Uniform Brochure 2018

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UNIFORM The school has a Uniform Committee which reviews details of the uniform and reports to the Governing Council. The Committee is made up of representatives of staff, students and parents. The wearing of the school uniform is one of the strong traditions of Adelaide High School. The school recognises the diversity of its community and respects the cultural and religious beliefs of its members. At times, therefore, special allowances are made to support the beliefs of students and families with regard to the uniform. In cases where the uniform code does not cater for individual requirements, parents /carers are requested to discuss this with the House Assistant Principal. The House Assistant Principal will make a decision regarding any exceptions. The school uniform should be worn with pride and in an appropriate manner.



Non Scholae Sed Vitae Not only for school but for life

We are committed to:

Vision Adelaide High School is a dynamic community which is passionate about learning for life.

1. Wellbeing: A safe and welcoming environment based upon mutual respect. 2. Learning: E ngaging and challenging learning experiences through:

Wellbeing: We encourage the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of all members of our community. Respect, resilience and optimism help us flourish. Learning: We nurture independent, creative and collaborative learners. Curiosity and innovation motivate us to excel individually and collectively. Culture: We celebrate diversity, promote intercultural understandings and connect with communities here and across the world. We reflect on our past and learn in the present to shape our future.

3. Culture:


Reflective, innovative and contemporary practices


Varied curriculum and co-curricular offerings


Learning within and beyond the classroom D eveloping compassionate, positive and contributing citizens.


1. Grey melange school trousers or grey melange shorts* to be worn with white school shirt. 2. White shirt, short or long sleeves, worn with or without an Adelaide High School tie. This shirt must be tucked in. 3. S hort sleeve white shirt, specially designed to be worn untucked, may be worn over school shorts or pants, without an Adelaide High School tie. 4. Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes. 5. Socks: grey, black or white. 6. T he AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform. Note – When the school pullover or blazer are worn, an Adelaide High School tie must also be worn. *When representing the school on formal school occasions, grey melange trousers, school blazer, white shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn.

1. AHS check dress with gold piping OR AHS approved navy shorts to be worn with white school shirt OR AHS approved navy pleated skirt with white school shirt OR school uniform navy trousers (polyester/ wool style 186600) with white school shirt. 2. S hoes: black leather lace-up school shoes. 3. Socks: white or navy. 4. T he AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform. *When representing the school on formal school occasions, the AHS check skirt or school navy trousers, school blazer, white shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn.


1. G rey melange school trousers or grey melange shorts* to be worn with white school shirt. 2. W hite shirt, short or long sleeves, worn with an Adelaide High School tie.

1. A HS check skirt, AHS approved navy shorts or school uniform navy trousers* (polyester/wool style 186600). 2. W hite shirt with an Adelaide High School tie.

3. A HS V-neck grey pullover and/or AHS blazer with school logo on pocket.

3. A HS V-neck navy pullover and/or AHS blazer with school logo on pocket.

4. Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes.

4. S hoes: black leather lace-up school shoes.

5. Socks: grey, black or white.

5. Socks: white or navy

6. Scarves: black or navy only may be worn.

OR tights – navy (plain or ribbed tights, but not textured).

7. T he AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform.

6. S carves: black or navy only may be worn.

Note – The short sleeve white shirt designed to be worn untucked is not to be worn in Terms 2 and 3.

7. T he AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform.

*When representing the school on formal school *When representing the school on formal school occasions, grey melange trousers, school blazer, white occasions, the AHS check skirt or school navy shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn. trousers, school blazer, white shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn.

ALL STUDENTS Senior School Uniform Students in Year 12 may also wear the schoolapproved Year 12 jacket and the Senior School tie.

PE Uniform 1. AHS sports top with black shorts, black AHS sports leggings and/or Adelaide High School tracksuit. 2. Sports shoes with non-marking soles.

School Tie

Senior Tie


Prefect Tie

3. The wearing of an Adelaide High School approved hat is compulsory for all outdoor Health & Physical Education lessons. 4. T he PE uniform is to be worn for HPE lessons, school sport* and other occasions as designated appropriate by the school. 5. T he AHS rugby top can be worn at HPE lessons, school sport and other occasions as designated appropriate by the school. *Please note additional AHS sports uniforms may be required for some sports.

Black leather lace-up school shoes

Ties Melbourne High School and Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School ties can only be worn in Term 3 and must not be worn on formal school occasions.

Jewellery 1. Only minimal jewellery may be worn. 2. E arrings: Sleepers or unobtrusive studs in ears. No other visible body or face piercings are permitted.

Make-up Minimal make-up only may be worn. Only unobtrusive nail polish may be worn.

Hair Colour In accordance with a Governing Council decision, any hair dyed an unnatural colour is not acceptable.

Facial Hair Students in uniform are expected to be clean-shaven.

Parents are invited to contact Adelaide High School for additional information. Uniform Shop Opening Hours Monday and Wednesday 8.00am – 9.00am Thursday 3.00pm – 4.00pm Please contact Campus School and College Wear (AHS uniform suppliers) on 8346 0830 for additional opening hours or refer to the school website: www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au/Enrolment/Uniform

Adelaide High School West Terrace, Adelaide South Australia 5000 Phone +61 8 8231 9373 Facsimile +61 8 8212 7827 office@adelaidehs.sa.edu.au www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au

Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS provider number 00018A © Adelaide High School 2017

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