New Splicer Volume 2.2

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This is a metaphor!

In this issue

Topic of the month:

Does size really, really matter? (Really?)

The making of - The wizard and the 300ft tower

A journey from the Gluon to the Galaxy, in small steps... How to ride a Mammoth

Splicing at the genetic level: a how to guide...

Factual Fractals... and much more, depending on you!

Send in your entries by facebook/blog/website/post/Dodo mail...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Volume 2.2 March 2011


Creativity is limitless, felt as the softest touch through pages, worlds and ink. I want to make things real, unreal and surreal; beginning in my mind and given life in yours. Inspiration is never easy especially when it has to be constructed rather than given, but I am blessed with a few very good, insane, friends. As well as dabbling in insanity myself from time to time, it is a nice break from practical science. New Splicer is not just my outlet but an outlet for every idea that sits in the darkness waiting for the right time, for the right page or the right mistake.

In small steps I tread the boundaries of the believable fiction and the unbelievable facts; always to question and sometimes to just take a journey.

So thank you for once again taking part, without all of you none of this would exist. All the smiles are yours. But be nice and share them...

every world...

Don’t forget to Breathe

~New Splicer~

~~~~~~~~~ToPIC of the Month~~~~~~~~

Does size really, really matter? (Really?)

What is this question actually asking? Apart from the obvious male dilemma which even I, a man who loves a bad joke, would not shrink to. If we are thinking worldly size definitely matters in all things, but I will go one to talk about that when we get to the subatomic particle physics section. For now as I feel it would be inappropriate to answer this question as a man I will attempt to exist as a female for the next few lines of thought.

In fact originally I decided to rhyme the first few lines like so: “This subject would be dangerous not to delve too deep, with incessant thoughts at night, worry brought no sleep...

Deprived of the grip of thought, I always returned to that special place, knowing what I knew now these ideas would and were only surface...

I have found the smallest touch to be deadly, the quickest bite a delight...”

His eyes still set mine afire, however tall he always met my gaze. Focused on a single pupil, dilating, I saw the world, slip by, and slip away. But I had chosen someone else; size never entered my thoughts. What once was simply had gone, reduced in size; shrank in an instant.

It’s odd; I’m probably still a man, perhaps a little reduced in size. All the familiar eyes on these words just like yours. It is all in the mind... Size itself is defined by constants and as such is relative. From this perspective it is more relevant to discuss the cultural value associated to size and naturally the object in question being measured.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Physicality in the age of the avatar doesn’t interest me (or at least it holds little value), my head turns at the sight of beauty in all forms, art, science poetry, the smallest atom, the most awful joke to the most powerful smile. Being a (wo)man of science I enjoy the balance between chaos and order, dark and light and how things fall from each state. Size, in the end is relative and simply proportional to the observer (i.e. how far away from you they are when the observe you).

As an example, let’s look at Tipulidae (The Crane fly) the most detailed cartographer in existence. However, none of their work is ever completed; every time they fly into an object a measurement is made and the process repeated until they are invariably squished or forced away from their project. Fact: did you know that Crane flies have 16% of their genes in common with humans! But 87% in common with all cartographers!!

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile

The making of - The wizard and the 300ft tower

It began like any other great idea, two friends sharing stories, of worlds, of stones, of ultimate hero’s after their deeds are done. The idea, a wizard, tall in stature and audacity – helped by accompanying 300ft tower, starts his journey at the gates of Gatwick airport and must proceed to the check-in. Departing with said 300ft tower in tow which, for magical purposes, he needs to sneak through customs undetected [The wizard in question must achieve this without the aid of magic, possibly with a “Someone Else’s Problem or SEP field”].

This is the story and is as yet unwritten, only existing as this above idea in the Authors, mine and now your minds. He may one day finish this for us all, or perhaps one of you will? However, this is the story of the story and how it never came to be. Good friends inspire more than most, with smiles a common bond, and here is how things unfolded.

“I have an idea for New Splicer” AT “Go on” NS

“I have always wondered how a wizard would sneak his 300ft tower through customs” AT “Strange I have not, I apologised”... “So is this tower invisible?” NS

“No” AT

“Is the wizard aware of the tower?” NS

“Of course, it’s his home” AT

We spoke for a good time, the ground rules were tested I thought the idea was perfect for New Splicer by the fact that it didn’t make perfect nonsense. The next step was to fill in the gaps of “how the hell will that happen” and let inspiration do its thing. We left with the deeper knowledge of the burdens of being a wizard and the burden of totally useless knowledge [Unless you value smiles and random obtuseness].

I departed for a journey to Malaysia, in search of Myths and Manticores (another story entire ly). For Mr AT things began to get oddly strange (All events I recall now are approximately as I remember Mr AT relating them on my return):

It was a cool night as I returned home, wizards and dust clouds circling my brain. But, I think I was projecting or leaking around Kings cross (a thoroughly dangerous activity) because I felt more dust than normal, a veritable cyclone of dust in fact, coming towards me in the now dimly lit street. As I jumped back a little startled a small set of stairs grew from behind, unfortunately they didn’t don’t go up and therefore I began to fall down. As I span, in a strange and completely controlled conformation (not my own doing), the stairs slipped from dust grey to red, to yellow, to white and that’s when I blacked out.

“W*at sh**l we do w*th t*is one?”

“Put him back... he is clearly too tall and doesn’t have any facial hair”...

It was like waking to music that you really dislike, groggy you know something is wrong and you need to get up, but dazed you have to allow the evil chimes to dissipate around your free entry of a mind. Until, you brain switches into survival mode and takes a swing for the snooze button. No alarm clock in sight, actually, pretty much nothing in sight but light or more accurately white. Everywhere, in cluding the grass; eyes most useless here. Blinking nearly gave me epilepsy, even if I ever suffered from it, but in a place like this who knows. Some things were moving close by, a feeling more than a sighting and I spoke.

“Who is there and where is here?” quivered Mr AT

“Here is there and we are here” ... “But you’re not required” ... ** *

“H*’s v*ry col*urf*l, pigm*nts, paint th* lan*” struggled v*x

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

I looked down and I was normal, for once, normal peachy pigmented me. Was this the doing of a wizard? Had I inadvertently stumbled upon their attempts to smuggle a 300ft tower into the airport and this was my punishment?

“Wizard, no... Stumbled yes” ** * “W**ard” v*x

They could read my thoughts, perhaps even my plots? Can you help me?

“We can develop your plot, but need something in return” ** *

I had no choice, I needed to progress and had a promise to write; with the feeling that both were connected. Ok, i will help you if you help me return to where I feel from.

“Good” ** *

“Go*d” v*x

“In this realm there is a myth of a golden crayon with the ability to grant any wish” ** * “Ga*her, *olden *ray*n.” v*x

And that’s it? You will help me develop my plot and return? The voices nodded in silence and I decided to get searching, how hard would it be to find a golden item in a world of white? If it was indeed as I had assumed golden, but that would just be silly otherwise.

It didn’t take long, it was just about eye level on what looked like a white shelf, and clearly I was not too tall for this task. Just as I was about to reach for the item the world disappeared or more correctly re-appeared and I was blinded by the darkness and dust. On my knees, in the water splattered streets of London, again I was normal or now back to being me. No crayon on voices in sight, still no story, however far I had progressed. Shaken, I walked home if I grew a beard I would at least know how long I had been gone but I had no idea, nor concept of time.

Two hours had passed and I had plenty of time left to write your story! So what happened during the remaining few weeks I was supposed to write you ask? Well they just seemed to disappear by and I never got around to it... And that’s how it happened...

And so we were left without the masterpiece that would have been the wizard and the 300ft tower. Maybe next time, or at least the next adventure of Mr AT...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile “Just the one ticket to Malaysia....” “Anything you wish to declare Sir!?” “Yes, I am a Wizard...” Q: What does a wizard use to conjure up an atom? A: Eye of Nuetron

A journey from the Gluon to the Galaxy, in small steps...

Let’s begin at the elementary level, tiny and perhaps the most complex to understand. Size here is almost irrelevant, at this scale where energy and mass blur into concepts that don’t quite compliment. During my research I got lost in this tangle of function and theory, dancing through colour and anti-colour states of energy, string theory, wave theory even Schrödinger paid me a visit. It was hard to make sense, with which to relate back to you, partly because existing in these dimensions one cannot imagine (possibly due to the story being a little dryly written, often inaccessible) the physical world. It is almost a separate entity, much as earth exists in space, subatomic particles exist in elements; with tiny interactions that do not quite sum up the whole.

And as a child I always asked the never ending question “So what is that made of?” once we are past gluons, leptons, quarks and antiquarks what next? Is the universe like a fractal, infinitely big and small all at once? Or will we reach the end where a particle is just that made up of itself and nothing more? New laws of physics are always needed, easy to invent, difficult to prove but so much fun to play with!

Here at new splicer we work at the molecular level re-engineering genes and proteins to create and cure. One wish I have always had would be for a greater understanding at all scales of the universe, a truly global outlook on the world, to see every grain of sand and dust, to gene, to animal, to planet, to universe... I guess that’s what I am attempting, in my own head anyway, in small steps.

Universally microscopic

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

As soon as were leave the ghost particles behind we immediately enter a more real world of matter and substance (physical substance at least). Things start to get heavy and matter starts, well, to matter. The atom cloud, first described by Neils Bohr, is in essence a replica of our solar system (with slightly different forces acting on its bits) the sun acts as the centre of force (gravity Vs nuclear force) each planet a little electron giving the atom its physical properties, +ve, -ve or unsure...

These little solar systems gather to form the structures of the world we know and see and feel around us. If the solar system was an atom it would be a oxygen or an Fluorine depending on how you feel about Pluto. Humans as mobile collections of atoms are constantly removing and exchanging atoms with all our surroundings; DNA for example is a massive deposit of atoms, more often we exchange on a far smaller scale the odd atom with the wind, a few electrons with the rain. Universes and worlds are truly shared in a kiss...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

This brings me on to a small aside that I always wander to, entropy and decay. They are simply a change of states of energy and matter, not a single atom from your body will ever die, just simply be rearranged as something else. It’s always nice to know that we all came from star dust and will eventually go back there one day, or as perhaps a hot dog (equally likely yet always amusing to think of). However, we are human and have to think of ourselves and our conscious ness evolving in the world; thoughts of neutrons and protons are rarely a concern us as they have little effect on our lives [although I’m working on a theory that may argue against this notion, perhaps bet kept for another time].

So let’s jump to the next scale that concerns most of us, the planet. Ac tually I’m going to skip this one (to controversial a subject, I’m not even sure it exists) and zoom out, past the moon (made from cheese of course), across all our brother planets and/or Pluto. The solar system or a good model for an atom, revolves around the sun, which is surrounded by millions of other solar systems all spinning around our galactic centre point (almost certainly a black hole). The Milky Way galaxy that we call home, a good representation of a atom (albeit with a massive molar mass), sits approximately 46 billion light years from the edge of the observable universe and let’s not get into the argument about the centre of the universe which doesn’t actually exist! The continuing universe is made up of bil lions of galaxies forming strings and super clusters all the way across the known expanse of space and possibly beyond. It is again at this point the immense size and distance of everything becomes unimaginable once again, stretching the con fines of human imagination to its own limits.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Infinite Universe

I have not even described dark matter, multiverses and space, the media for all life, which is composed of nothing [again research suggests that the nothingness of space is actually full of “stuff” and may even make “stuff” from nothing.. More research needed as well as another issue of New Splicer].

This leads us beautifully on to fractals; possibly the best representation of an atom, the solar system and everything else.

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

And then God created Saturn... And he liked it, so he put a ring on it...

Japanese Scientist to Clone a Woolly Mammoth Within 5 Years...

New techniques in cloning frozen mammals may allow scientists to bring back the mammoth.

More than a decade after their first attempt, a team of Japanese scientists have announced that they will aim to clone a woolly mammoth in the next five years. Led by Akira Iritani, the team plans on taking mammoth DNA extracted from preserved corpses found in Siberia and inserting it into African elephant eggs that have had their DNA removed.

If the insertion is successful, the eggs will be placed in an adult elephant and brought to term. Kinki University’s Faculty of Biology Oriented Science and Technology tried to do exactly this three times previously, starting in 1997. Yet damage to mammoth cells due to extreme cold prevented their success. Now, another Japanese scientist, Teruhiko Wakayama of RIKEN, has developed a technique that allowed him to clone a mouse from a body frozen for 16 years. Iritani’s group is hoping that this technique will provide the missing ingredient that allows them to succeed. Work to find suitable DNA has begun, and Iritani believes they could have a walking, breathing mammoth in just five to six years. Bring on the clones!

Scientists have been pursuing cloning endangered and extinct species with limited success (Excluding the New Splicer LabTM based in the United Kingdom). Frost damage makes the DNA in many mammoth specimens mostly worthless. Or at least, that was the consensus earlier in the decade. Then in 2008, Wakayama’s clone of a mouse dead and frozen for 16 years changed the rules. With mice, he was able to use DNA to create partially viable embryos, then use the embryonic cell DNA to create clones. Similar or modified techniques may allow Iritani and his team to use the frozen mammoth DNA, previously considered too damaged, to produce a viable clone.

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

According to the Daily Yomiuri, Iritiani and his colleagues have already begun to assemble a team of scientists from Japan, the US, and Russia to complete the ‘Mammoth Creation Project’. They’ve asked zoos from around the world to donate eggs from African elephants after they die. Assuming a few years to find suitable mammoth DNA and adapt Wakayama’s techniques for this experiment, and 600 days of gestation once the clone is implanted in an adult African elephant, we could have a mammoth birth in five years or so.

African elephants will provide the means to recreate the Mammoth.

“If a cloned embryo can be created, we need to discuss, before transplanting it into the womb, how to breed [the mammoth] and whether to display it to the public. After the mammoth is born, we’ll examine its ecology and genes to study why the species became extinct and other factors.”

— Akira Iritani, Daily Yomiuri, 2011

The Neanderthal Genome Project, or ancient human genome sequencing at BGI in China, could enable similar attempts for creatures much closer to ourselves. As our successes with cloning continue to mount, the chances for any of these teams to reproduce an extinct or endangered mammal will improve. Iritani’s team in Japan may be unable to produce a mammoth in the next five years (they have failed before), yet the field of cloning is moving in that direction. Jurassic Park may be out of reach, but Pleistocene Park looks like it could be opening soon.

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

How to ride a mammoth


As you may think, it is not dissimilar to riding a 5 tonne elephant with hair...

Just takes a little longer, both chronologically and technically. I always start with the mount itself, which you might think is a little simpler than the naked pachyderm but if you have ever had your hair pulled and you just happen to be a 5 tonne mammoth, you would not be best pleased.

Further to this, early attempts using this technique lead to the lab wide renovation to an open plan building, this time it worked out for both parties... Always use the saddle ropes provided...

[Pre-stretching before mounting is essential, and ability to do the splits is perhaps a prerequisite.]

Guidance and mobility

Now we at New Splicer labs have found that the best way to guide a mam moth is to have the same destination in mind as your ride. Should you wish to go elsewhere, and this would be considered impolite, things might take a while. Food coercion can help but were are talking general direction at best. With mammoths its simple a waiting game, eventually they will go in the direction you wish... It will just take some time...


So when you have finally got to exactly where you end up there is, most often, a need to dismount [emergency dismounts as well as mammoth grooming will be covered in advance classes]. This is often achieved somewhat unsuccessfully when the mammoth decides to stop and the rider is not quite ready for their final destination. Said rider is often dismounted directly to their end destination, with considerable force. The trick to a successful dis mount is actually a successful landing, and or simply coming away without any broken bones [but success is likely be varible].

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Splicing at the genetic level: a how to guide...

Gene splicing is just what it sounds like: cutting the DNA of a gene to add base pairs. Contrary to the immediate image, however, no sharp instruments are involved; rather, everything is done chemically.

Chemicals called restriction enzymes act as the scissors to cut the DNA. Thousands of varieties of restriction enzymes exist, each recognizing only a single nucleotide sequence. Once it finds that sequence in a strand of DNA, it attacks it and splits the base pairs apart, leaving single helix strands at the end of two double helixes. Scientists are then free to add any genetic sequences they wish into the broken chain and, afterwards, the chain is repaired (as a longer chain with the added DNA) with another enzyme called ligase. Hence, any form of genetic material can be spliced together; bacteria and chicken DNA can, and have been, combined. More often, though, splicing is used for important efforts such as the production of insulin and growth hormone to cure human maladies. In the past, insulin was only obtainable from the pancreas of cadavers (and it required 50 cadavers to yield one dose!). With modern splicing techniques, enough insulin can be produced for all diabetics. The insulin-producing genes from human DNA are spliced into plasmid DNA; the plasmids are then allowed to infect bacteria, and, as the bacteria multiply, large amounts of harvestable insulin are produced. Splicing has other practical medicinal uses, too. In July of 1996, a 68-year-old woman became the first patient to be treated for arthritis (a disease which affects an estimated 2.1 million Americans) via gene therapy. At the University of Pittsburgh, therapeutic DNA that blocks the production of a specific protein (IL-1) that causes arthritis pain was injected into two of her knuckles.

68 year old woman - Knock Knock Ouch... New Splicer - Who’s there?

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Factual Fractals...

Just an intro to fracticles and the nature of the universe

A fractal is “a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole, a property called self-similarity. Roots of the idea of fractals go back to the 17th century, while mathematically rigorous treatment of fractals can be traced back to functions studied by Karl Weierstrass, Georg Cantor and Felix Hausdorff a century later in studying functions that were continuous but not differentiable; however, the term fractal was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning “broken” or “fractured.” A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion. There are several examples of fractals, which are defined as portraying exact self-similarity, quasi self-similarity, or statistical selfsimilarity. The Mandelbrot set is a famous example of a fractal.

The Mandelbrot set is a particular mathematical set of points, whose boundary generates a distinctive and easily-recognisable two-dimensional fractal shape. The set is closely related to the Julia set (which generates similarlycomplex shapes), and is named after the mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot, who studied and popularized it.

The first picture of the Mandelbrot set, by Robert Brooks and Peter Matelski in 1978

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

Images of the Mandelbrot set display an elaborate boundary that reveals progressively ever-finer recursive detail at increasing magnifications. The “style” of this repeating detail depends on the region of the set being examined. The set’s boundary also incorporates smaller versions of the main shape, so the fractal property of self-similarity applies to the whole set, and not just to its parts.

The Mandelbrot set has become popular outside mathematics both for its aesthetic appeal and as an example of a complex structure arising from the application of simple rules, and is one of the best-known examples of mathematical visualization.

Universally infinite

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile

Aseed of Fire blazes within.

forget to smile
forget to Breathe
That drops of rain cannot extinguish.
Flames wrap like vines around your body, as tears alone cannot quench.
forget to smile
forget to Breathe
Once again..
burnt heart left in ash and embers is the only memory of a drowned love. We turned into vapour long ago... Kissing the oceans, the earth, heaven and hell

Insane short stories by a Madman

Schrödinger’s Love Or Love in the time of uncertainty principle

Letting go could be dangerous, I know I am crazy and falling more so; but yet to be publically ousted and revealed as icon or heretic. And I must ask myself before I let go “do I care” for I am already like this, you just don’t know it yet. And what would anyone gain from this reveal? I gain freedom of expression, which I currently have to no audience; and you? Well perhaps an insight into another reality, perhaps understanding, perhaps hatred, likely all three. As if I release myself it will have to be a split, as I cannot exist in the real world, holding my real job demented as I may be. But I cannot also split (day and night or personality or something other) without fragmentation? Not sure. I may be crazy enough or intelligent enough to pull it off... Depends how insane I really am... Watch this space. No just read on...

The first thought went to love and how explosive it is, the second a line recently used “I walk through the world like I am the world”. The duality of the Schrödinger’s paradox/box, in essence examining love or never observing what is inside. In presence, we can be far more than a common experience; controlling energy, minds, emotions all at the route of the energy of a soul. I make love with these energies and become entangled at once by the certainty and uncertainty of all.

Less than becoming one person, I become them, breathe as they do. The heart rate rises to match the other, temperatures meet and energies combine merge and reflect. This can happen worlds apart, inches far and almost always removes the breath like a vacuum.

The essence is about knowing your lover, I work on feelings mostly and by this way feel how the mind works. In a single breath a dozen words can be spoken; in a glance, a lifetime revealed.

There is no hiding from yourself.

I find myself impossible to read, not that I am more complex, but either I have not let go until now or I cannot introspect. I’m trying now, before I return to you I shall invert my gaze...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Volume 2

I am a composite of my life, with simple rules, to explore existence, in all its wonder. I am drawn to like minded souls, friends can exist on various levels of compatibility; lovers can only exist on my plane. I’ll try to explain; what I look for in love is partly a beauty that attracts me, physical, emotional, intellectual. It is a combination of these things and something more, a feeling, a feeling beyond time, beyond knowing. Somehow, I feel when things can work out (not that they will as I have painfully learned, we have to come back to this, it is important). Its more than just compatibility, likes and dislikes, I feel like I am understood... Perhaps that is egotistical, but if I feel understood on the level of emotion, when you can be with a person without words. A smile or sigh explains a world, in a crazy world; you just have to keep an eye out… For the things outside Schrödinger’s box.

So what is love, everything? It can grant the power to wander the world as close to god like as a human can ever attain. I have flown this path and suffered the fate of Icarus. However, my greatest lesson and slow redemption is that there are others out there. Other like minded crazy souls connected by intangible physics, possibly on collision course, perhaps in repulsion. They are rare and all special in their own way, but they exist. I keep an eye out for their passing, not that it is difficult as the energies these type of people create is such a powerful drug, an aphrodisiac.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Love is around but it is not always present. I think you should fight for love, fight for the chance of love. Sometimes love finds itself, sometimes love dies... I have just let one such soul go, against part of my judgment, but for freedom and for love... They may fly back my way one day... Or I shall be left to roam.

This leads me back to me and my time without the love of another. The question always persists in my subconscious, what do I want to do for me? How am I happy? What do I need from a life without love? The first answer is love, it is what I crave more than anything because it is the most beautiful, powerful feeling I have ever experienced. But I have been through this. So back to me, I’m generally happy I enjoy making people happy, making people laugh, smile. It’s easy when you can see into people; see their fears, their desires... Sometimes I reveal them, both my gift and curse this ability to look inside a person. To travel to the future of someone and back all in a moment, time occasionally feels irrelevant. I think this is how you can avoid killing the cat, by both observing and at the same time not…

These words are for me really, as they are to be of little use otherwise, as you have to meet me to truly feel me... And perhaps, I am not a good enough writer to convey this energy.

Some love tends towards entropy, some love exists as potential and some love is waiting out there; in another world, another time but tethered together.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

Weekend events:

Will be starting off with the Lighting of the Eternal Flame and a rousing rendition of the Presi dent Formby anthem When I’m Cleaning Windows

Concentrating on One of Our Thursdays is Missing. There will be a reading on Saturday by Jasper, more details nearer the date

Croquet Masterclass - Swindon Croquet Club will be giving a demonstration and coaching ses sions, remember to bring your extreme croquet gear of helmets, knee and elbow pads!

Our thespian offering this year is A Midsummer’s Night Dream, The Panto!

There will be Secret Cheese Tasting - we’re not quite sure when or where yet, it’s a secret

Make a Wedding Present for Thursday and Landen What do you give the perfect couple? Bring your idea to be judged.

Thursday Next’s Coach Tour of Swindon - the original and best, there will be a small charge for this

Build a Lego Model Competition - work in teams to build masterpieces

The Danver Clones will be gathering, we are trying to get as many as possible in one place to break the world record of 23. Certificates will be given to everyone who joins in

Name that Fruit with your host Frankie Saveloy

Hunt the Lobster - look for lobsters around the hotel, you never know where they might be

Compose a poem: Midlife Crisis Angst - Why is everything against the middle aged?

Hamlet Soliloquy Speed Reading Competition Fancy yourself as a fast talker? A copy of the Soliloquy will be provided to give you a chance to practice before the event

Come and join the fun!

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile


Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe A Tribute to a friend of New Splicer “If you’re not part of the solution, then you are not water soluble...”
Justice Millard P.J.M.

To the Dark side

New Splicer has mutated and run amok, can you help balance the forces of good, evil and the ridiculous? Dreams, Dodo’s, Black holes [and their white counter parts] splash the pages with invisible ink. Demons [as pets], Devils and Angels as friend and foe. Fear, love and the number 42. Chimeras besiege the pages; forces of fingers are needed to turn them and the tide of light and dark. I’m not sure which is best/most fun; help or hinder me to decide...

I am excited more than usual about this one... Come and join in the fun!

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile


Volume 2.3 April 2011 In this issue Topic of the month: Create your own Chimera... The darker side of light The Dreams of my friends... New Splicer survival guide in the time of genetic engineering, Chimeras and Dodo’s... The twists of fate explained... How to fill a black hole... and much more! Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile Coming Soon...

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Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

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