700 Riveer Avenue Pittsburgh, P PA 15212 216.200.U UEDA (8332) | info@universittyeda.org www.universittyeda.org
UEDA Offficers Presiden nt William Michalerya Lehigh U University Presiden nt Elect Charles SShoopman University of Tennessee Vice President Mary Fraances Postupackk East Stro oudsburg Univerrsity of Pennssylvania Secretarry/Treasurer Robert V Velasquez University of Texas, San Anto onio Past President Christi B Bell University of Alaska UEDA Diirectors Anthonyy Armstrong Indiana University Bustamante Camilla B Northern New Mexico C College Thomas Harris University of Nevada, Re eno n Eva Klein Eva Klein n & Associates, LLtd. Timothyy Leyh University at Buffalo – SUNY Cameron n Martin Utah Sysstem of Higher Educatio on Ed Morrrison Purdue U University mith Jerry Sm Arkansass State Universitty Executivve Director Rich Oveermoyer
Promotingg your Succcess Subm mission Forrm Name of Insttitution: Indiaana Universitty Kokomo
Name of Projject: Indiana University Kookomo Regio onal Transform mation Initiattive Name of Maiin Contact: M Michael Harriss, Chancellor and Professo or of Public an nd Environmental Affairs, Edu ucation and B Business Phone Numb ber of Main Contact: (7655) 455‐9225
edu Email of Main Contact: micharis@iuk.e m 100‐word abstract of your initiative: TThe role of Indiana University Kokomo as a catalyst for re c egional transfformation ha s been intenttional, engagiing, and strattegic. Under the leaadership of Chancellor Micchael Harris, Indiana Univeersity Kokomo has committed it c nal transformaation and thee intentional, engaging, an nd self to region strategic effo s orts have been n very successsful in develo oping a collab borative framework. The campus h T has initiated aa variety of jooint activities bringing regiional partners, faculty, staff, f students, and alumni togeether to cultiivate a region nal focus, collaboration c n and action. IIUK has embrraced a Triplee Helix framew work which in ncludes a university/c a campus, busin nesses, and ggovernments collaboratingg together to assure economic dev e velopment. URL Link to yyour Project: URL Link to the responsib ble institution n: www.iuk.edu
Case Study C No word limit N ts for this secction. Problem / Baackground: Our nation an O nd the communities we seerve are facing an almost p perfect storm m. We are experienc a cing a rapid shift from an eeconomy of traditional ind dustrial manufacturin ng, based on n natural resouurces and labo or, to an econ nomy of know wledge, driven by inn d ovation and e entrepreneurrship; furtherr complicated d by intense global competitiven c ness and unce ertainty. In ligght of the man ny economic challenges, itt is Indiana Unive ersity Kokomo o’s mission annd obligation n to offer hope, be forward d
700 Riveer Avenue Pittsburgh, P PA 15212 216.200.U UEDA (8332) | info@universittyeda.org www.universittyeda.org
looking, optim mistic and wo ork toward a ffuture in abundance. A neecessary cond dition is that higher e t ducation musst embrace a leadership ro ole in regionaal transformattion. We will achie W eve competitiveness throu gh a high con ncentration o of knowledge,, skills, innovation an nd entrepreneurship capaccity. Academic leadership,, courage, humility and willingne a ess to maximize opportuni ties are vital to the paradiigm shift. uires a new m This shift req T model of leaddership, one w which is entreepreneurial. A A key element in ac e ccomplishing this task andd assuring a po ositive outcome, is reevalu uating the role of re t egional campu uses. We nee d to reaffirm our commitm ment to beingg ‘stewards of place’ and no ot only fulfill aa responsibilitty to graduatte world classs students. IU K s Kokomo has aa clear and em merging role in serving as a leader and partner in reggional transfo ormation. A reecent AASCU survey of Preesidents and Chancellors f C ound fewer than half are cclosely linked d to their com mmunities; reggional transformatio t on is simply n not a strategicc priority. This has to chan nge; regional transformatio t on must be att the forefronnt of strategicc planning forr universities and embraced by e y academic leaaders. Although reg A ional transforrmation is noot a core valuee which has ttraditionally b been integrated intto institutions, it is now tim me for a paraadigm shift to o embrace this role in addition to o academic exxcellence andd student succcess. Academ mic leaders have the opportunity t o to shape disco ourse aroundd the importance of being ‘stewards of place.’ Solution: S The role of In T ndiana Univerrsity Kokomo as a catalyst for regional ttransformatio on has been intentio onal, engagingg, and strateggic. When Ch hancellor Michael Harris arrrived in July of 2010, he immediiately set a gooal to meet 2200 communitty leaders throughout t t he 14 county service area,, and he surpassed that go oal. This set tthe foundation fo f or enhanced rrelationships in all commu unities. Immeediately follow wing, in October of 20 O 010, Chancelllor Harris wass officially insstalled as the new Chancellor. ny, Chancello Rather than tthe traditionaal pomp and ccircumstance of a ceremon or Harris insisted on an n event that involved all coommunities in the region. Over 60 organizations o s from the reggion came to campus and set up a bootth to share th heir story, and the s e over 500 pe eople in attenndance gained d a better understanding o of the immense pow wer and scope of the regioon. Realizing IU K Kokomo’s role e as a convenner and neutral guide for b building collaboration c n, the campuss hosted an evvent in May o of 2011 that w was two phasse: a gathering of r g regional organizations andd a regional leeader forum. The meetingg of the regional orgaanizations wass an opportunnity to groups that have a regional focu us to begin working together to o further theirr efforts. Durring the regio onal leadershiip forum, Chanc f cellor Harris sset the stage ffor the imporrtance of mettrics in region nal transformatio t on, and introd duced the uppcoming studyy commission ned by IU Kokkomo
700 Riveer Avenue Pittsburgh, P PA 15212 216.200.U UEDA (8332) | info@universittyeda.org www.universittyeda.org
that would id t dentify metriccs to gauge reegional transfformation in n north central Indiana. In July of 201 11, IU Kokomo o convened a summit of M Mayors from N North Centrall Indiana. The 11 mayors in n attendance discussed theeir views on rregionalism, tthe of governmen nt, business, aand education n working toggether (the trriple importance o Helix), and also challengess in adopting a regional miindset. The next mee T eting of regional leaders w was held in No ovember 2011. The almosst 100 participants ccame togethe er to view thee regional ben nchmarking sttudy and disccuss the findings. A p f ortion of the session was sset aside to d discuss the ecconomic outlo ook of the region, th t he state, and the country. In May of 201 12, IU Kokomo hosted a “R Regional Tow wn Hall” meeting, attended d by over 80 peop o ple. This meeting includedd an analysis o of the econom mic impact off IU Kokomo in th he region, and d a lively discuussion concerning the futu ure of the reggion and what mu a ust happen ne ext. Indiana Unive ersity Kokomo o has committted itself to regional transformation and has been very succcessful in de eveloping a coollaborative framework. W We have initiated a variety of join v nt activities bringing regio nal partners, faculty, stafff, students, an nd alumni togeth a her to cultivate a regional focus, collab boration and aaction. We arre building on our role as ‘ste ewards of plaace’ to facilitaate and exped dite a compleex and nal frameworkk for partnersship and jointt responsibilitty. non‐tradition We embrace W a Triple Helixx framework w which includees a universitty/campus, businesses, and governme ents collaboraating togetheer to assure ecconomic development d t. oughout the rregion Results: Indiana Universitty Kokomo haas become recognized thro as a catalyst f a for regional transformatioon. While diffficult to meassure the chan nge in attitude or m a mindset, the co onversation ssurrounding rregionalism in n north central Indiana is mo ore lively, enggaging, and suubstantive. Since the late S est meeting, IU Kokomo haas been appro oached to convene the maayors and commiss a sioners of a 6 county area. We have beeen asked to gguide these p public officials to su o upport the cre eation of a fo rmal regional planning orgganization to be recognized byy the EDA. IU U Kokomo waas approached d because thee group is con nfident of the conven o ning power off IU Kokomo. An additional A l project resulting from effforts, IU Koko omo, Purdue University, an nd Indiana Unive ersity are now w working tow ward creatingg “The Indiana Innovation
700 Riveer Avenue Pittsburgh, P PA 15212 216.200.U UEDA (8332) | info@universittyeda.org www.universittyeda.org
Platform: a Proof of Conce ept Accelerat or”. Indiana University Ko okomo was seelected as a partner i a n this effort aand to serve aas the face off the Acceleraator in the reggion due to the en d nthusiasm, en nergy and dynnamic actionss in the area o of regional transformatio t on. Future Consid derations: In ndiana Univerrsity Kokomo will continuee to convene leaders and engage in a n action orien nted efforts t o transform tthe north cen ntral Indiana rregion. A Coordinato A or for Regionaal Engagemennt has been hired. A new p partnership w with the Indiana Small Business Development C enter has beeen forged. Paartnership with the Purdue Cente er for Regionaal Developmeent will be furrther strength hened. Effortts with the Office for t r Community and Rural Afffairs in the Ltt. Governor’s Office will bee expanded. A e At least 2 regio onal leader evvents will be convened each year, inclu uding business lead ders, commun nity leaders, aand governmental leaderss. We look forward to innovative t e and entrepre eneurial efforrts to launch a bright and prosperous future for north cen f tral Indiana. It is our respponsibility.