Alpha black gold program 2015 (pdf)

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FRATERNITY HISTORY Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek letter fraternity established for AfricanAmerican students, was organized at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on December 4, 1906. The seven visionary founders known as the “Jewels” of the Fraternity are: Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy. The Fraternity initially served as a study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice - educationally and socially – at Cornell. The Fraternity was founded on principles of scholarship, fellowship, good character and the uplifting of humanity. The Psi Lambda Chapter was founded on May 15, 1926 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

SCHOLARSHIP HISTORY The Fraternity’s National program “GO-TO-HIGH-SCHOOL, GO-TO-COLLEGE” dates back to 1916. During this time, staggering numbers of African-American students were not completing high school or pursuing a college education prompting Alpha Phi Alpha to begin a campaign to increase the education level of the African-American community. The program consisted of three components – knowledge, attitude, and skills. The three program components were designed to help young people focus their attention on completing high school and pursuing a college education or other form of training after graduating high school. In 1989, the program became a renewed emphasis for the Fraternity. Since its establishment in 1926, Psi Lambda has promoted this program by annually providing scholarships, visiting the local schools, tutoring, conducting workshops, and providing mentoring for young men in the Chattanooga community. In 2002, the Chapter established the “Psi Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc.” as a Tennessee non-profit corporation with 501 (c) 3 tax exempt status. With the establishment of the Foundation, we began awarding our annual scholarships in honor and memory of Alpha Brothers who reached the pinnacle of success in their chosen profession, and through their contributions and accomplishments serve as role models for young men to emulate. PSI LAMBDA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED Board of Directors Bro. Charles W. Jackson – President Bro. Virgil V. McGee, Sr. – Vice-President Bro. Claude Batts, Jr. – Treasurer Bro. Cecil B. Flournoy, Sr. – Secretary Bro. James E. Baldwin Bro.Rodney Claybrook Bro. William S. Hight

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Psi Lambda Chapter 2014-2015 OFFICERS President—Bro. Willie Frank Spight, Jr. VicePresident—Bro. Earnest Christian Palmer Recording Secretary—Bro. Eugene Richard Nelson Corresponding Secretary– Bro. Reginald S. Capers Interim Treasurer-Bro. Charles Jackson Chaplain-Bro. Rev. Jeffrey Thomas Wilson Historian-Bro. Dr. Arlyce James Garth Intake Coordinator-Bro. Eugene Richard Nelson Associate Editor of the Sphinx-Bro. Adrien L. Partridge Director of Educational Activities-Bro. Rodney Johnson Sergeant-at-Arms-Bro. John William Crawford Parliamentarian-Bro. James E. Baldwin, Sr.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Psi Lambda Education Foundation In support of the National Program “GO-TO-HIGH-SCHOOL, GO-TO-COLLEGE� , the Psi Lambda Education Foundation has granted over 33 scholarships, plus other support such as book allowances, to ensure that worthy young men attain the knowledge, attitude, and skills to become productive citizens. Your generous support by attending this gala allows us to continue this effort. Listed below are the scholarship recipients since our first Black & Gold Scholarship Ball: Andrew Jones Ron Montgomery Myron Douglass David Law Derrcik Paisley Tommy Townsend Desmond Hendricks

2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006

Mario Grimes Antonio Smith Wesley Carr

2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007

William Yang Brandon Batts Jessie Oliver

2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008

Abel Rucker Jericho Hawkins Jamichael Leonard Anthony Knox

2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009

Marcus Shropshire Nicholas Jackson Damond Torrey Fred Walker

2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010

Demarcus Finnel Justin Alexander David Knowles Demetrius McCartherens

2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011

Mangus Kelly Brandon Woodruff Deonte Jackson Terrence Kelly

2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012

Ivan Lee Tyson Jones James Clemons Dominique Timmons

2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013

Calvin Colvin John McKibben Antonio Woodall

2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014

Sean David Kennon Chandler Custer LeDarrius Starkey Wilbert Wheeler, Jr.

2014-2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 2014-2015


2014 Founder’s Day Speaker—Bro. Edward L. Ellis III

2014 Founder’s Day—Eta Phi Brothers

Alpha Men of Distinction

Neophyte Brother of the Year—Bro. Japho Hardin

2014 Golden Phi Award—Bro. Charles W. Jackson

2014 Founder’s Day—Alpha Hymn & Prayer

2014-2015 HIGHLIGHTS OF PSI LAMBDA ACTIVITIES 2014 ATA District Convention Awards Charles Wesley Award—Psi Lambda & Eta Phi 1st Annual Zenoch Adams Advisor of the Year Award—Bro. Dr. Arlyce J. Garth Step Show 1st Place—Eta Phi Lewis Ossie Swingler College Brother of the Year—Dequantez Sandifer (Eta Phi)

2014 ATA District Convention Delegates (ΨΛ & HΦ)

2014 ATA District Convention Step Show 1st Place (HΦ)

2014 ATA District Convention—Bro. Barry-Lewis Harris sings the second stanza of the Fraternity Hymn

2014 ATA District Convention General President Ronald M. Natson

2014 ATA District Convention District Director Sylvester Fulton

2014-2015 HIGHLIGHTS OF PSI LAMBDA ACTIVITIES The Psi Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. (PLEF) hosted its inaugural Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Breakfast on January 19, 2015 at the Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church. The event served multiple purposes: 1) honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy, 2) raising funds for college scholarships, and 3) recognizing outstanding individuals and organizations that have demonstrated Dr. King’s actions against racism, poverty, and efforts to promote social justice and peace. The theme was “Civil Rights: The Dream 50 Years Later”. The panelists were Tennessee Representative JoAnne Favors, Mr. James R. Mapp (Past NAACP President), Rev. Paul A. McDaniel (Retired minister) and Mr. Ronald Harris (Director of Workplace Diversity at BCBST). The moderator was Bro. Booker T. Scruggs, II. The panelists shared their respective involvement in the civil rights movement and how they were impacted by Dr. King; their views on the sociopolitical status of our nation as related to “The Dream”; and progress and/or lack of progress over the past 50 years. Comments were made regarding the need to engage and educate our youth and the need for workforce equality for women and minorities. The panelists were given replicas of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial statue as tokens of appreciation for their participation. Pictured below from the breakfast are (from left to right): Mr. James R. Mapp, Rep. JoAnne Favors, Bro. Kendrick Bouie - Program Chairman, Bro. Booker T. Scruggs, II, Bro. Bo Walker - Program Co-Chairman, Mr. Ronald Harris, Bro. Charles W. Jackson - Foundation President, Rev. Paul A. McDaniel, and Ms. Nancy Westmoreland – Musician

2014-2015 HIGHLIGHTS OF PSI LAMBDAACTIVITIES Inaugural Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Breakfast


Omega Chapter Memorial for Bro. Claude "Pete" Batts, Jr. (1947-2015) "Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for All Mankind"

Corporate Sponsor Tennessee Valley Authority (Black - $1500)

Table Hosts Bro. James E. Baldwin, Sr. Bro. Kendrick Bouie Bro. Larry Bouie Bro. James Boykin Bro. Reggie Capers Bro. John Crawford Bro. Dr. Walter Few, III Bro. Jeremy Finch Bro. Cecil Flournoy

Bro. Justin Garner Bro. Dr. Arlyce J. Garth Bro. Japho Hardin Bro. Michael Hayes Bro. William Hight Bro. Charles W. Jackson Bro. Rodney Johnson Bro. Edward Lawrence Bro. Virgil V. McGee, Sr.

Bro. Charles Moore Bro. Eugene Nelson Bro. Chris Palmer Bro. Tony Partlowe Bro. Wallace Roberson Bro. Booker T. Scruggs, II Bro. Willie F. Spight, Jr. Bro. Bo Walker Bro. Jeffrey Wilson

Special Tribute to Bro. Al Seals – Mrs. Dorothy Grisham

Donations & Other Support The Fraternity expresses thanks and appreciation for your generous support.

Go to High School, Go to College Your tax-deductible contributions can be mailed to: Psi Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 334 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Individual Contribution Levels Black - $500.00 and above Gold - $250.00 thru $499.00 White - $100.00 thru $249.00 Patron - $10.00 thru $99.99

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Psi Lambda Chapter Chattanooga, Tennessee Fraternity Motto “First of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all.” Fraternity Colors Black and Old Gold Fraternity Flower Yellow Rose

ORDER OF THE EVENING Guests Seated (Soft Jazz Music on CD)

Welcome & Occasion Invocation Dinner is Served (Soft Jazz Music on CD)

Public Recognitions Community Partners & Special Guests Chapter Accomplishments (See pages 4-8) Psi Lambda Educational Foundation (See page 1)

Music & Dancing featuring the TSJ Soul Band First Break

Brotherhood Special Recognitions Recognition of 50-Year Brothers Bro. Henry W. Bowles Bro. Rodney Claybrook Bro. Wendell Collins Bro. Dr. Arlyce J. Garth Bro. William S. Hight Bro. Virgil V. McGee, Sr. Bro. Wallace Roberson Bro. Dr. Edgar Scott Bro. Thomas Scott Bro. Booker T. Scruggs Bro. Archie Taylor

Brothers with Wives & Sweethearts Fraternity Hymn Brothers Group Picture

Music & Dancing Second Break

Live Auction Music & Dancing

Photos available during breaks and after the program.

2015 Psi Lambda Educational Foundation Honorees “Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love For All Mankind.” BRO. CLAUDE “PETE” BATTS, JR. Brother Claude “Pete” Batts, Jr. was born on January 19, 1947 in Huntsville, AL. He graduated with honors from W. H. Council High School in 1964. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on April 11, 1968 through the Delta Gamma Chapter and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (also with honors) from Alabama A & M University in Huntsville, AL. Bro. Batts initially moved to Chattanooga in 1968, to Waynesboro, VA in 1983, then returned to Chattanooga in 1994. He enjoyed a long and productive career at DuPont and retired as a Senior Research Associate from Dusa International, LLC (DuPont-Sabanci International) in 2005, having spent his entire career with the same company with continued advancement. Bro. Batts was an active member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Chattanooga, TN where he displayed the same devotion to duty as he did with Psi Lambda Chapter. He became active with Psi Lambda Chapter upon accepting employment in Chattanooga and remained active the entire time. Brother Batts, is saluted for his past accomplishments and achievements in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., including recognition as being active more than 46 continuous years and serving as Treasurer of Psi Lambda Chapter for 20 years and Psi Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. for 13 years. He also served as a mentor in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Bro. Batts prided himself in being a devout family man and an enthusiastic Hillcrest baseball coach. He coached two teams to the Dizzy Dean World Series. He was very organized and goal oriented, led by example which supported his belief: “A man’s word is his bond; if you give your word you need to keep your promise”. Bro. Batts entered Omega Chapter on January 19, 2015 (his 65th birthday) having displayed his trademark diligence serving at the Inaugural Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Breakfast. He is survived by his devoted and loving wife Marilyn, daughter Tracy Batts Bosley, son Claude “Terry” Batts, four grandchildren, three brothers, five sisters, and a host of other relatives and friends. Bro. Batts was truly an “Alpha Man of Distinction”. BRO. DR. EDGAR L. SCOTT, JR. Brother Dr. Edgar L. Scott, Jr., born March 8, 1930, is a native of Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is the son of the late Dr. Edgar L. Scott, Sr. and Mrs. Alma Mann Scott. He has five children and seven grandchildren and was married to the late Mrs. Allene M. Scott for 59 years. Bro. Dr. Scott followed in his father’s footsteps by graduating from Fisk University and MeHarry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. After completing medical school in May of 1955, he went on to do an Internship and General Surgery Residency at Hubbard Hospital at MeHarry Medical College. He became Chief Resident during his 5th year of residency and after completion of his residency, he served in the United States Army for two years and served as the Chief of Surgery at 14 th Field Hospital in Badkreuznach, Germany. He then returned to Chattanooga where he would become the first African American to practice General Surgery in the area. In April 1964, history was in the making when he was awarded hospital privileges to operate as an African American surgeon, in a then all white Department of Surgery, at the Erlanger, Parkridge and Memorial hospitals. Throughout his career, Bro. Dr. Scott has received numerous awards, accolades and merits for the historical mark that he has made in society and for pioneering the way for other African American physicians. His picture currently hangs in the African American Museum at Bessie Smith Cultural Center. Bro. Dr. Scott has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for 66 years and has been an active participant in many other social organizations. A true pioneer in the field of medicine, he has exemplified a lifetime of excellence and has blazed the way for others to follow.

2015 Psi Lambda Educational Foundation Honorees “Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love For All Mankind.” BRO. HARRY WHITE McKELDIN, JR. Brother Harry White McKeldin, Jr. served God, his country, his family and his community for 88 years. A March 21, 1969 article by Gene Roberts stated, “Anti-Poverty program director Harry McKeldin speaks very softly, but the message he carries has the impact of a shout.” Harry McKeldin, a strong Christian gentleman, was a man of quiet dignity who genuinely cared about people and looked for the good in all of them. He believed in equality, education, and hard work. A renaissance man blessed with many God-given talents and abilities, he was an artist, athlete, coach, teacher, poet, administrator, devoted husband, father and grandfather and a proud and dedicated member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He was inducted into the Pi Lambda Chapter on June 9, 1952 in Selma AL. He was very active in Alabama and transferred his love of and dedication to his fraternity to the Psi Lambda Chapter when he moved to Chattanooga in 1957. Bro. McKeldin is an honorably discharged Army veteran having served 4½ years during World War II. He received his bachelor’s degree in 1947 from Knoxville College where he majored in Mathematics and minored in both Sociology and Health and Physical Education. In 1955, he earned his Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Columbia University (NY). Bro. McKeldin’s exemplary community service was known across the state. He served on numerous boards and was affiliated with many organizations, receiving numerous significant awards and honors, such as Distinguished Citizen of Chattanooga and the 1975 Alpha Award of Merit for Civic Contributions. Bro. McKeldin held many prestigious positions over the span of his career; no matter the title, he considered his job to be that of a servant of the people. He retired on December 31, 1981. Bro. McKeldin, one of 10 children, was born in Athens, TN on March 11, 1915. He later moved to Alabama where, in 1946, he married Juanita Crockett. Together they had a son, Harry W. McKeldin, III and a daughter, Iris Yvonne McKeldin Beard. They were married until her death in 1956. In 1959, he married Lyda Yette and together they had one daughter, Harriette McKeldin Stokes. At the time of his death, they had been married for 44 years. He was adored by five grandchildren and continues to be a role model for them in their lives.

BRO. AL L. SEALS Brother Al L. Seals was born on March 7, 1939. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in 1958 through the Gamma Phi Chapter at Tuskegee Institute, where he attended on a track scholarship. He was an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Army and a member of Second Missionary Baptist Church. He also was a member of the NAACP and Tuskegee Alumni Association. In 1974, Bro. Seals was the first Black male agent hired by Allstate Insurance Company in Southeast Tennessee. In 2000, he became business partners with Dorothy Grisham, the first Black female Allstate agent in Tennessee. He retired a few years later. Bro. Seals affiliated with the Psi Lambda Chapter in 2003, subsequently serving as President and Associate Editor to the Sphinx. He was an avid photographer and also enjoyed biking and canoeing. Bro. Seals met Bertha Ealey at a private birthday party. They became fast friends and got married a few months later. Bro. Seals was the proud father of three lovely daughters and nine grandchildren. He loved spending time reading to his grandchildren and teaching them life skills. Bro. Seals had a great interest in church, education and sports. He and Art Grisham started the Eat’em-Up Club - which means they would eat every kind of food in sight. Bro. Seals remained an active member of the Psi Lambda Chapter until he transitioned to Omega Chapter on January 2, 2006 at the age of 66.

A Family man, a Friend and a Brother These are just a few of descriptions of the man known as AI Seals. Al was very passionate about his Alma Mater Tuskegee and anyone that met him knew it. He was an Allstate agent and a lot of his customers became his friends.

Being an avid photographer he captured many moments that will never be forgotten. Much like his quirks and good humor, Al will never be forgotten. Alleft us here on earth to be in heaven on January 2nd 2006. However, he will always be in our minds and hearts.

We miss you AI.

In Loving Memory of Melvin Barkley From: Bro. Reginald Capers & Family

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709 Dodds Ave Chattanooga,Tennessee 37404 Cell 423 760 3089 Fax 423 698 7928

Greetings and Best Wishes To

Psi Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. On Their Black & Gold Scholarship Ball

Epsilon Xi Sigma Chapter Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Chattanooga, TN


Supports the Men of

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The Chattanooga Alumnae Chapter of

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