Ka Lā October 2017

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Are we haunted? A Student Publication of the University of Hawai'i • Honolulu Community College • October 2017

Ghost tales tend to get watered down as details get lost with each retelling. With Halloween approaching, we asked students to share some of their eerie experiences and came up with a​ fresh collection ​of​ ​paranormal stories that hit home, as they are from our very own campus, and not likely repeated outside of HonCC. ​Stories continue on page 3.

By Maia Mayeshiro Ka Lā staff writer

It​ ​was​ ​4:30p​ ​when​ ​Brittany​ ​ had​ ​finished​ ​her​ ​last​ ​class​ ​of​ ​ the​ ​day​ ​in​ ​Building​ ​2,​ ​and​ ​ headed​ ​over​ ​to the​ ​4th​ ​floor​ ​ bathroom. ​It​ ​had​ ​been​ ​a​ ​long​ ​lecture,​ and ​she​ ​rushed​ ​into​ ​the​ ​first​ ​ stall​ ​and quickly​ ​proceeded to do her business -​​not​​expecting​ ​this​ ​experience​ ​to​ ​be​ ​ anything​ ​out​ ​of​ ​the​ ​ordinary.​ ​ The bathroom​ ​door​ ​proceeded​ ​to​ ​open​ ​as​ ​Brittany​ ​ heard ​footsteps,​ ​followed​ ​by​ ​

an​ ​unusually​ ​somber shadow​ ​that​ ​walked ​into​ ​the​ ​stall​ ​ two​ ​units​ ​over,​ ​and​ ​slammed ​ the​ ​stall​ ​door​ ​shut.​ ​Despite​ ​the abnormal​ ​ height​ ​of​ ​the​ ​figure’s​ ​shadow,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​an​ ​unusually​ ​ slow​ ​walking​ ​pace,​ ​Brittany thought ​it​ ​was​ ​merely​ ​ a​ ​sluggish​ ​and​ ​agitated​ ​student,​ ​and​ ​continued ​with​ ​ her​ ​routine.​ ​ When she approached ​ the​ ​sink after,​ ​however,​ ​she​ ​ realized ​that​ ​the​ ​stall​ she ​ thought​ ​to​ ​be​ ​occupied​ ​by​ ​

a student ​was​ ​completely​ ​ empty,​ with​ ​no​ ​traces​ ​of​ ​anyone​ ​entering​ ​or​ ​exiting​ ​the​ ​ bathroom within​ ​the​ ​past​ ​ few​ ​minutes​ ​to​ ​be​ ​found.​ ​ Were​ ​the​ ​preceding​ ​moments​ ​just​ ​hallucinations​ ​as​ ​ a result​ ​of​ ​classroom​ ​drowsiness?​​Perhaps.​​Or maybe it was one more case of supernatural happenings on campus. One​ ​thing​ ​is​ ​for​ ​sure: ​ ​in the future, Brittany​ ​will​​ ​wait until​ ​she​ ​gets​ ​home​ ​to​ ​use​ ​ the​ ​restroom.

2 KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i


Ka Lā, the campus newspaper of Honolulu Community College. Ka Lā publishes 850 copies every month during the Spring and Fall Semesters. Ka Lā and all campus publications are funded by student publication fees and advertising. All materials published in Ka Lā may not be reproduced or reused without permission of the HonCC Student Media Board. Ka Lā is published under the supervision of the HonCC Student Media Board


Angelina Peralta

Board members Angelina Perez Tiera Spencer

Contributing Writers & photographers Fredrene Balanay Jonz Stoneroad

Steffanie Sobitz Christopher Garcia Ashley Jez

Maia Mayeshiro Noah Lee

Larry L. Medina

Contact information hcckala@gmail.com Student Media Board Building 2, Room 115 Phone: (808) 845-9213 Ka Lā invites letters to the editors, articles, events, advertising and classified ads. Ka Lā reserves the right to refuse or edit submissions. Student editors and writers are responsible for content, which does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Ho-

nolulu CC administration, faculty or staff.

Ka LĀ photos by Noah Lee

Contractors are working to create a new student-friendly, green courtyard in Building 5.

Big changes in the works Courtyard, parking, elevators all getting upgraded

Building 2; in the auto body shop; and at the Ewa end of the library. At least six other water refill stations are slated for installation.

By Jonz Stoneroad Ka Lā staff writer

It’s been six weeks since the Fall Semester has begun, and there's plenty of activity on campus, including some highly visible construction and repair projects. Here's an update on what's happening, provided by David Tanaka, the school's facilities manager for operations and maintenance:

Building 5

The second floor of Building 5 is now hosting Hawaiian Center, which was opened in the first weeks of September. Meanwhile, work is underway to convert the Building 5 courtyard into a much more friendly place for students to congregate, have their lunch, and work in a green, shaded environment. Work on the couryard is scheduled to be completed early next semester and other student services will move into Building 5 at the same time.


The cafeteria will con-

Parking Lot

More refillable water stations like this one at Building 2 are on the way. tinue to have the current vendor (Cooking Fresh) who is planning to expand with a coffee service area. No date has been given as to when this will occur.

Bldg. 2 Elevators

There were some delays in repairing the elevators because of multiple service providers. Elevator repairs including inspection date is tentative but looking towards the end of the school year (2018). While they are operational, repairs being made. At least (1) elevator will remain operational while the others are being

worked on.

Security Cameras, Water Refill Stations

The security cameras on campus have been repaired and fully operational. No new cameras were installed. The campus is also working on various ideas and plans to increase sustainability, with services that benefit the students and others. One of thee plans is the installment of water refill stations in more locations. There are water refill stations on each floor of

The big gravel parking lot is scheduled to be paved starting in 2018. During the paving work, the lot will be closed and students will have to find parking elsewhere, including Lot 8, which is about a 10-minute walk from campus. Meanwhile, the city plans to begin preliminary work on the rail line running down Dillingham Boulevard, and officials expect that will cause some delays for drivers, and adjustments in the parking lots (entrance) and possible relocation of campus services. Tanaka said construction and maintenance projects are funded by the UH system on a priority need basis with each campus in the system competing for funds.

KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i



MORE HAUNTING STORIES FROM THE HONCC CAMPUS A campus security spectre wants to help

Being​ ​that​ ​students​ ​are​ ​constantly​ ​overwhelmed​ ​with​ ​due​ ​ dates,​ ​studying,​ ​and​ other​ ​new experiences​ ​that​ ​college​ ​has​ ​to​ ​ offer,​ ​it​ ​comes​ ​as​ ​no​ ​surprise​ ​ when students ​forget​ ​where​ ​they​ ​ leave certain​ ​valuables.​ ​Luckily,​ ​ our​ ​campus​ ​is​ ​staffed ​with​ ​a​ ​very​ ​ efficient​ ​security​ ​team​ ​always eager​​to​​help - perhaps, too eager.​ ​Cameron,​ ​a​ ​somewhat​ ​scatterbrained​ ​​​freshman,​ ​had​ ​lost​ ​his​ ​ cell​ ​phone somewhere​ ​on​ ​campus​ ​in​ ​the​ ​midst​ ​of​ ​class​ ​transitions.​ ​Hoping​ ​that​ ​a​ ​good​ ​Samaritan​ ​ had turned​ ​it​ ​into​ ​the​ ​lost​ ​and​ ​ found,​ ​he​ ​decided ​to​ ​inquire​ ​

with​ ​security​ ​directly​ ​at​ ​their​ ​office​ ​in Building​ ​72-B.​ ​This was C ​ ameronʻs first semester, and​ ​was​ ​still​ ​timid​ ​and​ ​ not​ ​sure​ ​of​ ​the etiquette​ ​a​ ​college​ ​ student​ should ​demonstrate.​ ​ Therefore,​ ​he​ ​decided​ ​to​ ​knock​ ​ on​ ​the​ ​door​ ​of​ ​campus security​ ​ instead​ ​of​ ​barging​ ​in.​ ​Moments​ ​pass​ed ​with​ ​no​ ​ sign​ ​of​ ​anyone,​ ​so​ ​he​ ​knocked​ ​a​ ​ second time.​ Still,​ ​nothing.​ ​He​ ​began​ ​to​ ​lose​ ​hope​ ​in​ ​ finding​ ​help​ ​at​ ​the​ ​office,​ figuring​ ​the​ ​guards​ ​must be out​ ​ patrolling​ ​the​ ​campus.​ ​​Having pressed​ ​his​ ​ear​ ​ against​​the door to hear if any-

Janica,​ ​a​ ​MELE​ ​program​ ​student​ ​who​ ​spends​ ​quite​ ​a​ ​lot​ ​of​ ​ time​ ​in​ ​the​ ​4th​ ​floor​ ​studio of Building 2,​ ​recalls many​ ​instances​ ​in​ ​which​ ​she​ ​and​ ​her​ ​ fellow​ ​classmates​ ​felt​ ​the​ ​presence​ ​of​ ​something​ ​that​ ​can only​ ​ be​ ​described​ ​as​ ​insidious.​ ​Between​​6 and 9 p.m.​​a​​dark shadow was witnessed through the now ​ taped-up​ ​windows​ ​of​ ​the​ ​studio,​ ​ darting​ ​back​ ​and​ ​forth​. ​This​ ​mysterious ​spectre ​is​ ​also​ ​ believed​ ​to​ ​be​ ​the​ ​culprit behind the​ ​slow​ ​breathing​ ​and​ notorious​ growling​ ​noises​ ​into​ ​the​ ​microphone,​​heard​​through​​studentsʻ headphones​ ​when​ ​the​ studio ​ microphone​ ​is​ ​​not​ ​in​ ​use.​ ​

On​ ​another​ ​occasion,​ ​as​ ​Janica​ ​ was waiting​​for the buildingʻs elevators to close, she felt ​as​​if​​ someone​ ​had​ ​rushed​ ​in​ ​at​ ​the​ ​last​ ​ second and​ ​proceeded​ ​to​ ​stand​ ​ behind​ ​her.​ Janica​ ​initially​ ​thought ​nothing​ ​of​ ​it,​ ​as​ ​she figured there​ ​had​ ​ to​ ​be a​ ​rational​ ​explanation​ ​for​ ​ the​ ​odd​ ​sensation.​ ​ Her solace​ ​was​ ​very​ ​shortlived,​ ​however,​ ​when she​ ​felt​ ​​ heavy​ ​breathing​ ​on​ ​her​ ​neck, sending​ ​icy​ ​shivers​ ​down​ ​her​ ​ spine.​ ​The​ ​following two minutes would be the most petrifying elevator​ ​ride​ ​of​ ​her​ ​life,​ as her deliverance from the elevator seemingly​ ​became​ ​more​ ​and​ ​

one was in,​​he began to step away when Cameron​ ​heard​ ​the​ ​ faintest​ ​voice​ ​of​ ​a​ ​woman​ ​say​ ​ “I’ll​ ​be​ ​right​ ​there." ​A​ ​moment​ ​later, a​ ​security​ ​ guard​ ​entered​ ​the​ ​building​ ​and​ ​ saw ​the ​student standing​ ​outside​ ​ of​ ​the​ ​office.​ ​“Do​ ​you​ ​need​ ​something?”​ ​ asked​ ​the​ ​officer.​ ​Cameron​ ​explained his​ ​situation​ ​and​ ​how​ ​he​ ​ was​ ​already​ ​awaiting​ ​help​ ​from​ ​ the​ ​woman​ ​behind the office door.​ ​The​​security guard​​chuckled. ​​ There were no women on the force at that time. And there was no one in the office.

A shadow on the MELE studio floor

more​ ​distant.​ ​Janica’s​ ​relief​ couldnʻt come any sooner when​​ she and her invisible companion reached​ the ​ground​ ​floor.​ ​It​ ​then​ ​ became​ ​evident​ ​that whoever​ ​was​ ​ in​ ​the​ ​elevator​ ​with​ ​her​ ​did​ ​not​ ​ want​ ​to​ ​be​ ​left​ ​alone​ ​just​ ​yet,​ ​​as Janica’s​ ​numerous futile attempts​ ​ at​ ​pushing​ ​the​ ​“open​ ​door”​ ​button​​went u ​ nanswered.​​ The​ ​doors eventually​ ​opened ​after​ ​a​ terrifying​ ​delay,​ ​with ​Janica​ overcome with massive​​ ​relief.​ ​ The​​chilly​​presence​made itself known one last time as it s​ wept​​ past​ ​Janica​ ​before​ ​exiting​ ​the elevator,​ ​and​ ​has​ ​not​ ​been​ ​felt​ ​ since.

An instructor who won't stay home?

A​ ​popular​ ​superstition​ ​ circulated​ ​among​ HonCC ​ students​ ​of​ ​cosmetology​ ​ is​ ​the​ ​belief​ ​that​ ​a former instructor,​ ​Ms.​ ​Cathy,​ ​continues​ ​to​ ​roam​ ​the​ ​department’s​ ​halls.​ ​ A​ ​senior​ ​cosmetology​ ​ student shared ​a​ ​haunting​ ​experience​ ​believed​ ​ to​ ​be​ ​an​ ​outburst​ ​from​ ​the​ ​ late​ ​professor​ ​for​ ​reasons unknown.​ ​The​ ​class​ ​had​ ​been​ ​packing​ ​up,​ ​discussing​ ​plans,​ ​ and​ ​filing​ ​out​ ​of​ ​the​ ​room,​ ​ when​ ​a ceramic​ ​dish​ ​slid ​ from​ ​the​ ​middle​ ​of​ ​a​ ​table​ ​ to​ ​the​ ​floor-​ ​shattering​ ​into​ ​ many​ ​pieces.​ ​Could​ ​it have​ ​been​ ​an​ ​ accidental​ ​push​ ​from​ ​one​ ​ of​ ​the​ ​girls?​ ​That​ ​would​ ​ be​ ​the​ ​logical​ ​reasoning,​ ​ if​ ​it were​ ​not​ ​for​ ​the​ ​fact​ ​ that​ ​this​ ​table​ ​was​ ​at​ ​the​ ​ opposite​ ​end​ ​of​ ​where​ ​the​ ​ students​​had been exiting.

Stories by Maia Mayeshiro

Photos by Larry L. Medina

KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i



A place where everyone can feel safe By Janica Marie Pascua Ka Lā staff writer

With a society that’s changing as quickly as our own, we need to understand, educate, and do our best to keep up with it. And that’s what HonCC is doing, in ways big and small, to make all students, regardless of their sexual or gender identities, feel safe and welcome on campus. "The changes are designed to ensure that the students don’t have any mental or physical obstacles when it comes to receiving an education, regardless of their gender or sexuality," said Brent Rubio, a HonCC chemistry instructor, who also serves as the school’s representative to the UH President’s Commission for the LGBTQ+ Commission of Equality. The efforts include creating identified “Safe Zones” on campus where students can find support and encouragement, to dealing with gender and other personal issues, as well as other things, like providing all-gendered restrooms. Ultimately, the school hopes to create an LGBTQ+ office on campus. “We want to have a comfortable place for students to know that they can come in and not feel judged. ... hopefully, in the near future, we can see it in the new student services area in Building 5 with a big banner for students to recognize,” Rubio said. While the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and More (LGBTQ+) community has been around for a long time, the new changes and policies are finally starting to gain attention. As commissioners, Rubio, along with Nicole Iwasaki, a counselor on campus, provide information

Michael wanted to be called Mary, it was suddenly an issue. Now, thanks to the LGBTQ+ Commission of Equality, the president sent out an executive policy, and everyone changed their rules.” Students can find this form at the Records office, or online at http://www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/ sites/www2.honolulu.hawaii.edu/ files/records-change-name.pdf. The Safe Zone is a support system between faculty who are advocates for the LGBTQ+ community and students who are looking for someone on campus to Ka LĀ photo by Janica Marie Pascua talk to. The Safe Zone allows students to Instructor Brent Rubio says the school hopes to build on its Safe Zones policy recognize those who are a part of by creating an LGBRQ+ office on campus. the designated area through postthis. Within a semester, we were for students, faculty, and staff, reers on doors of faculty and staff, able to create this change,” Rubio garding the LGBTQ+ community, and buttons and pins on a shirt, said. as well as suggest changes that The restrooms, which have their to indicate that particular faculty can be made on campus to better member is not judgemental and own icon marking them on the support the community. campus map, are located in Build- can go to them if they have any Ever since Rubio took on the issue with discrimination or even commissioner position on campus, ings 4, 6, 14, and 20, and are all he says that they have “altered the labelled for students to recognize coming out. them. They are even kept open commission to have the commisStudents can also become allies late for students attending evening of the LGBTQ+ community by sioners be more active... implementing policies with the commis- classes. attending the Safe Zone training Another change allows students sion president, where we suggest Rubio does publicly, or requestto change their preferred name things and he makes an executive ing a training session for classes, within the UH system. policy, like the all-gendered bathclubs, or even one-on-one. “Name changes stemmed from rooms.” The Safe Zone is now becoming something as small as what name “All-gendered means that this the students want to be called as at a part of some teachers’ syllabi, is like the bathroom you have at graduation, ... [where they] had to where they speak about Title IX, a home. All genders use it, and it’s be called by whatever name they a one-stall bathroom, so only one landmark federal civil rights law had in the school’s records," Rubio that prohibits sex discrimination person can be in there at a time said. The name changes are one anyway,” Rubio said. in education. This policy protects way that the campuses support Rubio pointed out that, before students, faculty, and staff on camthe change, the campus had a des- the LGBTQ+ community. "If a student named Christopher pus If they would like to keep any ignated animal restroom, but not information confidential, students got up there and asked that he be one designated for all-gendered can go to Kimberly Gallant, Honcalled Chris, it was no problem. use. "That’s how I was able to push However, when someone named CC’s Mental Health Counselor.

Tips for surviving mid-term exams

Billie Leuder

Exec. Asst. to the Chancellor "Get a lot of sleep, drink a ton of water, and [get] exercise. Being your personal best will help you ace that exam!”

Conred “Red” Maddox Language Arts instructor

Jolene Suda TRiO Project Director

Tyson Kupihea Student

“Put in S.M.A.R.T. effort. Strategic, Mindful, Adaptable, Reflective, Timely effort. This will help prepare you for those midterms, as well as improve your student skills.”

“Utilize your professors’ office hours. They know what is expected of you. You can also come to TRIO for support.” -


KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i 5

October 2017

From HonCC student to graduate to staff By Steffanie Sobitz Ka Lā staff writer

Hilary Brown, a member of HonCC’s Career Services office, started out her college career like many college students – unsure, but hopeful about the future. Today she helps students find jobs to pay for their college. But it was a long trip from being a student to her job at the school. Like so many students going through the motions of high school, she needed direction and support in order to get started in college and be successful. “Growing up, I never really thought about college. It wasn’t on my radar until maybe 11th grade. By then I had made a lot of mistakes, and hadn’t pushed myself hard enough. I didn’t even know about community colleges,” Brown said. “In my last two quarters in high school I discovered the COP (College Opportunities Program) at Manoa through a college counselor at Moanalua High School,” she said. COP is a program that helps students who are at high-risk for not attending college; the program supports those students transition into college. Brown started college classes at UH–Manoa through the COP program, but had difficulty adjusting. “For me, it was a struggle to balance school and my home life. My grandmother was getting sick, so I

Hillary Brown went from HonCCstudent to graduate to staff member. had to struggle to get home during the week and on the weekends. The school is so huge that I didn’t know what the resources were and kind of fell through the cracks,” Brown said. “For me, I made it to my third year and my grandma passed away. I fell into a deep depression and dropped out of school, not realizing I could have taken a medical leave. “I worked for a year and and a half, but I always knew I wanted to go back and finish my degree,” she said. "After my withdrawal, I also owed the school money, which was another hindrance to me going back." Though it was tough to get back into the school mindset and working out the financial details,

Brown decided to plunge headfirst in pursuit of her degree. "After failing my return semester at UH-Manoa, I decided to go the community college route, and Honolulu Community College is the school I chose, mainly because of its location,” she said. When she started at HonCC, she had been considering a degree in accounting. She had enjoyed accounting classes, and imagined herself working in an accounting firm, loving the structure and rules of the discipline, but a job with Student Life at HonCC changed her career path. “Well, I didn’t really think about a job in higher education when I first started, but the longer I was with Student Life, the more I fell in love with helping students," she said. “Most of my best moments are when working as a student assistant with Student Life & Development. We got the chance to work with many different offices, and we were asked to create from conception to completion many events for students. "The best of times for me are when we hosted New Student Orientation. It was a great pleasure to meet incoming students in person, and to share all of the resources and opportunities that await them here at Honolulu CC,” Brown said. She found her niche, and after graduating with her BA from UH

– Manoa, she began her job with Career Services at HonCC. When asked what advice she had for current and prospective students, Brown said, “take advantage of internships or some type of job shadowing program, so that you get hands on knowledge of what a day is like for someone in the profession that you getting your degree in. It was unfortunate in my case that I took internships in my last semester only to discover being a full time accountant wasn't what I truly wanted in my life.” Brown offered other pieces of invaluable advice. “I know that we all have to pay bills to pay, and making money is fabulous, but I learned that no matter the amount I am making I need to be passionate about what I am doing,” she said. “Do your absolute best in every job no matter whether how big or small because you never know when another opportunity or a person you assisted could play a pivotal role in your future in some fashion or form.” When asked what three words come to mind when she thinks of HonCC, Brown replied, “ʻWe are Honoluluʻ - I really love this slogan because every single student, faculty, staff, and member of our community is what makes this a great place to begin your education or your career.”

OIF/OEF/OND VETERANS SUPPORT GROUP Come join fellow Veterans discuss current issues Location:

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Open to all Veterans/Active Duty/Reserve & NG who have deployed in support of OIF/OEF/OND

Ka Lā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i 6

October 2017

His love of language comes out in class

casual hire to lecturer. By 2011 he was offered a permanent position and has been at HonCC ever since. Otsuji best describes his first day at HonCC as his most traumatic and transformative moment as a teacher. “And this [paperweight] serves as a reminder of that day,” Otsuji said, showing a homemade sheet metal object he got from a student he met that first day. "It was the first day of class and I just finished the introductions and started on a grammar lesson,

something I don’t do anymore,” he explained. “As I continued with the grammar I heard a loud noise. This student had slammed the desk and said loudly ‘I don't know why I need to learn English - I'm going into auto tech!’” Otsuji doesn't remember exactly what his response was to this student. “I believe I muttered something about come see me in my office.” Otsuji said. “That night I couldn't sleep; I kept thinking why does he have to take English.” “We talked about it. And I just

asked him to give me a chance,” Otsuji said. That student later found a passion for welding and switched trades. The student eventually asked Otsuji for a letter of recommendation, and gave the sculpture as a gesture of appreciation. It serves as a reminder of the lesson of that first experience. These days Otsuji takes a different approach to his lessons. One of his first writing prompts in class is to ask students write about a turning point in their lives. “I find if the student can connect to the subject matter, the writing pretty much takes care of itself,” Otsuji explained. “The grammar comes second.” Students respond well to his teaching style and praise him highly. “He is a really great teacher. If you don't understand the material don't be scared to ask. He is really understandable with students. And always want his students to succeed,” a former student commented. Otsuji is a practicing and published poet. His work can be found in local publications such as Bamboo Ridge, as well as in national literary magazines like the Sycamore Review. Otsuji believes being a practitioner of the craft helps him be a better teacher.

S-Designated classes at HonCC

not to just abstract numbers, but say, numbers that relate to carbon emissions? [They will] learn about threats and solutions to the environment, and the implications.” Why have an S-Designation? "It’s to integrate a consciousness in no matter what students are taking. When they take a range of [sustainability] classes, they learn more about the environment as part of their general education experience.” Smith and the committee are also hoping for certificate programs focused on sustainability issues. “That’s really going to make students more employable in many professions. Students really need to lead with this knowledge [to give them] that advantage.” Maui College already has a fouryear degree in sustainability management, while UH-West O’ahu has a four- year degree in local agriculture and sustainability. Another focus on sustainability is how to generate less waste, reduce use, increase recycling. For example, HonCC has no formal recycling program. “We don’t recycle anymore

because the city took the (recycling) bin away,” said Smith. The schoolʻs current waste contract doesn’t include collection of recyclables. "[Currently] you just take it home and put it in your blue bin at this point, and recycle on your own." Smith said she is currently working with David Tanaka, facilities manager to get a recycling program going. “Derek and our facilities people are very committed to this." “I want to try to get the beginnings of a club and so more people join and get involved and see what those students want to do, whether it’s cleanup projects, campus awareness, helping with the recycling,” said Smith. She said money and prizes are available for student environmental projects and initiatives. “Getting involved, getting your hands dirty, or working in offices that are promoting sustainability, these are all skills that might get students into professions, inspire them, and certainly make them feel like they are contributing.”

By Fredrene Balanay Ka Lā staff writer

This yearʻs Excellence in Teaching award went to HonCC English instructor Derek Otsuji. Each year, instructors are nominated by at least three or more students. Nominations are based on teaching effectiveness, student involvement outside the classroom, curriculum development and professional growth. Otsuji said it was his love for poetry that started it all. “I remember listening to T.S. Elliot’s ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,’ ” Otsuji recalled the first time he heard poetry, spurring his interest. “I was enchanted by the beauty of language,” he said. Otsuji was originally a poetry major, but he soon realized he couldnʻt make a living as a poet. “So teaching became the next natural thing to do,” he said. In 1997, Otsuji began his career as a business writing instructor at the Japan American Institute of Management Sciences (JAIMS). In 2009, nearly 12 years and another Japan affiliated college later, he took a job as a casual hire at HonCC. “[As a casual hire] I started with one class every evening,” Otsuji said. Soon after he was asked to teach more classes, resulting in his job status changing from

Ka Lā photo by Fredrene Balanay

"If the student can connect to the subject matter, the writing pretty much takes care of itself" - Derek Otsuji

Campus has new push for sustainability By Larry L. Medina Ka Lā staff writer

HonCC is moving forward with efforts to become environmentally aware and supporting positive environmental, economic, and socially sustainable values. Called sustainability, the campus hopes to model these practices and incorporate them in the classroom and day-to-day college operations. Cynthia Smith, HonCC sustainability coordinator, said there is an increased emphasis regarding sustainability by the UH system as a whole. Smith said HonCC “[needs to become] more sustainable in how we practice, but also integrating [values and practices] into education so we’re preparing students for a world in which they have to be aware of sustainability issues, threats to the climate.” Sustainability first became a UH system-wide priority when David Lassner, UH president, along with the UH Board of Regents, passed a policy in 2015 outlining goals and obligations of the 10-campus system to become sustainable. An Office of Sustainability was

ACT 43 BOT/HWST 105 CHEM 100 CHEM 100L CHEM 105 CHEM 105C CHEM 161L CHEM 162L

ENG 257-E GEOG 101 GEOG 102 GEOG 122 GG 103 HWST 107 OCN 201 SCI 101

formed to rally and promote the policy initiative. “There’s been a lot of people concerned about this for years,” Smith said. HonCC has had a Sustainability Committee for the past three years. With Smith as coordinator, one issue they are moving on is targeting classes to have an “S-Designation.” An S-designated class means that it is certified as having a sustainability emphasis, with 10 percent of the class time talking about environmental issues. A class that is sustainability-focused means 60 percent of that class is devoted to the topic. "If they’re taking a class in economics or math, why not have the assignments they’re doing relate

KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i

October 2017


Hawaiian Center finds a new home By Fredrene Balanay Ka Lā staff writer

Students who need a place to study, eat lunch, meet new people or make new friends can now go to the new Huilili Ke Kukui Hawaiian Center, which recently opened its doors last month in Building 5. “You don't have to be Hawaiian to come to the center,” said the center’s coordinator, Kalei LumHo. “Just come. And even though we are called the Hawaiian Center, it is important everyone knows that anyone can come and enjoy the facilities.” Other resources available at the Hawaiian Center include services specific to Native hawaiian students through programs like Hō'ala Hou and Pō'ina Nalu. There is also a native Hawaiian counselor who can help research native Hawaiian scholarships and educational grants. There are cultural and career educational workshops open to everyone, both native Hawaiian and non-native Hawaiian. These workshops include arts, crafts and even topics like how to succeed in an interview. Regardless of its location, over the last 15 years or so since the Hawaiian Center was formed, it always served as a kind of space to assemble on campus. “Starting in Building 7, moving to Building 20 and now Building 5, the Center has always had a space to gather,” said Lum-Ho. For some students, the new space is better than the last one. “Well, for one reason, the new place has walls," said Summer

Ka LĀ photo by Larry L. Medina

The new Hawaiian Center in Building 5 provides space for studying and other activities in a welcoming environment for all students, both native and non-native Hawaiian. Kipu, a peer mentor and student at HonCC. “In Building 20, the walls didn't reach the top, so there was a gap between the wall and the ceiling.” Kipu said. She and fellow peer mentor Jayleen Barino agree this made it difficult for privacy or just plain being able to talk without disturbing the class or office on the opposite side of the wall. “I like the open glass window design of the front and the single entrance at this new center. It's less confusing than the three different entrances we had at the old center,” Barino said. When asked what they would miss most about the old location in Building 20, Kipu said, “I’m gonna miss the playfulness and

the good memories. Sometimes, someone would say something about another person, in fun of course, then you would see a small ball coming over the wall. Good times.” For Barino, it was more personal. “When I first found Building 20, I was not only starting my education, but soon learned I was pregnant,” she said. “It was there I carried her inside me, and there she has been since the day she was born. She is a year and a half now. And I have pictures of her from four months old in that Center. They became family, and in a way a second home.” Their new neighbors will be both the financial aid office and counseling center. “This will be

An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Institution

more convenient for the students, and make it easier for those registering and needing academic help or financial aid,” Lum-Ho shared. Despite the convenience of this new location, the Hawaiian Center wasn't a part of the original relocation efforts of this project until about three years ago. In 2014, the now former vice chancellor of HonCC, Katie Ho, wrote the grant that started the renovation of the Building 5. The funding was acquired through a Title 3 grant. “Part of Title 3 stipulates that funds are given to Native Hawaiian-serving institutes to help promote and preserve the culture.” explained Lum-Ho. “It was this that prompted the relocation of the Hawaiian Center.”

FALL 2017

MĀLAMA ʻĀINA DAYS Service Learning Opportunity

We’ve Moved! The Hawaiian Center is now located upstairs in Building 5 (next to the cafeteria) Come check us out!

Loʻi Kalo Park Friday, Sept 8

Huilua Loko Iʻa Saturday, Sept 30

E Ala Waʻa Friday, Nov 17

Kualoa Loʻi Saturday, Oct 21

Kaʻōnohi Farms Friday, Dec 1

Mālama ʻĀina Days run from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. You must RSVP to attend a Mālama ʻĀina Day and spaces are limited. To sign up, please visit the Hulili Ke Kukui Hawaiian Center or go to: https://tinyurl.com/MADFall2017

For information please call Kaleialoha Lum-Ho at 845-9176 or email at lumho@hawaii.edu

For more information call 844-2345 or hulilik@hawaii.edu


KaLā • Honolulu Community College, University of Hawai'i 8

October 2017

Members of the New Zealand group 2FACE Drama performed in the HonCC cafeteria as part of their program to raise awareness about depression and suicide issues among young people.

Ka Lā photos by Larry L. Medina & Christopher Garcia

Fighting suicide, Maori style By Ashley Jez Ka Lā staff writer

Having spent 10 days on the island of O'ahu, 16 young people from New Zealand called 2FACE Drama visited local area public high schools, and Honolulu Community College, to spread awareness on the issue of suicide through skits and demonstrations. This event was part of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September. HonCC hosted 2FACE Drama in collaboration with Aunty Pua KaninauSantos from Lili'uokalani Trust. Sally Rye of the New Zealand group said, “we are interested in working with the indigenous cultures of the world. We believe our struggles with this issue of youth suicide are similar and in many cases stem from a loss of culture, identity and purpose. We also have a connection with Hawai'i - this was our 3rd visit.” 2FACE Drama performed skits in the HonCC cafeteria with storylines crafted to convey the message of suicide awareness, intervention and prevention. A dance showcased by the New Zealanders at the beginning of their performance was uplifting, and all about having fun. Danny Poa, one of the performers, said, “it was a lyrical

dance that takes you down then brings you back up." “When you feel weak, believe it’s just a phase...everyone will get past it,” said Tiana Poinga, another performer. “Choosing dance can be another form of expression to help ourselves communicate how we feel.” Poinga said that people aren’t always good at expressing themselves through talking, but

there are other ways like dance to express oneself. The group was established five years ago by a group of friends that had been involved in similar social movements as teenagers. The initial message they were driving to get out was prevention of family violence and bullying in schools. But two years ago, the focus changed to raising awareness on suicide prevention

when members of the group lost a sibling and a close friend to suicide. New Zealand has the highest rate of suicide in Polynesia. The other members realized that they had been impacted by this episode, along with other individual episodes they had experienced in their own lives. Charlizza Harris, founder and director of 2FACE Drama, lost her father to suicide when she was three years old. These events made suicide an issue close to their hearts. Every year the group is involved with two major events. The first is the unSPOKEN word conference with young leaders throughout New Zealand over a period of a week, involving 50 youths that come together for seven weekends to put together a major production/show based on building resiliency through identity, culture and purpose. Similar to a camp, the goal is to build leaders to take initiative in communities to raise awareness about suicide prevention. The time period runs from March-June each year, with the next event starting in October and running until December. Harris is in charge of creating new stories that young people can relate to.

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