MARS COLONY INFRASTRUCTURE making life possible on the red planet
SITE STRATEGY where is the best placement of the red planet colony? Placement of the colony and infrastructure on Mars was one that had to consider a range of factors-from temperature to radiation to altitude to available resources. This site, just south east of the Tharsis Region, has a good mix of these components. Because of the proximity to the Tharsis Region, the colony will be able to expand to utilize the planet’s resources in that area-namely: volcanic thermal heat, natural resources found in the Tharsis Region’s major canyon, and the elevated planes good for solar and wind power collection. This site is situated just beyond the reaches of the Tharsis Region’s unpredictable and reactionary topography-therefore giving a stable piece of land for the colony. This area also has reserves of ice beneath the surface-perfect for the ice mining and water conversion process as set up in the new infrastructure. In addition, the other resources found in the ground include martian sand and other terrestrial ores that can be transformed into building materials. This area also gives a good foundation for future growth and new infrastructure growth.
SITE STRATEGY 1:2500 contexualizing the mars colony infrastructure within the Chaos Region
HIVE Colony Location -- high spot in area for good view and best solar energy collection
TERRACES Processing location-Valley would be the ideal place for resource storage in hillside
AQUEDUCT Ice Collection Facility-Likely ice reservers
AQUEDUCT Ice Collection Facility-Likely ice reservers
AQUEDUCT Ice Collection Facility-Likely ice reservers
ICE COLLECTION FACILITY ice drilling, melting and initial processing Ice converted to water for colony use
aqueduct inspiration for the phase
Breathable Area Ice collection Processing ice into water Preparing and sending water
The ice collection facility is hoped to drill into the ground to collect ice and then transform the ice into water to work in the built aqueducts.
Drilling for Ice
WATER PROCESSING AND FOOD/OXYGEN GENERATOR using aqueduct supply to produce crucial human needs
Aquatic plant life
Breathable Area
Fish and aquatic organisms
Plants in soil
Water processing plant is used to turn water into food and oxygen through the use of water plants, aquatic life, and solar energy.
Aqueducts bring water chinese rice terrace as inspiration
Aqueducts bring water
Terraces send food, oxygen and water to colony
Terraces send food, oxygen and water to colony
RESIDENTIAL AND COLONY utilizing the resources created in the aqueducts and terraces
bee hives as inspiration
Breathable Area
Resources from Terraces
Residential and Housing
Resources travel to the colony’s residential, command center, and worshops through the aqueducts traveling from the terraces. These are then distributed throughout the complex to be used, reused and recycled. The towers are designed with a low gravity situation in mind, giving more balcony and public spaces as well as views.
SECTION 1:2500
The colonies can be joined by both their ice collection facility or their residential communities.
Expansion of the colony will follow the higher altitude due to temperature variation in the lower altitudes