class came third and that my 9A class received a high commendation in the Y8 – 9 category! Sadly, the November 26 presentation ceremony was cancelled due to pandemic restrictions. We instead held class celebrations in Week 8. I wanted to share with you what we did in Term 3. The 9B entry was called Tutto Su La Dolce Vita, Everything on La Dolce Vita (the Sweet Life), the title of perhaps Fellini’s most famous film from 1959/1960, which has the iconic Trevi Fountain scene between Marcello and Sylvia (played by Marcello Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg). The 9A entry was called Oggi, Domani e Ieri, Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday, and it showcased Fellini’s life and achievements in general.

YEAR 10 DRAMA PERFORMANCE The Year 10 Drama classes combined to present an evening of comical sketches for both family and friends to view. The opportunity to perform in front of an audience has been limited this year but a return to live theatre was certainly well received by the audience. Alternative theatrical styles including Surrealism and Absurdism were featured in the topics for this semester, and the presentations by the students certainly reflected these styles.

Year 8 Step Up to Year 9 Day

In both classes we studied Fellini’s influences, his remarkable body of work, his preferred actors, film genres, movie posters and the role of Cinecittà in post war Rome and Italian filmmaking. The students especially liked viewing snippets of his films, making props and learning some of his quotes, like La vita è una combinazione di magia e pasta! Life is a combination of magic and pasta! and Nulla si sa, tutto si immagina! Nothing is known. Everything is imagined! The students worked in pairs to conduct research and they pretended to interview Fellini in Italian using the information they had discovered.

Year 9 Step Up to Year 10 Day

Miss Rosser’s class performed ‘Check Please’ which follows a series of bizarre dinner dates. Guy and Girl are seemingly optimistic as they go on blind dates with overdramatic football fans, cutlery thieves, uncanny skeleton owners, outrageous impersonators, and even a mime! This madness sees their enthusiasm begin to wane until they bump into one another…and a light at the end of the tunnel appears!

Their efforts were also much appreciated. Thanks to all the students who participated in these activities so well! We all had lots of fun!

Mr Maher’s class performed in the second half of the evening under the banner of

Tues 8 - Wed 9 Year 8 STEAM Program

Year 9 Round Table Preparation and Presentation

Tues 8

Year 7 Parent Information Evening

Thurs 10 Fri 11

End Term 4. Dismissal 2.10pm

‘The Actor’s Nightmare’. The first pieces looked at the concept of any actor’s greatest fears. George, an accountant, finds himself on a stage, in front of an audience, with no memory of rehearsing and surrounded by anxious actors who whisper to each other “he doesn’t know his lines”. Another fear is auditioning for a part and realising that your interpretation of the character is not what the producers are expecting. The final sketches featured items from ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ where students entertained the audience with lessons on the art of bird watching, arguing, abusing others and simply hitting people on the head with rubber mallets. The positive audience response and smiles on the students’ faces indicated a successful evening, prompting a call for more live presentations from the Year 10 Drama cohorts next year. Jasmine Christie Rosser & Greg Maher | Year 10 Drama Teachers

Evviva Maestro Fellini, padre del Cinema Italiano! / Long Live Fellini, the father of Italian Cinema! Ms Livia D’Aloia | Student Pathways Leader / Teacher of Italian

For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, log onto the searchable Calendar and Events database on the website ( About/Calendar-and-Events).

Follow Adelaide High School on Social Media adelaidehighschool/ adelaidehighschool1908/ AdelaideHigh

Adelaide High School Newsletter

Edition Number 8: December 2020

5 BADMINTON CARNIVAL Adelaide High School students participated in the School Sport Badminton Carnival held earlier this term. The team consisted of 40 students who compete in our Saturday morning badminton competition. From a student engagement and participation point of view it was an extremely successful day, as the players improved their skills whilst having the chance to further develop friendships. The tournament was a great end to the season. Congratulations to the Girls’ team which made it to the grand final.

Year 9/10 Dance students were provided with an exciting opportunity over the last few weeks, undertaking online workshops with dancers from Sydney Dance company. They learnt contemporary, musical jazz and lyrical styles. The dancers commented on how quickly our students picked up the work and were most impressed with their engagement. The work taught was complex, fast and challenged our students. This experience was truly amazing and congratulations to Mrs Moors for sourcing this innovative way to provide workshops to students.

Megan Thomas | Sport Assistant



On Wednesday 11 November, the Year 11 music class held their music night to present what they had been working on throughout the year. This included band, duo, trio and solo performances. It was a great experience to perform in front of our family and friends because that was something that we haven’t had many chances to do. It was amazing to see everyone from my class come together and give their best performance, and it was great to see how much we have all grown this year. I can’t wait to see our class grow as we are moving into Stage 2 Music next year.


Lilith Sharp, a Year 11 student who has just completed Certificate III in Screen and Media / Visual Effects (VFX) on Thursdays at Marden Senior College, was presented with an amazing prize there on Thursday, November 26, based on her outstanding skills. Mr X, Technicolor, Adelaide’s biggest VFX studio, presented her with an award of a two-hour masterclass / Q&A session with a member of the studio leadership of her choosing, along with Mr X merchandise and chocolates. Ashleigh Allon, Talent Acquisition Manager, personally delivered the certificate and prize and was able to sit down with Lilith and discuss her career pathways and interest.

If you would like to see our performance visit this link -

I would like to thank Lilith’s trainers, Ms Vernick and Mr Kameron, as well as her parents, for the support and encouragement.

Vasileia Markou | SG97

We wish Lilith all the best and look forward to a bright career in the booming VFX industry in Adelaide and Australia. Livia D’Aloia | Student Pathways Leader

NAIDOC WEEK MURAL ARTS AWARDS Congratulations to the following students for being acknowledged for their success in their Arts studies at AHS. Brianna McNeill – Drama SA, Senior Student Award, in recognition of her dedication to Drama in 2020. This is a statewide acknowledgement. Jack Barton and Samoda Silva were both acknowledged by the Festival Centre for their contributions to the Arts at AHS. They undertook student agency and reflected high order commitment beyond what is expected in their Senior years whilst undertaking their academic studies.

Adelaide High School Newsletter

To celebrate NAIDOC Week, Indigenous students painted a mural to replicate their own Kaurna trail. The mural incorporated Adelaide High School and also included the Torrens River (Karrawirra Parri), significant places in the Adelaide CBD including Victoria Square (Tarndanyangga) and Tandanya, parts of the Tjilbruke trail, and Tambawodli (which means home on the plains), the land on which Adelaide High School stands. A Kaurna shield was also incorporated to protect the staff and students of Adelaide High School.

Edition Number 8: December 2020

7 ZONTA BIRTHING KIT PACKING Adelaide High School students, working alongside members of the Zonta Club of Adelaide, contributed to another successful day packing 600 Birthing Kits. This year, all 600 kits will support many women in the developing communities of East Africa. For many staff and students this opportunity, being involved in a cause which aims to reduce birth-related infections, is very unique and eye-opening. All left with a greater sense of appreciation and awareness of ongoing global issues. For many students, we have come to realise that we are very fortunate with the medical care that is available to us; however, there are many women in disadvantaged countries that do not have the services to ensure a safe birth.

The day commenced with stories, told by some of the strong women in these developing communities, who advocated the importance of Birthing Kits. Upon the conclusion of packing, our cohort felt empowered, ready to share their experiences with others. Awareness of the significant contribution made by the Zonta Club of Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills Catholic Parish was also established. A big thanks must go out to all involved, including the Zontians and Adelaide High school staff and students who assisted on the day. Ms Ashleigh Bandiera & Ms Michaela Moors

STUDENT PATHWAYS REPORT A message from the National Careers Institute (NCI)

2021 VET enrolments

The NCI was established to ensure people have access to authoritative and accurate careers information and support irrespective of their age or career stage. To find out more about the NCI and its work, visit http:/

I have secured VET enrolments for current Year 9 – 11 students in these 2021 courses:

To support and enhance people’s access to careers information across Australia, the government recently announced some NCI initiatives, which include the Your Career website, the School Leavers Information Kit, and the School Leavers Information Service.

Your Career website As the nation deals with COVID-19, there has never been a more important time for people to have better access to information about education, training and work pathways. You can find Your Career website at • • • •

It is delivered by the National Careers and is powered by the National Skills Commission’s world-leading labour market intelligence. It is Australia’s authoritative source of careers information, helping people of all ages take the next step in their career. It is useful for people looking for their first job, a change in career or a return to the workforce It provides information about study or work options based on tailored careers information and highlights support programs available to help.

School Leavers Information Kit

RESPECT ME FUNDRAISER SUPPORTS ZAHRA FOUNDATION On Friday November 27, the AHS community came together again to say ‘NO’ to men’s violence against women and children. The aim of the ‘Respect Me’ fundraising event which supports Zahra Foundation Australia was to raise awareness about domestic violence and the importance of respect and keeping AHS a ‘safe and welcoming environment -for students and staff – based upon mutual respect’. Due to the lockdown, a series of activities were organised over two weeks. Students sold biscuits at recess and lunch to raise funds for the Foundation and we also held a Casual Day last Friday. During PC sessions leading up to the fundraiser, students had the opportunity to discuss the issue and to also make women’s safety a man’s issue. A culture of respect and equality for all is paramount, and empowering women and girls ‘not only for school but for life’ is the key to securing them a safer and healthier future. The significant donation of $1,338.36 (which exceeded our 2019 contribution)

Adelaide High School Newsletter

to Zahra Foundation Australia will enable the Foundation to continue to provide support and assistance to South Australian women and children experiencing domestic violence. A huge thank you to all staff and students for their valuable contribution and for dedicating their time to make it happen again this year.

A special thank you to the 60 students who participated in the event and the staff who supported key aspects of the fundraising events. Thank you to the AHS community for caring and making a difference. Ms Mireille Le Doledec | French teacher

For young people finishing school in 2020, the School Leavers Information Kit Your Career: What’s next for you? Provides young people with tailored information about education, training and work options as they navigate the changing labour market. Key sections include: • •

Help to build your future career Information about further education and training and industries across Australia. Help with short-term options Identifying current skills, undertaking short-term education and training, and options to pursue different opportunities like work experience or volunteering. Help to pursue your goal Financial assistance, starting your first new job and local careers information.

View/download your free copy of the Kit on the Your Career website’s school leaver support page.

At Certificate III level: Business, Micro-Business, Fitness, Screen and Media (Virtual Reality and Games Design), Information Technology, Animal Studies, Visual Arts (Photo-Imaging), Food Processing, Early Childhood Education and Care, Design Fundamentals, Make Up, Dance and Hospitality. Successful students will generate SACE Stage 2 credits and be able to use their qualification to help them secure an ATAR. Some students are undertaking partial Certificate III courses, such as partial Certificate III Roof Plumbing and partial Certificate III Carpentry, as well as Certificate II Automotive Servicing Technology, which will allow students to generate Stage 2 credits. Most Certificate II courses allow students to gain Stage 1 credits. Our students have chosen: • Certificate II Electro-technology (Career Start) • Certificate II Construction Pathways • Certificate II Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) • Certificate II Salon Assistant • Certificate I Construction (Plumbing) In addition to securing SACE credits, there are lots of other benefits to VET students as they are able to experience at first-hand what an industry area is like and start to develop the associated skills, in addition to employability skills. As soon as their VET enrolment in the course is confirmed, the students will be able to negotiate to drop a non-compulsory Year 10 or SACE subject, in consultation with you and their House Manager. This is best done at the start of 2021, once timetables are released. At the moment there are few vacancies in some courses. Two that do have vacancies are Certificate II Horticulture, ideal for Year 11 students, and The Basics to Retail Cosmetics (a ten week course), which is ideal for Year 10 students in particular. Please contact me if you would like more information about either of these courses.

What to do if your son / daughter has enrolled in a purchased VET course for 2021? •

If your child is doing a course through an Alliance, please contact the school’s Finance Office to finalise payment. If your child is doing a course through a private provider, please contact them to arrange payment.

Look out for a confirmation or acknowledgement letter or email from the RTO delivering the training so that start date and time, uniform requirements and other details are clarified.

Unless specified otherwise by the RTO, school uniform is to be worn to each class.

Some RTOs ask the students to complete an online literacy and numeracy test and / or to complete more forms as soon as possible after the enrolment takes place.

Ask your son / daughter to prepare an electronic folder on their computer in which they can store all relevant information. I also ask students to store hard copies of forms and other information in a folder or binder.

In the event of your son / daughter needing to miss a VET class for illness or some other purpose, it is vital that the trainer and I are notified, preferably in advance.

Students are required to attend each week, arrive punctually

School Leavers Information Service To assist in using the Kit, there is also information about the School Leavers Information Service which provides school leavers with two levels of careers support: • •

help to navigate the School Leavers Information Kit, access and use the Your Career website or be referred to relevant government programs or support services. where needed, a personalised career guidance session with a qualified career practitioner for up to 45 minutes.

The Service is available by: • calling 1800 CAREER (1800 227 337) • texting SLIS2020 to 0429 009 435, or • emailing

Edition Number 8: December 2020

9 STUDENT PATHWAYS REPORT and stay for the duration of the class. •

For full year courses, due to the practical nature of many of the courses, no more than three absences are permitted during the training program. It is best for students to liaise with their trainer in the event of known absences or lateness to see what work can be done in advance or as a catch up later, so they do not fall behind. It is an expectation that VET must take precedence over all other events.

Whilst at VET, as per what happens at Adelaide High School, students are to keep mobile phones (on silent or switched off) and airpods in their bags. Students can check their messages during their allocated break times.

Another important expectation of VET students is that they need to check their emails regularly, perhaps once or twice a day, as this is the main means of communication from the RTO, their trainer and me. The given email should be the students’ school email.

Due to the pandemic, from time to

time it is vital for me to contact the student immediately. Whilst email and Daymap messaging will be used, it is necessary at times to use the student’s mobile phone. •

If Structured Work Placement is a compulsory requirement of the VET course, you can help them investigate or even secure industry placements. Most 2021 VET students would be ready to start completing some of the required hours / shifts in the April school holidays. There will be other opportunities during the July and October school holidays and during Student Free Days and weekends for undertaking work placement. Students can obtain all relevant documentation from me.

Short courses Short courses have again been popular this year amongst our Year 10 – 12 students They are offered annually, are affordable and can benefit students who are looking for part time work. I promote mainly the following: Barista, Responsible Service of

Alcohol (RSA: for students who are almost 18 years or who have turned 18 years of age) and First Aid. Depending on the course, should your child be considering doing a VET course, some of this training forms part of that certificate. For example: • Barista is included in Certificate III Hospitality • First Aid is included in Certificate III Fitness, as well as Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care. Feel free to contact me if you have any queries or ask your son / daughter to make a time to see me to discuss further. Thank you all for your support this year. I would like to thank general staff and House Leaders who support VET students and also Finance and Student Services staff who assist with the organisation of this program. I wish all school leavers a wonderful future and everyone a restful and safe festive season and relaxing holiday. Ms D’Aloia | Student Pathways Leader

CAMPUS SCHOOL & COLLEGE WEAR Website: Ph: (08) 8346 0830 Email:

For information regarding opening times of the Uniform Shop please refer to the school website. Holiday opening hours will be posted on the website calendar.

Adelaide High School Newsletter

Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools | CRICOS provider number 00018A © Adelaide High School 2020

Edition Number 8: December 2020

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