PCA Chesapeake Region - December 2014 Patter

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Chesapeake Region


Volume 53, Issue 620 December 2014


Chesapeake Region

Patter The Porsche Patter is the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America. Contributions to the Porsche Patter should be sent to the Editor at least four weeks preceding the month of publication in Microsoft Word format via email to editor@pcachs.org. Please send images in their original size.


President’s Message


Upcoming Events - 1



Calendar of Events



Murphy’s Garage



Concours Trade Secrets


Autocross Schedule

Pat Walker & Rick MacInnes


Autocross No. 7 Results

Pat Walker & Rick MacInnes


14 Porsche Winter Storage Tips


CC45 - Summary Report from Chairman Bob


The Market


PCA License Plates

Gary Martinez

Editor: Michael Murphy Contributing Photographers: Lynda Sobus, Aniano Arao, Mick Whitlock. Contributing Writers: Bob Rassa, Aniano Arao, Steve Graham, Pat Walker, Bob Purgason, Mike Cook. Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the Porsche Patter, please contact Michael Murphy, editor@pcachs.org.

Steve Graham

Michael Murphy Bob Costello Editor Bruce and Laurie Tarsia

Letters to the Editor are welcomed. They should be brief and may be edited for length. Please include PCA membership number and contact telephone number for verification. Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the Porsche Patter and to the respective author. To subscribe, join the Porsche Club of America. Details at www.pca.org. The Porsche Patter is published monthly by the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America. Subscription is limited to members of the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America.

in this issue


Chesapeake Region


T  




  Cover Photo By: Editor

he Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America serves it’s club members and hosts activities within the Baltimore, Annapolis and surrounding geographic area, including Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The general objectives of PCACHS are, as indicated in the by laws: Promote the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads. Promote the enjoyment and sharing of goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche vehicle and engaging in such social or other events as may be agreeable to the membership. Promote the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the marquee by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information. Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relations with Porsche AG, Porsche Cars North America (PCNA), Porsche dealers, and other independent service sources to the end the marquee shall proper and continue to enjoy its unique leadership and position in sports car annals. Promote the interchange of ideas and suggestions with other PCA Regions throughout North America and the world, and in such corporation as may be desirable. Establish such mutually corporative relationships with other car clubs as may be desirable. Establish a community service initiative with the goal of engaging members to participate in activities that benefit the community through fundraising or volunteering of time.

The Porsche Patter is published monthly. Articles from members are welcomed and encouraged and should be sent electronically in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org by the 15th day of the month preceding publication. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject all material submitted for publication, including advertisements, and the right to cancel advertisements at any time, for any reason, at the editor’s sole discretion. Statements appearing in the Porsche Patter are those of the contributing authors and do not constitute the opinions or policy of the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, its Board of Directors, or the editor of this newsletter. Unless otherwise reserved, permission granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the author. The Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, neither endorses and advertiser nor warrants and product or service they 4 may provide.

Chesapeake Region

from our president Greetings Everyone!


es, it’s that time of year with all the craziness of shopping, partying, and the chaos of family visiting (yea!) as well as family leaving (double yea!) Added to this frenzy, your Board, after a brief respite following Challenge and the successful change of several committee leaders as mentioned last month, gathered midmonth for a vigorous and demanding planning session for next year. With the eager participation of each committee chair, the Board has set forth a proposed calendar which promises to make 2015 a very exciting year for the Chesapeake Region!

1) Our first Board meeting of 2015, always open to our members, on January 21st, 2) The viewing of the Rolex 24 at Daytona in the showroom of our Region sponsors, Porsche of Silver Spring, 3) The first Social of the year on January 30 at the Weekender in Baltimore County, leading to, 4) Our Annual SLOT CAR NIGHT on February 7th at the Parkville Family Y of Maryland.

You will find our full year calendar in this edition of the Patter and, in response to member requests, there will be a new Without losing sight of our all-important quarterly announcement of all Chesapeake events for the year. You will also find year-ending Community Service KINDERTIME toy drive and associated GIV- some special events in our calendar such ING BACK backpack sponsorship event as TECH TACTICS in February/March and PARADE in June, for which we will which takes place at Porsche of Towson organize caravan tours of Chesapeake on December 14th, the next not-to-bemembers who plan to attend. There may missed gathering is the AFTER HOLIeven be a few surprise Tour/Social events DAY PARTY. This raucous, fun-filled evening will be held on January 10th at the that pop up now and then, so be sure to stay tuned. Yellowfin restaurant in Annapolis. Following the AHP will be:

I’m also happy to report that our member commitment to the continuing management and operation of our Region


Chesapeake Region

from our president remains strong. I’d like to thank Pat Walker for stepping up to take over ‘Publicity’ and the administration of our Facebook page. The growing number of members who rely on this site to stay in touch with Region news is impressive and I’m sure you will all be happy with the updates that Pat will be posting. Thanks also to Donna Brandt for stepping up to ‘Concours’, assisting Chair Ron Gordon and our Past President David Dukehart who has agreed to take on the ‘Dealer Liaison’ position for the northern half of our Region working with Mark Hubley who has tended to the southern half.

which is, after all, possible at the Chair’s discretion!

We continue to look for a Co-Chair to the ‘Tech’ committee to augment Rob Mairs’ efforts and would be happy to discuss this with any interested members. That said, it’s exciting that a number of our members have volunteered to assist with our singleday events. All of our Board members appreciate your willingness to lend a helping hand and trust me on this, you will be hearing from us as the year moves into full gear.


For those of you who may be considering a more active role in the Region your help will be more than welcome. Who knows, you might even score a comp’d event

To all of our members, have a wonderful, joyful, and safe holiday season! I’m always happy to hear from you at president@pcachs.org and I look forward to seeing you on the road soon! Have fun and Drive Safely!



Chesapeake Region

the team President Executive Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Past President Autocross Autocross Patter Editor Publicity Social Social Tech Session Tech Session Tour / Rally Master Tour / Rally Master Tour / Rally Master Chief Driving Instructor Community Service Concours d’Elegance Concours d’Elegance Historian Membership Webmaster Insurance PCA License Plates PCA License Plates PCA Zone 2 Representative

Gary Martinez Mark Hubley Claude Taylor Lynda Sobus Michael Murphy David Dukehart Rick MacInnes Pat Walker Michael Murphy Pat Walker Bob Costello Kathy Costello Jim Earlbeck Rob Mairs Steve Graham Bob Purgason Mike Cook Ellen Beck Mick Whitlock Ron Gordon Doug Ehmann Bob Rassa Aaron & Minta Miller Terry Della Vecchia Lee Rock Laurie Tarsia Bruce Tarsia Cheryl Taylor

president@pcachs.org executive@pcachs.org vicepresident@pcachs.org treasurer@pcachs.org secretary@pcachs.org pastpresident@pcachs.org autocross@pcachs.org autocross@pcachs.org editor@pcachs.org publicity@pcachs.org social@pcachs.org social@pcachs.org tech@pcachs.org tech@pcachs.org tour@pcachs.org tour@pcachs.org tour@pcachs.org instructor@pcachs.org community@pcachs.org concours@pcachs.org concours@pcachs.org historian@pcachs.org membership@pcachs.org webmaster@pcachs.org insurance@pcachs.org pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org



Upcoming Events 1


Kindertime Toy Drive and Tour DATE: Sunday, Dec 14, 2014 TIME: 9:00am to 1:00pm LOCATION: Porsche of Towson 700 Kenilworth Drive Towson, MD 21204 www.porscheoftowson.com


t’s that joyous time of the year where we, the members of the Chesapeake Region give back to the community buy purchasing backpacks and stuffing them for the homeless with winter coats, hats, mittens, scarves and socks all for $25 on Sunday, December 14, 2014. Last year we opened our hearts and wallets and purchased over 200 backpack’s. Each backpack will be delivered to Baltimore area shelter residents and also hand delivered on Christmas eve on a street corner in Baltimore. So please mark the date to assist and join your fellow members at Porsche of Towson on the morning of December 14th. In addition to the Linda’s Legacy backpacks, we also ask that you bring a toy on the 14th where we will drive, via a Tour, to WMAR-TV and personally place the toys under their Christmas tree. On Christmas eve Pete O’Neil of WMAR will be joined by Baltimore Firemen and Policemen and distribute the toys to needy boys and girls. Once the Chesapeake Region’s “Santa” completes the toy delivery, we will drive to the nearby Ryan’s Daughter Restaurant and Pub for a wonderful lunch. So please plan to participate and register with Mick and Meg Whitlock at www.communityservice.pcachs.org for this end of year traditional event.


Upcoming Events 2


After Holidays Party DATE: Saturday, Jan 10 2015 TIME: 5:30pm to 10:00pm LOCATION: Yellowfin Steak & Fish House 2840 Solomon’s Island Road Edgewater, MD 21037 www.yellowfinrest.com 410-573-1333


ome join us for an encore performance of the premier event of the season, the After Holiday Party and Yankee Swap. Chesapeake Region has established a reputation for the finest and fiercest Yankee Swap in PCA, one that has been copied by other regions, but never quite duplicated. The social hour and dinner are spectacular enough, even in a group that defines itself as a “social club, with a serious car problem”, but the Yankee Swap makes the event. A “Gift Exchange” is merely a mild description of the feeding frenzy that takes hold at this triple steal event. Chesapeake Region, despite being below the Mason Dixon Line, puts the “Yankee” into Yankee Swap…. The good stuff is coveted, hoarded and only grudgingly given up under duress. The original emcee team of Alban and Gutjahr, more popularly known as The Bob and Manny Show, will once again host this sell-out event. Each person who wants to play just needs to bring a wrapped “car-related” gift, valued at $25 to $30. (Of course, if you prefer, you may attend the event and not participate in the Swap, but be prepared to feel left out once the fun begins!) Be sure to bring a gift that you’d be happy to take home, because you never know what will happen! All gifts are placed together and names are drawn one at a time… each person has the choice of choosing a new gift, or stealing one that has been opened before. Don’t worry, the rules will be explained prior to the start of the Swap and Manny and Bob will make sure you laugh so much your cheeks hurt!


Calendar of Events


Murphy’s Garage Editor Primary Members: 756

Affiliate Members: 462

Total PCACHS Membership: 1218 ters, carburetors, and injectors. Some gas stations were temporarily shut down to clean out Recently a member asked about the grade of gas their systems, and auto repair shops were busy, too. Finally, studies show more energy is used to use in his recently purchased 2005 Porsche Boxster. The factory manual said “98 octane is to produce ethanol than it yields, and using farm land to grow corn for fuel rather than for food recommended, with 95 octane also considered drives up food prices. Right now we have satisfactory”. Unless you’re really going to push the car, for example on the track or on an ‘E10’, which is 10% ethanol in our gas. Heaven help us if E15 becomes law, as the farm lobby autocross course, you should be fine with the wants. But then I digress… top grade of gas you find at your local station (typically 93 octane). The octane ratings in the What to do about ethanol -- If you’re putting the US are higher than in Europe. Also, most cars car away for the winter, I strongly recommend now have knock sensors which would retard the using Startron or Marine Stabil to stabilize the ignition if you started to get detonation (knock) gasoline and help head off corrosion issues from lower grade fuel. If you want higher occaused by ethanol. I actually use it all year tane gas, some Sunoco stations sell 94 octane, around. Newer cars are less affected, as they and a few sell 100 racing fuel. have hoses which are better designed to withstand ethanol, but I use it in everything except A discussion about gasoline wouldn’t be comthe daily drivers. Marine Stabil (blue) is preplete without mentioning ethanol. While the ferred over the regular (red) Stabil for ethacorn farmers many be happy about it, it’s bad for our cars. Ethanol has a lower energy content nol. And some recent testing gives the edge to Startron. These stabilizers are available at auto than gasoline, so our motors make less power. It is ‘hydroscopic’, so it absorbs mois- parts or discount stores. ture. It is corrosive to alloys, and will deterioFuel system cleaner -- Techron is great. It’s esrate hoses, gaskets and seals. I’ve replaced depecially good at removing deposits that build up teriorated manifold gaskets, and I’ve pulled oon valves, and gums and varnishes in fuel injecrings from lawn equipment that looked more tors and carburetors caused by degraded like taffy than rubber. Ethanol is a solvent, so it fuel. It’s best to use just before an oil change, as does help keep your tank and fuel lines unburned gas can weep past the piston rings and clean. When gas stations switched to ethanol contaminate the engine oil (but that’s a pretty fuels around 2006, all of the deposits built up in tiny issue). their tanks and those in cars were loosen by the 12 ethanol and pulled through, clogging lines, fil- That’s the fuel rundown. Enjoy your Porsche!

Fuel Tips

14 Porsche Winter Storage Tips Winter is Coming! Is Your Porsche Ready? 1. Don't get caught outside. Check the forecast, set a date and stick to it. 2. Don't put it away dirty. Wash and clean your Porsche inside and out. 3. Don't let water infiltrate your Gas. Top off the tank and include a fuel additive like STA-BIL. 4. Don't let your tires develop flat spots. Inflate your tires to the highest pressure allowed; or, consider using tire cradles that are shaped to the tire and prevent flat spots without over inflating. 5. Don't forget about the anti-freeze. If your Porsche pumps more water than oil you'll want to check the level of your anti-freeze and make sure it's full and fresh. 6. Don't crack your windshield fluid holder. In the event you cheaped out and used water instead of windshield washer fluid, be sure to top it off with the real stuff and make sure it contains and anti-freezing agent if you live in a cold climate. 7. Don't let your battery die. Either disconnect the battery (Excellence Magazine advises against this in the 997) or attach a trickle charger like this one. If you do disconnect, be sure you have your radio code. 8. Don't apply the parking brake. We leave ours in neutral and use wheel chocks, but leaving it in gear or park is fine too. 9. Don't neglect your windshield wipers. A number of readers have suggested you prop your wiper arms or place a small piece of cardboard between the blade and the windshield to protect the wiper blade edges. 10. Don't let your Porsche collect moisture. We place reusable desiccant containers in the car as our garage is not climate controlled. Remember, you will need a number of these as the interior of your Porsche is a large space (we now place 10 of them in the 993). You can easily check them once a month or so and reactivate them per the instructions. 11. Don't let your Porsche get scratched or dirty. Put a car cover on it. 12. Don't waste money! You could possibly save big bucks (as much as $100 per month) by letting your insurance company know your Porsche is off the road. Be sure to check with your agent, but we reduce our coverages to the minimums and remove the liability all together. Just be sure to let them know before you take it out in the spring! 13. Don't let rodents take over. We put large plastic keg cups backwards into our exhaust pipes (some readers have suggested tennis balls) and close our air vents. 14. Don't lose your skills. We miss our Porsches just writing this post. Besides visiting the garage often, we play racing games and drive simulators while we're waiting for the snow to melt. Tips from our friends at www.Flatsixes.com


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I


tarting point was the Park and Ride on Mount Carmel Room right off of I83 Exit 27 in Northern Baltimore County, Saturday, October 18th. The Tour meandered through North into York County Pa. working our way through the beautiful country side to the Susquehanna River. There was one brief stop at the Kline’s Run Park along the banks of the river where many pictures of the group were taken. We then proceed to our luncheon destination at the Historic Accomac Inn, built in 1700’s right on the banks of the Susquehanna River — if only the walls could talk, what stories they would tell. We had a private dining room which overlooked the river and a menu of fine food that enriched each person’s pallet.

Enjoy the many photos — join us on our next Tour!



Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch ***


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I

Tour Route


Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch

43 Cars and 78 Participants !


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I


Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I


Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I


Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch


Fall Foliage Tour

Historic Accomac I


Mike Cook

Inn Tour and Lunch


Autocr oss No. 5 - A ug ust 16th Autoro ss No. 7 - O c t ob er 12th



Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review Chesapeake Region PCA: 2014 Year in Review 2014 was a very active year in the region with a total of seven events, we averaged over 40 people per event, with at least 3 participants coming out for the first time at each event. This year was also a year of firsts one of which was the use of national classing guideline that allowed for more equal grouping of cars as well as allowing for newer Porsche models like the Panamera and Cayenne. The second first was our use of Motorsportsreg.com to manage the registration of the autocross events. Motorsportsreg.com gave the Chesapeake regions autocross program national visibility and additional tools to make the management and user experience more enjoyable. While the first couple of Autocross #2 events may have had some bumps, the autocross team has learned from the experience and guarantee that next year’s autocross season will be even more enjoyable.

Autocross School: Held as the first ‘event’ of the season, it’s an opportunity for drivers who have not participated in high performance driving events to get an introduction to the basics of advanced car control. The course, instructed by veteran racer Dan Dazzo was split into two sessions: the morning session consisted of a classroom, “chalk talk” that goes over driver seating, braking/acceleration and other skills required to make for a productive day on the autocross course. The afternoon session allowed participants to apply the skill learned in the morning session. Additional in-car training with instructors gave participants extra that extra little touch to get the fastest time possible.



Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review Autocross 2 One of our best attended events with close to Car control and driver confidence behind the wheel were 50 participants, it was held under perfect conditions, it was the hallmarks of Autocross Event #4. Vince Rock came a battle of the 993’s with Vince Rock and David Critcher out the gate swinging and didn’t look back. duking it out for Fastest time of the day, but in the end it was Greg Martell in his 911 Turbo who ended up with the Autocross #5 honor of Fastest Time of the Day.

Autocross #3

47 drivers participated in Autocross #5. Looked like Herb Berwald and his modified 914-6 was going to come away with FTD, but Brian Karwan and his BMW M3 dashed his hopes.

Dubbed “Battle of the traction control” as rain moved through the area. Resident autocross hotshoe Joe Goreleski in his 911 Turbo went toe-to-toe with a visiting Mitsubishi Autocross #6 Evo 8 piloted by Sean Glazar, but it was Sean who ended up getting Fastest Time of the Day.

Autocross #4

Foggy autocross for Autocross #6? Nahhh – fog clears and Vince Rock returns to the timing tent to 8 re2 ceive the FTD hat.


Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review Autocross #7

Membership and pre-registration have their advantages – registration for Chesapeake Region PCA Autocross events can be done at http://www.motorsportreg.com. What?! You say you haven’t attended a Chesapeake Region PCA autocross event before? What’s keeping you from attending one in 2015? Stay tuned to pcachs.org, Motorportsreg.com or the Chesapeake Region PCA Facebook page, or “The Patter” for updates as to when the 2015 season will start up.

Low attendance numbers allowed event officials to allow for five runs per driver. Scott Borden has a nice day on the course and gets Fastest Porsche of the Day.

Summary: All-in-all it was an OUTSTANDING season for Chesapeake Region Autocross! And while it may seem that all of the excitement of who will win the title of Fastest Porsche of the Day makes up a predominant percentage of our autocross events, there is a component that centers around people learning how to drive their cars (preferably Porsches) in a ‘performance-type’ event and the enjoyment that first-timers get at successfully completing the course and seeing their times displayed in lights. Yes, autocross is one of those ‘single-player sports’, but you don’t have to have a stable of Porsches in order to share the experience with friends and family. Co-drivers are a common and cost effective way to see who will have bragging rights at the dinner table/water cooler. And just because it’s a Porsche Club event, that doesn’t mean that cars manufactured by more common brands aren’t welcome – all that’s needed is a car that will pass a cursory mechanical inspection, a valid driver’s license, and of course – the registration fee.



Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

Autocross PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review is


Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

Autocross PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review is


Rick MacInnes and Pat Walker

Autocross PCA Chesapeake Region - 2014 Year In Review is




Advertisements in the Market are free for members of any PCA Region. A $10 fee is charged for advertisements submitted by non-members. Contact the Patter editor (editor@pcachs.org) for details or to submit a classified advertisement.

Items for Sale, Rent, Loan and Free! For Sale 2007 Cayman S White/Black, like new, heated garage kept, non-smoker, 6speed, 19� Turbo II wheels, sport chrono plus, PASM, PCM with navigation, auto climate, Bose sound, heated leather sport seats, Alcantara sport steering wheel, biXenon headlights, Borla exhaust, RSS sway bars, 3M clearbra, new battery, brake pads & rotors, car is current on service with all records included, books/2 keys/all OEM parts included. 38,000 miles, $38,500/obo. Selling due to lack of time to enjoy car. Contact: Jeff McClure, Baltimore, MD at 443-8014559. jmcclure@cms24-7.com

2013 Boxster Items Porsche Brand Indoor Car Cover - $175 Coco Floor Mats of Natural Herringbone - $85 Clear Windstop from Pedros Garage - $75 Sold my 2013 Boxster and purchased a new 2015 911, so these items are for sale. Contact: Jim Orrell at jjorrell@comcast.net or 410-592 -3847.


Volume 53, Issue 620 December 2014


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