Magic 21 - AIESEC Romania's birthday Publication

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21 Years

of leading magical experiences in


AIESEC Magic 21

On the 26th of November 2011 we want to welcome you to a magical night full of wonder. An atmosphere of celebration and recognition for 21 years of AIESEC in Romania and for 21 generations of leaders changing Romania for the better.

Entrepreneurial & Leadership Awards

An Award Gala dedicated to those Alumni who function as true change agents putting into practice the lessons learnt during their AIESEC experience. The awards that will be handed this year are: The Entrepreneurial Award ( Social & Business) | The Leadership Award | The Contribution to AIESEC Award (Local & National) | The Early Bloomer Award

Our partners


Agenda 18:30 - 19.00

Check-in on guitar and flute music 19:00 - 19:10

Hocus Pocus The Magic of Yesterday is Today 19:15 – 19:30

How AIESEC worked its Magic on Me 19:30 - 21:00

The Entrepreneurial & Leadership Awards Gala 21:00 - 21:30

The magician Ioan Marius Drăgușin 21:30 - 21:40

The Folkist Cosmin Vaman 22:00 - 22:30

Cosmin Vaman Recital 22:30 - 03:00

Do your magic on the DANCE floor


Alumni Initiatives AIESEC Scholarship

Through the AIESEC Scholarship initiative you have the chance to annually support the professional development of approximatively 15 AIESEC members by financially contributing to one element (activity/ object) that might have a fundamental role in their development (CEED experiences, national and international conferences, exchange opportunities, etc). The minimum amount for supporting this initiative is 50 RON. Still you also have the chance to finance an entire AIESEC Scholarship. See more details on the AIESEC Romania official website

Alumni Data-base

We are proud to introduce a new concept of Alumni Database, a database that will no longer require manually updates due to its connection to the LinkedIn platform. More details to come starting with the beginning of December.


Alumni Recognition Teia Gavrilescu

Global Young Alumni Contribution Award ‘11 International Alumni Hall of Fame You have all the reasons in the world to be proud that you are an AIESEC Romania Alumnus. This year we have managed to have the 2nd Alumnus part of the International Alumni Hall of Fame. Teia Gavrilescu was handed at IC 2011 (Kenya) The Global Young Alumni Contribution Award! “Teia Gavrilescu is an exceptional individual, a role model regarding leadership for sustainability in Romania. She is driven by passion, optimism and positive energy despite all difficulties. She provides inspiration for all of us constantly reminding us on the urgency of acting on environmental issues” Georgeta Bora, AIESEC Romania Alumna, AIESEC Romania Board of Advisors Chair, 2011 – 2012


AIESEC Romania today 15 LCs AIESEC Suceava AIESEC Oradea

AIESEC Iași AIESEC Cluj Napoca AIESEC Târgu Mureș



AIESEC Timișoara

AIESEC Brașov AIESEC Galați AIESEC Pitești AIESEC Ploiești

AIESEC București

AIESEC Craiova

AIESEC Constanța

AIESEC Romania showcasing Good Case Practices in International Conferences on Talent Management, Alumni Relations, Quality of Exchange and Program Packaging. Goals for 2010-2011 Term 09-10

Term 10-11 80


75 1651





40 739

500 340




175 No of Exchanges

No of TL Experiences




No of Members



Number of LCs

No of Exchage & Leadership

Over 25.000 young people benefit from the projects and initiatives that AIESEC Romania is running. Over 300 partners and approximately 2000 Alumni support us in everything that we do. Two national projects based on Exchange - MoneySense & Grow - that reach over 3000 high school children by offering them a complementary Educational System. AIESEC Romania is in the top 15 (out of 110) AIESEC Countries in the international network, based on overall performance. 26 members from AIESEC Romania are today part of National Teams abroad (out of which 5 National Presidents).

Awards and recognitions 3 of our Alumni are in the 40 under 40 - Global Alumni Publication that was launched this year by AIESEC International. The recognition was given for their contribution and achievements in society as young Alumni (Gabriela Albescu, Teia Gavrilescu, Stefan Palarie) Teia Gravrilescu, Alumna AIESEC Romania, is the second Alumni to enter the Global Alumni Hall of Fame Popularity Awards for both AIESEC and Grow in the “Educational Awards Gala� for 2011



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