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Michael Mullins New Jersey
Michael Mullins New Jersey is a local champion weightlifter and bodybuilder. His competitive events include bench press, back squat, deadlift, and a 5K run. He won the 2009 U.S. National Masters Olympic Weightlifting Championship, breaking the U.S. National Olympic weightlifting record for 85-kilogram lifters with a clean and jerk of 143 kg. He also took the bronze medal at the 2010 World Masters Games in New York City, when he snatched 110 kg and jerked 136 kg. He has also broken various state clean and jerk records. Mullins has also been competitively active in the Nobull Crossfit games, where he has ranked in the Top 900 lifters in the United States and top 1250 globally. Mullins was born into a middle-class family and spent many of his younger years in New york. In school and college, Mullins excelled in science, philosophy, and political science courses. He attended Hackensack High School, where he was elected to Tri-M musical honors society.