Architecture Studio: Spring Portfolio Michael Heller
Professor Maya Alam TA: Sou Fang
Exercise 2: Musashino Art University Library
Exercise 3: Infill
Table of Contents
Exercise 1: Blocks & Streets
Exercise 1
Exercise 1: Blocks & Streets
The first project of the semester was an in-depth study of the central business district of Syracuse, New York. The post industrial city has experienced several historical changes since it was established in the mid 19th century. As a part of the Blocks & Streets group we focused on how the infrastructure and and the space itself were organized. We thought critically about the development of the central business disctrict and worked with the other groups (History, Public Space, and Buildings) to further our understanding of Downtown Syracuse, its history, and its future.
Scale Comparisons
Julia Chou Naill Ingaldson Jasmine Greytok
Syracuse Campus
Block Comparisons
Syracuse, NY
Dimensions -
Destiny USA Mall
Partners Julia Chou Naill Ingaldson Jasmine Greytok
Rhino, Illustrator
Downtown Syracuse
Location Syracuse, NY
Dimensions -
Medium Rhino, Illustrator
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 2: Musashino Art University Library and Museum
The Musashino Art university library was used as a precedent study. the library is a continuous spiral of books that starts on the glassed in exterior and continues to the center creating program and organizational systems. The entirety of the library’s walls are floor-to-cieling book shelves however to create passageways between the walls there have been square sections punched through the shelves. the effect these cause creates a sense of depth as you can look through multiple walkways and see from one side of the building to another. these holes create an interesting sense of “infinite” depth in the space which furthers the concept of the spiral and the bookshelves.
Name Section
Figure Ground
Miao Luo Megha Murali Anusha Shikre
Partners Miao Luo Megha Murali Anusha Shikre
Location Kodaira, Japan
Dimensions 11x17 in
Location Kodaira, Japan
Dimensions -
Medium Rhino, Illustrator
Medium Rhino, Illustrator
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Through the Musashino precedent study, The idea developed to manipulate depth and persepctive through the medium of the relief model. Utilizing layers of paper, the model begins to form a space similar to the musashino walkways. The represenation of the space itself creates a sense of depth.
Furthering the idea of depth this relief model manipulates our perception of space and creates an optical illusion. The implied space creates a sense of depth which is not there yet it feels more realistic than the first rendition of this relief concept. The space seems inhabitable and real.
Name Musashino Study Relief Model 1
Musashino Study Relief Model 2
Kodaira, Japan
Location Kodaira, Japan
Dimensions 11x17x2 in
Dimensions 11x17x1 in
Medium Strathmore
Medium Strathmore
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
With the concept of depth still an important factor in these reliefs. I attempted to manipulate three dimensional space. The folded relief model starts as a flat piece of paper and then opens revealing steps of paper that from the front look solid however from the side they are open and see-through. The juxtaposition of viewpoint could be considered a form of depth or rather a form of perspectival choreography.
Name Musashino Study Relief Model 3
Location Kodaira, Japan
Dimensions 11x17x11 in
Medium Strathmore
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Conceptual Relief Models
Partners -
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 11x17 in
Medium Strathmore
Name 1/4� Sectional Model
Partners -
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 10x9x10 in
Medium Strathmore
Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Exercise 3: Infill
For the final project I wanted to work with controlling depth utilizing a contrast of rigid and ambiguous forms. The final product was a structure that imposed a certain stance in the square that differentiated itself from the surrounding buildings but applied the same datum lines and rigid contextual information that the existing structures abided by.
Name Building Section A
Partners -
Building Section B
Syracuse, New York
Partners -
Location Syracuse, New York
Rhino, Illustrator
Medium Rhino, Illustrator
Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Conceptual Model
Partners -
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 2x6x8 in
Medium Foam, Plastic
Name Front Elevation
Partners -
Roof Plan
Syracuse, New York
Partners -
Location Syracuse, New York
Rhino, Illustrator
Medium Rhino, Illustrator
Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Inside/Out Building Precedent Study
Partners Rachel Ly Julia Chou Megha Murali
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 11x17 in
Medium Strathmore
Name Inside/Out Building Precedent Study
Partners Rachel Ly Julia Chou Megha Murali
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 11x17 in
Medium Strathmore
Exercise 3
Inside/Out Building Precedent Study
Exercise 3
Rachel Ly Julia Chou Megha Murali
Location Syracuse, New York
Dimensions 11x17 in
Medium Strathmore
Circa 2018
Syracuse University School of Architecture. Maya Alam. Spring 2018.