Voice over text matrix

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Concept Generation

Project Spec.

Project Framing + Scoping

Glenn Byford DMU: 2016/17 Concept Proposal Development

Discover Define Ini�al Ideas or Inspira�on Interpreta�on & Establishment of User

of research findings to ini�al concept genera�on

Design Proposal Development + Testing

Design Proposal Refinment + Testing

Develop Design-Led Concepts & Proposals Iterated & Developed

Design Proposal Specification

Deliver Process Outcome(s)

UK Design Council Double Diamond Model 2009

Finalised & Implemented

click here for full reference click here for full reference

4 phase design process: BIDA reference opportunity scoping & framing

defini�on of design intent

design proposal development

detailed proposal specifica�on

Bench Marking References UK:DC ‘Blueprint’

CSD - Gene�c Matrix

click here for full reference

skills + methods:

research prac�ces + understanding user needs design visualisa�on communica�on technology, prototyping, modelling, visualisa�on con�nuous professional development CPD + personal development planning

prac�se management:

design methods and processes + approach to the brief value measurement: output, deliverables and evalua�on managing client rela�onships project management, planning and , cos�ng structure business management + logis�cs management

professional prac�ce: restyling, redesign, new product + client requirements brand + market sectors +markets cultures collabora�ve work + new contexts for NPD collec�ve/corporate development legal accountability & legisla�on

values & belief: management style & crea�ve culture Subscrip�on to policies & standards regarding diversity, environment, trade, etc. business culture + ethical inetgrity professional body membership

Advocacy Statement verbs

click here for full reference


click here for full reference

Generic: Ability to deliver crea�ve ideas and innova�ve solu�ons using a range of tools Opera�ng: Competence in the skills required within par�cular opera�ng environments Personal: Developing and maintaining interpersonal, complementary and transferable skills. Contextual: Ability to prac�ce at the appropriate level within a field of design

You Were a Research Machine

Create: Imagina�on, intui�on, insight and inspira�on Generate: Able to generate ideas and nego�ate the inhibitors of crea�ve thinking Manage: Development and management of ideas from scoping and analysis to evalua�on and selec�on. Innovate: Able to exploit the poten�al of ideas and crea�ve thinking

You Saved the Company Time or Money


You Wrote or Communicated You Achieved Something

You Increased Efficiency, Sales, Revenue, or Customer Sa�sfac�on You Changed or Improved Something

‘systems-thinking’ categories dis�nc�ons systems


Values: Able to prac�ces whilst adhering to the values expected of professional designers Process: Adop�ng best prac�ce and appropriate methodologies Communica�on: Competence to communicate appropriately with relevant audiences Contextual: Awareness, understanding and knowledge of prac�ce requirements, regula�ons and standards


Explicit: Theore�cal and general knowledge suppor�ng other competences Tacit: Ability to apply knowledge gained from prior experiences Management: Ability to research, acquire and employ knowledge for specific purposes Contextual Knowledge: of the sector include opera�ng environment, markets, history, culture, etc.

You Led a Project You Managed a Team You Supported Customers

You Envisioned and Brought to Life a Project You Brought in Partners, Funding, or Resources You Oversaw or Regulated

rela�onships perspec�ves

opportunity scoping & framing

defini�on of design intent

design proposal development

detailed proposal specifica�on

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