Artist Marketing and Branding Guide

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sum m er w in t e r I fyouar ecoolandmut ed,you ar eSummer .

Wi nt eri scoolandcl earwi t hst ar k,dr amat i c ski n.

SKI N:Yourski ni scoolwi t h pi nkorbl ueunder t ones( when nott anned)

SKI N:Asi ans,Af r i cansandCaucasi answi t h ver ypal eski nanddar khai rfindt hemsel ves i nt hi scat egor y.

EYES:Li ghteyes-sl at e,bl ue, gr ays,gr ayi shhazel

EYES:Bl ackt odar kbr own,bl ue-dar kt o br i l l i antbl ue,dar kgr ey,coolt odar khazel , gr eygr een,emer al dgr een,vi ol et .

HAI R:You’ r eanat ur al /ash bl ondet odeepashbr own COLORSTO W EAR: Past el s,neut r al s,andmut ed col or sl ookbest .Col or sl i ke l avender ,r ose,mauve,pal e yel l ow,andl i ghtbl uear eflat t er i ng COLORSTO AVOI D: Bl ackandor ange.Anyi nt ense, vi vi dcol or smaybet oohar sh anddr ownoutyoursummer ski nt one

HAI R:Medi um t odar kbr owns,bl ue& j et bl ack,sal t& pepper ,gr ay,si l i ver ,whi t e COLORSTO W EAR: Tr uewhi t e,t r uebl ack,coolgr ays,navybl ue, deepr eds,br i ghtpi nks,j ewelt ones( emer al d, r oyalbl ue,r oyalpur pl e) ,andi cypast el sar e al lflat t er i ng. COLORSTO AVOI D: Bei ge,or ange,gol d,br ownandot herwashed outshadeswoul dmakeyoul ookf adedand ashy.

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