Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ............................................. Michael J. Mattil DCE Intern....................................... Kayla Meinscher Organist ................................................ Cheryl Mattil
16th Sunday after Pentecost September 28, 2014
Mission Statement Grace exists to strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them to share Jesus with others. Welcome to Grace
Please fill out a Family Registration Card. Prayer requests can be written on the card. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them. Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service. A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during Sunday School and the Blended Service. The ushers will assist you in finding the nursery.
Today we officially launch our private social network just for the members of Grace. You can access it from your computer, tablet or smartphone. It will be a way to share information quickly. It will serve as a church directory. Anyone can share prayer requests. You can offer services or items to other people in the congregations. You can share as little or as much information as you wish. And since it is PRIVATE, only the members of our congregation will have access to it. We’ll be sending email invites this week to those for whom we have an email address. You can also go to glcdenison.org to sign up. Pastor will share some information about this during the service today. To find out more, you can watch a short video at https://vimeo.com/15367933
Please note: In October, Holy Communion will be part of our worship services on the First and Last Sunday of the month. We will return to our regular pattern of the second and fourth Sunday of the month in November.
July—September Sunday School Mission Project Deaf Youth Ministry of Texas is led by Rev. Mark Seeger. He serves a deaf congregation in the Houston area in addition to working in Austin each week with almost 200 deaf teens who are students at Texas School for the Deaf. This is supported 100% by donations from congregations, Sunday Schools, LWML groups and others who want to see this ministry continue to reach out to the deaf youth of Texas. The Sunday School and Bible Class offerings here at Grace this quarter will go to support this ministry. If you would like to contribute through the regular offering, mark your envelope “Deaf Ministry.”
In an effort to help our environment, Grace has launched a recycling program. We encourage you to help by placing all of your paper in the labeled bins that are located around the church. If you have any questions or ideas please let Kayla know.
Sojourners Bible Study meets here at Grace on October 7 at 10:00 a.m.
LWML Sunday is October 5. The ladies of the congregation will serve as greeters and ushers for this service. If you would like to participate, please contact Susan Knowles or Pastor.
Grace LWML and Zion (Bonham) LWML are co-hosting the Fall event for the Dal-North Zone here at Grace on Saturday, October 18. Registration is $8 and begins at 9:30 a.m. Supplies for Flood Buckets will be gathered. Refreshments and lunch will be served. Our guest speaker will be Eloise Kuhlmann, who has served LWML in many capacities over the years, including the Texas LWML President and the VP of Servant Resources on the National level. She is a wonderful speaker and always shares an inspirational, Christ-centered message. ALL LADIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. Please contact Susan Knowles if you are planning to attend: 903-465-1917 or sknow51@gmail.com
Military Bible Sticks Grace is once again offering you the opportunity to provide Military Bible Sticks for our men and women in the armed forces. $25 will provide a device for a service person and allow them to send an audio Bible to a family member back home. If you wish to contribute, mark your offering envelope “Military Bible Sticks.�
This Week at Grace Today 9/28 8:00 a Traditional Worship with Communion 9:15 a Sunday School & Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship with Communion 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team Wednesday 10/1 1:00 p Quilters 5:30 p Children’s Handbells 6:00 p Midweek Meal 6:30 p Midweek & Confirmation Thursday 10/2 6:30 a Men at Braums Next Sunday 10/5 LWML SUNDAY 8:00 a Traditional Worship with Communion 9:15 a Sunday School & Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship with Communion 5:30 p Handbells 5:30 p Children’s Choir 6:30 p Praise Team
September Altar Care Joan and David Bentley 8:00 Worship Elder David Bentley 10:30 Worship Elders: Lindel Davis & Bryan Hantsche Ushers: Roger Meyer & Jason Rupert
8:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Welcome Opening Hymn LSB804
Welcome Opening Hymn
O Worship the King
Invocation Confession & Absolution Psalm 100 Kyrie Hymn of Praise Prayer Of The Day Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 Philippians 2:1-18 Verse Matthew 21:23-27 Hymn LSB550 Sermon Apostle’s Creed Offerings Offering Hymn
A Time of Confession God’s Forgiveness Catechetical Review
Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful
Prayers of the Church Catechetical Review The Lord’s Supper
Preface Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution Peace of the Lord Lamb of God Distribution Post-Communion Canticle Post-Communion Prayer Benediction
The Lord’s Supper
Hymn: LSB542 When I Behold Jesus Christ
Words of Institution The Sharing of the Peace Distribution Hymn LSB633 Hymn of Response LSB789 Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 Philippians 2:1-18 Praise Team Shine On Us
Matthew 21:23-27 Children’s Message Offerings Prayers: Lord’s Prayer Sermon Hymn LSB550 Sermon Benediction Closing Hymn: LSB924 Lord Dismiss Us