12 July 2021
Our rst ‘new team’ edition Mr Alistair Urquhart, our Chairman Emeritus together with Michael Holzer and Hans van Pelt, welcome you to the latest edition of Letter from Melbourne. We are expanding our rm to combine A airs of State with Strategic Executive Solutions to create a specialist, strategic advisory with long standing and proven digital services experience for the public and private sectors We will continue with monthly, electronic productions of Letter from Melbourne and Letter from Canberra. A airs of State will continue to produce our government charts series (Victorian and Federal), which set out the key stakeholders in government in a useful, time-saving publication that is part of our subscription model Alistair has reached so many people, with such relevant information for such a long time that we are thrilled to have his continued contributions. We trust you enjoy this wide ranging edition. We look forward to your feedback and meeting you soon. Digital, Derby
Letter from Melbourn A monthly public a airs bu etin, a simple pr cis, disti ing and interpreting public policy and government decisions, which a ect business opportunities in Victoria and Australia. An Introduction Let us know what you think
For over 25 years A airs of State has produced our monthly newsletter to highlight important and relevant news for all decision makers.
Call Hans on 0438 280 724 or email us at
In a crowded news market we are not looking to create more opinion. Instead, we will continue to provide key topic and news summaries to help interpret relevant decisions and policies for today’s public and private sector leadership
alistair@a airs.com.au hans@a airs.com.au
We feel this is even more important now, particularly at a time where the public and private sector need to work together
michael@a airs.com.au