A blog about personal change. If you keep doing what you have been doing you will always have what you have. In other words if you want things to better in your life than you MUST change first.
Change or Be Fed to The Dogs Source: http://www.empowernetwork.com/miked24/fed-to-the-dogs/
I keep a copy of this same Robb Report on my desk and thumb threw it every chance I get. Several times someone will come over and joke with me about how some day I’ll have that car. hahaha
So What is Stopping You Unless You Enjoy Being Fed to The Dogs? 1. Don’t know how? 2. To broke to think straight? 3. Fear of trying something new? 4. Not enough time in the day? Pick one, we all have one or more. If you are not where you want to be in life now then you need to figure out what excuse is holding you back and eliminate it. For me, even after I found the right vehicle for success I let my own fears keep me from being successful. My biggest fear is what if i do it wrong? What if i spend money on something that is a total failure or what if I screw it up.
Fed to The Dogs It’s a Sunday afternoon, cool breeze blowing in the window when the topic title of “Change or Be Fed to The Dogs” comes across my mind. I was reflecting on my own struggles with this industry when I thought of that. Far to often we let our own fears stop us from something great happening in our lives.
I could watch all the videos, listen to all the seminars, talk to others in my success Facebook groups on whats working for them. And none of that mattered if I choose to not act on it. I had to change or be fed to the dogs.
My fear comes from the unknown. Far to often I let my own fears stop me from trying something new, fear of failure, perhaps. I know I am not the only one who struggles through that so if you are like me then I hope this article helps you to see that all of us struggle when it comes to success. If however we want to fix things in our lives we have to either change or be fed to the dogs.
So Who Are These Dogs? The dogs are our co-workers, our family in some cases, meaning well friends, TV, newspaper anything or anyone who takes us off the path of our dreams.
Grab Hold of Your Dream and Don’t Let Go
Remember when you were young and the world was in the palm of your hand?
So what is your dream?
It was yours, any dream you wanted all yours. Its ironic that the same people who tell you when you’re young that you can have it all are the very same people who steal your dreams. The dogs in your life are just like those crabs in the bucket. Put one crab in a bucket and you’ll need a lid to keep it from crawling out. Put two crabs in a bucket and no lid is necessary. Why? Because when one crab begins making its escape, the other will pull it back down. Have you ever been around your friends and/or co-workers and start talking about doing something else in life other than what everyone else is doing?
Most people will say money, lots of it, but its not really the money you seek is it? Its what the money will give you. Money will give you time to enjoy life and spend it with the ones you love doing the things you enjoy most. It will also give you peace of mind. Stop for a minute and think about what is it you want? Just stop reading this and think about what is it you really want for your life? Take 10 minutes and just think about what your perfect life would be like. Now write it down, all of it. Every morning you get up read it back to yourself until you can visualize it in your mind. Its up to you to change or be fed to the dogs and this is how it starts. 1
Don’t Be Fed to The Dogs Tips: • Visualize and speak what you want. • Read positive books that will challenge the way you think in a positive way • Associate yourself with people who have your best interest at heart • Find someone doing what you want and do what they did • Find a system you can plug into that will uplift your dreams • Find a system that will help your dreams become reality Tony Robbins talks about why people don’t act and pursue their dreams. If you would like to be around people who will uplift your dreams and not tear them down, then watch this quick video and get in this thing and start living life and stop being fed to the dogs. Read More: http://goo.gl/QTVPd