Recruitment Strategy 10-11 for AIESEC Romania

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Recruitment Strategy LC Visit #2

—————————————————————————————— Elements of the strategy 1. Talent Management Part a. X+L Packages b. Profile c. Talent Planning d. Selection e. Induction f. Allocation 2. Communication Part a. Recruitment Message b. Communication Channels


TM Part L after X Packages Flow

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

X after L Packages Flow

Obs. Check out “XP Packages” materials

Profile Competency Requirements

Little Evidence

Some Evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learner

Obs. Check out “Global Competencies Mode” materials

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

Regular Evidence

Strong Evidence

What are we looking for? Global Mindset 1. Cultural Awareness 2. External Oriented/Savvy 3. Flexible Thinking Proactive Learning 1. Self-Awareness 2. Converts Theoretic Knowledge to Practical Knowledge Entrepreneurial Outlook 1. Commitment to results Social Responsibility 1. Awareness of Social Issues Emotional Intelligence 1. Active Listening 2. Empathy Other: 1. External Oriented 2. At least average English level Obs. Check out “AIESEC Romania’s Member Profile” materials

Talent Planning What should I take into account when planning for X+L? 1. They have a different availability period! If youʼre X+L: Youʼll be on internship in Winter, on February youʼre in TR and you enter LR in June. If youʼre L+X: Youʼll be in TR in November, LR in December and on internship during Summer. 2. You must take into account your retention rate when planning the number of members. Track it wisely because these members will pass through all stages in their first year! 3. Even if every member should go on exchange at some point during the year, you should still consider you EP Realization Rate when planning the number of members you want. 4. You members efficiency indicator (Member per Exchange ratio) will start to change in a way that it will eventually become one member = one exchange. 5. Another measure of the effectiveness of you talent plan is that your Leadership Goal for the year must be higher than 25% the number of members you have.

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

6. Every member should be present at two RTS (different Tracks), NTS, ICPS and take the Exchange Reintegration Conference. Obs. Check out “Talent Planning” materials

Selection We propose 3 steps minimum to have a qualitative Selection Process I. Interview - will be held by a team of interviewer that have had a TTI preparation in advanced. The interview will test the competencies that are required for them to pass to the next stage, These competences have been presented above. Obs. This stage can also have anther filter that refers to the Application Form in which you can test certain competencies, but it is up to the Selection team to decide this. II. Induction - will be another stage of their selection process where you can observe them and also bring the culture of the organization and also reduce the risk of the candidates leaving because of certain incompatibilities with the organization. III. Assessment Center - or also know as a group interview. IT is designed to test certain competencies within a group and certain behaviors that the candidates should have. Obs. The assessment center can be integrated within the induction stage, or it can be set as a final stage after the induction period. Obs. Check out “Selection Materials” materials

Induction There are four elements that create the framework for the journey of Induction. These elements are: 1. Getting to know what AIESEC is 2. Challenge your worldview 3. Personal Goal Setting 4. Joining the AIESEC Network What is the Introduction to AIESEC stage about? It’s about… - providing basic information about AIESEC - supporting new members to begin exploring their own role in the world - helping new members understand the specific opportunities AIESEC offers to an individual - motivating new members to take on responsibility and move forward in AIESEC What does Induction mean? Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

- It is the time after an individual has decided to take part in AIESEC (recruitment) and sometimes after his decision was accepted (because selection is recommended to happen after induction) - It is time before they decide/are allocated to a specific path in AIESEC. - Time frame varies – from 2 to 6 weeks Why is Induction important? - We ensure everybody gets the same picture about the organisation and create an equal platform. - We set the basic expectations about the way we work. - We build excitement/interest/curiosity about AIESEC Obs. Check out “Induction” materials

Talent Allocation Talent Allocation is the time when you should have right people on right please at right time. Our role is to create such Job Descriptions which will be challenging for members. It is about matching competency development and functional needs as well as topics (issues and strategies) interests. DO'S - The process should be clear for the members since they got in. - Implement a coaching system to support members allocation in teams. - Have all the previous processes in order: planning, recruitment, induction. - To have the commitment of all the EB members and project leaders. - Try to understand members preferences when reviewing applications and know that there is not good or bad answer. - To use individual assessment tool to measure competencies before allocation. - Present concrete opportunities, and promote opportunities by the development members will have. - Keeping it simple :) DONT'S - Over promote or compete between areas and projects. - Do allocation without talent planning and competency assessment. - To decide without taking into account members preferences and personal goals. Q&A How long should be allocation? Allocation should take the minimum time, as we need our members to be involve and start performing, it usually takes from 2 to 3 weeks. But the sorter the better.

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

Who makes final decision? Final decision is made by the EB, and all the project leaders of the LC, even if it's a TM process is a process that involve all the LC and which impact is also for all the LC. What if my member is not satisfied with the allocation? The idea is that you need to educate members from the beginning, knowing that what really matters is the development and skills they want to develop, based on that they make the choices of preferences on the areas that will let the development. You also need to set the right expectations of the process and make sure you communicate the decision based on facts and in a cool way. What needs to be done in teams right before allocation? Teams should have a clear idea of the needs based on the goals and planning, old members should be informed about the process and the responsibility they will have in new members' learning, there should be also a clear responsibilities for old members. What needs to be done in teams right after allocation? After allocation there should be a team building, members should receive training and coaching is a good option to do that. All members should have clear responsibilities and JDs. How can I identify if my allocation was done right? You can identify if allocation was successful based on the retention, teams performance and satisfaction of members. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE ALLOCATED BEFORE RYLF Obs. Check out “Talent Allocation” materials


Communication Part Recruitment Message The main message around which the Communication campaign will work is: AIESEC encourage and support worldwide

AIESEC gives the right people to start



Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

Communication Channels Guerila Marketing




Direct Comunication






- 1000+ Ways to change Romania Campaign - which is actually a video collage of more that 20-0 videos collected from the LCs which depict people that state a 30 second opinion on how they would bring a positive change to Romania - 2 ways - Video (through the Video campaign) and Written (through blogs) = reason is because the main applicants from recruitment come from word of mouth - teaser on-line will be between 15th-30th of September and it is important that during this time, everyone contributes as a network - will work through the site - how can the LCs support this - through their local blogger and through generating the Videos for the campaigns


- there will be a National Poster which will be very simple = will include a tag line regarding the message of change, and then the national site, the logo and the LGP and NGP - the posters will be realized having 2 options: 1. National print partner which will make about 100 posters or 2. Cost sharing of the Matrix for the prints - Flyers - there will be a general template which will be customizable for each Lc based on their projects and activities during recruitment

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2



Implementation - For the LCs that are doing the AIESEC Academy NAt Project, the flyers will look almost the same, except some details like LGP (there will be no posters for the Project)


Direct Communication


Guerrilla Marketing


- The costs of the Flyers will be supported by each LC (we encourage them to find local print partners) - We encourage them to use materials for teasing and promoting their local projects during recruitment, as long as their transmit the same core message - Dana will go in the LC and have preparation for the members on how they promote the Recruitment - Also in Rock Me their is going to be preparation on this - “Train the Promoter� - At National level their will be a media campaign build around the idea of promoting roll models and agents of positive change from ROmania’s society (either Alumni or not) - The persons piked are representatives of all sorts of areas and they are going to promote the idea of change in Romania and give their own personal example of how they did this - At national level we will work with 2-3 Media Partners which can help us out whit this - We live this to the latitude of the LCs and how they want to use this - It will work in parallel with the recruitment period and it consists of having a team of market researchers who are doing data gathering and analyses on application forms and the students that want to apply, in order for us to have an understanding on what student want to do and are interested in for future recruitments - It is very important for us to emphasis on the importance of doing the Research - Methods of doing the research - on-line questionnaires, physical questionnaires on site where they have contact with students (Big Pictures, Class Presentations, AIESEC Academy, etc)

Things to know and encourage: 1. The decision of how the recruitment campaign is being done should belong to the VP Comm as final decision maker. There will be cases where the EB has all sorts of perceptions and opinions and because it is a matter of alignment and network collaboration, the decision should be made like so. 2. A recruitment campaign does not resume to printing materials. Thy are a means through you can inform the students and orient them to the site or to the events of the LC. They are not how you gather applicants. 3. The Research part is very important because it gives us a bases from which to start from for future recruitments. 4. Encourage the EB team and especially the Recruitment team to communicate with the MC constantly (every 2-3 days update on the recruitment).

Recruitment Strategy - LC Visit #2

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