New Splicer Volume 2.6

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Topic of the month: You stupid lemming, unless you meant it!?

Always look on the bright side of life...

the leader

Jumping for beginners...

Suicide Stories

heartbreak and how not to die! and much more!


forget to smile

Volume 2.6 August 2011In this issue
to Breathe Don’t
Lemmings Daydream...


The passage of time away from a dark moment does not flow at all... It is simply a collection of points in history that you survived...

I have been through dark times and I’m hear smiling... Join me in a smile and a laugh to the darker side of life - Death...

This is no accident, that your hear not would I push you... But ask you to leave your preconditioned minds at the door for a brief moment and enjoy a bumpy ride...

Thanks to all who helped...

Thanks to my friends who kept me alive...

Thanks to the unwritten future...

~New Splicer~ Enjoy one jump at a time...

I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

ToPIC of the Month

You stupid lemming, unless you meant it!?

Lemmings are small rodents, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes. They are subniveal animals, and together with voles and muskrats, they make up the subfamily Arvicoli nae (also known as Microtinae), which forms part of the largest mammal radiation by far, the superfamily Muroidea, which also includes rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils.

Lemmus lemmus - that seems cute

Description and habitat

Lemmings weigh from 30-112g and are about 7-15cm (2.8 to 5.9 in) long. They generally have long, soft fur, and very short tails. They are herbivorous, feeding mostly on leaves and shoots, grasses, and sedges in particular, but also on roots and bulbs. At times, they will eat grubs and larva. Like other rodents, their incisors grow continuously, allowing them to exist on much tougher forage than would normally be possible. Lemmings do not hibernate through the harsh northern winter. They remain active, finding food by burrowing through the snow and utilizing grasses clipped and stored in advance. They are solitary animals by nature, meeting only to mate and then going their separate ways, but like all rodents they have a high reproductive rate and can breed rapidly when food is plentiful.

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe ~~~~~~~~~


The behaviour of lemmings is much the same as that of many other rodents which have periodic population booms and then disperse in all directions, seeking the food and shelter that their natural habitat cannot provide. The Norway lemming and Brown lemming are two of the few vertebrates who reproduce so quickly that their population fluctuations are chaotic, rather than following linear growth to a carrying capacity or regular oscillations. It is un known why lemming populations fluctuate with such variance roughly every four years, before plummeting to near extinction. While for many years it was believed that the population of lemming predators changed with the population cycle, there is now some evidence to suggest that the predator’s popula tion may be more closely involved in changing the lemming population.

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?


Misconceptions about lemmings go back many centuries. In the 1530s, the geographer Zeigler of Strasbourg proposed the theory that the creatures fell out of the sky during stormy weather (also featured in the folklore of the Inupiat/Yupik at Norton Sound), and then died suddenly when the grass grew in spring. This description was contradicted by the natural historian Ole Worm, who accepted that the lemmings could fall out of the sky but claimed that they had been brought over by the wind rather than created by spontaneous generation. It was Worm who first published dissections of a lemming, which showed that they are anatomically similar to most other rodents, and the work of Carl Linnaeus proved that the animals had a natural origin.

Eat right, stay fit, die anyway.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Lemmings became the subject of a popular misconception that they commit mass suicide when they migrate. Actually, it is not a mass suicide but the result of their migratory behaviour. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great. Lemmings can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of a new habitat. In such cases, many may drown if the body of water is so wide as to stretch their physical capability to the limit. This fact combined with the unexplained fluctuations in the population of Norwegian lemmings gave rise to the misconception. The misconception of lemming “mass suicide” is long-standing and has been popularized by a number of factors. In 1955, Disney Studio illustrator Carl Barks drew an Uncle Scrooge adventure comic with the title “The Lemming with the Locket”. This comic, which was inspired by a 1954 American Mercury article, showed massive numbers of lemmings jumping over Norwegian cliffs.

Even more influential was the 1958 Disney film White Wilderness, which won an Academy Award for Documentary Feature, in which staged footage was shown with lemmings jumping into certain death after faked scenes of mass migration. A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation documentary, Cruel Camera, found that the lemmings used for White Wilderness were flown from Hudson Bay to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where they did not jump off the cliff, but were in fact launched off the cliff using a turntable. This same act was also used in the Apple Computer 1985 Super Bowl commercial “Lemmings” and the popular 1991 video game Lemmings, in which the player must stop the lemmings from mindlessly marching over cliffs or into traps.

Because of their association with this odd behaviour, lemming suicide is a frequently used metaphor in reference to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences. This metaphor is seen many times in popular culture, such as in the video game Lemmings, and in episodes of Red Dwarf and Adult Swim’s show Ro bot Chicken.

A fool is a 27 story window-washer who steps back to admire his work.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Always look on the bright side of life...

The Monty python song, “Always look of the bright side of life” from the Life of Brian, holds a special place in my heart, its something we as a family used to sing to my farther when he was in a mood; not to cheer him up but to piss him off as he instantly knew the folly and stupidity of the mood he was in. It allowed him to step back and smile, [albeit a disgruntled the kids have me figured out smile] taking a break from the depression he found himself felled into. The song become synonymous with someone sulking or losing control of themselves on a trivial level.

I believe this can be used for all forms of woe, heartbreak, depression to laugh in the face of death at the very least allows you to go out smiling... It is a rare person who does not want to be saved, these are the people that disappear without note or noise and are the hardest to save. I believe it is often the most sensitive and precious of souls that commit or attempt suicide and from this perspective they have value, they have worth in the world. Even though they find it hard to believe and feel, because these things spiral out of reality from the smallest missed kiss to the most devastating heartbreak there is always more to life than the immediate black hole you find yourself in. I know, I have been to the darkest hole and something like death becomes rapidly accessible the darker the clouds around you get... Mostly through self dialogue, anger and pain... This time for me I had no family to sing my wake up song, I’m not even sure that would have worked for me at the time, I had some indispensable friends. They pulled me through; they are a part of my song. And there is always a friend out there to lend a helping voice; but this is not the hardest part it is only the beginning.

Time is the best teacher; unfortunately it kills all of its students.

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile
I’m Brian!

What then? How do you live, let alone survive after such darkness? I still am learning this... But here is what I have learnt... If you kill yourself you are a selfish bastard! It’s true, think about it! I did... Only when there is no one left that cares about you are you free to do whatever you wish with your life, or at least be diplomatic about it and ask your family and friends if they mind terribly much if you end yourself to remove the pain [and by the way the pain fades, its true thus far it has not left me but Its manageable]. In the 2 years since my pain, I have created a lifetime of works and words, true I have not slept but hay hehehe you can sleep when you’re dead! I have contributed to the world of science [fill in your job/profession/pastime here. And if that’s what this is all about don’t give up you can always fight for what you believe in!]...

Its only on rare occasion that some people are better off dead... So if you are those people please do us a favour and don’t jump on the tracks, I’m sure there is a nice quiet forest somewhere where there are hungry animals. By the way humour is another way I deal with my pain, in an almost “aware that I am ignoring” state of mind, more like a distraction but also a way of confront ing the demons. It has worked thus far... Try it I’m sure it will help if it doesn’t I know I can...

I know a funny joke about death... Pardon?

Your gene pool could use a little chlorine.

New Splicer is here to explore the world and I don’t want to hide from its dark ness or smother you in light... What I seek is the real, and what I hope is that you explore it with me... Although there is no real way of exploring this other than absurdity and perhaps tricking you into a little song of “Always look on the bright side of life....” Ohh too late you have the thought in your head and now you understand, step back and hopefully smile...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Jumping for beginners...

Please don’t jump to any conclusions this is a serious matter, stand back and relax there is a long way to go. This is jumping for beginners the first step is never your last but your last step could be.

As someone who suffers from vertigo I have used jumping as a tool to get over my obstacles the trick is starting small you don’t want to kill yourself at the first hurdle. I believe with enough training one day I will be able to jump from the tallest building and survive [Mentally and physically intact].

I began my training a few years ago when one of the most traumatic experi ences in my life left me fearless of any other pain; I was in a sense invinci ble, death no longer mattered. Unlike the beauty of fight club I found myself standing atop a city scape, wind was blowing, vertigo spiralling. I could not jump the instinct of vertigo pulled me to ground, I didn’t want to jump I simply wanted to end the pain. Then I figured out all I needed to do was jump, cursed vertigo, how could I escape nature, gravity and reality?

The answer came from reflection and philosophy and physics, the question if I could jump from a chair with very little pain or fear why not a building? True the scale is very different but that is simply because I am exponentially increasing the distance without anything in-between! So my training began, first I practiced from my stairs literally one step at a time. I quickly discovered the incline to higher heights is not a linear one, the first few steps came easily and without fear. After about the sixth step my legs began to bruise and I had to rest, but I did not over exert myself and kept to the 6th step until it was as easy as the ones below. After about a week I was on to the 8th step my legs now starting to adapt and mould themselves to my new skill. [While injury is possible if you take your time jumping can be enjoyed by all].

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

David Belle

Two years later and there is still something higher to jump, I have worked my way up to a small block of flats. The look on passersby as I leap is almost enough to give me a new reason to jump. [Warning - even though some buildings are of equivalent height the type of ground that you will be landing on varies considerably and is incredibly important! I recently almost killed myself jumping from a small building onto grass; it was the same height as a previous building but I had no experience of soft soil from this height... So be careful and watch your step and hit your landings].

Don’t start too high you may end up on a slippery slope on which you have no choice but to fall...

And once you fall to the darkness it is almost impossible to come back. I have been there; somehow I live to jump another day. But I jump without a soul, without reason. Find your reason before you go... And if you care about anyone in the world... Don’t jump...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile I wouldn’t be caught dead with a necrophiliac.

Short suicide stories

If you are going to go at least go in style and read this, it might make you think at least for a second before you disappear from my life and the life of the world.


I was a child and not unlike my adult self thought I knew everything [turned out I knew quite a lot, but it was just in opposition to my parents at the time hehe]; at this point I was frustrated that I was a little man who knew what he wanted and didn’t understand why my parents would not let me free to have exactly what I wanted. I have no idea what I wanted but it’s the principle of the matter, I didn’t get it! So in a silly attempt at coercion I suggested I would jump from the tallest block of flats... My dad in all his wisdom just laughed and provided me with a tall chair; it did make me think and challenged my obvious childhood bluff [But It really pissed me off]. However, I must respect his genius, confronting reality with reality and a degree of psychology I love to this day, and even though I am sure he was mostly unaware of it at the time [he will certainly disagree with this]. Broom broom fishy wishy is simply the sounds I made “on one occasion” while playing with my cars and chain of fish, and now represents anything stupid I do. [Thanks to mum and dad for making me think and pretty much not take anything, even reality, for granted!]. M

Live each day as if it were your last, because someday it will be.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Start young

When I was but a trifling 5 years of age I was given an assignment by my teachers, 75 – 100 words, concerning the novel ‘James And The Giant Peach’ by Roald Dahl. For those unfamiliar with this singular moment in the evolution of literature, James is a small boy who begins the novel in the care of his two undesirable aunts who abuse him regularly.

My assignment was to describe what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. I thought hard for about 30 seconds and wrote a short piece describing how I would throw myself from my bedroom window, adding the detail that I would close the window first, but omitting the explanation that this would be so that the glass would kill me if the fall didn’t. My gifted teacher assumed this meant that my heart wouldn’t truly be in the suicide attempt and I would have closed the window to deliberately sabotage it, thereby failing to pass through to the next life and instead simply smashing my face into the unwavering glass. Quite what led my teacher to this stupid conclusion is still unclear but I give her the benefit of the doubt and choose to believe she was just that gentle/disadvantaged (delete as appropriate).

My Mother was called in and she and I were brought before the school coun sellor and head teacher and questions were asked about my home life and the absence of my Father. My Mother gently drew attention to the stupidity of the assignment and the marking teacher and asked the counsellor to keep her f**king nose out. Further questions were asked about my suicidal tendencies and further suggestions were made that various members of the school faculty would be doing humanity a favour by committing suicide.

The entertainment I derived from the whole process briefly made me question my firm and very real intention to eventually kill myself. Briefly


Learn from your parents’ mistakes: use birth control.


Apoptosis (æpəˈtoʊsɪs/) is the process of programmed cell death (PCD) that may occur in multicellular organisms. Biochemical events lead to character istic cell changes (morphology) and death. These changes include blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation. Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces cell fragments called apoptotic bodies that phagocytic cells are able to engulf and quickly remove before the contents of the cell can spill out onto surrounding cells and cause damage.

A cell initiates intracellular apoptotic signalling in response to a stress, which may bring about cell suicide. In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis, in general, confers advantages during an organism’s life cycle. For example, the differ entiation of fingers and toes in a developing human embryo occurs because cells between the fingers apoptose; the result is that the digits are separate. Between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult. For an average child between the ages of 8 and 14, approximately 20 billion to 30 billion cells die a day.

Research in and around apoptosis has increased substantially since the early 1990s. In addition to its importance as a biological phenomenon, defective apoptotic processes have been implicated in an extensive variety of diseases. Excessive apoptosis causes atrophy, whereas an insufficient amount results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer.

Don’t forget to smile

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe
Don’t forget to Breathe Don’tforgettosmileThemoreyoucomplain,thelongerGodmakesyou live.

Insane short stories by a madman Chapter 6

Absolute heartbreak Or How not to die

I have only contemplated suicide in theory, I owe my family far too much to ever hurt them as we as my very good friends. In times of absolute despair is it difficult to remember this fact and it is always there. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a good family but we are blessed to be able to form our own, it is always through our own kindness that we can create love and worlds and occasionally rough the help of others.

My experience of life is not unique but my observation and reflection of it perhaps is... I survived, I think... And my smile returns.

I loved like all others completely and died like most others quietly... Then what? This is where you have a choice and need good people around you whether they be family, friends, even god or an understanding cat. Called cat... She understood... Ok so it’s not all that easy, I heard the stories, life is worth it blahh blahh. But only you can make this decision, but you must weigh all considerations [don’t be selfish as I learnt suicide is not just about you... Unless you are selfish and don’t care about the people who care about you... Then maybe it’s a good option...].

The one that always used to piss me off [thanks dad] was that there was always plenty of fish in the sea! [This has turned into an amusing coincidence]. Is there? Well there are plenty of people, a few less that you find attractive, a lot less you are compatible with and a very few that sparkle. Now imagine how many of these people have all the above qualities and how many of them you will accidently bump into in your lifetime... hummm bugger, the maths is not looking so good for me at least. But I’m a hopeless romantic and cynic and stubborn or at least not ready to settle for good... But that’s perhaps another story...

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

“Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!”

So what ultimately decided how I should not die? A few smiles from friends... A small hope that the future is unwritten and that maybe I can write... So I did, I’m a scientists so I explored both dark and light sides of my life. In the end perhaps it was these very few lines of text that sewed thoughts and mind together. I have always written notes, crap and rhyme. New Splicer is the first time I have completely abandoned any sense of history, education, fact, fiction and everything I know to explore life from a absolute zero perspective. And I can create worlds, in fact and fiction, as can we all... This is why New Splicer is not just for me, but for us all, anyone can write here, some do, you could be next...

Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out alive. Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out alive.

Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

Every story in New Splicer has a woven narrative of discovery and rethought of the old and new. Nothing is ever fixed unless I wish it or it surprises me in my written travels. Half the time I have no idea how these stories will end or how they will begin. A form of channelling without the hocus-pocus, or again perhaps I am just unaware... I always hope for smiles, in both darkness and light. Even the most serious things in life can be accessed through a smile... Perhaps New Splicer is about making firstly myself think beyond what we know; especially the things so simple and silly that we decide not to think about them.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Recently, I suggested to a group of friends a simple game: We were sitting at a table with the regular condiments for food in front of us. And I guess this would be termed a thought experiment or perhaps more accurately an unthought experiment:

I simply inverted the container of vinegar in front of us and asked people how they feel. Perhaps the vinegar had nothing to do with the question; perhaps it was the essence of the question. In truth it didn’t matter it was funny to me, but I go on. The now unnaturally positioned vinegar sat staring at us all, it should spill out but for its lid, it should topple but for its symmetrical shape. “Is this unnatural” I asked... As it was not normal, but functioned to a lesser de gree... Anyhow, it’s not something I have every really thought about so I gave it a go... To me, I am used to this train of thought, so therefore understood that I should feel a little odd as the vinegar was clearly upside-down. I am comfortable with inverted tables and genetics and condiments. The reaction of the others was interesting, at least to me, at first they answered in the literal sense, yes it’s upside down yet it doesn’t fall because of the shape of the lid Zzz zzZ but what about the feelings? Well it was about this point when someone thought that turning the vinegar back the right way would be clever... But unfortunately alcohol had left him slightly less dexterous than your average drunk and he split his drink all over the table... And the vinegar, survived the sea of ethanol, to soak chips and theories for another day...

How do I go from love and suicide to vinegar...? I guess like this...

It’s all connected, reality and death and life... All unique to you... Beautiful and frightening to observe... But life is worth it, at least this one is... If you are ever in doubt of this fact consult an inverted vinegar bottle...

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

He’s not dead, he’s electroencephalographically challenged.

Death is hereditary.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Follow the leader

Don’t do this unless it’s me, I wouldn’t do it unless it’s me; in fact the only person I would follow of a cliff would be me and you probably shouldn’t follow him either.

Why do we follow, we all do it unknowingly, from the beautiful psychological “Milgram experiment” on obedience to authority figures, to laughing at a joke we do not understand. Or in my case laughing at a joke that is not funny, but this is a slightly different psychological condition (It’s ok some times my jokes have no understanding).

It is all about the fascinating world of group dynamics and conditioning, you really can learn a lot from watching someone but you can control nations by observing groups of people. This all started in the 50s [unofficially as MK-Ultra or officially as “Bureau of Applied Social Research” in the USA], with the birth of consumerism for the individual; before this time manufacturers made one car, we all needed to drive and it performed that function. But a few small research groups began testing [through the use of early focus groups], they would ask 100s of people what they wanted in a car, the look the type the colour. This is the birthplace and genuine death of individualism in consumerism; whereby the product we wish for is made for us (but it is in fact made for the masses). What came from these investigations is that while we do individually want a few things that are unique there is a mass of group likes and dislikes which can fool us into thinking this car has been made for us alone! As unique as we are we can be pigeon holed into psychological profiles. “No” I hear you cry, but no I hear you cry from behind your iPhone, android, PC, Mac or some such device that is now essential to your life. And here we start getting to Fight Club and the things that you own end up owning you. Remember I say this from behind my keyboard... Reflecting on who owns New Splicer or if it owns me...

Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world’s population.

The Bureau of Applied Social Research (BASR)-

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Defence of this dark art is simple, you have to be aware of it [although the goal of the manipulators is to prevent this and they get more subliminal with every image and written word]. Next thing you know you will all be enjoying toast in the morning and wondering why, even though it is the most delicious breakfast treat... Go on...

It is all about breaking the illusion of reality and control, you watch TV, you believe TV, maybe you don’t however you still watch. Cravings, we all need food well any old piece of toast will sustain us, however when was the last time you craved toast [I know it will happen soon]. The moment you are aware of the sell, the illusion of the need you are free... It is when the advertisers start playing with our desires, and the crossover between what we desire and what we actually need occurs to confuse. This is when we are at our weakest, when we want something so bad [love, sex, cars, puppies and shoes not always in that order] that we will allow ourselves to be taken away to the illusion of belief and trust and we think yes I do need that product it will make me smell nice and help me obtain said shoes/cats/food or diamonds... Maybe... The promise of the gamble, the risk with great reward and we fall... Fall to desire...

Impulse buying is a great example of lusty shopping, the desire to sabotage even our own best laid plans. When we know that it’s better to wait, read the reviews etc... but the thrill of the buy, the hunter gatherer in us all... And the instant gratification that comes from owning something new and shiny... But we are owned and it’s all too late...

How to control others...

This is simplest when being or being in possession of something desirable [preferably something that can’t be removed like a pretty face or charming personality - otherwise it is likely to be taken].

Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe

Some key types to watch out for:

The control [beauty] ahh the sublime; for a moment the taste and potential of something celestial. Impossibly enticing and absolutely down to luck, you either have this potential or you don’t. And trust me you would not want it as it corrupts most, growing up in a world where your mere presence elicits a smile and kindness flows your way will alter your perspective on life forever.. Unless you are fortunate enough to also posses’ control of the mind [see below].

The control [mind] The most powerful, obtainable to most and deadly in the wrong hands. It can be used for good or evil; corrupt utterly and save indis criminately. We get a little star wars here, as weak minds are easily lead; the main reason advertising works. The real fun begins when two minds of equal power come to meet [usually resulting in love or arch enemies] a battle of wits for control and understanding of how to control a greater mind... I explore this with New Splicer, as you are all great minds [beware next control method].

The control [subjection-pretending to be weak] a common form of manipu lation, the mock innocent [a pet hate of mine as I can sense this a mile away] the wounded soul crying for help gathering the kind fools around them.

The control [power/money] the weakest of all control as it is fleeting but the easiest to wield. The hardest to obtain.

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how popular it remains?

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Lemmings daydream...

It was a day dream like any other; he was an average lemming, lived day to day but dreamt of a little more. He never followed the crowd, not that they hung out with him much. They always left. They looked happy too but appeared with empty smiles, unlike him.

It was once winter, but he didn’t freeze...

It was once summer, he never burned...

What does a Lemming do, well this special one, sat like the fool on the hill [no cliff face]. Watching the world revolve, spin slowly and pass by a smile at the changing nature and life, splashes of rain pelted his warm fur. It was only water; no way could he drown here... Although lightning was a risk; however, not for such a small fellow on a small hill. But that’s not irrelevant to this story...

They called him happy-go-lucky, Hagel for short, which generally suited him fine. Hagel studied hard, while he couldn’t read [most lemmings can’t], his education was that rare breed to self taught observers. Watch the world, watch it move, see the animals flow through the valleys and grace the skies, simply learning from nature. Behaviour is a beautiful thing, some times predictable if observed enough but fascinating when unpredictable. The essence of life he thought... This was when he was young...

Hagel was almost a thousand years old, a natural middle age for a lemming that decides to live, life held little surprise for this old and wise lemming. Smiles came, smiles left, the joy became constant, the sadness dulled to a median. Love was always a passing thing, family a distant memory, friends old and new, changed and gone. He had eaten every nut, dug a million holes - yes discovering that a hole is in general the same. With the occasional unsurprising find...

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Animals ate, some spoke, some observed, always the same behaviour... They became objects; he needed to move on before he began to play [It was a rule never to interfere unless it was welcomed]. Even the stars ended up back in there original position, in the sky, he visited a few of them. [Knowing that all atoms are simple rearrangements between one ghost particle and its corresponding antiparticle]. Tethered together in space, this mad him happy, for a while, somewhere in the world with all its possibilities perhaps there was something else left to discover? It was beyond his 2000 year lifespan.

He had even died once, accidentally falling in his sleep, and waking just in time... It was dark, but interesting... Although too dangerous to test just yet...

Now condense all this into a human life, beauty, pain, loss, love an eternity in our small and fragile lifespan. Imagine the dilemma of a man with this knowledge every interaction a repeat of the last only the weight of the world on his shoulders but his alone. Very few care to glimpse or even entertain this reality... It’s scary but can be useful... Thankfully for us and unfortunately for Hagel mankind can only in reality experience one life... However, in theory...

So what can we learn from this odd lemming? Fear would dictate we keep well away from this knowledge; as confronting the very fabric of our existence our Id, ego and super-ego [the true state of existence referred to as “the real” wherein we are exposed to all aspects of reality. In opposition to the natural human psyche that acts to buffer or hide these confrontations with “the real”. I.e. any confrontation of the mind to something so traumatic and unthinkable like death, as the mind is unable to process “the real” or this event in a rational way the event is pushed into the minds recesses and repressed, buried and overlooked. I am playing currently with access to this state’s of repression; it’s a dark world but one that I believe mankind can evolve beyond our evolution ary conditioning and overcome... Perhaps... Perhaps repression like absence of knowledge is a good thing... Foolishly I always want to ask questions about the world...

For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.

If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile

Especially to old Lemmings.

The question I asked was this “If you know everything, what are you going to do next?”

The answer “It’s not a question of what I will do, simply when I will do it. And in this sequence of events I have done this many times, always and will always do eventually. Even death is perhaps not an escape as it is a frontier I have yet to explore”

“Why have you not explored death?”

“It is simply not time yet, even though I know the plot of the world I am always excited by its subtle variations. Small changes now seem more meaning full than the perceived large ones. For example, war a massive change, yet it’s the same story, with small variations. History is rewritten and a new future is suggested, but will inevitably be akin to the old story, perhaps with new characters and locations...”

“If you could give a positive message to mankind what would it be?”

“Believe it or not you are all free to change the world, into a billion things I have not experienced. And it always begins from a single person, a single idea and it is always beautiful. Illusion and psychosis, fear and excite ment, love and hate, life and death are all within your control just don’t be afraid of them”...

A thousand years from now, smiling and happy with no one around who would be hurt by his absence, Hagel drifts into sleep for the last time, his body and not he commits suicide, alone... And on to the next adventure, just like the time before he was born to a simple lemming.


Don’t forget to smileDon’t forget to Breathe


Next Issue is Cartoon Splicer!

Did you know the way to a geek mans heart is through cartoon! But adversely they control the worlds fate! Let’s draw a line under bad humour, for now! Colour in our own parallel universe and relax with some good

Splicer therapy!

the fun

All submitted work will be carefully discarded and eaten! In some order! Thanks for the ride it was dark but we all survived...

think ~New Splicer~

We are all part of the

out of ten die.

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile I love Toast
ultimate statistic - ten
ol’ New
Volume2.7 August2011 In thIs Issue Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile Drawing and the gateway to parallel Universes... Digital Evolution... Cartoon Splicer Characters Colour therapy... Playing with fire... and much more! Topic of the month: Cartoons, TV & The End of the world...

Toast Marketing board

Don’t forget to Breathe Don’t forget to smile Enjoyresponsibly...

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