Prospectus 2019

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WELCOME TO THE ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY We are really looking forward to working in partnership with you over the next five years and beyond. Adelaide High has a heartbeat and a soul which is shaped by our students, staff, families, Old Scholars and the wider community. All new students entering Adelaide High will make lifetime connections and always be part of the Adelaide High family. Adelaide High is divided into four Houses – Adey, Macghey, Morriss, and West. You will be allocated to one of these Houses for your time at Adelaide High. In your House you will work closely with an 8-12 group of students and staff, all of whom will be an important part of both your learning journey and development of graduate qualities. Across the next five years you will experience a range of different learning opportunities from within the curriculum and through co-curricular activities and clubs. You will encounter a variety of new and exciting learning experiences which make Adelaide High unique. These can occur in the Arts, Languages, sports (including rowing, cricket, football, soccer, badminton), international study tours, movie making, cultivating trees for life, community service activities such as working with charity organisations around the CBD, in clubs, through student leadership in your House, the Prefects and SRC, camps, World Challenge, formal assemblies … and the list goes on. Embrace the opportunities which Adelaide High provides for you. Families, please know you are an important part of this journey and we look forward to sharing this together, ‘not only for school but for life’. If you wish to extend your understanding of how we work with our families and students to achieve our motto, I invite you to join me on a school tour. Cez Green, Principal


MOTTO Non scholae sed vitae Not only for school but for life

VISION Adelaide High School is a dynamic community which is passionate about learning for life. Wellbeing: We encourage the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of all members of our community. Respect, resilience and optimism help us flourish. Learning: We nurture independent, creative and collaborative learners. Curiosity and innovation motivate us to excel individually and collectively. Culture: We celebrate diversity, promote intercultural understandings and connect with communities here and across the world. We reflect on our past and learn in the present to shape our future.

PRIORITIES We are committed to: 1. Wellbeing: A safe and welcoming environment based upon mutual respect. 2. Learning: Engaging and challenging learning experiences through: • Reflective, innovative and contemporary practices • Varied curriculum and co-curricular offerings • Learning within and beyond the classroom. 3. Culture:

eveloping compassionate, D positive and contributing citizens.

GRADUATE QUALITIES The qualities that graduates will develop over their time at Adelaide High School include: Constructive personal and interpersonal abilities Entrepreneurship • Citizenship • Active global awareness • Effective communication skills • An ability to work as an effective team member • Self-awareness and an ability to recognise and value the character strengths of others. • •

Wellbeing: We encourage the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of all members of our community. Respect, resilience and optimism help us flourish. We are committed to a safe and welcoming environment based upon mutual respect.


A UNIQUE LOCATION Adelaide High School is positioned on the western edge of the Adelaide city centre and is surrounded by parklands. Its central location enables the school to use a wide range of community resources to enhance student learning. The school’s proximity to the State Library, Art Gallery and Museum, the Adelaide City Council, the Adelaide city centre, transport hubs, local, national and international business houses and the parklands gives our students access to experiences that are not only for school, but for life. The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide University and the University of South Australia are all within walking distance, allowing many students to benefit from our working relationships with these educational institutions. The school is easily accessed via public transport including tram, train and numerous bus routes.

FACILITIES Our facilities are excellent. The school was originally built in the early 1950s and there have been significant upgrades in recent years, with a new wing, the Charles Todd building, opened in 2014. It was designed with adult learning principles in mind and features contemporary science laboratories, general learning spaces, a Library, IT Help Desk, Edutainment Booth, Health & PE laboratory, drama studio and an incredible rooftop plaza where Year 12s can take a break and see things from a different perspective. These facilities, including the new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics) Room and the Performing Arts Centre (proposed completion date October 2019), are contemporary, bright and provide flexible spaces and specialised facilities for students to learn and interact in a range of ways. The refurbished canteen provides students with world class facilities to self-select food items.

The adjacent café enables students to meet, eat, collaborate and learn together in a relaxed atmosphere. An up-to-date Home Economics facility, which includes a commercial kitchen, and the new Languages, Mathematics and Art and Innovation Centres, which were completed in 2015, all provide students with opportunities to follow their passions. The Government has just announced an $18 million building program to cater for the arrival of Year 7 students in 2022 and provide state of the art specialist learning areas. The parklands provide additional facilities to our gymnasium, exercise physiology laboratory and weights room. Students have access to tennis, basketball and netball courts, a multipurpose astroturf facility, newly constructed handball walls and four ovals. The cricket facilities comprise turf and hard wickets as well as a number of practice nets. Our renovated boatshed on the banks of the River Torrens houses the rowing equipment and provides one of two training facilities for the rowing crews. It is also extensively used by staff and students for co-curricular activities. The second boatshed at West Lakes is a shared facility with two other public rowing schools. The school is committed to contemporary learning and supports students and staff to access information through a wireless network. All classrooms are equipped with LED screens, to enable contemporary learning. ICT at Adelaide High School supports learning anytime, anywhere and students can access the curriculum through the school’s website, intranet and a student learner management system. Deaf or Hearing Impaired students in the Centre for the Hearing Impaired are supported in mainstream classes by Teachers of the Deaf and Bilingual School Support Officers (BSSO’s). The heritage-listed Hall, which has been refurbished and is equipped with a professional sound and lighting system, is extensively used for formal school occasions and school productions and has a generous seating capacity.




Our Pastoral Care programs, designed to meet the needs of young adolescents, provide students with opportunities to learn about themselves, those around them and to develop skills to contribute positively to our school and the wider community. Above all it contributes directly to the development of well-rounded individuals.

Adelaide High School develops individual and collective skills through student involvement in a range of co-curricular experiences including F1 in Schools STEM Challenge, Tournament of Minds, Debating, Theatre Sports, Chess, Greek Dancing, Interact Service Club, and the Premier’s Reading and be active Challenges.

Our students are encouraged to develop their citizenship and community service capabilities at all levels and to explore post-secondary options. Active citizenship is a key to personal wellbeing, while providing support to others in the community.

Civics and Citizenship education takes many forms at Adelaide High School, with students developing knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs and values which enable them to effectively participate in community and leadership activities locally, nationally and globally. Through the work of students in community projects such as Adopt-a-Grave, Ecovision, Zonta Birthing Kits and the Salvation Army Do Unto Others program, students are able to engage with society, gain an understanding of the importance of their role within both their immediate and the global community, and develop a number of skills including community mindedness, respect, responsibility and inclusion. Our aim is to encourage students to move beyond tolerance to embrace diversity in all its facets.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY Adelaide High School is culturally rich, with over 60 different cultures in our school community. Our students understand, value and celebrate cultural diversity. The tone of the school is respectful and harmonious. Students and teachers work together to achieve a common goal – that of success. This atmosphere of trust and respect for each other strengthens our already excellent reputation in the areas of positive student behaviour and complements our students’ focussed approach to their studies and to citizenship. Bilingual staff assist in the building of partnerships between the school and parents, and the school’s focus on developing international mindedness and intercultural awareness assists us to ensure our community is harmonious and supportive.

HUMAN RIGHTS Students at Adelaide High School have made a firm commitment to promoting intercultural awareness and international understanding. The work of student leaders in the area of human rights has been acknowledged by The National Committee on Human Rights Education, with the school being honoured with a Citizen of Humanity Award. The physical symbol of this work is The Hallway of Human Rights – a specially designated space where students symbolically make a commitment to the idea of universal human rights through painting, special ceremonies and visual displays.

Our Music program is exciting and offers curricular and co-curricular opportunities. Students are able to study Music to Year 12 and take part in Cabarets, Musicals, the Choir and various bands. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within our Prefect system, Student Representative Council, Peer Leaders Program, Middle School and Senior School House Leaders system, Interact and International Ambassadors. Adelaide High School has a strong tradition of sporting involvement and excellence and competes in State, Zone, Knockout and the Independent Schools’ competitions. The school participates in an annual sporting and cultural exchange with Melbourne High School and The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School. We offer a broad range of sporting opportunities, including athletics, badminton, cricket, rowing, netball, football, soccer, table tennis, softball, swimming, volleyball, basketball, tennis and hockey.

Learning: We nurture independent, creative and collaborative learners. Curiosity and innovation motivate us to excel individually and collectively. We are committed to engaging and challenging learning experiences through: Reflective, innovative and contemporary practices • Varied curriculum and co-curricular offerings • Learning within and beyond the classroom. •



Our programs are designed to meet the needs of young adolescents, provide them with opportunities to learn about themselves and those around them and to develop skills to contribute positively to our school and the wider community. Above all, they contribute directly to the development of well-rounded individuals.

Student agency forms an integral part of our curriculum and leadership programs.

A focus of our curriculum and co-curricular programs is the development of the Adelaide High School Graduate Qualities: • Constructive personal and interpersonal abilities • Entrepreneurship • Citizenship • Active global awareness • Effective communication skills • An ability to work as an effective team member • Self-awareness and an ability to recognise and value the character strengths of others. These qualities support our motto; ‘not only for school but for life’.

We believe that every student has leadership potential. We encourage students to take responsibility for their learning by engaging with their teacher to have input into their program of work for each subject. This also extends to involvement in co-curricular programs where students can be involved in coaching and mentoring of other students. Students are supported to be involved in a variety of leadership groups across all year levels. These groups include: Prefects, Student Representative Council, Middle School and Senior School Leaders, Peer Leaders, Interact and International Ambassadors.


Students engage in learning through; English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts (Music, Dance, Drama, Art), Science, Mathematics, Design and Technology (including Food Technology), Languages, Health & Physical Education. Information literacy is embedded at all year levels and directly contributes to improving students’ critical thinking, reading, writing and communication skills. Senior School: Years 10 - 12 We work with our students to design individualised learning programs to cater for student expertise, interest and pathways. Senior School students access an extensive selection of subjects including partnerships with Universities and organisations, to allow for individual student needs in the completion of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

STEM PROGRAMS At Adelaide High, STEM approaches integrate the learning of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Students develop knowledge, content and skills which are transferrable and which can be used in learning and in life as global citizens.

CURRICULUM Middle School: Years 8 and 9 Adelaide High School nurtures a collaborative culture which supports innovation, intellectual stretch and creativity. Teaching and learning respond to students’ diverse learning needs and interests, and provide pathways to empower students to be self-directed, collaborative and cultivate the capabilities required of our future innovators and problem solvers. Teachers work with students and learning data to differentiate learning programs for students and target their teaching. Many students are accelerated in subjects to another year level to ensure their learning is being stretched. In addition, the ALEAP program, an accelerated learning program in English, Maths and Science for gifted students, is available for Year 8 students through a selection process.

Students engage in dynamic, contemporary learning experiences which enhance learning and pathways to further study and employment.

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) ICT is integrated into all subjects at all year levels and focuses on contemporary teaching methods, higher order thinking skills and improved learning outcomes. The school encourages innovative practices which enable students to learn wherever and whenever they want. Our goal is to develop confident, creative, lifelong learners who use ICT to investigate, communicate, problem solve, plan and collaborate while they produce valuable and original ideas. Support for this is provided by extensive ICT infrastructure, including an established 1-1 laptop program and efficient, reliable network and internet connections.


SPECIAL ENTRY PROGRAM - ROWING The Adelaide High School Rowing Club, founded in 1911, has a long history and involves both male and female students from all year levels. Training is held at the school’s boatsheds, either on the River Torrens in the city centre or at the West Lakes rowing course. Our crews compete in regattas run by Rowing South Australia in Terms 1 and 4. We also compete against Melbourne High School and The Mac. Robertson Girls’ High School in the annual Exchange held in August. Lessons and training sessions include the learning, development and application of rowing skills, fitness and conditioning, competition strategies, leadership and teamwork, diet and nutrition, applied exercise physiology, factors affecting performance and fitness analysis. The Adelaide High School Rowing Program incorporates a talent identification selection process. Information about the Special Entry Programs can be found on the Enrolment Options page of the Adelaide High School website.

SPECIAL ENTRY PROGRAM - CRICKET The Adelaide High School Cricket Program is committed to providing students with an opportunity to learn, develop and excel in cricket; develop self-esteem, physical fitness and conditioning; succeed in a team environment and participate in a range of cricket competitions. Students have access to the school’s extensive cricket facilities and specialised coaching. Our students compete in a range of Knockout, interschool and interstate competitions, with the annual Australian 5 Highs Cricket Carnival against schools in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth being a highlight. Adelaide High School also liaises with the South Australian Cricket Association (SACA). The Adelaide High School Cricket Program incorporates a talent identification selection process. Information about the Special Entry Programs can be found on the Enrolment Options page of the Adelaide High School website.

Culture: We celebrate diversity, promote intercultural understandings and connect with communities here and across the world. We reflect on our past and learn in the present to shape our future. We are committed to developing compassionate, positive and contributing citizens.

FOCUS ON LANGUAGES Since 1979, the school has been South Australia’s only Special Interest Language School and currently offers eight languages other than English: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Modern Greek, Spanish and Auslan. All students in the Middle School study at least one language other than English. A strong support program in English as an Additional Language or Dialect is also offered.

Students across all areas of South Australia can apply for entry to Adelaide High School as Special Language Entry students. The Special Interest Language Program enhances students’ ability to acquire skills and strategies to communicate in another language; develop positive cross-cultural, intercultural and international understandings; extend their knowledge and use of the structures of language, including English; and take advantage of the range of post school options where languages can be used.


Asahi High School, Osaka, Japan Heriburg Gymnasium in Coesfeld, Nord Rhein Westfalen, Germany • Lycée Saint Sauveur in Redon, Brittany, France • IIS Q. Sella in Biella, Italy • IES La Sisla in Sonsecas, Spain • Jinan Foreign Language School in Jinan, China • 7th High School of Corfu, Greece. • •

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Adelaide High School has a strong commitment to global education. Our staff is dedicated to supporting international students in making a successful transition into our school and local community. We support international students in becoming successful learners in a global context, not only in their schooling, but for life. International students can participate in a range of study programs such as: Intensive Secondary English Courses (ISEC) Mainstream studies of the SACE • Short and long term Study Abroad Programs • Exchanges. • •

Each year the school accepts up to 60 students for Year 8 under this program. Students commit to study two languages other than English for three years and at least one language until the end of Stage 2 (Year 12). Information about the Special Entry Programs can be found on the Enrolment Options page of the Adelaide High School website. Sister school links have been developed to support the Languages and International programs. Currently Adelaide High School has links with:

Adelaide High School students also participate in international exchange and study programs, usually linked to their language study and sporting activities. For further information on the International Student Program refer to the South Australian Government Schools website:


TRADITION AT ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL Adelaide High School has long and rich traditions which have encouraged students to participate in all facets of school life since its founding in 1908, when it became South Australia’s first state high school and the first free high school in the Commonwealth. Examples of these traditions which continue to play an important role in the life of an Adelaide High School student include: Academic excellence Ceremonial Assemblies • The Prefect System • Exchanges with Melbourne High School and The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School • Rowing and the Head of the River Regatta • Cricket and the 5 Highs Cricket Carnival • The School Hymn and War Cry • Old Scholars Association • School Uniform • Heritage Architecture. • •

ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL OLD SCHOLARS ASSOCIATION An active Old Scholars Association develops links between its members and the school as well as providing events for its members. Our current students join the networks established and maintained over the past century. Old Scholars support the school in a number of ways including by coaching school teams, tutoring students and being part of the Melbourne exchanges. Support for the school also continues by way of provision of prizes for students, including the Dux of the Year, and having Old Scholars as guest speakers at major school assemblies. Our motto Non scholae sed vitae – not only for school, but for life – encapsulates the work of the Old Scholars Association.

THE FUTURE At Adelaide High School we are committed to enabling future innovation through developing in our students STEM-related knowledge, problemsolving, critical and creative thinking skills, and the ability to work collaboratively and solve emerging world problems.

Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia 5000 Phone +61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile +61 8 8212 7827

Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS provider number 00018A Š Adelaide High School 2019

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