Letter from Melbourne, September 2021

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SEPTEMBER / 2021 / ISSUE #2-01

LETTER FROM MELBOURNE A Monthly Public Affairs Bulletin, distilling and interpreting news and decisions which impact business opportunities in Victoria, Tasmania and Australia.

Lets Do Recovery Together For over 20 years Affairs of State has produced our monthly newsletter to highlight important and relevant news for all decision makers. In a crowded news market we are not looking to create more opinion. Instead, we provide key topic and news summaries to help interpret relevant decisions and policies for today’s public and private sector leadership, and aspiring leadership. We feel this is even more important now, at a time where the public and private sector need to work together more closely than ever before for the benefit of our communities, our society and our economy. We have decided to limit focus on the ongoing COVID-19 debates. It has all been said. We understand the importance of vaccination levels and that being the key to moving on. We also understand the impacts, it is time to start easing restrictions safely as the national plan approaches. We hope you enjoy this issue of Letter from Melbourne. We will survey this issue for feedback and we look forward to your continued subscription of Letter from Melbourne and/or our Letter from Canberra editions. Subscriptions to our publications also provide access to Alistair, as always and to Michael Holzer and Hans van Pelt - your “virtual CIO and COO”. Letter from Melbourne

September 2021


TAKE A LOOK INSIDE New thoughts, ideas and news in our reboot.

SCHOOLTV Youth Mental Health and COVID



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