AHS Newsletter 9 2018

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Adelaide High School


Edition No. 9 |September 3, 2018


In this Edition From the Principal


Calendar Dates


Stage 2 Drama Performance


Foodbank Food Drive


of inquiry. I am looking forward to sharing the report with you.

Melbourne & MacRob Exchanges 3 F1 in Schools State Finals


Spanish Day Out


Book Week


Year 8 Matball Competition


2019 Italy Study Tour


Student Pathways Report


Greek Dance


It is with pleasure that I welcome Mr Ben Foxwell who is with us in a contract position whilst Mr Darryl Wiechmann and Mr Aris Bakas are on leave. Mr John Bentley joins us as HPE teacher behind Mr Paul Williman and Ms Lara Nowak begins her contract whilst Ms Electra Montiadis is on leave. I wish our new contract teachers all the very best during their time at Adelaide High School. Congratulations to Ms Casey Swansson who has won the position of Intervention Leader. Casey’s position will officially begin in 2019. Her expertise will provide valuable leadership in the area of learning intervention for students, supporting them to engage in targeted programs to stretch skill development. Thank you so much for your support of the parent teacher interviews held on Tuesday afternoon and evening. We had a record number of families attend and it was a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the learning, engagement and academic achievement of your student.

Please help Adey support Foodbank to support those in need in South Australia. Details on Page 2.

Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia Phone 61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile 61 8 8212 7827 office@adelaidehs.sa.edu.au www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au

Just a reminder that on Wednesday, September 5 staff will be involved in professional learning focusing on learning intervention, digital pedagogy, data and information literacy. This will be a Student Free Day. Further, on Thursday, September 6, we have a school closure day. Thank you for your support during this time. As you know, during Week 2, Adelaide High School engaged in an External School Review, facilitated by staff from the Department for Education. Thank you to all of our families who met with the review team. During the three days, the Review team met with staff, students and families and visited many classes. AHS will receive a report with the strengths identified and recommendations aligned with the 3 lines

Auslan will be introduced as the 8th language offered by the school in 2019. It is the language of the Deaf Community in Australia. Under the leadership of our CHI Coordinator Ms Amy Geue, in partnership with the CHI team, planning is in place for the introduction of our new language offering. We anticipate a class at Year 8 and at Year 9 to commence in 2019. A number of staff are also undertaking Auslan training to learn how to sign and interact with our CHI students more effectively. In July 2017, when I arrived at Adelaide High School, I set myself the goal of being able to sign aspects of my speech at formal assemblies. I am very happy to say that I achieved this goal and, with the help of Ms Amy Geue, presented part of my speech to the students at the MacRob Welcome Assembly in Auslan. I will continue to learn and hopefully, in the not too distant future, I will be confident to sign all of my speeches. A small group of Adelaide High School students, under the leadership of Ms Dimitra Rozaklis and Mr David Place, left early Thursday morning to engage in a 10 day trek as part of Operation Flinders. Here they will engage in learning experiences that will challenge their thinking, build skills and enhance problem solving. Thank you to Mr Stephen Kay who drove the staff and students to their outback destination. We wish them all the very best. Sam Charters, one of our Year 9 students, was selected by CANTEEN to feature in their 2018 appeal. The target for CANTEEN was to raise a total of $178,853.00 to support young children and their families. As part of the appeal, a series of videos was developed, featuring Sam and capturing his story. The target was $178,853 and the total raised was $246,646.00! Please take the time to watch the videos: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4. Finally, thank you for your support in ensuring your student is in full uniform. A reminder that only Adelaide High School uniform jumpers are to be worn and PE uniform items are only to be worn for PE lessons.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Kind regards, Ms Cez Green | Principal

CALENDAR DATES September Tues 4

Birthing Kit Assembly Day

Wed 5

Student Free Day

Thurs 6 School Closure Day Fri 7

Prefect Talent Quest

Sun 9

Tournament of Minds

Mon 10 - Tues 11 Prefect Information Sessions Thurs 13 International Students Curry Day Sun 16 City Bay Fun Run Wed 19 Governing Council Meeting Mon 24 Deadline for Yearbook payments

STAGE 2 DRAMA PERFORMANCE A Noel Coward Triple Treat The SACE Stage 2 Drama class will be presenting excerpts from three Noel Coward plays for their Moderated Assessment; Private Lives, Fallen Angels and Blithe Spirit. These plays highlight the lifestyle of the English upper class during the 1920’s and 30’s, and the staging of the scenes will resemble ‘a veritable boxing match of words and manners laced with subtext and glamour.’ The performances will be held in Drama Studio North on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 September 3 starting at 7.30 pm. Tickets will be available at Student Services on Monday, September ($5 student/concession and $8 adults). This will be a great opportunity to not only support the students but also enjoy a comical evening of live entertainment. We look forward to you joining us on one of the nights. The performance is for a mature audience and contains adult themes. Mr Greg Maher | Teacher of Drama

Mon 24 110th Anniversary of AHS Tues 25 Sports Assembly Thurs 27 Achilles Cup Athletics Fri 28

End Term 3

Early dismissal

Reports distributed

For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, log onto the searchable Calendar and Events database on the website (http://www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au/ About/Calendar-and-Events).

Follow Adelaide High School on Social Media

https://www.facebook. com/adelaidehighschool/

FOODBANK FOOD DRIVE As part of the Global Awareness and Citizenship foci of the school, the students in Adey House will be promoting and participating in the collection of nonperishable food items for Foodbank. Foodbank is by far, the largest hunger relief organisation in South Australia. Foodbank South Australia is a non-profit organisation established in South Australia in 2000, with a vision to achieve a South Australia without hunger. They source food from the community and the food industry and make it available to welfare agencies and people in need.

What can you do? Your support can take many forms: • •

https://twitter.com/ AdelaideHigh Adelaide High School Newsletter

A monetary donation will assist with the purchase of goods. Donations can be made to the Finance Office. Send non-perishable goods to school and place them in the provided food bins. Refer to the attached list of goods.

Please help Adey support Foodbank to support those in need in South Australia.














Jinwon Kim



44 - 38

Lahie Amat



55 - 29

Rebekah Frisby-Smith




Vincent Truong



15 - 1

Doyoun Kim

Basketball 1


61 - 18

Cross Country


19 - 17

Jess Rokkas

Basketball 2


63 - 37




Lakshi Sukheja

Debate 1





7.15 (57) - 0.2 (2)

Quillen Economou

Debate 2






Rachel Van Der Ploeg



23.15 (153) - 2.7 (19)

Dylan Darley



71 - 19

Quillen Economou




Thomas Verbart




Flo Figueroa




Arbri Mollas




Michaela Hadaj

Table Tennis


11 - 1

Arnva Kapoor



13 - 3

Jes Tarrant




Winton La

Table Tennis



Wendy La

Theatre Sports


24 - 22

Jack Beales




Poonyarrah McKenzie

Volleyball 1



Theatre Sports


53 - 47

Bella Whiley-Smith

Volleyball 2






Alice Liddy

Harry Clapham

Miles Reschke

Zac Bowman

Melbourne won the Exchange 7.5 - 3.5

Adelaide won the Exchange 9 - 6

Edition Number 9: September 3 2018

F1 IN SCHOOLS STATE FINALS The State Finals of the F1 in Schools competition will occur at the Royal Adelaide Show on September 3 and 4 and Adelaide High School will have two teams competing. Lickety Split, comprising Ivy Bell, Madeline Berryman, Madeline Budgen, Sonia Huynh and Ying Stokes, and Ray, comprising Easwar Allada, Nimat Anoar, Matthew Barrett, Tony Ngo and Spencer Zhou will be competing in the Development class against a number of other South Australian High Schools. The competition sees teams producing a miniature F1 car made from balsa wood, which is propelled by a pressurised carbondioxide gas canister and raced down a twenty-metre track in just over a second, reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h. The cars themselves are designed on a computer using a professional CAD program called Autodesk Inventor, with virtual windtunnel tests being run in Autodesk Flow Design. Once the car is completed to a high standard, the 3D model is loaded into a CNC router that machines the car out of a standardised block of balsa. The front wing is machined separate to the main body of the car with a 3D printer. When racing, the cars are tethered down to the track with a nylon wire to prevent them from flying off the track. Times are recorded with a purpose-built timer, accurate to 1/1000 of a second. The starting mechanism pierces

the gas canisters, pushing the car off at incredible speeds. The competition is not only about the racing. Teams must develop a strong and unique team identity through effective marketing strategies. Teams showcase this by designing and constructing a trackside trade display, documenting their progress in a portfolio, and giving a verbal presentation to a panel of judges on their key team elements. Both teams have now set up their display booth at the Show in readiness for the

competition. Part of the F1 in Schools challenge involves seeking partnerships within the industry, including team sponsors. Both teams were fortunate enough to have the support of a number of sponsors. Ray, in particular, would like to would like to thank their major sponsor – The Rotary Club of Unley and its President Trevor McQuirk. Good luck to both teams on their quest to make the National finals early in 2019. Mr Trevor Warren | Teacher of Design and Technology

SPANISH DAY OUT During Week 2, 20 students of Year 8 Spanish went to the 2018 Spanish Day Out at the Open Access College in Marden with Señora Ryan and Señora Enriquez. Our students participated together with a number of other schools in the Adelaide Region. At the Spanish Day Out, the students involved themselves in a number of different aspects relating to the traditional Spanish culture through various structured activities. An example of the activities included doing the traditional dance of Merengue, which is a traditional Dominican Republic couple dance commonly performed in the Hispanic culture. Furthermore, there was a Spanishstyled treasure hunt, the handkerchief game, Spanish-styled Bingo and a game on families in a number of Spanish-speaking countries. Students were also served traditional Spanish food such as Churros, which are fried-dough pastry snacks, and Empanadas, which are appetizing, oven-baked pastries, filled with vegetables and meat. It was a fascinating experience for everyone

Adelaide High School Newsletter

present, especially the students, as they were provided with an opportunity to express their personal understanding and knowledge on the Spanish culture and learn new information concerning Spanish traditions.

during the Spanish Day Out by engaging actively in all activities and answering a variety of different questions presented by the organisers. In addition, a raffle prizes were drawn and a number of Adelaide High School students won prizes.

Overall, our school performed very well

Aryan Raj Dhawan | 8V131

5 CBCA BOOK WEEK ‘Find Your Treasure,’ was an appropriate theme to reflect another successful Children’s Book Council Book Week. The Library was full of colour and displays, inspiring students to consider new, adventurous and challenging reads. Many of these titles too, were named in the State Library of Victoria’s 2018 ‘Inky’ Awards for teens. Various activities ran throughout Book Week, resulting in significant student participation across all year levels. Activities included a ‘find your treasure’ themed quiz, a bookmark design competition, and an Adventure Room. The Adventure Room, a wonderfully innovative concept designed by Library SSOs Donella and Phoebe, challenged students to work together using problem solving skills to advance past clues to collect their gold ‘bounty’ in the form of chocolate coins. Many bookmarks were entered into the competition, but the winner was created by Doyoun Kim. Honourable mentions went to Jero Agag, Ivy Bell, Brian Hoang and Dinny Ren. All entries were

displayed in the Library, and the winner and honourable mentions were reproduced for students. Class 8V132, the current ALEAP group, attended a book chat hosted by guest author Charlie Archbold, author of Mallee Boys. Charlie Archbold’s novel was one of two Honour Books in the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards in the Older Readers category for 2018. Charlie came to discuss the release of her debut novel and the workings behind what inspired the text. The highly anticipated Book Week Quiz was a great conclusion to the week. Always a competitive quiz, this year the “Harry, yer a quizzard” team comprising the regular faces of Imogen, Fei, Maaike, Maeve, Lily and Ying took out the win over the disputing staff group, Team Darley. Ms Ashleigh Bandiera | Teacher Librarian

Jero Agag

Brian Hoang

Dinny Ren

Winner Doyoun Kim Ivy Bell

YEAR 8 MATBALL COMPETITION During Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 3 the Peer Leaders ran the annual Matball Competition between the Year 8 Pastoral Care Groups. Matball is a combination of cricket, baseball and dodgeball. The Year 8s were extremely enthusiastic and competitive, aiming to win points for the S.J. Dowdy Cup and bring victory to their House. Over the course of one week during Pastoral Care, classes competed for the title of Matball Champions. 8V131 and 8R10 took the title, both winning the competition with 15 points each.

The final House results were close: POSITION HOUSE POINTS 1st Adey 36 2nd Morriss 26 3rd Macghey 19 4th West 14 Thank you to everyone who contributed to a successful competition. Ms Jess Salem | Peer Leader Coordinator

Edition Number 9: September 3 2018

2019 ITALY STUDY TOUR The teachers of Italian will soon begin calling for expressions of interest from students interested in participating in the 2019 Italy Study Tour. The three-week tour will commence towards the end of Week 9 of the 11-week Term 1 and the likely return date will be during the Easter weekend (the middle weekend of the April school holidays). Prospective participants will therefore miss just over two school weeks and be away for the first week of the holidays. Preference will be given to Years 10 – 12 students of Italian, especially those who host incoming students. Students who have studied Italian may also be

considered. A week will be spent being billeted by families attached to our sister school in Biella and the remaining two weeks will be spent touring famous cities and immersing ourselves in the language and culture. We are very proud of our sister school relationship which began in 2003. If you think your son / daughter would benefit from this experience, please ask them to speak with one of the teachers of Italian or email me.

Livia D’Aloia | 2019 Italy Tour Leader Livia.daloia@adelaidehs.sa.edu.au


Current VET students in Years 10 – 12 VET students who need to carry out Structured Work Placements, as required for their courses, and who are planning to do shifts / placements during the coming October school holidays, need to give me their completed Workplace Learning Agreement Forms as soon as they are ready, but definitely by the start of Week 10 (Monday, September 24).

If there are still families who need to finalise payments for their child’s 2018 VET course, please get in touch with Finance as soon as possible on 8110 0447 or via email finance@ adelaidehs.sa.edu.au.

Careers and pathways planning

The Land Forces 2018 Careers and Skills event, scheduled for the morning of Thursday, September 6, at the Adelaide Convention Centre has had to be cancelled. Thanks to those students who expressed interest and to the staff to volunteered to assist with the running of this excursion on our Show Day. Apologies for any inconvenience. Lots of students toured the universities during their recent Open Days and many students and their families visited The Hub during our Course Counselling Day on August 16 to speak to university representatives and collect information. Representatives also addressed students in Week 5. It is exciting to see that there are lots of new courses on offer, such as: • Bachelor of Science (Palaeontology) and the same course with Honours (Flinders) • Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games) and the same course with Honours (Flinders) • Bachelor of Corporate Finance (Adel Uni) • Bachelor of Peace and Conflict Studies (Uni of Adel) • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Ageing and Disability) (UniSA) • Bachelor of Arts (Social Media) (UniSA) Other information evenings, expos and events that will be run later this year which may assist your son / daughter to engage in futures planning, will be advertised at school. Once such event is the Motor Trade

Adelaide High School Newsletter

Association Careers Day, which will be held at their Training and Apprenticeship Centre, 3 Frederick Road, Royal Park on Wednesday 26 September. There are two options for interested students to attend: either 1 – 3pm or 5 – 8pm. For more information, contact the MTA on 82410522 or via email adminroyalpark@mtaofsa.com.au. Bookings can be made on https://mtacareersday2018. eventbrite.com. The Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service (AATIS) has a relatively new website, contain lots of information for prospective school based and full time apprentices. Visit https://www. aapathways.com.au/about-the-australianapprenticeship-traineeship.

2019 VET enquiries and enrolments

Several Years 9 – 11 have already expressed interest in doing purchased VET courses in 2019, based on the information included in the 2019 Adelaide High School Curriculum Booklets and other newly released information published on DayMap and disseminated via email. Students can continue to express interest during Terms 3 and 4, but it is best if this is done soon. The Expression of Interest Form is available in The Help Hub and in Student Services and has been emailed to students. As 2019 VET courses fill quite quickly and each RTO has differing due dates, please ask your child to see me as soon as possible with any enquiries or for the enrolment package. There is a fee for families for most VET courses. Adelaide High School will invoice families for the cost of courses as part of the enrolment process. I recently emailed to Y9 – 11 students the 2019 VET course offerings of the Eastern Adelaide Schools Cluster. As more information is released by private RTOs and tafeSA, I will pass it on to the interested students. A few reminders: • Enrolments for full year and Semester 1 VET courses need to occur now or in Term 4. • Enrolments for Semester 2 courses can occur in Semester 1. • Only complete Certificate III level

qualifications, as recorded on the SACE Board’s VET Recognition Register, can count towards the ATAR. The most popular Certificate III level courses chosen by our students have been Certificate III Hospitality, Certificate III Business, Certificate III Micro-Business and Certificate III Fitness, Certificate III Screen and Media. A few students are also undertaking Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care. Only senior students are allowed to do some of these higher level courses, some of them which may take more than two semesters to complete, due to the extensive work placement requirement components. There are a few courses (in specific trades, perceived to be in industries experiencing shortages) which attract some government funding. o Some of these attract Stage 2 credits, but most attract Stage 1 credits, so they are ideal for prospective Year 11 students (who meet the age and other criteria). o This will be explained to prospective Year 12 students who wish to undertake VET courses that attract only Stage 1 credits. o Prospective students who meet all the eligibility criteria for funded positions need to agree to certain conditions. o A materials or service fee will be need to be paid, as indicated on the Adelaide High School invoice that your family will receive if your son / daughter accepts the offer for a funded position.

I am still promoting short courses (Barista, RSA, First Aid and Construction Industry White Card Training), so please ask your son / daughter to see me for the latest vacancies and information. My office is in The Help Hub, but the best way to contact me if via email livia.daloia@ adelaidehs.sa.edu.au. Ms Livia D’Aloia | Student Pathways Coordinator

7 FROM THE PRINCIPAL ;lkjnb;kjbnkjb;kjb

Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools | CRICOS provider number 00018A © Adelaide High School 2018

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