Taking the next steps forward
A success story by AIESEC Romania
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
This is the story of on organization who had the courage and the foolishness to dear to look ahead, to dear to act and dream for the next generations. An organization who decided to be brave to try,fail,learn and teach the way towards a new generation of AIESECers, a generation under the 2015 vision. This is the story of the leaders and the members of this organization who all said, in one voice, in one effort that “We will change, develop. reach out and impact Romania”. We will do this for us, for the organization and for the future of Romanian society, as a country in need of you leadership. We are the generation of 11-12, the generation that dared to think and act different, to be creative, to innovate, to take the first steps towards a new organizational directions. We decided to act and learn while acting. It has been a difficult road, but one filled with fulfillment, excitement, frustrations and success. This is our generation and this is what we stand for as leaders of AIESEC Romania.
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Chapter 1. Being relevant
Romania, as a country, has a very troubled history. Like many East European countries, we have been recently adjusting to most of the freedoms that other western countries have know long before us. We are a democracy for only 22 years now. We are young in this, but a lot has been changing and improving. And also, a lot has remained the same. The inf luences of a 50 years era of Communism still lingers over our leaders heads and a lot of the corruption and the mentalities of the old days are still persisting. This is where AIESEC Romania sees an opportunity to change. We are one of the organizations that are looking ahead while dealing with the challenges of the present. We are looking to give young people the opportunities to see things different, to act different, to feel both the responsibility and the privilege to contribute to the rebuilding of Romania’s society. This is how we 1600 are relevant. 1572 1381 Being relevant for us means that we need to 1200 do two things. 800 Firstly is offer our members the right tools 400 that they need in order for them to become agents of positive change. For the past year we 0 have increased our number of members by 31/12/2010 31/12/2011 13.83%. We are offering the AIESEC XP to No of members more than 1500 young and ambitious people. AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Our external contribution, thorough our mission to change our country, is given by all our activities and efforts to reach more young people every day. In 2011 we have reached 113,907 young people. Out of which 21,325 through physical reach and 92,582 through virtual engagement.. 15,096
No of fans on Facebook No of unique visitors on our websites No of people applying for our projects No of people applying for AIESEC
We are among the biggest students-run organization in Romania. With this we still have a lot of ground to cover. In Romania, in 2010/2011 school year, there have been 673,000 students in Romania. This means that we are offering the ELD Programs to 0.23% of student population 900k 675k
225k 0k
No of Student in Romania AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Quality Index
350 175
All our efforts this year have bee both to provide quality leadership experiences for our members and a development framework for young people in Romania. We have offered 35 internships and 298 volunteer experience for international members, 207 international experiences and 651 team leader experiences for our members. Our last quality index on myaiesc.net is 82.83. 24 Everyday we strive to give the best development experiences, we try to be relevant for ourselves as an organization, for our members and 49 for the youth community in Romania. Our reach is important for us to be able to achieve what we have achieved this year. We Universities reached are present in 32.9% of all Universities. Universities still to be reached AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
For all of our effort, for everything that we have done, this year AIESEC Romania can be proud that we have been recognized by its peers. One thing that we are good at is developing young people. This is one of the recognition. The Dinu Patriciu Foundation each year awards the people, the institutions and the organizations that are having an impact on the Educational system in Romania. In 2011 we have been recognized as Most Popular NGO in the NGO of the Year (in Education) section and as well we have received together with one of our National Partners, The School of Values, the recognition for Most Popular Educational Project, with our National P box, Grow. Excellence is what we strive for as an organization. Doing the right thing each and every day, doing it better then the ones before us, doing it at a high level of quality. We are proud to say that this year we have been recognized by the European Institute in Romania with the Excellence Awards for promoting the European values and spirit.. AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
A last recognition that we would like to mention has been given by the organization Let’s do it, Romania!, for the Contribution that we have had in the national support of their nation-wide country clean-up Day. These are the kind of recognitions that we want as an organization and we will look for in the years to come - contribution, education, excellence. This is what we believe being relevant means. As an organization, you cannot sustain your operations if you are not financially sustainable. We have had a lot of struggle in the past as an organization, but one of our successes this year is to make sure that we start doing things right. At this point, as an association., we have almost 50.000 Euros in reserves. This amount could cover 7.44 of the entire organizations operational budgets. Everyday we are relevant, as an organization. We are relevant to our members, we are relevant to our partners and our collaborators, we are relevant to the young people we reach out to, and we are relevant, especially to our society nowadays. Entity Operational Budget
MC 27,526 LCs 51,546
Total Opp Reserves Monts covered Budget/month by reserves
6,589 49,025 Euro
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Chapter 2. How do we contribute
We are a young organization, both for our country and as well for the International network. AIESEC Romania has recently celebrated 21 years of being in Romania and bringing the magic of youth leadership to our peers, our partners, our friends. It has been an amazing adventure and we have learned so much. We have learned what are our f laws, what are the things that we cannot do so well, as an organization, and of course, we have learned what we stand for, what we bring to the people and the organizations we work with. We know as well what we bring to AIESEC, as a network, and what are the strengths and the value that we offer to the network. This chapter is dedicated to the success story of contribution and sharing.
2865 651 175 465
Quality Index
4156.00 82.83
We first look at performance and we look at the number of experiences that we have offered in 2011. Summing up all the experiences on the ELD Programs, we have contributed with 4156 Experiences in the global network. Quality is important to us, every day and we make sure that all our experiences are at a high level standard. Our last Quality Index for our experiences on myaiesec.net was 82.83. AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Knowledge is a precious resource to have and to share within a network. Before International Congress, AIESEC ROmania has been asked to provide Masterpieces for their work that they have done. We provided 2 Masterpieces. One was called Recruitment Strategy under Packages and the other”1000+ ways of Global Change” Autumn Recruitment campaign. We are proud to say that one of the Masterpieces was showcased as a GCP in the conference. As well we must act when it comes to contribution and to change. We are a proud Partner Country of AIESEC in Ireland and for the past 2 years we have helped them with resources, information, partnerships and know-how to make sure that we rebuild this organization. Our contribution has helped AIESEC in Ireland re-establish operations, rebuild their reputation with partners and Universities and start repaying their debt..
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
One of the biggest contributions that we have to the global network is through our own members. Because of the type of experiences that they have and the preparation that we provide, we are among the top providers of youth talent for a lot of countries around the network. We have compiled a list of people that have been selected in MC abroad and international teams in the terms 10-11 & 11-12. 2010-2011 19 people 2011-2012 29 people Name Position Entity Name Position Entity Laura Savu Alexandru Apetrii Vlad Fejer Claudia Calinescu Alexandru Popa Andrada Pop Tudor Bercea Raluca Samsonov Mihai Negru Louisa Olar Andreea Viski Liliana Ionita Calin Lupo Iulia Mugescu Adina Avram Laura Diaconescu Michael Omescu Daniela Tudor Hector Moyeton
President Dominican Rep. President Azerbaijan President Ireland VP ER Ireland VP ICX Ireland VP LCD Ireland VP Comm Ireland VP LCD Norway VP LCD Azerbaijan VP X Latvia VP Fin Slovenia VP Fin Latvia VP OGX Estonia VP ICX Austria VP X Moldova GST Steering Team GST X+L GST Comm Crew GST Education Crew
As for the financial sustainability, please check Chapter 1.
Calin Lupo President Estonia Alexandru Apetrii President Azerbaijan Adina Avram President Ireland Iulia Mugescu President Austria Andreea Viski President Pakistan Alexandru Negurici VP TM Czech Republic Ana Timofei VP ICX n Mexic Cristina Florea VP TM Croatia Lavinia Adamescu VP ICX Croatia Diana Draganescu VP LCD Norway Meda Corovei VP Fin Norway Dana Chilici VP ER Mauritius Ioana Constandache VP TM Estonia Lavinia Iosub VP Com Azerbaijan Marina Uliniuc VP TM Azerbaijan Mirabela GaceaVP Int. CooperationMacedonia Palamariu Andrei VP LCD Thailand Silvia Oprea VP Com P hilipine Silvia Patrascu VP OGX Sweden Vlad Popovici VP TM Egypt Anca Agapi VP ICX Finland Amalia Trocea NST Chile Michael Omescu GST Steering Team Ana Timofei GST ICB Alexandru Negurici GST TM Vlad Popovici GST TM Ioana Constandache GST TM Mirabela Gacea GST GCDP Ioana Ilie GST Alumni
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Chapter 3. Our Innovations
Edwin H. Land once said: " The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail." It takes a lot of courage to stand up and say, from today we will do things a bit different, we will think of new ways of how we can do AIESEC. This has been our term, the term of 11-12 for AIESEC Romania. We have chosen to be foolish and brave, to try new and bold ideas, to think ahead, to start doing something that will ref lect in the effect for years to come, that will be aligned to the new directions of 2015. Our innovation story is about 3 things. The way we measure our success, the way we develop talent and the way we define our working principles as an organization. Success for us in the context of 2015 goes beyond the organizational objectives. We decided that we need to measure and look for objectives beyond the 4 ELD programs. Success for AIESEC Romania in the context of 2015 means much more than delivering on the experiences we promise. With this idea we upgraded our MoS system and created a tracking system around these measures and we aligned all our strategies and national drives to contribute directly to these measures. Team Leader Program Team Member Program Global Internship Program Youth engaged
Global Comunity Developemnt Program Organizations Engaged
Members Incomes Alumni made
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
As an effect, we’ve started generating products and strategies that have contributed to the 3 directions of the 2015 vision: becoming more present on the market as a youth opinion leader; becoming a first choice for some organizations that are willing to invest and partner with us; and create a cross generational impact through the idea of developing and connecting our Alumni generations. The second innovation we have is looking towards how a members is developed through the new AIESEC XP. We have defined a f low through which a young person will go in oder for him/her to become an agent of positive change for todays society. Communication strategy
Pool of Young People
Firts Selection filter
Engagement Program
Competency Testing
Induction + GIP
Communication strategy
Induction + GCDP
Induction + TMP
Based on competency Testing
Induction + TLP AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Flow 1 Communication
toward the youth market
Actions Communicating the why, how and what of the organization
Effects Attracting the right people
2 First selection filter A light selection based on
Attracts the people that we want to associate with as an organization
3 Engagement in
ELD takers will be more aware and prepared for the opportunities they will take
AIESEC Program
4 Selection for ELD 5 Allocation based on competency
English skills, nondiscriminatory behavior and tracking affiliation with other organizations Promote the programs and the benefits of the programs, do career planning and set clear expectations Competency assessment based on a model developed this term
Give more quality to the experience of the ELD Program takers
Match each Program taker with Increase overall program experiences, the program most suited to his/ increase retention rate of the her competency potential program takers
6 Induction + Program Customized Induction based on Each Program taker will be better Delivery
program and program delivery
prepared for the experience of the program
7 H4TF Development Career planing and career
Helps with the packaging strategy, development at the end of each consolidatesELD experience, gives program completion career options
8 Life long connection Gives the option of either and Alumni status
entering the Alumni selection process or going to the life long connection phase
Managing the Alumni standards and quality
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
The third innovation is looking towards the way we work as an organization. We have defined and aligned new principles of working and new principles of defining our organizational structures at LC level. They are as follows: Our organization is a project based organization. All our activities are planned as 1 projects that are aimed at the organizations measures of success. They are designed, implemented and managed in this way and we therefore have no ongoing activities. All activities have a defined S.M.A.R.T. outcome. Therefore we have no ongoing activities as they do not end in a final objective that can be measured. All recurrent activities are planned as a modular project that is repeated and has its objectives adjusted.
The new structure is based on dynamic teams. A dynamic team is a team that is formed for a specific activity and has clear S.M.A.R.T. goals. Even if the same people are used for a recurring activity, the possibility to change that team and elect new members is there for each time the activity happens. 3 Activities are aimed at fulfilling the needs of a certain market by delivering AIESEC products and services. AIESEC products and services have a final outcome in terms of the measures of success of the organization. The top management is made up of a President, VP Finance, VP Talent Development, 4 VP Corporate Development, VP Non-Corporate Development, VP International Internships and VP Alumni Development. In exceptional cases these positions can be 2
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
grouped under one person, but no more than 2 under the same person. Also other positions may be added if needed by the Presidents or LCs strategy. The structure is based on 3 layers of members: Top management, Middle 5 management (Team Leaders – activity coordinators) and Team members (members assigned to an activity) The structure permits 4 types of people involved: Members of the EB, Specialists, 6 Members and Youth Engaged. 7 The roles of the organizational bodies are as following: Executive Board – responsible for taking final decisions and validating propositions and solutions. Analyses each market and defines needs of that market Specialists – responsible for creating solutions and products and for engaging themselves in the management of activities Members – responsible for the implementation of activities and delivery of set objectives for the JD that they assume LCs will be responsible for the accreditation of their 8 specialists and the quality of their preparation from the moment that they are members. The accreditation of a specialist is a recognition of merits on a certain process and also the theoretical knowledge for that process. It is encouraged that members have as many accreditations as possible so as to develop their entrepreneurial potential. Specialist classes have a strategic purpose. They are 9 responsible for developing solutions and plans. They are not responsible for implementation and will not be used outside activities for implementation purposes. AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
The presence of an Alumni Development VP in the EB is mandatory. His role is to either develop the H4TF process for current members in LCs that have a small Alumni community, or to supervise this process and improve the relationship with the Alumni community in LCs that already have a strong community of Alumni. The power and responsibility of this VP will be decides by each LCP. The result of this change will effect the organizational culture itself and the behavior that will drive performance. We will see in the next years an organization based on initiative, oriented towards solutions, f lexible and dynamic. An organization that will pay attention to the market and to stakeholders to better suite the need of young people today. This is what innovation meant to us this year. It has been a hard year, filled with confusion and mistrust at certain points, filled with frustration and resistance to change. But with the help and the abilities of both the Mc team and the team of Presidents, we have managed to imbed these changes into the organization and to give them a sense of direction and purpose for the next generations to come. This is our story of change and innovation. 10
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Chapter 4. Living success
Success can be defined in many ways. For us, it is the overall growth and contribution that we have had, for the past generations, to both our members, our Alumni and our networks of partners and friends. This year we celebrate a year of change, looking ahead towards the new organizational directions. And as well as we know, you cannot look ahead without learning from what has been behind. When it comes to performance on the ELD Programs, this is what AIESEC Romania has been doing. GIP incoming 200
150 100
GIP outgoing 174
145 81
50 0
GCDP incoming
GCDP outgoing 171
75 0
42 2008
300 150
298 167
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
2250 1500
750 0
536 20010
Looking at the Financial sustainability, this is the status comparing 2010 to 2011. Entity Operational Budget
Total Opp Reserves Monts covered Budget/month by reserves
MC 49,400 LCs 56,739
8,845 42,691 Euro
Entity Operational Budget
MC 27,526 LCs 51,546
Total Opp Reserves Monts covered Budget/month by reserves
6,589 49,025 Euro
Quality Index The Quality Index of AIESEC Romania taken from myaiesec.net, you have it right here -->
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
As for our efforts in delivering complete AIESEC XPs, this is the Performance of our X+L Strategy in the last 2 years.
100 75 50
X+L Realised
100 60
25 0
For all of our effort, for everything that we have done, this year AIESEC Romania can be proud that we have been recognized by our peers. One thing that we are good at is developing young people. This is one of the recognition. The Dinu Patriciu Foundation each year awards the people, the institutions and the organizations that are having an impact on the Educational system in Romania. In 2011 we have been recognized as Most Popular NGO in the NGO of the Year (in Education) section and as well we have received together with one of our National Partners, The School of Values, the recognition for Most Popular Educational Project, with our National P box, Grow.
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
Excellence is what we strive for as an organization. Doing the right thing each and every day, doing it better the ones before us, doing it at a high level of quality. We are proud to say that this year we have been recognized by the European Institute in Romania with the Excellence Awards for promoting the european values and spirit.. A last recognition that we would like to mention has been given by the organization Let’s do it, Romania!, for the Contribution that we have had in the national support of their nation-wide country clean-up Day. These are the kind of recognitions that we want as an organization and we will look for in the years to come - contribution, education, excellence. This is what we believe being relevant means.
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012
And this is where our story ends, for now.. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this story as much as we have enjoyed telling it, and now, at the end, it’s not about the numbers, or the figures, or the growth, it is about what we know and feel that we have accomplished, together. We have been honored to tell you our story and share our accomplishment, because this is, in-itself, our biggest award.
AIESEC Romania’s Application for the ING Leadership Awards | IPM 2012