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# MONOCHROM (1) Portrait Landscape Street




Black & white photography is art and design. To see with the monochromatic eye is to focus on the subject. Work with shades of grey, recognize lines and structures and tell a story with this parameters. You need not much. But you´ll love it, to use a small fine camera as your tool. The advertisment says „this beauty is a beast“! How right it is. Focus on every detail, thereby creating the own masterpieces. And the most important thing at the end! Show your images, they want to be seen. With that in mind, I wish you much fun with the rummage around in my little coffee table book. To be continued ... !


For Marci and your patience <3

# Portrait

Switzerland: ZĂźrich, 2016

# Landscape

Switzerland: Aescher-Wildkirchli, 2016

Germany: Breisgau, 2016

Germany: Kaiserstuhl, Freiburg, 2016

Switzerland: Basel, 2016

Germany: Baden-Baden, 2016

Germany: Freiburg, 2016

Switzerland: Lucerne, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Switzerland: Seealpsee, 2016

Switzerland: Fronalpstock, 2016

Switzerland: Lake Lucerne, 2016

Switzerland: Schwyz, 2016

Switzerland: Schwägalp, 2016

Germany: Hamburg Kontorhouse, 2016

Germany: Karlsruhe, 2016

Switzerland: Alpstein Mountains, 2016

# Urban Street

Switzerland: Basel, 2016

Germany: Freiburg, 2016

Italy: Milan, 2016

Italy: Milan, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Germany: Freiburg, 2016

Germany: Stuttgart, 2016

France: Mulhouse, 2016

France: Mulhouse, 2016

Italy: Milan, 2016

Germany: Karlsruhe, 2016

Germany: Hamburg, 2016

Switzerland: ZĂźrich, 2016

Switzerland: ZĂźrich, 2016

Germany: Weil am Rhein, 2016

Switzerland: Olympus Playground Zürich, 2016

Italy: Milan, 2016

France: Strasbourg, 2016


Editor and Photographer: Web and Mail:

Mike Mayer www.mikemayer.photography me@mikemayer.photography

My work on 500px:


My work on Flickr:


Find me on Facebook:


Published by:

Weltenbummler Photo-Travel Book & Print Service

# MONOCHROM is an homage to the fascination of black and white photography. An artistic mosaic of urban architecture-, landscape-, portrait- and street photography. Unvarnished and pure aesthetics as a beautifully illustrated source of inspiration. Have fun reading the first issue of my unusual coffee table book!

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