Central and Eastern Europe
Volume 5 14th of December 2012
Newsletter Content 1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Cheers to the new generation
Short Message CEE Performance Opportunity Corner Recognition
There is a saying by Ronal Reagan that goes something like this: --> “Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known.”
I wish for your next generation to outgrow you as well, to be more bold, more courages, to dream bigger and better that you have ever had the opportunity to do. Because by this, this generation will know success, by this the organization and it’s people will grow and will take our legacies forward. This is the time when we close another chapter of another year. We sit, we watch and we contemplate the moments of what has happened for us and with us in the year 2012. And then we dream and we hope and we trust that whatever we did, as a generation, how ever much we succeed to do, to learn and to teach, the people that have just entered the organization are going to do even better that we have imagined. And this is the gift of AIESEC and its’ passing generation. And now with the spirit of the holidays and the ending of the year, I wish your journeys this year where full of challenges and learnings, full of hopes and dreams, full of signs for a better world for tomorrow. AIESEC in CEE, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a hopeful and more wonderful New Year. Mikey CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
2. CEE Performance In this section I have analyzed the overall Program Performance of the Region for all the 4 ELD Programs and as well the Contribution of these programs to the global performance.
A. Program Evolution In terms of the International Programs: - As we can see that for this month as well, our performance is quite balanced, al though we have more realizations on the GCDP part, we still have quite a balance between our GIP and GCDP performance - In terms of OGX vs ICX, we as well have around 200 realizations on both of these programs for the months of November, although we are more successful on oGIP and more successful on iGCDP
GIP Incoming 400 300
113 80
112 86
195 148
80 62
129 145
169 161 121 118 108
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov GCDP Incoming
GCDP Outgoing
2000 1500 1000
In terms of the Domestic Programs:
- The TLP performance is more or less stable, which means that we are not generation more leadership opportunities, but rather working with bigger teams as TLs.
- Our general performance, regarding the growth pattern is similar to the global one - It is the month with the best performance in terms of TMP. This means that with the new injection of HR within the organization via recruitment, we have started to give more opportunities to new members even from their induction to the organization
GIP Outgoing
945 537 130 250
994 347 246
471 398 117 336 302 121 81 73 67 147 120 187 118 146 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov TMP
2250 1800
1350 900 450 0
447 493 473 494
343 362
639 580
348 319
962 895 931 909
1644 1453
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Source: myaiesec.net
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
B. Program Contribution GIP Rest of the GNs
In terms of the International Programs:
293 228
226 184
800 819 849 838
173 142
1018 789
665 658
189 727 523
400 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov GCDP Rest of GNS
11000 8800
8858 1251
6600 4400
3867 2200 0
2605 264
1166 909
254 1622
139 227 1302 755 977
1388 1409
1933 14031067 2066 10742 10000 1211 9910 1404 8797 83358690 7500 7909 755 7459 7131 1001 820 6049 5000 40264305 2500 0
- For the GCDP part, our contribution is at around 18% for the month of November, which has grown by +3% fro the previous months. This is mainly because of the project that we have for December and January on the iGCDP In terms of the Domestic Programs:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov TMP+TLP Rest of GNS
- In terms of the GIP program we are maintaining our contribution to the global performance at around 26-27% of the entire realizations. This also means that CEE is maintaining is general competitiveness as the main provide of GIP programs in the global organization. Out of which, of course or oGIP is the most competitive
- This is where our contribution has grown the most. In terms of the sum of TMP and TLP, our contribution is around 21% of the global performance. This has doubled since September and we can see a steady growth of contribution from one moth to the other for these 2 programs. - This implies that we are starting both to give a lot of TMP opportunities to our members and track them accordingly to the reality of the program. - Congrats CEE for this.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Source: myaiesec.net
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
3. Opportunity Corner A. CEEDs Opportunity
More info
More info: • Please find applications and JD here: http://www.myaiesec.net/ AIESEC Azerbaijan content/viewfile.do? DDL: 10 January, • We need CEEDer with experience in managing contentid=10227899 2013 OGX, or managing an entity (LC, IG, SU). • Conditions: Food and accomodation, local transportation, phone bills. • Duration: 3 -4 weeks
B. Conferences Opportunity
AIESEC Moldova • Moldova Training Conference is AIESEC Moldova national training seminar whose aim is to Inspire and prepare delegates for personal and professional development. • “Inspiring for development” is the theme of the 17th-20th of January 2013 conference because we want to upkeep our members by providing practical learning through several form of training models to generate a quality experience and sustainable development for members and AIESEC Moldova. AIESEC Kazakhstan • NatCo in January 2013 in Almaty. International delegates and facilitators are welcome. AIESEC Lithuania • Apply for FACI of DARE'13 conference organized by AIESEC Lithuania. • DARE'13 is leadership conference with 4 tracks (TMP, TLP - TLs, EB - LEAD, OPS).
AIESEC Bulgaria • We are looking for international faci, • LEAD+ITtT conference • AIESEC in Bulgaria welcomes potential: delegates (from all over :) and FACI team! • LEAD tracks for newly-elect EBs; TTT track for developing training and facilitating skills!
More info
General wiki of the conference: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewwiki.do?contentid=10237376 Application for facis: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewfile.do?contentid=10238258
Most likely dates will be 23-27 Jan
No website or link yet, but you can email brett.harding@aiesec.net for more information.
1st - 3rd Feb.
For more information please contact jarune.narkeviciute@aiesec.lt (conference manager)
(pre-meeting from 29th Jan)
DDL for Applications is 18th December.
8-10 of March near Sofia, Bulgaria
Find Application here: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewfile.do?contentid=10239276
For more information: simona.stefanova@aiesec.net
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
C. TLPs Abroad Opportunity
AIESEC Azerbaijan • Application for MCP of AIESEC in Azerbaijan is opened!
More info
DDL for application: Dec.26, 2012 Link to the Application booklet: Presentation of strategy: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ Dec.28/29, viewfile.do?contentid=10239406 Interview dates: Dec. 29/30
AIESEC Kyrgyzstan • MC Application 2012/2013
http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewwiki.do?contentid=10238365
AIESEC Latvia • MCP opportunity in the heart of Baltics. AIESEC in Latvia is looking for international MCP
Link to application package: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewfile.do? operation=fileview&contentid=102396 48
DDL: January 2nd!
AIESEC Bosnia & Herzegovina • MCP of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the term 13/14 AIESEC Albania • MCVP TM of AIESEC in Albania • period: December 2012-June 2013 • accomondation and salary provided
Applications opening on 15th of December, so the link and other details will updated on this date deadline of applications: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/ 15/12/2012 viewfile.do?contentid=10240090
AIESEC Kazakhstan • MCP 13-14 applications will be released after this newsletter, You can approach The election will take • The election will take place at NatCo place at NatCo in Almaty brett.harding@aiesec.net for more in Almaty at the end of January, but at the end of January information if you are interested physical presence is not required. • MCVP applications will be released after the MCP is elected. AIESEC Lithuania • APPLY for MC 13.14 of AIESEC Lithuania! DDL for applications is • For 13.14 term we are opening 5 1st January, 23:59 GMT MCVP positions, out of those 5 there +2 are 4 open for internationals - MCVP ICX, MCVP OGX, MCVP TM, MCVP ER! AIESEC Czech Republic • Become part of AIESEC in the Czech Republic!
MC application are out: bit.ly/czechmc1314
For more information visit our selection wiki http:// www.myaiesec.net/content/ viewwiki.do?contentid=10224205, or contact stana.baslerova@aiesec.lt (selection manager) Czech MC out: http://youtu.be/ tacX_UNKfxI
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
4. CEE Recognition A. Members Irma Bejdic (AIESEC Bosnia & Herzegovina) - for inspiring the whole AIESEC network. Now she needs us. www.aiesecerknows.com, http://youtu.be/2UOpj7XWtEM Zaira Alibay (IGP Astana) & Marat Kabylov (IGVP ICX) for stepping up and taking the initative to move things forward in their IGs. MC Bumblebee (Kazakhstan) is very proud to have two proactive individuals willing to put in so much time and effort to bring AIESEC to their cities, and we hope that both of them can achieve full LC member status by the end of the 12-13 term.
B. Local Committees LC Almaty, AIESEC Kazakhstan: • For providing many new members for national projects this semester. AIESEC in Kazakhstan would not be as successful without the contributions from the top LC, and MC Bumblebee is very grateful to them, especially Jura Borissenko (OCP NatCo), Boris Boiko (OCP Y2B), Dinara Nurkhayeva (OCP Communications Project), and Nadya Khegay (NST Conference Management). • Also, congratulations on celebrating your 23rd anniversary this month! LC Veliko Tarnovo, AIESEC Bulgaria: • for moving from the stage of Initiative group to Official Expansion in one year! They have managed to fulfill all the criteria after being closed last year! Congratulations!
C. Entities AIESEC Slovakia: • for organizing first time "Youth to Business" event having speakers as US ambassador, representative of Google Slovakia, famous motivational speaker who is owner of multinational company and writer. Workshops were delivered by such companies as Orange, AT&T, Tatra Banka and others. • for overachieving GIP incoming results of last year within 4 months. AIESEC Bulgaria: • For raising alumni donation of 2500 euro that will cover next national GCDPi project! With this donation all entities are part of this national initiative! AIESEC Kyrgyzstan: • For receiving 700 EP application and raise 70 EPs.
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012
Thank you for reading the CEE Newsletter! Contacts:
Follow us on Facebook and twitter:
Maggie Jing Ma
maggiem@ai.aiesec.org AI VP Country Development
Michael Omescu michael.omescu@aiesec.net CEE GN Coordinator
We are always looking for interesting and useful information to be added to the next CEE eNewsletter.
Submit any questions or feedback to editor Michael Omescu via email to michael.omescu@aiesec.net
Martin Tyser martin.tyser@aiesec.cz CEE GN Chair
CEE Newsletter | Volume 5 | 14th of December 2012